The Night Prayer - Ustadh Ali Hammuda

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May Allah (swt) give us the tawfiq to engage in the night prayer in every night of this blessed month of Ramadan. 🤲🏻

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Steadfast1990 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
come on come on Salam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato in the hamdulillah he knew who understand you know who wanna stuff you don't wanna be here when I tell karate inaudible Anita let me assure Rudy am fussing over me and say yeah TI Molina Molina who I'm a little fella Hadi Allah Masha Allah illa allahu la sharika lahu wa ashadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh welcome dear brothers and sisters clip to mo tae-bum share convertible ottoman agenda demons illa allah jalla jalaluhu accept from you your footsteps to the house of allah and may he make this gathering a gathering of the akhirah gathering of remembrance that is attended by the angels and spoken well of by allah subhana wa ta'ala in the build up of the month of Ramadan I speak today of a path that was taken by the prophets and messengers a path that was taken by the revivalists that came after them those revivalists that had an effect on humanity we speak today of arguably one of the most effective tools in existence to repair a man and to restore broken hearts and to amend relationships with allah jalla jalalahu we speak today of an act of worship that is revived every year in the most exciting fashion and the most heartwarming of ways following the very first day of the month of ramadan an act of worship however that is then abandoned and neglected following the departure of the last night of Ramadan and the appearance of the first day of Eid speak today of an act of worship that we can describe as being the introduction to prophethood an act of worship that we can describe as being paradise on earth an act of worship there is not average in the least but it is a gift from allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala to humanity we speak today of none other than km who nailed the night prayer the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam said in the famous hadith which I'm sure you have come across and this hadith is going to be our template for this short reminder today try to memorize at least this narration it's all what we will need be even in Lantana it is that narration which was recorded by imam eternity in his JAMA on the authority of a be animated by healy that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam said alaikum will clear me lately for in Naju that was solid Hyneman habla con wahakura burton alaikum olara become Wommack ferritin a nice AE a tea woman her to Nani Ethan he said uphold the night prayer take care of the night prayer because memorize these three phrases now because it is the way of the righteous people before you and it is a means of drawing closer to your Lord and it is a means of erasing sins and it is a means of guarding you from sins lonna hang on this one hadith is sufficient on its own to transform our perception towards this act of worship so that we never ever see it the same way again and it is very timely and appropriate that we speak of this hadith now today bearing in mind that ramadana was just round the corner and this is an act of worship that the overwhelming majority of Muslims are going to be engaged in night in night out in the form of solitude taraweeh the night prayer but what is the night prayer is it limited to bowing and prostrating in the night is it an act of a matter that is exclusive to the month of Ramadhan no the hadith that we just heard makes it clear that this is something altogether different what is ki-moon Lael let us analyze now and I'm in the hadith that we just heard phrase by phrase what was the first phrase do you remember for in Naju that was Sally haenam in public um it is the way of the righteous people before you if we speak of the righteous people then how dare any human being mentioned any name before the name of our beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu aleyhi wa salem allah subhana allah says to him in one of the earliest chapters of the Quran given to him early in the Sierra early in Mecca chapter 73 of the quran surat al muslimin Allah Almighty says to him to me Lena in laka Neela get up and pray at night except a small amount of it Nisswa who among us men who kalila half of the night prayed or a little bit less than that I was literally he wore a tiddle for a gnat are teyla or pray more than that if you wish and recite the Quran in a measured recitation the majority of the scholars are of the view that this surah that you just heard or part of it surah - Musa meal is number three or number four from the chapters of the Quran given to the messenger salallahu alayhi wasalam f cara and surah to Talam and perhaps surah to remote death fear and solitude Muslim meal there was a different arrangement the majority of the scholars are of the view al muslimin is number three or number four in the arrangement of the Quran and therefore we can say that the instruction to pray at night given to the prophet mohammed salah salem was one of the very first instructions given to him by allah almighty to prepare him for the difficulties ahead of him to pray at night and what is even more amazing is that in the surah surah Muzammil allah subhana WA Ta'ala described the night prayer of the prophets on our Salam what does he say in Arabic Allah Alamo Anika takumu edenia Lutheran lady one is for who was Luther who what or if a to mean a lady in a Mac Allah Almighty knows Oh Messenger allahu alayhi wasallam that you are spending little less than two-thirds of the night in prayer or half of the night or a third of the night in prayer and a group of believers with you imagine the messenger salah salem is springing almost 2/3 of the night in ki-moon lay at a time when he only had three or four sewers of the quran and muslim mil being the third or fourth so what was he doing for two thirds of the night what quran could he have been reciting there was no surat al-baqara and early I'm Ron and Lisa and and I'm these long sewers they weren't around at the time what was he doing for 2/3 of non-italian he sought out to a celeb if all that we had was sorta to the Muslim male as being number three or number four was he repeating the same source over and over again was he engaged in Doha and Vicar and is still far regardless of the answer to this what we know is that Clea Mullane occupied a high station in the life of the messengers of allah alayhi wa sallam in the introduction to his Dawa in the middle of his Dawa and shortly before he died he was a man who prayed at night in Naju that masala Heineman public ohm it is the way of the righteous people before you abou Zenith he says listen to this and tell me if you've heard of anything like this before he says come to a guru in a masjid in Navi he sallallahu alayhi wasallam fish Sahar sama a moral a bait in allow if he himself to Tariq he says I used to make my way to the mosque of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam in medina during the latter part of the night just before solitary failure pitch black and every single house that I would walk across I would hear the sound of Quran being recited from beyond the walls everybody was awake he said vicuna national feat eonni the arid Nell Hodja nagulu Alicante Mo Farah and we when we were young boys kids perhaps whenever we wanted something from the adults we would say to one another let's wait for the hour of the night let's meet up in the hour of the night because they know if you want to meet the men if you want to meet the woman if there's something you require everybody will be awake at what time in the night time just before Fechter everybody is worshipping Allah Subhan Allah by worshipping occasionally Yemeni the famous tur behind he also says something similar to this he says Malcolm to ara ara Danny an amorphous Siham I don't remember seeing anybody sleeping during the later part of the night I don't remember seeing anybody ever sleeping in the later part of the night everybody was awake glorifying Allah Subhan Allah brothers and sisters we ask sometimes why is our situation the way it is today this is part of the problem undoubtedly because now if Tawas had seen our situation today and i am no exception perhaps perhaps he would say I don't see anybody awake during that time who is only except a few it is the way of the righteous people before us there is the night prayer Imam Muhammad Muhammad had a guest who visited him once and he was a student of hadith and so Imam Ahmed wanted to host him that night and allow him to spend the evening with him and so he prepared for him a container of water so that he can do his will or when he wants to pray at night the next morning Imam Ahmed came to wake him up and he noticed that the container of water had been unmoved he hadn't prayed at night so imam ahmed rahim allah holly he was shocked and he said subhanAllah by Libba hadith in Nanakuli who will do mean Ali he said Sohan Allah I have never seen this before a student of hadith who does not have a portion of night prayer a student of hadith who doesn't pray at night and we could repeat the exact same words by saying super hon Allah and I saw committee member of Phocis remember a message committee member who does not pray at night a Muslim parent who wants to raise Muslim children who are protected from the temptations and doubtful matters out there in society and he or she doesn't pray at night an imam a kathleen an attendee of a halacha a deliverer of a Halawa a person who shares Islamic reminders on Facebook and does not have a portion of night prayer somebody who believes that the squeeze of the grave is real and believes that he shall see the face of the Angel of Death and believes on the day of judgment that will be 50,000 years long and does not have prayer at night how can that be so this is phrase number one from the hadith do you remember it in the who that was slyly here I mean public um it is the way of the righteous people before you what was phase phrase number two he said if you remember mahaprabhu button-lock whom ihlara become and it is a means of drawing closer to your lord but those who ask about a staircase that leads to the pleasure of allah for those who inquire about one of the shortest routes that lead to the acceptance of allah i say that you will find such a staircase in the middle of the night perhaps dear brothers and sisters this is one of the secrets why allah jalla jalaluhu offers so much to those men and women who pray at night because it is a means of drawing closer to your Lord those who discipline themselves to pray whether after salat Elisha straight away or in the later parts of the night before failure this is a means of growing closer to your Lord as he said alayhi salatu wassalam he has offered so much in thanks so much as a reward what is the reward you're probably now thinking what is the reward of praying at night and the answer to this question is we don't fully know yeah it's been kept a secret for the most part it is hidden and that is why allah subhanaw taala he said that one of the most beautiful ayat surah 2 such that allah almighty says that a jaffa renewable who man in Medora their sides forsake their beds their sides forsake their our beds they don't want to sleep how come you're the owner of the home Hong Kong wah Tama because they are calling their Lord out of fear and hope one in Melrose upon a human and from the money we've given them they are spending so oh allah what is the reward that you have offered them tell us o allah in the eye after it the answer is filete element of some karate I own just American we are alone Allah says therefore no soul no soul knows of the delights of the eyes that have been hidden for it as a reward for what they used to do what is the reward of those who call upon allah almighty and cry to him and beg for their needs and prostrate at the door of allah almighty every evening what is their reward allah almighty no soul has any knowledge of this it surprised a surprise for them on the day of judgement why has it been kept a surprise somebody may ask him am evil I am rock/metal lion he takes a stab at the answer and he says the animal careful of the m/l kafir card allah llahu man from whom in climbing Li lei Li bilges are Allah the one whom my mulatto Halima who nerves he said because the same way that they would make an effort to pray at night and to not allow anybody to see their good deeds Allah Almighty will reward them by giving them a reward by giving them a reward that no human being has ever seen they made an effort to hide their good deeds by peering at night so Allah Almighty has thanked them and compensated them by giving them a reward that is also hidden however does this mean that we don't know at all but the people of the night are going to be given on the day of judgement we have no perception of the reward in general for them no no we do have some perception and that is why a man would tell me the narrates in his Jami on the authority of illegally I believe that the messenger sallallahu aleyhi wa salem says in that village enmity or of her in jannah there are rooms whoo-whoo-whoo-whoo harm in botany Heriberto no harm in the harihar in gender there are a specific type of rules special rooms where you can see their outsides from their insides and you can see there are insights from their outsides they are in a high number so an Arab Bedouin man stood up and he said Lehman here now rasool allah o messenger of allah who do these rooms belong to we want to reserve one of them ourselves he said to him for part recipe he said he le meant appar belkalem what upon a poem were Adamas am was a leader he been lately when a sunni on these our rooms he said that belongs to those who speak beautiful words and distribute food and continually fasts and pray at night when other people are asleep did you memorize those four he said it belongs to those who speak beautiful words and distribute food and continually fast and pray at night when other people are asleep is there anything else we know that allah almighty has prepared for the people of the night yes a messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam sent an asset on your home allahu ta âlâ why up Haku nae him why establish Shiro be him there are three categories of people whom Allah Almighty loves and he smiles at them imagine Allah and Malik the king are rubbed the compeller al Jabar smiling at you what must they have done to deserve the smile of Allah Allah sees the most mighty he said there are three people whom Allah Almighty loves and he smiles at them and he is happy with them and he mentioned one of the three people one of the three categories as being as follows one man Lahoma rotten hasna Wafi rosh hashanah layin on Hasan for who Oh sunny Linda Heba lately for Hulu yeah Nia Rob yada boo shahe wat ahooo YF corny while sha a rapid one of the three categories he says is a person who has a beautiful wife a beautiful spouse and a very comfortable soft bedding but then in the middle of the night he gets up and he leaves his spouse leaves his desire to remember Allah so Allah Almighty will say to his angels look at how my slave has left his bed and his desire in order to remember me and if he wanted he could have continued sleeping Allah Almighty smiles and such a person so you may think now okay what is the significance of the smile of Allah what happens when allah jalla jalalahu smiles at a person imam ahmed narrates in his most night that the messenger salallahu alayhi wa sallam said answering this question while Logica or Ibuka the ability in dunya fella reasonably here when your Lord smiles at a person he said when your Lord smiles at a person in the life of this world he will not have any accountability on the day of judgment backdoor entrance into jenga all of the horrors that you and I hear about yamaha yama it doesn't apply to these people because they will not be held accountable there has no know whom will face the ultimate terror the terror of yama yama will not grieve them in the least this is what happens when allah smiles are a person and one of the three people whom allah smiles at is a person who gets up remembers allah almighty and leaves his comfort if his gel bed leaves his beautiful spouse for short moments to glorify allah gentler genera some of the reward allah almighty has prepared for them and that is why we said well what corbett only come in arabic um this was phrase number two do you remember it it is a means of drawing closer to your Lord he said take care of the night prayer because it is the way of the righteous people before you and it is a means of drawing closer to your Lord what was phrase number three a ferret una SAE at you a Manhattan analyst he said and the night prayer is a means of erasing sins and is a means of protecting you from sins Allah this is a profound statement brothers and sisters dear brother dear sister if you have accumulated certain sins today or yesterday or at some point in your past sins that you are so scared that allah almighty is going to remind you about them on the day of standing then those sins can be erased at night if you also have sins that you are afraid that you're going to redo sometime in the future because they're so addictive they're so appealing they look so good you are afraid that after your repentance you're going to go back to them you will find your shield that I will find my shield in the night it is a means of erasing sins meaning of the past and a means of protection from sins meaning from the future all of that is found in the night la ilaha illallah and perhaps this is one of the secrets dear brothers and sisters finally messenger sallallahu aleyhi wa salem refers to the night prayer as sheriff al mu'minin the owner of the believer because a person who minimizes his sin is honored in the eyes of allah and a chronic sinner is humiliated in the eyes of allah and humiliated in his own eyes we all know that feeling when you pull away from a sin that bitter cold feeling of anxiety sadness and misery like fire that is eating away inside of you during the sin and after the sin you really feel humiliated by to the Nuba to me to no blockage or Asadullah in amman hoo-ha water could do no be higher to follow me were higher only in fcc casiano ha these were the beautiful words of allah abdus salaam since cause hearts hearts to die and Tiamo nail is a protection from sins Oh you who is struggling with a particular sin whether it pertains to the opposite gender or a financial sin or a something that is consumed or something that is injected or something that is inhaled or something that is observed or something that is listened to or a clothing that is not observed the night is the place to fix it there for the night prayer is shut awful moment the honor of the believer angel jibreel once came to the messenger sallallahu aleyhi wa salem and he said to him he gave him a hot wha what did he say to him he said to him yeah Mohammed I smash it for in the community what a happy man for in nakamori haruko mohamed nasheed the in Nakamura's even be why l'm and Sharaf al movement uyama who believed him where is the who is Tina Oh Hani nurse he said o Muhammad sallallaahu Holly he was in them live as long as you wish but realize you're gonna die in the end and love whoever you wish realize you're going to be separated from them in the end do whatever you may wish realize you're gonna be held accountable in the end and realize he said to him underlying this and realized that the honour of a believer is found in his night prayer and the dignity the dignity of a believer is found when he or she is not reliant upon anyone the dignity of a believer is found in his night prayer the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa seldom was told by angel jibreel dignity real honor and this is honor that Allah is going to publicize even if you try to hide it if you are a sincere person worshiping Allah when nobody can see you or hear you whether you like it or not Allah is gonna publicize it eras my APPA al hassan ii he said i am a lady mahiette until madam burner on filibuster what we are on film Albie walk away don't feel bad any were in a radula now you will suddenly be laylee force mijo Fatiha Yad you don't fara have he called me he said the night prayer gives life to the body and light to your vision and luminosity to your heart and strength to your limbs and a person who prays at night will wake up the very next morning feeling so happy a true happiness that mixes with his soul so aid until Messiah from the tambourine one of the students of umar radiyaallahu anhu he said he said a person who prays at night Allah Almighty will cast luminosity over his face his face will become radiant and therefore people who don't even know him will say in me or he Bahadur a jewel I love that man you can't hide if you are sincere worshipping Allah Almighty in the night Allah Almighty will make your face glow by the day and what can I do on giraffe how was the shake of imam moussa failure AHIMA hoola when people would see him they would say had an Malachy that's an angel yeah that must be an angel Makia Banjara he used to pray at night and muhammad nasir in when people would see him they would say la ilaha illa allah they would say subhanAllah because of the radiance in his face and Mohammed II blue Satan used to pray at night in fact him a Minolta him he speaks of certain women who used to pray at night so diligently they would never miss their night prayer and when she would be asked how come you're praying so much at night she would say because the night prayer beautifies the face and i would like a beautiful face the night Freya even has cosmetic benefits now although this is not the main intention the intention of a believer but these are side benefits that will come whether we like it or not Allah will publicize an honorable believer who prays at night so this was phrase number three from the hadith let us repeat it one more time take care of the night prayer because it is the way of the righteous people before you and it is a means of drawing closer to your Lord and it is a means of raising sins and it is a means of protecting you from sins yeah allow us to conclude your brothers and sisters with a few questions I am sure after hearing this remarkable hadith all of us now are so eager for the hours and the minutes and the seconds to move very quickly from that clock to my left so that we may go back to our homes and worship Allah in the night I am sure that the majority of us here at this moment in time we are waiting for though for the night to fully set in so that we may glorify Allah and start a brand new page with the night prayer I know however perhaps we may have a few questions therefore that we would like addressed so that we may carry out this act of worship with goodness here are four questions that I am assuming some of us are perhaps harboring question number one how much Quran am I expected to recite during the night prayer is there a certain amount that I need to read is there a threshold or not the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has given us somewhat of an answer to this question he said as a bee the wooden rates in his sunan on the authority of the companion abdullah amaryllis he said man on v.i.c ayat in luke terminal - woman come we meet at the ayat in cootie berman l-carnitine woman comma b lv ayat in kuta Burman Elmo contrarian whoever prays at night using 10 ayat from the Koran Allah Almighty will not write him from the negligent ones alhamdulillah you and I will not be negligent in the eyes of Allah he said whoever prays at night using 100 ayat from the Quran Allah Almighty will document this person as being from the devout ya Salam he said and whoever prays at night with 1000 ayat from the Quran Allah Almighty will write him amongst the Mukhin team meaning those who are gathering 10 pars what is a cantar brother ali the majority of the linguists are of the that a cantar is in reference to just from an Arabic language perspective our bajalia sadena four thousand dinars of gold others of the linguists have said that it is cotton hardly moon much who loan middleman it is a huge and unknown sum of money that is what a cantar refers to others have said that a cantar is equivalent to a bowls skin worth of gold but what we do know is that a pintar is a huge sum however the Prophet salah salem has given us an idea of what he meant when he said clinvar in another narration wichita Barney narrating his mom he said sallallahu alayhi wasallam well Kintaro how you don't mean at dunya on a fee ha and 1 pintar is better than the dunya the entire world and everything within it a person who prays in salat for 1,000 I act 1,000 yard he is from the month Irene in the eyes of Allah gathering huge rewards by the way I'm a big new Hodja and others from the scholars had given a beautiful fairy there a beautiful benefit take note of this they have mentioned that from surah to Taba raka chapter 67 of the quran surat al-mulk from that surah to the end of the quran surah tune as there are 1000 ayat you would like to revive this sooner perhaps of reciting 1000 I add if you recite the two edges are the two juices from Tabarrok till surat an-nas you have recited 1000 I add for you so this is question number 1 how much am I expected to recite question number 2 what if my memorization of the Quran is little brother Ali I am working on it I'm trying to fix my tej weed and I hope one day to be a full memorizer of the Quran somebody may say but at this moment in time I crave to worship Allah at night but my Quran is so little what do I do Allah subhana WA Ta'ala answers this question in surah Muzammil he said fukaku Matthias our Amin al-quran recite whatever is easy for you from the Quran britta site whatever is easy for you from the Quran and I believe that the majority of us here have at least memorized who Allahu Ahad surah 2 class according to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam s Bukhari and Muslim narrate this one surah is equivalent to one third of the Quran Allah is carrying brothers and sisters Allah has offered Jannah and the highest gardens as well but who are those who are willing to roll up their sleeves and work for these gardens hulu huala Ahad is one third of the quran and that is why I mean I'm know it's in his hair on the authority of abu talib who said that abdullah he'd neuroma the son of honourable kitab would sometimes visit us in mecca and on one particular night when he visited us there was only a few moments left of the night before dawn before sunnatullah' failure and so abdullah even Omar he said to me ABBA valid conmen alele why now and to suddenly be saluting Quran he said Abu Halim why don't you pray at night pray some units of Salah and p.m. the night prayer even if you only recite something little like a third of the Quran he said subhanAllah how am I going to recite a third of the Quran o Abdullah and fetcher is is just around the corner he said to him don't you know that pudding who Allahu Ahad equates to 1/3 of the program who Allah who I had equates to 1/3 of the Quran so this is the answer to question 2 what if my memorization of the Quran is little question number 3 before we conclude with the 4th somebody may ask what if I intend to sleep I intend to sleep and then wake up and pray at night but I have this habit of sleeping through my alarm clock but I really had the intention to worship Allah at night I slept in the state of wobbu and I did my Ithaca my remembrances I slept to my right I tried my best to sleep early as well as is the Sunnah I slept straight through what do I do alhamdulillah Allah Almighty will not leave you empty-handed and that is why the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam said as imam on the Tsarina rates in his sunnah no no authority forbid order he said man at a fee Raja hua Hawaiian we and Yahoo mean alele for Allah but who I now who had asthma ha cootie Bela human our work an animove sadaqa alayhim you're a bohemian yah Allah he said whoever goes to his bed in the evening with the intention of waking up to pray but then his eyes overcome him in sleep and he wakes up when it is dawn Allah Almighty will write for him the intention of the night prayer Allah Almighty will write for him the full reward of the night prayer and the sleep that he had engaged in would be a sadhaka from allah to him Allahu Akbar Allah is Karim Allah is generous therefore with that perhaps we can conclude the fourth and final question which is what if I am continually struggling to taste and to enjoy the sweetness of the night prayer yeah asking i'li somebody may say I hear so many people praising those beautiful moments saying they are paradise on earth and they really are paradise on earth for those of us who have experienced it but as Imam of knowledgeable hand belly in his book lapa it will matter if he says not everybody has experienced it man lam you Shari comfy how our homeland yeah dream melody AB Karim those who have not experienced this beauty will not know what makes the righteous people crime the same way that those who have never seen the beauty of Yusuf will never know what was it that caused his father to cry those who have not experienced it can never really put it into words or give the night prayer justification what can never give it justice and that is why soon a man a Durrani he says speaking about this paradise on earth he said hello Leila feel alien I love them in Allah we feel a with him well I will a new map to the higher he said the people of the night as they worship Allah they experience a sweetness that is far greater than the joy of the sinners and if it wasn't for the worship of the night I would have asked Allah Almighty to cause me to die real joy real ecstasy that they experienced during those moments that no words could ever give justice to so somebody may turn around and say yeah I think I have never experienced that I stand and I pray and I'm just kind of moving from side to side thinking when is it going to be fair so that I may knock down those two or a cat and go straight back to bed no enjoyment when will it come yeah it will come with Mirjana with striving and patience it will take time when you force your soul towards allah and the home of the hereafter eventually it will surrender yeah it will put up its God and it will resist and it will say I don't want to it's too cold it's too long it's too difficult in the end if it sees that you are serious in taking it to Jenna the soul has to surrender these were the words of thir between Banani who was describing his relationship with the night prayer and he spoke about this process he said kobato solitariness Anna but then I am to be her Shanina Sena I forced myself to pray at night for 20 years I forced myself to pray at night for 20 years and then I enjoyed the night prayer for the remaining 20 years it will take time dear brothers and sisters until you and I are able to unlock that sweetness but when it comes we will not want to replace it for any other joint in existence it is really a paradise on earth congratulations to those who illuminate their graves before they are levelled inside of it gratulations to those who please their Lord before they meet him congratulations to those pray before they are preyed upon I ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to forgive our sins and to make us the people of the night to make Salah and say mento he'd and Islam sweeter to us than cold water we ask Allah Almighty to forgive us and to forgive our mothers and fathers and to make our homes and field own Singhania well some Allah Allah nabina muhammad we'll have any questions brothers that you would like to pose or perhaps a contribution that you would like to add please go ahead brother ask what is the best time to pray a clear moonlight first of all Clea male is a time that extends from any time between solid Raja and just before salat infringer all of this is considered to be as clear moonlight yeah and some of our predecessors would pray in the first part of the night and some would pray in the latter part of the night however the latter part of the night has a special quality the last third of the night because this is a time where allah jalla jalaluhu descends in a manner that befits his majesty and glory and he says he'll mundane faster geobella who help me ser Ilyn fatiha who is there any draw that I can answer are there any requests that people have of me Allah Almighty descends during that time the last third of the night to be first heaven and therefore it is a very virtuous time and that is why allah subhanaw taala he praises those who pray at al-assad and as hard which is the plural of Sahar Sahar it means the last portion of the night when it is darkest and this is why they call ser magic say here because it comes from the same root the magicians they will usually do their work in the night so when it is called as ha it means the darkest portion of the night Allah says well most interfering have been asked are praising them those who do is still far during alas hard so two-part answer the young ladies from Sun Artemisia and tinsel atoll fagioli and the most virtuous of time is to pray it is to pray it before solar to the future however brothers and sisters gradual gradual 'ti is importance in everything and for he who is still perhaps introducing clear moon lay into his routine perhaps he should think about starting with just two units - like units after salat in Asia so the presentation as far as the brothers are concerned and then he or she at the home will perhaps pray to sooner and then they will pray to if they feel energetic they will pray for and then they will stick with that for a while until it becomes part and parcel of their routine and then there will be obviously the winter sauna and then later on they may want to increase this to four or eight and then they may win 2-1 to sleep and then wake up in the last third of the night and pray to their and then maybe for their and to work your way up until we are ready for Ramadan and ready for the rest of the year after Ramadan anything else brothers brother he asked a question can he recite the Quran or can he pray in clear moulay the voluntary Sunnah using a tablet or a device or the must have itself according to the many many scholars you can because our mother Aisha she at times in Ramadan would be led by her maaloula a servant of hers and he would recite Quran from a from a from the massage naina any other questions brother as with the salaah there should be there should be no SIA that is correct the messengerís salah salem he said la with tehrany feeling ela there should be no two witches in one night so generally speaking the messengers and I seldom said make your last Salah odd make your last Salah with you so you will pray to and to and to whatever you can and then you will conclude with a odd number one or three or five or something to that effect however if you want to pray your way through Salah or you have prayed your with Ursula but then you have a desire to promote to allah subhanaw taala there is nothing wrong with that there is a narration in sahih muslim on the authority of our mother Aisha where she attributed this act to the messengers innocent when he prayed with her once and he prayed extra after it so there is nothing wrong with doing it if you wish to do so yes after real pray your Witcher if you want to pray more you can do that yeah but generally what is best is to make your last on earth with you to make it an odd number yeah yeah so if you are confident that if you delay your whitter you will make it at that time then it is better to delay your widget for the last third of the night if you fear however you know for example that you got a very heavy sleeping pattern and you will sleep through it it is better to pray the wittier before you go to sleep yeah if you are praying your widget yeah are you so brother he asks a question if you did not pray your whitter for whatever reason and then federer came in you can make it up after salat infidel according to many of the scholars because this is a solid that has a seven this is asana that has a suburb meaning this is asana that has a reason yes after salat al-fajr this is a prohibited time to pray but according to many of the scholars and the Schaffer is rather of the of this view that if you're going to pray even within the times where is not recommended to pray but you're praying a solid that has a reason to it like God are making up a masala making up a Whittier making up a soon praying the Torah kyotofu salata listicle or something that effect then it is not included in the prohibition or in the detestable nature of praying at that not time so you can make it afterwards make it up afterwards naam and also what the scholars have mentioned is that the messengerís salah salem his his whistle was usually eleven record in other words he would pray a track at two two two two and then he would pray three as a Whittier so it would be 11 and on one particular time where he missed his p.m. he prayed it at the blaha time he prayed it at the aloha time and he paid it at 12 so the some of the scholars what they say is that if you usually pray one Rock on Whittier then when you make it up pray it as to and if you usually pray three Witter this is your usual custom when you make it up pray it for because the way of the messenger salah salem was eleven what's here and when he missed it he prayed it as twelve that is their evidence and Allah Almighty knows best anything else brothers vanilla I don't think we have access to any questions from our sisters side so perhaps maybe any we could try to compensate them in another way in Jannah yes so a person who has brother he asks a question that if you miss your Salah do you have to engage in Kaabah meaning to compensate the Salah and the answer is yes and when do you when do you when do you what is the time to make up the missed Salah the answer is as soon as you remember it because Allah Almighty said what kora Becca adenosine what call Rebecca remember your Lord if you forget he said well our team is salat and a victory this is the dahle well Optimus Allah Tala decree established the prayer for my remembrance allah said established the prayer for my remembrance to some other scholars have mentioned that you make up the prayer that you have missed as soon as you as soon as you remember it I know brother he asked a question that if you miss the witr prayer are you sinful like the winter prayer ah he is one of the most emphasized Sunan and the scholars have deferred with regards to a person who misses the press sunnah prayer consistently is he sinful or is he not sinful but that difference of opinion does exist so the whistle is Huck as the messenger saw sanam said it is truth yeah it is it is it is heavily emphasized we can translate it as that and wit Roja so a person he should not emit it at all and some of the scholars have even mentioned that a person who consistently misses his with Ursula his Shahada is Mar duda his testimony is rejected so this person is no longer seen as a credible Muslim anymore his testimony in court would not be accepted because he is a man who misses his persona and some of our self they said and I believe it's in Mohammed he was asked about a person who does not pray his widow sorry he said le qiraji Lu su this is an evil person this is an evil person so let's make a never brothers and sisters even if it is just one raka that we make one raka even if you're shattered and you're tired and you've come home and you just want to jump into bed one raka and make your make your last unit of salah which are an odd number because allah he is an odd number Allah who Witter Allah is one and this is why he loves the odd numbers of Hannah Hannah Hannah brother ass is the Connaught necessary as part of it it is not necessary meaning Salah Islah it without the Knut and there is a difference of opinion regarding the Connaught of salat al-fajr anyway we have the dua of Al Hassan ignore Ali which remember to media records that the famous dua that we are taught to say in the with Ursula but because this is an that was not famously reported in the Sunnah so what some of the folk AHA have said it is better sometimes to omit it yeah it is better sometimes to omit it acent if you're going to pray the three rocket as a Witter with their as three Ricard you have two formats either you pray 2 rakat and then you give Salam and then you pray a unit by itself or you pray three continuous ones with one Salam in the end there is a hadith in the mustard rock of al-hakim where the messengers and send them said do not pray your wit Ursula like you pray your mother if sana don't break your with Ursula like you pray your mother of sana meaning you pray to you do to shareholder then you get up and you pray a third and again brothers and sisters Yanni let's not yet may be hard-headed about these matters I understand that there are different schools of thought about these matters I'm just telling you these are the opinions that I work with and I'll happily lay there are other opinions and they have their evidences as well and our heart should encompass that Moroccan life vehicle anything else para comer freaking like lalala anabaena Mohammed would have me no Hannah
Channel: Green Lane Masjid
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Keywords: salafi, green, lane, masjid, glm, mosque, quran, sunnah, hadeeth, hadith, arabic, abu, usamah, anti, isis, terrorism, zakir, naik, arifi, fawzan, sheikh, shaykh, ahsan, hanif, assim, hakeem, bidah, shirk, grave, death, wajdi, yahya, ibrahim, peace, tv, saudi, arabia, jinn, possession, mishari, taha, junaid, mishary, emotional, makkah, lecture, refutation, debate, powerful, islamic, reminder, islam, allah, muhammad, qadhi, mufti, menk, sudais, fiqh, aqeedah, barelwi, sufi, deobandi, nauman, ali, khan, yasir, sami, yusuf, nasheed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 6sec (3006 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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