Our SCARIEST Halloween Animatronic Builds! (Compilation)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Wicked Makers
Views: 469,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halloween, halloween diy, halloween scarecrow, scary scarecrow, spirit halloween, sitting scarecrow, spirit halloween makeover, spirit halloween animatronics, halloween animatronics, scary halloween decorations, batman scarecrow, spirit halloween sitting scarecrow, spirit halloween scarecrow, scare crow, scarecrow diy, pennywise, pennywise animatronic, witch animatronic, halloween witch animatronic, scariest animatronics, scariest halloween animatronics, scary witch
Id: 7VhDhCjMXzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 52sec (7192 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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