This buy was SKETCHY! - Gas Monkey Garage & Richard Rawlings

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[Music] i got a good one for you since we're in texas and we like our trucks got a call yesterday got a bunch of emails and and text messages with pictures and what have you guy has been hired to clean out this land for the owners uh i guess maybe the owners passed away okay uh and the family selling land and uh supposedly in the barn since 1992 is a 1974 ford super cab which 74 is the first year of the super cat right yeah fully loaded xlt f150 not a 250 right and uh it's that crazy burnt orange color okay with the with the orange and plaid interior i think i didn't get a bunch of pictures of the interior but supposedly the trucks like super clean they're the original owners camper's never been off of it since they put it on that means the bed should be in good shape yep supposed to have no rust i looked at the pictures as best that i could tell uh you know the guy wasn't the uh best uh photographer on the planet but he didn't send me a bunch uh it's it's supposed to be original miles at like 60 something thousand okay um and just all there all clean all good i said dude we will be there in the morning here we are here we are about 37 minutes away perfect but uh i do like camper shells on trucks in the way that you said right the bed doesn't get beat up because they're not just dropping crap in there exactly but they also cause stuff to compile up in there and they can get rusty or where it's sitting on the truck it can get all jacked up it'll just throw the pin and whatnot so i'm pretty stoked on this one he gave me a price range of uh around five grand is what he said okay which in a way is all right but i'm going to try to get it at 2 500. i think that'd be a killer deal it'd be a smoking deal we'd sell it for 7 500 and that'll pay for a steak dinner for sure especially for me and my wife i don't know what you're going to eat there's no leftover pizza you almost ate that pizza just a minute ago it looks like a couple of days i'm like we bought that last week oh that tells you how much sleep i've had oh yeah that's right you moved into your new house man yeah all you peeps out there watching pay attention to this guy 22 years old just bought his first brand new house brand freaking new super bad super excited how bad so we just went through all the major cities in dallas and got to the one that time forgot everman hasn't changed like at all since i was probably a teenager really oh it's so sketchy out here and weird it's like like i said i think there's still dinosaurs out here that's probably it it looks pretty uh empty well except for how that all-in car is stuck back there it's a lot of stuff all right let's see it's turning two tenths of a mile oh that is sketch [Music] all right sir we're here to look at a truck what's your name uh james funny james sweeney man this is a little sketchy you're not going to try to like kill us and stuff back there are you no sir all right well y'all come on back you're the first one you got you got less to lose i'm old so you told me the name of the owner and i looked up the plate and that all matches it is some overgrown property man how many acres are here it's 25 acres i mean we're literally like a mile from the freeway you'd think this place has been forgotten for the last 100 years at least 100 years yes there's like a house back here yeah there's a swimming pool right there and then there's a greenhouse they grew um plants they were um uh they were trying to get a nursery going oh okay i just seem to say you know nowadays when you say plants we you don't really know what you're talking about for sure how'd you get my number mr sweeney sir i'm a native fort worth person sir uh you know i've watched every fast and loud and and you know everything about you know dad's monkey garage other things and dives you should be in fort worth but uh i've watched everything about you sir i know but how'd you get my number oh uh i googled you oh that's great come on in was this door open it will once that three heavy guys moving holy cow holy moly and here it is this is some sketchy and i've been in some sketchy somebody uh was a collector of stuff for sure there it is it's got 86 thousand miles on it it's a one truck online it's all there even the manual to it's in there and uh let's look under the hood well that's the only part that's kind of shiny i mean it's all there yeah it looks like a 302 yeah it is yeah yeah because it's an xlt yeah no it's not an xlt we got some good firewood hmm yeah ranger xlt around that brand new still yeah he's just like a 2021 day gun tailgate looks good well good news is we're still alive no dance we got that door scrape that's it it's clean it's super clean i like it and there's no way to find the the title or the uh or the keys chase it's in neutral and we'll turn but i wasn't getting any uh turn on it it's on a bunch of stuff on the other side too yeah i got it if we do buy this it's gonna be fun to getting it out here really fun but it's clean truck i like it i don't think that's gonna bother us i think we can run roll right over all that and then lose this and this just comes straight off through the track but we're just trying to figure out if it's if it's even doable with what we got i mean i gotta we don't have a long tow rope do we i brought a chain how long probably about 15 foot what does this land look like out here because we're gonna have to go pretty far chase yep with that one i have to go way the back here think it's gonna want to dig too far nah what will help us is all this brush that we crush will keep us pretty much on the ground jesus it's just i'm gonna have to be out here i'm gonna have to go further than that because we gotta go in and get the other one right all right so we had to come back here with just the truck yep no trailer and then we'd have to yank this out just leave it out there somewhere and then it's good that the truck's backwards because we bring it out and then we hook frontwards and just pull it forward and just drive it forwards so what's it going to take to buy it because i got one price in mind if i got to pull it out okay well the same process is going to be that uh i need my magnum fix yeah i can't i can't bargain any kind of work on that i have to just pay for the truck because the i don't know what might be wrong i might put myself in a hole there so uh okay then uh um six five i mean that's fair no yeah no no you told me less than that on the phone yeah but see i i also also had said uh and some work on the magnum okay so i was just adding in that other 1500 just so i could i got t-bone in my car like five weeks ago and i've not really been able i thought i could fix it myself because i think i'm somewhat of a true mechanic but uh can't find out i didn't do it right i get it um so okay i'll take six four if you check it out where it sits and with me i'm gonna drag it out i'm more like 3 500 because it's going to take me a few hours to do that if i'm lucky and we don't run into any problems okay i mean that's that's that's fair i mean all right i mean i can't get my car worked on by aaron so i mean i take 3500 well air don't work for me you'd have to talk to him i mean i'm just saying you know all right well then let's start dragging it out because as long as i can get it out of here i'll give you 3 500. okay okay show us how to get back to the truck all right all right well we kind of got a deal on the truck but i'd have to talk to uh mr backus um before i go do all that work and drag it out because that's a lot of work and uh i trust you it's your word but you and i don't know each other so so i don't want to drag it all out and do all that and have a problem or be halfway through it and have a problem okay how do i talk to him oh well i mean you talk to me and uh he just said he didn't tell me get rid of what any values there get rid of it let me know all the heavy coming in here we're gonna turn the place down so yeah i get it but i gotta have him tell me that that it's okay okay well i got all the legal i mean i i have everything that uh i can show you this vehicle i mean what do you got i got my drop off [Laughter] yeah but the register the truck's still registered uh to uh uh mr pacquiao okay i know i don't know okay i'm playing with trump okay yeah i'll sign it to you okay so i'm working here on on property pretty much for you know what i can get and so he just wants to sell a property i mean i just need to know that i have the legal right to take the truck you do have really like things but i gotta know that from at least the son of the owner because i did the research on the tags and it all matches to this address to the family of bacchus i just need to talk to the guy that owns this property now and say is everything cool can i go drag that thing out i'm telling you it is cool i can't take your word at it i i had a good time with your name all right man all right i appreciate it dude you have a good one well there you go i mean super cool truck i followed up on the lead but this property belongs to somebody else not that guy the truck belongs to somebody else not that guy now the name on the land and the title and the deed is bacchus and it is uh registered to uh mr richard bacchus and there is a son i know all those people exist i just don't have any proof as to who that guy is or whatever so without that it'd be pretty sketchy it'd be called stealing so we we know where a bad ass truck is we just didn't get it bought not yet i ain't through with my investigatory uh side of me i gotta find the owner so uh yeah i mean that guy's back in there uh a lot of that i guess trash and stuff was not as old as he was saying it was right and uh it even smelled and looked like they might have been having fires to keep warm right you know so you know you want to trust everybody but you can't always do that he had the right names but he could have just got in the house and found some things some old mail or something like that with names on it right so i don't know i wish him luck i mean if he pulls it all the way out to the street and he can prove it he might get more money for it yeah that's that was sketch though yeah but that was a super nice truck for sure it was definitely worth it that truck cleaned up would have brought some serious money so while it was sketchy as hell it's definitely not the end of the lead because the land is titled to the right person that's titled to the truck just may need to find them see what they say they say it's cool to do the deal with that guy i'd go do it but he sure didn't want to call him where it really threw me off is he says that the guy is like only 48 years old and i'm like if you're 48 and what have you then you got a cell phone i should be able to call you right i got the report and i i can't say how i got it but it does match the address and it's a richard i bacchus so let's look that up on the internet see if we got him on facebook's or instagrams or any of the interwebs it says that his current addresses are in arlington but that pretty one of the previous addresses is the address we're just at that's the guy we're looking for [Music] foreign
Channel: Gas Monkey Garage & Richard Rawlings
Views: 419,688
Rating: 4.9103971 out of 5
Keywords: Richard Rawlings, Gas Monkey, Gas Monkey Garage, Fast N Loud, Fast N' Loud, Classic car, cars, car, classic, garage, hot rods, fast n loud, grease monkey, grease monkey garage, deals, buy, selling a car, buying cars, found, gas monkey garage, gas monkey, gas monkey garage full episodes, classic cars, classic cars for sale, fast n' loud, Gas Monkey Garage & Richard Rawlings, Wheels & Deals, Classic Car, wheels, cadillac, gone wrong, 1959 cadillac
Id: aqmA7lAm5FA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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