We made a NIGHTMARE MICKEY Animatronic!

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we're Jane Jamie and today we're celebrating Mickey Mouse in the best way we know how by turning him into a nightmarish animatronic monster so we took our kids on their very first Disneyland trip last week and the Disney imagineers have always been pioneers of animatronics it goes without saying that Disney is a huge inspiration and now that Steamboat Willie is in the public domain we're going to recreate that Mickey in the style of a broken down scary FNAF animatronic our plan is to build a completely custom moving head animatronic which I've definely never done before but we're going to figure it out together our first step was commissioning an amazing 3D artist named beardless props to create a model for us he started by modeling the basic old school Mickey shape and then we worked with him to lay out where the broken parts would be and all the holes and stuff and the result was phenomenal because it's custom he was even able to add mounting points for the animatronic and like the jaw hinge and stuff it's awesome this model along with all the stuff you'll need to build the animatronic are going to be on our patreon so check the link below now that we have our Mickey model we can take this into our 3D printing app and slice it it up into pieces that'll fit our printer we'll load up some 3D fuel PLA and let the magic happen how's it going over here it's going really good I got a bunch of stuff printed we got the the ear and the nose those are kind of the small pieces oh and we got the other ear printing inside the rest of the pieces though they're kind of big so they're going to take a few days of print but that's okay because I can work on other stuff in the meantime hey can you throw me that ear yeah while you're working on the animat I'm going to get started on E ear ears now the black parts of Mickey Mouse I want to be fuzzy and to do that I'm going to use some black flocking fibers now usually you would sand this beforehand to like get rid of the layer lines but I'm hoping that since this is fuzzy it's going to hide those layer lines anyway and we can save some time is that black Mod Podge yeah I just mixed it with a little bit of acrylic paint and that way it all stays you know black that's totally going to work that's going to save a lot of time not having to like pre-finish everything yes it is yeah that's turned out really cool so what I'm building here is a three AIS head mechanism so we can move Mickey's head around I've been working on this design for a couple of weeks and just kind of trying stuff and iterating as I learned like this is the ninth version of this piece for example but I think we finally got it all working so let's go ahead and put it together so first off we have some servos which are tiny little Motors and there's going to be one of these for each axis the servos get screwed onto this Servo plate which is printed out of 3D fuels Pro pla plus material which makes it super rigid and that's important because you can see on this other one it like bends all over the place and if this bends and flexes this thing isn't going to work from here we've got this long screw which is kind of going to be like the neck and then attached to it is this little thing called a rod end bearing and it's got this little part which when you put it on there allows it to rotate around like this so we'll take this rod end bearing and we'll screw it into our Servo plate at the top here and now you can see if we put the shaft into the rod end bearing it creates the pivot point for the head next we've got these little Parts called Servo horns and these are going to go on the servos like that but first we have to attach them to the neck I created some tiny little linkages here that on the end also have these little ball joints and one end of this is going to get screwed onto the end of the neck shaft and the other side is going to get screwed onto the servo horns now we can attach the horns to the servos and everything should be in place so right now this is upside down but watch what happens if we move the servos it actually makes the neck shaft move back and forth but if we flip it upside down and the neck shaft is secured then when the servos move they push and pull themselves around and that's how we get our head movement so this is all going to bolt onto Mickey Mouse's head but first we got to finish making that it's been a few days but all the 3D printing is done and now we finally can assemble the head look at this thing this is awesome uh this not supposed to be a costume but it could be I am happy and impressed with how quickly this was able to just go together you know what so on our spring trap we got really far and then we tested the animatronic and it didn't work no no so I think like let's glue this up and then test it before we go any further hot dog hot dog hot gluing these 3D pieces together when they're so big like this is notoriously hard to get them to line up perfectly so one of the tricks we did is in the model we built in these little alignment holes that fit a little screw perfect perfectly get in there there we go and that should connect in there and then it helps this line it [Music] up I'm just using super glue because it works great on 3D printed Parts we're not stressing about the lines too much because we're going to cover most of this in Bondo to give it texture and then the rest will be flocked over so you won't see that either all right now we got to let it dry again yay look at that yes oh it's heavy it is heavier than I thought which is why I think we really should test it yeah let's let's let's hook it up and test it okay so check this out on the back of the model on the inside come look there is like this plate with all these mounting holes and the idea is we're going to screw this onto that plate a little something like that except it's not is it FL o o did you break it no no I didn't break it okay this screw sticks out behind the plate so how can we how can we sit it flat when this screw is sticking out um I could could make this again version 10 no and pull this out further no oh oh what if what if we just make a little spacer thing like so it can offset a bit what do you mean oh like on here yeah yeah like make a spacer uh-huh with like all the same holes in it okay that' be pretty easy I could cut a hole in this to fit the bolt no no no a spacer eh H okay I'll be right [Music] back okay spacer was a good idea so now we just have like this little thing and it goes on here and now it will clear the bolt and now we've got these little screws screws and these should fit through here although another thing just occurred to me uh how are we going to screw this on when all this all the servos and stuff are in the way I thought you had a plan for that you know me way better than that also I need this to stop rolling how am I going to Aha that was finicky but I did manage to get it in there I just had to take some of the stuff out so you can kind of see that it's bolted to the back and I think that's pretty strong so let's give it a test okay you ready for this [Music] yes oh my [Music] God that's amazing oh man I think because it's so heavy it's like there's a lot of momentum as it moves around which is throwing things out of order a little bit but it works it works it totally works do you like being an animatronic yeah this is cool did you see see that there are already a ton of games and movies using uh Steamboat Willie Mickey here they wasted no time and they all look totally different which is awesome are any of them called scream booat Willie I don't think so but there should be just like with all those Mickey games and stuff there's a ton of ways we could have gone to make our version scary and one of the ways we organize our vision is with Milano the sponsor of today's video milanote is an amazing digital tool for organizing all of your creative projects we use it for almost everything we make because it's super visual we like to collect tons and tons of pictures and reference images and Millan note boards give us the perfect way to keep it all in one place and when we work with another person like a 3D modeler for example we can share the boards with them which makes it super easy to collaborate along with pictures you can collect notes videos task lists you can create color palettes basically whatever you need for this one we've got a board of Steamboat Willie reference then we've got another board for inspiration and ideas then we have one for all of our design details when you make a board you can choose from over a 100 built-in templates or make it from from scratch and all this stuff works seamlessly between their mobile app a web browser or their desktop app Milano is available totally free with no time limit so if you make stuff you should try it we really like it and it'll probably help you too you can sign up using the link in the description below and if you end up using it let us know in the comments this is Bondo spot putty and we're going to use it on our head to get it ready for paint now on the back since it's going to be flocked all I'm really going to worry about is filling in all of the seams where we Glu the pieces together but on the front since that's going to be painted the printer left these little layer lines here so want to fill those in but what the Bondo is also going to do for us is let me build up a texture that I can then carve in some cracks and damage into kind of like we did with ghost face now when I was applying it I started using like a little tapping motion which made this really cool rough texture that I actually like on the head though since it's just in those lines here I'm going to sand that down I ended up sanding like some of the areas and left a lot of them rough it's going to give us really nice variation in texture once it gets painted and like you know this is like the rotting area and this is not so rotten now it's time to paint this guy all right we painted Mickey black with just some black spray paint primer because I'm getting it ready for paint but also I'm going to do the flocking on the top part of the head and I don't want those weird orange spots showing through it's crazy to me how easy this is you just put on the glue and you just sort of push the thing that's so cool but we're still going to like mess it all up right yeah we'll scrape some patches off and make it look old like the rest of his face hey did you steal my jaw I did I'm trying to figure out how to make it move are you having any luck uh I I think so I'm designing a like an adapter basically cuz it's going to like attach it to the head but also allow it to connect and and move and it's not quite working yet but it's gonna it's G to work so can I have it back so I can paint it in the meantime I'm going to paint the face like the dirty whitish gray but before I put that coat on I'm going to put on some crackle medium and what this is going to do is allow that top coat to crack naturally so I don't have to paint cracks in this stuff gives it like this really cool cracked makeup cracked porcelain like little fine hairline cracks it's it's pretty [Music] neat our top layer is cracking where we put the crackle stuff and showing all the black stuff underneath that looks so cool yeah it does hey look I got the jaw working basically I started with just trying to build a hinge so that the jaw could connect to the head in the 3D model we put a hole here in the jaw and then there's this tab on the inside of the head and so I had to make a little arm to connect those two things together and this part was pretty smooth see it works but this is only half of it because next I had to figure out how to hook this up to a Servo so basically I just started building and trying things eventually after seven or eight versions I think I found it so let's check it out so first I cut a plastic Servo horn into this little thing here and then I screwed that onto this adapter I made which connects to a [Music] screw then I took my original hinge arm thing and made some changes to it and the screw goes through here and into the jaw now I can put the servo on like this and screw it into the little arm which makes it so that when the servo turns the jaw [Music] rotates the little bracket gets screwed back onto the head and then there we go check it out it mostly works it seems to O ooh ooh ooh ooh uh what happened it started it started making a really weird whining noise and now it smells really bad and it's hot uh which I think means we burned it out that's not good no it's not good at all I thought that just one of them was going to be strong enough and it was it was moving but the more I used it I think I just killed it 1 hour later okay I fixed it yay watch I thought maybe the servo just wasn't strong enough but it was actually because I had tightened it way too tight so instead of freely rotating it was like grinding against this the side adjusted it now it works again disaster I thought I was going to have to redesign the whole thing again but you know honestly like this is probably isn't the best way to do it there's probably 10 other ways that I haven't discovered yet but that's okay it works and that's what we're after now that it's on there can we make the teeth almost I want to put the ears on first that way when we're putting the ears on we don't like knock the teeth off the ears good idea okay all right so on the ears we've got a couple of little screw holes here and then we have matching holes on the top of for the head now we discovered that the screws don't really fit well into the screw holes so we're going to glue them in so they're extra secure he's a mouse now he does mostly look like a mouse finally except for the nose can we just put his nose on oh boy oh I love it now can we do the teeth now we can do the teeth when we made the teeth on springtrap we used EVA foam and that worked beautifully so for this we're not going to reinvent the wheel we're just going to do what works first I'm going to start by putting this piece of scrap foam inside of his mouth and I will draw my teeth on this and that will be my template my next step is to transfer those shapes onto a piece of EVA foam and I'll cut that out and then I can shape it a little bit with a Dremel then we can paint it I'm going to use hot glue to put the teeth in that way if I do need to make any adjustments make any shorter or reposition them it should be pretty easy to take them [Music] off I love him oh that looks so good there they turned out so cool this is what pushed him from like kind of like just you know normal Mickey Mouse to like scary Mickey Mouse like a mouse having K9 teeth it's just super weird it's and they look so real they look almost like dinosaur teeth or something do we get to do the eyes next yes the old Mickey doesn't really have any eyeballs or irises they're kind of like just these dark black voids which are are already pretty creepy but we're going to try something here we're going to use these clear Easter egg ornaments and they're kind of oblong shape which matches the shape of Mickey's eyes I'm going to start by scuffing up the inside of this Easter egg which is going to diffuse the light but it will keep the outside smooth and shiny you can use a piece of sandpaper or if you have a Dremel you can use a bit like this to get a nice smooth kind of cool look okay next we're going to put a little Iris on here and the way we're going to do that is we're going to take a little piece of blue tape and we're going to put it on the eye to kind of position where the center is and then we're going to paint a ring around that with some black paint how do you want to do the cover that goes around it Jame you want to do like on springtrap where we did the foam yeah I think we're going to use the foam but I think I might have to make a pattern for it yeah cuz it's not round it's easy when it's round you just make a circle uh-huh I'm going to glue the edges together with barge but that's not going to give us a perfect round piece so afterwards what I need to do is heat bend it over the shape my seams are coming together perfectly so I'm going to use a little bit of spackle to fill those in and then sand it [Music] so I designed some parts to hold the eyes in place and there's starting with this little plate and the eye is going to kind of basically go on it like that but before we put that on we're going to take this little red LED we're going to put it through the hole in the center and then I'm going to flip it over and hot glue it in place so next I'm going to take a piece of tin foil and I'm going to put it like this because it's going to reflect the LED light and hopefully make it a little brighter now I can just trim off the edges so it fits nice and clean now I've got a hole poked in here and I'm going to take this little screw and I'm going to push it through and then I'm going to take this little arm that we made and it's going to attach to the back just like that and this actually attaches to the servo plate so it's all sort of like one unit first we'll snap on the eye into the plate dab a glue on there we'll hold it it in place and then we can put our eye cover on top of that so now I'm going to attach these inside the head to the servo plate but it's going to be like impossible for you guys to see me doing it so I'm just going to go ahead and attach it and then show you what it looks like I love it it's so creepy oh my God should we test the lights [Music] yes it's amazing does it look good so good wait and watch this if I hold this button his eyes starts shorting out cuz he's an old broken animatronic you know I can't wait to turn it all on at the same time Mickey Mouse needs a tongue so I made him one now to make this what I did was I use this packing foam I don't know what it's called but it's soft and Squishy and really light so I cut out the rough shape with an X-Acto Knife then I used this Sher form tool to kind of round it over and then that gave us this the problem is it's really fuzzy so I'm going to try something I'm going to cover it in a little bit of liquid latex and see if that gives me a nice smoother texture oh I don't know what happened hey I didn't get it on the camera I think that's enough layex we're just going to use it it's fine there you go all right this is going to dry for at least a couple of hours and then I may need to put another coat on it we'll see just don't spill it again okay I did two coats of latex on this and I love how it turned out it is super like bumpy but not fuzzy it's just like I imagine a really gross tongue would be so now it's time to paint the tongue and I'm going to paint him white which sounds a little weird but we're trying really hard to stay close to to the Steamboat Willie Mickey Mouse and that's a black and white cartoon so we're trying to bring that black and white concept into the real world dirty white tongue gross gross so I'm going to put the tongue here and what I did was I added a thin piece of foam right there and I'm going to glue the tongue right there it's so gross you know and now the final details for nightmare Mickey a little silver paint on all the edges will give it some depth and help it look like it's made of metal all the painting and details are going to add layers and help bring it to life every smudge and spot tells a story our Mickey has been trapped in a condemned theme park for decades collecting dust and gming and wandering the streets T night he's filthy and falling apart but he still has that creepy innocent look to him if you you need inspiration there are so many scary Mickey out there there's all the new movies and games coming out there's even a fan-made game called five nights at Treasure Island with a bunch of really cool Mickey variants it's amazing even with just the head this is one of the craziest things we've made designing characters is hard and so much goes into making animatronics we definitely still have a lot to learn about the mechanics and design but we're going to keep at it okay I think it's ready to go I've got them all plugged in I've programmed an Arduino so I can puppet Mickey with a PlayStation controller here we go [Music] oh I I think Mickey's dead I don't know something broken here a honestly I'm surprised he worked at all this is our first time doing this and to even get this far absolute win we're definitely going to keep going on Mickey we're going to fix his head we'll probably even give him a body and if you want to follow along with that and learn with us check out our patreon the link is down below and until next time stay Wicked
Channel: Wicked Makers
Views: 967,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steamboat Willie, Steamboat willy, steam boat willie, captain willie, Mickey Mouse, scary mickey mouse, animatronic mickey mouse, michael rodent, infestation, mickey’s mouse trap, mickey mouse horror, diy animatronic, how to, fnaf, five nights at treasure island, abandoned by disney, 3d printing, nightmare mickey mouse, how to make an animatronic, animatronic tutorial, springtrap mickey, withered mickey, oblitus casa
Id: 1ZaJVcytjyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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