Actuator Failure! Mechanic hid the Problem! Stripped out Worm Gear! Dodge Charger 5.7 Hemi

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unlockings the charger hemi-powered Doge hi everybody good day to you welcome back glad you guys are here we've got ourselves here at 2006 Dodge Charger with a 5.7 liter Hemi V8 and 126 338 miles on the odometer customer states that the AC vents blow cold on this side and hot on that side they hear a clicking noise in the dash and they also oh there it goes clicking noise in overtime so it must be most thing we've got an issue with the Actuator motor gearbox assembly but we have dual zone climate on this thing also so I'm wondering the deal with the driver's side I believe that's the passenger side that was making the clicking noise because if we operate the passenger temp control well I guess it's not going to do it now but it was doing it but the driver's side does not go from heat to cool either but that one does not make a clicking noise it just stays on full on cold so we've what we've got going on here is there's a there's the HVAC uh blend door box inside of the dash now there's going to be some doors inside of that that are operated with electrical motors they're called actuators there's going to be one actuator for the temperature on the driver's side and another actuator for the temperature on the passenger side so I think something's gone with both sides I know that the right side is not working because it's making this clicking noise and we know something's up with the left side because it does not go to heat when commanded so we need to uh kind of pull the stash apart so I'm shut up actuator we need to pull this Dash apart some we'll get a visual on those components and then kind of go from there so let's move around over there to the passenger side we'll go into the door I'm going to pull the glove box apart some and we're going to get in there and see if we can't put eyes on that actuator so stay tuned because this is going to be a very good video opening Z Hood [Music] here's our brake rotor there was a great Rudder going in good thing we're working inside of something because the concrete guys are going full blast today with their saw it's a really quite loud so anyway what we need to do here is get our glove box door open remove all personal effects and sensitive info that you guys can't see and we need to pop this door out of position so we can see it has a door check here and another door check over here and these are designed to keep this door from flopping open when you when you actually open the door so we need to bend those little tabs kind of in both sides simultaneously and then this door should swing down probably gonna need two hands for this operation uh one for that Tab and then one over here for this tab arms are crisscrossed there we go okay so now that the door is free we just kind of give it a tug and the hinges will unhinge here and here and that gives us some access to under the dash compartment so let's take a look in here okay we've got there's a couple actuators that we can see right from the get-go there's one of the actuators there's one there's some of the linkage that looks like it's our blower motor resistor right there here's our blower motor cage like there's the fan inside of here and then the motor itself is down there we've got some electrical connectors and that's about it so all we need to do here is operate the temperature see which one of these actuators starts to move there we go we got a winner that's temperature control for the passenger side not clicking you need to catch it in here to make sure that's the right one sometimes the Mode door will turn when you change temperature there we go it's connected and she shut up okay that's our winner so we have one failed actuator for sure and I speculate we have a second one I'm gonna go ahead and place the order and get those on the way I'm gonna order two I can send one back if the other side turns out it's not an actuator but to expect the process let's get the thing going in the meantime we can proceed and I'll go ahead and pull this unit out looks like we're gonna need like a seven millimeter Fastener it's either seven or an eight might be a 5 16. and there should be one more at the back there's usually three there's always at least two yeah there's three here I see the third one up there I can feel the second one let it go right here and then we can see one right there okay let me fetch some tools and we'll pull this guy out of here and uh give it a closer examination so I have just figured out that every single size Fastener that I mentioned uh was wrong and it's at 9 30 seconds so let's get our 9 30 seconds in there and try to get uh get these bolts out there's three of them there we go I feel it oh no hold my my tools crapping out battery deep come on not okay seriously battery junk battery change time all right let's try again with a no not junk battery back bolt don't drop it Ray two-handed operation oh I dropped it and I caught it at the same time there it is got that one okay now that one's coming out catch that and numero tres right there [Music] now these actuators should go back in in the position that they were set for if you can because they're going to be indexed see the splines and everything that's on uh on that shaft we have a one missing spline so that would be the master spline those all have to line back up so when I put the new one in I'm going to want to align it in the same position if possible so I'll have to uh I'll plug it in and then hold the two units side by side and I can adjust the knob until the little drive axle on the new replacement unit lines up with this current position right here [Music] it's not always perfect but we can try it's easier than trying to move the door and get the door to index properly it's best to just do it with the the actual actuators all right so here's something we I think we can try to do let's take this uh old unit apart and see if we cannot see what has died inside of it should just be held on with some tab that I'm gonna break off okay there's the next one thank you these little tabs loose you know what the unit's not any good it's making a bunch of noise so if we break it it's fine if I have a replacement on the way one more tab there it is come off these tabs like to go back on after you pop them off there's our internals so what's the problem here where do we get the where did it start to fail oh I got it I see what's going on look here right here not that gear not the drive gear that one's in good shape looks like this gear right here kind of tough to see but this gear is worn in the center of it so our worm gear on the motor slips when it tries to drive this first drive here that's where our failure occurred so we have to replace it with a new unit we go uh call and check up on the status of my parts and then uh we'll see what they can do about getting us our replacement in the meantime we're gonna do something fun watch this we're gonna plug this thing back in works it's only half a case there we go plug it in Nothing's Gonna Do Anything there it goes look at that yeah alrighty we return it's been about five minutes Parts guys or Johnny on the spot today and I've got a replacement unit right here it is a similar in shape and dimension and bolt pattern as the other the drive sprocket appears to be the same so let's get this guy plugged in and just verify that it works real quick and if it does we can get it bolted on will recheck for our clicking noise let's see here okay it's running see a little drive here turning right there it's good slip this thing up into its position went right into that's perfect that's exactly what we want good so now let's get our bolts started here start them all by hand and finish them off with the tool nothing crazy not enough to strip the plastic let's get this next one in easier said than done this is Close Quarters combat fortunately we're able to actually do this job sometimes you've got to pull the dash panels apart and actually remove the dash to get access to uh some of these actuators a lot of them sit on top of the assembly the HVAC box assembly and you can't do it in the car [Music] Priuses [Music] I'm sorry [Music] and that one's tight good all right we're going from cold to hot keep an eye on our linkage right there that will tell us if it's gonna operate or not and we're looking for no clicking action we're going we're going we're going stopped let's go the other way we're going we're going we're going full no clicking action this is what we want all right this side's good to go let's go on over and check out the other side and we'll see what's going on with that one that side's gonna be slightly different because we don't have a glove box over there so I need to remove the knee bolster and probably uh like all this type of interior carpet trim that's got to be removed from the other side and then we should have some access to the other actuator I believe it's going to be in a very similar location just on that side of the box but before we go we can go ahead and put our glove box back on just need to slip the hinges back on those little pegs get on there pegs and hinges what are we doing well it sounded easy didn't it there we go got it that one's on that one's on and we just push it in clicks and glove box is reinstalled good to go here let's check this with a thermal meter so we've got 60 something degree air on that side this side over here still set to hot we're making yep temps climbing see that we're going up and up and up and up switch this around to the cold side and we'll recheck it in a second see if it comes down lower speed full blast let's move over to the driver's side next we'll get the other actuators removed and then uh go from there take this old one out we don't need you anymore okay circumnavigating the Doge uh let's see what our gauge says yep temp's coming down now it's at 80. it doesn't feel hot this is good okay let's uh pull the knee bolster off this driver's side steering column up and we'll take a peek and look for and dig out that other actuator over here all right getting prepped one thing I'm noticing here though is even though the AC is on and it is making cold we're not we're not getting very cool air out of it we're not in our 60s so we know that this side that side's working because it's not clicking anymore and that actuator is not stuck this side over here is not changing the state at all at all um so we're going to pull this other actuator out and take a look at that one but I'm wondering if the AC system is not even up is it where it's capable of uh or cold air rather yeah yeah look up there there's our other actuator and this is interesting uh [Music] oh hang on I'm contorted three ways from Sunday here there's a there's one actuator in front of us then there's another above it and it's disconnected okay it's a new one all right well they get up in there we need to pull this carpet and stuff out of here hang on let me back up pause oh my gosh this uh this is not good for the back when you're laying on it with like your side doubled over it's not okay that hurts okay let's see our carpets just kind of held in with some push Clips we'll pull this guy out unclip it the bolster I can see that uh or I just can't really get to it their carpet with you right now that goes over there so I I think I figured out why this actuator is unplugged right here clicking prior and somebody didn't either know how to or want to go in there and fix it so they set it to cold and disconnected it it's actually a fairly common thing for clicking actuators when people don't want to go change them so I don't know if that thing works or not and I have a hard time [Music] well I'm gonna have a hard time plugging it in because I uh these heater hoses right here these things are really hot and I can't exactly reach that plug since I left this thing running and it'll burn me so we're just gonna take it out I'm going to assume that actuator how hot is not any good if it is I'll just put this one back in but I'm going to remove it like I said just so we can get to the connector to unplug it sorry for the awkwardness with all these angles and stuff we are we're literally shoved inside of the dashboard under a knee bolster in a Dodge right now and there's a bunch of us in here that being said there's not really a lot of space for lights and tools and cameras plus my Noggin plus you guys's Noggins yeah and my arm so ow that was hahaha I touched it yeah touch that with my wrist that that hurt our steak 200 degree aluminum aluminum yeah I know I could have let it not run there's my uh a nut although I could have not started the car but I also didn't realize I was going to be contending with this here's our actuator let's get her out of there now I can at least try to plug a thing back in plug it in and operate it after I drop it on my face my head is like right here pushing in for our connecting connector let's plug in this actuator and see if it's going to run now if it does run that's fine it may or may not click sometimes they need to have a load on them in order to make the clicking noise so this one might not click but we're gonna at least see if it runs so changing temperature sounds horrible you hear it [Music] put it back where I found it and that's in the all the way counterclockwise position orange is going to keep on going yeah either way that thing is [Music] it's making noise so we're gonna change it like I said I already ordered the other one that one's not here yet so uh we're gonna go ahead and pause and I'll return When the new unit arrives put me out of here it's hot and heavy oh here seriously let me show you let me show you just how deep we are it is back it up back it up yeah we were way way way up in that Dash all right so let's pop This Hood real quick and I'm gonna throw the AC machine on this thing I'm just gonna leave it running I want to get a check on the pressures because I think it should be making colder air inside I'm wondering if she's just a tad bit though five seven Hemi that's a valve leaker all day look at that oil on that thing it's everywhere and we're low yep changed my mind more work we're gonna do more so the system is physically low probably power that off yeah I'm gonna go ahead and throw the machine on there we're gonna throw some valves on it and make sure our refrigerant level is proper because I'm pretty sure with all that oil that's there this thing's got a leak and look at here shine a little bit of light on the subject you can see there's oil all over the place around uh around that fitting and some dirt and stuff okay real quick since there's debris in that hole that out [Music] okay machine powering on there we go let's get this thing hooked up and evacuated the uh the other actuator literally just walked in the door a second ago so we'll what we're gonna do real quick just to see what kind of pressures that was making let's fire the system back up I want to check my high side pressure if the system's low then high side pressure should be a little bit low and it's like through the Moon look at that pounds and the sand is running cover let's see what's in this system here I mean it filled a 260. yeah let's just recover it see what's in there shut her back down and we'll reach in and get that other actuator installed while this thing's doing its deed there's our new actuator let's get back under this Dash and get this thing installed so here's our connector I'm trying to reach in here and get a hold of that with both hands this is a this is gonna be a two-handed operation here to get all this done plus I need to avoid touching that really hot freaking thing over there uh how am I gonna do this bike so I can manage that I don't know I might have to wait until this thing just cools off because touching that pipe is like lava it's like the kids game you know you can't step on a certain tile because it'll melt you that's what the that's what that pipe is it's just straight lava all right so me thinking I was gonna do that with the GoPro was wishful thinking at best because I need to put my arm like right where I had the GoPro so the camera is going to have to come secondary to what I'm trying to do here because I can't even can't even reach the Fasteners on this stupid thing like that's just way up in there I definitely can't do it and circumnavigated GoPro and get these things threaded and tightened at the end talk at the same time because it's just not working out but I got two of those in oh let's get in there with the uh with the ratchet here I can't put some torque on these things all the cramping is immense not easy there we go okay I got one and the other one stopping Z engine I'm feeling there it goes there we go got it all right the door is moving this actuator actuates get me out from under here that's enough I can't do it anymore it is it's stupid hot down there even with the fan going Okay so we've evacuated the system over here let's see what we pulled out of it looks like 1.219 pounds okay our refrigerant spec is 1.625 pounds so it was about a half a pound low okay now that we're no longer involved in that dungeon down below trying to get this thing to recharge but the it's taken a long time to set the charge up so I'm gonna use the AC system and charge it through the low side let's power her on here compressor came on here let's put it uh face fence there we go Full Speed Ahead so the compressor will come on and that should help to suck in some of the refrigerant through the low size low side fitting and there we go now it's starting to take some of it building tank pressure yeah we're still trying to send some in what's bugging me here though we're 250 on our high side that's okay but our low side look at that that's 60 PSI on the low side I want to see like 32 to 40 somewhere in there we're a little a little bit high that could cause us to have a uh a lower overall system performance let me hop back in see what our what our vents tell us yeah it's only making about 70 or 80 in here right now yeah it's not okay but let's go ahead and flip these up to the hot side and we'll see this temperature start to change yep going up going up going up so we know now that that actuator Works let's hit the hot side actuator on the passenger side watching that going up going up okay good so that works has designed let's put it back on cold as best we can it's these are going to close to the cold side of the blend doors and we're going to see these temperatures start to come down sorry if the wind is in your face yep coming down from 90. it's been down from 100 very good but that AC machine is done with its recharge we can go back and check those pressures again what I can see right here our low side is still kind of high but it's also trying to send some refrigerant in so we need to let the machine finish let it stabilize and then we can recheck everything um I don't know I'm starting to feel like maybe we've got a TXV that's stuck open or worst case scenario the compressor is crapping out and it's got no suction on its suction side not cycle the refrigerant through the volume required to actually produce cool air by exchanging heat all right I heard it beeping at us see what the verdict is 225 60. we are too high on our low side we're not going to get performance out of this thing to save our life the problem could be that expansion valve back there or again the compressor may have an issue with its valving system and the suction side cannot pull refrigerant through so we've got actually no flow through the system and I'm pretty sure our vent temperatures are going to confirm that I mean we are making cool air but we're only where we at like 70 and some change right here at 72 on that side and the side we're at 80. yeah so we just we don't have enough refrigerant going through this thing so we're gonna have to do a little bit more work on this so that being said I got to save that for later let's power this thing down it's in today we're closing up that's about enough we got the actuators finished no more clicking in the dash and uh it has heat again that was one of the complaints is we had no heat in the winter time I know we don't need that today because right now it's a complete scorcher look at here it's 6 30 in the afternoon 97.3 degrees yeah it's a little warm so we don't need heat right now but we will need the heat later anyway I've got to get back at this thing probably tomorrow I need to get a uh an expansion valve ordered I'm going to put in the TXV once the TXV is installed we can then uh recharge the system again uh check our pressures if we still have some uh some low side or a high low side pressure I'll have to think about putting a compressor in there but we want to do the Cheapo easy part first you know those things are like 40 50 bucks there's no big deal there's one bolt two lines and then two bolts behind that little plate right there and that expansion valve will just pop right out so I need to get one of those ordered we'll try again all right guys so here's the deal it's uh it's actually the next day and I was I was gonna end the video yesterday with kind of the unknown but I really need to get this system at least making cold we need an answer or on the compressor or I need to actually get the thing fixed so what I've done like we were talking about is I've ordered the replacement expansion valve and that that square unit Behind These two hoses right here are these two lines we've got our suction line we've got our discharge line that's going into the evaporator inside of the dash this device is actually what's responsible for producing the cold what we're doing is we're going to go from a high pressure liquid and we're going to spray into a lower pressure gas with inside of the system and that change of state of the refrigerant is what removes heat energy and allows the refrigerant to absorb more heat energy from the evaporator core inside of the the unit there so if that thing is stuck open or even restricted it's not doing that that spray so to speak appropriately and then it cannot it can't perform its function of heat transfer so like I said I ordered a replacement uh we're gonna go ahead and get this thing apart I've got the thing re-evacuated we're going to pop that unit out before I close this uh video out because at that point we will have at least fixed the system or it'll let me know if we need to put a compressor in I have the new unit right here it's got tape over the uh the holes for the plumbing and everything but what we need to do is dig that guy out and I think we're looking at a 10 millimeter it's tough to see from this far away here I will try a here's my 10. I have a wobbly quarter inch 10. and then that one and the big extension all right moving in yep right on that nut that's perfect so once we get this uh this pen remove this bolt removed nut there's gonna be two more Torx Fasteners behind it and those two Fasteners I just dropped my 10. I didn't hear it do anything nobody moved [Music] all right there's the nut oh I see it I see it it's right it's right there carefully yeah you're not getting away from me 10 millimeter no no no [Music] come here come off okay that's not wanting to bend out very much there's not much play so I'm going to have to probably disconnect these lines at least from that bracket right there so I can let this bracket move around so that goes from the body of the car to the bracket it hangs onto those hoses so if we take that guy loose the whole assembly should that's all we need right there and there are our two torques I think those are t30s or t27s all right Torx 27 on the semi-wobble extension let's go in there with the ratchet and break these guys loose foreign nice and easy good sometimes these are stupid tight there we go all right okay let's spin these out and then we can remove [Music] expansion valve or TXV Drop That Tune man um I'm not okay that did not just happen no way hang on and our new valve does not have those bolts I need to find that bolt it's not okay um mirror I need a mirror it's down there somewhere where did I drop it did it fall I'm trying to remember I think I dropped it like right here not so much like way back there so I got my magnet see if I can't find this thing I know it's in there somewhere bear with me guys see if I cannot locate this uh that Fastener it did not hit the ground see where are you nope not there [Music] uh-huh [Music] there it is see it right there see the threads right there by that Loop that's where it is straight down from like here this is gonna be hard I'm Gonna Get You oh I lost it where'd it go there it is hard to do with the a mirror I have no idea where I am I'm so close I'm moving the mirror trying to move the the end of my thing here ah magneted to the wrong thing you see that here we go right there come on come on come here bolt yeah look at it there it is now just come out without getting stuck to something or falling off come on Bolt come on here it comes oh it's stuck there it is got it victory now all I have to do is not drop the second one and we'll be all right so let me just spin this one out I'm gonna try real hard to not drop this one in fact I'm I guarantee I will not drop this one wait hang on my fingers caught on that hose bracket right there but I've got it we're good okay halfway over let me get let's see if I can do this with my fingers I might need a set of pliers grab a hold of that stud and pull the seated out yeah it's not wanting to come out very willingly by hand let's get in there with suppliers I'll just grab the stud and just kind of give it a tug to pull the thing out it should but it doesn't hold it in there except for two O-rings so just gotta wiggle it get some steady back pressure she'll come out there we go got it okay so there's our thermal expansion valve and might need a pick to get those O-rings out okay here we'll go with uh pocket screwdriver first just got to get behind the O-ring and pull it out just enough where I can get my finger on it there's one I've got to match these up with some new ones the uh the valve didn't come with Replacements so got to dig them out of my War chest here we go alrighty moving along so here's our replacement TXV I've got the stud in and looking way back in the hole there you see the green I have the uh the new O-rings on evaporator so we just squeeze this guy in and I'm feeling and you can see the hoses line up now we can get the bolts back in okay bolt one coming in get that guy in and bolts good let me get these guys threaded and I can toss the uh a new set of O-rings on the lines down there and then we'll get the thing bolted back on then we shall see if we need a compressor or not and this uh this type of our operation is of actually no consequence because I would have changed this txd with a new compressor anyway it's just a standard protocol a lot of those compressors actually come with some quote unquote required components in order to keep warranty for example many compressor warranties require that the condenser be replaced and some require a TXV as well or at least they come with it it's called the compressor kit clickage there we go all right back up some and we get some O-rings on these hoses here and uh that's a tight squeeze we'll get this thing back together stand by hang on you guys go over here it's gonna take two hands on this one all right O-rings are on [Music] let's get our bracket back in right there and we can get this manifold in position here where is my nuts there it is a 10 mil nut coming in goes right over the stud now you've got to make sure that line to the right the liquid line you have to make sure that thing is fully seated because this bracket only attaches to the suction line it does not attach to the liquid line so that thing could technically be off center from the bolt circle or the whole circle or the hole from the hole and you could tighten it down and then smash this line against the expansion valve and then ruin it and uh and that would not be okay don't do that switching out to the 10 mil socket right there let's get this guy tightened down and then we can go ahead and evacuate this and or pull it into a vacuum recharge it again and then we'll check that vent temp Le a little more kickage there we go that feels good okay man that's hot there's not much airflow right here I need another fan right there that'd be great seeing re-powering on I'll put this into a vacuum charge it we'll see how it runs vacuum 10 minutes vacuuming in progress It's going to suck it down to 29.9 inches Mercury at that point will have achieved maximum system vacuum and then we can recharge the system and I should probably connect the hose what was I thinking there we go okay vacuum complete charge it you're getting charging not a Poe system you guys know the drill zero one six two five pounds the refrigerant and the last time at high side charged it took uh it went slow and what had happened is I had to start the vehicle and it used the low sides use the compressor to start circulating refrigerant in order to get the full amount of charge in so if it uh if it does not go slow that I guess that would be a good sign on this next time around let's see what it's going to do taking it Taking It taking it you Elite check real quick I don't hear anything they're sealed up oh look I forgot it's not for the bracket look at that it's always one nut there's one on the Mustang I legit almost forgot the one on the Mustang it was a strut bolt that goes onto the steering knuckle [Music] still going oh yeah look at that 1.3 pounds last time it stopped at like 0.8 pounds and then it took forever all right so it's stalling a little bit at 1.6 pounds it's got like oh no we're good all right hose equalizer hose compensate I'm gonna go ahead and do hose equalize we'll do that in a minute though because I want to get uh my pressures and temperatures before I move to disconnect the machine what I mean is after I do the hose equalize starting Z engine it'll tell me or when I tell it to do hose equalize it'll have me close the low side valve and in doing so turn that up in doing so I won't be able to get a pressure reading and I need to see what low side pressure is all right let's get our thermal meters back in Center vent we'll let these things stabilize and then we'll check back in a minute in the meantime let's get the window up and we will go check on our pressures at the machine all right coming out to check on our machine what do we got going on here all right so our low side that's an improvement we're about 45 PSI but it appears to be a little unstable and our high side fans just came on on high speed so high side fell a little bit it seems to still be falling and it's wanting to go back up a little bit still 45 pounds on the low side so we do have a change in state go back in and check the temperatures see what we got all right guys re-checking our temps in here where where are we at 62 64. yeah it's it's a little too warm in here for current conditions so we've got a we've got a change in state regarding our pressures we have a slight Improvement at our Center vent temps however uh we're still not as cold as we should be I should see temps in the 50s uh maybe even the mid 40s in this thing so uh we're we're not exactly right we're better but it's not right so at this point I'm gonna go ahead and suggest that we replace the compressor in this unit particularly care for that fluctuating pressure on the low side and we still don't have the system performance that we're looking for so I do believe we have a suction and flow problem we don't have enough refrigerant circulation in the system in order to uh to carry the heat out of the cabin like we want all right guys I'm gonna get these caps back together I've gotta locate and uh and get a compressing unit ordered for this particular car so I'm gonna have to save that repair for a different day so unfortunately I will not be able to tackle it right now because this thing is hot I've been running it it's hot down there the compressor is buried so I'm saving this one for another time so that being said hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did enjoy this video you know the drill please feel free to let me know about that by tapping that like button down below drop me a comment or two while you're down there and most importantly tell yourself a fantastic day see you guys later in the video in the Hemi end of AC individual charger in a transmission
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 184,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Adh4Xrg5Aes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 8sec (2708 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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