Kids Chat Dot Net Is The New Club Penguin

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one of my favorite things about YouTube is that the people who choose to become youtubers all have their own minds we are all individuals who have our own thoughts and feelings about things and we all have our own moral compasses and ethics that we follow to a tea well some people think trying to go out of their way to find personal information of a minor is okay and use that to dodge them coughed tea trigger and in line with le cough cough others will see that and call it out where some people think that behaving in the same way you would expect a sentient jar of expired mayonnaise to behave is decent online aka Jake Paul there are people on the platform willing to call it out as soon as they see it basically unlike network and mainstream media people on YouTube make decisions for themselves and choose what they are going to talk about based on their own ethics and moral guidelines they don't have to get approval from their higher-ups to report on situations and make sure what they are saying is going to be approved by massive corporations and their bosses and make sure that what they are reporting on isn't something their bosses want to be kept quiet and I know that probably sounds like I am a conspiracy theorist and I'm like off my rocker a little bit but like I'm really not look into how many times different reporters were going to expose and talk about what was going on Jeffrey Epstein and how many times those reporters were shut the heck down because apparently saying hey this guy does some gross things and we can prove it let me prove it was just a bad idea apparently that wasn't newsworthy apparently that was too far apparently showing all the different people and all the world leaders hanging out with this guy who is the epitome of disgusting yeah that just like couldn't make the five o'clock news it was too much no I will gladly gladly wear the tinfoil hat you will bestow upon me for saying that I truthfully do not care I don't care because that whole let's not talk about this obviously huge issue that is hurting plenty of people because it has to do with someone in power yeah that doesn't fly on YouTube that's not what YouTube and social media and new media marketing is about YouTube is filled with such diverse minds and so many people with different morals and motivations that when someone sees the story where people are being hurt or taken advantage of they will feel inclined to report on it and because they don't have to answer to anyone else they will they will see something like what's going on right now on kids chat dotnet and they will react knowing their voices are powerful and knowing that what they are doing isn't that the right thing youtubers as well as independent reporters are bringing about a new wave of journalism where powerful people who want to be left unchecked can no longer intimidate whole companies and they can no longer bury stories with threats and frankly I'm happy to see it it's something that I think we all should be incredibly proud of what I am is slightly less proud of though because there's always got to be a negative in my videos is the fact that I am now aware that Predators can come online and mass like YouTube videos showing what they are doing behind the scenes in an attempt to hide their criminal actions and have a YouTube team that false-flag that's totally okay according to YouTube it's totally fine that these guys are trying to prey on young girls and boys online as long as you don't talk about it on YouTube because if you talk about it in the wrong way you're a bully and you're probably being too mean and Lord knows we should all care about the emotional well-being of someone that states that they are 38 and married and looking to talk to a 12 year old we should care what that guy thinks we shouldn't bully that guy who's doing that that is a joke we shouldn't care he is Hebrew Jesus come back we hate it obviously that brings me into today's topic which is of course what is going on with kids chat net do youtuber mama max and the follow that is currently happening on that site because you would think you would venture to guess when you have been so thoroughly exposed for predators using your site so you wouldn't respond in passive aggressive blog post making light of the serious allegations and the proof that's come out but um you'd be wrong because that's exactly what they're doing so let's get into this hey guys it's Shannon and if you're not aware this past week a youtuber by the name of mama max exposed the website kids chat for being full of online predators looking to prey on young men and women online he did this in a documentary style video that went over the ins and outs of the website showing how bad the problem was and making sure to spread awareness about the situation so that more could be done to stop the spread the video itself is informative well put together and he did an excellent job showing what was going on and how these predators are getting away with being so vulgar and obvious on the site that was very clearly in name supposed to be aimed directly at children I mean kids chat net you can't get more this is for kids than that however as the video caught traction and started doing incredibly well and as more and more people were becoming aware of the situation YouTube struck the video down and mama max receives a Community Guidelines strike because of it in a tweet max sent out on the 12th of June he writes I recently made a documentary exposing child predators and a pedo ring currently on the Internet actual reports to the FBI and NCMEC have been made because of it which can be provided upon request predators have flagged the video and gotten it removed my appeal was denied at Team YouTube all personal information was hidden and censored names and identities were altered to protect the privacy of non-consenting parties all dramatization in the video / dialogue were fictional and meant for storytelling purposes please reinstate that video at teen youtube however since that time YouTube has confirmed that they agree they agree the video showing predators on a website should have been taken down because apparently it was deemed to violate their policies on harassment threats and cyber bullying you heard that right showing predators actions was deemed harassment and cyber bullying because apparently showing the actions of grown-ass men and women who are trying to groom and manipulate children on a publicly accessible website that's too much that's not OK we can't talk about it that's not something we do here on the Internet we just let it happen seriously though let's talk about this the actions these disgusting people are doing that's illegal and the crime and should be talked about but also don't talk about it on YouTube because it's too mean because we don't want the Predators feelings to be hurt think of the Predators guys be nice to him come on personally when I saw that I was rightfully disgusted because to me this was obviously predators abusing a system in order to be allowed to continue to prey on others it was very clearly bad and it was very obviously wrong and I wasn't the only one to feel this way seeing as some ordinary gamers in Expo both made videos talking about this situation and explaining it further all the while defending llama map link those videos down below because they are more informative they go more in depth to what we're talking about they show different things a lot of them work with Mama max so I'm just gonna link those down below you guys should definitely watch them all those youtubers are great I like all of them they don't boast they don't know me though so we're not like don't think we're but I just I like them I'm a fan however what I want to focus on is the website's response to this I want to talk about how this website which has been shown in three separate videos that are currently accessible online to be the stomping ground for predators despite branding itself to be a site for kids with the name kids chat has responded to the situation I want to take the time to show you how this Web site that is supposed to be a safe place for children to come online and chat with other children around the world how they are responding to the allegations that predators are actively running them up and how they went from pleading ignorance and being able to say well we didn't know to being actively complicit in this that's right I'm gonna state it at this point they're complicit On June 6 after max put out his video and it started to receive traction the kids chat dotnet blog put out this post entitled addressing concerns about kids chat and tagged it under the announcements and safety now reading the title reading the addressing concerns about kids chat I would be inclined more or less to think that they watched the video they saw the evidence that multiple people have put on their site that was targeting kids they could see the irrefutable claims they could see everything that was happening and they were going to respond in a way any company would if they saw any of this and they were going to say they were going to be devoting time and energy to stopping what was going on on their site and making sure safety was the number one priority because what kind of company that works with children would see this and then try to bury it try to not acknowledge it what kind of person would try to manipulate the situation to make it seem like those allegations and the evidence that has been shown by multiple people is false why would they lie about it obviously nobody would do that unless they where's unintelligent or you know someone who is happy to have predators on their website and don't want to lose that face you want to protect your predator viewing base which I would venture to guess is the case seeing as this blog post was essentially trying to tell everyone that like no don't even worry I know there was a popular video going around that said there is this stuff going on but like nothing wrong everything is fine and everything that's being said despite the evidence is false just please don't go on and make a profile for yourself to check like if you haven't like don't do that because you will be contacted by adults within four minutes so like don't do it and don't like test us but it's all false please don't look into it the post goes on to say this hey kids recently it's been brought to our attention that a video was created with accusations directed at the owners administrators and moderators of this very website we usually don't respond to such crap and just continue to make this website better without the outside noise however with a little extra time we thought it would be appropriate to send a message in response to the channel and its author that was posting false accusations in defamatory remarks about this website and its staff I've gathered input from several of our staff members for this writing first off first off let me just be clear right here and now despite them saying like hey kids all of that they know damn well no children who's on this site nobody is going to read this other than adults like let's be real if you're a kid using kids chat you don't check the kids chat blog nobody's doing that this post isn't for the children it's either for their parents who might have seen the video and are actively concerned or for the people who access this website and in adults and are using it nefariously that's it that's who this post is for and you can tell that's who it's for because obviously they're using concepts and wording that wouldn't make sense to kids defamatory [ __ ] all their statements you like kids don't use those words they don't know what that means they would need a thesaurus a dictionary to know what's happening here this is for adults obviously so the hey kids is baloney and silly I'm to pretend it's for children right now is stupid also the idea that we are just going to casually ignore blatant evidence showing our site is being used by deviants and we're going to ignore that and just say it's defamatory y'all liars everything was made up and the points don't matter all of that is stupid and then they go on to say that the person who talked about this is evil for saying it and they're stupid yeah momma Max is the problem and he's accusing things that haven't happened it's just a bad idea because personally if I was a parent on this site and I knew my child was going on the site and had actively used this repeatedly and I saw that same I would think Wow you said you you normally don't respond to this stuff so how many times have you been accused of this you normally don't respond to these accusations and you just let them slide so how many times has this accusation been leveled against you has it been once has it been twice how many times cuz now it makes me think oh this is a common occurrence for you clearly they just said we usually ignore all the times people bring this up about our website so what's happened more than once and I guess like now we have to acknowledge it like that one statement alone big mistake huge I also want to venture to guess that there's no staff and if there is a staff that's involved with their website they certainly certainly were not gathered to talk about the video and subsequently debunk it in this post just with how terrible of a job is done with the rest of this blog post there's no way that's happening this was for sure written by one idiot who thinks he's Sherlock Holmes it has like this mega mind he literally thinks he's the most brilliant guy in the world and he's gonna debunk this whole thing with facts and logic and thinks he literally thinks that this one post he just Kayode all the evidence that shows him being complicit in this and shows that the website actively allows this when in reality all he has done is made himself look terrible all he's done is made himself look like someone who's okay with this because he's labeling all evidence that was shown as false all proof shown as fake and saying oh it was just BOTS it wasn't us no originally when I was writing this video I was gonna go point by point over why everything in the same it is hot garbage but muda a case um ordinary gamers already did that in his own video however I do want to point out just how seriously this website that is made for children takes all this in their blog posts I wanted to show something that to me and me alone shows exactly how seriously they take protecting children online from actual sexual predators here in the video that shows their users their online base trying to talk explicitly with children in clips that show that literally happening they critique that video with the evidence for playing scary music and quote having a sinister theme they say that is both quote amusing and appalling at the same time and then they use a gif of Seth Meyers to really show how much they care about children's safety they do that in order to debunk sex predators using their site and saying that he's exaggerating despite the fact that he had proof to show it was happening that is astounding it's absolutely astounding that they wrote this out looked at it and thought yes this will show everyone if I put this comical gif in a post talking about guys there's no sexual predators here don't worry about it like it's absolutely fine it's it'll be fine that's fine nobody's gonna believe it after I put this gif here if I critique the video that showed us allowing sexual predators on our site for being too dark and having music added then everyone will think the proof that was shown was fake great work everyone glad we're all here let's all go home however that is not the only blog post they have made oh no no no no no because why would it be didn't you know this blog is super active now for some reason which is weird because it definitely wasn't before in fact between December 2018 and December 2019 within a year the blog has only been updated five times however between June 6 - now which is the 16th it has already been updated four more times talking about the situation and burying themselves deeper and deeper into this mess and each one of the blog posts gets more and more aggressive as time goes on take for example how they decided to call mama max into money map because I guess if you insert money into the name that will shut him up that'll for sure discredit him and make you guys look smart right of course I guess they thought it would be a clever insult to make people think wow this guy only cares about that green he only cares about money and therefore all the proof about his website and all the proof that has later come out with other people's videos is now inconsequential or how in a post from June 14th they started with hey kids and then out of nowhere despite that being how they start every vlog post they go on to say I love when youtubers read that out on their channels with their nerdy voice Act kids does not mean seven or eight kids actually encompass any age under 19 which first off no it doesn't anyone over the age of 18 is not a child you [ __ ] kids chat was not made for any what like why would you even argue that but then second off the amount of anger and like passive aggression in that one statement alone it's palpable I'm reading it off the computer and the passive-aggressive nature and feeling I can touch it I can physically touch it right now it's weird like this man woman child whoever's running this site is very pissed that people have talked about the blog at all and it's very clearly pissed that all of this isn't subsiding they also went on to say that Max is at fault for everything that's happening that max lied everything is false and that quote the embarrassment handed because a fake - feigning slanderous video he made called out and that's why the video is off and that's why he hasn't uploaded more I think I want to say that his many lies were called out and basically his credibility was hurt because they had apparently disproven everything that was said and everything that was shown which absolutely did not happen never happen what like what are you talking about you cannot say we debunked everything when you debunked nothing you made a bunch of claims that muda showed were false that other people showed were false you said you couldn't access the site with the VPN I just did it what are you talking about they also go on to say this he is now in desperation enlisted several other of his youtuber friends and fans to help him in his request to save face and help prove that he was right and everyone else was wrong no he hasn't that's what you did you tried to take down a video and now people are seeing more and more of it you dingus there was one old man posing as a nine year old which he shouldn't have been there in the first place the intro of his video he sure could have used that voice thing that money max uses cuz it was a total failure let's go to war lol dude chill out Rambo I can see how that conversation must have went as he's probably begging each and every single one of his friends to do a video to support him so we watched a few of them and once again the one-sidedness of them is expected they never addressed any of our counterclaims we outlined in our previous blog posts now everything they say in that blog posts and there is like pretty false because Lilly one of the people who made a video on the subject was muda a K some ordinary gamer who thoroughly read out the initial blog post and showed how they were lying there's been plenty of other videos that have debunked all of the blog posts like he read from the blog debunked every point they made especially the one about there being 24/7 moderation to keep everyone safe and everything's highly regulated on the site then you can't use a VPN if you're on it there were so much that was said in the blog post that's notably false based on what we're just looking at but the blog post reads in its entirety as someone who's extremely extremely extremely bitter about all that is happening and is more upset that people are calling out their website for hosting predators and allowing them access to children then the fact that predators are seemingly taking advantage of this website like they are angrier that people are saying this what you're doing is bad and not angry at the Predators who were doing it he's not mad at predators he's mad at people being mad at him from the predator I'm losing my mind it literally reads as if whoever is in charge of the site is more worried that the Predators can no longer use the site and that's gonna be their main issue than being worried about the safety of actual kids that's what it reads their last post which was actually put up to date June 16th at time of recording continues the trend and focuses more time talking about how the youtuber is talking about what's happening are more at fault for swearing during their videos a youtuber saying [ __ ] during their videos makes them more at fault than what this website is for hosting sexual predators and not protecting children that's what they say they also go on to say that the videos where people are talking about what's going on and showing what happens on the website they're all fake and all the messages that were shown aren't that fake and nothing's been done on anyone else is that they're all box they're not real it didn't happen you are all lying now I know from my own research into this that isn't true seeing as I reported the site because within five minutes of making an account or a girl who's supposedly 14 using my own photos from when I was at age I was reached out to by three different men all claiming to be over the age of 18 all asking if they could talk to me because they just wanted to quote get to know me what 30 year old wants to get to know a 14 year old none of them none of them none of them I'm telling you that right now this website is disgusting it's unregulated it's run by an idiot who doesn't care about the children who do access the site and doesn't care about people's basic safety they are more upset that people are calling them out and that he is more likely to lose his income than keeping the website that's supposed to be or children safe he has made that clear he has made that so very clear at the end of the day that if he gets paid he doesn't care what's going on and to me honestly that's not okay it's never okay it's disgusting and I want to thank mama max I got some ordinary gamers and literally everyone who has talked about this because y'all deserve medals you really do this is more attention and this site truly needs to be shut down or at least handed over to someone who doesn't think that all the predators that are being mentioned are bought accounts because they're not and even if they work why do you have body counts that do this dude why let me know what you guys think about this in the comment section down below let me know how you feel about this story and the response from the rub site administrator with that being said I hope you guys have a genuinely dope-ass day and I will see you in my next video later [Music] [Music]
Channel: CreepShow Art
Views: 321,681
Rating: 4.9621925 out of 5
Keywords: creepshowart, creepshow, art, KidsChat,, MamaMax, Nexpo, NightDocs, Child Safety, Internet Safety, Video removed, YouTube Policy
Id: Ev90cQXi2iE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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