We Made A Red Carbon Fiber Table With Stone Coat Epoxy

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learn right now from start to finish how we created this custom shape from scratch in this project we use faux carbon cloth and heat resistant epoxy to transform wood into a custom work surface this project came out outstanding that is so beautiful this carbon fiber project came out amazing and we can't wait to do more be sure you're subscribed and that you rang the bell so that you know right when that comes out here we go carbon fiber table what shape do you make it let us know in the comments below what shape do you make a carbon fiber table [Music] so you can see i didn't stay on that line a lot i i used it as my inspiration but i wanted to maximize the width of the cloth that we had so i went pretty big i got a little bit of from my jigsaw i'm gonna get a sander make it smooth i really want to double the edge up that's why i sanded right now is because i want a smooth edge so i could run a bearing router i'm going to just rip strips connect them the best that i can and then we'll router that overhang and it'll make a perfectly flush drop edge make sense [Music] i'm going to get my pin gun with 23 gauge pin nails and some tight bond two wood glue and we'll make our drop edge [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] here's a pro tip we use insulation foam we painted it black and this is our finished surface on our cutting table we can router any shape out and it's going to support our surface all the way through look at that i got my drop edge ready what i like to do is test this on a scrap first so i'll grab a scrap of mdf i'll make sure that i got my router set the proper depth [Music] all right where we got our drop edge we did a really cool job you know it would have been a lot easier to just laminate two pieces together but sometimes you're gonna need a drop edge where you have a big island with the radius and you're gonna need to create a drop edge in this case we created a very complicated drop edge no problem i hope you guys enjoyed that content wherever i splice or butt joint pieces together i do have wood glue in those joints but if you have any kind of a void or anything like that i'm going to pre-fill that with some super glue and accelerator it'll dry in 10 seconds and then i'm going to sand it okay and that's going to give me a perfect fill in this case i really don't need to do that because i'm covering this with cloth and so it's going to hide anything like that but let's say you were just going to epoxy this you would want to get everything either bonded or super glue those joints but get every joint nice and flush first all right we got red and black i really like both of these i've seen a lot of black i think i'm leaning towards red we might use this black on another project but let's lay it over our shape and see what's going to happen here folks we need your help we can't decide which carbon fiber project to do next should it be a full countertop maybe a computer desk we don't know put your suggestions in the comments below and who knows yours just might be the winner help us out [Music] [Music] all right what i'm doing now is just dragging any of the excess epoxy off of the surface to get a nice tight fit and i'm not going to leave any excess underneath that might cause a wrinkle or a hump and it's working out great i really like quick coat on this step but just apply it thin remember thin to win all right it's been a few hours what we're going to do is we're going to apply our normal stone coat countertop epoxy we're going to use our 1 8 by 1 8 square notch trowel we'll apply that we'll chop it we'll torch it just like a normal flood coat and we'll probably have to apply a couple of coats before all of the texture of this fiber is gone [Music] alright guys how do you get bubbles out we're going to use the torch and we're going to simply sweep the surface we really like the torch because it works so fast and you're not introducing solvent to the surface boom that's sweet that looks cool man that flood coat was super easy you don't want to worry about the edges too much all i did is i brushed a coat i'm going to finish with my hand across these edges i know i'm going to need to do some build up coats on these edges so that they feel nice and smooth and that's just fine you don't get as much epoxy obviously to stick to those edges as you do the surface this surface is just beautiful i love it super easy to do we're gonna let this set up and we'll come back tomorrow we'll sand it and we'll do an additional flood coat all right it's all dry what we're gonna do is take this table and go cut off the apron the excess fiber that's hanging down and we're ready for our next flood coat [Music] when you go to sand the edges do the round overs by hand and turn the speed down on the sander so you don't burn through any of those edges [Music] all right guys here's a pro tip for you always finish sanding the surface last i put some hand scratches in the surface because of sanding that round over and i'm going to remove that with the random orbital sander right now [Music] let's go put a clear coat on this thing and see how it looks you can use a heat gun too if you'd like remember you only need three ounces per square foot on your flood coats that's part a and part b combined equally three ounces per square foot the reason that we use a 1 8 by 1 8 square notch trowel when applying our epoxy is because it leaves the proper amount on the surface with no guessing i'm going to trowel it out and then i'll chop it to remove any trowel marks even though we're doing a clear coat you can get an iridescent evidence that you trowel this so the chopping will remove any of that evidence it'll lay out crystal clear it'll look smooth as glass and your clear coat will be very professional be sure to prime your brush so you don't get a dry brush starting when you chop because you'll actually pull more epoxy up there and it could leave a little divot because there's not enough epoxy to level out also remove any loose bristles before you prime that brush [Music] this is a fun project to do the final flood coat really brings your project to life all i'm doing now is just removing the air bubbles now that i have those initial bubbles popped i'll wait a couple of minutes and i'll do it again and then a third time i'll check make sure there's no air left in that epoxy if there is i'll do as many passes as i need to get that air out this replica carbon fiber creation of wildness was a blast [Music] hey thank you so much for tuning in folks we haven't done enough with this awesome material go ahead and drop your suggestions in the comments below so that we know what to do next we can't decide follow the links in this video to be taken to the step-by-step instructions or our store at stonecockcountertops.com yes
Channel: Stone Coat Countertops
Views: 2,088
Rating: 4.9846745 out of 5
Keywords: epoxy, epoxy countertop, art resin, epoxy table, epoxy resin, epoxy resin table, diy, diy epoxy, stone coat countertops, stone coat, diy crafts, resin table top, how to, how to epoxy, We Made A Red Carbon Fiber Table With Stone Coat Epoxy, carbon fiber, experiment, how its made, resin, desk, furniture, carbon fiber wrap, carbon fiber diy, custom furniture, small table, how to save money, budget, interior design, diy projects, home renovation, home remodel, man cave ideas
Id: 9mIoUknVwwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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