Folklore Hunter Just Got Updated and the New Wendigo Will Drive You Insane

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[Music] it's a folklore hunter please I'm sure you are in a dark room with headphones on the environmental enemies within the game will adapt based on your actions this may induce a sense of psychosis in some players you have been warned what many years ago two small children got lost in the woods holy hell those vocals what in the world their father went out searching for them but he was never seen again their grieving mothers send out several hunting parties since the woods to retrieve her lost family but no one ever returns oh I didn't return I'm pretty sure I did not return it said there is a beast in the woods who devours all who enter dude this music what the hell the grieving mother has hired you to help find her lost family and kill whatever horror haunts the woods okay so yeah we're going this is how your story ends okay field of view is fixed apparently I cannot pick up meat oh wait now I can't wait what someone said it couldn't pick up meat I guess they were lying to me okay preparation is normal cameras yeah do we never used the cameras because they didn't that they were not helpful okay other campfires here I'm genuinely curious to see what's changed about the the AI of this guy because he does have this creepy way I've just rolling up on you when you least expect it body's still here okay one of one of seven clues there's an additional clue somewhere I will pin the wild moment of truth I got a camera I'll take it at least it's not meat and so from what I understand and this is kind of what I picked apart when I played it this game is supposed to be during the day you gather the resources you need you come back to your cabin at night inevitably when the Windigo decides it wants to kill you so I'm supposed to be venturing out yes I have so many balls to kill this thing now its hat news happen oh you can kill them I'm a dum-dum I got two meats yes okay the reload thing is fixed it's so nice lady no one asked me about that I sang that like three times in the last video and not a single person that I recall that's twit that's from it's a lot of stag dude what's going on over here huh stag party is it a stag party do you get my joke I guess the battery's going the camera I should probably set up a camera at the cave if I ever freaking find it bullets holy hell it's four o'clock already okay I'm like literally across the map I need to go back actually you know what I'm not scared I'm gonna fight this guy out in the woods that'll prove how brave I am set set up the whole tone for this video dude has anyone done that yet I don't think so boys the plan is simple I go to the cave I set up cameras and traps and I destroy this thing right here right now god damn it he's out okay you guys are telling me about the win to go to the noises that were you speaking I have to do some of mimicry where is the cave oh this is a mistake I should've just went home I should have just went home do you guys see him box there's a box and dead guy up worked at the March we have been tracking the creature for three days now we have noticed he is more active during the night and seems to wreak lude to some unknown location during daylight I hope we find him soon and running low on supplies Richard I hear it you got a rumble dude please tell me his eyes still glow oh this is awful this is awful what am i doing what am i doing what am i doing what am i doing how do I get trapped I forgot I'm sorry if you can't see anything I literally can't either there is no amount of post-production that could make this better looking for you I'm sorry okay that's new it's gone is it gone oh lord have mercy is he just here to scare me on the first night I'm totally down for that dude it's just such a bad idea all right I think it's time to use cameras oh I forgot about the glow dude that's gonna help a little bit it's only 9 o'clock dude it went so fast during the day all right good yeah the main road is probably not good he bypassed me though I don't know what happened it sounded like he was closed I did not see the eyes at all though I'm gonna keep this here and I'm gonna check up here for the cave oh no I think not good sir I'm back to the camera there's the only thing I have for lights my man has learned some new words dude it's coming for all the sounds are coming from this direction see Kohana can us guys really scared of me naturally so I am terrifying okay I'm gonna look at the camera oh what's up dude oh I actually look normal that's good oh this is the swampy area wait does he come back here what's that what oh oh I see him I see him wait hello I can't see I can't do anything what's answer that night Dana and I died the one to go feasted once more once many went searching for what happens to you your body was never discovered okay holy hell okay the guy's a little bit more tough than I remember let's uh let's stay at the cabin this time mother earth okay do this right I'm gonna do it the way I did last time why did I not have trouble last time could it be that he's been updated could it be that he has learned my ways No now while it is daylight I will go collect the clues and some ammo boxes if I'm so lucky and I shall return to cabin upon dusk oh okay I found it I have refound it I'm marking this place in my memory okay you better not be in here dude you weren't in here last time let's not do it now okay face is still here I know there's a clue here at least I'm fine with that I'm fine with just grabbing a clue and getting on with my day okay I'm pretty sure this is the wind to go okay these days everywhere I got you homie don't worry I will avenge your death how deep is this water does he sleep in the water maybe he doesn't come anywhere on the map that I can mess with that would be unfair for him right anyway I got to get back to the cabin it's already 4:41 okay I'm back ready to go traps are set up I think we're yes bring it please dick move such a dick move where are you coming from what direction please give make yourself known it's that red thing out there you see that I said that's not him clearly but there's like this is the campfire there's something red just sitting out there what the hell is that should I do it now take a look at it now would that be a dumb rule I don't see his eyes anywhere though maybe he's not gonna bother me at least I can see I was still there it's still there okay just fine the second I hear rumbling I'm going straight back wow that's up that's a neat design there any history behind that I am clueless what does this resemble is this a safe spot for me I'm going back I'll come back to you in the daylight I'm hearing stuff I'm hearing stuff I'm going back all right everything is fine dude look it okay look I have my light on right look look to the left as I look there's literally this tree and look how it ends there's nothing out there it's so dark [Music] I thought maybe he was eating what the hell get away from me just crap there I didn't reset it I didn't reset it get away Oh reload god damn I had an extra shot on him what are you doing you back here hello shut up you run is that a run sound or is that I'm coming at you sound make up your mind oh I hear you snarling alright I think the bastard dipped we did a lot of damage to him I think does it say he's critically wounded what do you say critically wounded I feel good about this night there's a good night it's still day one though I don't like that you need to update today to please what is this whoa dude can I wear that can you imagine did I not notice I don't think that was here before okay I honestly think it's safe enough it's bright enough for me to step out I'm gonna have my guard up but we need to go check this skull thing out oh well I did not work I'm not sure what to do with this what the white first of all why is it glowing why are you red I am going to venture back out see if I could find some other clues Oh God I've linger too long dude I stayed out way too long I knew there was gonna be something over here another one what do I do with these though I can't I literally can't interact with them what does it mean oh wait that's not a camper down there yeah it's glowing red I'm glowing red okay I'll look at the back when I get to the cabin I got to golike now it is almost seven o'clock he's gonna roar any moment now of course he's in front of me - all right it's still a little bit oh he's right next to me where where come on don't please don't kill me okay in the trap out I'm ready we're just running running straight bastard he's coming the bastard is come back go go go go go you can't hurt you I'm ready to it I swear the catalyst guys [Music] I have no traps what through the cabins literally disappeared well I found a clue is that me because I left to go hunting and came back in its darkness dude I am going crazy oh I can't pick up the traps anymore [Music] I see like I don't think he's able to attack me if I'm standing within where the cabin would be nice touch dude disappear get out of here dude what do I do now though I have no okay come on baby we got it fine open trap okay you can no longer pick them up [Music] dude I have so many bullets I have so many bullets come on no way I killed him [Music] he's not dead the ambiences bag is he gone jesus lord have mercy good god what in the hell just happened dude you son of a [ __ ] boo wait do these marked locations of where the house could be hold on okay it's not here dude so I'm going mad is that part of the windigos thing is that what they do how long have you been down here man you're dead are you absolutely kidding me I swear I'm not going crazy or am i dude what a nice touch that was brilliant it's still night time though he could very well come back he'd also he seems to be bound for like outside of whatever collision box the house did have so I think I'm still safe he never came inside my trap just sitting here I can't I can't pick them up that [ __ ] sucks dude I could really use those okay bastard okay my friend well where is the cabin now that's the question how am I supposed to sleep or have a place to escape to there's no cabin I can't very well Finch are out in the into the wild at night all right there's got to be something I can do with this thing you can't just be a symbol of death for me all right well I think I'm just gonna stay here I went out looking for clues and I guess technically I found one so the fear that overtook me for just a brief moment when I was being chased and I thought I was gonna be safe and I was led to literally nothing where I know the cabin is that was here joking you're joking I did not just die from that oh my god Oh suck a fat one what did you see that did you see the two dots steak the tree is it the tree okay I have to it couldn't have been these sparks there's no way I don't know what I just saw you tell me what you think that was all right we're going back inside yep that's my cue that's my cue to sit here and look cute I'm not running oh he's saying hunger I thought he said run good I'm picking up what you're putting down my friend what good is toying with me if you're not gonna try and eat me my delicious play I'm sorry there you are you didn't hit the trap I'm sorry why the trap okay okay okay okay okay it's fine know where your traps are wait you might be here go harder oh I don't I don't see him come on try to hit me you're not gonna hit me oh I cannot believe I ran in today stop getting some damn clothes all right so I don't know I don't know what happened I don't know what to do to trigger it I feel like I did all the same stuff I do love that when he's around the ambience just stops I like when the bass starts kicking in the ambience just stops like the whole world around me this doesn't exist hey buddy I'm just out for my morning jog what are you doing you are not supposed to be here I get that extra bullet in there hello wait is that a whale that's a whale that's a whale skull wait what the hell I have no cameras god damn it wait are there any uh no there's no carvings or anything okay yep so every clue I've found so far has something to do with the skeleton I don't know if they're related to the people I'm supposed to be finding like the two children and the father or husband but I don't think I'm gonna get any clues from these weird hosts reminds you the forests like the cannibals did dude guys guys was this always here or am i losing my [ __ ] mind there is absolutely no way Jesus uh-huh [Music] why [Music] I don't want to go forward okay this is a little a little strange this is okay it's just like personal to him or is there some history all I could probably write this wait I'm like super excited to hold on kid I just realized dude I'm sitting out here enjoying myself and it's already almost 5:00 okay is this part of it though it's like the wind is that the is that the tail like the wind to go makes you feel I don't know insane oh wait it's my can I should have put a camera back it's not there let's go up here and see what we can see I'm assuming this is what is meant to be done I'm meant to go on this I felt like I did a double take when I saw the track because in my head I'm like oh it must be like every time I think I see the wind to go it's like a leaf when I look up and I'm like that looks like a railroad track I can't be wait a second what is there if there's no fall damage on here you know what I'm doing I'm jumping off we got 45 seconds until mr. Windigo over here sighs to roar I don't think he can get up here [Music] Oh No okay he's around somewhere oh my god [Music] where I will shoot you from up here dude all right moment screws can I step on the oh my god I can ride the track okay there you go I'm here dude come get me my hallucinations are helping oh I fell through it's over hi hi hi hi it's staying there dude I'm fine with it I am totally fine with it needs you to die [Music] there you are there you are you son of a [ __ ] what oh there he is what this is the last place that I thought I would be fighting this thing okay so these things just persist like my house is my house is gone this thing is here permanently there you are [ __ ] all right I'm leaving this place Jason it but it tastes them you bastard is gone [ __ ] okay dude he takes so many bullets it's insane and I'm not really I'm not really starting I want to know what the hell happens next what could I possibly imagine up this time Oh Carter was taken he was here last night now he is gone I'm going to kill this [ __ ] creature five out of seven dude Jesus Christ where are you No I don't know I can't do it dude I put so many bullets in him I don't know what to do maybe next time maybe next time I'll kill him
Channel: IGP
Views: 1,030,190
Rating: 4.9640303 out of 5
Keywords: folklore hunter, folklore hunter gameplay, folklore hunter update, folklore hunter update gameplay, folklore hunter game, folklore hunter game update, folklore hunter igp, igp, folklore hunter gameplay igp, folklore hunter new update, folklore hunter wendigo, folklore hunter wendigo gameplay, folklore hunter wendigo ending, folklore hunter ending, folklore hunter wendigo update, folklore hunter carnival, folklore hunter secrets, horror games
Id: BldrOQiUgHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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