Arch Illager & Highblock Halls | Minecraft Animation (Block Squad Dungeons)

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- All right guys, the desert temple's gotta be around here somewhere. - Remind me why we need to find the stupid temple. - The Arch-Illager is using it to summon the army of the undead! (zombie groaning) - Just how I like my zombies, nice and slow. (smacking) Huh, his one's a tough one, ow! Hey, get back here old man! - You'll never catch me, sonny! - Fricking boomers, man. - Whoa, check it out, it's a beacon! - Hmm, I wonder how we activate it. I wonder... (clicks) - Thank you. - Sorry Mr. Cow, but I need health and I don't wanna waste a cool-down with my potion. - I understand, have your way with me. (screams) - Hmm, apple cow? - I think it's pretty obvious that was an apple cow, yes. All right, we need to open this gate. - Judging by what's on the other side of that thing, we might just want to keep that gate closed. - Ah ha, the golden key. - Let's name him Goldilocks since he's gold and he opens locks. You guys just don't know good humor. - C'mon, line up, hey, good to see ya, goodbye. You know I'm not sure how much longer this killing is gonna be fun for. - Baby zombie! - Ha ha, oh man, that was great! - Prepare for an ambush of my deadliest mobs. - Oh man, I can't believe it. I'm part of the group! - Wait, no, what is he doing here? (explosion) You know, I really expected that to be a bit more climatic. Anyways, I'll see ya. (car zooms away) - We did it, we found the desert temple! Who knows what truths and treasures await us inside. - Oh man, I'm gonna miss the warm breeze, palm trees, even the cactus's. - Um, that's a creeper. - Okay, let's get the hell inside. All right, stay on high alert. There's a lot of undead enemies wandering this temple. - Oh, what do you know? There's one literally standing directly in our path. - That's right, and you'll never destroy the enchanted staff of The Nameless One. - Hey, should this guy be giving away all this information? - Nameless One? - Yes, the powerful ruler of The Nameless Kingdom. Good luck getting to the secret tomb where he can be found. - Okay, I'm just gonna go over here and pretend I'm not hearing this. - Take me to your nameless ruler. Huh, didn't expect him to die actually. Follow me, the tombs gotta be this way. (groans) - Check it out, sliced ham. (groans) Actually, these traps aren't so funny. - Hey, let's all walk across this narrow bridge together. What could possibly go wrong? - Prepare to die again, you undead dead people. - Very creative. - Ooh, check it out, grim armor. - Isn't that kind of disrespectful? You know, wearing a corpse like that. - Oh, who am I gonna upset, a skeleton? - Hey, that dude's wearing Kevin! That's my dead cousin, you mother (bleep). - Dude, Kevin is gone, let him go. - All right, we made it to the tomb. - Let's loot some ancient caskets. - Uh, guys. - [Pig] He's sleeping, should we wake him up? - What are those other skeletons doing? Just watching him sleep? Creepy, much. - Prepare to die at the hands of The Nameless One. - Ah, so you're The Nameless One? - Let's name him Larry! - What, no! Prepare for the most intense battle of your lives. - Dude, it's Dungeons. I'm gonna move to the left and shoot my arrows. (intense music) (arrows flying) He dropped his staff. - Destroy it! (stomping) All right, now to just escape the temple. - Hey, those guys are trying to escape the temple. Get him! - This one is for Kevin! - Stan, pull out your Totem of Regeneration. We might need it. - Oh man, look how cute that thing is. Can I hold him? - Of course. (gentle piano music) - Hey, it worked! Ah, the snowy mountains. Stick out your tongue and catch some snowflakes. - Blegh, that's not snow, it's ash. - Yes, idiots, we're at Fiery Forge. - Whoa, this is where the Arch-Illager builds his weapons of destruction! - Well that explains why it's filled to the T with skele-dorks. Well, no better option than to battle through 'em. (door slams) Okay, there might have been some better options. - Heads up, looks like we're about to run into some old friends. - Hey, pillager, longtime no see, man. What've you been up to? - Oh, you know, robbing, killing, the usual. - Nice, nice. - Hey, it's those guys who murdered hundreds of our family members. Oh, damn it old man. - Sorry, sonny. - Hey, it's like a cool little house in here. In fact, I'm staying in here. It's safer. - What, no dude, come on. We gotta make it to the core. - Get out of my room. You're not my real dad! - Man, I don't mind those skeletons and vindicators, but what I really hate are redstone golems. Oh God, there's one behind me isn't there. (grunts) Did you just backhand me? - Run! - Oh God, there's enemies everywhere. - Where, I don't see them. - They're way over there, off screen. Good thing these arrows aim themselves. (arrows fly) - Stan, that's a core activator. You need to overload it. (grunts) (explodes) Oh God, don't look now, but there's a giant redstone monstrosity behind you. - What, monstrosity? - No, that's literally what you're called. You're a redstone monstrosity. - Get him, cubes! - In my next life, don't let me come back as a cube! - Come here, I'm gonna squash you. - Not so long as my totem of shielding-- (rocks crumble) - [Narrator] Stan used every single artifact that day. The corrupted beacon, the fireworks arrow, even the stinky shoe, an un-lockable DLC weapon available in the game through micro-transaction. The monstrosity eventually was killed. Though it was not by the doings of our hero. He slammed the ground so hard that he fell into a pool of scorching lava. - The Arch-Illager will just love this party we are throwing for him! (groans) - Allow me to tenderize that meat for you. - Now this is what I call crashing a party. (tableware crashes) - Hey, this party is invite only! Guards, get them! - Ooh, finally I get to help out! As the Royal Guard, I declare you an enemy to the-- What the, where'd my shield go? I swear, I just had it-- (yells) When I catch you, I'm gonna mace you good! - Phew, we made it outside. - Uh oh, this place is filled with mobs. - Yeah, loser mobs. Look at these basic ass zombies and nonthreatening skeletons. I mean, they're not even allowed inside. They just got to hang out in these tents, like some homeless bums. - We're not losers. - Shut up loser! Hey, there's a chest. - What could be inside? - Bread and arrows, like always. - It is bread and arrows! (groaning) All right, the Arch-Illager should be in here. - So, you've made it to my throne room. Unfortunately for you, there's an army of-- Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing? - Oh, I thought maybe I could just kill you. - No, no, no, that's not how this works. You fight my mobs and I run away. - Well, we'll have to defeat him another time. - No, we're following him. The Arch-Illager's reign of terror ends tonight. - That's great, but who knows where he ran off to? - He's right outside on top of that tower! - Ugh, this game, I swear to God. (intense music) - So this is it, huh? You found all my rooms and finally tracked me down. - Actually, I don't think we found any rooms. - Time to use my ultimate weapon! Tiny pink squares. (arrows fly) - Wow, if his head was just a little less wide, he would've survived that. - Well, that was actually pretty easy, oh my God. (creature roars) Oh God, run, run, run, more fire! - Stan, use the bread. - This better be good for something. (creature roars) (creature chokes) - Hey, you know what? I don't feel so evil. - [Narrator] Our heroes had done it. They had defeated the Arch-Illager and vanquished all evil. (Arch-Illager yells) - Dude, you heard him, he wasn't evil anymore! - He doesn't have to be evil, I still don't like him. (gentle uplifting music)
Channel: ArcadeCloud
Views: 1,130,577
Rating: 4.8134165 out of 5
Keywords: arcade cloud, arcadecloud, minecraft dungeons, minecraft animation, redstone golem, arch illager, highblock halls, heart of ender, minecraft cartoon, block squad, minecraft dungeons animation, obsidian pinnacle, minecraft ps4, minecraft bedrock, new minecraft update, minecraft steve, minecraft steve in smash
Id: Nu_bTKZ07TM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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