We choose RANDOM POKEMON using only their first letter. THEN WE FIGHT!

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hello everyone welcome back to a brand new pokemon versus challenge it is me quick gg out here in pokemon heart gold today with chill and play yo what's up yo what is up everybody i'm chillin and i'm playing actually i'm just waiting for you to tell me what today's rules are and i'm gonna kick your butt oh nice i'm reading the sign getting you know learning about this town this new bark town wins of a new beginning aren't you born here bro i i don't know well if you don't know the pokemon versus challenges what means show implied do is go into a pokemon game gather up a team of pokemon with a twist involved and at the end we fight it out with all the pokemon set to level 50. for this challenge we have randomized the starting pokemon for this game which means all three of the starters are randomized and also their moves are random according to their type and their abilities have been completely randomized as well for this challenge me and shown play are going to go over these randomized starters and only tell the other person the letter that starts off the name of the pokemon so if you see a pikachu as one of your starters you're gonna tell the other person just a pokemon that starts with the letter p and that's all the information we're gonna have and based on those choices we're gonna pick a team of six with three skips to use and once that's all done we'll make the team and go to showdown are you ready for this chill and play i'm ready buddy i actually studied my pokedex last night so i'm ready with all the names all the knowledge over here on childhood perfect perfect perfect yeah but uh cool people don't study buddy so i'll see you in the losers field okay tell that to the scientist my friend what's up buddy all right chill and play we've got three starters right here for you i've got three letters right here for you starting off with an l and going on to an m then lastly a p let me take a p i'm going to take a p uh p for me thank you okay all right well you missed out on the m mewtwo no way no i'm just kidding i'm just kidding miss drivers cool so cool you missed out on the l lugia no you're not stop joking you missed out on lugia you missed that on luke no i didn't and lastly you got yourself the fione really yeah yeah you did miss out on luggage i don't know what to do whenever you say things i just don't know what's true anymore dude decent choice you didn't get lugia but fiona not that bad usually okay well your fiona has the ability to synchronize you know what that means passes on a burn poison or paralysis it's got water spout clamp water sport and hyper beam i'll have it on the team it'll be fine i'm not too shabby not too much not too bad all right welcome aboard fiona all right buddy we've got three for you um do you like sets of three just wondering dude that despised it's a three dang okay well starting this off we got it in h and m give me the m ma okay um okay uh you missed out on a queen needle queen oh my god are you serious oh it's not done yet we're not done yet you're not done yet you missed out on h are you serious yeah yeah i'm not messing with you i'm not a liar wow and this isn't we lie and then we fight this is honesty letters we got yourself a marsh top nice nice marsh top [Laughter] decent all right buddy we got marsh top here with drought pokemon makes it sunny you know that one that's garbage roll play sand attack metronome and water pulse oh my god what is that move set this guy what is that why i don't know um you said role play mud slap role play sand attack metronome and water pulse and he's got drought he's got a drought all right we're skipping we're skipping it first of going down not too bad i would have skipped two honestly all righty chill and play we've got uh we got choices right here for you and you know what they say about choices right uh everybody's everybody's got them yeah everybody's got them yeah my favorite quote starting off with a pokemon starts with the letter p oh then a c and then a s um well i would like to be having an s sweet sweet but i'm going to take a p palkia all right well you missed out on the s shelder you missed that on the c crawdant no you got the p peras paris buddy little crab a little mushroom crab oh my yeesh is right horrible horrible pokemon yeah really bad all right your paris has tangled feet uh raises evasion if confused it's got refresh stun spore needle arm and egg bomb okay okay um honestly buddy honestly honestly how many i didn't use the skip yet i will skip no skips yeah yeah yeah it's a paris it's uh ish look at him he's weak i don't want to look at him okay buddy three for you um here we go starting us off we've got s k d s k d give me the d no no no all right you missed out on a spiro a kangaskhan and you got a dark cry oh my god really i was supposed to have a dark eye i was about to have a dark ride all right buddy dar cry in the building with oblivious prevented for it from becoming infatuated oh no snore fling odor sleuth and horn attack [Laughter] oh man you said snore fling odor sleuth yeah and horn attack yeah horn attacks your only attacking move well fling well no no no snores actually go to sleep and flinch attacks if you're holding something but you won't be yeah that's a physical move right yeah i'm gonna skip it skipping it really okay that's dark and i'm crying because that's two skips down already crying dude because it had horn attack is the only move i know i know two scripts down bro two skips down all right chill and play we got three pokemon here for you starting off with a letter l then a letter c and then a letter m um i'm going to go ahead and take that l baby you missed out on a chime show you missed out on a metagross oh you did not take the l buddy you got a lugia i can't believe it that's crazy that's crazy taking the l baby lugia dude lugia wants to be on your team it shows twice in three files i know he wanted me to take that l dude all the puns all the puns are worth it all right lugia with the ability cloud9 eliminates effects of weather it's got extra sensory nice d fog miracle i the confusion i'll keep it i'll keep it on the team yeah welcome in oh welcome in lugia okay buddy we got uh how many is this oh three three of them three by the way um here you go starting off with an f c a s a c or a i'm gonna take the a no no i'm gonna take the a no first letter of the alphabet all right buddy you missed out on flareon you missed out on crocodile oh no i got a zoom roll yeah yeah yeah really yeah really yes 100 at least it's not a mural it's worse oh wait wait wait it's a baby meryl dude it's a baby you wish it was a merrell here you go i'm sorry azure yeah you said zoomer i'm sorry i'm sorry oh my god it still is what it is even if i said it wrong no azural is a different pokemon well it isn't a zorro here you go arena trap minimize crush grip hydro pump and moonlight excuse me skip right three skips down right yeah skip it up oh no no no you know what that means on the screen right now is it crying he actually has a very blank expression please he should be crying well buddy you have no more skips remaining and you're gonna have to take everything else you see night night perfect no problem at all okay chill and play your next set right here starts off with letter c g m um i'll take a g you missed it on a mini champ you missed that on a clay doll you got a gold duck gold duck okay okay popping his head back into it buddy you need the love gold duck you do you're most underrated honestly very underrated every time we have this guy he always uh he turns out oh really let's see oh he does get skipped you're right well actually we'll see this time he's got the ability serene grace oh yeah boost likelihood of added effects you got submission aqua tail dive and taunt so no added effect moves it's your choice okay okay no no added effect moves you know what buddy you know what buddy what are those all physical moves yes it's not golduk's time to shine um wait a minute how many how many skips do i have you have two more skips i'm not skipping this get it on my team get it on my team picking okay you're picking up the gold duck welcome aboard serene grace uh almost useless not perfect yeah but you know what hey it is what it is it's not a paris okay buddy um i don't know how many are here but i don't know but you don't have any skips so get ready here we go s w e give me the s all right give him the s he's going to miss out on a wing goal guys he's also going to miss out on a drowsy he's taking a soul rock okay okay that's bad yeah yeah psychic type we can hope for the best right that's bad tell me he's got shadow tech okay you got it soul rock with ability magic guard pokemon only takes damage from attacks okay you got charm oof hypnosis i power trick howard jim you got two powers okay elise's got an attacking move yep now welcome to the team buddy welcome to the team soul rock okay chill and play i've got three right here for you this one starts with the letter m this one starts with the letter e this one starts with letter v um let me get a v let me get a v okay you missed out on the m magby you missed out on the e and polion i'm scared of getting that one you getting that one you got a vesper queen okay nice nice which could be all right which could be all right um we'll see we'll see all right your vespa queen has the ability effect spore contact may cause uh paralysis poison or sleep hydro pump bug buzz wing attack and conversion two um i think i'm gonna take that i think i'm gonna take that i will take that is that a yes okay you're taking the vespa queen you got the queen on the team nice decent okay buddy here we go they're coming in for you they're coming in hot they're coming in fresh and fresh out the oven d m b i want to go with the m's oh what i want to take the m okay okay suit yourself suture suit yourself out on a bronzer you're missing on a dark cry you serious another one another one dj khaled in the building and you got a man anymore that's fine though yeah yeah yeah not bad that's nice that's really nice actually i believed in the m's believe in the m's buddy check out the move set sand stream uh whatever clamp camouflage reversal and brine oh oh you pal it's all you no skips not too bad it's still a manafee yeah not that could be worse welcome into the theme welcome matafee okay chill and play here we go i got a set of three and i'm about to deliver the letters let me get starting off with a capital k capital a capital m i'm taking an ay buddy taking the a okay you missed out on the kabutops hmm you missed out on the manky you got the zoom roll a zoom roll like for real this time real zuma reel this time yeah all right all right all right yes yes yes the beefy one that i thought i had my bad all right your zoom roll has the ability skill link increases the frequency of multi-strike moves he's got flash howl water spout and muddy water thank dude um how many pokemon do i have on my team you have four pokemon on your team you've used one skip skipping that you're skipping the zoom roll i'm skipping that right all right all right some people are going to be really hurt by that it's a it's a fan favorite that's a fan favorite you're skipping sorry all right see the next one maybe all right buddy we've got three and they're ready for you here we go g f s oh man why is this so hard g f s d f s i'm gonna i'm gonna actually go with the g all right buddy that's a decent awesome choice you missed out on a frost last you missed out on slack off you got a glacion decent glaceon okay decent that's def that's definitely decent and for your glacion you've got levitate immediate immunity to ground moves not bad wait wait does that is that work that way or i forget it works i don't know i don't think i can speak to grass no that's not weak it's not weak to ground it's not weeks ago um it's okay torment icicle spear razor wind brick break oh man poor guy poor guy you know what he can't catch a break we get what we can get out here we get what we can get glacion you're gonna do work i know you were whose team is that on oh yours it's on my team yes all right show them play again instead of three right here the first letter we're gonna start with is an s then an a and then a t all right um let me get a uh t right you missed it on the soul rock mister on the agron beefy but you did get a cruel one oh you got a tentacle oh okay okay you got a cruel one you've got a cool one mr tent i like him right your tentacruel has the uh ability huge power oh he's huge raises the attack stat of the pokemon yeah guillotine no poison powder oh poison tail poison sting that's me i'll take it i actually will take it actually you will take all that all right we'll tend to cool welcome aboard oh that's nice that's that's cool that's cool that's cruel okay buddy we're here you got three pokemon down this is your fourth and let's get it going l a n i'm thinking what you're thinking about i'm trying to think of every single pokemon that's what's one of these three letters you're gonna think uh i'm gonna take an l oh oh all right buddy you missed out arceus you're serious no it's not his role you missed out on a knocktowel and you missed out on love disc or i mean you didn't listen i love this you gotta love this welcome man a lovely disc lovely dude lovely lovely well buddy i hope you like disc golf because you got a love disc with the ability anticipation bubble aqua ring aqua tail and substitute this has been one of the weirdest move set challenges ever it is so weird dude that's all you do it's all you buddy what did you do to your randomized are you cheating are you cheating over there no okay chill and play you have one more pokemon to add to your team and you also do have one last skip to use if you want to use that so uh let's go ahead and look over these ones we're starting off with the letter m the letter p and the letter e lots of m's out there today i gotta say lots of m's um i'm gonna have to go ahead and take uh i'm gonna take an e on this one buddy okay good choice good choice you missed out on the munchlax m oh you missed out on the per ugly p i almost did that too you're looking at an exeggutor bro yeah yeah ex egg uter okay hey dude a good tour dude i love eggs especially delicious all right your executor has the ability to intimidate lowers your foes tax swap solar beam sketch and pedal dance ride oh crud i'm skipping the executor get him out of here get him out of here it's weird that's a weird one he has too many weaknesses too to be playing games like that he can't be a good guy and all right that's your last skip next pokemon you uh you see your pick it's on the team it's travel those eggs okay buddy here we go three for you are you ready yes yes here we go yes f h h give me this first stage yes yes yes stop stop stop cheering like that all right you missed out on a pharaoh you missed out on a hitmontop oh man i'm sorry you got to hit my top and you missed out on the ho oh you missed out on the ho ho really i got two but you know what i'm okay i'll be okay okay buddy rip arino to the audinos you got hit mine top with the ability sticky hold okay weird not good he's got sky uppercut seismic toss double kick and focus blast hey you know what that's at least he's got moves to use elise has got moves at least he can do some damage yeah yeah honestly welcome to the team one more pokemon remaining buddy i know i know okay speaking of last pokemon this is your last choice right here are you ready for this i'm ready buddy i'm so ready all right i'm gonna start you off with the letter t then the letter h then the letter s let me get h god that was such a great choice that was a great feeling i feel like confident with my picks today you missed out on the silcoon you missed out on a tentacool you got the hirayama oh yeah good choice good selection welcome welcome in huge power huge power huge power huge power no no no no no i'm not with damp can't get self-destructed on triple kick force palm high jump kick and refresh pokemon there you go all right decent he's got hands that's creepy he does he's got him out too all right buddy your final set of wait let me count them one two three okay here we go l a g oh man that spells lag l a g a lot of a's and i don't know dude a lot of that a lot of i feel like we did hear a lot of the same letters do you feel that way sorry i'm literally just any meaning mighty mowing in my head right now uh but i've decided yeah yeah we have heard a lot of the same letters i'm taking the l no you finally got a nice one buddy you finally got a nice one really you missed out on a gastrodon you missed out on a zoom roll and you got yourself a low tab really no it's a lugia it is are you serious oreo this time for real this time well come in buddy you need it desperately have the moves i need please please please please upset okay i'm just now noticing guys my lugia is not following behind me dude what the crud he doesn't have a follow behind sprite that's weird that's crazy but here we go we got lujaya with oh swift swim dream eater meditate jump kick and superpower that's a weird one buddy but hey it's a lugia that's the final pokemon for you buddy let's build these teams and fight let's go for it let's do it let's do it i'm ready i got my letters all right here we are with a fight i'm ready to go against show and play and just quick note if you guys are liking this video definitely hit the like and subscribe if you are new and if you want to see more versus challenges just like these we have a playlist in the description you can check out with a ton more versus challenges with very different types of rules and requirements for all of them and uh yeah that's about it chill and play are you ready i'm ready dude let's go let's go get it let's do it here we go now here we go now here we go hurry up hello [Music] oh i got that i'm doing it let's do this really the palm was forced there we go there we go there we go dangerous dangerous um i'm going to risk it does this count oh my oh my the queen of oh vespers oh hey oh oh i'm buzzed oh oh you buzzed me up yay yay okay okay okay okay let's go i'm the duck baby i'm the duck i will be useful i cannot hurt you you will remember me you will remember me what is the duck half what does that duck have this is the strongest duck ever he's got a fighting move he's got a fighting move right yes he does yes he does i'm liking this tiny damage i'm liking this this is no damage battle there's no damage battle going for it um there we go ow there we go he lowered himself he lowered himself yeah what are you gonna do now your team is weird oh man my team is weird should i meditate or should i do i think about it you can take this out buddy let's see let's see let's see if i can take it huh let's see if you can take it how about that um i don't wanna you don't want to you don't here we go i'm gonna keep bringing it baby keep bringing it the crit's real the christmas ah fam tanky duck tank is real dude oh my god that duck is gold it's a duck sweep that's a double crit by the way holy cow that's a double crochet holy ron kazowski oh i'm so i'm so in there dude this is mine this is my game i'm a little you're back out now i'm a little nervous oh really i'm a little bit nervous pop him pop him there we go i never get paralyzed i never get paralyzed i never get paralyzed i never get paralyzed let's go we'll see about that bye bye oh there it is there it is too right that was an optimal that was not optional you turned me like that yeah i too turned yeah yeah i too i did okay oh it is the stream dude i forgot that i had the stream on this guy that's funny me too shout out to the stream um hmm do the most i can there we go okay that's all i can do okay that's what i can do that's what i can do okay okay yeah yeah all right yeah my turn for the lugia we both have one of these by the way and i'm not affected by the weather buddy i'm not i'm not affected by the weather i forget about these things yeah i'm on cloud nine chilling dude i'm on cloud nine chillin wait a minute is is this weather sandstorm is weather sandstorm is a weather okay i guess you're not affected by it huh not affected by it that's cheesy that's cheesy i'm gonna get rid of it uh-uh okay oh it didn't work oh my hypnosis cheese can't do that buddy i lowered your evasion what yeah yeah yeah i lowered my efficiency all right what's up fionny no the fioti the fioti scary it's scary dude honestly it is very scary mm-hmm what you've got on death i forget i got what i need let's do this lugia perfect water spout that spout does less and less dude that spout does less and less that spout does less and less though clamp him down come on team come on team we're weird enough to do this we're weird enough to do this weird enough to do this we're weird enough to do this we got a weird teeth we got a weird we got a lot of water types i'm just realizing like a lot in this one there we go spout out of here get him out of here all right okay this is the weirdest fight this is the weirdest fight it is one of the weirdest fights i've ever i've ever done um hmm mm-hmm let's try this lovely disc let's try this yeah that disc is lovely let's go do the most that i can aquatic okay damage every turn damage every turn nothing oh nothing nothing nothing okay okay um i'm doing this no way no way oh he missed come on dude the clamp is annoying the clamp is going to hurt you a little bit you're not going anywhere either now that's a big one that's a big one god that was enough i died but i did what i had to do okay okay you did what you had to do right you did well buddy uh i think it's time to pull out the queen why what quen i'm sorry i thought it was a queen it's a vessel okay it's definitely a quinn shoot see what that thing's all about huh it's about a lot of power that's all it's got a lot of power i got a disc of love you make it oh what do you got for me buddy just go ahead go ahead i'm clean i got my broom out i'm ready you got your broom good good good i needed that we need to see that i hope you can do what you got to do can i do what i got to do four times effectively i missed i missed and i died to nothing big miss big big miss oh my god oh my goodness who was the last one oh my that's the oh i know who that is i actually remember who that was the cruel one shoot shoot do this oh my cheese lord you sleep he's sleep you sleep you should oh my please lord oh my god are you doing this why am i staying in why did i stay in for that ooh geez lord why are you staying in why are you telling me what you're doing cheese lord cheese lordo cheese lord oh cheese lord oh cheese lord hollow be thy cheese let me get that cheese are you faster than i am yes you are dang oh hahaha this guy is a buddy a buddy a boy i'm a huge power god octopus dude i'm opt i'm octopus prime you're a jellyfish i thought um i'm whatever i want to be buddy i'm going to show you a thing or two did you even know that i have a tail i'm about to show you i didn't even know you had a tail i literally need to d you're faster than i am can you one shot me i know he's huge i know his power is huge i'll wait buddy don't worry i'm in no rush let's try it yeah oh my god oh reversal that does nothing oh my god there's nothing oh my god i can't do anything to him i can't do anything to him all you have is spiderman crit nice dude that may be what you needed that may be what you're getting oh my oh my i can't swap out i can't swap out [Music] okay okay here we go here we go here it goes believe in the manafee believe in it man if you believe in it come on come on come on lujaya about nine oh nine for sure oh he's on cloud9 for sure dude for sure okay okay okay okay okay wake up wake up wake up oh yes yes oh that's a big miss that's a big big mistake wake up don't wake up never wake up don't wake up never wake up don't wake up never wake up oh god oh we still sleep oh my gosh sleep sleep sleep sleep you're an animal how are you wake up oh my god oh my god oh my god what's going to do extra sensory oh i had oh you're faster than i am oh faster than i am faster let's target the target all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right the rock is made of soul that rock's got soul power soul it's got a rock in it [Music] oh my god come on dude would you wake up would you wake up would you stay sleepy that's the wrap buddy oh you guys did enjoy that video don't forget to subscribe and don't forget to subscribe okay please please dare cheers get him out of here dude oh my can i magically destroy you with this guy can i imagine no no torment oh my god i thought you were about to hide jump kick me again why did you not your triple kick was awful oh it didn't work dude why didn't it work oh that was just one kick sometimes it doesn't go triple that's ridiculously a trash move i can't believe you used that oma okay okay oh gg dude if you guys enjoyed that that's crazy dude oh that tentacle is terrifying me if you guys enjoyed that versus challenge definitely hit the like button and uh check out joel bliss channel as well we do these all the time good fight buddy good fight
Channel: QuickGG
Views: 495,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quickgg, Quick gg, Quick, We choose RANDOM POKEMON using only their first letter. THEN WE FIGHT!, Chilln, CHillingplay, CHIlling play, Chilling play, Chilln plays, Chilln paly, Chilln play, Chillnplays, Pokemon Challenge, POkemon VS CHallenge, POkemonVS challenge, Pokemonvschallenge, Random pokemon letters, pokemon names, all pokemon names, pokemon names vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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