We made a real CATNAP Animatronic!

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in this video we're going to build a real catnap animatronic that actually breathes fog or Jamie and Jame we bring your favorite monsters to life like this 8ft tall hookie Wy and this real life springtrap from FNAF today the challenge is to build this animatronic completely from scratch which is not easy catnap is the main boss in poppy playtime chapter 3 and it's to well just look just look at it also you know a couple of you asked us to make this project so here we go first though we need a plan we're going to start by using some PVC pipes to build a skeleton and then giving a really cool pose next we'll figure out all the animatronics like the motors the fog and the glowing eyes and we'll cover the whole thing in purple fur finally will his insanely creepy head and also this thing is like huge it's it's very big it's going to be great we're using 1in PVC because it's rigid enough to hold them all together but also a little bit flexible which we're going to try to use to our advantage to connect all these pieces we're going to use regular PVC connectors but we're also going to use these custom PVC joints that we developed these give us a lot more angles for like elbow positions and stuff like that they're 3D printable they're super easy to make and if you want to make your own you can find the files on our patreon all right do we have all of our pieces I hope so there's a lot there's four legs there's a spine a head and stuff so there's like a million pieces let's just start building and at the bottom one of these that is a flange that gets attached to the ground go like this all right our spine is going to be like two parallel lines cuz that's going to keep it from twisting give a little more strength and it's going to bend in the center cuz spines do that on cats all good no no something's not Bing okay look at that our very own cat spine B spine so this is the shoulders and down there is going to be the hips so the legs are going to attach right here but to attach them we're going to use these rotating PVC joints that we made and if you want to see exactly how to make these check out our pirate skeleton animatronic basically they're going to go in here like this except they're too small so we made these adapters they go on there like that one on each side and now I can put this right in there and if we pretend that this is the shoulder at the top of the leg we can put that in there and now the leg can rotate I think we got to move the table it's good yeah this thing's going to be big and it's it's not going to fit up here that's I hope that's enough space it's like our whole garage all right these are his feets so we got to okay we're missing a piece oh this is a beautiful pose all right you got it yes all right just sit tight for a second okay go ah okay wait hold on there's no easy way to do it okay I went around and I tightened up all of the different joints and I bolted his feet to the ground and I added some little screws on the rotating things here to make sure that they don't come out and now now everything is nice and tight and watch this we've got this really nice rotation in the back here so the next step is we're going to put a motor here and we're going to actually make it look like this whole thing is moving so this is a wiper motor it's the same type of thing we used on Huggy except this time I designed a mount for it so we can actually Mount the motor directly to the PVC you mean instead of our lovely hack job of uh hose clamps and plywood we've learned a lot since then I think we've gotten better [Music] so on our shaft here at the end I've got these rod end bearings which are like these little things that rotate and we discovered these when we did our Mickey animatronic so we're kind of combining a bunch of stuff we've learned recently into one so I want the focus of the movement to be the head and the breathing of the fog but I also I don't want the whole body to look like it's just a statue right I want to create essentially like an idle animation so with this in place hopefully this should kind of Rise and Fall a little bit and the flexibility of the PVC should work let's try this it's doing it it's working woo I was expecting it to like break into pieces and fall apart kind of flabbergasted that's so cool yeah I love this this is so cool I think when you're animating things subtlety like this is key right like if you ever played a video game when all the characters are just kind of standing still they're not statues right they're kind of just like Milling around a little bit so it's like recreating that on a big thing I'm working on making like the interior frame of the body now we learned the hard way that you have to keep fur really far away from any mechanical stuff cuz if you don't bad things happen so what I'm going to do is try and build like a rib cage type thing and then we're going to cover that in foam and the our fur okay the rings are on for now I want to do a motion test and make sure nothing like collides into itself yeah that seems like a goodidea it's a little close down here it literally is like that close to it is that good or bad I mean it clears it I mean technically it's fine right it's technically fine as long as it doesn't move katnap breeds out this red fog called poppy gas and it's a sleeping gas we're going to try to recreate that with a fog machine but I'm trying to decide if we're going to use a big normal siiz fog machine or something smaller like this and uh oh and by the way you can't make red fog that's not really a thing so instead we're going to use a red LED in the mouth and kind of do something like that well if we have the big one like where you going to put it it's just going to be like next to him yeah that's why I don't like using these cuz you'd have to have it like away and then run a hose maybe up its leg or something or we could put this like you know kind of underneath the zipper and then run a hose out to the mouth look at this there there's more there's more more stuff I gave him a butt a but do cats have butts yes cats have butt well I mean yes okay yeah that's a nice cat butt I also gave him like this cage around the Rings and I think that's going to give him some more stability there holds everything together okay I was going to cover this in foam but I think that might add a too much bulk so instead I think I'm going to cover it in tape and then add stuff on on top of that before you do that though I think I decided that I want to use this microfogger thing so I made this Mount so this is going to go on here like that and then it's going to live like down here and then there'll be a a hose that comes up into the mouth what you got going here some fuzzy stuff unlike Huggy wuggy catnap actually has pretty short fur this one is not the right color this one is like way too long but the color is at least closer you could shave it maybe like you know when you shave a cat except our cat doesn't have any fur so we don't shave him but you know what I mean like you cut it you know what I could do I could make him a purple fuzzy jacket make him a jacket yeah I mean he seems to like the fur so I'll be right [Music] back we realized there was too big of a gap here and we didn't need it to be that big so we added some extra wires got it taped up and now it's looking nice and shapely and round and catnap like we still need access to all the stuff up here so on the chest we left it open but on the back it's really close to that motor so we made this protective Flappy thing that we can tape and untape when we need to access it one of catnaps creepiest features is how skinny and kind of almost like starved looking he looks so we're going to try to create some ribs and like a you know some bones that'll stick out from under the fur we're going to try and use pool noodles for this they're light and they're flexible and they're pretty easy to [Music] shape he's got he's got vertebrae now it's like a dinosaur or something hey he's got a rib cage now you putting some foam on there good job perfect these legs took a whole day longer than we thought they were going to they look so good though like it's simple you wrap a leg and then you put some bumps on it but no no the duct tape came off because fun fact duct tape doesn't stick to foam so we wrapped and salvaged what we could and then we glued the rest and then we just duct tape bubble wrap to make his like leg bumps this part is finally done and we can move on to the next step I think it was great hi five thanks look at this thing it's too big it's so big oh okay to be fair we're going to carve at least half of this way My worry is that how am I going to sculpt this yeah but you say that every time and what happens what happens every time it's funny that we're worried about two completely different things so we have a front view and a top view and a side view and we're going to tape these on here Trace some and then carve away everything that is outside of those lines this doesn't include the ears does it it's even bigger than this yeah I mean yeah to cut the foam I'm going to use these tools from hot wire Foam Factory they cut through really nicely so if you're interested in these there's a link in the [Music] description we're done look it's cat yay this is hard this is a huge block of foam and trying to make it look like anything is it's slow goinging and hard this ended up being really challenging I kept telling her it looked great but at this point it had been almost 3 days of sculpting and Jamie was ready to throw this thing out the window I brought you a dut thank you I am so stressed about this head right now and I know it's probably going to be fine but that doesn't stop anxiety one thing that's been surprisingly helpful to ease the stress of this project has been journaling and to do that we've been using a free app called day one Journal who's the sponsor of today's video we've been journaling every single day of the build what we did that day what our goals are for the next day what went wrong or right cuz sometimes you work an entire day hours and hours and and then it feels like you've accomplished absolutely nothing but the journaling we can actually look back at it each day and see that like hey we actually did a lot even even though it doesn't always feel like it day one Journal has been the perfect app for this I'm new to journaling but the app makes it totally painless to get started there's built-in templates there's daily writing prompts if you need inspiration and everything is private with endtoend encryption it also has great premium features so we can add photos and videos from each day drawings and it has a cool voice to text transcription so we can talk through what happened instead of typing it if you want to try day one Journal today go to day one app.com Wicked makers and use the code Wicked makers to unlock a limited time offer of a 2mon free trial of Day One Premium again that's d y nea.com Wicked makers and use our code for two free months of Premium it's totally worth it whether it's for your stress relief or you just want to you know Chronicle your adventures go give it a try and now back to this giant head wait eat your dut first one eternity later are you kidding me come on I told you didn't I tell this is incredible you turned a giant six lb block of foam into this so good I'm so proud of you thank you next up we're going to do his little nose so I glued some EVA foam together and I'm going to carve it and it'll go right there and then we're also going to do some ears what are you up to oh I spent the last few days trying to figure out how to make his head move and where to put all of this stuff so far on all the animatronics we've made from scratch something always breaks or falls apart and I'm trying to fix that we got this big Servo and this is going to be his neck and it's going to allow the head to move back and forth and the next problem I have to solve is how to actually attach the giant giant head to this cuz if you just stick a pipe into the back of his head it's just going to fall off so we'll see I don't know this cat has huge feet so the first thing I did was I made a tin foil foot and it's got a hole because it's going to slide over the ankle he's going to have giant claws coming out the end of his toes but first i'm going to cover this all in foam playay did you run out of white clay maybe yeah the foam Clay is cool but it takes forever to dry so we've just got to let these sit for a few days so the Feats are dry and it's time to make the claws but I'm now realizing I probably should have made the claws first and sculpted them actually into the toes we're going to make the claws now and then somehow figure out a way to join them together so this is sculpy and I'm going to use it for the claws because we can bake it and it'll be dry in like 15 minutes or cured not dried that's what we learned Pro tip don't use like a skin colored clay for non-skin things it's just weird I did a quick test with epoxy clay to bridge the gap there and I think something like this is going to work okay these giant mutant cat feet are mostly done they have to dry overnight and then tomorrow we'll paint them made a box you sure did so it's got some holes in it so the wires can come through the neck and go into the head and then it's got like this thing inside that this attaches to the servo and then look Servo rotates and bingo problem solved so are you just going to like glue that box to the back of his head no Jamie was not excited about me cutting a huge hole into the back of this but it all worked out that wasn't too [Music] bad Bingo nice should we try it on see if it holds up I'm still worried that it's too heavy yes to our box there we go a good day oh oh oh that doesn't Well the box worked but the whole thing started to collapse fixing again we had to spread the legs out more and they need to be in a very particular angle because the pose is so Dynamic doesn't balance otherwise but it works and look we can even push on it you know what though I hate to say it but it's real big I know I think it's too big I took off a whole lot of material and I don't even know if you can tell but there's a lot gone from this and here's the truth I could work on this for like three more days and probably still not be happy with it but at some point you have to call it and it has to be done because we have to move on to add to the stress even more we had to figure out how to drill holes from the eyes and mouth all the way back to where the box is for the wires in the fog hose to glue in the Box we used expanding spray foam so that we could position it exactly where we wanted and then the foam will fill in all the gaps so you can see that this expanding foam expanded and filled up all these gaps and now we have to actually cut away all this extra stuff let's see if this works now all right I'm really nervous me too I feel like Dr Frankenstein I'm going to plug this in and a monster will awaken and nothing on oh I forgot to plug the motor in oh hold on here we [Music] go so far so good yeah seems okay yes yeah it's not even like stressing that much there's no creaking at some point we're pushing PVC to like its limits but I don't think we're there yet it's time to put in the control box but I want to show you guys what's in it before it gets tucked away forever the whole thing is powered by an Arduino which is basically a mini computer next to it is a relay which lets the Arduino control the wiper motor and turn it on and off over here's the power which is 12 Vols and then this is the power for the wiper motor that goes out to it and then this right here is a wire harness which controls everything else finally on the outside we have a speed controller which helps me to make quick Chang changes to how fast it moves and there's a USB port so if I want to add or update stuff I can use that it was definitely hard to figure out how to customize all this and fit it into this nice compact box but I'm really proud of this it's a far cry from our usual you know mess of wires and stuff everywhere there we go we made catnap he looks like he's going to kill me he probably is he's like get me out of this thing a you don't like your fuzzy jacket we finally get to start putting fur on this cat so this is the fabric we chose and there's a couple problems I'm anticipating though one this stuff does not stretch but the body does stretch you know the back opens up and so does the stomach so I'm going to have to solve for that somehow and then the other problem is because it's so short it doesn't really hide things like seams so we're going to have to be really careful about you know where the fur joins to itself all right catnaps eyes and mouth are black but not just any black will do when you look into his eyes I want it to be like you're staring into an endless void of Darkness the blackest black so we got a couple things to try for the first time this is the blackest paint in the world it's called muso black and from the same company we got the blackest fabric ever it's like a black hole looking into this just disappear into it for the eyes we already base coated them with a little bit of black tinted Mod Podge so we're going to put some of the blackest black paint on and see how it goes look at this what I really love is that it's matte you can't see any of the edges in there it's just flat and smooth I was going to use this fabric for the mouth but the paint also looks amazing and I think the fabric it would be a little bit bit of a pain in the butt to kind of get this to sit flat and the paint was so easy to use look at this it's so cool I love this stuff we'll put the link in the description below so you can check it out if you're trying to make something like the blackest of the black this is it it's so cool are we ready to put fur on the rest of them we are ready how's it going it's good how's it going over there you got the feet painted I think we have a problem don't be mad what you do I spray painted them and this part is totally fine but the claws I painted like 4 hours ago and they're still sticky what which means the paint isn't drying which means something bad happened oh no okay according to our Discord you should never use spray paint on polymer play because there is like a terrible chemical reaction that happens it's never going to dry it's going to be sticky forever yes how do we clean it off we can try acetone we have that okay okay took a bunch off is it sticky I think that's okay so you're going to remove all of that paint so I'm cutting off the places where my fabric joins together but it leaves a little bit of a gap to fix that I'm using what's called a muppet Stitch and that's a stitch that like hides the thread and joins the furry fabric together like seamlessly it's called The Muppet Stitch it is they use it on like Muppets and there we go mostly invisible scene that's crazy yeah I mean I thought there was going to be like big wrinkles all over it but there's like literally none [Music] [Music] get [Music] [Music] we 3D printed catnaps Moon and this is what hangs off of his zipper pull we could just paint it gold like it is in the game but I have always wanted a reason to Gold Leaf something and it seems like super extravagant and ridiculous but only the best for our boy I don't even know what gold leafing is well it's like super thin pieces of gold or in this case it's not real gold but sometimes it's real gold and you glue it on and now it's gold [Music] it took me several hours but I got all of the the bad paint off of the nails and now I got this cool metallic paint we're going to paint them in some ways building catnap has gone really well we've learned so much since we started making animatronics that we were able to combine it all into this insanely awesome build but at the same time this project has been the hardest thing we've ever done the longest hours the most most setbacks difficulty at every step I guess that's what it's all about though you just got to keep challenging yourself and pushing Beyond because that's how you get better to animate catnaps head I'm using a huge Servo because the head is really heavy and we need a lot of torque a servvo is different than a wiper motor because I can tell it exactly how to move to do that I'm using this free software called Bango which is used to animate animatronics instead of writing code I can just animate in a timeline it's super fun anytime I want I can just make a new animation for C nap and then when it's ready we export it to the Arduino y'all we just did a test run I can't wait for you to see him in action but before we do we just want to say thanks for watching thanks for supporting the channel and helping us grow you guys are the best until next time stay Wicked leave play take [Music] care
Channel: Wicked Makers
Views: 6,266,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poppy playtime, animatronic, wicked makers, poppy playtime animatronic, horror game, huggy wuggy jumpscare, horror, poppy playtime game, giant animatronic, custom animatronic, jaimie and jay, huggy wuggy poppy playtime, huggy wuggy diy, diy projects, catnap, cat nap, catnap animatronic, catnap in real life, giant catnap, diy catnap, real life catnap, poppy playtime catnap, catnap jumpscare, catnap poppy playtime, catnap diy, huggy wuggy, real catnap
Id: Fh6mimCibhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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