Cooking A $20 Gourmet Meal For 2 | At Home Cooking Challenge

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- (FBE) How far can you stretch $20? We challenged five reactors to make the best meal for two with just $20 to see who could work a kitchen miracle. When it's all over, the members of FBE Super will vote on the winner of the best looking dish. ♪ (upbeat jazz intro) ♪ Thank you for joining us from home today. - Thank you for visiting my kitchen! - (FBE) How hard was it to stretch your $20? - Oh my god. Okay. So, I feel like I'm always going on a budget. I mean, who isn't? And this is something that I definitely have experience doing. - I had to take out olive oil and stuff, so we were on a budget. - I stretched it pretty thin. I spent just about every single thing. I think I was left with like 50 cents. - This one was a little tough, because I didn't have-- I didn't use a recipe. I have been given the task of taking $20 and purchasing some food items off of Postmates. - Because I really wanna crush this episode, I wanna buy some actual ingredients. Four items-- oh, $13.76, not bad. - I'm definitely on the verge of ordering something from my favorite restaurant. I've been CRAVING mac and cheese. Craving! So, I think we're gonna do this. - I'm gonna order this, and I can't wait to make it. This is gonna be delicious. - Thanks, FBE! - I'm gonna start with my chicken. And this chicken was about-- I think it was $8. (cash register clinking) First step, I need to wash my hands. Actually, no. First step, preheat the oven. - The base of our dish is none other than Doritos. - I've never tried to make pancakes without eggs before, so I don't know if this thing will look like a pancake. - I decided to make fried mac and cheese balls and with a little side of Oreos. I'm vegan. I can't just go and get a box mac and cheese. So, from one restaurant, I ordered their mac and cheese. This is my first ingredient. This was $10. So, some would say expensive, but I would say it's a good investment. - So, what I'm gonna be doing, I'm gonna get some crackers. Got crackers in a bag. (smashing crackers) (furious cracker smashing) And now, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get a pan. Not in there. I know we have it. It's somewhere. (pan clanks) Okay, we're all good. - And there's really no fancy way of doing this. I'm gonna just pour them out. - I kind of just eyeball everything, so this is probably not even a cup. My eyeball tells me that looks good. Two tablespoons, I believe, of baking soda. Or maybe it was teaspoons. - To make this batter, I got flour, of course. Now, obviously, to make a batter, you need milk. I don't do regular milk, so I was like, okay, soy milk or almond milk. Let's try to find a quick replacement. Let's see if we can get some sort of milk option. (frustrated squeal) I ordered a little pack of 7-Eleven nuts, a little 7-Eleven cashews. - Did you make your own milk? - I made my own milk! So, it's literally cashews and water. You blend it up, you strain it, you got yourself some milk. - I need to wrap my chickens in bacon. (cash register clinking) I'm pretty happy with what I got, to be honest. I think it's just good enough, especially for picky eaters. And I'm not that picky anymore, but I used to do. Let me just do one more. I love baking. - Just gonna put it in here so it doesn't stick. And then, I'm just gonna put 'em inside. Now we got crackers in a pan. Now, we're gonna get our marshmallows, and we're just gonna throw 'em on top. - We have our base of chips. Oh, gosh. Those ones with all the seasoning just look fantastic. Okay. So, you got your chicken. (cash register clinking) And then just grab a little bit, and then just kind of pinch it, shred it. The one thing that I am missing that I probably would have done was a packet of taco seasoning. - The recipe that was in my head called for two tablespoons of sugar. But because I want this to taste really good, I'm just gonna throw in a couple more tablespoons. Whatever this is that I'm about to make, you guys, not only is it vegan, but it's also great for somebody who's lactose intolerant. - I looked, and unfortunately, 7-Eleven does not have breadcrumbs. I don't think that they have breadcrumbs. And of course they don't. They had white bread. They had a loaf of white bread. Okay, so I'm baking this bread in the oven at 300 degrees to try to make some breadcrumbs out of it. That's right, you guys. I put the white bread in the oven, and I smushed it down just with my hands and made it into this breadcrumb mixture. - Now, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put half of the tomatoes and half of the onions as like a little first layer on my pan. - It's kind of blown out. It looks nice, though. And now, what we're gonna do is we're gonna get some chocolate. - I feel like it might've been cleaner if you just used the pan itself. - Why not? You're right. Screw the tin foil. We don't need it. - Okay. And then now, the third layer is the cheese. (cash register clinking) Same thing with the cheese. You're just gonna spread it. Some people like really cheesy nachos. Some people like barely cheesy nachos. - Oh, that looks good. Okay. The batter looks... well, not as sketchy as I thought it was gonna be. I'm currently cooking from my parents' kitchen, and they don't really have anything that I could use except for this, which is perfect. Should probably add some more oil to this. - is it too dry? - (chuckles) I actually don't know. I just know the texture that I'm looking for, but I don't know if I should be adding oil to it or water. - This is the part that I've been super nervous for. We're gonna get the mac and cheese, we're gonna dip it in our batter, and then we're gonna put it in the breadcrumbs. Here we go. Moment of truth. (gasps) So, we're just gonna coat her. Oh my god. She is submerged. Let's transfer it to the breadcrumbs. (gasps) Oh my god. You guys, it's sticking together! Oh my god. (laughs) - So, I'm gonna start by placing the chickens somewhere like tucking it in over here. I don't think I'm gonna cook anymore. This is not for me. I have a really short attention span. So, I laid out all the chickens. Now, I'm gonna place the rest of this stuff over here. - (FBE) And who are you gonna share this dish with today? - My lovely mom. - I'm gonna share it with a huge fan of the Fine Brothers. And that's gonna be my little brother Connor. - I'm so excited. I feel like my girlfriend's gonna die over this. - My stepdad likes meat a lot. He likes bacon and chicken, so I think he'll be down to try that. I wanna share with my grandma, because she'll like-- even if it's not good, she'll tell me it's good. - All right. So, this is what I got so far. Crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate. I'm gonna put this in for about five minutes. - The oven is ready. We've got 350 on the oven. (objects clattering) Oh, boy. And we'll wait and see what that masterpiece looks like. - I will just make one as a sample. And if the texture's not fluffy enough, then I'll come back and experiment some more. So, this is gonna be my first experimental pancake if I can even call it that. (gasps) Did I put baking soda in it? Oh, yes. I did. I did. I did. Phew. Okay. Wow. I'm impressed that it actually looks kind of decent. - So, I have it pretty coated. I don't wanna move it around too much, so let's just throw it in the air fryer. I originally was gonna fry them, like deep fry, but the oil put me over budget. - (Jayka) Right now, I am gonna put this in my oven. That is very hot. Oh my god. I better not burn myself. Let's put this in. And I'm gonna time it. There it goes. Bye-bye. - (voice-over) A few minutes later. - Oh, Jesus! Okay, this is heavy. It looks really nice, and it burned through this glove. So that hurt, but we're good. And it looks super nice! It's like golden brown. Oh, look at that! That looks really nice. - At this point, I don't think there's anything else I would do to change the recipe. Since I have so much batter left, I'm just gonna fill out this entire pan. Not to toot my own horns, but this one actually feels like a legit pancake. - We're just gonna put these on the plate... (buzzer) along with the mac and cheese bites and make it just the most unhealthy, delicious meal you could ever imagine. - Because I'm looking for presentation points, I have this nice, shiny plate. (chuckles) For simplicity's sake, I'm just going to create a little border of triangles. Yeah, I love that. It's almost like it's a little pool of M&Ms with a border of Toblerone. This is not looking as good as I thought it was gonna be. (camera shutter clicking) - (Jayka) Just taking these little basil leaves. Here's one. And just making it look presentable. Here is my (sing-song) finished product! (camera shutter clicking) (cash register clinking) - Okay, those look nice. That's a lot of marshmallow. Okay. Might melt it, but we'll see. And then, what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna get a-- you know what? I'm gonna get a full cracker. I don't need the half cracker. Let me get some of this. I'm gonna... - Ooh! - Yeah. I'm the artiste here. I'm killing it. Mama, come here! I want you to try this! (camera shutter clicking) (camera shutter clicking) - I think they're ready. So, now, I'm just gonna carefully put them on two different plates. Maple syrup first. (cash register clinking) And then, Oreo. (cash register clinking) (gasps) Oh, that actually came out better than I thought. (camera shutter clicking) - (Haley) ♪ Da da da da da da da ♪ ♪ Da da da da da da daaa ♪ Oh my god. This came out so good. They're so crispy. (camera shutter clicking) - (Emily) Connor, Connor, Connor! Do you wanna try my concoction? - Of course. - We're gonna be trying out these mac and cheese bites. I'm so excited. - Right now, I have my grandma right there and my stepdad right there, and they're going to be trying my bacon wrapped chickens. - I want you to tell me what you think. Get a little bit of the chocolate in there. - Okay. What am I eating? - You'll see. you can see it right there. It's cracker chocolate marshmallow. - It's really good. (chuckles) - (Emily) It's actually really good? - It's actually really good. - (Emily) It's a vegan, eggless, and milkless pancake. I know. (laughs) This is really just sugar and flour. - What'd you use? (chuckles) - (Emily) It's really just sugar, flour, baking soda, and vegetable oil. You actually wouldn't be able to tell the difference? - I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. I won't lie. I'm embarrassed to say so, but I can't. - I like the texture. - You're doing a lot of lip smacking in-- - Shut up! - Oh my god! - Let me...! - You're being so annoying. - Now I have to take another bite. - Good! (chuckles) - Unexpectedly good. (laughs) - (claps) Mmmm, that's what I thought! - How good is it on a scale of one to ten? Oh my god. Show them the inside. - It's cheesy. - Oh my god. - This... 20. - Ah! - Mmm! - (laughs) Okay. - Wow. - Really? - It's good. - A bite. Mmm, it's good! - Yay. Okay. They said it's good, so I think I win. - (FBE) Do you have any words that you wanna say to the FBE Super members as to why they should vote for your meal? - Yeah, listen, I want you to keep in mind that we had $20, and we had a limited list of things to choose from. - I really did wanna get my hands dirty and make something, so even if nobody votes for me, that's fine. I'm just proud that I made something. - You should most definitely vote for this just for the fact that I made these marshmallows perfectly golden brown for this first of all. - I'm so happy with what I made today. I think I made a really good choice. And honestly, it came together a lot better than I thought it would. The batter worked out, and I feel like these are gonna be bomb. - (FBE) We pulled members of FBE Super and the winner for best presentation is... Jayka with her bacon-wrapped chicken. - I don't even cook that often, so this is a huge step up for me. This is my new quarantine hobby, and I'm super excited to do that. - Thanks for watching "How Far Can You Stretch $20?" on the React Channel. - What would you have made with $20? Let us know in the comments. - Bye! - Hey, guys! React producer Lindsey here. Come follow us on Twitter and let us know how you feel about the video you just watched. We've also got reactor and staff Q&As on there and so much more, so talk to you there.
Channel: People Vs Food
Views: 337,961
Rating: 4.9035449 out of 5
Keywords: cook, online shopping, competition, people vs food, vs food, react, reaction, fbe, react channel, cooking, cooking tips, on a budget, cooking on a budget, cooking challenge, try not to eat, do it yourself, life hacks, meal prep under budget, meals on a budget, cooking competition, meal prep hacks, easy meals to make at home, quarantine cooking, dinner ideas, smores in the oven, vegan pancakes, easy dinner recipes, How Far Can YOU Stretch $20?, At Home Cooking Challenge
Id: Um-NgbJvecQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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