We made a real SPRINGTRAP Animatronic from FNAF!

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a few months ago we made this little dancing Freddy and you guys seem to really like it this time we're going way bigger we're going to make a full-size springtrap animatronic and to be true to character we're going to make it out of this animated skeleton because springtrap is more than just an animatronic William aton's body got crushed inside of the suit and became one with it first step paintting purple we do need to make him fleshy you know put a little meat on his bones you got your patient on the table here I do he's ready this is what the Halloween industry calls corpsing a skeleton there are a bunch of different ways to do this but the way I like to do it is using a little spray glue laying a layer of that down and then tapping on some cotton to give it some texture I like to work in small sections so that the glue is still wet when you tap your cotton down and then later on we're going to come back and go over the cotton with a latex he's so fuzzy yeah he's going through his awkward fuzzy phase but we're going to fix that we're going to take some liquid latex and then we're going to tap down just the cotton not the whole whole thing and that's going to give us this really great skin texture there's another really popular method of corpsing a skeleton using San wrap or like a plastic tarp and a heat gun it almost has like this mummified look but for this guy I want him more meaty so we're going to use the other method ultimately there's no right or wrong way to corpse a skeleton just experiment have fun and keep in mind the story of your character now it's time to move on to paint because his whole body is going to be covered in a suit you're not going to really see a lot of this except for through the cracks in his suit and the seams so I'm not going to spend a whole lot of time on it but I do want it to be really bright red and stand out what's going on I don't like it I don't think this is working my original thought was to have like some red fleshy patches with some Bon sticking out but it just doesn't look good so I think I'm going to try something else I'll be back just like when we made Freddy we can actually download a 3D model of springtrap and get a really good look at the parts of his suit and all the little details by the way if you ever want to look at this kind of stuff there's a great website called sketch Fab where you can type in the name of your favorite character and there's probably a bunch of 3D models that you can look at right in your web browser for the springtrap suit we're actually going to 3D print a lot of these parts and then we're going to cover them in Fabric and paint everything just to kind of give it that withered old springt look 3D printing here will allow us to be super accurate to the actual character which was our main priority the only downside is it's going to take a while there's a lot of parts and they're pretty big so we're going to get the printer going so that we can work on other stuff in the meantime okay I did a test on the leg I painted the whole thing red and then did a black wash over that I just think that looks better kind of muscly kind of like who knows what happened in that suit nobody knows what happened in the suit it makes no sense where are his bones where did his bones crushed I don't know I feel like now we need to go back in time and just spray paint the whole thing red lesson learned yeah sometimes you change your mind it's okay yeah and just make a little more work for yourself he's all red that took a lot more red paint than I thought it would but I think it looks cool now I'm going to put a black wash over the whole thing and that's going to seep into all those nooks and crannies and really make all the texture stand [Music] out [Music] most of the characters in Five Nights at Freddy's are animatronics but this one was designed to be both an animatronic or a suit that somebody could wear long story short the guy got in the suit and it malfunctioned and the metal spring locks that wrap around everything to hold it together they trapped them in there for forever hence the name springtrap there's more to it than that but for our purposes we need to worry about the metal spring locks because that's what we're going to build next to make them we're going to use this EVA foam and we're going to cut some strips and then we're going to paint it to look like metal and wrap it around the skeleton I'm going to come up to where we want to put the spring lock and I'm going to wrap it around kind of where I want it to go we'll mark it we'll cut it to size and then we'll put some glue on the ends and basically glue them on one at a time and just work our way across all the limbs piece [Music] cake so inside his body or under his suit I should say there's like these red rope looking things they kind of look like int intin so that's what we're going to go with they're intestines they're in places that don't make any like why are there intestines around his ankles for example doesn't make any sense so don't even worry about it but we need to make those we started with some red yarn we did some tests where we like wrapped it in latex uh and then we did another test and we actually tried some pool noodles and then we thought about using this EVA foam dowel but that would be really expensive but what we ended up with is something called backer rod and it's foam tubes meant for filling gaps it's for weather stripping this whole bag was three bucks and we got two different sizes cuz he does have several sizes of intestines within him so these turn out great super happy with them but I think before we put them on maybe we should put all the rest of the things together first that way we can assemble it all at once yeah there's a whole lot of parts there is and like if we start going one way and then it doesn't work but then if we have everything made and it doesn't work I don't I don't know let's just keep building how's it going good it's going really good I think look at all these pieces that we printed so far spring trap's been around for like 30 years and his suits Fallen apart and it's all decayed and withered so that's what all these kind of cracks and holes are this thing took I think like 7 hours to print and one of the pieces like failed and I had to glue it back together it's been been a thing I'm hoping that the seams on the outside are not going to matter because the next thing we're going to do is cover these in green fleece to give it that fur suit look knocking on wood we've had no major problems so far we do have a lot more printing to go but so far the bamboo has been awesome so I'm going to start covering these things in some green fabric we went to the fabric store and luckily we found this awesome green fleece stuff it's not too fluffy it's just got like the right amount of fuzz and I think the color matches pretty [Music] well thinkk I'm just going to roll it on there and make some darts wherever I need to it went on mostly smoothly this is the only place where it bunched up a little bit I think I'll have to trim that other than that I think it's good so I'm going to start trimming all the extra off I'm trying to cut out the seam here so that it lines up and I don't have any gaps it took an hour and a half to cut out all these little holes I've got to find a faster way to do that but look at them they look awesome so I think it was time well spent now I just have like a gazillion more pieces to go so I will see you later a few days later we had all the parts printed and we ended up using a utility knife to cut out all the holes which went way faster look at them they're mostly done okay we're doing the hands and we're going to start start with the skeleton hand the same way we did with the rest of the body this is going to be great because we can put all this stuff on top of it but we can also use this little ball joint thing to attach it back to the wrist which is going to be really helpful watch it can fit inside the hand and this thing sticks out the back to attach to the arm for inside the fingers we're going to use this bendable wire one trick that we've learned is instead of just having one wire per finger we actually make like a u shape which is going to work as two fingers in between all the little finger pieces here there's like these Knuckles and we're going to use this little piece of pool noodle to go in between all the fingers cut a bunch of pieces of pool noodles painted them all silver and we also painted the hand thing red I was able to mostly fit it inside the glove and then some hot glue will hold it in place then it was just a matter of sliding the knuckles and the fingers onto the wires technically it worked but it really wasn't looking right that looks terrible I hate it it looks like we just stuffed balls of tin foil in between the fingers I think the wire method is working though like if we can ignore the giant silver weird things what do we do we just start over they have foam DS we could use H okay plan B round two we made some new knuckles with this EVA foam dowel and then we painted it silver again okay that is way better and I like that the knuckles are kind of roundish too so like you know it actually looks like a like a knuckle and check it out we have a hand and it looks awesome look at that I'm so glad we redid those pieces okay we got the three arm pieces put on they're just temporarily on there we shove some bubble wrap in so that works for now and we just really want to make sure he works these are really really heavy heavier than I expected what was that I don't know oh no oh shoot we have a problem what is happening um see this now watch this is it it's it's too heavy yes it's too heavy this animatronic has this feature where you can adjust the arms so you can kind of decide like what position they're in and then underneath there there are some servos that are actually moving the arms I don't think the servo would have any problem moving this weight but these clicky adjuste things can't handle crap well now we're just going to throw the whole thing away now we're not doing that it's been so many days you guys it took so long to make these and These Arms don't come off so I don't even know how we would fix that just got to make it lighter like remake the arm pieces maybe we're like a week away from Halloween and this needs to be done I don't know what to say I just have to go think about this so we'll be back okay we needed a break so we're outside and we're going to try to figure out where we're going to put springtrap on Halloween night normally over here is very dark and boring so we have to keep all the fun stuff on that side but this year we got these next level smart holiday lights from GOI who are the sponsor of today's video go is a company that makes super popular holiday lighting and their new Pro permanent outdoor lights are awesome we put them up all along our roof line and not only do they look great but we can leave them up all year long you can use them for Halloween or Christmas or just leave them on for every day you can control the lights from a single point like the GOI app or use Smart Home things like matter or voice control with Alexa I really like their app because there's tons of preset effects in Holiday scenes but also you can syn the lights to music it's amazing so much fun and super simple you can cut and extend the light strands with these adapters so if you don't have like one continuous straight roof line you can start and stop the lights to match your house they're weatherproof too so once they're up there we don't have to worry about them at all you can connect up to 200 ft on a single Strand and you don't don't even need Hardware they have these sticky backs and you can peel this off stick them right to your eaves it's super easy if you want to check out these lights or any of the other awesome stuff that GOI has click the link in the description we're excited to have these up year round but especially next week for Halloween I think we found a solution what we're going to do is we're going to replace the forearm in the hand and maybe this part too with foam and that should be a lot lighter since we have a 3D model already it should be pretty easy to make a pattern off of this to make the pattern P we're going to cover this whole thing in Saran Wrap and then wrap it all in duct tape really tight and that's going to give us the form then we'll trim it cut it off and then from that we can flatten it out to make our pattern for the EVA foam this is basically the same thing we did on the glowing spider right it is yeah it's a good technique all right so this is EVA foam it's 4 mm and I'm just going to lay my pattern out and trace it out they use this a lot in Cosplay it's super light it's flexible it's going to work it has to [Music] once the pieces were ready we used contact cement to glue it all together this stuff works great on Eva Pham but it's pretty toxic so we always wear a respirator when using [Music] it there we go I uh transferred all the holes onto my pattern now I'm going to transfer those onto our thing and cut them [Music] out I think it's pretty good it's squishing a little bit this way but that's pretty round it's going to work what you got going I'm remaking the hands again so these are the 3D printed pieces this thing all by itself weighs about 9 G and then once we wrap the fabric on it that plus the glue is another 3 G that's 12 G per one of these and there's three of them perfect that's a lot of grams of weight so I'm recreating them out of pink XPS foam and just sort of carving it and cutting it to the same shape and size and this piece in comparison weighs less than 1 G versus this 9 G so across all the fingers that should be a lot lighter than it was before and I really hope it works cuz this is the the only idea I have left maybe he'll just have no hands he lost them in the great animatronic War I don't please work the foam knuckles got a little more paint with some silver rubb and buff to make them look more metallic and then I used those and the new fingers to remake the hands again this time though I included the broken and missing fingers which looked great the heavier hand came in at just under 260 g and the new lighter one was about 140 all we can do is hope it's enough here we are 3 days later we've remade all the parts we're going to test it and it better work stay that's a good sign yes no no no all right what if we like I bent his arm instead of it being way out here it's like in here a little bit more yeah okay that works is it hey there's no clicking this time okay yes okay okay okay so we just have to bend the arm a little bit we can do that that makes sense because if it's fully extended the force on the on the joint is is a lot heavier so we're really cutting it close though I think we're going to have to be real careful with like whatever else we had yeah but it works you know if it doesn't work later you saw it work here high five now that we're back on track I can start working on the Torso so I made a template using some foam that we got in some packaging this is half of his body so that's going to wrap around like that so I'm going to trace this onto our EVA foam we'll double it up so we have both sides and I think that should look pretty good now we're going to glue this on and start marking and cutting the holes in it so this piece right here is his underwear or or you know his pelvis or whatever I don't know what you call this see we 3D printed this out based on the model just like everything else but it's not going to fit because it's too small this is a great example of when we turn one character into another character their proportions don't always match up sometimes you just got to wing it a little bit and change things around to make it fit and this is one of those times it looks like a big diaper yep but it fits so I made it extra large so I think maybe we'll trim it to about that much or we could just leave it and have him be wearing a diaper we could also do that it' be a much different character but look at our boy he's getting there we painted all the insides black and he's starting to really take shape what's wrong well it's October 20th today and we don't normally have this problem but in one week the FNAF movie comes out a few days after that is Halloween which we need to use this for I don't know if we're going to get it done in time everything took way longer than we expected it to and we did not expect to have to redo like the arms also look at how much 3D printing filament we've gone through and we didn't even use half the part it's a bit like we're so deep in time and money on this project and I don't even know if it's going to work we haven't even done the head yet yeah but at least like the head is the last big thing to do right it's just the head it should be easy we just got to keep going we 3D printed the head before we knew that we weren't going to use all this stuff so we do have it and we scaled it up to match the same scale as all the rest of the body and check this out watch it just so happens to fit over the skull perfectly it is really heavy though I'm not really expecting it to work we're probably going to have to make it out of foam but let's test it out I think we might have finally caught a break that actually worked so do we just use it as is yes that's great that's really good for the jaw though this thing is sort of really really weak so we're definitely not going to 3D print something instead we're going to make this out of foam and we're going to use a pattern from D regular sauce who's a YouTuber who made a giant springtrap cosplay probably the best springtrap anyone's ever made so he's got a really good pattern we're going to use that make it out of foam and then I guess put the rest of it together the pattern that we were going on was made for like a costume so we cut a big neck hole in and then we actually cut a line for the jawline so the idea is it's going to sit like right on top of his jaw like that that should fit pretty well the only issue now is the foam overlaps where the rest of the head piece is so I think I'm going to cut along this line and it'll make a nice curve to follow this curve hey look he's talking to make his ears we cut out the templates Trace them on the foam and cut them out just like all the other pieces except these ones were a little different because we put some wire inside of the ears so that we could not only attach them to the head but also bend them into a cool pose we took this little pieces of wire and we bent them so that it would create some little feet so we can attach it to the head so now I guess we just have to get fabric on these top head pieces and then we're going to take everything back off and we're going to paint it and wither it all [Music] [Applause] he [Music] [Music] the paint job on these Jamie is incredible I love it I love making things look old and gross and our strategy has always been start by making it new and then make it gross instead of trying to make it gross from the beginning and I just think the results come out like way better it's awesome it was finally time to put everything together we started at the feet which we painted metallic and started working our way up from there to attach the suit to the skeleton I drilled some holes and ran a wire through the bones and then attached the wire to the inside of the suit this kept things nice and light while allowing us to position it exactly how we wanted this project could have been a total failure and there were several times where we thought it just wasn't going to work but you just keep going you push through the hard parts do the best you can and more often than not you'll come out the other side Having learned a few things and with something cool to show for [Music] it turning animatronics into other animatronics is a lot of fun but you'll probably see us start to build a lot more of our own from scratch this year nothing could go wrong with that right maybe we'll even open a pizzeria to make his eyes we needed to keep it really light so we're using a Styrofoam ball cut in half and a a googly eye the plastic part of the eye gets cut off and we're going to use that for the iris in the front so we cut a hole in the Styrofoam ball to fit it cleared out the back and then gave the eye a little paint job he's got these ey rings that go in front of the eyeballs which make no sense but we stopped asking questions about springtrap suit a long time ago we glued in the eyeballs and then made some eyelids out of foam and glued those in place as well finally last but not least my favorite part all the little details he looks amazing before we see if he actually works or not we just want to say thank you for watching this was a really big project for us we had a bunch of problems but we push through them and we just really appreciate you guys watching the video we have a bunch of extra arms left so if this inspired you to make your own spring trp let us know in the comments and we'll pick someone paint them up and send them to you oh I'm stuck until next time stay Wicked I always come back hide if you want it did not save the others it will not save you your time is up
Channel: Wicked Makers
Views: 3,368,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Springtrap, springtrap animatronic, springtrap in real life, spring trap, FNAF, five nights at freddy's, fnaf movie, fnaf animatronic, animatronic, fnaf animatronic makeover, animatronic makeover, diy animatronic, how to make springtrap, springtrap tutorial, diy springtrap animatronic, william afton animatronic, wicked makers, 3D printing, halloween
Id: Dz3preCbs4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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