Saved from the crusher 1958 Pontiac Pathfinder will it run and drive again?

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[Music] [Music] so jeff texted me the other day tells me he knows where somebody that's got a pontiac pathfinder that he's trying to uh trying to get rid of he saved it from the crusher but was trying to uh sell it and uh jeff wasn't interested in it but i'm like look at this thing this thing is nice i mean it's got some it's got a little bit of rust there it's got a lot of rust in there but it's definitely definitely interesting and cool like i don't know this is a pretty classy car i think it's got your typical rust issues but it's pretty complete must been somebody's first car look at that stuff even comes with keys i don't know what's what looks like a lot of keys oh trunks open i don't even need the keys oh this thing's just sweet look at this that is awesome oh i got some hubcaps so the trunk won't stay up well on its own because it looks like somebody sawed off one of the trunk hinges she's got a little rot back here she looks good on the outside that's for sure oh it stays up look at that i don't know if i trust myself getting underneath there though look at this thing it's pretty pretty stinking cool what do we got in here a little bit of chain a couple really banged up pawn back hubcaps that'll just pay for the car itself right there i've got some tune-up stuff neat little barbed wire fix the fence out back another pontiac hubcap mint closes like new we got four tires round everywhere but on the top bottom there oh you see she's got a bit of splits in her hair oh oh maybe it's locked maybe that is locked let's see if something works in there negative okay i'm not getting in there so there's got to be something good in there hey look at that it's even got a usable windshield didn't even notice that it's pretty styling i know this door is locked and there's lots of kind of crittery looking things at the bottom there's a lot of styling points going on here this must have been a really classy car in the day oh eventually i'll figure out how to open this hood all right we got that we got a big old six cylinder you know what's funny is probably that one i took out of the 55 would probably work in here single pot looks like some window squirters i got a starter that's a win cap rotor all the plugs are in it what are the chances it's loose that's highly unlikely but nope david's in gear hey let's be hyped it is a big negative she's a little stuck there's no fluid in there it's got oil so i don't know we'll look at it someday just not right now just not right now we just took it off the trailer and we're chatting a little while so i figured i'd take a walk around and look see at uh what i bought i sort of bought a site on scene just seen some pictures so i thought why not looks pretty cool got a very crunchy underside but it looks really solid on the outside i like it i like it because look at that see the rocker doesn't even look bad back here we got some bubbling but a little bit on the lip but then there's like no inside of the car that's all right interesting why anyways until i mess with it this is where she's going to sit for a bit [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] so oh [Music] well we got the old pathfinder in the shop but the hoist definitely does not like this car she's heavy so it's a little too far forward so i'm gonna have to give her a little push back yet so i'll have to get the tractor and do that this thing was a complete struggle to get in because i don't think any of the wheels actually want to turn on so i'll have to look at that this one's down to three lug nuts that's plenty but i'm gonna go in for supper come back try to shuffle this thing back a little more see if my hoist will be happy about lifting it if not i'll just lift it up enough do my wheels and things like that have a look i won't be crawling underneath it and then see what we can do about the motor but i really gotta get these wheels loose first well i can see that i actually need to uh we gotta just try to get the motor loose that's more important than the wheels turning right now that'll determine whether we even attempt to get the wheels loose all right i'm gonna go in for supper and then when i come out i'm gonna try numerous things to see what'll happen here i might be an idiot about it i'll just put a battery on there and just see what happens eh might break the stair let's not do that all right well i mean what things are loose well the throttle's semi-loose so that's okay there's hope then our distributor is like only missing one wire so that's kind of good yeah are we missing parts inside of it nope they're all there even the points look okay all right well if we get her loose this shouldn't be too bad see what craziness we got going on under here yep just as i thought [Laughter] not a lot of good look at these things eh crazy old three link i guess that's where the mini truck guys got their idea from huh this is kind of a backwards style so we got a full full x frame with the floor delete option just got the floor mats holding stuff in the back there and everything is muddy and not turning so we won't deal with that for now one of our linkages is off for the transmission so i don't know if they're supposed to be [Music] something more going on down here i'm not sure have to look at that i guess this was attached to the floor here at one time that's pretty awesome okay now i guess i must have pinched the brake line so those are probably not gonna work yeah that's why they're not gonna work all right well first things first let's pull that inspection cover off and uh just see what's tight what's not [Music] well let's straight up be dumb about this and just see what happens when i do this a little tight but it does turn so that tells me it's not a terrible stuck [Music] all right let's pull cylinders and have a quick look see inside before i bend stuff like i do in the past there's a little bit of movement so i don't think she's a a crazy stuck which is good very good [Music] [Music] well for this round i went with the acetone atf mix that a lot of folks recommend i haven't found that i think they call it croil kroll oil no or is that marvel master marvel marvel something oil although i haven't really been to the hardware stores just some of the other stores i've been to i haven't seen it but it's not to say we don't have it up here i'll have to find some of that yet but we do know it turns a little bit so it's not the not the end of the world she should turn over should run i'm pretty optimistic uh the gas pedal did crank but i'm going to spray everything up because everything just seems to be a little little little snug and then we'll we'll get this air breather off and a little prime everything up with a little bit of spurts some oil see if that'll uh free things up for a bit and then i guess i'll wait till tomorrow see if i can uh see if some life will come back to this thing if she'll turn over [Music] well if we sat for a day and well essentially it's the next day don't know how much that's done but i'm still going to lift it up and see if we can walk this thing around see how many valves will bend or push rods it should be fine the plugs all look good i didn't put a bore scope or nothing in but they don't look rusty at all so i don't think there's really anything going on in there we should be good my pup we should be good eh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well i was cranking around underneath keeps going sort of has a tight spot i thought maybe there was a valve stuck but there's nothing looks stuck so let's be an idiot and just try to turn it over with my luck the battery is going to be no good that's usually how things go seems to be the ammo yep yep that's how we roll oh look at that ground eh smoking [Music] all right i'm going to tighten that up i'm going to get the charger on here let's see if it does something [Music] she's still tired yeah i'm thinking she's got some tight valves which kind of sucks means we have to take the head off boo like this one okay those are not gonna free themselves up oh there's so much stuff to take off on a six cylinder that's so crappy [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well that came apart really quick so i'm just setting up my engine stand because i'm not about to bust my back trying to get that head off so uh i'm just gonna find a way to hook a chain onto it pull it off and have a peek see it what is buggered or not buggered on it i did get the head loose i cut off the excess busted pipe we should be uh it should be easy peasy to take off now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mint now that's a setup for some reason i thought i had some stuck valves maybe they still are oh wow yeah yeah yeah there's some stuck belts what a weird cylinder head is that a pontiac thing or what strange i have to set it down free those up these ones i'll go grab the vacuum i'll clean these out quick technically i should be able to kick it with the starter and it should spin because i think it was just my uh valves that were kind of hanging me up so let's vacuum those quick and then for kicks we'll uh kick the starter over [Music] see what happens all right i need a ground cable [Music] okay what do we ground that to right there that looks good eh right there kind of a crap way but let's see if it works [Music] still well clearly something's not happy still i'm wondering if i got a stuck lifter or something there's nothing to screw it up at this point so i think i'm going to just get underneath and bar the motor over until that pops loose we do have stuck valves so i didn't waste my time doing this but because like this one's for sure and who knows we'll have to do the old tappity tap on top of them here and see which ones uh want to play bongo and which ones don't no big deal not a big deal yeah like this one's stuck this one's stuck from what i can tell that one's okay that one's okay that one's okay like i maybe not got to it that it didn't have a chance to open yet that's the question but let's get the motor free first and then i'll be then we can figure out what else we're doing i really hope i don't got to take that valley cover off the side although it's pretty accessible the dodgers and stuff they're kind of crap to get at this one's not terrible i might have to yet we don't know but we need a free motor first or it's got to spin free before we worry about the lifters one thing at a time [Applause] well it's definitely very springy whatever is happening here so my only guess is it's gotta be a lifter so i'm not gonna over pry because maybe i'll break the cam here or something silly car okay well let's lower it down let's pull that lifter cover off because i don't know that's the only thing left that there could be something weird going on in there do well i found my culprit all of them are good except for this last one is like stuck which is a little uzi in there like all of these i can move but that one she she don't want to move so i'm gonna try to pickle it for a little bit see if that'll get her loose all the other ones are okay one of these i think i kind of blew apart when i was taking out the push rods but she's all back together and good again so everything is good except for that last one i cannot move at budget or anything so i'm not sure we'll try some spurts on it and see what happens i may have to just hit it with a torch that might be all it'll take we'll keep hitting with that soak it in for a little while see if that helps not sure if these fenders were specifically made like this or what but they sure hold a lot of tools and parts in them look at that they don't lose nothing you don't need a tray with these suckers they're so flat big they got a nice v-groove hold all your nuts and sockets and stuff pretty swanky you know while that's going maybe i'm gonna try to tackle the head there see if i get them valves loose i don't think they'll take much though probably just need a little a tapity tap and then we'll see once or twice back and forth they might be uh good to go oh lovely lovely lovely not so good that was okay so okay i feel a couple of those oh no it's just this one just the one [Music] yeah that was just not happening that one will have to clean out that's not bad only one [Music] [Music] [Music] now i know someone suggested like a bore brush for a gun or something but i don't actually have any guns so let alone have a need for a cleaning kit so [Music] we'll stick with this way for now [Music] listen to that sound well we got the valve situation good i think the carb still needs a little bit of loving she's uh she's starting to loosen up all the valves are loose so that's good we gotta just keep working on that um stupid lifter in the back there's nothing to grab on to so it's kind of uh i'm kind of hooped at the mercy of whatever i'm using to spray it down with hopefully it gets in there i might hit it with some heat but i don't know how much that's going to do because it's like i don't know if i can get the block warm enough to do something maybe without burning the car down be kind of cool [Laughter] all right at least that's easy to do i forgot to put the seal on there she'd probably have smoked a lot had i not noticed that oh i'll put that back on keep pickling that lifter hopefully something will work out here [Music] [Music] so [Music] how on earth do you get a stuck lift road [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] that is one dead arse lifter holy hopefully that one comes back to life golly [Music] once i get some oil pressure hopefully that one does something [Music] do so [Music] okay all i gotta do is put that throttle linkage back on uh either loop or do something with the heater hoses and right now we're playing that game you know everybody's favorite can we get spark will the points work you know you know that game yeah so that's where we're at so i'm gonna brush these find my file sand these up get some spark and then uh i don't know find some spark plugs see if we can at least get a fire out of it tonight wouldn't that be cool it's only just 10 after 10 so let's see what happens here oh come on really you gotta be kidding [Music] [Laughter] [Music] do [Music] [Laughter] [Music] well let's prime this baby up it's like a lot of gas looks like this vent doesn't want to take any fuel [Music] yes we got a couple vacuum leaks we'll deal with that [Music] contact good to go make sure we are idle down see what happens i mean i got to confirm this all right you might see this sparked you might not [Music] it's not sparkle eating very much check our points again [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] well after multiple attempts trying it turns out that my rotor one of the little uh tabs is broken on it so i'm just gluing it right now waiting for it to dry because it keeps twisting out of the way and then i don't get spark so hopefully that'll dry and we can still fire it up tonight we'll find out i'm gonna sit and have a cold snack or two and uh wait for that to dry all right next day i had to wait for the glue to dry on my cap and anybody who was concerned about my condenser i did i did screw it down [Music] wires new day new shot of gas [Music] coil see if we get some sparkle edge out of there this is very strange [Music] all right well i borrowed the cap and rotor from that 56 so the motor that i took out of that 56 car and let's see if it does something here [Music] negative what on earth it's got to be the points gotta be all right let's just file them there's something weird going on here [Music] right i need that choke open there we go [Laughter] that scared me that was funny all right all right let's try again all right we need to put the charger on here okey-dokey charger on see what happens here all right something's telling me the firing order's wrong [Music] um turns over a little better hmm still not cooperative though [Music] oh hmm don't get it guess when in doubt let's see what happens here sure seems like it's got compression though oh or i could be wrong that's a pretty low number 25. 25. okay yeah it's making sense now how can they all be so crappy low [Laughter] so yeah i guess we need compression for it to run that is a problem geez louise there's like nothing in any of them um that was like about 40 pounds oh that one's 75 pounds so we got one good soldier in here interesting all right we're gonna do our compression modifier one two three four one two three four [Music] so [Music] so we definitely have some issues here i really don't want to pull the head off again i don't know if it's rings or head i guess you do the inevitable what i should have done just check the compression with a bit of oil in there see if it improves yeah sucker's got no rings no rings all right i'm just gonna pull everything apart it is what it is we'll see over here we may as well have a peaksy and see if it did anything for the other cylinders [Music] 25 pounds [Music] that one did not do anything we're very little that one had helped all right so we're gonna fill the cylinders up with some oil let her sit hopefully she freeze up [Music] well unfortunately it looks like all the rings are kind of stuck there's like 75 pounds in there the rest the best they have is like 25 pounds somewhere like that so uh and it does come up when i put some atf in it just not enough to actually fire so i kind of filled the cylinders up with some atf we'll see if that soaks in there good i'll just keep putting some in and then i don't know we'll give her a few days and see what happens here hopefully it kind of will free them up a little bit because the car is kind of in no condition to drag around yet so if it comes to it and that's what i need i will drag this sucker around but uh i guess until that happens i'm gonna have to figure how to unlock the wheels and i might do the old mortsky just rip the guts off because everything is so stuck uh i might rip the guts out of them and put them back together so at least she can roll around because she's definitely not doing me any favors being stuck in every wheel and i gotta go around and find me some 14-inch tires these are all 14-inch rims so it's like crappy i thought these might actually work on my uh my 54 but they're all 14 inches so my hubcaps won't fit on them and you i got to find some tires and then maybe i'll be back in later and i'm going to try to dismantle the brakes on this sucker [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] i'm definitely gonna give mortsky uh a shout out there for his uh brake drum removal it made life easier i'm imagining everybody even myself probably would cringe if i was staring at that but if you look at the option of uh sitting for hours trying to get those loose that would suck and i pretty much opted for his process there of uh torching out the rear drums because like how many hours does a guy want to beat on i started beating on and i was actually messing the drum up already and it wasn't even budging so i'm like ah whatever for a guy to do brakes on rock auto nowadays it's like way less the headache that i would have taken the uh well you even seen me struggling with that i was actually i bet you already took me 20 minutes just to get them off let alone had i've been trying to do it like take them off properly they just never would have come off never ever i will easily pay a hundred dollars for those drums if that's what it comes down to versus uh me pulling my hair out trying to get that off i don't have a lot of hair to spare so [Laughter] i need all the hair i got anyways we uh we got all this these are all 14 inch i got to find some wheels yet some rubber so i can at least put this back together and now it turns into a roller and while i wait for my uh my rings to loosen up i still gotta put this one back together and then this side i think i gotta smash one more lug into there because the one stud was like buggered it was spinning oh hold on it actually wants to come out it wants to come out look at that yeah whatever i lied it's loose though i'm not lying see it was spinning when i was trying to take it off so i think i'm gonna try to put one more stud in there just so i at least have well if it actually does run and drive i'm gonna at least have three studs in the back right any hue i think that's as far as i can get with this sucker because i'm kind of waiting on the motor to uh decide that it wants to build a bit of compression so we will wait i'm going to keep throwing some atf in it and uh hopefully those rings loosen up the fact that the car actually technically rolls now once i throw some wheels on it i could drag it around the yard and try to get the motor to turn and maybe the rings would loosen up but i don't have a lot of friends so not too many people are gonna help me [Music] i'm kind of stuck doing this by myself so anywho for now we're going to wait and uh we'll give you an update later they good water that good water several days later well i found some tires uh behind the barn hopefully they hold air and they're gonna do better than the ones i got uh yeah not ideal but well let's just slam them on and see how things go [Applause] round tires are better than flat tires [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so buddy of mine's gonna be by tonight and maybe work on his 56 there so i might get him to drag me around the yard so in preparation uh i hooked up my fuel mizer 5000 here so basically my fuel tank with the pump on it to which i ran through the firewall i've wired it accordingly and i'll be able to just hook it up to the to the tank to which then my carburetor leaked like a sieve so i took it apart quick blew it out it seems to be okay right now so uh later on when he comes by if he's gonna get him to push me around the yard here see if we can get this sucker to go i'm hoping it'll uh we'll pull it up and down the road there see if uh heating up the rings will knock them all loose it should and then uh we should be good to go hopefully but until then i'm just going to shove her outside stick her up front here right where pablo is hanging out so uh maybe get his car in clean up here a little bit [Music] [Music] all right waiting on rolly we're about to play this game again put a little bit of distance because this one rolls pretty good and i got no breaks so instead of messing up that nice chrome i'll be able to drive past him so yeah when he shows up we're gonna give this a whirl try to drag it around see what happens here i'm hoping hoping hoping that uh she'll get warm the rings will come loose and she's gonna fire up but what do i know hopefully soon see what happens so [Music] so [Music] [Music] trying [Music] so [Music] just trying to see if it'll catch first [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] got no pranks gonna be safe gotta be safe we got no cooling dinner so we're not going to go crazy well to find crazy but it's not going to drive her home i want this sucker to get hot i always want the rings to seat like nobody's business 20 mile an hour we got full tank of fuel all right this is the tricky part i might have to that's awesome motor sucker rolls nice definitely has a miss [Music] definitely [Music] see if you'll start again well she's not happy with me but it did run super nice it's stalled right there so eh we'll let her cool down maybe put some water in it and uh i'll try it again in a little bit later here you could tell it had a mist though from when it was running but that's pretty good i'm gonna give her a push back up to the shop there and then uh let her cool down and i'll give it a try a little later or tomorrow we'll see [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] nice and hot [Music] we're going for a good heat cycle it runs better with the vacuum leak [Music] [Laughter] mint we'll let that cool try that one again alrighty we're the next day let's see if all the heat soaking did this baby any good find my gas pedal mint mint all right she is back to life granted wow now i'm not running it too long i basically have to uh a hook up my fuel pump we gotta do that and then i'm going to hook up these hoses here or loop them and then i can put some coolant in there because she got none in her but definitely the tug around helped her a lot because it actually runs really good well let's get it running for a minute there you go you know you've got to start our fuel pump anyways let's get her started [Music] i don't have choke [Music] [Music] other than straight exhaust that motor's nice and quiet no ticks no noises wind oh that thing runs good it's too bad the floor is just toast in this car it's like a perfect candidate for a chassis slash floor swap because the outside of the car is just not bad everybody sees this thing just loves it i think it's a be a great car that's stuffy well i'm just going to quickly hook up these hoses put some water in the engine and uh get it ready for a trip tomorrow for a ride we're gonna have to address the seat so i don't think it would be an interesting video if i drive over myself look at this thing unreal look at the height difference from side to side she's definitely holy my gas pedal actually fell through the floor and i was wondering why when i was shifting something was hitting my foot that's crazy oh look it's already been patched so this thing's been driven with the some cruddy floors look at this look at this look at this fix ah there we go oh yeah we're gonna do some more of that for tomorrow so nice so nice i wonder how much stuff works on here ah no and no interesting you know what we never actually did get in that glove box let's have a peek in there i need a device to get in there i think i found said device it's wondering why i was running without my little electric pump on but i think the original pump and the motor is actually working oh i wish i was this solid on the other side all right buttons pushed there we go that's what we needed outside what do we got in here look at this still in there de-icer we need that out here insect spray cool still some in there i don't know if it would spray would spray so oh look at that stuff that is awesome carb i believe canada no idea what year this thing is looks old who remembers this stuff okay smells good though what else we got some more de-icer no idea some stuff electrical tape 72 manitoba fishing guide cool um fertilizer maybe they left it in here and that's why there was no floor i don't know what that is a couple road maps oh yeah let's not get into that that's probably ooh i just got into that one probably be able to find the original owner though 1958 look at this original user's manual well isn't that cool man just cherry cherry adio it's kind of neat oh well those are kind of cool i'll keep those out [Laughter] all right i'm going to button this sucker up throw some water in there and figure some way to prop my seat up till tomorrow all righty well we've made all the appropriate repairs so we can actually take it for a drive uh we've put floorboards in when we have suspended we gave ourselves some suspension seats so that's uh holding me off the floor so that's good i have it uh adjusted for my for my uh comfort if i like to sit a little closer you kind of give her an extra click or two and then that'll scooch you a little more forward to the steering wheel so we got that going that's good oh look at these little stubby z what is this stuff i don't even know can't read it oh look at that deet now maybe we'll hang one of those in the wall right why not all right we're gonna see if pablo approves are you good to go do you want to go for a ride hey you want to go for a ride wow look at that alrighty well then let's go for a rip bud you know you have to move over a bit right [Music] so [Music] so [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right well i think that's where we're gonna leave this one she runs she drives she doesn't stop but she was destined for the scrap yard so we saved her from that and just added it to the collection it's it's pretty far gone but it is fixable but i would say it would be fixable in the sense of putting a whole new chassis underneath chassis and floor pan would be the ultimate way to do it because the rest of the car is really not that bad but anyways as always thank you folks for watching and we'll catch you on the next one later all right it's good we're good we're gonna go for a ride yes sir
Channel: Halfass Kustoms
Views: 134,705
Rating: 4.9369817 out of 5
Keywords: 1958 pontiac bonneville specs, 1958 pontiac pathfinder, 1958 pontiac super chief, rat rod, 1958 pontiac, vice grip garage, 1958 pontiac parisienne, 1958 pontiac bonneville 4 door, will it run, will it start, abandoned, mortske repair, first start, classic car, abandoned car, junkyard digs, first startup, 1958 pontiac star chief, 1958 pontiac catalina, 1958 pontiac chieftain
Id: wS3N9PYzzI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 59sec (4859 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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