We made a Dancing FREDDY Animatronic from FNAF!

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today we're going to turn this cute little dancing bear into the stuff of nightmares Five Nights at Freddy's easily one of the scariest game series ever made it's all about these super creepy animatronics that come to life at night and do all kinds of terrible things the tension and anxiety you feel when you play these games is unreal what started as a pretty simple indie game has turned into like this huge series with millions of fans all over the world us included last week somebody gave us this dancing bear as a joke gift and challenged us to transform it into something awesome you know because it's an animal tronic animals Rock get it yes I get it it's a bear so we thought okay are there any good scary bear characters out there and yeah there's a ton but of course the creepiest bear of all Freddy Fazbear from Five Nights at Freddy's there are a lot of different versions of Freddy across all the games but we decided to go with the withered version from the second game withered Freddy is classic but also he's got a bunch of like broken parts and wires sticking out and stuff like that so it'll be really fun and interesting to build and we get to make him dance which is great here we go this is the moment it's gonna be fine our first step though is we take off his skin does he come apart at all no we have to cut him he must be cut it kind of feels like there's like a skeleton inside it does there's there's wires you know I've seen people like take Furbies apart before like take this the skin off and they always look really really creepy so I'm excited to do this oh oh hello is that his neck yeah it's on the spring so his head can do a little jiggle jiggle [Music] we can work with this yeah and we'll leave the shoes on for now that way it'll stand up but we can replace them with some Furry Paws later that was a battery compartment in the back wait there are no batteries in the battery compartment but he dances still does he [Applause] haunted definitely haunted is it we didn't even make the scary thing yet it's already haunted how is it working somewhere okay that's super weird okay hold on look oh wait there's more there's two other battery compartments okay mystery salt but still why have it have this third battery compartment I don't know maybe it was extra how do we make his body now I have no idea sweet I have no idea how we're gonna do there's so many parts and pieces and what is this craziness craziness you want to talk craziness look this Freddy guy I got pictures I got colors is he Brown is he golden is he green and what is this Glam Rock Freddy I got boxes of Freddy and don't even get me started on the timeline of this it makes no sense there's got to be a better way to organize all this stuff we can't work like this do you ever feel like you're in over your head when it comes to organizing your creative projects are you tired of sifting through a sea of sticky notes and endless browser tabs well fear not because today's sponsor millinode is here to save the day Milano is a digital tool for organizing your creative projects with millinote you can collect notes reference images plan your tasks and more all in one place there's over a hundred built-in templates for designers photographers illustrators you know creative people plus you can share your ideas and work with your team in just minutes on a computer or on the app the best part for me is all the visual stuff I like to see all the things and being able to organize it in any way you want drag stuff around you can even draw notes directly on the canvas which is awesome we use it all the time on almost all of our projects you can organize it in a way that works best for you and make sense of those crazy projects Milano is free with no time limit so if you're interested you should definitely give it a try sign up with the link in the description and start your next creative project do we finally have a plan here let's do this I think we have a plan we found a model of Freddy he's in a t-pose and we printed him out to match the scale of this guy and if you look at him he's got all these little individual segments of body and it's over like an endoskeleton I think what we're gonna do is make these little individual body parts out of upholstery foam upholstery foam is basically the same stuff that they make couch cushions out of First Step we're going to cut out all of our pieces so we can trace them onto the foam [Music] I think I'm going to cut out the belly like the middle part of it as a separate piece because I think I want this part to just be like a super thin covering and then we'll like smack the belly right on top smack that belly smack the belly [Music] the course of our project having all these little scale pieces is going to be super helpful okay I meant slap the belly on not smack the belly on but like when you think about it is there a huge difference between slap and smack it's kind of the same thing the old slap smack words so next up we're going to trace these on the foam right but not we're not making the head out of foam I don't think so I don't know that's gonna be hard to sculpt with this type of phone yeah because we got to do the eyes and the hat and like the jaw and stuff so we'll cross that bridge later we'll smack that bridge a little later on we got all our front views cut out but his legs are actually like this three-dimensional shape so to get us closer to that we're going to cut out a side view so for example this is a leg piece so we'll take our side view put it on the side of the leg piece Trace that out and that'll get us a lot closer to what the actual shape is going to be [Music] foreign I'm going to get started on some of the other pieces now since Freddie's a game character we can actually open up his 3D model it's great because we can check some of his proportions and that kind of thing but it also means we can 3D print some of these pieces because they're already modeled for the more complex Parts like his hands and hat and head and stuff this is going to work great but we actually want to pose him out first before we print it I want his hands to look a little more natural so I can kind of rotate the fingers into a good looking pose and then this hand is going to be holding the microphone so we kind of need like a fist type thing I also modeled a new microphone with a bit more detail because we want to paint it and make it look awesome all right so once all that stuff's ready we can load the parts into our 3D printing app and these are going to take a few hours of print so I'm going to get these going and we'll come back and check them out when they're done I've got all my leg and arm pieces in the belly roughed out and now it's time to take them to their final shape to do that I'm going to use two tools the first one of those is the Dremel and it's got like this rough sanding bit on it [Music] okay this bit will take your piece and throw it in the air so make sure you have a tight grip on that and also go really slow foreign the other thing we're using the Dremel for is we've got this round bit and we're using it to hollow out the ends and that gives us the illusion that these are Hollow pieces the second thing we're using is this stuff it's basically like sandpaper if your sandpaper were made of a thin cheese grater metal type material it's really great for doing the finishing work on foam because we just have a lot more control over it the shaping worked really well but you know as is Tradition now that we've got it looking really good we have to mess it up again first we create and then we destroy because it's withered Freddy so we need to wither him so we got some reference and he's got a bunch of holes in him got some holes here here here we're going to cut those in there as best we can and make them withered [Music] Freddy has like you know Bear Paws and not giant boots so we're gonna take these apart and see what we can do even though they have batteries in them oh shoot I broke one of the wires whoops it's okay we'll fix it it's like a lower part so can we just take this whole top part off I think I think although the legs connect to the legs connect to this but if we could like glue them onto this reconnect the leg to the lower part yeah and then how are you going to make the foot sculpt it so the top part of the shoe off we're gonna epoxy his leg back on to the bottom piece of this using 500 foxy [Music] once the epoxy was dry I re-soldered the wires that I broke and then covered them in hot glue to protect them so that I wouldn't break them again [Music] scope to sculpt his feet it dries quick it's easy to work with so should be good [Music] [Music] well that's a Bigfoot there but it's a big base to sculpt on so it's got to be a big foot and it's okay you can have comically large feet they're a little fuzzy and cute I'm very happy with them so we gotta let it dry I think it takes about 24 hours so tomorrow we can paint them they're ridiculous but they're great they're giant they're giant clown why is every project we do have giant feet it's an animatronic staple yeah okay next I think we should do the legs and I actually want to get them on there so I think we need to slice them like up the back make our holes there and like put them on the legs we're just gonna do a slice down the back and then yeah maybe let's cut like a little bit of a square in the middle of here so it fits this okay I'm gonna try and do clean cuts because we want to like re-glue them back together ready watch this do you see how the legs they deform as this thing squishes down and if we just 3D printed the whole thing we'd never be able to get that cool effect this is going to look awesome I'm gonna paint like his endoskeleton kind of like a silvery you know a shiny a shiny metal color middle color I'm gonna go ahead and base coat these Brown you know what I worry about like what if we get them together and he does not Squish and like doesn't dance you mean what if we build the whole project and it doesn't work yeah that that's what that's what we worry about on every project well yeah it'll be fine the broken parts in the ends of each piece got painted black and luckily we had a little bit of help on this part we got all the legs and arms painted but before I paint the belly we need to slap the belly on so that way I can paint the belly and the body as one [Music] we also have a pelvis piece that I'm going to glue on right there [Music] okay the 3D prints are done and they came out good we got to do a little bit of cleanup on some of these pieces to get them ready for painting but this is a great start one of the reasons I wanted to 3D print these parts is because they're super lightweight plastic which is exactly what we need if we had made them out of something heavier like clay it adds a lot of weight to the actual animatronic and slows it down when you're working with mechanical stuff lightweight equals good one of the things to assemble are his eyeballs I modeled and 3D printed the white Parts but to make the irises we're going to start by printing out Freddy's eye texture and then gluing it onto the back of a clear cabochon once we cut it out we glue it into this little space and Bam perfect Freddy eyeballs we're working our way up and it's time to start putting the head together but once we actually did a test we realized it's too small look once we got the giant feed and the Big Belt like his head is just way too small also you may have noticed that this is actually the wrong head model for withered Freddy at first we did that on purpose because I thought the proportions would be better for this animatronic body but I don't know it just doesn't look that good so we re-3d printed everything made a new head that's bigger it's the right model for withered Freddy and now we can start working on it that also means we have an extra head and we're going to give it away later in the video so stay tuned for that thank you [Music] I like it yeah I think the pad is more proportional to the body now but the body itself I gotta tell you like as we've started to put this thing together I think we kind of messed up the purple he's too you know short he's too short and I'm not sure what to do okay okay what if what if we break his legs and then like thin them like really yeah we're gonna have to re-solder the wires but we could cut them apart at the knees and like put a little leg extender in there because they don't move they're just they don't that would probably work I say we tried I think that's a cool idea okay oh remember that thing about working hard on something and then destroying it it's okay I got his little legs cleaned up and we 3D printed some tiny little extender leg extender stilts we made him some stilts and we added like a little kneecap and made them gray so they're kind of going to look like his little endoskeleton inside his legs on the leg itself there's like this little Channel and basically they fit right in there so I'm going to Super Glue them in and if all goes well he'll be an inch taller in a minute foreign [Music] check this out I'm so glad we did that it looks a hundred times better we fixed all the wires and glued the leg pieces on and now it's starting to finally look normal the other thing we did is put the head together but we immediately realized it's too small now that the proportions of the body are starting to work right that it's just it doesn't it's too small so we have another one of these to give away we also had to 3D print yet another one I think this is like the fifth one we've printed but we're really happy with the size now we repainted it to kind of get back to where we were before and everything's almost ready to put together but we have to give it fur so we're going to do some flocking on all of these 3D printed Parts flocking something is basically like adding glitter to something you put your glue on and then you shake your fibers on for this one we're not using an electrostatic flocker because we don't need the fibers to stand up on end like if it were grass or something so we're just going to use a little mini flocker and our objective is just to make him look furry and to make the texture kind of match that of the foam the glue we're using here is mod podge and you just put the glue where you want the flock to be who dries really fast so for this face I'm going to do really small sections foreign thing I'm hoping that I don't get too much flock inside the mechanism so I'm just going to try and avoid the holes there that turned out great he's actually like fuzzy now and it really like ties it all together super happy with that now I gave it a light airbrushing to match the color and now it is time to do his little armies so for the arms I took the hands that we just made and I epoxied in a new piece of wire because we're going to replace the ones that are already on there these are a little too short unfortunately but should be easy to replace them next we're going to bend These Arms into their position which should be pretty easy something like that I don't know we can adjust them after [Music] his little shoulder pads that go right here are 3D printed but on the bottom Jamie had this really good idea to use a roofing nail and just cut off the tip and that's going to basically allow us to put it right there [Music] and voila we have arms all right it's time for the head we've got all our pieces here to put the head together we've got the head itself the eyeballs with the eyelids we've got a little interior endoskeleton with like a extra jaw that goes inside his mouth all of this has to get put together and somehow attached to his head so let's do it I'm hot gluing most of the pieces together so that if I mess something up I can try again luckily this is the third time I've done this so we had some practice but if we do things in the wrong order it won't go together [Music] to attach the eyeballs to the inner head we used some little pieces of wire and hot glued them on [Music] after that we used glue to attach the jaw to the main head which holds everything together this was tricky because we had to make sure that the eyes were in the exact right spot but it worked really well to make the hinge for the lower jaw we're just using a piece of ribbon and hot gluing it to each side finally we glued a tiny spring into the mouth to try to add a little bit of secondary motion I wasn't sure if this was going to work or not but the plan came together I worked the whole time I didn't think it was gonna work I wasn't sure and it totally works it worked great look at him that's so cool so it kind of makes it look like the jaw is floating and kind of naturally there and it will as it bounces around it will close a little bit it will open a little yes that's gonna look so disturbing when he's dancing I'm so excited okay time to put the head on so we took this spring off because we didn't want it to like go crazy and wobble everywhere and 3D printed this other little part which should fit let's test this now we should be able to just slide that right on there's our boy this little piece of fabric at the top is going to make it so that it sticks to the neck but also just has a little bit of flex which will allow the head to move around a little now that he's finally all put together it's time to weather him or wither him the model has all this really beautiful color variation that makes it look like he's just he's been in the world a while he's dirty he's gross so we're gonna add some washes of Browns and blacks and kind of bring some of that weathering that agedness to him I'm also going to bring back in some of that yellow for his belly and his little nose there that we lost when we did the flocking [Music] thank you [Music] to make his little elbow we're actually using a drywall anchor that we painted silver and split apart thank you before we see him dance we just want to say thank you for watching we had a lot of fun on this project and you know I learned that these small toys are basically the same thing as the big animatronics that we do but it's just scaled down like it's just a motor that moves some stuff and plastic parts with something on top it's really interesting and if you want to see more of these toy makeovers let us know in the comments because we had a lot of fun doing this and we'd like to do more this week's Wicked shout out goes to Finn from New York he's four years old and he told his mom that he wants to be a wicked maker when he grows up which is awesome that's a worthy goal Fin and we'll help you every step of the way we also have two giveaways in this video so if you're a FNAF fan and you really like Freddy let us know in the comments and we'll pick two people to send each of these extra heads too as always thank you for watching and until next time stay Wicked [Music] [Music] don't you worry we can find a suit that's just perfect for you foreign family where you'll never be alone again [Music]
Channel: Wicked Makers
Views: 3,057,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: five nights at freddys, fnaf, animatronic, diy, fnaf animatronic, dancing freddy, freddy fazbear, five nights at freddys animatronic, diy animatronic, freddy animatronic, diy freddy animatronic, freddy fazbear animatronic, fnaf project, fnaf freddy animatronic, fnaf diy project, animatronic fnaf, wicked makers, animatronic makeover, diy animatronic puppet, toy makeover, animatronic toy, fnaf toy, fnaf toy makeover
Id: 7k44Mle7bFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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