We Made Slightly Offensive Kid's Toys for Markiplier

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i have the perfect idea we're going to use doll e2 to visualize perfectly photorealistic examples of these products then we should all pitch them to these toy investors i have lined up but i would like to present to you the stop it guys i looked at the charts video not me around much longer we need to diversify as a company i have the perfect idea we're going to make products that's right like boys we already make shirts to sell stuff why toys well because toys in the future everybody likes to play kids are always being born i need your help coming up with some great ideas ideas the world's never seen before that don't already exist you know pitch it to some investors easy we're going to be trillionaires dude we're getting toy investors i got some ideas but nico how do we create such imagery out of thin air seemingly well we can just leverage our abilities here of being on the cutting edge of visual production of art it'll combine that with our great ideas for products we can bring the two together so we're going to use doll e2 this new ai is nuts basically it combines one ai that judges if text matches an image and another ai that generates images allowing you to write complicated inputs and get an image that matches what you wrote the results are almost more realistic so i want us to use dolly 2 to visualize perfectly photorealistic examples of these products do you guys have any products that you've been like yearning for that just don't exist i have something very bold our kids teaching them to swim it takes time it's tough it's challenging but what if there was an element of fear and danger in the water what if we put mechanical sharks in the water to teach our kids to swim faster mechanical sharks in a pool with children you might want to put full size because that seems to work that actually works very well what's that first one what's that first one yeah she's she's like one of the kids is upside down say you want this girl to look more terrified right you go to erase just the face and then you just edit the description terrified child face and it will fill in the gaps exactly [Laughter] all right let's let's go hard all right a jack daniels pacifier oh four children oh there she is that's exactly what we're looking for it comes with a little [Music] no it's not actual whiskey in there it's just like for the lifestyle you know i mean maybe you could clear up the label more but that's all that's all we need nailed it first try perfect i think we should pause here i think we should all go and make some awesome products then we should all pitch them to these toy investors i have lined up one of them happens to be jordan yeah surprise i have a side gig yeah i'm a big time i'm big time in the toy industry i didn't know about this oh yeah i'm surprised are you qualified i'm more than qualified are you qualified that's my question well we'll have to find out we're gonna make the toys that everyone else are too afraid to make the toys the kids demand we're gonna be real all right we're gonna be real everybody else is fake we're gonna be real i'm gonna make the toys that i wanted as a kid yeah i'm gonna take risks yeah that's good let's all take some risks [Music] uh well i heard you guys are doing pitches and i have a very spectacular pitch here today excuse me matt i understand that you think that you have the best pitches around town but boy do i have a product for you well i can't wait to see what is in there i'm scared actually oh okay wow look at these what is this well these are vessies my friend and they're today's sponsor a sustainably made shoe that you can wear everywhere but jordan usually i have to hurt a lot of animals to make my shoes you don't have to hurt any animals with these these are sustainably made and 100 vegan but the thing is like my sneakers i can't wear them in the water or when i'm uh you know rolling around in the mud these are 100 waterproof ah and before you say it snow proof snow proof as well huh every single pair of bessies are made with this material diamond text that keeps your feet warm in the winter when you're cold but cool in the summer when you're hot i can see the distinction there yes now if you think that you can't wear these everywhere boy am i here to tell you that you can wear them everywhere i walk door-to-door selling besties every day and look at me i'm wearing them yes i am i wear them to the gym i wear them around town i wear them to dinner and when i'm on a hot date do you believe it i do go on hot dates i take one right now you can try it on okay will do look at how easily it just pops onto my feet like a glove and just how breathable are they matt just how breathable i feel like i have second nostrils all right i'm gonna need those back now no but i really like them they feel so good on my feet don't you worry son if you just go to bessie.com crew you'll get 25 off of each pair bestie.com corridor crew all right i'm going to be going door-to-door to other houses i got more investments to sell you do good son keep those feet dry stay vegan alrighty bye now that's cause he's a vegan on this episode of shark bank five investors enter the waters with dreams of becoming the next big fish in the child toy industry but which shop will bite jordan allen is not new to the game he exploded on the scene quickly making his billions with inventions like the baby bolt the first all-electric shock collar made for kids by kids as a youtuber mark ruthlessly clawed his way to the top of the game destroying anyone who dared get in his way but the fame and fortune couldn't drown out his life's true calling mark arrives today hungry to leave his own mark on the industry [Music] our first inventor has ideas he believes will revolutionize the toy industry and he's not just blowing smoke hi my name is nico i'm an inventor of many great toys and i can't wait to share these opportunities with you so you may not know this but i actually had a big hit back in the 90s our cigarette accessory for barbie but then federal regulators stepped in and shut it down it's time to update the image right it's time to bring it to the modern day so i want to present to you the barbie vape kit now we've been in talks with jewel they have a package for kids they've been working on these vapes are also disposable that way you have a guaranteed incoming money stream i was even thinking about a subscription pack you can do so you're getting new flavors i mean they're not actual vapes not actual vapes just be clear here you thought of everything just toy base of course of course will the barbie exhibit signs of nicotine withdrawal at the right times you know will barbra start like attacking her friends to get their vapes out of their hands is that going to be a thing that we leave up to the child's imagination i don't like that answer okay okay more i got more i got more kids love doing the jobs that their parents do right they love doing important jobs like being a firefighter being an astronaut very important jobs well you know it's also an important job flight crash the investigator kids also love finding things puzzles things like that and what do you have to find in the crash scene the black box so i want to present to you the lego accident flight crash scene investigator kit i like how bold you're being with this one this is something that we've actually talked about the market for body recovery and progress has untapped kids are already being scarred at a younger and younger age they want to relive those experiences in their playroom you know if you guys want to buy in i'm thinking like 10 bucks for the you know 100 stake i'll get five yeah ten's a bit steep [Music] deal congratulations thank you act faster nico walks away from this deal with a whopping five dollars now the only crash scene that needs investigation is this terrible deal our next inventor has a bag full of rodents and a dream of a quieter tomorrow hello everyone i'm a bit nervous today because i'm in the presence of such industry moguls as yourselves now you're a new parent fresh baby right out the oven and the baby's nice enough but it comes with one major problem that baby cries day in and day out leaving you with no time to get that beauty sleep that we all need well we have a solution for that today the hush hush baby suppressor whoa we harness the technology of the silencer on a real gun and put it in your baby's mouth this continue now this is great if that baby just won't stop crying we have a solution for that as well it's an optional package the rat mobile interesting now we dangle ethically murdered rats above your baby to remind it what could happen to it if it doesn't shut its little squeak hole do those rats come with the toy or do you have to source your own rats no string them up no the rats have been taxidermied for your convenience they're not even alive no they're dead no they're very dead as i said ethically murdered i just want to iterate that sometimes these rats do not deter your baby from screaming it's lungs out at night when you're trying to sleep so we do have one more option for you the trebu hush a more permanent solution walk us through this please this is yeah well your baby is strapped to as you can see a trebuchet here very comfortable for the baby it kind of looks like a toy but if that baby starts really yapping you know what happens i like this idea i think it's bold i think it's brash and i like your attitude i'm asking for three million dollars for one percent of the company it's a bit rich for me do you have an established customer base we will you will yeah i like your vision i like your attitude thank you it's edgy it's exactly what i'm looking for i'm willing to offer you five thousand dollars for 75 of your business yeah yeah yes can i get some split of the company sure what do you what are you offering the idea the idea 25 for the idea 25 for the idea yeah is there money i think we should loop him in so 25 that you own and 75 that you own yes leaves me um with five thousand dollars in your pocket right now [Music] well you know what that's five thousand dollars i didn't have so thank you very much i appreciate your business i'll take it i'll take it thank you so much thank you so much matt skillfully negotiated himself out of 100 of his own company matt states he has no plans for the 5 000 and is scared of the dim future he's created for himself this next inventor is really weird for real like really weird [Applause] hi my name is ren sorry i'm a little nervous i'm the vietcong lego set wow there's more there's multiple sets they all come together and this is a play on words because they make holes in the ground and the lego set accurately reproduces that experience of next we have the funeral home dollhouse new with hyper realistic toy coffins that's pretty realistic i would die in that i would die for that we use patented wax technology for these doll houses it will not melt in your mouth that's good it's a great delivery for the kids who want to finish the job we actually have a new addition to our lineup of doll houses now come bundled is this a working it is working okay but at a scale so you'll only be shocked and not it's more like a tickle we like to say this is fantastic however i do have to say we did have another invention in here that had a lego partnered set i know how are you going to compete with getting a lego partnership when there already is one i do not feel that these markets coincide in a synergistically effective way i don't know what that meant yeah i lost me too that was great thank you for your time what you don't want us to buy buy what please i'll no i'll pay it's not selling i'll i'll pay fifty thousand pay for 100 000 150 000. i will give you one million now if you shake my hand can i think about it no no yes i will give you two million if you think about it think about it i'll tell you what i'll just go home with you forget it we don't need to come to my house i'll come with you we'll get the paperwork figured out later don't even worry about it will it blank check you seen that movie on disney yeah yeah if you hadn't slide from his room shake my hand it's a done deal what about the deal as i said thank you for your time wow wow bravo wren walks away from the table with a massive two million dollar payout while giving up nothing when asked how he felt about the remarkable deal he responded with good our next inventor wants to go viral both socially and medically with his collection of inventions so i'm obviously an inventor that's why i'm here you know thankful for first and foremost children they crave attention they want to always feel like they're in the picture you know they're always vying for that undivided attention of yours with my first invention we can get that attention on them with millions of people this camera is a tick-tock baby monitor the first partnership which is already secured by the way all right now see this is not your average baby monitor this is not just for your parents to watch over the safety of your child but for the whole internet you see these baby monitors are hooked up to the internet 24 7 with motion detection so that each time your baby dances in its crib or anywhere else this camera is facing it automatically detects that and uploads it to your child's tick tock account as you see this is this devil child here by surrounding them with these cameras here you can link them with bluetooth as well so they all can function simultaneously giving 360 degree coverage of your child the baby looks so happy look at that smile that's joy you said that you were partnered with tick-tock already is that tick-tock in the american headquarters or is that tick-tock in the chinese headquarters uh chinese headquarters yes i am in because i was hoping you were going to say that no one likes watching their people and their babies more than the chinese government in that case you're gonna love my next product releasing hopefully just in time for halloween this year uh we have our very own batsuit playset i have a question yeah so this is in the same vein as those candy gummy creation kits that were popular in the 90s you're trying to capitalize on our resurgence of that but with soup yeah and bats well this is a non-edible prototype but our hope is to expand into a kind of like easy bake oven but as you can see like once again this is very very popular with children here's two kids as you can see that is that is with one of our edible kits here where they they can actually sip the actual broth but you said the first batches were inedible so what are those children eating beats me i just sell the product i was there for the shoot you know turning slight concern or i guess red flag here it appears as if the children are changing if you just look at his eyes well yeah he just blinked at the wrong time you know sometimes you blink in the middle of a photograph once again these are images taken in our lab they're more for research purposes than advertisement purposes that's fair are you laughing at these poor kids no no i'm excited by the idea i see his passion i love it i love your vision i'm asking for uh ten thousand dollars for half of everything you saw today obviously if we if we go into business together it's important that we get to know each other a little bit and so why do you have a little bit of blood on your back i have no idea what you're talking about please show mark are you the original owner of this lab coat and this presentation no is there a dead body of the inventor of the candy bat soup in the alley outside yeah if there's one thing i value above everything else it's drive hostile takeovers hostile takeovers impressive i think you got yourself a deal all right thanks [Laughter] sam's understanding of social and medical virality nets him a cool ten thousand dollars with our sharks today our last inventor is tired of flaking investors pulling his leg he's hoping today is the day the shocks will consent to pottering up judges inventors thank you for having me it's okay take your time suck about six years ago my cat died from natural causes and he always wanted me to make a product that could be four kids [Music] to teach them about the boundaries of physical touch [Music] it's okay you got this judges in this day and age where the metoo movement has taken hold and changed everyone's views on personal boundaries and workplace limitations i don't think these limitations should have an age limit we need to start our children early to learn what is not okay you can twist it you can poke it but i would like to present to you the stop it this is the first ever interactive children's toy that will teach your child what is okay and what is not this product features several different customizable response spaces that will teach your child that it is not okay to bop it it is not okay to poke it it is not okay to pull it is it possible to make this modular because as time goes on different standards come and go to let's say remove bop it when the the social norms have accepted that that's unacceptable replace it with something like flick it this mark is why i would love you to become an investor on my project because i feel like with those ideas that you're bringing to the table in our injection molding we can really make something beautiful yeah it's like i'm not even here i'm gonna steal your ideas i'm gonna use 3d printing instead of injection molding your patents won't hold up in court they're all mine now welcome to the industry nick's invention was stolen by mark ironically he could do nothing to stop it there's so many inventions here things i never would have thought of things that i have already thought of things that leave me with questions like where did that baby go after it gets trebucheted the stop it is fantastic design wise ethical application i am worried about how many times you can really play with that before it gets a bit old but i think we're sleeping on the tick tock baby cam everyone knows you got to get your social media handles claimed early if you can automate that process get them used to being in front of the camera and making content every day bro then the sooner you can get them started on their journey to the top but you know what sticks with me the whole time barbie's first vape i wasn't sold at first i really wasn't i had ethical concerns about it but there's so much to build off of it if you liked what you saw there's a little button that lets us know that you can click it we'll keep doing this kind of stuff and of course subscribe and click that little bell icon because that'll let you know when we're uploading something new always an exciting thing hold on sharks these tiny electric chairs could really do something big for our business they want a lot of stake in the company i'm offering you ownership full ownership of your company but i get the electric rat chair uh you can have the electric chairs for the rats i had steaks last night so i'm okay on that part though sounds like a deal yeah thank you
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 3,153,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dall-E, Dall-E 2, Child Toys, Slightly Offensive, Shark Tank, Open AI, react, reaction, new, funny, try not to laugh, challenge, digital art, contest, markiplier
Id: F8HcjAgmwBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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