Quartz Black Epoxy Countertops with Silver Mica Flakes

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hey guys Mike here with stone countertops calm today we're going to show you this amazing project we used mica and glitter and many of our additives right here in this piece to make an incredible project our stone coat team worked together and made this piece right in front of your eyes we're going to show you all the tips and tricks right now stay tuned and visit us any time at Stone Koch countertops com enjoy the video [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey guys Mike here with stone coke countertops calm we're here with the stone coat team everybody say hi yeah what we're gonna do today we're going to do a fun project we're gonna take this black MDF we've prepped it with two coats of paint and primer and one that we got at Home Depot it was tinted in the color broad way we've done two coats and now what we're going to do is we're gonna sand this because the edges are still a little bit rough and we're gonna sand the top and we'll wipe the dust let's get started [Music] all right so what we're going to use in this piece we're actually going to use some fun additives we're gonna take our stone coat countertop epoxy and keep it in clear okay and then we're gonna add our silver glitter we're gonna add our silver mica flakes we're gonna add our crushed pearl mica flakes and we're gonna add our black glitter so I think this will be a unique piece it's going to be a very easy piece because it requires no skill all we're doing is adding that right into the clear we're going to trowel it out chop it and torch it let's see how it comes out all right so I'm gonna take your your bucket we're gonna actually start adding additives okay so I'm gonna eyeball this if we were doing this in a kitchen we'd want to keep track of our recipe so that we can match this because we're not gonna do the whole kitchen at once we're gonna break it up step by step does that make sense so let's go ahead and add some of that glitter I'm gonna add some of this black glitter which I I really think black and silver glitters are gonna look cool together okay there's some black glitter we got some silver let's add our Micah's matte silver and crushed pearl there's about a half a bag and I'm gonna use half a bag and Ness all right Val go ahead and mix that up [Music] that makes really easy didn't it it disperses in the EPOXI very well we're gonna go ahead and pour this out and when we pour it out we're going to do a ribbon right down the center here [Music] all right let me get that paint stick Korean do you want to scrape all this out right here in that in that puddle and you want to keep track of where you're scraping this because we're gonna take that trowel and we're gonna mix it into that major pool of epoxy but this is gonna love me [Music] good job all right so we'll take that a shape you want to come here and we'll just mix that around right there so that it doesn't it doesn't go unmixed yep just like that nice so when we spread this now I'm actually gonna I'm actually gonna spread half of this and you guys are gonna do the other half is that okay all right I'll take that trowel and I'll start with the half that's away from us and now you're gonna see my trowel it's gonna be at an angle so I'm gonna push the epoxy away from me and work it up that way and then I'll bring it back okay so I'm just gonna use that epoxy and go away from me I'm not gonna push that over the edge I'm gonna grab it and go away from me again and I'm gonna build up a bead out there in front of me so now I got that bead I can go up there and catch that bead and work it back so I'm gonna just run this off the edge just ever so slightly just like that so I don't waste a bunch of epoxy and I'm just gonna work that right down the edge and that's what this trial is so good for is it's going to get a nice even coat along along this edge it's going to get an even coat on the surface it gauges everything for us so we're not guessing see I'm gonna use that go right down that edge now you guys are now I'm gonna take go I'll go catch this other side see I'm using that pool of epoxy to kind of bring it down I'm going to catch this other other side I'll catch the front here see I'm not wasting that big blob of it now I'm gonna bring this blob I'll bring this back to you guys so you can use that and work it right now go for it and then make sure you don't leave it behind you you want it going in front perfect good job Patrick and then don't waste any of it over the edge because we're gonna use it okay and a little steeper angle there you go that's what I'm talking about good job you got it I love the little tiny glitters intermix with this large mica it looks cool alright so what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to take that blob and I'm gonna evenly disperse it across this counter because we've seal all the trowel marks that's because it's picking up pieces of mica so when we spread mica it's a little bit different so I'm gonna mow the lawn but I'm gonna leave a lot of this on the surface okay so I'm just gonna start back here move everything kind of back and now I'm just gonna quickly mow the lawn with that boom bring that back start here mow the lawn again and then I'll do it a third time because I want to I want to leave that epoxy on the surface anyways we like to use three ounces per square foot and that's exactly what we used in this case all right what's next guys that's correct you guys want to grab a clean brush and chop it out prime that first and we got a little bit of material in here you can prime it on yep D shut it that's perfect [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] nice speed - so you guys are going to notice on the mica flakes the mica flakes are not going to let it lay out perfect we have to come in between coats and sand off any high points and and that's totally normal and it's okay we're just going to torch out the majority of the bubbles let it all stick up and poke out we'll sand it flush and do a clear coat tomorrow all right so what we're gonna do now we're gonna torch it two more times to get all the air out of the surface oh it's just what do you guys think when you when you look into a deep there's so many different particle sizes and and subtle color differences and I really like I really like it you guys want to torch it again and we'll wrap this up [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay guys we're gonna let this set up tonight we're gonna we're gonna keep the heat up at about 70 degrees that's ideal we're gonna let it set up we'll come back tomorrow we'll sand this with 150 grit move on to 220 and we'll put on the second clear coat all right we'll see you guys tomorrow here we go and once still gone you got him - no sir [Music] hey guys welcome back we got this piece sanded what do you guys think of it sanded yeah what we did is you saw in the other room we sanded this down with 150 grit then we changed to 220 and in between that we addressed the edges so when you sand the edges you want to make sure that you D gloss those but on the first coat you're gonna have drips and runs that aren't even and that's normal what we're gonna do is just get the high points off and especially when you focus on mica you have all those mica I call them the peaks of the icebergs you're gonna have little little nibs sticking up that we're gonna sand down you're gonna sand those down with 150 move on to 220 and now it's it's really smooth if you guys felt that I mean it's just it's just really really smooth you don't have high points if we did have high points in this it would show up and transfer in our second clear coat which is what we don't want but because we've addressed that we've sanded our edges we're gonna go ahead and mix up the same amount of material that we used yesterday but just in clear we're not gonna add any additives then we're gonna chop it and we're gonna torch it three times we're gonna get all that air out make sure there's no air left and it'll dry crystal clear we'll give you some really good close-up shots of what this looks like but this is how you apply the second clear coat first thing we're gonna do guys now if you want to mix that up yeah and you guys could get this clean we're gonna wipe it down with a paper towel and we're not going to use any solvents okay all we use is just a raw paper towel you don't need to use a tack cloth or any mineral spirits or acetone just wipe off the dust if there's a little dust on the surface it's not gonna hurt you the epoxy will go just fine but we get it pretty dust free all right let's get started [Music] I really love how clear immediately the material gets you can't tell it was sanded anything like that just totally disappears [Music] all right so when you when you travel this out we're gonna do it just like we did yesterday we'll work a bead up to the front but first really mix where he scraped the bucket and then we'll spread this sucker out and you see how it's like oil on water right now that's because it's really warm which is good so be careful how much you whip it because you'll whip it right off the piece but that's it you want this warm when you mix it and it's you can see how crystal-clear it is and then what you're going for when you first start traveling this out as long strokes all the way up and down the piece perfect good job Patrick so when I come up to this edge right here instead of pushing that material off the edge I'll bring it up right before it goes over the edge I'm just gonna get it right to that edge and then I'll pull it back with my trowel and that really helps you control it like that same thing with this corner so I'll push enough epoxy right up to the edge and then before it starts really flowing over I can just use that epoxy to coat all the way to my edges that way I don't miss anything now what I'm gonna do is just push this bead right over this edge and you can see I'm I'm pushing enough material to get and coat my edge but I'm not wasting a bunch because I still need this epoxy to cover the rest of my piece and that three ounces per square foot it really gives you the right amount of material that you're gonna need to get your piece coated where you're not wasting material but you're not giving you a shortage of material where your piece won't level out we'll see how you yeah you want to overlap there you go exactly nice crane and then don't push it over the edge sweet all right so what we're going to do now is we're just going to continually fill this piece up now one thing I want to keep in mind so I'm going to show the camera my trial right now is sitting at 1/8 of an inch if I take and turn my trial really steep like this it's going to put much less material on the surface and you may not level out so I don't like to take my charm more than about that angle right there you know about a 45 degree angle maybe a little taller than that so once you start getting real steep you're gonna scrape a lot more material off your piece so as you'll see when i trowe i keep it pretty straight up and down and then i just work that material back to my edge and then I'm gonna do the same thing here I'm just gonna address these edges now that's where you really just got to not waste your material I'm gonna bring a little bit more over to this edge and then bring that trail back now I'll bring my puddle and I'll just bring my puddle right up here to this edge and coat that edge the same way just bring a little bit of epoxy right over that edge just like that well it looks good when you start to coat the whole thing ok now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to look for any spots that we missed and then I have a big pool of epoxy sitting on here so we're gonna mow the lawn we're not gonna we're not gonna leave this big puddle because we could have high points it's gonna want to level out we're just gonna get everything even so I'm gonna push this puddle back up to the top of my piece and then I'll work it back to me and scrape the excess back in my bucket so let's go ahead and work that work that puddle right back up the surface and the nice thing about doing this coat is we're not doing any color effects no paint no additives it's just clear so we have plenty of time we don't have to be in a rush and we're gonna get this coated just really really evenly all right so now I got my whole mass of extra epoxy is right here so now I'm gonna work this back to me and then I'm gonna scrape the excess where's our where's our use bucket we're gonna scrape the excess back into our use bucket so let's do that just make it sense to you guys alright so and I'm not going to over trowel it see some people have a tendency to sit here and scrape like this what happens is I make this area too thin because I'm overworking the area so you only want to go over that area one final time with a good amount of epoxy just like what I'm doing here this is allowing me to get everything coated very very evenly all right I'm gonna bring this corner of my table right over here because I'm gonna put the excess right into this bucket and we're not gonna push that excess off all at once I just work it right into that bucket just like that get this bead right here alright so now what we have is we have material not only for our priming our brush we're gonna do the edges but remember that extra project we have ready for ours that's what we're going to use that clear for so don't waste all of it we're gonna have fun with it all right you guys want to coat those edges and chop the piece out you just don't want to over chop the same section over and over because you'll pull up the material and you'll keep it shy there so once you've chopped that area keep moving on a lot of people think that they're messing up the piece because it makes it uneven but don't worry you got plenty of time where it'll level right back out for us we've got the edge really smooth but to get really smooth edges you want to finish with not stroke so I'm just gonna take this brush and then do the entire edge and then I can even go back and do the edge one more time it's one long stroke and then I could do that all around my perimeter and that just finishes it off really really nice to give me really good edges you want to do that front side there all right so what's next that's right let's torch it out I would just put it on that bucket for now we got one more project to do with our excess so just keep the torch moving kind of fast until you get that speed down yep maybe a little too fast but almost perfect good so we'll wait a few minutes and we'll let this this subside and we'll come back and torch it again and then we'll torch at a third time so can you see how there's still some waviness a lot of people will try to keep torching to get that out and force it out just be patient it'll happen it'll it'll come out just like glass don't worry so boy look at how deep that is you can't see the shake and you see the sanding scratches anymore [Applause] hey guys thanks for watching our video on how to use mica and glitter combined into clear epoxy to make this incredible piece we really hope you enjoyed it we hope it sparks some ideas and gave you some thoughts on what you might want to do in your own space at home visit us anytime at Stone Koch countertops calm and remember until next time you got this from Stone Koch countertops we'll see you guys soon [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Stone Coat Countertops
Views: 1,420,494
Rating: 4.8003149 out of 5
Keywords: epoxy countertop DIY, how to, concrete, overlay, formica, repair, kitchen, bath, countertop epoxy, wood slab, live edge, Black Epoxy Countertops with Silver Mica Flakes, Quartz, black quartz, DIY
Id: cMtclPIMFUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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