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here we go day three of drag week yes we are out but we are not quitting we spent the last day and a half disassembling David freiburger's Hemi Grammy and then putting it back together keeping it positive we discovered my engine is not completely total so we overnighted a new set of total steel rings and some things from CP Carrillo and we are headed to Brownsburg Indiana basically Indianapolis put our Hemi back together and with any luck we're gonna rejoin the group maybe tomorrow in Cordova for day four of drag week like to see this thing just give me one wheelie for drag week that's a win for me just want to see you get those get those fronts up in the air we're talking like smash the oil pan kind of wheelie bend the leaf springs backward kind of wheelie or I mean I mean that's up to you A lot of times it's not up to me it just happens I think our goal is you know do at least one full day of driving and then run an eight back at worldwide technology that would be pretty epic at this point that would be the greatest drag week for me like next to the one where we won like yeah we can do exactly what you said road trip with everybody run one eight and me take this thing home in one piece so I can take my kids to school I think that's the goal god dude I'd be so stoked that's the gold day three of drag week that's what we're going for [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] I just looked at the the map of all the tracks you know so we're in Madison yesterday everybody raced in Indy I ship my parts to Indy so we're about to drive 300 miles to Indy try to fix the car today they're racing in Byron and driving to Cordova tonight to race Cordova tomorrow if we fix the car today in Indy it's 300 miles to Cordova but they're leaving Cordova tomorrow do we fix the car tonight try to stay awake all night to bomb to Cordova knowing full well that they're leaving Cordova tomorrow foreign let's take it one step at a time focus on getting to where we got to go and rebuild the motor worry about the rest of it later [Applause] gotta let her have it a little bit all right she's turned down right now all right I was going for fuel economy I like it Diesel's 570 a gallon gas is 368. man you can buy a cheaper from Home Depot it's kerosene turn all right yeah [Applause] honk in the front oh that's new it's not like the floor kind of oil painting it's weird yeah this is a long truck with you know stock frame that's been lengthened but not necessarily gusted yeah I've noticed that it's very pliable ride yeah that's called Planned uh stretch or yeah right yeah like if you ever notice those aluminum flatbeds there's nothing on them they're they're curved like that yeah I guess someone knows how to calculate with the weight on it that they'll be flat I don't know it's impressive though [Applause] get ready to rock we got two pilot bearings from American powertrain we got two sets of rings from total seal and um I guess neither one of those companies were confident in our ability to do the job right the first time that sounds right yeah and we got burritos coming and we got burritos coming it's all good so we're 10 minutes away from Jake's who I've never met but it's kind enough over the phone to say yeah big Sanders though what a name yeah come invade my home garage I've never met the dude but I like them already yeah he just texted he said it doesn't look like anyone's home so just come in the side door that faces the back of the house you'll hear the machines running in the back of the big shop he's got scenes I like him already he's got CNC something about it the dude like when your shop is at the house I like you already yeah ever want to be more than 80 feet away from all your stuff from the cars and the work that's dedication at that point you don't even need Heavy Artillery you know get a dog in your shops next to your house and no missiles needed he's got CNC machines around generation yeah I can't even imagine what this place is like that's awesome he's like yeah I got a shot behind my house yeah I bet he does like yeah I gotta shop under my house if I got some house machines in there let's go with nuts yeah I got a basement that's what I got after seeing his I'm going to stop calling him in a shop I'll be like I have to call it in the basement I got a basement I got some Harbor Freight Tools you know rolling hard I've learned a lot the last few days when I get home I'm gonna pull the fuel cell out and put a sending unit in you know go into the Holly turn on every safety every safety pie every safety possible at one point we had safeties I know that was uh two versions of the software ago and five Tunes again I think could have pulled all sorts of timing and thrown a bunch of Lights at you [Applause] yeah yeah all the lessons I learned are the ones that were really hard that's the ones I remember I barely remember things I've won it's the losses that stick with me all right 800 feet will be on the right 600 feet 500 feet slow down I'm gonna guess it's a checkered flag I'm gonna guess the checkered flag the giant job out back we got this one this one gravel right yeah all right going in you here [Applause] I've gone across his lawn a little bit all right to the back Yep this giant shop with the other giant shop next to it yep all right I'm ready to go yeah like dude this is the best case tonight three hops machines in there dude ripping that's like a million Top Fuel blocks yeah yeah and he told me he's the only guy in town that fixes Billet or cast aluminum top fuel box all the teams bring their stuff here that's awesome yeah I saw a stack up one with some pretty gnarly Carnage yeah if we can't fix our engine here like we just turn in our Man cards that's fair okay uh you want me to hold the front yeah all right yeah let me hold it up foreign so a week ago David Freiburger and I were in Brownsburg Indiana where we're at right now filming roadkill as we went to Richie crampton's shop to work on the Hemi Grammy and uh no we're at Johnny lindberg's shop but Richie was there we hung out with those guys for about a day had a bunch of fun and then we drove the Hemi Grammy back to Madison Illinois for the start of drag week and we started at Mike Cotton's place and then when all this went South I called Richie and I said hey I'm looking for gaskets and bearings and and Hemi parts and you're you're in Hemi country here in Brownsburg so do you know anyone and he said yes you need to call Jake Sanders because he's got it all and boy was he right dude it's really good to meet you in person is that a drone in a tree yeah man you got a little free tree trimming right now just a little off the top man you can do it try to make it round there it is he's free he flew it out no dude but if you can land it on top of the deck of the ramp truck to prove it really happened that would be sweet yeah bring it over here let's inspect this real quick this is incredible this thing still works I only parked mine in three feet of water in a lake you hit a tree and it's still working yeah dude I swear how does blades doing wonderful obstacle avoidance there so mine hovered up slowly just there was a branch and it hovered into a branch and that was it was done right into a lake you flew through a tree and you landed it here you're way better at this than I am I'm Gonna Keep wrenching welcome to snake Enterprises it doesn't have anything to do with dom perdome I was a little kid and I like Jake The Snake the wrestler and so all my dad's buddies called me Jake The Snake all grown up and it's stuck I became the crew chief on my dad's Nostalgia funny car for since 2010 and the name just stuck so I had to pick a business name I thought I don't know if I want to have racing in the title so I called it snake Enterprises because you never know what we might do in there we might build race car parts we might build wood cutting saws for all who knows you never know what's right apologetic his name is Jake The Snake this dude rules we're gonna build some kick-ass Hemi Motors in there oh a lot of it black this is hot it's very hot cars in the shop need to get a motor out of the car motor on the engine stand flip it over bust all the rod bolts loose all the Caps off the rods shove all the Pistons out and then examine every piston pull the Rings off every piston make sure none of the Ring lands have collapsed under the intense heat of what we put it through and if none of the Ring lands have collapsed and all the wrist pins seem okay we'll start file fitting rings to the bores of the engine block which is going to take forever basically what you're doing is shoving a ring in there it collapses hopefully there's some sort of Gap and then you're filing away the edges of the Ring until that Gap opens up to a gap that we want a gap big enough that when there's boost and extreme pressure and heat and the ring Gap closes it doesn't butt the ends of the Ring together but a gap that's not so wide that there's not enough tension on this thing to scrape the oil off the cylinder walls because if you don't then the oil goes up in the combustion chamber and out the exhaust which is what we have going on right now we don't have enough ring tension the top ring is not doing its job today's job is to fix that and then put this whole thing back together and get on the road a lot of work this is very similar we did last night which was just throw it in with our hands but they have these cool top just I guess the Top Fuel method those guys don't play around either they've got these lift bars that sort of lock in on the head studs and we'll just pull this thing right out so they're knurled it's nice nice piece of equipment Mike's going to show you how it's done I'm gonna do the bolts all by myself I'll do the bolts all right foreign there's bolts right on the corner of that bench Tony I'll grab this side yep oh oh right on the threads we just we just won't move anymore might need to rotate that thing one way or the other hold on hold that exhaust valve out yep hold on you guys all right all right [Music] this is why they invented engine hoists everything coming off man step one break the rod bolts loose then leave the socket on there and gently tap the bolt down that'll get the rod cap separated you can see they're serrated so they're in there real good they're locked together and then basically what you want to do is gently get the Piston to go out without the rod smacking the crank journal and making a mark on it because that's bad yeah that's the goal first time I ever rebuilt an engine did it with my neighbor and our cul-de-sac basically used plasti gauge to measure the bearing clearances and uh it wouldn't turn over we ended up wiring three batteries in series it still wouldn't turn over excuse me the blast gauge in there what apparently none of us could read decimal points it's tough to read man it had no clearance and I don't even know how I don't know how we got them all in without rotating the motor over all right ready all right hello position that you're in right there is about the time the motors already Andre guy comes by and he's like one hour get in the water box and you're like oh man okay now that every piston and Rod are out what we're doing making sure the Rings move and then grabbing the rod and the piston and making sure you can't twist the rod on the wrist pin because that would be bad making sure everything moves freely looking at the bearings to make sure they're just not absolutely destroyed and it really doesn't look like they are some of these bearings look great there's a few that look like they had some trash go through them but I think we can just Gap some rings and put this thing back together gaps and rings and we'll Gap some fools out there there you go don't go to Gap of bees it's all right for lunch or dinner so it took us about an hour I think to get the car in here get the engine out and get the Pistons out how quickly can you guys work in an hour like how much do you accomplish in an hour you need to be back running again and on the starting line in an hour in an hour so you guys will roll a Top Fuel dragster funny car into the pit and in one hour motor's out heads off you take the heads off push the rack out put a clutch in it and if the crankshaft is good there's no no black on the crankshaft no burned up Rod journals and the short block stays in then you can start putting the clutch in right away rack can go back in and the heads are going back on in 20-ish minutes from the time the car gets to the pit area I believe it you don't even take the Zoomies off they're on the head right we yeah we don't even run the same cylinder heads twice like it goes in it gets completely stripped all the valves come out every lap every lap every lap all the valves come out you look at all your locks retainers check the spring tension or pressure and yeah the rods and pistons come completely apart we measure the rods Center to Center distance okay because in one run it will compress like if the tune-up's off I've seen it compress over a hundred thousandths in one run which is not common but if like if it drops a hole Yeah that's not good okay so when you see the white smoke come out and it's dropped the hole that can that can just under a fuel hammering it it's basically a hydraulic cylinder inside there right and you can't compress a liquid so yeah and then that's how they end up over there you know when you're not on a race weekend are you sitting there going that one's coming in yeah if you watch it on TV and like there's oil on the side of the Goodyear it's like oh yep I'll see that one on Tuesday for sure security yeah I think the safety Safari hands out my business card sometimes just baby little guys which ones the Rings all of it oh really yeah do you have one that we can compare ours to a top fuel tank of your head yep oh we have a spare person we have a spare pistol a funny car piston and Rod whoa so use a button yep the wrist pin is one inch 156 000 diameter so it's even thicker than a heavy wrist pin like a factory one yeah wow look how wide the rod is compared to ours I mean it runs not exactly a slouch either but yeah that's yeah the rod like the width here we run a 4 187 bore and this width here is barely smaller than the board It just fits dude look how much thicker everything is the skirt's thicker they don't even scalp the sides for The Wristband you need all the support you need every bit you can get because it it collapses the Piston will compress over time like this blue marker on here that is minus two like so that rod from a brand new one is tooth out shorter so we measure all the Pistons and Rod assemblies overall yeah and try to get them within 2000 of each other over all eight so that when they go in the engine we tune the cylinders with different compression like the front two in this car are 80 000 shorter than the backs five and then number three is I think sixty thou short compared to the back five the way the blower puts air into the manifold and you this car is a limited Fuel Volume car because it's the rules are based on like the 70s so but even on a modern day Top Fuel car we still do there's multiple different piston Heights so in the engine instead of tuning how much fuel is going into each cylinder you're tuning the cylinder itself yeah you we try to run equal fuel okay so if this particular cylinder gets more air because of the way the blower forces it in like we put shoes in the manifold to push the air to the back and different things there's everybody's got their own little like Ouija board of things in a manifold and I guess that would be the one top secret thing that you can't see in here that's fine figure out my Ouija board well you could see it but they can see if you just broke your Hemi then maybe you could see it but you didn't break your hammy I broke my Hemi so I could see it that's what I'm gonna tell my wife I'm like you don't understand baby I know it was a lot of money but I got to see the Ouija board so I have a similar one but it's by them by total ceiling it looks just like that but all right one company makes them it's been a while since I did it so you need to set it for the bore size first right yeah it's the easiest way is set it in here against this and it's you square it hold it and then adjust that over adjust this out and then this is supposed to you're supposed to be able to set it in there in that basically push it in and it's touching the idea of this and this then your Square on this is parallel with the cutting wheel tighten that up slip that down or up and then this whole thing moves in and out and you have a dial indicator so once you do the first one and you kind of get like sometimes the wheel flexes a little or whatever you might have to cut 34 off to get 32 right right or whatever yeah nope yep once you get like the first two it's like the old days of the hand crank one where he's like 89 cranks yep squeeze it like this much and 90 cranks yeah that's how I learned I switched because it's 89 cranks with a certain amount of pressure when your hand gets tired you don't push as hard and that's 94. this is a lot better yep shout out to total seal for overnighting these because we weren't going to find these our engine bore is way bigger than what he's got here but his engine's way more powerful all right so Pistons fit in the bore in the engine it's actually the piston ring that it's doing on the ceiling and all the force there's an oil ring at the bottom and then sent you a few ceiling rings and more or less uh the top one is doing the majority of the work but they have to fit in there's sort of a uh a balance between the ceiling and being loose enough that when it gets hot they're like if you expand when they get hot so you put the Gap in there so that when they are hot they don't butt against each other and one lock everything they basically they'll twist this way and break your piston there's not enough Gap and you get it too hot so you want enough you want a small enough Gap to maximize compression and power and ceiling but a big enough Gap when it's hot everything still moves happening and that's we're gonna set right now you sound a little bit differently um because turbo cars are of course induction cars versus not naturally aspirated cars and have different cylinder knee stretcher pressure temperature so there's your top ring this is a tool steel ring the second ring is a ductile iron one and it's a Napier style and I think that's named after the guy that invented it but it's got an edge right there to scrape the oil off the cylinder wall and that has to point down if you put it in like that which the with the hook facing up you'll basically have a motor like we just had with oil coming out the top and out the bottom and out the pipes and everything else so I'm going to put them on the bag when they're done but I'm going to give them to you and you're going to measure them right yeah yeah you want to do a top ring and then a second ring um yeah one more at a time all right so that was two there's two oh yeah let's start with one and measure it this one's a little tight that's a problem that one doesn't want to spin what hole is this number three okay so three so cylinder 3 is the one that had the most oil coming out of it and that top ring doesn't want to rotate yeah that's that's less than ideal we got the ring land in this one pair of Pistons yeah I know hopefully this is the probably this is the only one so if you look right here it's a nice machined groove right there and then you get right here and it gets kind of rough that's because this ring land has fallen down which makes this ring tight and it doesn't want to move this ring land has also moved because this ring is pinched so that means it got hot enough to not only take the tension out of these rings but also start compromising aluminum of this piston we have a spare so this is the only one that's wrong cool no big deal this piston needs to be changed see how hot it got that's where the combustion gases went past the ringa it's not even round anymore yeah it flared the ring out it's wider there not even round anymore it's coming up explosion is happening and it's putting all that downward pressure on it that's what's collapsing the crown yeah that ring and that piston are trashed hopefully that's the only one three was the worst three was the one that had all the oil coming out of the valve cover so with any luck we can use our one spare this does not even want to come out of the piston I'm wearing a Friday though oh all right I'm just gonna stop what I'm doing because that second ring doesn't want to come out of the piston that second ring doesn't want to come out of the piston but I think yeah the wrist pin's still good so we'll take our wrist pin out our Rod out hang it on our new slug cross our fingers that the rest of them are okay here's an update things are going good by a universal Miracle we smoked one piston and all the rings on the rest we actually collapse the ring lands and that one there and I have a spare just one it's incredible so right now uh Tony is finishing gapping the Rings to each individual bore I pulled the Rings off the old Pistons I'm cleaning the Pistons and um you're changing that slug to our new one then we can just start putting things back together we're going to clean out the engine block real good Lube everything real well and just start the other process of reassembly which is really exciting [Music] um thank you [Music] so we don't have a high-end ring compressor we got the classic super expando one and uh it uh it's adjustable it's in the ballpark of what we need you know I think we'll make it happen all right we're lubed oh okay so that one's lined up with the pen that one's lined up with a pen I didn't move it so I think we're cool [Music] the ARP makes these really cool ones they're all custom sized and it's just a ring let me just lay it in there and hit it with a hammer and it goes right in this is not that no but this will work okay ready I'm gonna let go of it yeah come on baby nope oh well nope I can see the oil ring that's not it wants to jump up right here it's not flat foreign yeah loosen it up some yeah rotate it [Music] thank you the problem is is this wire sticks up and it's not allowing that ring compressor to get flush with the top of the sleeve so the ring pushes out before it goes inside the sleeve so we're going to make a build aluminum one that registers down on the ID of this that basically makes it to where there is no gap for the ring to jump out this is not normal but it's really cool so never forget where we are we're in a garage slash shop behind Jake's house Jake's job is to rebuild top fuel engine blocks Hemi box so he's got CNC machines in here and welders and all kinds of things and his other part of the business is he makes parts for companies that need parts they send them a drawing or he makes a drawing they machine parts well our ring compressor wasn't working so he's gonna make one he's going to turn that solid chunk around aluminum into a round ring compressor that we can slide our piston through and it'll go right in the block and we'll be just hauling butt on assembling the motor after that yeah this is not normal this isn't something you do in a parking lot and I have a monographic because this is the kind of thing I keep forever and use over and over and over again every time I need to rebuild that [Applause] oh foreign [Music] [Music] foreign ER ring compressor isn't doing the job they bust out the CNC rotor program and made one and it needs a little tweaking but it's nine o'clock at night and uh I don't know what the next move is here uh I've almost run out of parts to clean the intakes cleaned and scraped the heads are cleaned head studs are ready if that thing works this thing just falls together quick this is good imagine doing this in a parking lot [Music] shout out to Eric and Jake brzwarski still using the toolbox Bros your autographs are still on there thank you oh got one going in do it yes now we can build a motor you got it yep one down seven to go success our custom made Billet ring compressor totally works and now pistons and rods are flying into the motor it's about to get busy right now [Music] thank you [Music] We're All Copper gaskets with one piece cut out of copper so you can reuse them but we're gonna clean them up a little bit and put some sealant around the water Port holes last one so then we turn the motor over and torque everything [Music] it's like pretty late still looking at an engine block here but yeah I'm good [Music] I'm getting tired at the same time I'm getting excited because the bottom end is back together so means we can keep going goal for tonight is to get it running get the car completely back assembled I don't necessarily care if it fires up right away or if we fire it at the track but I'd like to leave and get close if not at Cordova so that we can be there in the morning to hang out and be ready to leave with the rest of the lunatics that are still doing hot rod drag week foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] there you go beat the hell out of it I'll get the nuts [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and it's gorgeous out it's going really well but it's nearly 10 o'clock at night all the parts stores are closing and we're starting to discover we're missing things like an oil filter but I had one you know the last two days when we were inside of worldwide Raceway but uh you know a lot A lot happened there I don't know if I still have it and it could have ended up on freiburger's engine for all I know but I did own an oil filter there's the oil filter we got one foreign okay so there was once upon a time where we were absolutely prepared for a drag and drive event so prepared that we redid our trailer and added these lights and a solar panel charging system the whole deal except that was the drag and drop event that we showed up with uh one of the shift rods of my transmission in backwards and money shifted it broke the Hemi so we've never actually enjoyed the lights you know in a parking lot party with good friends or even on the side of the road broke down we've yet to be able to use these maybe tomorrow night I'm looking for some stuff called copper spray I'm just trying to put a little bit of ceiling uh performance back into that copper head gasket I don't have to like grease it up with a bunch of silicone um so it's a spray it'll light on like a very thin uh ceiling surface just to seal up the water jacket between the head and the block there's already you know thick physical silicone on there is going to be difficult to manipulate into a way that works for everybody and not get it to support all over the place when that head gets clamped down to the Block it's going to get very thin I think it's going to spread that silicone everywhere and get into places we don't want it you know so it'll be fine anyway it's going to go together this is just a copper head gasket it's one piece of stamped copper but it does come with like a very fine coating that will seal the water jackets and stuff and all we're doing with our spray is essentially going to make sure that it seals again because we knocked all that coating off and now we're going to fix it where I put that can there she is all right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] eight is not eight is not going to hurt it it's going to grow like 12 000 of an inch it'll be fine but again it allows the oil to get up there and not burn any push rods because I would imagine this isn't going to build oil pressure like that probably not it's not going to idle with 220. is that what that idle is it holy cow when you first started what PSI first started with a fresh 70 weight it's 220 if it ain't 220 or pumps junk wow did you say 70 weight yeah gear oil in the motors man in the summer how long does it take to pour that in uh play motor honey not long funnel with a big hole my goodness [Music] [Music] running out of gas here gotta be honest I'm tired uh but motivated because engine is together it's almost ready to go in the car we're gonna put the valve covers on next and then hoist it in the air with the forklift and put the clutch on uh before we do that let's talk about spark plug tubes uh because we talked about these earlier we modified them I don't know what happened but at some point we had two that just were completely blown out that's what it should look like because the gasket of the spark plug bottoms out in here and holds the tube and helps seal it uh we have one this is number three this is our worst one the one that was puking oil out everywhere that one is completely exploded out and uh I'm sure I'm the one that did it I don't know how I did it but we needed new ones so Shawn Dill brought these over to us also the gaskets we needed to put the engine together so for that I'm very thankful and we're going to replace our two junk ones with the two Freshies and then put the motor in the car it's not tapped that deep so I mean this hole could be it's not the bottom bolts looks like it's right top bolt no so how about we do this and then when we find the right bolts so we're just running an issue where the overall length between the distributor oil pump drive and oil pump is too long so either like we bolt it up and the stripper wants to hang out or we get down and then the pump won't bolt over the block so we're taking a little bit of material off the center piece the oil pump drive I'm trying to dial everything in so it's happy no problem distributor back down yeah there it is so your motor that never sat all the way down right I don't think I feel like I feel like I could always see that over I know everybody was half asleep when it got put in I could always see that O-ring yeah it was never like that look at them it's official the engine is together I mean minus the Supercharger so now we Shuffle I think the funny car is going to stay where it's at but blasphemy is going to move the engine is going to move a forklift is going to appear from nowhere and uh we're gonna put the clutch on this and put it in the car all right good you like it yeah give a little bump okay coming in yeah that's good okay going up yeah be in too far because you're going to run in the back of the car all right God how are we looking on all our sensors in a MAG right Drive good yeah I can move off my fingers we're not pinching the spark plug wires on the other side no nothing really no okay nothing major how are we looking going underneath on the side of the block good both sides yeah send it okay going up there you go all right ready to put the engine in the car and I was sitting here thinking about the next steps and a little problem um I don't know if you heard but we might have borrowed freiburger's Gremlin and attempted to put our Hemi in there no wow I'm tired we might have borrowed freiburger's Gremlin and attempted to put his Hemi in our car and our dowels for the bell housing made their way from our engine block to his engine block and their adjustable dowels uh their Offset you can spin them and when you spin them they move the bell housing in relation to the center line of the crankshaft and you have to do that with a manual gearbox because if it's not perfectly in line or within like five thousandths of an inch of the center line of the crank these things don't want to shift very well well it was all set up at my house now that we've removed the dowels we have to set it up again so instead of just bolting the engine to the trans right now we've got to take the bell housing off the trans bolted to the back of the engine block use some sophisticated measuring equipment and figure out whether we're centered or not or within five thousandths of an inch so I know it's like one in the morning but we have to do this otherwise the car is not going to want to shift very well so here we go more steps more things put it up there and spin it around we'll see we can put this through the hole so yeah gotta go down over here it's the Grand Canyon okay all right one o'clock in the morning we're dial indicating the bell housing so it's perfectly centered on there so that when we're at the racetrack in nine minutes it's gonna shift perfectly [Music] that's between it yeah no rust right there almost just push forward go up go up whoa up two inches come on in very good uh yeah come on down five inches forward forward a couple inches keep going keep going keep going stop out there good uh can you come passenger side a little bit okay let me do a little another way side shift that's good like that all right I'm gonna put a bunch of angle on it drive it in in It's gotta go down I know come on down a little bit what if you turn the steering to the oh and I think I might okay all right hold on pull that pitman arm go to where it got clearance it went in further in the wheel I just got it into the car good and we're real close the game some clearance one way right yeah a little bit I think if we just lift the back of the motor up just a hair it'll go past the steering there we go it is it went that's it now we're one hour in business there she is hold on let's get a little twist the trans has got to come up on the passenger side of the motors it's got to go like this the motor just has to come down on the passenger side and we're gonna then we go into the dowel pins and then we'll be in business there it is close a little more him down little Jake oh there you go I don't know yeah you like that there we go it's moving it looks right over here all right start building stuff in there it is almost we just got a couple bell housing bolts and we'll be in business or played all right boy [Music] watch that [Music] foreign [Music] yeah it smells like corn whiskey that's it 4 30 in the morning we've been here 20 hours and it's time to no close I don't know 16. you're almost done to fire this thing up it's been quite a day all right you want oil pressure fuel fuel leak check yeah this thing's been okay [Laughter] why does it sound so good what's going on all right ready to check for fuel leaks you think you think you got pressure already on on a dry motor it's gonna prime it right now do it again oh it's got pressure sure yep one more give me one more all right here we go [Music] tomorrow [Music] looks good to me do you want to crank it again and make sure you got oil pressure sure yeah let's do that a little more it takes a second yeah it's pulling this down just pulling this down we got to tighten that up more what happened like it's pulling this oh it's just pulling like it's pivoting on the sound okay all right okay [Music] uh it ain't good what's up that wasn't good or normal did it backfire no fuel I put fuel in the tank is it are these run right it's got fuel pressure did it just backfire like it didn't backfire like the belt's not loose so it didn't try to run backwards timing could be a little wonky but it sounded pretty good the Idol's doing this I think that's a timing thing it runs though there's a lot yeah it's like it's it might just be way because it's getting hit or hot quick yeah it doesn't it doesn't sound correct um but it's alive yeah we get locked the time in tomorrow and adjust it yeah well it runs made oil pressure and it idled I've had 70 pounds of oil pressure ah 60 pounds of fuel pressure 70 pounds of oil pressure thank you I jump up and down but I just don't have it in me thank you everybody oh yeah there you go another one first start we ain't never had one start here in the building that the leaked on the first warm-up is that right record holds true boom oh man I'm dead it's the same day we left here at five in the morning we got the car fired up it didn't sound amazing because we're pretty sure the ignition timing is not happy but that's easily fixable no longer smoking out of the pipes which means we have oil control and now that I've had time to look at the data log we have a good explanation for why you know what happened and when it happened and how it happened and all that good stuff so let me put on the specs so I can actually read this uh if looking at this green line that is my throttle position so you can see I'm granny shifting it I'm wide open drops for every every gear change right now your blue line is fuel pressure we had it at the beginning of the Run 60 pounds of fuel pressure which is what it should leave the line with as soon as it sees boost 76 PSI so we're making 16 pounds of boost because the regulator is boost reference to the intake it will raise the fuel pressure one PSI for every pound of boost so and it's one to one they're not all one-to-one with this one this one is so first gear we are good we're Trucking it actually spun off the line we're doing good so second gear as soon as I granny shift and the nose dropped what fuel was in the tank ran forward and we lost fuel pressure went from 76 to 14. as soon as that happens our EGT starts climbing so green is throttle position blue is fuel pressure this light greenish blue that's our EGT of the cylinder we smoked all right so here's the starting line I leave the line first gear change granny shift fuel pressure's still climbing second gear grainy shift as soon as the nose comes down our fuel pressure drops to 14. our EGT starts climbing we are at 1100 degrees in the pipe of exhaust gas temperature now we're wide open again our fuel pressure climbs briefly but in the middle of third year it nose Dives all the way down to 15 psi and it is at 15 psi for ever a full second then the gear change it recovers a little bit but not much we click it into fourth and at this point we're in trouble we have basically 16 PSI through the tail end of the run all through fourth gear and our EGT has now climbed over 1200 degrees it goes as high as 1230 degrees in cylinder number five which I believe is the Piston we smoked so for correlation here not enough fuel in the tank it's sloshed forward on every gear change and at some point it was just so low we didn't have fuel pressure and I ran it out the back door not knowing that exhaust gas temperatures indicate everything in the chamber was super hot didn't put a hole in the Piston but it collapsed a ring land just enough to pinch a ring and knock the tension of all the other Rings which is why we had a bunch of smoke coming out of the pipes but we had a spare piston we replaced it changed all the Rings I believe this thing is good and as long as we put enough fuel in there we should be cool so we're going to set ignition timing right now four seconds dog four seconds on throttle you see it yeah at the end it's from basically from 14 to 18 right there like from here to there didn't have fuel pressure from four to nine it's five seconds on throttle it's a lot it's a long ass time so the first time it was about two tenths of a second then it was almost two seconds yeah then right here it's still not enough there right here it is from eight it's four two and a ten like it's it's all bad it's yeah [Laughter] you got it locked hold on okay it's like eight eight yeah because tdc's here and ten I saw ten up here yeah ten and then we were two under what was it reading eight okay I'll put it at 20. okay okay and then I cannot move this and you can just change the offset too whichever let's see where we get to actually I'm gonna put it at 26. okay ready yeah foreign [Applause] I haven't done anything I just tried to start it okay cool got it ratcheting back up the hell are you moving it I'm not moving anything the computer is moving around though you don't have it locked I know I never got a chance to oh God you got to give me a minute all right don't do anything I mean it's not gonna be perfect till we get it dialed in idle's high and then it did you say what does it have in it right now out there right now it's basically exactly where hold on so where it's idling it's commanding 26. but what is it out there hold on wait you had it locked I didn't even get a chance to do it okay you're saying it's commanding time I'm saying it's already commanding 26. I got what you're saying but Mark was way above it yep so what's your Market that's weird 15 15. so it's way below by at least five or six degrees so it's still around that eight number then yeah Are we almost out of it if I was going to come up well it's a little stressful because uh when it went back together the addition the ignition timing changed a whole bunch like it's sitting there at six degrees and we fire it up um so Tony's out there adjusting the crank trigger but it's doing something else where it fires up runs okay for a few seconds then the idle speed drops a little bit and then it pops and shuts off um and I don't know if that's just because we have so little timing in it right now but uh at some point he's going to run out of adjustment in that crank trigger and yeah I don't know this is exactly where it started physically where it was with the motor before we started messing with it okay give it a rip all right ready yeah I do oh you gotta argument offset it it's way off what is it off it was reading CDC was up here yeah it was reading like after top dead center yeah oh did you go okay the wheel goes on and there's a mark on the Wheel what do you say there's a mark on the wheel it goes on and it's a bouncer yeah and I line the magnet up with the center of the crank trigger and I didn't see it it was a particular Mark yeah that's what there's like an engraved mark on it we might just be in between so all we're doing right now when you have something a computer that's completely controlling the timing uh we're just physically confirming that the engine is where the computer thinks it is so we are signing a timeline at it we are locking the time in the computer because normally you can control it and move it all over the place and we're aiming for it to be 15 degrees you can pick a value and lock it in uh and as long as we get that we know that the tune's going to be right everything's gonna be good and if it's not which is not for us there's a couple ways to do it we can offset it in the computer or we can physically move the pickup here but either way once we get the computer saying it's locked at 15 and I can visually confirm yes the motors are 15. everything should be Dandy it fires up but when it's idling I have the computer the cell's all lined to 20 degrees but on the timing light what did you say it was showing five after top dead center on the timing light is showing five outer top bed Center don't do it that way yeah in the software I have the cells set at 20. and that's where the but do I have to physically go in there and do the fixed timing deal yes it's gonna be really loud you want me to hang up and call you back that's fine go ahead okay hold on what's it like that it's locked at 20. all right sometimes you want to lock it after it's already running because it might be tough to start sometimes you got to lock it after it's running I might not want to start but 20 is fine good it'll be fine do you hear that Brian do it again okay here we go go ahead thank you Seth 25 degrees off all right system ignition parameters configure all right you want the reference angle or the delay it's 55 degrees already [Applause] yeah Tony it's got to be moved we can't do it here [Music] and then look at your crane trigger magnet and your settings position line up at that point 55. okay that makes sense that makes sense all right we got it we were good now foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] well actually no you're right I like that that should be fine yeah okay to know we're 54. I'll come back [Music] yeah yep oh too far good there's a little more and then I got to get my finger in there [Music] a little bit a little bit you have 45 minutes to set the ignition timing well we're out trigger position on the top fuel guard with the belly pad on and it's on the ground they got a full pan underneath there yeah there's a guy with a bunch of circled Roundy round stuff but also like more modern stuff working some little like shop on my house and if you're walking down this path you can see he's got a 68 just sitting in the grass and I'm like that thing's sick like just even just sitting there I'm like man number one I want that thing and number two like it just looks so good I prefer the 68 because the it has the whole Chrome the whole thing is so sick yeah so good it is nice yeah when I was in high school my neighbor his grandmother gave him her 68 Firebird and it had 40 000 original miles on it and it was like completely stock just perfect car and he hated it because it was green on green and uh and he did everything he could to make it cool but by the time he graduated high school he was like I hated it's green on green and he sold it for like 4 000 bucks it was such a clean car let's see if I can pull it over here just hold this right here now that we know where we're at where the three buildings business [Music] so I have a market 15. you're in like maybe 21. sounds so much better and it's not smoking hell yeah I feel like it's right 2000 now one last one last check just pull the dipstick for me what just one last check pull the dipstick for me a dipstick yeah I have a history of it there I'm not playing yeah I have a history of hemi's not staying water tight you know I got PTSD about that it's fixed we're out of here just need to put the front clip back on put it in Street mode load it up and get out yeah it sounds awesome it sounds right now I'm gonna lock down the idle wherever where it was um one day engine I rebuild yeah now it's style all right your boy wants to go around the block and I think that seems right I feel like we should so Street mode is pretty simple we change out the rear Mickey Thompson ET drag slicks for Mickey Thompson ET street tires which are treaded and are way better in uh moisture rain that sort of thing we put the side pipes back in because this car is ridiculously loud even with the side pipes but the bull horns put the noise directly in front of your face the side pipes put it right behind your head so it's not nearly as bad and then the last thing we'll do is we'll change the tune in the computer and we'll switch fuel tanks over here on the right we have a four and a half gallon fuel cell that has E85 in it that's what we race with E85 is great because the ethanol content takes that hot air coming out of our blower shop Roots blower and cools it down enough to safely put a bunch of boost in the motor but on the street it's hard to find and it's just really not practical so over here we have a 16 gallon fuel cell that you fill through the factory fuel door that's just got pump gas in it so we'll run off of that we'll switch a couple fuel lines change the tune we're going to load the car right now make as many miles as we can and then treat this like a street car because really that's what it is foreign I think we're done and uh we might as well test drive it and uh it would be totally weird to show up here invade the shop use everything and leave without giving Jake here a ride so that's what we're gonna do and then we're gonna load it up and head towards Madison hopefully you know we make it up there in time where we can meet up with other drag weakers and unload this thing you go cruising but if not we still have the goal of getting back to the first track which is the end of drag week and see if they'll let him make a see if they'll let us make a pass and I can't talk anymore because I have no energy I slept two hours this morning it's just enough to take him for a ride let's go [Music] the whole plan is to pave this road so it's asphalt so just for that reason oh that'll be cool we're gonna get there one day yeah they've come a long ways from the way it was when I bought this place so right or left uh if you go to the right we can just go around the block once okay [Music] you can go to this four-way stop up here and take a left [Applause] all right yeah I'm not even double clutching it which is really what I should be doing that's good it feels pretty smooth going in here yeah I think we got that working good five all the way around so the tuna needs some tweaking as I said it's ten to one right now it's uh definitely not happy that's okay though I mean it's running it's not smoking that's really all I care about right now yeah it's in a way better State than it was 24 hours ago definitely [Music] [Applause] yeah I was gonna say she didn't really look twice at all no oh I missed driving this car it's pretty cool it's way cool actually it's one thing to see it on TV but it's another to like see stuff in person and one person's take on their hot rod yeah it's neat that's how I feel like every time I see somebody race at uh any Tour event and then I go to a race in person it's different it's definitely different you know yep yep no it's especially when a fuel car goes by and you feel it in your chest and you chain like the tune up as you're driving yeah I'll put him behind the wheel plug the laptop in and just keep leaning out the base fuel table okay and it'll uh it'll clean it right up because we're targeting like 13-1 but the base fuel map is so rich that it's not able to compensate enough for it right now I gotcha it could do it but I have the compensation turned down to like 20 okay it's a whole new world all that it's great when it works when your laptop freezes up you're wishing you had a carburetor or a yeah carburetor you know a flat blade screwdriver and a 5 8 wrench you know yeah or it's like okay we're we got this but look at look at the engines listen to it and get it yeah same as like when somebody gives me a like a Nostalgia funny car so okay put this here put this here it'll start and it'll idle and I'll make my fine tune adjustments from there and there you go go race this driveway right here back to the ramp truck I think we can go right to the ramp I like it the old [Applause] cool thanks for taking me around the block thanks for all the help anytime that was fun it was fun you got really cool friends yeah yeah they're pretty cool I don't have very many but they're pretty cool it's amazing that they're like five in the morning skipping school skipping work whatever Yeah Richie's a solid guy he really is he's solid guy got a good sense of humor too yeah I know that's why I like him he's you know right where you stand with him too yeah oh yeah cool it runs like poop because it's really rich and I think it's really rich because we changed the pulley whatever you drive it when we get there and I'll tune it and it'll be it'll be money over here I think it's in the toolbox the place for it foreign we're out of here it seems like a bad idea here we go you're moving there bump here and it looks like yeah we're going off-roading That honk but I got no horn meet me oh you did it the old Hemi rebuild one day hit me Rebuilder man that's a lot of work a lot of people I think would put that much work into something when you can't win you know and you only have a vague idea of whether or not they're gonna even let you drive your car down the track and what is our problem [Laughter] my kind of fun yeah I like it might not be everybody's kind of fun let's go to Motors Bar and Grill and dump the dump the car out right there right there there at 7 30 maybe we can eat something and I hit the road hell yeah how long does it take us to get there three hours and eight minutes I wonder if they'll still be open 7 29 we get there I'm not stopping we got an hour back and we're off oh it feels good to be moving [Applause] road trips are different when you're stuck in one place for three days yo we were only here 24 hours we got here yesterday I don't want to know is that right okay here yesterday we're here about yeah 28 hours we were here at like one o'clock yesterday yeah about 28 hours we rebuilt the entire Hemi minus the crankshaft and out of here 28 hours so sick week in February is coming up it'll be here before you know it does this experience make you still want to do that kind of because even though it's your car it won't be any different hope it's a little different it might be I mean odds are good you're not rebuilding your engine but I can't very I can't build another Pontiac motor that's going to take me forever like let's have a look like The Last Dragon Drive event I did before this one all we did was blow up a drive shaft and that burned half a day what's it yeah it's gonna take forever look so it's like you don't even have to rebuild the motor you just have to break something that you can't easily replace and you're you're screwed you know and somehow I still find enjoyment in this torture and this failing and I do want to rip man I mean like this has been super fun I would like to do it in race one so awesome you need to drive Hi man the funny thing is the driving down the track is such a small oh my God and it's not even like oh because you're going fast it's only 10 seconds or whatever it is it's it's just that amount of time that you spend in a pit or in a parking lot or on the side of the road versus time driving the vehicle fast [Music] I dig it like we we met Jake and all his friends and now I got lifelong friends dude those things are awesome they were amazing not not because they helped they were just funny as hell yeah they know they're stuck they're super funny I learned a lot from them and just it was cool the one thing this has kind of put into perspective for me is oh you know a lot of people that are going to watch this are gonna go why are you unprepared why are you not ready why are you untested and the answer I have to that is I can either sit at home on the couch or I can go well it's as good as it could be right now let's just go and have fun yeah and when you do that you meet you rolling dice yeah well it's not even that it's like I think people are like why would you take it there untested and you're like well I haven't had a free day in 11 weeks yeah you know we do our best to make this stuff happen but we're some pretty busy dudes it's just how it is yeah and like I said you could either sit at home on the couch and wait and wait and wait until you can test and make sure it's right and miss out on a lot of memories and people you can meet or you could just go yeah we did it we took a swing bit yeah sure there could be like gauges and warning lights and safeguards in the tune whatever but oh there will be tomorrow it didn't happen didn't happen we'll do tomorrow [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] at the very end of the road trip we meet up with drag Weavers all worth it there's like 90 miles to go left to get to the hotel and then you're basically at the racetrack so this is pretty cool after this just hellish this week we had to finally see some streetcars doing streetcar things oh we're gonna drive we're gonna drive with some drag weakers that feels cool be a part of this thing a little bit let's start participating [Music] let's get our gold star participating this is literally the last checkpoint in all of drag week is it the very last yeah and it's really late but we did make it and we figured why not unload the car and drive with other people that are doing drag week yeah the majority of drag week is the drive not really the racing so it feels like we've had the drag week experience just without all the success on the track but uh at the same time I don't feel like I did drag week because we haven't done any of the road miles we haven't seen any of the checkpoints we haven't hung out with any of the people except at the drag strip so we're gonna unload the car and try to soak up as much of that kind of fun as we can before the night is over because tomorrow is the last day last track last chance to go fast on the drag strip it's like tail lights the whole thing is dead oh the taillights too tail lights around oh I'm sure there's some kind of red lights in there yeah magnetic trailer lights I see you I was like tape them to the fenders let's do this I've got a flashlight back here just be on everybody else Comfort yeah get in between two other people yeah we'll put you between us you can have one I've got a little bit of wire we can make lights work yeah we're right between us right between my headlights Point At The Moon bro they don't even work right like you can do this it's like all right oh cool take a rep let's go we do have a gaze on this the gasket oh yeah for the street tank we're legit [Music] all right we're in a car we are in the car finally oh it is a funny car up there oh yeah that's Tim wilkerson's funny car no way that's awesome oh hey Leo Tom Bailey a uh a throttle cable look at that C2 can I pull in here why not I've got a boy in his face yeah let's see explore right here [Music] by the way I'm stuck in the car both friends all right we made it uh granted we only drove 100 feet from the gas station to here but that's more driving than we've done all week and put on your feet I'm very excited about the fact that we're finally next to other people that are doing the event yeah even if we're out I'm I'm here for everybody I want to be part of the journey yeah yeah after this we road trip to the hotel and beers in the parking lot absolutely motorheads [Music] this is one of the best checkpoints I've ever been to In My Life okay there's there's a disco ball there's a like a vintage Etch A Sketch Springfield mile Grand Marshal and there's tickets to something stoplight vintage Coke machines this is incredible wow old race cars I keep saying it but there's a funny car on the roof there's two of them actually this place is incredible I love Shakey's Pizza Route 66 Shakey's Pizza you ever had it the shaky Pizza yeah you ever had it oh yeah hell yeah I grew up it's my favorite pizza of all time it was right there on South 6th Street here in Springfield oh you had one here oh yeah Oh I thought it was a California thing from a Springfield look I got all kinds of stuff from Shakey's around here are they still in business here no I don't know if they're still in business they are in California they made a comeback really yeah yeah well this is they don't look like the old English kind of thing they're it's kind of more modern like uh reminds me of kind of like um Chuck E cheese a lot of kids games and stuff you know but the pizza and the Mojo potatoes are still the same they still got the picnic tables and stuff no did they did back in the original shape and they had all the pictures player piano in there and oh yeah I remember a lot from when I was a kid yeah this place is great all this stuff is from Route 66 or Springfield area now wow that's just cool that's got yeah that's what you do that see that 1915. Tim Wilkerson a funny car driver no RS car yeah they live here in town and every year he brings his funny car here brings out and fires up twice so we put Tim in that fire that dang thing up he drove it around the parking lot a couple times and put it in front of a semi in the lrs car and they're gonna do a feature story on it with Tim's sitting in and driving it Tim is one of my favorite funny car drivers because he he Tunes he drives like the whole deal I did not know that oh yeah they're here about once a week for lunch that's cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] week stuff hell yeah don't forget your headlights no I got it uh tail internet taillights they are horn yeah [Music] oh little revvy yeah we'll turn that down tomorrow yeah [Music] oh like a little noise coming through the headsets but all good kind of sounds like a supercharger yeah all right so it's cruising around it 13-1 right now he's mostly happy that's pretty good unloaded wow he really jumps into those gears with those faceplate boy I have not been on the highway with the new Trans yet all right so it seems really fat right here can you hold it there a little bit yeah I mean yeah I'm saying nine [Music] these uh these centers may be wrecked for me it's so so rich foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah we're in a different part of the map it's definitely not clean it's right here there's some big changes in the in the map yeah you got to blend that whole thing right now steady state like 13 and a half AFR water temp's not even warm yet though you might have a crazy coolant correction man you might want to start there see what it does to the whole thing [Music] there we go 13-1 cruising stop saying you could overall change the map I just check your correction on the on the Golden Sun sensor for 10-4 all right should we try six gear [Music] oh there it is it what the hell was that I don't know some crazy vibration blow tire and a wheel break off running fine front tire belt something stupid dude I have no idea that was violent I'm stuck in here what do you have for like lights are on right I don't know I would open my door for me what was it yeah let me out [Applause] you tighten it Wheels some stupid I was cruising sixth gear made it mile maybe mile and a half and all of a sudden Big Bang crazy shutter put the clutch right in motor's still running fine smooth but some kind of crazy chassis vibration something broke loose clutch in it was still doing it yeah I had to clutch in immediately I was just going to sit here and say all right maybe six gears a problem but you said the clutch was in the second it happened I put the clutch in no it was we were rolling like that we were we were like you know coasting with the clutch in with the clutch in with that vibration it was still doing it yeah it feels like the drive shaft was breaking loose or something crazy like you know I don't know it was weird it felt like something broke something broke for sure let's try pushing it and see if it does it go ahead I didn't drive off the road here's in the rear end the rear end broke yeah the rearing broke foreign what two miles and broke the rear two miles baked barely all right it's the what that's the ramp truck there right all right yeah all right so let's move the van over drive forward we'll get the trailer off put it back on the trailer and uh that's the end of our night yeah good times you can push it and hear the rear end just flying and clanging really badly and I think it just broke something either the pinion or the ring gear or something just broke in there some levels I don't know if there's a spool in there or what's going on but it is unhappy so that's the end of our uh our drive yeah whatever we don't need a script do we Drive old cars they're gonna break they always do [Music] here give me that best crew in the business right here everybody say hello to Mr Ryan Crossley pushing pushing the car man in the camera are Intrepid director Chris Reed also pushes cars and holds the camera into wrecks tell him to get the trailer off that thing I'll get it don't worry I'm I'm over here doing 10 jobs look I'm filming he's not even pushing I was now I'm holding the camera [Music] I'm pretty sure the rear end broke no how did you get a cam camera oh I just took it from how did you get a camera oh I just kind of took it I bring the man up behind us I don't know what I'm doing with this thing I'm just pushing a bunch of buttons all right go ahead and stop it here we gotta get the trailer off oh we got an adventure [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] send it [Music] good turn the headlights off all right so it's a good test drive hell yeah test of the rear end learned a lot it learned a lot yeah yeah oh man this is uh you know learned a lot this week that sucked dude I wasn't doing a damn thing thank God that wasn't the engine oh yeah she's running like a top I wonder if we can find a nine inch oh yeah well what axle's fine do you have 35 35 yeah we'll find one let me make a post now yeah it's gonna get us a loaded third member with uh the right flange in the front we got a 1350 yoke yep yeah it's all serious stuff people have it you got a new drive shaft made for the new Trans right oh yeah it's all brand new the drive shaft looked like it was in one piece all right all bolted together and no engagement issue no I had plenty of room for it to plunge wow you know I don't I don't want to bring you down or whatever buddy what you're going to there's a pretty good chance we're not going to win our class this year thing yeah that changes everything I know I'm still making this post asking for a new night hell yeah hell yeah you are do it I'll throw that thing in on my back I can't wait I like changing Center sections those are light they don't weigh nothing it's actually aluminum ones yeah hopefully somebody's got a nice strange one or something Speedmaster something solid all right have made it to the final Hotel of drag week the last drag week racing day is tomorrow morning we had to throw the car up on the Ram truck because it broke the rear end after driving in like two miles which is a bummer because it was running pretty good uh transmission was working well the only thing we hadn't touched yet is the rear end and it exploded so I guess we'll mess with that in the morning I think we have some parts coming and I'm still hell-bent on trying to see this car do a wheelie figure it out wow this is quite a day I feel like the universe is telling me I don't know what the universe is trying to tell me like normally when you work this hard success comes after that that's what's all the memes say that's what all the smart people on Instagram say but we have busted our asses and we just keep getting kicked in the nuts um blew up the Hemi fixed the Hemi Road tripped two miles and then the rear end exploded but uh on the bright side we had parts coming tomorrow so one way or another we are going to try to make a pass in this car to finish our hot rod drag week and uh at this point if it just goes down the track without something else breaking I'll be a happy man this is day five coming at you from worldwide technology Raceway everybody here has been on a thrash remember every car that you're going to see racing today has been on a five-day road trip they road trip four different times roughly 750 miles for some of the many Horrors they go chasing parts and things like that as they come back here [Music] thank you last day of drag week um Wow all I can say is wow uh last night we decided to pull the car off the ramp truck because we were about 100 miles from the hotel we ran into the drag week crowd finally and we wanted to roll with those guys and so we just put the street tune in it and hopped on the highway and two miles later the rear end blew up and although we haven't ripped it apart yet we're pretty sure the third member is no good so we're very fortunate in that we have really really good relationship with the folks at quick performance in Iowa they built the rear end in the car that's not their third member that got changed last week when it was on the dyno it's a used one I don't know the history of it but I think it broke and so uh Caleb who it's the son of the owner let's put it mildly um brought us a third member out of another YouTuber's car they went and pulled it out of that dude's Mustang and brought it here uh go follow junkyard digs because that's pretty sweet that guy saw my post on the internet that I was looking for a nine inch third member and they ripped the one out of his car and they drove it all the way down here for us uh we're gonna fix it that's what we do we're just gonna keep fixing it until things go our way and even if they don't it doesn't matter we're not at home we're not sitting on the couch we're making memories this is fun no matter how you look at it this is fun to me because uh Tony and I don't really get to hang out unless we're going on an adventure so no matter how this turns out I'm enjoying it foreign I'll start draining it looks clean see I think that's the pinion gone in this thing yeah what do you think you hear this grab grab this and yeah that noise is right here no your drive shaft's broke dude what I told you look I told you it's dry you didn't tell me anything you asked me and I looked at it the bear the needle bearings are Gone the cup is gone it's gone it's a lot easier so I looked at it and granted it was in the dark and I'm like no the U joints are there everything's fine I just couldn't grab it yeah we were on the side of the road it just sounded so Hollow but yeah so well hell that's a lot easier so it looks like the clip must have just gone not been in all the way really came out and then the you know the cops must have just got sent flying oh hell all right but just gonna plug this none of it's right the other one's wrecked too what other ones right uh it's fine we'll just do the one on the yolk the one on the yoga in the trans looks all right we just need to do we'll fix it let's take the drive shaft down all right okay my bad we should look a little I mean I look man it was on the ground I know I know and then it was on the ground on the ramp truck I was I was asleep dude we weren't climbing under there to like there's no way to get under there without taking it off the ramp truck all right so why don't we it passed the side of the highway visual inspection it sure did at least for me it sure did we had to take the wheels off anyway to put the Slicks on there you go maybe on Dragon no time all right we got we're getting a little guy's perfect got it you on there all the way yeah [Music] the clip is gone and the bearing cap you know I mean like whatever the needle carrier is going what happened was the front U-joint just came apart either the clip wasn't in on the way uh whatever happened uh this bearing cap went flying and just the center nub is in there which is like a huge huge hole and we must have just heard it banging around going nuts because it's got a Twist and Turn without that you know essentially just came apart and I assumed because when I looked under it on the side of the highway I saw the drive shaft was together and I saw U-joints yeah it didn't fall out even when we put it on the Ram truck I looked under there I saw the drive shaft was in one piece I'm like okay it's the rear end and uh so we scrambled to get a new center section but luckily Caleb who brought the center section also brought a U-joint and some other things so we're good we're in business either way misdiagnosed it but we're still okay yeah it was related related Parts we're just taking the breaking oil out of it yeah we just wanted to change the oil into rear yeah that's so crazy because when you were rolling it around I'm in here listening going I'm hearing it right here yeah well it's all connected yeah well I was sitting here rolling in my hand and I still was like huh and then I look and I can see the the tip of the direction going like mirror all right all right [Music] all right on a drop Tony just crawled under there to pull the drive shaft out and realize the U-joint cap fell out of this side and clips gone the whole thing's gone so we might get lucky we're still gonna pull the fill plug and look through there and just inspect the pinion as best we can to make sure there's nothing wrong there but we might just need a huge wiggle yeah I'm gonna spin it over give it away yeah we'll give her away which is great because Caleb drove down here with a third member that we may or may not need but he also drove down here with a U-joint which we definitely needed so yeah way to bring everything thank you hell yeah thank you keep you guys covered it's not your first rodeo I bet yeah they brought everything we needed new strap bolts gaskets [Music] of everything yeah just everything spares spare pistons and rings already gapped already he brought he had one spare piston when we put when we loaded it in the trailer I was like dude why are we taking a piston I was like if we got to look at this piston this week I'm out he said that I'm out I was like I'm out next thing you know he's file fitting right two days later I'm like hey buddy thank you it strangely goes in like crazy easy see this huh I wonder if the ears are too wide for it this is not I can see around it it's not the right something's wrong like it looked out like yeah all right I feed them well we'll have to guard we'll just file that down I don't think I have a file let's make a friend files you join yeah you one of the Caps just pieced out on the highway and then the the you know the what's left on the inside was banging around on the on the Yoke all right no problem that's all right oh thank you perfect that might work yeah here's why this event rolls right everyone's here racing everyone's competing if you win there's no money involved which means everyone here will help everyone else even if you're in the same class trying to beat somebody you break something you need a tool you could pretty much just walk around here and someone's gonna have it they're gonna loan it to you this is not the right file but we might make it the right file if I can't find the right file so when this thing when the cap the bearing cap came out of this one inside of it is the center across um and it has a much smaller diameter post on it and that was just banging around and actually started to we were moving the car with it I did drive the car off the highway with it so it wound up I'm banging around in here pretty good and leaving some marks so I have to take a little bit of material back off it so on day one I borrowed a fusible link from a guy with a late model Mustang I just borrowed a cordless Die Grinder from a guy with a 55 Chevy here yeah I love this place it does and I have a trailer full of stuff we can't fit any more stuff and I always feel like I'm over packing but invariably we use all of it and then borrow stuff from the stuff that you know we can't think of it forget to bring or whatever so I love this place I love these people yeah all right let me get that hold on hold on let me get that paper towel that's my guide that's your guide yeah I'm like that's stuck on it on a little Cricut there we go you should have to knock it in there you go give a couple Taps yeah I grounded down and I ground down the bore try to get a flat I'm gonna try to knock it in this Hammer all right let's go up and down let's Let It rotate there you go there you go aim on this side just to get it started a little crooked there you go all I've ever used is pretty damn close to what I'd use at home yeah I don't I don't know if there's a proper way to do this because I'm not I'm not professionally trained in cars at all this is the only thing I've ever used was a socket so I'm not telling you to do this I'm just saying that's what we're doing all right give a little a little knock yeah There She Goes yeah there's clips oh you want purple what's your favorite color are they all the same or what I mean same material Gold's kind of nice purple set what fell out that's the one gold fell out I think yeah I don't want that whatever are they all the same spring steel or what you don't know I don't know either man I'm just asking but if gold fell out I wouldn't put it in let's do the other one yeah let's do the steepest thing you got I mean I'm sure that's irrational but uh I'm with it I like automatic gold right now just in case all right I bet that's what it was it just went it just wasn't all it wasn't all the way seated but even it's not it just need them you gotta knock them out usually yeah all right clip me another Barney clip and we're good yeah you're way more than we are you are an expert yeah wait a minute that shirt makes you an expert claim it well we don't go drive shafts pretty good Brown Wheels Brown wheels and screwed dude so these are badass I feel a lot safer with that set up than right on I noticed it looked like the car turned a little bit left on you when you left the other day yeah it could have been the wheel I wonder it's definitely is fun but oh yeah I did yeah which was a surprise because I mean Grant I don't know what RPM I left at but I was like huh it's fun oh whatever yeah dude this has been a little bit of if the driver's side was moving in the tire the other one didn't have a chance yeah yeah at least this way it's safe it's secure I'll run them um same lug nuts what I got I think these will work yeah you have a shank style yeah yeah that should work and that's dual drilled so out of the bolt pattern right on dude thanks good luck appreciate it yeah uh We've now come full circle we started the week off with our first problem our only problem was that our Wheels front and back we couldn't get them to balance and I don't even know why but I know that we took the tires tried them on other wheels and they would balance um long story short Mike cotton went home he had my old wheels off last me under his lowered van his Ford Econoline van the van is so low to the ground that he couldn't just take the wheels off he had to cut sheet metal out of the floor to get the wheels out from the inside of the van brought them here we put my new drag tires on those Wheels that's what I made a pass with on day one but I have to give them back to him so Jason from Mickey Thompson's loaning me his wheels so that we can go out and make a pass with wheels that don't shake the hell out of the car when I go so we're using all the parts from all the people this week the cool thing about being here is you're surrounded by experts like Jason from Mickey Thompson watched the car hole shot saw it spun and went left and um you know gave me some tips the one of the big reasons we're changing right is my wheels do not have screws in them we run such low air pressure in the tires at that a slick Tire a buy a supply Tire tends to suck in at high wheel speed and grow and it will be loose on the wheel and the possibility of the bead coming off the tire is pretty high in that scenario like my wheels really should have screws in them and they don't so Jason's like just be safe take my wheels run with these get you through the weekend you'll be good so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna put his wheels which do balance in our round and everything's good about them and they have screws and so U-joints in tires on put it in race mode and hopefully we get to make a pass here today good right now what we're doing is uh we're using Snapchat and Caleb's phone to look inside of the diff as he rotates it because you can get a pretty good view of the ring and pinion gears to see if there are any chips so essentially we're checking right here and on that outside looking for chips spin it over everything looks pretty good we didn't see any chunks of anything when we the oil when we drained out the oil it's a little loose but for what our options are I'd say we're probably good okay all right let's put this in huh [Music] okay it just barely slides in like really barely yeah I got it to go but it's you know how it goes if this thing would droop you know we put it under the axle but we have to we can droop it how do you get it to I just wiggled it in like you know you put it in yeah here like I think like this all right kind of get it under it and then hold on don't do that one yeah spin it then yeah spin it in or something I don't know it worked I might have a little more wiggle with the broken you're going back how hard is it to get droop on the car we just gotta Jack it up it's just sitting on the axle that's our problem yeah we just put you know it's a full shrink if I would Jack it up in a minute I'm gonna try it yeah so the rear end looks good certainly good enough for a couple of runs um the the setup is a little loose on it but that's not the end of the world just that's the interface between the pinion gear and the ring gear you hear that we're gonna run it for today but at some point probably swapping that fresh one yeah I'll use my right hand at some point all right so we left uh the gremlin with Kenny we had it brought over to his shop to do a couple things on and set the timing battle in that throttle linkage and he did wind up putting uh a fresh oil pickup in that pan because it was just not we banged it up so much we want it to be right he did that and now it should be 100 for David I don't have to feel bad about it and we're just pulling off the Street exhaust gonna put the bull horns back on it get all everything we can get in there I'm putting in there it does burn I mean it's running so fast down low that it's burning more than you'd think it would there you go now it's full full full but we'll take it yep where you been I got our uh exhibition stickers oh yeah we pull our class stickers off put these on and we can go in the all-run session we don't have to wait for everybody to finish great they'll just slot Us in whenever they feel like all right interfering drive shaft is in I'm changing the fuel over this thing is filled to the brim I want it to leak out the top oh you did it did buddy I overfilled until it pour it out but it did have way less inner I put five gallons than yesterday and it still took like two and a half yeah remember it's running so fast in and then whatever was left in the other five and we still managed to use it I think this room might be as fat as the thing says it says right in the name of the tune yeah okay it's fat boy that is cool can I trade you for some hats [Music] let me uh I'm gonna put this in my truck I'm gonna grab you some hats don't leave okay don't leave it hold on wow okay got one guy dude I saw the best family that's good look what I just saw side opens up all the tools are that is the next level dude look at this so this is Dennis Taylor's trailer I just borrowed two tools from him and when I walked by I noticed his trailer design and I went that's a man whose car was way ready and he had nothing to do and he was like you know what let me build the greatest drag week trailer ever because every tool is not in a toolbox it's a wall you open up the side like ours and it's just a wall of tools it's incredible so the smaller pulley is going to spin faster make more boost to a certain point eventually you're going to lose thermal efficiency on the old Roots blower it's going to not make any more power so we are going to dial it from a 59 to a 48 tooth so you can see significantly more party in this one all right we're almost ready here we got a new pulley on about to put the race tune in uh I've gotten rid of Tony he doesn't work hard enough so I pick up a new call Pilot here on the last day of drag week maybe Tony a loser is less than and I'll invite him back later but today he's that one what's her name Chase Chase welcome to the team thanks he's stronger too he can leave two Transmissions all right so first thing we're gonna do Chase is we're gonna put a new tune in here all right so this is how it works that's ignition on this is the start button I always want to make sure it's out of gear there we go [Music] well there's our engine RPM that's what I look at when I'm gracing on the track when I see 7000 I shift the next gear so we rev it up a little bit what do you think sure all right I gotta reset the TPS it isn't working the first few degrees of pedal movement it's not doing anything so yeah we have it in a different spot now smell a little bit of cooling so right now what I'm going to do is I'm going to tell the computer that I want to do wide open throttle on the pedal so that it sees what that looks like so I'm going to click Start and I'm going to slowly go to the floor once and then I'm going to release it and then I'm going to do it again once and I'm going to release it and now if you look here this is throttle position so watch when I move my foot down here yeah so now it knows I'm at 100 and now it knows that's what idle is so now it'll drive better so I'm going to turn the thing off and turn it back on and it should run a little better now what do you think it's cool looks good yeah so if we had a carburetor we wouldn't need any of this stuff it's a lot simpler probably you can fix it with a hammer but I like video games so electronic fuel injection is fun to play with it I've seen this car on the show and I was like I want to see that in real life didn't have girl in it yet don't do that we got a cord that sounds really good I think we're sounds really good I think we're back hey we're back too good starts right up sounds awesome looks really good we're gonna run it through the gears with the rear end up in the air make sure the drive shaft spins happily and and then get ready to race [Music] that is still loot what in the hell uh it won't tighten up they bottom out it doesn't look like they're too long before it shakes too long it doesn't look like it but they don't you try it they wouldn't tighten up like this thing stopped turning but the wheel was still loose on there we had them on with this setup these shut up today we never run these what these showed up today these wheels yeah what do we run before my old ones without screws where are your old ones now they're here we can use them yeah yeah I don't want to mess around this hey let's put the canopy up it's raining all right uh so our our new loaner Wheels wouldn't fit the car um so we're going back to my original ones that cotton ripped off the van that he has um and now it's raining so I don't know I'm Gonna Keep acting as if we're gonna get to make a run so I'm gonna put the wheels on it we're gonna keep the car as dry as we can because when it rains there's not a lot of weather stripping in this car so if water ends up in it and we do get to make a pass there's a good chance whatever water's in it will come out of it during the pass and that's no good you don't want that to happen what's nice about that bleed is it doesn't change the TPS yeah that is cool yeah ah I might just this wheel's got quite a whoop in it oh I know dude it's not ideal nah all right so to all the other eight we have though too I know I just sit here and nap now car's ready Nature's not ready though it's still raining and uh the rub here is that we're out of competition so we are not a priority and that's the way it should be there's a whole lot of people here who haven't even made a pass yet and to finish drag week they need to drive down that drag strip and then turn in their last time slip to win drag week they need to have the lowest average in their class so there's guys that if they don't get it done on the first pass they're going to want to go two three four times whatever it takes right meanwhile I'm gonna hang on off to the side here and go fit me in when you have time none of that matters though if it's raining all day because at some point they'll cut this thing off and have the awards ceremony so there is that you know this isn't a lose-the-shot moment this is uh how much more fun can we have give me one pass down the drag strip I will be a happy man I mean it's not true it's not here yet we've got about maybe [Music] we're officially calling the event the event is called [Music] straight crushing defeat top to bottom last time we did this win win win this time lose lose what a kick what a kick in the pants son oh man I just wanted to see one run dude if it weren't for bad luck I I'm dumbfounded I'm not speechless you have any luck at all I'm literally just over here like we worked really hard the car is ready to go down a drag strip yeah and he won't stop raining yeah yeah we didn't not only did we not finish drag week we barely started dragweed we didn't make it out of the parking lot make it out of the parking lot dude I've never made it out of this parking lot at this drag strip complete and utter failure top to bottom and I really hope that when we got back here it would be like all right let's go run an eight let's high five let's have some beers it'll be it'll make it all worth it I was like we just hit the last three tracks then the next day I'm like the last two checks and then like a little bit of drive and then we're like okay forget the drive and if we can just get to the every we brought our goals down 40 times and still missed the last one of just picked the wheels up and run an eight yeah yeah the the only thing I have anymore now is that lately my kids had just been like Dad will you fix it so you can take us to school in it and uh so on the bright side it's together it's fixed it runs I can take the kids to school I love you guys I will do that yeah maybe bring a backup vehicle though just saying and Chase car chase car bring a Chase support vehicle not legal a dragon walking away from school farther than we went on this whole trip dude I'll tell you what okay yeah careful out there oh wait I still enjoyed it like I'll still I'll say this every time we could have been at home on the couch doing nothing and I'm at so many rad people this week I made so many new friends I didn't know if I was going to go to the PRI show in Indy this December now I want to because I met new people yeah you know like Jake and his buddies that stayed up all night to help us rebuild that Hemi it turns out that the tracks we raced at were really the friends we made along the way oh that's deep or something [Music] it was great you know and and now all I want to do is sleep and drink I know yeah let's go drink first all right all right let's go over a little bit keep going and stop perfect thank you [Music] this one [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so recap drag week got rained out yesterday obviously it was disappointing after all the work we put into getting the car back together we really wanted to make a pass and just see you know what's this thing like now um but we got rained out everybody did it's a bummer but it is what it is so I woke up this morning started driving home to Georgia from Illinois and I thought maybe there's a drag strip that's open and uh talk to the folks at Brainerd Motorsports Park in uh Ringgold Georgia and they have something going on tonight however it's Eighth Mile which not there's anything wrong with it it's just we kind of had a goal of trying to make an eight second pass with this car in the quarter mile so then I talked to my homies at Holly which is located in Bowling Green Kentucky and they found out that there's something going on at Beech Bend Raceway which is a really special track for me because that's the first place this car ever ran a 10 second pass um so uh we're headed that way and I called Pete Harrell and I just let him know I'm like hey you know the car's Back Together We rebuilt your motor sorry about that and um we're gonna go make a hit and he said all right that's cool and I'll call you later well he called me back and he said I'm looking at all your Dyno data from when we download this thing and something I didn't notice was that at the end of every Dino poll when you lifted you were out of fuel pressure and the injector duty cycle was nearly doubling he said and I normally would catch that and I just didn't he said so you might have a fuel pump problem he says I know you know you you don't think you had enough fuel in the tank but you also might have something going on with your fuel pump and I said oh well I probably shouldn't go make a hit with this car then if there's something going on with the fuel pump and it's a it's a Holley EFI pump um and I'll show it to you here in a second it drops into the top of the fuel cell and it has twin 450 fuel pumps in it and it's sad here with no fuel in the tank for two years did that do anything I don't know um so I called my buddies back at Holly and I'm like here's what's going on we might have something going on with the fuel pump I know it's Saturday but can we somehow sneak in the warehouse and sell me a pump and um when we started talking through what was going on they're now running the math to find out do I even have enough fuel pump in this thing because maybe I don't you know when you have E85 or any alcohol-based fuel you need to flow more fuel than you would on just regular old gasoline this pump has been in there since we ran this engine on rate leaded race fuel we switched it to E85 and on the website the numbers look like it should be right but in the real world I might be out of fuel pump um and this is I think them calling me back to find out yo we're like three hours away from Bowling Green um and uh I just talked to Robin he's concerned and is doing some math to see whether I even have enough fuel pump in this thing um and and so that was that was new to me I was like oh wait hold on I didn't even think about that that maybe we don't have enough fuel pump in it um and so that's kind of where I'm at I'm gonna keep heading that way in case you know you guys have some miracle you know where we could get a fuel pump today because I'd like to run the car but I totally understand if that can't happen uh oh man I hate to do that too um I I appreciate it but I hate to cut your trip short um okay I'll I'll I'll talk to Robin as soon as he calls me back and then I'll hit you back thanks brother later wow that's really cool so that's my buddy Jeff who works at Holly apparently he's at the gun range you know enjoying his Saturday but uh he's willing to go back to work and get us a fuel pump we just have to figure out what fuel pump we need um so I'm waiting for my other friend Robin who works at Holly to do math that's way over my head uh to find out is this the right one and we just need to replace it or do we need a bigger fuel pump um either way I think we're just gonna detour and keep going towards Bowling Green Kentucky which is where Holly and Beach Bend Raceway are at rather than going straight home and um yeah I don't know I'll call my wife later and give her the news and maybe some flowers there's not enough shoes she could not buy enough you shoes to like balance out what I've done here today or yesterday or last week or yeah she can do whatever she wants as far as I'm concerned as long as I get to keep playing with cars we have two fuel cells one with a street pump that's just got one pump and then the race cell which has the two 450s in it but they're just on when we go to the track however I can wire this and and Stage it that's not the end of the world stuff yeah it's just it's just the pumps are gonna flow too much what's gonna happen is if you turn both pumps on and set the pressure with it idling and set it to 60 right when you go wide open it's going to drop to 40. so you know we need to set it to 60 uh so we need to set it to 60 with one pump on that way when both pumps are on we have way more than we need oh it's probably that'd be what that's what I do okay awesome okay um what part number would you guys recommend then for this it's uh you're a computer I'm looking on my phone yeah 12 volt flange yeah let me see if I can find something here it's a dash 10 feed-8 return oh I totally understand it's uh let's see here uh just wait for my phone it looks like so it's 12 volt yep yes it looks like it's part number 12-149 okay got it all right I'm gonna text them and if they make it happen awesome if they don't I just appreciate all the help on the phone and the info you guys as always are amazing well we try real hard Mike and we got a good good base group of passionate people that will step up even when they're you know screwed up family deals and but we know how it is we've been there done that so we do now all right I appreciate you more than you know thank you I'm gonna I'm gonna hit up Jeff and see if we can get one and if not we'll get it later I definitely will thanks Doug thanks Robin well there you go not enough fuel pump we're making more power than I guess we ever have and the fuel flow is way more than this pump is capable of doing so probably a combination of problems at the beginning of drag week you know even though I filled this thing up I I mean I was dumbfounded when it came back and Tony put the stick in it was like there's almost nothing here I was like how did we use five gallons we're making a lot more horsepower now I guess so not only do we need to keep it topped off but we need a different fuel pump now so let me call my other buddy at Holly and see can he get us one if you can we're going track testing if you can't well we'll do it later I'll go home and hang out with my wife and kids [Music] yeah that's a roller coaster you know what that means I'm at the only place I know of where there's a drag strip next to a roller coaster and one of the coolest families ever and a lot of history this is Beach Bend in Bowling Green Kentucky um I have been here more times that I can count and I have a lot of history here with Freiburger because before roadkill ever began this place flooded we showed up to the very first LS Fest shortly thereafter and Freiburger and I along with Rob Kanan pulled our cash and bought the track ambulance from here and Freiburger and I road trip that thing roadkill Style two drag week and it was an incredible trip and there's blackberry crappy video footage of it somewhere on the internet that he and I took of our adventure that we had and it was well before a roadkill ever happened but uh the guy that owns this place Dallas is super cool his grandson's letting us in here today in the middle of a Harley event and everything happens for a reason right I burnt this motor down on day one of drag week I thought because I didn't have the fuel tank full but after talking to Pete Harrell on the way here he thinks I have a fuel pump problem after talking to the guys at Holly including my buddy Robin and my buddy bill and my friend Jeff we realized I didn't have enough fuel pump in this car for the power we're making so my buddy Jeff went to the warehouse on a Saturday grabbed another pump I'm gonna install it and as long as this event's going on and they'll let me in there I'm gonna try to make my first real hit in this car without melting the motor foreign [Music] all right [Music] okay now let's change the fuel pump [Music] yeah so here's here's what's going on here uh we're gonna take out a Holley 12-147 drop in fuel cell module and we're going to replace it with a Holley 12-149 the difference here is these are regular brushed fuel pumps that you just wire up to a relay it's pretty pretty simple to install the ones we're replacing them with are what's called a brushless fuel pump each pump and there's two of them in here we'll need a controller to actually make it run so we're complicating things a little bit in that right now I just have four wires coming in here now I'm going to have two controllers that I need to quickly duct tape into the car and then wire in here because this fuel pump we're pretty sure doesn't have enough flow for this engine at wide open throttle we're going to have nearly twice the flow but in order to take advantage of that we have to install two fuel pump controllers and uh I don't know what time it is it's probably 3 30 right now this event ends at six o'clock and allegedly they're gonna let me run if they can fit me in and that's all the motivation I need to stop on my way home and rewire and re-plumb the back end of my car for more horsepower and sadly Tony to get on a plane and go home because I've already eaten up six days of his life and he's got his own YouTube channel to take care of which is called stay tuned plus you know family life and all that you know we had a hell of a working vacation and now he had to leave my way home and I'm just kind of delaying my arrival just a little bit because I'd really like to experience this car with its new motor [Music] this was a great fuel pump until we turned the boost up foreign [Music] so this is dual 450s on it this has two brushless pumps these put out twice as many of these but also needs two controllers to make a mark so we got to wire all that up right now right now I'm measuring the depth of the pickups for the fuel pumps because it's a very short fuel cell these are adjustable up and down on these rods and you have to get this where these are almost touching the bottom of the fuel cell you don't want them too far up otherwise then when you're low on fuel and it sloshes around it may not touch these socks [Music] um so we've got a depth of nine and a quarter to the rod and about nine and a quarter to the bottom of the sock now I'm gonna go check the fuel cell and see what that is eight and seven eighths so we gotta shorten these and adjust them a little bit so we gotta do two things not only do we have to slide the pumps up so the socks don't sit on the floor we've got to break the end of this Rod off because this pump can be used in a really deep fuel cell which is why the rod goes all the way down or a really shallow one ours is so shallow the Rod's gonna hit the floor before this seals to the top so we have to break this off normally you'd stick this in a vise I don't have a vise so I'm probably just going to use a couple pair of pliers and bust this off that's why it's already kind of grooved here so it's a little easier to bust off okay so now this is really as short as you want to make this because the hose has a pretty good bend in it there that I'm not stoked about but [Music] I figures can't be choosers and I'm not confident in shorting the hose right now and having it go back together there we go so now we have an eighth of an inch between the bottom of the sock and the tank I'm cool with that [Music] uh I don't know the name of it but right now there's a really big Motorcycle Show and drag race happening and um they've got Top Fuel Harleys going which are incredible to watch those guys you're nuts and uh I don't know what else is happening here but it looks like a good party essentially what you're looking at is a fuel cell and normally would have a cap that you pop off to put the gas in this fuel pump replaces the cap and it has two fuel pumps built into it a pickup it has a return line it has a filler the whole deal these are the power wires for each fuel pump there's two of them so here's a controller right here and here's the controller right here [Music] and then each one has a wiring harness with four wires what you're looking at is power ground the yellow wire [Music] controls the speed of the pump you can run it at half speed or 100 speed the yellow wire if you give it a ground the pump will run at half speed if you take the ground away it will run at full speed so what we're going to do is we're going to have one pump on running at half speed we're gonna have another pump completely off when it's just idling around it doesn't need both pumps running as soon as this thing sees more than 20 throttle position on the EFI system both pumps will be full speed the one that's running half speed will go full speed the one that was off will automatically turn on and go full speed and that's all done using the Holley Dominator EFI ECU and just a couple of relays that are already in there the wires are already sitting here like this won't be that bad when I get home I'll rewire this and clean it all up this is going to be pretty temporary but that's because I don't have a lot of time nor do I have materials to Mountain the Top Fuel motorbike that was a Top Fuel Harley-Davidson wow that sounded awesome you imagine but on a two-wheeled motorcycle like with a Nitro powered engine just you know between your legs like those guys wear Kevlar like a shield on their chest and when they lay down because if the motor blows up you don't want the shrapnel going through you you know like that those are real crazy people I like them I am connecting the wiring from the ECU to the fuel pump controller and um I've got extensive notes of how I wired the car years ago and they're telling me which pins in the ECU I wired all these relays to and so I'm going to use the ECU when I fire the car up to turn on the first fuel pump and then when this thing sees more than a quarter throttle it'll turn on the second fuel pump so rather than having them running all the time foreign [Music] we're gonna turn them on in stages okay oh turn the ignition on Chris there we go all right it works now let me nail it off I'm gonna go back there and put the meter on it make sure the wire has power all right let off Perfect all right you can turn it off I just told the Holley Dominator ECU that when you turn the ignition on go ahead and turn on fuel pump number one to run the motor and when the throttle goes above 25 percent turn on fuel pump number two so now we have all the fuel I'm gonna leave all these wires long because when I get home I'll clean it all up I'll permanently Mount these things but in the meantime we can test it all out using some zip ties some duct tape maybe a ratchet strap or two you know whatever it takes it looks full but I'm not making that a mistake again so I'm just going to put a little more in there [Music] and it's over full now [Music] whoops I just talked to Brock Porter who runs this place and he told me to drive right through the Circle Track stop under the bridge and he'll find a class to fit us into all right man cool this is this is actually gonna happen I'm can't wait to run the car and then tell Tony and everyone else that helped find parts or wrench on it or whatever that we're gonna make this happen you know better for worse I'm gonna get to Point leg one out this thing after two years well tires are checked fuel level is checked second fuel pump is wired it's functioning now we're going to check the fuel pressure if it's at 60 at idle we're good we can go racing foreign [Music] all right let's fire it up again [Music] I just gotta turn it down a little bit it had 28 now we're at 63. we need 60. [Music] thank you okay let's check it once more [Music] [Music] I think it's good let's go try it foreign it's always something um do you recall earlier in the week when we were at drag week we had a stuck throttle well we just figured out what that was it was under the dash after all this um when you have the clutch all the way in the throttle linkage was rubbing the clutch linkage and uh so we bent it solved that problem and then somehow doing that closed the butterflies at idle so the engine had no air and didn't want to fire so I just opened the butterflies back up she sounds great and now finally we are ready to go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we're almost under the bridge here at beach Bend which is just awesome this place is historic and I just watched two top few Harleys just motor down the track in front of me that is so cool [Music] [Music] [Music] all right here we go foreign so fun this car works I don't know what it ran and I short shifted it my granny shifted second but man it works 129 60 foot is which is really good for this car but it only went 603 to the eight and it went 934-150 that's a good start it's a very good start fell way faster okay I short shifted first and second third I didn't fourth I didn't first couple I did I don't know where to begin other than to say it's over like we have killed ourselves this week for that moment right there a wheelie and I don't know how big it was I just know I felt the front wheels leave the ground so I short shifted first everything was happening so quickly and it's been so long since I drove the car I short shifted second I ran out third and then I ran out fourth and it felt amazing I don't think the car laid over which is good because the new tune has safeties built into it where if we lost fuel pressure it would have pulled a bunch of timing and laid over and yeah it only went 9 30 at 150 but baby steps we're back it did a 129 60 foot I think on the back tires so I'm Overjoyed that this thing is together again uh I gotta thank everybody and I'll try to list people and I know I'm gonna blow it because it was such a hellacious week I made so many new friends I'm not going to remember everybody but but Kenny and Gage who helped Sean Fink Tyler Fink myself Tony Angelo try to pull freiburger's motor out of his car make it my make it work in my car and then put it back in his car you guys are awesome uh Jake Sanders at snake Enterprises Kevin studicker from total seal Brian Moreland from CP Carrillo all those people that helped overnight parts and help us get the Hemi back together when we thought there was no chance that it ever run this week you guys killed it um and then there were just a lot of people around that saw us struggling and just pitched in to help you know um my cotton cut the floor out of his van to get my wheels out of it so he could bring him back to the track so we could race like you know David Newburn probably hasn't slept in a month between shooting faster with Finnegan Finnegan's garage and working on this thing you know that dude earns a vacation in my book but uh the car's not done there's a lot of room for improvement and we'll do it as soon as we have like time to actually sit at a track for a full day and just Whittle away at the things that need improving uh in the meantime taking my kids to school and my wife on a date in this car right here see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] baby that's all right [Music]
Channel: Finnegan's Garage
Views: 2,418,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mike finnegan, finngan, drag week, blasphemi, hemi, blower, supercharger, 8-71, efi, racing, drag racing, street car, street outlaws
Id: qsvKO-j7PLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 46sec (9586 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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