The TRUE Story of the REJECT CRITTER... (Cartoon Animation)

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The Smiling Critters one of playtime CO's biggest successes and rightfully so they were precious beloved by children and adults alike or at least most of them were H looks like we had a little misprint here no worries you're going to be with your little messed up friends in you go the rest we're doomed to be thrown into the Flames thankfully these ones weren't alive but I know somewhere deep down inside they could feel the misery of not being perfect of being a reject I know exactly how they feel the smiling Critters ruled the world of children's toys they flew off the shelves especially dog day their leader and Bubba Bubba fan as well with one big exception catnap playtime CO's newest creation there were reports that he was giving kids across the country nightmares I know the perfect game for us there really was no coming back from a PR disaster like a toy that prevents kids from getting good sleep with Kat up being a total Financial failure The Smiling Critters brand was almost put on Ice deciding they had invested too much in the project to give up on it completely the leaders of playtime Co decided to come up with a brand new smiling Critter one that went in a New Direction you've seen other cheery smiling C Critters like dog day and Bubba Bubba but you've never seen anyone quite like brownie Fox the brand new smiling Critter or should I say unsmiling Critter the newest smiling Critter was me while the others Giggle and play frowny Fox rests alone contemplating life's big questions unlike the others he's sensitive a great listener and more than anything longs to be understood what do you think he's putting in that well SE secret Bubba Bubba fent Secrets frowny Fox cuz you can't have rainbows without a little rain disclaimer magical well and cracked mirror not included they were sure that I would be a valuable new member of The Smiling Critters lineup a bold Innovation that would allow them to tap into a whole array of human emotions so what do you think of frowny Fox my boy pretty cool huh he he's he's even worse than catnap he doesn't have any color and he stinks he smells like wet dog well technically it's wet Fox to say my feelings were hurt was an understatement stop that he's not [Music] [Applause] [Music] yours I'm telling your mother you failed us frowny Fox we couldn't be hip with the kids after all I should have known you were a mistake frowny Fox what did an idiotic idea like I said they loved all smiling Critters except for the ones they deemed as failures and now I was one of them I don't know how long I sat in the trash but eventually a miracle occurred Someone Saved Me is this a smiling Critter I don't recognize this one I don't blame them for getting rid of this guy maybe I can use them for parts my child what have they done to you don't worry I can fix you catnap he gave me life what I'm alive oh thank you so much I'll take you home and that leads us to where we are now dog day Baba meet our new friend um what's your name it's frowny Fox frowny fox really you all get to know each other can I play with you n we're good please Doug day give him a chance great that was our last ball yeah thanks for nothing new guy uh it's okay uh maybe we can still use it e severed arm get it away from me I'm sorry I didn't mean to what a freak and he smells too the CEO is right I belong in the trash maybe in the furnace with the others don't say things like that huh who are you I'm hoppy hoppy Hopscotch are you going to be mean to me like the others of course not there good as new I've never seen your face around here before I'm frowny Fox I'm a reject we're all rejects in one way or another right no I was literally rejected by the kids by the CEO and now those twoo I'm not good enough for anyone well I won't reject you I personally think you seem like a good guy you think I'm good of course I do you don't need those other people I'll be your friend really yeah wow this is amazing I've never had food before that's crazy being alive for the first time I hardly remember it feels so long ago poy what are you doing hanging out with that freak snack time huh I've got a snack for you HBY help get out of here loser really you too Granny Fox no it was an accident I didn't mean to hit you I knew you'd be just like them I'm leaving forever honey Fox wait the lab I was made in it must be this way oh I can't fit in here but maybe I can fit part of me now I'll have to do is find the right ingredients this will show them all here goes everything they have no idea what's going to hit them well well well if it isn't the freak Show I'm surprised you came back after all you're going to regret what you did Bubba what are you going to do smack me to death with your broken arm good luck with that what the [ __ ] don't worry I won't kill you at least I don't think [Laughter] so you again I figured you went back to the furnace with the other freaks that's where you belong what let me go let me go and why should I get ready to take a long nap dog day wait puppy what do you want I want you to let dog day go why should I because this isn't the real you don't you remember we had so much fun together we were friends you're not mean they made you this way you're a good Critter but just because they hurt you doesn't mean you should hurt them you're right dog day you're a jerk but I'm not going to hurt you whatever I'm out of here you did the right thing what have you done I rescue you and this is how you repay us Kap no he's changed I know he's changed into a monster I saw what you did to papba you nearly killed him I promise not to hurt anyone else catnap please why should I believe you no no that ought to show you I gave you a chance at life and you abused it I better not see you here again brownie Fox I leave him be he doesn't deserve your help puppy why are you helping me after everything I've done just because you made a bad choice doesn't mean you're all bad frowny fox you'll never be a reject to [Music] me [Music] ow please stop what a baby I thought you wanted to play with us we're just giving you what you asked for a little game of dodgeball it feels like you're just trying to hurt me little reject can't take the heat huh brownie Fox I'm losing my grip yeah I think you're going to slip help what are you two doing are you trying to kill him puppy oh thank God you're here we're just playing calm it down would you he asked to play with us you're not playing with him you're bullying him if you're not careful you'll kill him now let him go ow you're hurting me yeah you're hurting him just let him go and we'll take good care of him uh eyes he never let him go my arm W brownie B Hy did we kill him no one needs to know no one will even notice him right right let's bail brownie Fox I'm so sorry I guess this is it for me if I good I'd make those smiling Critters pay for what they've done I'll get you somehow what is this stuff it burns it burns [Music] excellent work me this is the perfect form to achieve my only wish Revenge upon all the smiling Critters who made me feel worthless who treated me like garbage who tried to kill me that kicking chicken dog day and happy Hopscotch I thought she was my Ally but she let me fall into that fire she is the worst of them all and she will pay oh kicking chicken kicking chicken wake up huh what kicken chicken come find me who is that sound like it's coming from over here but who could it sh you wouldn't want to wake the others would [Music] you good morning hoppy no good morning I'm so mad at you drama queen good morning kick and chicken kicking chicken maybe he went to the furnace to apologize kick and chicken never apologizes boys I'm going to go find him he's not much of an early bird no pun intended you can go alone I'm staying right [Music] here look at this it looks like brownie fox's fur maybe he dragged some in after everything happened I got to follow this Trail maybe then I can find where kick and chicken went I don't know dog day what if someone took him I can deal with him you stay here I have a really bad feeling about this kicking chicken kicking chicken are you [Music] there m what happened to you I happened though really you did this to yourselves nice try but you're no match for me what are you I'm a reject remember dog day I knew something bad was going to happen do day I'm coming for you you guys you're alive barely I bet I can not through this rope well well well if it isn't my best friend Ron Fox you're alive I'm so happy to see you even if it's like this the girl who let me fall into the Flames so happy to see me we'll see how happy you stay what's wrong with you I was just trying to help and look at what a good job you did we've had so many good times [Music] together wow this is amazing I've never had food before it was an accident everyone makes mistakes I'd never hurt you too little too late Hoy Hopscotch prepare to suffer the same fate as me what did you all say it's where all the rejects go well welcome to the party release them now or else or else what or else I'll what I may not be able to use my claws but I can still use my breath to what was that I didn't quite catch [Laughter] it now get ready to roll huh I got you say goodbye smiling Critter huh where did she how did she you little pest fine if that's what you want this is what you got no stop looking their [Music] Bel Poppy I don't think I can take him brownie Fox please stop please maybe oh thank God you saved us not quite yet I propose a compromise a trade maybe I'll give you anything all right then jump in what you made me fall in now you can suffer the same fate or your friends can it's up to you hoppy you or them happy save us save yourself I I'll do it we'll find a way out of this it's okay I'm I'm ready then let's [Music] go oh brownie Fox I was no stranger to this furnace they tried to kill me this way before to no avail but this time this time felt different I know it was all over from my body that is they would think I was dead little do they know when a spirit is so strong and so angry there's no getting rid of it at least not this easily my body died in that moment but my soul lived on and somehow it was set free H it's a downgrade or perhaps not I might just have a way out of here come on guys let's get out of here I should have saved you again I hope your soul is at rest brownie Fox and I hope it can forgive me oh hoppy my soul will be at rest once it takes its revenge on you once and for all I don't get that hoppy sometimes She's So Soft she'd make friends with a rock if she could why on Earth would she feel so bad about a freak who tried to kill us twice dog day huh who's there dog day poppy kicking chicken that's strange dog day over here follow the sound of my voice okay okay I'm following you mind telling me who you are and what you want I think you know who I am and exactly what I want huh what you what's going on did you did you do that perhaps why don't you stick around and find out where do you think you're going stop try avoiding this how is this happening since you made it this far I might as well show you it's me ah ah help me it sounded like it's coming from here kick chicken is that you please come help me it's coming from the rubble dog day we'll get you out of there it was him he's back who dog day frowny Fox no way I heard him he caved in the ceiling he threw the rubble at me and I saw his reflection sounds like a guilty conscious if you ask me nuh-uh I swear I saw him he was like a ghost dog day you should know better ghosts aren't real stop trying to scare us but but but the ghost I ain't afraid of no ghost if you really think it's out here I'll find it and I'll take care of it but how I'll beat it up you can't beat up a ghost well I'll find a way you two get out of here babies ghost huh all right ghost if you're here you have a date with me and my f yeah stay quiet that's what I thought well I'm leaving no ghost I was right as always was that no do I really look like that [Music] huh uh I'm getting out of here I must be seeing things kicken chicken chicken chicken you look horrible I have to keep get out it what are you talking about it's right there it was chasing me well let's see poppy don't let it in no it it must have been the ghost the voice calling to me it sounded like frowny Fox right exactly you were right dog day it's a ghost you're both hysterical you need sleep but but hoppy a little rest will do your boys some [Music] good hopefully they feel better in the morning puppy Pony box Pony box no puy you you did this you could have saved me but you were selfish I [Music] tried puy wake up it's the ghost a crowny fox you're real and you're a a ghost yes hoppy you all tried to kill me but true evil can never die happy make him stop please let my friends go I will if you promise me one thing whatever it takes as you can see I'm a little translucent one could say lacking a body so give me yours mine let m my soul take over your form and give me a chance at new life and you promise not to hurt them promise it's a deal [Music] yes hoppy what did you do there is no hoppy now now it is only me frowny Fox let her go right now she promised willingly in return for your safety our safety I promised I wouldn't hurt you but it doesn't count as a handshake when you don't have a real hand dog day we have to run H good luck try and outrun me you Mortals will only get so far look there we have to destroy frowny Fox again but there's no way to destroy him without destroying hoppy too actually I might have an idea hoppy I mean frownie fox come get us why are you trying to get them over here just watch and when I say go go you know when you're playing hide and seek you're not supposed to say come and get us if you're not going to play by the rules neither will we kick and Chicken Go why you stupid Mortals not so stupid now huh what are you doing enjoy your new home frowny Fox no stop this at once no [Music] no clearly these smiling Critters were stronger and smarter than I thought wait what are they doing he you don't want to do this brownie Fox thrown out like trash yet again but haven't they learned by now there's no containing someone of my power what the being non-coral has its benefits what who are you we are the Forgotten ones the ones they left behind the smiling Critters no one wanted you're smiling Critters we are or at least we were until that wretched CEO threw us away broke us locked us in here never to be seen again until you came I too am a victim of those cruel smiling Critters and that evil CEO and you came here to save us I I did we owe you our undying Allegiance Mr frownie [Music] Fox we're going to take revenge on those smiling Critters I have tried time and time again but I have been alone now with an army of rejects hey sorry forgotten folk we have a Fighting Chance silly Shelly you take on hoppy Hopscotch clever Claus you get Bubba Bubba fin Molly mcmoo picky piggy DOL does you'll fight do day and Jerry draft gets crafty corn got it then let's get to work you couldn't save him hoppy you had to save us first it just feels wrong I have to keep betraying him and this time he's gone for good poy did you hear that I don't hear anything Hy it sounds like him I don't like this bubba I should follow it not of the state urine don't worry I'll go after him I just have a bad feeling that what's going on who are you you'll find out soon enough Bubba you're getting warmer how do you know my name don't you recognize my voice I thought an elephant never forgets whoever you are I found [Music] you let me go huh you're weak and yet I became the reject what are you talking about I'm in heaven oh I can eat all the time let's just hope I don't get caught I jinxed it you can come out pooby Bubba help me come on sister don't have a cow poppy I heard you screaming and let me go that hurts [Music] you're too slow for me some smiling Critter you are what the heck are you some kind of smiling Critter I've never seen before I'll tell you who I am my name is clev Claus and I was not always a toy I was free once a real lion cub living in Africa I was destined to to become the king of my pride but tragedy struck I was captured and sold to a horrible man that evil horrible CEO that's where I met Jerry giraff another one of the CEO's kidnapped pets he wanted to make me powerful a monstrous smiling quitter like catnap but his plan misfired and I just became a regular smiling quitter completely useless to him what you were supposed to be big and powerful another large cat to take down catnap what a waste of a perfectly good lion to the trash with you he stole my life the life as a king that I was meant to have off for some stupid toy company instead of fulfilling my destiny I laid with the rest of the trash seemingly forever I was supposed to be part of the Safari line of smiling Critters alongside clever claw this jungle collection is my next great idea that pathetic little lion might not have worked out but I'm sure you won't disappoint me we'll just have to switch from surgery to electroshock therapy as [Music] all now another failure I guess you Safari Fairman aren't up to the task I was never a real animal I was Molly mcmoo part of the same Farm collection as Ki and chicken and piggy piggy but I wasn't nearly as popular get a Lo of this gross stinky cow big to coming from a pig listen Molly mcmoo I rule the rooster out here you're just a dirty Barn animal you both tormented me night and day until you bullied me right to my Doom I know what it's like to be the cool smiling critter I used to be cool myself a bit too cool Jolly Jaws they called me my mighty teeth scared all the children that played with me those kids are right you are a little intimidating aren't you well I think I can fix that the CEO plucked my teeth right out but who would want a toothless shark well now you're just an ugly normal fish I guess I should have thought that through trial and error is an important part of the creative process though I suppose do you all remember my story why is he so slow it's like he can't do anything hey silly shell catch you nearly killed me my shell what on Earth is going on here look at your shell how did you do this to yourself what a shame all busted up you're far too fragile to be mass-produced aren't you [Music] but none of that matters anymore fny Fox saved us and he will coner [Applause] you ah my shell it doesn't matter none of this matters as long as frowny Fox lives we will never die frowny Fox put you up to this but how he found us and broke Us free we owed him our lives and he commanded us to destroy you we had no issue with doing so most of you destroyed us you are half the reason we spent our days in garbage soon frowny Fox we'll rule over all of you silly shell I'm sorry to have to do this to a fellow smiling Critter but we're getting rid of you for good no it can't end like this browny fox crowy fox come sa us why should I you failed me you're of no use to me anymore but we did everything you asked and yet you lost there's clearly a reason you were forgotten you're weak pathetic even time to be rid of you all for good no no come on guys move it it's still hot on our Trail what is that thing anyway whatever it is it's big and mean and wants to eat us for dinner no what I'm not going to be fried chicken chicken chicken there's nothing we could do for him now we got to keep moving and watch out for more traps you never know what could be justed around the corner no grab my hand no you've got to run warn the others before it's too late wait no wait this isn't fair what did we do to deserve this what did we do to deserve this pathetic who who are you you don't remember me no matter perhaps this will choke your memory wait no don't wait [Music] please leave her alone can Up Stand Back hoppy I'll take care of this you always the hero AR you catnip when it comes to my friends absolutely and you're nothing more than a big bully bully wait that's how I know you you're you're yeah that's right it's me bull trap bull trap now how do I know that name H allow me to remind you of the legend of the dark Critter it was many years ago that reject frowny Fox just flopped in the stores and The Smiling crit's brand was at an alltime low no one at playtime Co had a single clue what to do except for one genius employee my Creator in order to get the true Edge they needed he knew it was time to take some chances they he needed a true X Factor lucky for him he had just a thing before I knew it I sprung into be like a roaring fire emerging from a single spark my Creator was overjoyed he knew I had just the man his spice to kick this smiling Critters brand back into high gear before he went off to tell the tales of his success to the CEO it brought me to home sweet home in order to play with my new family The Smiling quitters I was shy at first worried that I wouldn't fit in but those feelings quickly buckled under my strength huh who's the cow I'm B trap good to meet me um well hi a bull trp I'm hoppy uh-huh and who's that loser over there hey brownie Fox isn't a loser he's just sensitive don't be a bully fine I'll make nice with the little cry baby hey what you reading uh uh uh poetry really I love poetry you do yeah here's one roses are red Violet are blue the stupid Gray Fox is about to be both too wait hey what do you think you're doing he's establishing the pecking order around here and it's about time too brownie Fox was giving us a bad name anyway this isn't right hey bull trap stop what are your boyfriend or something what no of course not hoppy and frowny Shing in the TR k r s h r n g stop it leave us alone you big bully I could feel it the energy from picking on loses gave me strength I wanted more and luckily I was given plenty of opportunities to get it I was on top with the world soon I had the Run of home sweet home I life was good oh I would soon find out despite being the king of play care there are always challenges to the throne I'm telling you dog day this has gone too far uh hey uh what happened to you bull trap what happened to you bull trp who does he think he is anyways coming here and acting like he owns the place you're the leader here not him he thinks he can boss us around just because he's bigger than us hey wait a minute that gives me an idea meim me at the incinerator we've got a bulli a bully sup pep squaks you Ain a p image to your king not quite oh catnap catnip so you're the one who's been terrorizing my friends ehy well uh they started it that's not how they tell it you know Bol trap I don't quite think you're on brand for us you see we all got our start as humans whereas you well you're just a stupid little toy and we simply don't want to play with you anymore so you're fired no I will return and are dead luckily for me your little friend soon sent FY fo down to join me I was able to feed off that rejects energy long enough to sustain myself and grow into this magnificent Be You See Me before you with my new form I'm unstoppable his pendant that's what gives him his power Kap keep him busy right well B trap now's your chance for Revenge come get some I got it here goes nothing no my pendant what have you done no no not so big now huh you haven't seen the last to me you'll be sorry [Music] w wiky wiy what was that it sounded like one of the kittens my kittens where do you think you're taking [Music] them now it's locked but a little door won't stop [Music] me where are you where are my kittens what's this they booby trap the place doesn't matter nothing will keep me from you a few unimaginative traps aren't going to stop me nowhere to run now what no let me out of here right [Laughter] now get back here with my kittens now I need to find a way through these bars or maybe around them shh it's okay you're safe with me let's get you into bed shall we there you are aren't you glad to see your mama UPA No More Tears not with Mommy here oh how I've always longed to be a mother ever since I was a little girl being being a mother was my life's dream but that couldn't happen right away so I decided to become a teacher but not just for any school right here at play care it seemed like the perfect fit I didn't have a child of my own and my students didn't have parents of their own we could fill the void in each other's Hearts I was so excited for my first day but I could have never expected what was about to happen oh hello hi I'm dog day that's a great costume you've got there sweetheart it's not a costume I had no idea my students were smiling Critters at first I was disappointed that I had them instead of real human children like I dreamed but there was something special about those Critters it was impossible not to love them it was nice to meet you have a nice day Mom I mean miss the light but I knew they would never feel the void in my heart that was meant for a child thankfully I met someone he was handsome kind tall and we had so much in common except how do you feel about kids they're so annoying and so needy help me tie my shoes why is the grass green can we get a puppy I can never deal with that nonsense oh it don't even get me started on paying for college well I love kids that's why I'm a teacher right about that you sure it's take your short-term boyfriend to workday it's on the school calendar uh come with me I knew once he met the smiling Critters his heart would melt and he'd warm up to the idea of children class there's someone special I'd like you to meet my boyfriend wow hi boyfriend what are these things these are the smiling Critters they're my students [Music] dear why do they look so weird they're not weird they're sweet they're just like regular kids don't you think they're precious uh not really I already don't like regular human kids creepy stuffed animal kids are even worse honey if you can't let this kid thing go what but but I can't not have kids then you'll have to find someone else I'm sorry class is dismissed I was shattered but I still had one last chance at motherhood but even adoption was no longer an option for me I was sad I was angry and all that sadness and anger just got worse until until those horrible scientists did what they did to me but then you three beautiful babies came along it was the perfect opportunity for me to do what I was always meant to do my life's true Mission Make It Stop won't you please go to sleep oh my katnap aren those the most beautiful kids you've ever seen most beautiful and most noisy having trouble iy don't get me wrong I love them but they need so much from me they always need the litter box or they're hungry or they're crying I'm only one cat oh then how about I give you a hand hello little baby hello I fell in love immediately and you loved me too but cadap had other ideas let's not get ahead of ourselves it's not a good idea to go grabbing someone else's bab you now right I don't know what came over me but uh maybe I could babysit them sometime give you a break you can be on the waight list hoppy and Bobby and Baba and dog day all ask to babysit first of course I understand I refuse to let catnap interfere with my destiny and if he wouldn't give you to me then I would take you and now you're all mine and you're so happy aren't you aren't you happy to be with Mama you are not their mama I heard your messed up story Mr light I'm sorry that happened to you but those kittens are mine if you really love them you'll let me have them no I need them don't worry my little litter I got you no my babies come back here catnap ah she knows the way around this schoool way better than I do maybe I can use my catlike senses to find a way out aha I knew I could do it well darn it I've caught you in my trap kitty cats t t putting your babies In Harm's Way just so you don't have to give them up you're the one swinging that mace around you could at least baby proof it you're right I'll do just that after taking care of you fine H if you want to have them then fine do what you want with me as long as my kittens stay safe that's all I care about really my babies I'll never let you go Indigo now ow hey great work kids now let's get out of here no come back please all I wanted was to care for someone I'm sorry I'm so sorry oh I can't believe I'm doing this Mr light it's obvious you want to help and I understand that being here in the first place was not your choice any of our choice if it means that much to you I could use a babysitter tomorrow night on one condition anything no more trying to kill me dear he's ging on us we got to find somewhere to hide I told you all this would happen run all you want I'll catch up to you before you know it where can we even go he knows play care just as well as we do we have nowhere to hide home sweet home is our best bet for now let's go ah guys wait help me no oh my gosh he got kicking chicken and if we're not careful we'll be next here get under the [Music] bed it's no use he's going to get us I told you this is why we don't wake up catnap I'm sorry piggy piggy I should have believed you from the start can't sleep of course I can put everyone to sleep by myself it's no use I need to figure out another way maybe there's something in here paper maché volcanoes eternal life potion chocolate chip cookie recipe aha sleeping potion extra strong all right let's see if I can figure this out considering I can't read looks perfect cheers what this was supposed to be instant maybe it needs more chocolate chips oh this is useless [Music] oh well another sleepless night [Music] for now where did I put them I promised I'd give them back [Music] but oh there they are I'll make sure I don't wake him [Music] up sleep sleep well my [Music] friend going somewhere little piggy oh my gosh catnap I didn't mean to wake you up I was just grabbing these before I forgot you didn't mean to wake me up but you did and I'm really sorry really sorry really sorry won't cut [Music] it he's this mad over being woken up from a nap that doesn't seem like the catnap I know where are you little piggy I hope you didn't see me you can't hide forever you enter night I have to get back to sleep before I fall right over I think he's gone I never seen cat up like that it was terrifying maybe it was just a dream time to sleep piggy if I can must sleep must sleep I'm sorry katam I didn't mean to wake you no no good morning guys can you be quiet quiet how are you still asleep it's like midafternoon I just fell asleep now why scared of the dark the dark's not what I'm scared of something crazy happened last night I accidentally woke cat up up from his sleep and he attacked me he went crazy I've never seen anything like it to be be fair I get pretty Grumpy in the morning too this wasn't just grumpy he changed he chased me and tried to kill me are you sure it wasn't just a nightmare no I I don't think so morning everyone or should I say afternoon I had an amazing night's sleep piggy piggy are you okay get away from me you know what you did what I did what did I do you tra to kill me last night H I was out like a light last night sleeping like a rock you must have had a nightmare that's what we said Relax piggy piggy he's not going to hurt you it's true i' never hurt you all right if you say so I don't believe him I'm going to record it tonight then you'll all see sure we will you will I'm going to have proof and you'll all help me [Music] this is my most dangerous Mission yet I have to wake catnap lure him to the camera and then run for my life once I got evidence all right here goes nothing oh come on of course he doesn't wake up when I want [Music] him two uh-oh you again no my proof I told you nothing was going to happen no time for and I Told You So kick and chicken we need to run from what oh my God you were right run is that enough proof for you okay fine I believe you sh gosh chasing tires me out I'll get them tomorrow night guys where am I am I dead did he get us what are you doing in here dog day she was right C up turned evil at night now you're both talking crazy look I don't know what you think you saw but it wasn't catnap and you got to stop waking him up at night but our charms are in his room you didn't mention that we need to get them back if we're without our charms for too long we'll turn into regular inanimate toys and it has to be at night catnap keeps his room locked during the day then we'll get them back tonight do you have a death wish come on the three of us can pull it off just follow my lead all right got my socks my camouflage he won't hear or see a thing let's go told you I could do it and he's not even awake this guy will sleep through anything a I spoke too soon huh when will you fools learn do you believe me now okay fine you were right run I'm sorry piggy piggy I should have believed you from the start I think I have an idea when I was recording catnap I saw him drink some kind of potion maybe that's what made him like this well we're not chemists how are we going to going to fix that I don't know but I think the lab is where we should start I'll distract him you run to the lab got it hey big guy sorry about the rude awakening from your catnap oh hey that's where your name comes [Music] from good luck so if this is the recipe maybe I'll do it backwards you if you're so determined to make sure I can't sleep I'll make sure you can't sleep forever night night piggy wait what what's happening oh man did I just wake up what time is it I had the best night's sleep huh [Music] oops better not wake up picky piggy she's grumpy when she's [Music] [Music] tired our dearly beloved smiling Critters We Gather here today day to celebrate the uh love between our friend catnap and his uh darling smitten kitten and let me just say we could not be happier to have you here yes could not be happier there is nowhere else I would rather be I do not wish this wasn't happening and I am doing it of my own free will H I have a bad feeling about this what was that dog day are you objecting are you no I uh I never I was just saying I have a great feeling about this that's more like it now catnap repeat after me with this ring I with can up can up the Ring The Ring sweetheart right uh uh-oh I seem to have forgotten it oh you you're so silly well go and get it I'll be right back I'll uh make sure he doesn't get lost catnap are you okay no I am not okay SMI and kitten arranged this marriage I don't want to be here I don't want to get married and I definitely do not love her I'm just going to sit in this basement forever until I die though I get the feeling even that won't stop her why do you hate hate her she seems to really like you dog day she's crazy the CEO created a sort of a copy of me what he could control but as soon as she was made she fell in love with me I had no idea but she was stalking me watching my every move totally obsessed with me then she took it too far she kidnapped Bobby and hobby and tried to kill Poppy and Kissy Missy every female I talked to became her Target luckily with kissy Missy's help was able to subdue her and lock her away for good we thought there was no way she could make it past that huge Boulder she was strong but not that strong oh catnap my dear He Loves Me He Loves Me Not A puny door can't keep us apart we're like Romeo and Juliet if R me a trapped Juliet in a basement oh hello what's all this the basement was full of lab equipment it was all busted so we thought it was fine but actually this might be exactly what I need to put it tily she got totally shredded and she became strong enough to break brid but she didn't stop at pure strength my dear catnap you're almost mine but I can't just bust down and expect things to go differently I might need some technology on my side this time she created an explosive device now now I'm ready honey I'm home she set out for revenge and this time I wasn't her only Target no she wanted revenge against everyone who had wronged [Music] her don't scream I know you're excited to see me again but you don't want to wake up catnap do you too late for that smitten kitten my beloved you came back for me of course not you psycho I'm here to defeat you with love now with this oh playing hard to get yet again don't worry I'm ready this time how did you get so strong let's just say I had plenty of time to work on my health and fitness if you want them come and get them you give them back little did I know she had a trick up her sleeve my dear sweet catnap I'm so sorry I had to hurt you love makes me people do crazy things you don't love me smitten and kitten you're just obsessed with me same thing what the a wedding can't happen without a flower girl and an efficient right but I'm not ordained quiet you a wedding no way you can't say no before I've even asked catnap will you marry me of course not well I tried asking nicely what the no no I'm getting out of here what is that oh my head consider it a wedding gift that's right I put a little bomb in your head what don't worry it won't go off unless I set it off using [Music] this just a little something to entice you to go through with it if you get cold feet boom head gone but we don't have to worry about that do we I I guess not she had me cornered there was no way I was getting out alive and unmarried so I just followed her lead jeez she's crazy crazy catnap we got to get you out of this I know but the thing is I would like to keep my head good point we'll find a way out a way out of what so you do object yes I object to you forcing my friend to marry you what a shame then you'll have to stay here until the wedding's over won't you huh no let me out let me [Music] out there must be something here that can get me out aha perfect sorry for the delay everybody catnap got so excited he needed a moment isn't that right sweetheart oh yes that's right let's get this over with all right 3 2 one hey take that okay yay I get married next aw congratulations now give it back hppy run that's part of the tradition if you say so get back [Music] here dog day was this you kind of did it work a little but listen we have to help poppy she has the bouquet oh no if smitten and kitten gets it it's Kaboom come on let's go you darn smiling critters have been trying to keep me and my beloved apart since the very beginning well I won't have it anymore once we're married I will destroy you all and cadap will have no one else they'll have to love me and play care will be all ours hey ow I'm getting the feeling we're not meant to be after all catnap perhaps our relationship should come to an end we're growing apart and I don't know if I'm ready for such a big commitment after all SM kitten uh darling please don't press that button sorry kadab it's time to get divorced what my head it's intact you you weren't supposed to let me do it it wasn't real all along it was kind of real I couldn't figure out how to make an explosive small enough I just put a chip in your head to scare you and make you marry me all I wanted was to legally bind you to me so you could never leave is that so bad yes catnap look what I brought I'm sorry smitten kitten but I've have loved and lost is better than to have never loved at all so what are we going to do when she wakes up she'll just fall in love again she will but not with me for me I wonder what this could be what the where am I and who are you handsome oh no no no no no no a let me go no oh to love again
Channel: GameToons
Views: 4,467,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Hfq-6v5K0XA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 34sec (4174 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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