We Painted the Walls our Skin Color

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Just a little PSA.

If you're going to do some interior/exterior painting, please don't do what Rhett did and wash your paintbrush in the sink. Please wash your paintbrush outside on some grass preferably.


As a Painter by trade, when they removed the tape and showed that the paint got under... that made me cringe so hard.

If you want to prevent that, use a technique called bleed sealing.

What you do is paint the edge of the tape with the existing wall colour or a clear coat, let it dry with no thick edges and then proceed to paint whatever colour you want. That way the wall colour or clear coat goes under the tape, which you won't see and then you get a nice clean line.

EDIT: Thanks for the award whoever gave it. ❀️

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 73 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BurnZ_AU πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That salesperson in the hardware was really supportive into making sure that these two meet their goal.

Also, imagine walking in that store and seeing a dude comparing paint chips to his friend's bare chest.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 58 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/acuddleexperiment πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That awkward moment when Skyn is a brand of condom :)

These two are just teenagers in Dad bodies. I mean, they are doing this specifically to vlog about it so to a certain level they are 'on' for the vlog cameras, but the genuine level of familiarity and silliness between them is obvious and infectious.

I'd love to see them both try to assemble something from IKEA. I think they both have very different ideas on following instructions, so it could be interesting!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BeansOnToast101 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I liked the idea of them adding Links grey hair. But I don’t like the gap they left at the bottom of the hair layer.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/2TALLTYLER πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Two thoughts:

1) Link’s collarbone is life 2) I am so entertained by how they can use their accents so stretch β€œskynwallz” into four syllables.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/toadpuppy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I subscribe for quality content like this

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrsLandau πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is anyone else kinda seriously considering doing this? It came out cooler than I thought it would

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TinyTrafficCones πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rhett you do not get to police Link's language when you came up with skynwallz.com

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/your_mind_aches πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ed Gein likes this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/drjayphd πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
No, don't take it off. I don't wanna get kicked outta here, that's too much! Hey Rhett, you in your office? Yeah, you in your office? Yeah. How's decorating going in your office? Not great. There hasn't been a lot that's happened. I can see you got a little bit of a rug there. Yeah, I got a little bit of a rug. I don't have a rug. But I have a desk. You got a desk? I have no desk. I have a meditation cushion with a hat on it. Typical. I got a pull-up bar. You got a pull-up bar? No. But I have a painting of myself. You're gonna put that giant-ass painting of yourself in your own office? I'm just sayin', it was a gift, and when you're given a gift of your own face-- I don't have a painting of myself, but I have a Han Solo-trapped-in-carbonite-type piece of art that my wife found for me. It's pretty cool. Have you got one of those? I'll bet you he doesn't have one of those. I don't have one of those. I told you he didn't have one of those. He's got a portrait of himself as Leonardo DiCaprio. Da Vinci, man. You wanna meet in the middle room? Can you go through the bathroom? No. Okay. Hey, look at this. This rug's here, the old-school rug. We haven't figured out what to do in this room yet. How can we represent the meeting of the two of us? This is the place that we come to have conversations with each other. When you're in there I don't speak to you and vice-versa, the same. You know what it's like? It's like the neutral zone between North and South Korea. We got a demilitarized zone. Yeah! Like, our-- Your wall represents you and my wall represents me. Okay, all right. So I'm gonna paint a mural. We need more of an avant-garde idea. What if we could get paint that matches your skin color? I was thinkin' more of blood type. I don't like blood. No. It's a stupid idea. No, no blood. What were you saying? We get your skin tone on the wall and then it's like, "That's Link." You have a skin wall, I have a skin wall. Skin walls is the next big thing. We don't even have to stop at skin. Painting your eye color and your hair color. My eye color, my hair color. So then when we come up against the wall it's like... Camo. It sounds like somethin' from a horror movie, so I know you're into it. Hey! Skin walls. We're making skin walls. Straight to DVD! Even though DVD isn't even a thing anymore, "Skin Walls" the movie would still go straight to it. I'm racking my brain for a better idea, and it seems like-- You don't like skin walls? It seems like that would be really easy right now. You know what, I'ma-- Skin walls? I'ma go with skin walls. Hey, and listen, if this works then we can start skinwallz.com. That's skinwallz with a Z. What about skizimwalls? Put the Z-- Nope, that's weird, and it'll be confusing, but maybe we just could change the I in Skin to a Y, and the S to a Z so it's skynwallz. Skin, skynwallz. Skynwallz. You want your walls to look like you? Skynwallz.com. Can we regroup in a two-shot? Rhett has proposed that we each take the wall that is closest to our offices. So Rhett's wall and my wall, and then we're going to paint them our skin colors. The essence of Link is coming into this room from over there, the essence of Rhett is coming into this room from over there, and then every once in a while Rhett and Link actually come in here. Nothing will make it feel more at home than our skin on the walls. Is this a good idea? Doesn't matter, we're doin' it! Okay, and first of all, there's a lot of skin tone-type things. I mean, look at this. You tell me when my face sort of matches up with it. None of this is red enough. You think we need to get this and add red to it? Are you historical? Are you sheen? Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. Look at that, look it. You're affinity. I have an affinity for some skin. You know, that's not bad. Lemme get the color preview. Oh, oh, oh, oh. What's that color? Titanic Rose? Cool Lava. Oh gosh. Cool Lava? So we got Ford Memory. Fruit Shake. Am I a Fruit Shake? Cool Lava is pretty good. I think I'm Cool Lava. You're somewhere in between a Cool Lava and a Fruit Shake. Okay Link, I think you're less red. I think you're maybe here or here. Do you think I'm a little Cappuccino? I think you might be Cappuccino. I think you might be Desert Rose. What about Southern Comfort? I mean, I know you wanna be Southern Comfort, but there's so not enough red, at all. Not even close. Can you put it on your body? Would you mind putting it on your body? No, don't take it off. I don't wanna get kicked outta here, that's too much. Be more bashful, man! No, wrong one, that's, wait, that's not, huh. Um, we're... We're trying to-- I'm not asking any questions. Okay. Sir, is there any way we can stick our hands under the color match thing to try to, like, match color? I imagine we could. You think it would actually return something that's close to skin tone? Let's find out. Put it right there, a little further. Oh, yeah, this is working. Okay, now. I have no idea if this is gonna burn you or not. I wouldn't think it would. No! That doesn't make me feel good. Definitely doin' somethin'. It's thinking. It's thinking, "This is a stupid idea." It says hand. And then he's got these, Mountain Retreat, Wooded Vista? Wanna be a Wooded Vista? I am kind of a Wooded Vista. Bottom one. So which one-- That's actually, I mean, that one, the slightly lighter one is pretty dang close. Yeah, what is that called? Uh, Lake House. Lake House! You want a house at the lake? Yeah, it's one of my dreams. I mean, on camera it looks like a perfect match. Oh really? Yeah. Lake House? I think I'm gonna do a quart of Lake House. How should we do eyes and hair? We'll just do that by eye. Okay. Okay. Okay, tryin' to figure out Link's eye color here. Take your glasses off. I think his lightest part is the Grand Cayman. Are you Ocean Blues? Ocean Blues? Ooh! Ocean Blues is better. Ocean Blue! Ocean Blues is better cause it's darker. Mm-hmm. That's it, Ocean Blues. I think that's it. That's not bad. Basil Leaf? Basil Leaf. Yeah, I love Basil. Oh, I'm Basil Leaf Lake House Man. You now what? All of a sudden my self-esteem is being boosted again. I don't know how, but it is. I like that. If a child draws me, they don't draw me with dark brown hair, they draw me with a little bit of blond. There's some blond in there. What's it with you and children drawing you? Why you gotta make this weird? When well-adjusted adults draw me-- There's fan art, I guess. We're down to these two. Pick your favorite. What are they called? Kona and French Press. So you would like Kona if you want the lighter. Well, they're both coffees. Let's go with that. Kona. Ooh, I actually think that might, ooh, that's good. Strong Influence. Strong Influence! Strong Influence? Even if that didn't work, you should take that. Yeah, I like that-- You should take that. I'm under some Strong Influence. Wow, man! Hey, Tom! Can you do the same thing for my hand? Sure. Ooh, look at that. Link, you got a Lake Shore Trail. You've got a shore trail to my lake house. You get the house and I just get the trail? You get the happy trail to my lake house. Oh, no, you get a Mountain Retreat! Ooh. Chadwick Brown. Who's that? It's you now, buddy. Chadwick Brown. The Chadwick Brown. I mean, I know it's-- Is that a football player? I think it's an actor? Chadwick Boseman's an actor. I'm kidding. So this is you, this is me. Look at all those colors. I am going to take off the boundaries because I want a clean line. Oh, you're a taper. You know I want that clean, clean, clean line. This is fun. So much fun! Tape job complete! You gotta tape your eye level. So we're gonna put a piece of tape across? Then we're gonna remove it and paint it the color of the eyes. Yeah. Let's mark the level of the top of your hair. That look right? Yep. Let's tape for you, man. Your eyes are like the top of your ear, so it's like... And then the top of your hair, in its current state. All right, so there you go. Eye level, hair level. All right, let's do my side. Yeah, I think that looks good. Oh, now you have to do that side! Aw! All right, let's get to paintin'. β™ͺ I'm paintin' β™ͺ β™ͺ Paintin' like I used to paint β™ͺ β™ͺ When I worked for my dad β™ͺ I didn't know my hair was such a dookie brown. When you were havin' babies did you, like, paint the nursery. Oh gosh, I painted lots of nursery stripes-- I remember that! Two different color of green, like light green and dark green. I did this technique with taping off all the stuff. It was like a frickin' magazine, mang. It's not easy to do. You know what? That little turd didn't care one bit about it. I'll betcha it wasn't your idea, either. No, it was back when I would do things, like home improvement things, like-- You were trying to improve yourself. It was a different season in life. Right. Okie dokie. I'm about to apply my Chadwick Brown to me wall over here! So I can finish this up and go home! Yeah, that's my flesh color! Get that flesh down in there. This might be one of the best ideas we've ever had. If you don't rank any of our other ideas. My had is blending into the wall already. I also noticed in a lot of our videos we do what they call dad grunting and dad noises. Just a lotta grunting noise and nyah... I used to notice that my dad would do that stuff all the time. Now, because of these vlogs, I'm realizing that now I do it. I like the smell of the Lake House paint. It smells different than the hair paint. I'm sweatin' like we're at the lake house. At the lake house with Chadwick Brown. You know, we should call this room Chadwick Brown's Lake House. 'Cause you know a guy named Chadwick Brown, his parents have a lake house. Oh yeah, right. Is this seeming like a good idea the closer it gets to completion? All I'm doin' is focusing on completion. And I don't question whether it's a good or bad completion. When you say, "Focusing on completion," that, in particular, bothers me. You know, some days, after spending all afternoon trying to figure out how to paint a wall the color of your skin, hair and eyes, you just run out of time and you gotta paint the eyes tomorrow. The world doesn't stop for us painters, Rhett. Day two. This is the first vlog that's gone into a second day. It's quite a commitment, this painting thing. Yeah, but you know, we're doing more than just vlogging. We're painting! We're painting. What is this? Oh, that's the thing that was in my office. After you left yesterday I came up with the idea to paint it. This represents me kinda peeking out into the world and opening my big left eye. You crapped on it, basically. No, no, no, I'm making it, it's me. Let's see how these stripes did. I'm gonna start right here, I'ma pull this back. Duh, doesn't look too great. Oh god, oh gosh damn, what-- The paint went underneath this cheap frickin' tape, man. I thought we got the good tape. We got the crappy tape! Gol-lee! You know what? Crappy tape. Oh, that's not good tape. Oh, ho, ho, ho, ha, ha. Maybe that's part of it. It's part of it. Can't we say that this was part of it? Maybe part of skin-walling is the fact that it's not perfect. What happened right there? I dunno. You screwed that up. Whoooooo! Nope, oh god. I've watched enough satisfying videos to know that the future me that's gonna watch this back is gonna be very unsatisfied. I just wanna apologize-- Hey, sell this! I just wanna apologize to everybody who was watching this thinking that it was gonna be satisfying. No, don't go, oh that's not good. Aw, that little piece right there! Look at this. Oh, oh! Oh god. That's horrible. But you know what? The top of your hair is not even. Yeah. That's what we captured with skin-walling. Okay. Let's take a look at yours. I'm going this way. Oh. Ugh. More of the same. I mean, from this distance it looks good. I'll tell ya, that looks like somethin', man. That doesn't look too great, but again, right there is where your eye color goes. We gotta freehand the eye color in there? Or do we need to do a tape? I think we need to do a reverse tape. Reverse tape. You know what time it is. Coverall time. I'm a plumber! Who likes plants! Who's painting! Stripes! On a wall! Skin-wallin'! Day two! Let's do it! Sometimes a two-day job-- Sometimes the job never finishes. You think we could offer skin-walling as something like we come to people's homes and-- Yes, that's what I was thinkin'. We don't take the family to the store. We have our own swatches. No, we have that machine that the guy at the hardware store had. We bring the machine, we invest in one of those machines. Right. We come to your house and we find a way to scan everything. Your eyes, it's like a eye scanner. And what we end up doing is where it's actually-- That's a small investment for something so important. It doubles as a iris scanner and we're actually getting people's identity. We're stealing their identity through the iris. We're criminals? Yeah, it's a scam. I'm talking-- We don't use the data for like, years. Years. And they never piece it together. It's a slow play. And then one day we're like-- Uh, you mean a long play. Yeah, long play. It happens fast. Everybody's like, "Aw, man, "everyone who got skin-walled has now been robbed." It's like, "Yeah." "What is the common denominator "with all these people?" "They were all skin-walled." I wanted to put some gray in my hair. You know what you oughta do? It's like this. You get that paint and you just go like this. Yeah. And then just do it freehand, just go all over it. Bang, bang, bang, oh yeah, uh-huh. Happy little gray hairs. You're happy that you've got white hairs. Yeah, some patches are bigger than others. Now we're goin' all the way, huh? Don't overthink it, you're so meticulous! Look at how one on a ten-eogram that is. Don't do that, just be free! I can't, I-- Just be free! You're not that's not free! That's not free. But it looks better. Is this what the Property Brothers feel like? Yeah, we're like the Property Brothers. I wouldn't even look at it. Look at me as you're doin' that. Yeah! Man, your wall's better than mine all of a sudden. But listen, what we've come up with is a skin wall technique for people with graying hair. That's nothin' to shake a stick at, man. Woo-wee! That looks like drizzle on an ice cream cake! All right Rhett, let's pull your tape good buddy! Whoo, look at that! Whoa, that's nice! Whoa, oh, oh, oh, whoa-ho-ho-ho! Doesn't it look like something that you'd see somewhere? And you would be like, "Ah! "That's an interesting combination of colors!" And I would be like, "That combination of colors is me!" Now. These gray streaks, I'm afraid that they're gonna be droopin' down on my eye-- I don't think so. Color. I don't think so, man. You know what? Perfection is an illusion. That's the thing I'm learning in life. Come on now, that's good mang, that's good! Look at that, like a forest of... Aging hair. Look at that! Does that look good? Oh yeah. That's a nice little pattern there you got. Ow, ow, ah, ow. I don't think you shoulda done that. I'm gonna give it a double-pull. Oh, that's satisfying. We got a little eye color, little Ocean Blue! Bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop, beeoo! Look at that! I think it's good, man. That's cool. It looks very intentional. It looks intentional. Even though it weren't. Okay, now for the moment of truth. You gotta take your shirt off and stand up against your wall. Yeah. You're the same color as that wall, man. Am I? I mean, you got a lot of different shades in you, for sure, but especially the darker parts of you. The darker parts of me. Put your hands up. What do you mean, put 'em up? Like this. Yeah. This is startin' to get a little weird. It's been weird, man! You been skin-walled. Do some ads, skinwalls.com. Hi, I'm Link Neal and I've recently been skin-walled. I'm very happy with it. I'm Chadwick Brown in the body, Ocean Blue in the eyes and Strong Influence in the hair. Skinwalls.com. Skinwalls.net. Skinwalls.biz. Skinwalls.uk. Skinwalls.xxx. No, hey! That's kind of distorting part of it. Okay, let me get skin-walled. You, my friend, have been skin-walled. Hi, my name is Rhett. I'm another happy customer of skinwalls.com. I am Lake House in the body, Basil in the eyes and Kona in the hair. Everyone is their own combination of skin wall. Find out what you are at skinwall, zzz, dot com. Skinwalls.edu. Sk-oh, that's good, gettin' to the schools now. Do you wanna get skin-walled at college? Skinwalls.edu. I think we are really onto somethin'. Listen, can you imagine walking into a family home, of like a family of four, and saying, "Hey, would you guys like to get skin-walled? "Each one of you can have a wall in this room. "'Cause it's got four sides. "Or everybody in the family could have a skin wall "in their own room." And then for the kids, as they get older, you could, like, to a stair-step skin wall-- Stair-step skin wall? Yeah, and that's-- Ha! It let's you track the progress kind of a thing. It just looks tasteful. 'Cause, you match, man. You match too. You need to get a slightly, just a little bit of a tan. I'll get more of a tan, don't worry. We came. We saw. We skin-walled. Man, I'm so happy. I've never been happier about anything that we've created. It was cool. And there is a future in it. But I've been happier with lots of things we've created. And we didn't have to work this hard. All right, you know where to find me. I'll be up against my skin wall. Just chillin'. You've even got on like brown pants.
Channel: Rhett & Link
Views: 3,233,239
Rating: 4.9447165 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, rhettandlink, rhett & link, rhett&link, rhett, rett, mclaughlin, link, linc, neal, good mythical morning, goodmythicalmorning, mythical, mythicality, comedy, duo, commercial, kings, music, videos, skits, weekly, vlogs, We Painted the Walls our Skin Color, creative, house, home, wall, painting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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