I Think We Just Found a Way to Destroy the Wendigo in Folklore Hunter...

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this is really creepy yeah dude he gets pitch black I'm telling you like you won't be able to see two feet before your feet all right did you not hear that this time what what guy I guess you're not hearing the sounds either all right oh oh no I hear it you heard that Dan oh it's like a certain part no a growl oh you heard the back okay oh wait what why they moved now it what do these things where are you yeah I ain't move hey are you compress e to rotate that I don't know what they do all right these were in here's a last time I played and they didn't do anything and they just had like inscriptions on oh I'm going inside okay good night and you've alerted him growling inside who is outside he comes up to the door this is no wine I want can I see as it's pitbull [ __ ] on the car down over here if you come back yeah that's that's a tracking if you look at it I'll tell you he's wounded ok ok Jesus oh there he is off in the distance he's running to the right to the right to the right he's coming back oh I don't see him he's coming back I miss I hate he left he left the base rumbles gone so he's going away for now it's only 9:30 you should come growl of a heartbeat get inside you it's only 10:00 p.m. yeah yeah this is just started they do stuff I don't know what it does though so we have to figure out what the secret is there are like nine of them out there though should I go grab my camera and use that to like lie you are not gonna make it dude you hit get hit twice and you're dead alright I think he's gone think he's gone well I'd he's by your camera yeah okay go get it go get it you little [ __ ] oh I'll do it do it you go get it for you guys I was kidding wait my light my lights not working play my life I know the batteries memories actually work you guys weren't listening to me I put batteries in them I you spare batteries oh god that's wrong goes wrong I try press forearm but I didn't mean I'm sorry [Applause] where'd you go Jesus Christ I don't have a lie I'm not going out and getting your camera if I don't have a light I'll go get it you [ __ ] go ahead good good oh no I'm okay my light is not working you can't get back up Oh God freaked me out it would be really bad man by shot right now wouldn't it okay we got it go go go back go back it there's the campfire over here over here over here is so faint Oh right-click it in the menu weird um oh there is I just figured out yeah right-click it in the menu replace fleshly okay don't waste yeah well we're here we don't need it so we're gonna need it while we're out adventuring and inevitably stay out too late and then come back when it's dark we do yeah dude [ __ ] oh Jesus Christ that's what you get this is horrifying damndest I know I don't know I don't see his eye he's not bad let me go check I'll go check go check no I can hear so are we splitting up today or do you want to stay together huh what during the day no we should stay the other yeah okay oh look over here look over here look at that stag that's actually really creepy oh yeah we all miss I guess we missed oh you scared the stag [Music] only one of us should use a light at a time only we don't need a lighter come on don't waste it don't waste our because I don't know if we get batteries in the box doesn't he creep up - you want me not during the day I don't think the day would not surprise me yeah you just rotate it but it's not really it is for me does it work for ya it's like spinning out everywhere I wonder if you need to get them all to the point starting something that's it again maybe there's a central location yeah the bullets are only just scarib away that's how we actually kill it ah ah that would be cool oh here's another here's another thing huh and just want another uh-huh maybe right maybe we do need to get them all 2.0 yeah I'm thinking for sure oh there's another one this yeah there's two in the swamp they all they're in a circle to the cave they're getting to begin look at the cave I haven't looked at it I know where the cave is yeah it's up here oh wait why did my game tab out it's getting into your system dude yeah when dingos in your system now yeah shut you guys the speaker at the same time hello do you guys see me no you'll never find me right in front of you keep running keep running keep running [Laughter] nobody will find this here I did try to lure him in here and he wouldn't come in here because he's the one who disturb his own home please don't leave me yeah you can read that one I've already read it we've been tracking the creature for three days we've noticed he is more active during the night and seems to Rick Klump sorry preclude some unknown location during the data seems to recognize find him soon we are running low on supplies oh my god it's already 5:22 p.m. yeah how does he roars at 7:00 starting to get dark men I see you there he is I see yeah turn around where are you going it dear suck my ass wait on you dude you shot and it shook my screen I didn't there he is areas huh you didn't hear more oh you'll hear mid about 5 seconds I don't know if that's the roar why it sounded like so much strumming it yeah so the initial roar at 7 is like [Applause] [Music] pretty I am not to be honest it's pretty accurate Oh sounds like there's another one what the [ __ ] dingoes could you imagine every skull interact with spawns a new one oh yeah oh yeah hatred the woods I'm gonna save you I'm coming to save you child [Music] where do you go to the right Hey oh I see him oh it's too quiet yeah I love when he's around and like everything stops the ambience and everything's just Rumble it's not dead babies or something I hear all the babies he's killed so Jesus oh I spied myself god damn it where is he I don't know he just roared at me I was standing on the bed on the banister [Music] getting Christ dude oh my god are you okay did you get it out I don't know I think I thank you guys hey yeah absolutely got you oh yeah is that your blood right here yeah well you look at his Jesus qui dude I swear I was looking for him he was right behind this tree or something and just [ __ ] a place there yeah dude white blood flow okay that's not yours that's his Wow oh Jesus which means uh that's you yeah so he has light blood flow which means we've barely heard him can we like fire these this Orchestra I'm gonna go for a walk okay I'll follow drew following great see ya see you guys tomorrow okay give me Laura I don't know I have not heard that oh I see oh there he stayed from my if you stand up on this balcony you zoom in oh he moved he moved Jimmy's government guys you guys religiously walking straight towards him when he went out there chaton five bills left what the hell do I say me I was too busy walking okay okay cuz that I don't know sounded like whispering we should make it a mission more we're here at night we just go out to his cave like that's okay so I wanted I want to try and trigger something for you guys I don't know exactly how to do it but we're gonna try this time so we have to go basically to the opposite side of the map no no we're good let's go all right let's go let's go hi so are we doing good why are we in dere Carter you'll see whoa there's a shrine over here yeah what the hell is this what okay I swear to god this is not what I was talking about look I didn't mean to this is not what I was going for people who are watching know exactly what I was going for but this is not its you this is sick there's a center thing oh my god this has to be part of this has to disappear there's a chisel I'm just like where where I didn't get one wait wait wait to put a hold of spirit rune of the realest spirits we're not rid of capital okay alright so my assumption is maybe you're right we can't kill the freaking dragon I have to do something special sizzle probably because you have to find the rooms in chisel mouth there's two spots over here wait what the [ __ ] is all this look at these [ __ ] Super Mario mushrooms over here and they'll come here did you did you just see the dragon eggs was that douchey eggs Oh Mario mushrooms yeah they're mushrooms okay wait what is this okay it's nothing do you think he's good one here so we saw what they were a virgin I mean maybe there is one big place I would tell you where I think we find them but it would spoil what I'm trying to do so I don't know I don't know what to think of this so white beans you've never you have met I have never seen since I played last week yes Wow and this is clearly pointing towards like we have to kill him in a ritualistic way and I think the bullets like you said or just to fight him off and fend him off until we can do that yeah during the day we hunt out hunt out the runes and so we need him here corner all right cool well we have a chisel and we know kind of what we're looking for we just don't know where we're gonna be fine we're gonna be real fun chisel the school's because there's like 10 or there are more of those do you think they have maybe you can break them with the chisel and they have rooms inside them maybe that's why they're glowing let's stay right here when in when it hits 6:30 we'll start running and straight back to the cabin which cabin where right where I'm looking odd we literally top right like if you look at me it goes up we're gonna leave in 20 seconds oh do we have to like sprint yes because he's gonna spawn behind us in 20 seconds after that and we are not gonna make it home yet [ __ ] can i in repair can i repair to repair you can i bandage you do do we in the run [ __ ] and now he's got my life oh my god before it didn't work I didn't know sorry nobody let I see get hit if he gets hit it's over oh oh there he is there he is I hear where I hear him somebody get behind me I don't like I don't like being in front just to let you know the sound came from in front of me so he's in front of us where we're running I see teleport a unless he teleport which is very possible see if my batteries already going out oh yeah one person people don't see then if you have to if you have the light you go in front that's just how it works no he says behind me why oh my god no oh no oh please Lord well I think we made it yes this is good yeah [Music] don't use this I swear the cabin was here last night I left to go hunting and came back it's gone I swear I'm not going great weren't you didn't warn us about this I know because I wanted to be cabin Hey I see try to use the does this goal here doesn't work it just says rotate even if it's in your like selected [ __ ] can you be the host can you pull the weapons now thinking like when it no it's only the rifle okay if I put my rifle back in my inventory ate the rifle still in my house dude why we don't have at home so we should head back to the cave net right cuz that's the only safe place for as far as I know he could have changed that and then he goes into the coats of the cave that mean means our bases were all dead anyway yeah so it's gonna be late this way we just had in front of us look out in the trees what is that wait I can't see anything oh he's near us he's near us someone have a trap - Oh keep following me keep follow me what you'll see oh my god you'll see I'm so worried you see it in the book yeah yeah yeah what the hell is this game what is happening who delights on it are so different oh can we ride it yes you can oh my god get in it quit you can ride in it and it'll keep us safe but it's very good I've never been so happy oh yeah please wait for me before we get on yep why don't he running behind you shut the [ __ ] I say I'll get on the same one yes I'll get the same one get on get on yeah we're safe okay so I don't know about the lore of the Windigo yeah sorry that's normal for me I always spend a lot of time here oh no yeah by the way there's a roller coaster if you didn't see the track you can actually walk on it - really yeah here what is that oh no it's the it's the one is he climbing on this earth will I don't he's climbing he did not do that last last episode for me but there was no altar like oh yeah we better get down now for going to because we're gonna be on nothing was at the top when I went it was just a safe haven Hey we can wait it's gonna take a while you can see how slow is moving laughing why not you're laughing oh I see him I see him I see him he's sniffing yeah I don't [ __ ] there he knows we're here oh I see it I see it there he is he doesn't climb please do not below I'm going to try no I fell I'm on the track I'm on this area hi I'm below you guys oh there he is it's the light oh my god he's so close dude oh [ __ ] I can't even see you holy hell that's fine to stay up there if you want to check what's up there hey Dre you have ammo you should jump down no I got something I gotta listen bullets fine I'm good you need help already go oh my god Alma's fella [ __ ] seven yeah I can see it on my screen we don't need you to count he's gone he's gone oh he's not he's just near me why is it green up here though it's old there's a light the lights are green no the legs are pink but that lights change color yeah they are 10 you killer yeah but the glow is always green yeah he left okay well I'm stuck in this carousel I don't see anything so what'd I miss doing something in one of these boxes yeah that's what I'm thinking yeah like blood flow he's barely wounded we have shots so many bullets into him sorry no he's coming I'm coming down oh there he is there he is by the carasau was that if we leave this also goes oh there's a skull here yeah that's normally there though we've passed here so does this only appear when you're outside at night or it appears I believe that in sequence maybe at random times random days so the it's obviously supposed to be driving you mad so like the cabins not there anymore this thing appears randomly which is not actually here and so that's why I was wondering I'm wondering if that ancient place where we found the ruins is even there yeah I can hear my cowboy oh I shot you in the back of the head you're I could help you shoot me in the head I can't oh shoot me the head Drake yep
Channel: IGP
Views: 700,062
Rating: 4.9586143 out of 5
Keywords: folklore hunter, folklore hunter gameplay, folklore hunter update, folklore hunter update gameplay, folklore hunter igp, folklore hunter news, folklore hunter ruins, folklore hunter ritual, folklore hunter game, folklore hunter wendigo, folklore hunter wendigo ritual, folklore hunter wendigo gameplay, wendigo hunter, beast hunting game, wendigo hunting game
Id: f7Fc8KiAz5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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