We made a real DEMENTOR Animatronic!

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we just got this new animatronic called the Harvester of Souls and it's basically this giant wraith thing and it like lifts up this child and devours her soul and there's fog and lights it's awesome and a bunch of you guys said that we should turn it into a dementor from Harry Potter which is brilliant because the motion is basically the dementor's kiss already but there's a Twist in the movie The dementor like raises up Harry Potter he like and he's like and he escapes and he gets away but what if he didn't what if Harry Potter never got that petronis out so we're going to do this in two parts we're to turn the big wraith thing into a floating dementor it's going to look super cool and then for the kid we're going to turn him into Harry Potter but this is the Harry Potter that lost the first step is we're going to take him all apart so that we can start reshaping his body by the way we got two of these from techie toys and we're going to give one away at the end of the video so you can do your very own makeover so stay tuned for that there we go oh he's pretty cool looking the mouth is huge we're going to have to I don't know cut his jaw off and fix that and also this neck is really freakishly large so you know I do like the sculpt on the head though like look at all the little you know the detail and the little tendons and stuff like that and yeah we can work with this the main thing we want to do right now is make the body flow horizontally instead of down so he's like floating like that first we want to lean the whole thing over a little bit we're going to leave these poles as they are to hold the whole thing up but this upper body we're going to try to get it to bend over a little bit and I guess I'm just going to like try to bend this pole what do you think yeah and just whack it with a hammer that's like my cust way of doing it it works great what is that metal thing you're bended on yeah this is a old piece of railroad track which it makes like a really good makeshift Anvil little bit yeah it's getting there this is a pretty ridiculous way to do it but it's the simplest way I've found and it always [Music] works oh [Music] man that's a lean okay I mean that's what you wanted right um it's not exactly what I was going for normally when you're doing a pose like this you would lean over but then the head you want to come back up but look at his neck like I don't think we can we can't really counterbend his neck can we no also when he raises up the girl it's aligned with his face look at me you're soul will be mine I don't hate that this is maybe a little too intense I split the difference I reduced it just a little bit so now instead of looking straight down it's a little angled we've used chicken wire on a couple other projects before we used it on our giant spider to form like her big butt and then we also used it on our ghost to make like her body shape and her tattered dress which is kind of what we're going to go for on this guy one thing we learned though is this stuff is really sharp and it likes to like spring up and attack you out of nowhere oh god oh gosh oh jeez B so we're going to use [Music] protection so we got this tube shape and the idea is we're going to put it up up here like that all right we drilled some holes in his chest here so where we can zip tie our chicken wire to his chest all right I'm connecting his chest together I'm just kind of wrapping these around each other I want like like a you know that type shap an arc yes like that and bend you 90% of working with chicken wire is just awkwardly messing with it yeah until somehow it [Music] [Music] works okay I think that's a good basic shap he comes down he swoops out we're going to layer some fabric over him but this really just gives us the base form to work with okay let's do the arms this is surprisingly good and close already which is really cool yeah but the arms we're going to use pool noodles to kind of bulk them up a little bit and then wrap them it worked now we can noodle it hoping it'll just bend come on oh if you didn't know you can get cool noodles at the dollar store they are really cheap and they're great for this type of stuff teamwork okay here we go woo okay so I trimmed it down and now this can go back on here okay see look all right see how it's kind of round as it comes up and like doesn't really match the shape I just want to shave off a little bit of this there we go okay even though it kind of looks like the same color we still needed to base coat the hands gray so the other paint layers would stick we're going to do a wash and dry brush on these so those paints won't stick as well to just the regular shiny plastic the wash always looks really dark when you first put it on but it dries much lighter and it sticks in all of those cracks and really helps accentuate them I love when we have really good reference to work from and we totally loed out on the train scene it gave us a great look at the colors in the hands and just how shiny it [Music] is those look so good they're so slimy I know the book says they're slimy and glistening so that's what we went with we're going to try and reuse as much of the costume as possible this thing right here this was his hood I think so I'm going to cut this into strips and then wrap it around there just to use as our base layer then we have this it's basically cheesecloth that's been dyed black and I'm going to cut this again into strips and we'll wrap that around and that will be like his mummy wrappings this turned out great I'm glad this worked it was kind of a test putting the cheesecloth over this the nylon the shiny material cuz I think we're going to do something similar for his body but before we do that I actually want to mess with his head a bit we're at kind of a Crossroads here we have to make a big decision on his head the major issue we're having is the mouth here is way too big the reason it's so big is because inside his mouth there's an entire fan that they have to fit so that makes sense but the problem is it doesn't look like a dementor's head or mouth Jamie and I always try to make it look really really close to the actual character so this is isn't really working that well but the trouble is it's going to be what we call a destructive change right if you think about the arms we just added a bunch of stuff and if it doesn't work we just take it back off again but the head to fix this we're going to have to cut off the entire bottom of the mouth which is going to like mess up the fan and it might not work and if we destroy it and it doesn't work we're in big trouble so it's a risk versus reward thing is the reward of it looking more like a dementor worth the risk of destroying the whole prop and like none of it working in our case yes because we really want it to look just like a dentor what have you done to my mouth and now what we're going to try to do is move it up somewhere like probably in the neighborhood of right here it also gives him like a neck so there's a silhouette it's going to look a lot better we just have to figure out how to make all this nonsense work one more thing we're going to do before the mouth is we're going to remove the eyes because Dementors are described as being totally blind you're not going to see any of this cuz of the fabric so we'll probably just stick some tape in there I just don't want the big glowing white things so we're going to Mark a line so now I cut this off now this can go right there right much better I did have a thought though do Dementors have ears I don't think they have ears did I just drop his ears off wait do they have a nose I not really you should just chop it off just chop his I'm hoping I can just use the Snips for this don't make me get the big guns ah ears perfectly normal things happening okay does he still work there we go sweet that totally works worked so now we're going to sculpt kind of give him a new neck and probably do I don't know I'm going to let Jamie do her magic so we filled in all of the neck holes with some duct tape just to kind of span those gaps there and then the other thing we did was we glued this plastic to the sides of him this is just part of a plastic cup that we cut apart so if you look at a dementor his mouth is like this circle shape so we're going to try and recreate that circular shape there I'll probably have to sculpt some lips or something sculpt his nose sculpt over where we put the duct tape and just make it look more [Music] dorish that looks awesome thank you I think like the mouth really makes it like he's got lips now so he's it's just it's a thing it's it's I think the risk we took of cutting it all apart totally paid off oh for sure yeah I think like we've completely transformed him and now he's he's proper dementor we' got to let this dry overnight so in the meantime I think let's work on Harry Potter it's a good starting point right it's just it's like a terrified screaming kid she's scary looking the goal is to make this look like Harry Potter but after like an hour's long battle with a dementor so we've got some clothes right yeah we got the um super stylish outfit we've got our scarf and we even have our Gryffindor robe very nice I'm glad we have the scarf because this neck is really strange it's real weird I can hide a bunch of stuff mhm we have a wand that is way too large so we're why is it that big it's for big magic the bigger the one the bigger the magic let's see what we're working with here no legs no feet no there are though oh they're in in the dress oh and then the hands too right oh yeah you know what we got to do right huh we got to cut this hair oh we're real good at cutting hair but you know what I got my trusty hair cutting scissors this is going to go perfectly yeah you got this I've tried to cut hair two times before the first time was perfect it was on our scarecrow makeover and I cut all of its hair and I think it was a perfect result does that really count as hair it was straw the other time though I did try to cut our son's hair one time and that was a disaster he had to go to the salon afterwards I got a good feeling about this though I think it's going to go pretty well I have the picture of young Harry Potter here just copy the reference right I have 100% faith in you baby little bits at a time don't need any hair right there oh goodness look at that oh huh look I figure the scarf will cover up any of my big mistakes are you going to wrap the scarf around his head look just keep going you know what's missing what a little flourish you don't have a lot of experience with hair do you having it cutting it I think we're almost done here what why is this side so much longer I don't know goodness does it not look good in the front um can you even tell the difference come on it certainly is um a haircut what if I brush it sometimes when you're learning a new thing doesn't always work out but it's still worth trying you should always be trying to learn new stuff and don't be afraid to fail I do think we should probably like get a wig though this is pretty bad yeah one of the best things about what we do is we're always building new things but every time we build an animatronic or a prop it always has its own challenges we're pretty much always in a constant state of needing to learn new things and one of our favorite ways to do that is with skillshare the sponsor of today's video skillshare is a creative focused online learning community with thousands of classes and members I've actually been a skillshare member for years it's where I learned how to use Fusion 360 for 3D printing I've taken video editing classes audio mixing all kinds of stuff like with these classes from Vladimir Mariano he starts off pretty simple by teaching you how to model like a pair of tweezers but by the end you're actually making some pretty complex stuff and now I use Fusion like every day to model My Own Parts skillshare classes are broken into lessons that keep track of where you are like a bookmark so you can kind of learn and do at your own pace and since you're actually making something in the class you get this really good learn by doing approach which at least for me is how I learn I have to immediately do something with it or else it's just like it's it's gone they have a huge selection of classes on things like animation photography film and video and there's even a class on hair cutting really that would have been helpful you you can also learn how to be a creative entrepreneur freelancing leadership all the stuff you need to know to get your side hustle off the ground whether you want to learn how to paint or build a business skillshare has a class you can take alongside a wicked supportive Community the first 500 people to use our link below will get a one-month free trial of skillshare so if you're thinking about learning something new definitely check it out and now back to the dementor okay we ordered a Harry Potter wig that hopefully we'll fit this tiny little head that's going to get here later today in the meantime time to [Music] paint okay there's one more detail we have to add and I'm not even sure you're going to see it you're probably not but it has to be there to make it Harry Potter I actually painted these hands before I painted the face and originally I was going for a kind of frostbit and gray look for the skin here with some dead looking fingers and some infected veins coming down the wrist but the tone was too close to the DOR so when I painted the face I ended up going for a more natural skin color something doesn't match so I changed directions with the color of the skin tone so I think we can fix this with like a light wash of that flesh tone okay yeah that's that's a lot better that's better okay so now we put the put the hair back on right look see it's fine it's not even close to fine okay okay fine the wig finally showed up in the mail well it's huge but it looks better way too big maybe like that I mean I could try to cut it again no the other thing we got is these glasses which they're too big for me like how is this a child's costume that is insanely too big this doesn't make any sense so we went to our trusty 3D printer and made some new versions of these we made some glasses that actually fit and we 3D printed a wand that is appropriately sized okay look it's not terrible but it's real close I don't know what to do like I don't know hear me for a second okay all right so we put these on we take this guy put them on MM something like that uhhuh and then I think we give it another shot okay and we try to cut cut it a little better and then you come in here with the scarf and it kind of hides his weird neck thing but also the back of the hair which looks terrible it has potential we can try to save this I guess worst case scenario we just go back to this but let's give this one more shot we've called in the expert this is Sarah my sister and she cuts hair for a hobby I don't know if this is Hobby or this is something so we're going to we're going to try to Works some magic holy water say a prayer and do something here and it's not that bad no it's that bad it's it's yeah look at his face it's that [Music] bad how's it going um well good patient doesn't say much definitely going to need some product we're going to do some dry shampoo for him we are going to use it to deshine him because this is a a synthetic fake wig so we'll deshine it make it a little more manageable whatever scragg are left we'll cut them off and try to style it and maybe you won't look so sad he's been saved he still looks sad it's a miracle no he doesn't look sad thank you for saving our butts this is a beautiful Harry Potter now you're so welcome [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] this looks so good but the funny thing is that we're going to just cover it all up with fabric but you guys got to see it you know it's there and it's weird because like in the movies there's no consistent look for these guys sometimes they're shrouded sometimes you see kind of something of a head and like even in the book it never really describes it that much and that's why every movie they look different cuz you know you can kind of interpret that the way you want and I like your interpretation we put the costume back on for a Bas layer and cut it all up to fit our new shape we also cut and tore up the bottom to create strips we'd originally plan to use more chicken wire to pose these into flowing strands kind of like our chicken wire ghost but if we just put like a fan in here close it yeah let's try it nice it's not the worst idea just use a fan that is what a dementor is supposed to look like we're not making a statue here and he's supposed to be wind swept let's use the wind and actually like have it have motion good idea with the fan wow this is [Music] awesome so this is black cheesecloth this was actually part of his costume so I'm going to reattach this and I also got some more of it so basically we're just going to add a bunch of layers of this and slice it up to create that little bit of extra texture we're working on the head and it's actually been a couple of days and we cannot get this head figured out so we tried doing like these strips across his head and that didn't look good so I ripped it all off and now we're back to the start the problem is there are so many versions of the dementor in the films and we can't really decide which version we want to do but I have an idea and we're going to use some spray glue and tape and it's going to work it's going to look [Music] great okay that looks awesome I think this is good this is working I might end up having like a hood later just some sort of it it it all looks good that's the whole problem everything we've done looks cool and it's hard to pick one all right you should cut the hole in the shoulder okay okay so now he goes on [Music] mhm [Music] before we show you Harry Potter's tragic downfall we have one Harvester of souls animatronic to give away thanks to techie toys if you're interested make sure you subscribed and let us know in the comments below what you thought of the project and what you would do with your Harvester of souls thanks for watching y'all until next time stay Wicked [Music] [Music] [Music] AR oh
Channel: Wicked Makers
Views: 617,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animatronic, animatronic makeover, diy animatronic, harry potter, harry potter animatronic, dementor, dementor animatronic, diy dementor, halloween dementor, diy harry potter, how to make a dementor, make a dementor, making a dementor, DIY dementor animatronic
Id: xCrWtGoJ_4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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