Baby Peacock makes some New Friends

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eli where's the p-check we have our two p-chicks that hatched out a couple weeks ago and we keep them out here with our narragansett turkeys our frizzles from mcmurray hatchery our hookville ducklings and they're all doing great in here we close this up at night and during the night we take the pea chicks inside while i came out here to get the two paychecks just to keep them from getting injured or flattened when everybody gets together for warmth and one of them was missing [Music] this is our beautiful little p-check that has the leg problem so we were able to get her in last night you want to hold her we got jedi inside that's one of the peach checks names but baby yoda we could not find so eli where'd you find her i found him by the bush and john's trying to eat it ah joey all right set them down on the ground wait what's going on that's our turkey what that looks like that's the turkey i was wrong that was our turkey i think we lost our pizza so i was wrong so the boys told me they had the other p-chick that had gotten out there was just this turkey or narragansett turkey that got out so we don't have our pizza yoda not sure where he or she went we haven't seen any evidence of any feathers anybody getting it we don't know how we got out so we're gonna try to figure that out and today we've gotta build some houses our meat chickens for our broad breasted turkeys and get these guys in a shelter so they can be protected let's get started [Music] [Applause] so today's video is sponsored by babel where you can learn to speak a language in three weeks and so we're playing around on our app today you guys been having fun with it yeah yeah what have you guys done so far we played games and we've done some basic learning so we're checking out their app today where it has a section on audio where you can listen to podcasts they've got two minute stories culture bites and then even games which the kids are having a ton of fun with so we're gonna have some fun for a minute show you the highlights and get back to work on the chicken tractors like the spanish word and listen have you ever taken much spanish before in the past yes in high school do you remember any of it not very much we're gonna try this section called two minute stories time for some breakfast and to practice my spanish buenos dias says chloe as she walks in it's a fun way to do it i've been to mexico before i've tried to use spanish in conversation and this is a great way to practice for that when i get to see it being used in real conversation we had fun playing and learning a little bit of spanish today on the babylon you buy six months you'll get six months for free if you use our link in the description so we hope you'll check it out and start speaking a new language today is that fun yeah [Music] so that was a really weird frustrating deal we don't know where that p-check went where yoda went but we've got to move on to the next thing and hope that we get some kind of information about that so we've got our chicken tractors here we've got four of these large ones these are the stress-free chicken tractors we built them four years ago and then we built these little ones little mini coops we built last year we've got a video about those on our channel but these big ones we made a video a long time ago they were pretty bad videos but we did make them if you ever want to see how we made them but i need to make some more we're hoping to hold off making any more of these we've got the mandarin ducks and this one we've got the red golden pheasants in here and then we've got blue and bell our india blue peacocks right there and so those three chicken tractors will be cleared out later this year when they move back to the aviar and by getting the guineas back to the aviary coupe where they're housed at for the moment we've got all of our murray's big red broilers our cornish crossing here and they've been doing well we've been opening up during the day so they can get around and then we make sure we close them up at night but they are huge and they are taking up all of this space so we need to get them a bigger tube and then our very friendly broad breasted turkeys they've been in here for a couple weeks we need to move them outside and that's part of why we're going to build these coops i got my book right here if you're wanting to build these definitely get this book it'll be a great guide for you i'll link it down in the description and then all of these turkeys we're going to bring them outside for the first time we're just going to combine them in with this group of birds over here the hook bills and frizzles narragansett turkeys and our one pea chick jedi let's let these turkeys go free in here until we get the new coop bill for him [Music] [Music] well the old guys are hanging out inside the coop the new guys are out here they're loving the grass but i've got to get to work on the chicken tractors let's go all right well it wouldn't be a building video without starting the project at night am i right and even though i haven't put anything together we're almost halfway through which is as crazy as that sounds because these cuts these half lap joints where we cut half this board and connect it with the other half of this board and then screw it together to make one complete board that takes hours of deuce i've actually been working on this all afternoon and we're ready to start putting it together here late at night and then tomorrow we can get the fencing on it so i might end up moving them outside so i can work on them tomorrow but i'm gonna get them put together right now what are you doing i'm trying to get work done now we're to kind of a fun part where we're gonna bend this conduit and make it look just like this right here and that'll become the roof for our chicken tractors now we're ready to put our holes up so we can make our roof for this thing pretty simple we pull it to each side drill a couple holes in there so we can put the screws through screw them in and then we use one long one to act as the spine and hold them all together we went from the probably the easiest job in this whole thing putting these holes up probably the hardest job now we need to put the hardware cloth all the way around the bottom of the outside this stuff is 100 better than any kind of chicken wire that you can put on here nothing's getting through this and so we always put this on the bottom half of the chicken tractor so nothing will reach its hands through and grab any of our chickens and if you don't have an air compressor and a staple gun for this 100 recommend getting one it's almost impossible to do it any other way it just would take way too long all right another late night but we've got to get this done by tomorrow so right now i'm going to get the door on and a lot of people like what we do with our door we do it at an angle instead of just a big rectangular door we do it to follow the peak of the roof so i'll show you how i do that here i got the door done i'll just get the wire mesh over the top do a few other things to this in the morning we'll be ready to get the chickens and turkeys out into the field that's oreo you pet oreo [Music] meg why was that there from a bucket somebody poured a bucket back in yeah they must have the duck egg you playing in the garden what you planting all right well it's graduation day for wu for hatching out the silky chicks and even bubbles and buttons we've got them to let out today we actually sold the white four silky chicks we have the one brown one the viewer of ours in the area wanted to have them so we sold them to them all right we've got bubbles here we'll get to come out of the coop and go out on grass for the first time today you got buttons a little rhode island red all right all right we're gonna put the shade cloth on now why do we put that on so they have some shade good point so last night real late at night yeah four o'clock we were putting his fencing on the outside becky came out to help me last night thank you so much so we got this done and so i'm just putting the finishing touches on chicken tractor number two and while i'm doing that they're gonna throw the shade cloth over the top of each of these we just got a few things to wrap up we'll get these out to the field that good shade i think a chicken or a turkey will like it in here what what about you chicken turkey you think you'll like it i i'm gonna do like just a couple last things we're gonna install the wheels this way we can move it around in the field and then install a rope and a hose to help make it easier to pull to make a tow rope for these chicken tractors becky's here hanging the feeder right in the middle yeah what about there for i mean you almost have to go lower because then we can hang it up higher luke who came out here and wanted to come visit us hey little turkey what are you doing joey no all right well after about two and a half days one really long night we've got these two chicken tractors done and ready to go out into the field what do you think does it get easier or harder each time i think it's easier but it still takes a lot of time [Music] [Music] what is that one this one is our little kneader reiner really looks so much like the murray's big red broilers there's some that even have this kind of coloring so we've got to keep them in here for now we just got to remember not to butcher it yeah thanks for your help so we think we know what happened to the p-chick we don't know for sure but we think we have an idea so right here all the birds inside of the the fencing shocker nut fencing and so it's tight at the bottom it's more open at the at the top and so how does something like a peach chick get out of here will they either push through underneath or they can fly through this upper part right here and we've had one of our cats paulie and has been hanging out right in that bush right over there i think that's probably what happened to that p-check so only thing we can do to secure these turkeys ducks frizzles and our little p-check jedi is to put them into the coop that the meat birds were in and so they can be in there at night we could let them out during the day we'll see we might let them out of there hoping that in a more secure location that no more birds will get out of the fence but it's really disappointing to not see baby yoda anymore there's our new little chicken tractor army of course we've got our four large ones over there and then our two mini coops that we made last year and if you're curious about costs four years ago when we made these for the first time these cost about 150 to 200 a piece when we made a couple together it usually costs about 150 bucks and now with inflation the way it's been wood prices are through the roof and so this costs about five hundred dollars to make just four years later so if that's something that you're considering just be aware of that with the cost of materials and the last thing is that four years ago we raised meat chickens and we raised meat turkeys on property that was not even our own we had one acre of rented land i used space behind my father-in-law's business to run all of these birds and so if you want something bad enough find a way to do it i'm sure glad we did back then when we had no money no land and we found a way to raise our own meat without having land to do it on our own so thank you guys for hanging out with us thank you so much to babel for sponsoring today's video link in the description we'll see you guys next time [Music] nope can't come out chickens don't come out
Channel: White House on the Hill
Views: 235,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: White House on the Hill, peacock, peachick, chicken tractor, stress free chicken tractor, Babbel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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