Hill Climbing Miata! - Faster With Finnegan S2 Ep 2 FULL EPISODE | MotorTrend

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[Music] this time on faster with Finnegan we do the only thing you can do in a Miata to make you feel manly climb a mountain with it again [Music] we're back and I'm standing in dirt next to a bright red Mazda Miata and no idea what we're doing what are we doing Dave well when I'm not working for you I'm here we're at Indian Mountain ATV Park in Piedmont Alabama this is the place to be there's everything to do here they got legs for fishing camping hill climbs mud bogging you can drive to a lake you want to I love this place and earlier this year I bought this 2019 Honda Talon so I was like how can I get the guys out here to have some fun with me and some cheap automobile because this costs a chunk of change because like can you have that amount of fun in a cheap car so you believe this can hang with that for way less money I didn't say that I just said you had just as much fun okay there's a difference there's a difference fair enough so the Miata has a ton of bolt-on pars you can lift these things you can change the tires you can put skid plates on them you put a bolt-in cage in that car and you can buy them for Fairly cheap hell they can come ride with me so today's goal is to see if you can keep up with me on some hill climbs hill climbs we're gonna do a timed event I'll start it I'll set the pace and uh we'll see how far you are you know off that pace so you ever driven one of those no can you fit in that car I don't know you've owned like six of these haven't you no you have you know where to buy it first one I ever bought hope you like it but just for you so follow me I'll take you to the spot and see what you can do okay got a 1991 Mazda Miata low profile tires 16 inch wheels 116 horses under the hood when it was new and I'm at an off-road park what could go wrong [Music] oh it's not spunky it's not spunky at all she done it oh yeah there we go oh yeah we got rear wheel drive drifting Donuts I think it's got too much power for him I love this car okay got some sort of limited slip action in the rear end that's good and now that it's warmed up it actually seems like it runs okay should we go climb a mountain boys follow me sir let me just pop up my headlights here I'm ready break or break one nine up the hill we go to climb [Music] okay it's loud sounds like somebody gutted the muffler on this thing oh pothole steering is very quick you can tell why people buy these in autocross them okay this is a Nimble car you can just flick this thing all over the place but will it climb a mountain that's where newborn's taking me some sort of mountain these from Georgia they like to conquer things here foot on the floor and it really doesn't want to accelerate very well oh there we go it's like the V-Tech kicked in I found a third gear let's try the e-brake [Laughter] something just broke I think my seat belt might be a little defective it just came undone hahaha foreign that's the water pump yeah that's a water pump belt we're in the middle of the woods and we lost the water pump belt lovely we also don't have a cell phone that we can call anybody with this time on fashion Finnegan we get back to being ourselves and breaking everything before we can even start a whole episode [Music] I got pushed to a starting line I won in a Camaro on mud just saying it can only get better from here unless he pushes me off a cliff or something and downhill we go that doesn't seem much like a trail oh my God it's a trail oh wow I don't know if the Miata would get up this oh are you what this is gonna be awesome I guess we haven't even hit the starting line yet because he's gonna push me up here so I might buckle up for this one here we go that's a downhill part hey there's another Hill is this the starting line yeah are you kidding me dude we gotta go with that oh man I got this Miata will make it for sure all right so this is a starting line you're gonna go down through here climb the first Hill right there go down it and then climb a second Hill you'll see another pole that's gonna be the finish line no problem I don't think we need to modify this thing well the second Hill slightly different than that one like better easier I guess we'll find out all right so we're like one belt away from me dominating this track with this little man absolutely got it all right this will be interesting I'll pop the hood we're just going to get this done so we can get out of this before it starts pouring on us how can something that takes up so much space makes so little horsepower right this engine is a huge disappointment and what world is it okay to have to take off the upper radiator hose and leak coolant all over Mother Earth just to change the belt for the water pump Elon would not be pleased don't break nothing Finn again there we go [Music] again on perfect all this is doing is really giving me the advantage rain makes mud mud makes low profile tires work really well when you're climbing mountains his tires are going to suck right now meanwhile red rocket here can we come back on a daily that's dry no no I like winning that's not fair and this show doesn't have the budget for that right here is the place to be you guys are doing great and Miata is really going to shine in this environment all right I feel good about this let me just perfect look at that sun's out and the track is nice and muddy the weather took a turn for the worse for Finnegan soaked the race course totally in my favor though so yeah he's totally screwed now this part not so bad that part I I need a helmet and a lifeline and I need a phone a friend let's let's not think about that part let's get up this part first David Bartholomew lubern are you ready that's a big 10-4 go ahead throw your engines three two one go whoa yeah he's flying dude [Music] like that ain't that steep yeah it is [Music] whoa okay so he did that in 23 seconds I feel like he should have to go up the Third Hill too what do you think 20 seconds nope 23.37 that was really close this thing's badass too yeah he got a little loose down there though he'd probably go to one a lot faster well on top of this hill it felt like I got a little air I couldn't turn it I was like oh you got a little squirrely at the bottom so I ride here all the time but I've never just went full speed like through here and so when I left the start line got to the first Hill it got real loose and by the time I got it slowed down I was halfway down the next Hill then I got crossed up and I was in like fifth gear trying to climb the next Hill so I had to down gear a bunch of times but that was awesome good luck to the Miata New Bern just destroyed this racetrack my only hope now is just to just make it to the top because there's no way we're catching the Talon today how do you think it's gonna go I think he's gonna come down a hill and he's going to get halfway up this hill and it's going to kick sideways and then it's going to go here all right that sounds pretty solid I think he will make it through here up here I think he will make it over the top pillar here I think as soon as he hits that little creek down there he's done do you know that you have to pull him out of that though we're leaving them here Mr Michael Flanagan start your engine let's see what she would do [Music] four cylinders of Fury I need some ear muffs up here dude all right here we go three two one hit it okay oh wow it slips a lot oh come on girl come on come on [Music] oh no ah go back down and go faster you said go faster what do you think I was doing [Music] let's go again he let me down he's supposed to Crest the hill right here get stuck down there but he didn't get stuck right there he didn't he didn't give it enough gas down there you ready yep go [Music] let's go [Music] [Applause] come on baby come over here oh [Applause] I'm so close hey this time give it more all the horses ah I'm doing it again I don't care what time it is I'm going up this hill if you could say to the upper side there's smoke there's smoke two one go he jumped it but it's okay I started it don't worry that's where he lost the speed right there come on this is the one this is the one this is the one come on come on oh oh hold on find out if we're on fire it's just mud and water on the hoses and the thermostat housing it's fine ah now I'm on a mission [Music] put that cone perfect when you come down the hill you're going to see that there's a cone in the middle of your lane might make it 10-4 ready go foreign [Applause] [Music] wow I predicted him getting stuck right there but he made it 30 feet further than I thought he would there's a lot of smoke I have no idea how I'm getting out of here [Music] oh there's a hill there too it's uh he's all crossed up right now great job [Music] three days and 200 more horsepower and I'm going up that hill right there I knew you could do it dude as soon as you were on the right side and you've had your speed we knew you had it I'll tell you what the trans doesn't do what you want it to do nor does the throttle but it was super fun it's always the same driving fast and really crap and slow cars is so much fun in case you're wondering yes I do drive a Miata down by the river [Music] we're back in the garage and look it's not muddy anymore and our Miata now has a roll cage thanks to some local friends who installed a pit and then had to go back and modify it after they realized my six foot one frame and overly large melon wouldn't fit with a helmet under this thing all in the name of safety because we're about to hop this thing up we're going to lift our Miata we're going to cut the fenders for knobby tires we're going to put nitrous on because faster Finnegan and then a couple other things to make this thing look cool and hopefully catch the towel good luck with that I just like to get over the hills I want that third Hill you should probably get your car running first because it doesn't run anymore oh all right well I guess the first thing we're going to do is figure out why the car doesn't run before we do all this other stuff in the name of speed foreign I believe that's wallard I've been told the battery of a Miata is in the trunk we need access to ours because the battery's dead the car won't start the trunks caved in because the Talon might have pushed it up a hill there you go Miata girls guys everywhere shed a tear just now I got a Sawzall [Applause] boom baby look now that's how you open a trunk lid you see we got power to the fuel pump ready all right okay so I had almost 11 volts on this blue wire while cranking so the fuel pump's not working so we can order a fuel pump and then we can get cracking on the stuff we really care about [Music] we don't have the keys for these awesome Wheels we can't get the lugs off they're weird I am okay I'm done [Music] here's what's going on we have a spline style lug nut that we do not have a socket for to go on there right we've rounded off a whole bunch of my sockets then we decided to weld nuts to the end that we could put proper socket onto problem is the end of these lug nuts are enclosed with a cap that just pops off so I just proceeded to weld the nut to the cap and then rip the cap off so then with the cap gone I proceeded to try to weld to the socket but the end of the socket is still crappy little sheet Metals you don't have the meat of the socket so again welded that on there it just Twisted the end of the lug nut off sound like you got one off Dave might have found the right socket that's rounded off to actually do this I just use a Craftsman five bites the wheels and tires are finally off Miata what a pain in the butt that was all right one of the biggest issues Finn was having trying to climb that hill was traction and the knobius tire I could find was about 27 inches tall which would never clear the stock suspension so this is our new lift kit from Paco Motorsports this will gain one to four inches of lift depending on where you set these collars on the shocks it comes with coil springs brackets ball joints sway bar extensions upper control arms for the rear all the hardware everything you need to install this kit on your car it's a bolt-in kit no mods needed so I don't know much about Miatas I've never really researched them but when we got this little project and we were wanting to lift it I started doing lots of research and found out that this is actually popular a lot of people do it and if you don't have the 2400 bucks to spend on this I don't know of another way you can lift your car safely this is the go-to kit for this [Music] taking the sway bars loose front and rear technically we will not beat them [Music] there we go [Music] here's our new front suspension by Paco Motorsports it's a two-piece deal combines a Coney damper with a hyperco coil the coil I'm guessing has a higher spring rate and maybe more load carrying capability than this this isn't what lifts the vehicle right this is what controls the motion of the wheel where our lift is coming from is this adjustable sleeve it sits on a c-clip slide the collar up lifts the car thread the collar down not as much lift and the only mods you have to do to the car to install this are obviously the adapter mount for the shock Tower and then you have to drill out the lower mount in the control arm so you can put a new grade 8 bolt in there I like this kid dude I do too put together pretty easy so I had to use this piece of tubing on the wrench to give it more leverage to get this broken loose and even after it was broken loose it took another probably four pulls of this thing to really get it apart so I'm gonna put it back together just as tight [Music] Factory upper control arm now visualize your wheel it's straight up and down at this position it's mounted to the top of that basically like a spindle kind of deal as it goes up we pull more camber into it you can't adjust this Any Which Way the Paco itself since it has the adjustability now that when I want it straight all I have to do is go out with it if I was going lower if I'm going down higher which I will be I'll just crank this this way and bring it in also it comes with urethane bushings now I'm going to actually grease these down real good always Lube your thing urethane does have a shelf life you don't want them to squeak and a lot of times whenever you're doing urethane stuff they'll squeak okay because it's in the bind it gets this kit came with the lube which is a plus now see this hole sometimes everybody just throws a bolt through it tries to get a bigger bolt don't if you put a bolt in here normally and it moves around it'll bust this all up that's why they come with sleeves the bolt itself will ride inside of here shocks do it everything that has a urethane use the sleeve that goes in it remember that [Music] yes all right here's what's going on here we've replaced the coilovers they're adjustable it's going to move the wheel down in relation to the chassis of the vehicle we're going to end up with positive camber the only way to fix that unless you shorten or lengthen the control arms is to move the ball joints if you look at the angle of the mount there and angle the mount there this is going to pull the wheel back that way just a couple of degrees to correct that misalignment once this thing is lifted so we take out this ball joint the stock one we put in our extended ball joint right here solves all our problems you should still get your car aligned after you do all this we probably won't because we don't have a ton of time and also we're not really driving this on the street we're just here to climb mountains right now continent newburner installing the rear coilovers and I'm guessing by the time I put the extended ball joints in those two dudes will be done with what they got to do [Applause] bingo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] front end it's done [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the time we've all been waiting for it is time to swap out these little 23 inch diameter tires four some BFG all-terrain 27 inch diameter look look just look how awesome these are these are about 150 bucks a piece I don't know if these are going to fit but that's why I got caught in here they don't fit he's going to cut the crap out of this car and make them fit ah okay there wrong but we got clear as well just cut it it's all's all it out [Music] sweet one less thing to do that's crazy looks like little Tonka dude I love it so cool look it's smiling too well it's sleepy the headlights are closed but if the headlights were up it would be smart you don't seem nearly as excited as I am about this I'm I'm excited I'm just it's a Miata I cannot wait to see hot that's why I want to see it all done I want to see what the what the total aspect of it is done look at that it's no longer just a Miata it's a man card this is really the only cool way to make a Miata and we have taken this from Mouse to manly in four hours with parts that actually fit and actually do what they say they're gonna do which is really impressive and now all we've really got left to do is figure out a cool way to mount our spare tire put the nitrous on and go climb some mountains and make it run because there's that still [Music] I did some troubleshooting and figured out that the fuel pump is dead luckily it's not underneath the car nothing it's right there do it all right stop that's not the problem um unless I want the fuel filter fuel filter can be totally clogged up where the hell is a fuel filter obviously it's the fuel filter which I said before it was a fuel pump let's face it I don't know if that's what I'm talking about so I'm going to check the fuel filter this looks like it's never been changed ever cars got like 200 000 miles on it this will take a minute turn it off so it was completely empty so we gotta get some fuel up there [Music] all right so now cycle the key because maybe now it's full and now it's got to pulse the injectors right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah do I need to push the brake pedal starter fluid [Music] we were hoping that the pump itself was like unprimed [Music] sit clear that up and that's pretty nice through that it's day two of our build real fun begins we are going to probably give our little four banger a 50 increase in Horsepower it only makes about 100 to start with we're going to add another 50 using this the smallest nitrous kit I've ever installed in my life it's by NOS it's called the power fogger it is designed specifically for four and six cylinder engines it's so small that we have two jet kits they will only add 35 or 50 horsepower to the engine depending on which jet you put in there look how tiny it is you can barely see the hole the kit comes with two solenoids the red one is for the fuel side the blue one is for the nitrous a 10 pound bottle which will last forever at that power level you get a tee that you can put into a rubber line attached to the factory fuel rail this is designed for an EFI car all of the nitrous and fuel is going to go through this single soft plume nozzle this will get plumbed in the intake tract between the mass airflow sensor and the throttle body comes with a bun here that we can thread in we'll just drill a hole and then tighten that down that'll go in there and then we party before we move on to the installation let me give you a little known fact about nitrous oxide it's 36 Oxygen by weight the air we breathe is only 22 percent oxygen so by injecting nitrous oxide into your engine you're giving it more oxygen which is an oxidizer which helps you give it the ability to burn more fuel the other thing it does is it cools the air Inlet charge here's a visual of that let's just pretend these are atoms right of oxygen when they're cold they're all bunched up together you can fit a lot into this given space when you heat this stuff they spread out fewer oxygen molecules in a given space so anytime you cool the air Inlet charge with nitrous you can burn more fuel because you can fit it in this small space anytime you spray nitrous in there you're adding even more oxygen molecules into the given space therefore you can put more fuel in there you can make more power that's why nitrous rules plus it's super easy to install this is going to take us about an hour and that thing will be ready to rip up that mountain [Music] so I think we've decided to put the nozzle somewhere right in here one because it'll flow better too because it looks like the best spot I can mount the solenoid somewhere right into this area here and get plenty long enough to get to the nozzle so it should work out foreign [Music] bottle placement is critical if you have an enclosed compartment this if it leaks into your car can actually deprive you of oxygen that you need to breathe and you can suffocate and die so NOS sells what's called a vent tube that replaces the blow-off valve on the side here and it's an aluminum tube it will send the nitrous out of the car not filling the cabin compartment other thing you need to know is this bottle comes with a siphon tube in it and that siphon tube runs down inside the bottle at about a 30 degree angle and so you need to mount the bottle in a specific way and that way is valve Side Up tube facing down towards the rear of the car because as the car accelerates all that liquid nitrous is going to go to the bottom back of the bottle the way a Nitrous system functions is based on vapor pressure and the vapor pressure is what's forcing the liquid up this tube so you don't want to mount the bottle backwards you don't want to mount the bottle upside down ideally you want this bottle to be mounted just the way you see it at about 88 to 90 degrees of bottle temperature which equates to about 900 PSI of vapor pressure inside the bottle so this looks good to me all I got to do now is spread the brackets out just a little bit so I can get them on a flat area Mark the holes drill bolt and then the bottle is in and ready for Dave to run the line to the front of the car [Music] foreign [Music] washer here washer on the inside put my nozzle right here this is like an air silencer I mean it just it went into a box it went nowhere like I said two flat washers inside put my nozzle right there and aim it right in the throttle body figure me out I get one of these for Miata guy if you want nitrous everybody wants nitrous [Music] it's in somebody hook up the line God is good to be alive all right so we need to do Mount the spare tire which I think we're gonna do it right here we're gonna take the deck lid off which is already smashed we're gonna make a nice presentation put it in here at an angle that'll put a little more weight over the rear end which will help us with traction and it'll look cool I like it dude it's amazing what do you mean you like it I love it this is my new favorite fast food Finnegan build we just took the trunk lid off and mounted the spare tire with a ratchet strap and somehow we ratcheted this up three levels to an area I didn't think you could ever reach with Miata which is manhood all we have left to do is Jack up the front raise the coilovers a little bit more because I'm concerned the tires are going to rub and then we go test foreign [Applause] ready for this it was not an accident it was planned that is a perfect placement for it clear up a little bit tires rub [Music] okay U-turn sir not ideal it's like a parking brake it's a turning brake I'm not gonna lie I kind of like it the thing has like a foot of ground clearance ready it's power get it [Applause] [Music] that's a new noise that's a speedometer table get you some all right so pretty much third gear not needed not needed don't even think about it watch this what are you trying to do well we got some smoking any of the gauges going none of the gauges work well let's go back we might be on fire that's even better it really doesn't accelerate I'm on the floor are you serious yeah it's the size of these tires man there we go when this is all said and done I'll give you my thoughts on if I wasted money buying a talent or if I should have just bought a Miata we'll figure that out when this is all over with check that yeah there's a lot of things we need to check how are we looking looks like it's just residue all right cool what I learned from this is that it needs nitrous all the time and you can never ever ever use third gear at all that's not a bad thing because once you get to the hill climb you can just stab it in first yep leave it in first hit the button let it eat yeah she's ready a little trim on that side and we're climbing mountains that was perfect [Music] [Applause] we're back in beautiful Piedmont Alabama home of Indian Mountain the site of what could have been considered a crushing defeat at the hands of that Honda Talon not only did you have to push us to the starting line our time could have been measured on a sundial you did it in like 23 seconds but that was on a rainy day we're gonna have rain here today so we're gonna start over from scrap you're gonna go again you set the bar and then we're gonna sail over that bar whoa Like a Phoenix just rising from the ashes it's gonna be amazing I'm curious because I don't know if it's gonna spin or hook because usually when it's raining it's tacky it'll probably just spin a lot more well that can only help us right challenge number one get the Manata to the starting line unassisted that's right you don't push us today we're going to make it you better start out on the road though this is attempt number one to get to the starting line [Music] here we go [Applause] look he's on a Sunday effortlessly I love it let's just hope he gets through the other Hills dude I feel like I just won the lottery a few times in life when you can like hunker down build a vehicle and have it work as intended the very first time out it just happened right here with the Manata it was like a cougar at happy hour it can't be stopped that next Hill no problem we got this foreign [Music] we both made it to the starting line graciously we decided to allow Mr Newburn to go first to set the bar the way this is going to work is he's going to mat it there he's going to cross the first Hill hopefully and then he's going to try to climb the second Hill as soon as he crosses over it and disappears Mikey will stop the timer that will be his official time for today without mud which is probably going to be faster it's going to be a lot faster he's more confident too because he's driven this already before you skirt hey featherfoot timer will stop when you Crest over the second pill disappear okay copy that [Music] one go he's actually shifting that with paddle it shifts really fast okay that thing's badass please put a muffler on that thing 30.18 yeah okay no you ran a 20.18 so you were three seconds faster this time than the last time all right 20.18 there's the bar if I can come within five or ten seconds of that I'll be a happy man the dryness may have helped I definitely got a lot more traction off the start I didn't spend near as bad as I did last time so I picked up probably my three seconds right there off the start definitely got more air like halfway up this hill then a little bit over the top that was freaking awesome you ready you got you got to set the first one by yourself because you'll get mad oh yeah I get mad about nothing get in the car with him wimp let's go just bury this dude man we have twice as much power if we go together I know right when are twin powers activate let's go [Music] the last time we came to this place we're in a Miata now come back to this hollow ground in a Manata we're going right up that mountain right here right now and if we can't get up there on the first attempt I'm kicking you out and I'm turning on the nitrous that's not fair we could turn on a nitrous now let's save it I gotta build it up it's a TV show okay yeah I forgot all right it's time for the Miata he is not going to come close to 20 seconds but I do think he is going to climb that second Hill and maybe the third hill by the end of the day if the car still runs all right Tweedle deed and Tweedle dumb you ready he called us Tweedledee and Tweedledum I believe he did yes we are ready go at your leisure ready ready get it let's do this stay straight stay coarse get up no promises nobody lives forever Connie let's go you live forever yes I want to live forever Lord [Music] foreign perfect they made it to the top of the second Hill that was a great run not time wise but you know the car made it I ain't gonna lie that's kind of impressive [Music] horsepower to Powers hey we got it give me all the powers you tore the hell out of your fenders you want to go again with the bottle if it's not you know draining all the fluids on the mountain let me check real quick hold on it's fine but man yada Works dude I swear we flew through the air on the bottom down there bottomed it out hard we heard a lot of rubber touching metal and plastic and it didn't stop it so as long as it's not puking its guts out on the floor right now we're gonna go back to the starting line turn the bottle on and see if we can go fast engage bottles on got the button in your hand here's the thing I don't want you to hit it until you see 3000 RPM all right the tech don't work bro okay I don't want you to hear it until you hear me scream okay when you scream I'll go now I'll just click it yeah and then we go got it okay if you guys make it up the second Hill and the car's still running go up that third hill we ain't scared yes I am I love my mama you ready yeah let's go [Applause] oh boys you can tell foreign [Laughter] I wish I had a mirror I want to know to run at that the nitrous definitely helped knocked a solid five seconds off their time so okay you ready Mike you ready you Mike let's go come on baby all right we're gonna go again we still got nitrous it works good it's not even smoking I can't stop laughing because it's scary he wants me to grab that thing I can't even grab that thing dude like he's serious hey you idiots want to come back before the car dies he thinks the car is going to die ah he doesn't know what he's talking about he's not here he's not with us look we're gonna go kind of left the middle now ready go bye [Music] foreign there's like some fluid that might be oil they might have put a hole in the oil Oh Lordy Lord don't you flipper spin again [Music] ah no way did I get us stuck you're stuck in the bottom of the hill let me assess the situation I might have broken axle all right go ahead and shut the car hi Dave I love you guys you know what you know your time was yeah 24 seconds we shave six seconds with the bottle for real yeah yeah dude that's amazing dude I tell you what I don't know why from the factory these don't come with a 10 pound bottle of nitrous oxide because the 50 shot turns this into a completely different automobile it picked up six seconds to the second Hill here at the track but for comparison if I stick 100 shot on a drag car on a quarter mile pass we'll pick up about a second we picked up six seconds with a 50 shot so I'm telling you take my word for it Miata until I said that lift it put the knobbies on get you some spray go up a mountain man I'm telling you that's the only way to make these cars cool I don't care if you're out of Crossing it or not we gotta keep this car you can't leave it's too good it needs a new axle or something it's freewheeling it's not happy we're gonna have to have a toad out of here but we got more for this stuff well this is ironic see that puddle of fluid right there on the ground that fell out of the car when this finned rear differential cover bottomed out there blew a hole in it broken axle and what's funny about that is when we were at home in the garage debating whether or not we should weld the spider gears together because we didn't know if we had a limited slip the internet said oh binge rear cover you guys got a limited slip you'll be golden and we were but on the nitrous bottoming that out that was our weak point and we blew it up we were close look how close we were to getting over this we'll be back we'll be back [Music] what is that that looks pretty that's a boom Cricket it was on my leg look at that look at that there give me a little love I'm gonna try to get it stop not that love get off me the cool part about this setup is it uses a hyper coil spring and a Coney hyperco hyperco spring and a coils uh a crony damper damper shock damper
Channel: MotorTrend Channel
Views: 407,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, motor trend, motor trend channel, automotive, auto, Faster With Finnegan, Mike Finnegan, Miata, Mazda, Mazda Miata, Man-iata, nitrous, David Newbern, Mike Cotten, Honda Talon, Talon, UTV, Honda Talon UTV, hertz
Id: frvA08kHiJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 28sec (2668 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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