We Got Paid To Call Out These Brands - UNFILTERED #51

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okay we do season two all right all right we good okay yo mariah yeah yeah audio good i don't know just [ __ ] kidding i don't even do audio anymore i got i got fired i got let go this season but hey as long as you're in a seat i think we're good i can't tell if i got fired if i got promoted that's a good way to look at it baby i think it's i think it's promotion because you don't have to do any of the leg work like you're now part of the show maybe so she ain't crew no more she's good strange because i'm hearing what you guys hear every week i hear what the people are going to hear so being in the room is so awkward are you going to be okay probably what do you mean i have to have a real conversation like listen to you guys normally right if we get you want to switch it up real quick switch chairs i'm down you know what anything we literally sat in this two times don't take our chairs away i know guys by the way you're gonna hear a little bit of creaking from mine when you try to put a little wd-40 it did not work and that's what you get for buying you [ __ ] on offer on a budget um before we continue we want to talk about our set right now because this is the biggest change of of our entire life we never it looks addre but let's get let's get into uh season two baby let's do it yeah oh my god are we doing bada da da da da da oh baby let's do that one more time you ready baby oh i'm ready it's comfy tall baby literally season two i still don't know how long our song is we just kind of keep dancing until it's time i know well i dance extra just so mariah can like edit that nicely you know we want to get all your highlight reels of your your your main hit moves exactly exactly wow this is this is so different guys we put our heart blood sweat and tears into this set this is what we've been working on for the past two weeks but this is why we took a two week break right again sorry it took so long obviously we wanted to you know keep going but like if you're watching the video you'll know why yeah guys but welcome back to zany heath unfiltered season two i'm your host zayn and i'm your other host heath and our lovely lovely co-host mariah and kenny y'all not audio engineers anymore or fact check oh no no no he's still a fact checker okay as long as zane's in that chair we still need him right oh [ __ ] well guys we're so happy to be back i missed it i i know so much we took so like to me like i know we took like a longer break from before like when we went when all the [ __ ] was happening but man this felt longer for some reason it's because we've been trying to get this [ __ ] done so quick and like the time that we had to do something like this is actually incredible guys just hit me that this is the same room it's hitting me right now that i don't have to look through five cameras and like all these lights in front of us like i can look at you guys you guys probably didn't even realize before from watching but like we used to have to like peek around cameras and like get a little snippet yeah i definitely have never looked at kenny in the odds before us that's not entirely true for a different day i've never looked kenny in the eyes before on on any of these episodes i always had to like just pretend i was lucky because there was a giant bar covering it and i didn't you know i wasn't going to turn every time because it would look weird but i could finally look at you in your eyes and there's nothing in the [ __ ] way i know i always had to pick between if i was looking at your eyes or your mouth i usually picked your mouth i don't like to choose i want to see it all um and i do want to give everybody listening right now the biggest thank you in the entire world like we are so grateful for everybody that tuned into season one and we're just really excited about season two we got guests coming next week we have our first guest i'm so [ __ ] nervous about that because we're we've just gotten to like be really good together and now we have to have an extra person how embarrassing how what are we gonna do now it's open we're good to go yeah i mean the reason why we did this was because we were having guests because if we were having guests honestly we probably would just stuck with the same site can we talk about the whole process of what we thought season two i don't even wanna i don't even wanna talk about that it was just it's it's so much it seems like such a short like time frame that everything came together like two weeks ago everything was completely different yeah it felt like three months ago it felt like three months we were working on this it flew by um so most people uh other than zayn and heath uh would have planned the [ __ ] out months and months ago gotten this stuff ready but we we won it we wing everything and the reason why was because the last season of or the last episode of the first season we we hyped it up we hyped the [ __ ] out of season two we're like guys yo big things coming when people say big things coming nothing's coming that that means they have no idea what they're doing yeah which is what happened with us so we did that and we ended and we're like [ __ ] yeah oh my god guys we finished we did this and we're we sat in this room we're like oh what are we gonna do my god what are we gonna do we're like okay let's let's just get some wallpapers you know we'll do wallpaper on each side i will say that we we ordered uh a couple couches we ordered wallpaper stuff it was like custom [ __ ] didn't come in on time at all it said five to seven business days it would be here i still haven't gotten the wallpaper that i ordered you just go with this stuff you just got a call today say asking oh by the way hey we got your order um so we're looking at the image you submitted and we just want to go over a couple things before we print it i'm like it's all right don't worry about it four weeks later that's crazy [ __ ] insane crazy and obviously like we're in we're like you know it's really hard times right now but damn it takes four weeks to respond to someone that ordered wallpaper to get a phone call to get to get it in a week and a half because you ordered it to come here you're like i need this in a week and a half four weeks later by the way you want to make any changes before we submit this no actually cancel it i don't need it because again we've been just it's been crazy but after seeing the new set though like could you imagine if we actually went with that no paper just like us oh wallpaper these are walls they they imported from a different state in the country like do you understand what this is right this is the same room i'm sure people are looking at this right now thinking we're like we are in a set like a studio this is the same room yeah don't tell our landlord i'm still renting yeah no we made sure that there was no permanent changes all this because they're again they're releasing this place yeah right it's literally on like probably what two three nails on the board yeah yeah they built walls in front of walls yeah i only said that because they're just like these are landlords yeah i've been watching somebody basing our entire podcast right now off of my landlord that's so [ __ ] i was thinking when we have guests whenever a guest comes through the wood wall opens up like the ellen show whenever we have a guest but kenny was saying it would look really shitty for it to open up and you just see a sliding glass door this beautiful wall pulls away to reveal a sliding glass door the old set the the fake brick wall we had behind you guys yeah oh my god we come from humble beginnings we really did because we well we had three tripods a couple lights and i want to say like just thinking about the amount of things that are new we have a new logo yes we have new walls we have new lights cover art cameras new cover art knickknacks yup like it's just everything is different it's crazy yeah and you know this might not be like i'm sure you guys listen to other podcasts or watch other podcasts and they have you know a crazy like you know crazier sets but like to us this is [ __ ] insane think about it our brand is normally just [ __ ] like we are filming from our iphones shitty mics we're probably filming in our like bathrooms or some show but this is like it feels like we are and like it doesn't even feel like our show which is so weird that's like we're all dressed so nice right now yeah zayn's got like a tie-dye corduroy kind of psychedelic shirt okay look i didn't i didn't [ __ ] pick this outfit assistant guys i by the way we got an assistant which is stop asking if zayn needs it please the spot has been filled his name is devin he's been great phenomenal so phenomenal he's actually right there he's actually doing mariah's job right now mariah's job we're gonna have a talk after this yeah devin was like the missing puzzle piece for sure really and he's been he's been such a huge help because if he wasn't here we'd all be out of this house while these buildings we were we would currently be crying yeah we were trying to mock up this room for so long like us three likes and i of just trying to see what this room is you know what girly go out baby have fun but you were in aruba yeah i was in aruba i had a wedding to go to but i really my whole trip to aruba i was like i'm gonna go back and they're gonna this is going to happen as soon as i get back it's going to be done like this is going to be crazy we thought that too though yeah exactly we really were like can you imagine mariah's look when she comes back she came back to a bear room with like a couch in it less than it was before less than it was we were planning on actually surprising you like we were thinking about like making that a video yeah film your reaction to the brand new room that you were going to watch this room got finished this morning okay don't don't blasphemy i came back from aruba two weeks ago oh my god no clue what we're gonna do in this room and we were at probably our lowest point of our lives we were just so depressed and we're just like [ __ ] we are not gonna give you guys what we told you we were gonna give you and we turned to drugs we really didn't really we really did desperate times call for desperation you know [ __ ] happens we were like well if we can't figure out the set let's at least figure out some episodes down the road yeah forward and a lot of people have been asking highly anticipated highly oh kenny good god that's what that's why we hired you jaw has points on you both are gonna have points for every joke you guys might sleep by you guys kill me now um so yeah a lot of people have been asking for a uh high episode us on on weed on marijuana which is sounds like a [ __ ] nightmare especially for me because i am well no it probably doesn't sound like it probably sounds like a normal thing to a lot of people keith kenny and i while mariah was [ __ ] penis colliding in [ __ ] aruba with her you were watching what were you doing with your penis what do you know that i don't know we we talk a lot you know behind closed doors you wouldn't know a lot a lot of dark secrets but um we mariah while you're gone we were trying out some some weed problems i'm never we were practicing it was practice it was work it could be a write-off uh they wanted high episodes it's definitely wrote a written offer tana for sure tana mongoo youtuber yeah everything she smokes is definitely written off for herself it contributes to the creative process we know your last name is mojo mojo oh i actually don't i don't know her still doesn't know mojo dead ass did not know her last name until you said that right now it's mojo mojo i thought it was mongoo or like monogoo i thought it was mongoose uh oh [ __ ] okay um so uh we we are trying to practice for this high episode and we ended up getting some weed weed like i made it sound like we had to do it we ended up uh we stumbled across some weed and that's what we did like we went to a dark alley i live in your house it's in your room it's in my room um yeah so so we got some weed in a couple different forms we had gummies some mints uh a little electronic cigarette type stuff and um we sound like little kids that's the thing we are so young to this drug space whose phone is that come on someone's phone come on oh come on team something's never get your [ __ ] together what was i said i swear to god if your phone goes off on this episode you're done yeah we're replacing you heath's phone goes off there's an exception for you i was i was bumping bad baby i was getting us hyped we were we were hyped um so we we ended up having a couple different types of things to try because we're trying to see how we would feel if we were on an episode um so we tried gummies we tried mints we we probably didn't know honestly like we probably not simultaneously every person that we've told like oh yeah we're doing some research for the episode like we've done edibles and they're like oh like that's what you're trying and everyone's like don't try edibles and that's what we did the first time we did these delicious delicious gummies and they were giant and they're great kenny he gave me he gave me his word that i'd be fine after eating these gummies here's the thing you expressed that like if you were going to try anything you were already like kind of open to the idea of edibles like to help you sleep so i was like okay there's no way that zayn's gonna be down to like spark up a joint like he's already kind of open to the idea of edibles which i've done i've sparked a joint before and i've been fine a little bit but like you're crazy the edible that you gave me was uh well i really know they're like it was a [ __ ] lie they said five milligrams that [ __ ] was 25 30. it was crazy it was a weird night same thought zane thought his teeth were falling out and wanted to run out of his face it was it was [ __ ] hell at this point you're probably drunk as [ __ ] with your cousin and i was like where's my he i was running around the game room just like i was like guys guys i'm freaking out like my teeth i feel like you're escaping and i'm trying to keep up with my mouth because i don't want like this is not appealing to me like i don't know oh yeah we're trying to sell it to please just get high with me i'm like i don't want to and after these stories like it's it's definitely i know it sounds awful but like i looked over at zayn and he was just like he was like this i was like hey baby what you doing he's like they're trying to come out he's like he's like making sure his teeth aren't whatever you ask you go should i just like rip them out me and either like dude did i really say you were gone you're about to like take your teeth out of your mouth oh so i oh so i black out when i'm like high okay so i don't know that i will say this about weed like i can i can be like yeah you get too high you you start thinking about everything and you're you don't know if you're alive or dead or whatever and like people be like that's that's why we [ __ ] up but then if i think about i'm blacked out wasted like drinking my dude yeah you know that's what we do baby no no no but like alcohol is just as [ __ ] terrible okay but hear me out self-control i'm saying with alcohol you can i feel like with alcohol you can choose whether you get blacked out or not you can control it with me i feel like you do the weed and then that's it like with edibles with edibles yes that's why nobody recommends edibles yeah like you're smoking it it's more like digestible you can kind of you have more of a control over what you're intaking i think yeah yeah so that's where we went wrong i only i really feel like i like we talked about like i only feel like i introduced edibles too because it was like the one thing that i was like oh you're open to it zayn like is it just like it does it does sound better like when when i think about wheat i'm like oh [ __ ] i gotta burn this like bush thing or or i can eat a swedish fish you know what like you probably don't like smoking weed either because it reminds me of cigarettes i'll be honest i love the smell of weed don't like the feeling really the smell of it no i like the smell of cigars i think maybe because it reminds me of my family i don't know but cigarettes i feel like that's a huge part of why you like those because i like to smell cigarettes because it reminds me of my uncle's in lebanon because everything smelt like cigarettes whenever i smell it it's comforting just like just like uh alex over here he's part of oh yeah audio engineering right now we got a whole crew he walked in here yesterday and he smelled a little bit like smoke but like also cologne at the same time and it just it brought me back i just wanted to hug that reminded me of when heath smoked and i was like no no no no no oh okay it reminds you yeah yeah and that's good i mean it's actually good that you [ __ ] cut that [ __ ] because you're smoking so much dude that was two packs a day i can't believe that you smoked that much like cigarettes it's [ __ ] nuts i can't believe i'm alive right now um yeah no it is pretty crazy to think about like i i was doing marble reds and then uh as i started petering off i was sounds like a brand deal hey guys we're sp today's sponsor make sure to check the link in our video how did you not get a cigarette brand deal because they can't uh have you seen the old cigarette commercials the marlboro man dude it's crazy you looked just like him when you had your mustache and your mullet cowboy hat yeah they used to have cowboy it was a cowboy commercial i think i think it was just like yeah they just made cigarettes look cool i could see you in a commercial like that even today riding a horse yeah that'd be cool but yeah we are we're gearing up for what what is it episode three that we're planning on doing this hopefully oh he's zayn's putting it out there okay now it's set in stone oh [ __ ] it's setting him accountable well we planned on doing the high episode episode or high yeah high episode he's high right now 03. so we are doing our best to try to find the best drugs oh my god we are such bad role models finding the best drugs to help us get through i feel like it'd be fun to do with a special guest like who would be perfect to be high with no because i you have to like for me i can't even be around myself yeah i have to be comfortable with i have to be comfortable i told you guys i go the episode isn't something that we can just like do like spontaneously like we have to actually understand how we are when we are together and when we're starting i'm gonna hate every second like literally highs and lows yeah like he would be laughing being so creative the best time of his life and he's like i [ __ ] love this like this is so funny like business working and then two seconds later he's like i wanna die am i dead what is going on i've never been around any of you high that's what you think i've been high a lot of the time kenny's high every day and he's actually i've noticed it more in the beginning i never noticed when you're a higher now but now i notice it more because you went high around me get your armor off of me can you disgusting man disgusting man kenny because like when we when we were like doing edibles and smoking i like i was just watching how you acted how you acted and i like i took that in so now i know how you act when you're high and when you're sober oh my god the curtain has been pulled yes sir i know you're in my head wait wait am i high right now no absolutely not we're recording our first time he's got a little glaze no you're are you high right now the world may never know that's not even the high episode you [ __ ] rat come on the seven episodes i was on prior weren't high episodes either but it doesn't mean never mind oh oh and the t co questions everything fire you know what i'm weird if this was a real job you would have been done we're drunk every [ __ ] i know we we had a little bit more to drink today because we're actually really nervous today's over yeah we're incredibly nervous but also so excited like this is so celebratory for me like for us for us yeah no of course obviously it's all about us but like this is like i i i still feel speechless walking in here knowing like that this is our set like it's so [ __ ] cool we all like also too some things some good things come when we're drunk i feel like we we came up with the concept for the season two photo shoot when we were drunk at bj's yes yeah we did we went to ikea and we were there all day and we were all miserable we we couldn't find a rug we were like i complete our our previous idea yeah with the wallpaper and the cow like we're like we just need a rug that we were gonna do it just by ourselves yeah within guys like i don't even know if we've explained it enough like within a week and a half to two weeks we hired a set designer a lighting and rigging crew audio engineer video engineer like we had a logo person design the new look like this all happened so quickly because we were so self-conscious about like hyping up the season it was so [ __ ] expensive because obviously you know we're trying to like you know we're on a budget we want to like try to make everything as cheap as possible but man we put so much money but it's so worth it i i literally you know our budget was half of what it came out to be like crazy [Music] hey but like honestly looking at what we have right now guys worth it yeah it is so worth it but also i am very proud of us the first season we knew not one thing about lighting audio nothing we did so much research it was like we were in school for it like we were researching how to do everything we set up everything on our own just the four of us yeah the first season the first season we didn't know anything like being a youtuber like a lot of people think it's like oh yeah you're a youtuber that that doesn't [ __ ] mean anything like unless you're filming on your iphone sure it's it's super easy but what a lot of people don't realize is that youtubers are you know videographers they have to edit their audio they got to dial that in they got to [ __ ] take pictures they gotta direct produce everything like that multiple multiple jobs would be doing and that's a lot all in one but like you don't really like realize until like like right now like zayn and i like we're not the best at a bunch of stuff like we we know what we like yeah but there's so many other people out there that have these jobs that are trained professionals at it and it's like if they can clearly do it and know this like the back of their hand they went to school for it why aren't we why why aren't they right like i would i would much rather hire somebody that is way more involved and knows this world and we've been and we've been learning about that for the past i feel like a few weeks yeah a lot because we have a lot so much we have a god we have a lot of [ __ ] coming up like yeah in the in the next three months we have so many things coming up and we're learning all these things and we're like he and i are expected to to do a lot of these things even coming up with i the idea and like the camera could be like yeah creative directors and knowing shot angles like i don't know this [ __ ] like imagine like you got brad pitt or whoever whatever actor come on in brown and then you're like okay we're talking about it what's the angle shot what iso should this light be at is aperture good no what what uh what what game do we want the audio yeah i don't [ __ ] know and maybe if we had one of those things to do we'd be able to learn it quick and get it done but it was like it's just a lot of things all thrown at us where we're like [ __ ] and you know what this is part of our job and we should know this but sometimes we need help and we got it we got the help and it's like a crash course we've met so many people that are so knowledgeable about these things yeah like i just feel like the the biggest thing missing from our initial plans were just like a perspective of everything just a perspective from lighting and a perspective from camera angle yeah like professionals like they're we've met people this past week and a half that have just like that are just like but what's so cool about it is that it's so inspiring yeah like seeing somebody who like genuinely knows audio engineer and is like no if you guys want to sound amazing like we got new mics for this we we we got a whole new setup for everybody you guys can tell by now but that we got new mics for this but yeah yeah i mean but yeah no and it's inspiring to see people who are like really passionate about each individual craft that all goes into making a production like this to me feels like i feel like i'm on a tv show right now yeah i still like i feel like we're on a like the today show crazy it's crazy and it's gonna it's gonna take a little bit i'm used to it right now but i know next episode it's gonna be like this yeah this feeling again where i'm like okay we're on set oh this is a set okay we got it you know what's going on you know it's weird like i feel that but then i also feel even more relaxed because it's cozy i'm not seeing everything in front of us i'm not seeing like right all of our equipment that like obviously we didn't know how to set up but it was just here but like i feel like so much more welcome like again it's coming on it like it just feels like we stepped it up a notch but or a few notches we definitely stepped it up but it feels more casual like we're hanging out it's like a giant boulder just off of all of our shoulders and it just right we feel like we're just at ease right now we can rest peacefully there are so many things that just required our attention like round the clock all the time within this past like week and a half yeah yeah like now like we can just focus on other things and it'll be more digestible now yeah but guys thank you guys yeah we are going to be posting every single week again there's no more breaks none of that [ __ ] we are excited to be back and we did all this we took this two-week break we needed our time [ __ ] what do you hide in there oh my god our bad baby speaker yo we've been [ __ ] heavy with bad baby we love bad babies she's killing it anything she puts out is just a hit and it's our it becomes our favorite song every time she comes out with a song yeah okay but you just met her arch-nemesis so fondly of her careful like right now i did i did so me and a couple friends we went to saddle ranch the other night and i'm sitting there right behind i turn around it's woven i could not believe it to me she's like a cartoon character it's like she doesn't exist she's like drawn out there's no way i would love to lay eyes on her yeah i turn around i'm just like oh my god that's [ __ ] woe vicky and we were talking about we were thinking about having our guests we're not sure yet but we're just like oh my gosh she's right there let me meet her let me i got i got to do something so we were sitting there had a couple of drinks got a little loose because i can't just go up to people i feel really weird doing that of course not so good took a couple shots we're just like talking and [ __ ] and then all of a sudden i turn around and i'm just like alone and she's like so uh yeah so i came i went up to her and she she's like she you know when you meet people that are not like you feel like they're not human they're they're not exactly what you think she is yes hundred percent exactly what you think i like that she's real yeah i love that yeah she's not it's not a character yes it's not a character it's not fake but she is a character she i feel like she was made in a lab and she was that's funny she was born she was like pushed out of a of a tube and then like she's oh thank you sorry for that burp intro was she nice to you she was very nice to me and she was like she was like oh my god i'm like i'm saying i want i want to be honest i was like okay let's let's [ __ ] do it every time you like imitate her you act like you're chewing bubblegum i just had a visual of sitting here we have to we have here oh my god it'd be so [ __ ] funny oh my god i just gotta do it i feel like no disrespectful big yeah i love you baby but i feel like we're gonna have to ask her to repeat everything we're gonna be like hey can you come again let's do that again we're gonna reassess enunciate let's take a little break and let's go no she's very let's try it from the top i know we can't wait we so our guests we're being very picky this season we we want just like guests are gonna bring in juice gonna bring in just fun energy just everything i feel like she has that can we can that's a lot that's why can we say who our first guest is no i think i mean i mean she's locked in she's not gonna get back out she's a very she's a loyal person she cancels us it's not our fault like you know what i mean it's right it's not like it's on you baby girl exactly so guys our first guest is going to be oh sorry sorry i got it i got to sign it sorry do it again do it again i cannot believe that you just you just took that that was my baby girl i know i don't know i know i know not anymore but we'll talk about the next episode all right so our first guest of season two is my true lover the only the the only person that i have a full heart for and three of the most important people in his life a single tear runs on my cheek no i i think i think i think she's a great first person yes for our episode and i'm so [ __ ] excited because i have so many questions because i'm so i haven't seen her i haven't seen like i've seen her a couple times here and there but like i haven't like really really like hung out and seen her in a while so i have a lot of hard-hitting questions i'm gonna give you good good i hope she's ready that's the thing i just think in general like for guests in general i just feel like it's going to be the first time that people see you guys long format with people and it's just going to be interesting regardless i mean and from my perspective it's like i've met sauce once so i like i'm very curious about her i've only hung out with drunk so i don't really remember much about being around her oh me me too i was going to ask about you guys kissing but maybe we saved that for oh yeah no no yeah yeah yeah you're right i'm just i'm excited we can't do one-sided stories here we have to have the other side right here on that maybe maybe you say some stuff and then she calls you out for it right oh you [ __ ] lying [ __ ] i'll [ __ ] do it i want to get a whole glam team when she comes like for me because i cannot sit back to her looking like forever mariah you get like a [ __ ] like oh [ __ ] she gets it hell yeah we've already we've already gone out for season one you might or for the first episode you might as well i ha i don't have a choice i'd be sweating bullets hey mariah you both have you y'all both have your own thing you're [ __ ] hilarious mariah you're so funny you didn't let me finish jesus dance like you do exactly she can't dance like you oh we can't can't nobody do it like me what are you doing on both be fun i'll get my hair done by hair by christmas what is that what is that oh look you guys are oh really if we're going to be saying heathen filter we might as well talk about everything we want to talk about because wait because there's a lot of [ __ ] that we talk about outside of this [ __ ] room i want to get my hair done bye chrissy is she good god you get extension yeah she's really okay so what's the story what's the whole [ __ ] story behind this lady i don't know the story but she is a hairdresser in los angeles and every tick tocker gets their hair done by her oh every other day i swear oh it's the weed episode guys we're gonna run this season quick baby oh my god what happened to our light baby and that's what happens when we do oh did it die did that did that battery press the power button on it it should come back for those of you who are listening the lights just changed a totally different color like lime green wow that was supposed to be a surprise hold on we got to get your our center light on here i knew some [ __ ] with that we have like 1500 wires around the top and sides of this room so i like it was bound to happen that this [ __ ] was gonna go out keep the show running let's just keep this show running i gotta ignore the lights like beyonce right now like if you like fall off the stage and like you have to go on yeah like like or mariah carey's [ __ ] mic goes out and then you hear her real voice and it sounds like completely okay okay you know what you know what's great right now is like people probably watching this from the beginning were like this isn't zany like it's too it's too over the top whatever it is yeah this [ __ ] happens like that's what we expect back on brand right malfunctions everything is right we have a team of 50 right now just running around 49 people are about to lose their job you're fired he did 49 because he's the 50th oh very nice so very nice you we probably should figure this out real quick yeah yeah we probably should yeah all right we'll be right back one second can we have an ad read let's just do an average let's do another all right let's roll to the ass baby all right guys before we continue we want to give a big thank you to our sponsor for this episode baby tell them who it is and that sponsor is liquid iv my favorite thing to drink especially when i'm hungover which i'm going to be tomorrow because we are celebrating the roast of jason nash and we'll be drinking a lot pre-hangover post hangover uh in in the middle of drinking and it just stays hydrated exactly it gives you energy it boosts your immune system it does a lot of great things for you honestly and as we know flu season is right around the corner you got the cold months coming up you might as well start boosting that immune system right now it's so easy exactly when you're pushing your body hard or feeling run down it's really important to take care of yourself with the proper vitamins and nutrients and that's why liquid iv has created the hydration multiplier plus immune support to maintain and strengthen your immune system and what i love most about liquid iv it's so simple they have it in these little packets you rip it open you put in a water bottle shake it up and you're good to go like right now i have the strawberry flavor by steve aoki so good my favorite flavor so far i'm sorry i drink that one all the time every day so i will be drinking that one tonight before and tomorrow when i'm hungover the hydration multiplier plus immune support is a cutting edge blend of vitamin c vitamin d zinc and well mewn in a convenient single serving packet we all know vitamin c is well known to help protect your body and support good health when you purchase liquid iv you're joining the mission to help people live better lives everywhere and with every purchase liquidity donates a serving of liquid iv to someone in need they've already donated over 5 million servings globally liquid iv's new hydration multiplier plus immune support is available at walmart or order online and get 25 off when you go to liquidity.com and use code unfiltered at checkout that's code unfiltered at checkout when you go to liquidive.com and you're going to get 25 off baby get better hydration today at liquidity.com and use promo code unfiltered baby so if you're going to be bad to your body you might as well take care of it afterwards dude that should be their slogan oh my god please don't steal that we'll make it happen we need our we i feel like we need our oh my god we came out with our own liquid iv flavors it's like we drink we drink it all all day every day so we should try to come up with a flavor that'd be fun like would i be hear that baby big things come we also want to give a big thank you to our sponsor harry's harry's just came out with their sharpest blades ever and unlike some other razer companies they're not charging you more for their product improvements baby i love that be true to who you are exactly give us the deals harry's new sharper blades are still as low as two dollars each that's cheap like razors are so much money like if you go to like a store and actually get them it's disgusting how much they charge yeah and i just actually used it uh this morning for the for the our brand new episode i actually use it okay it's okay you know i use it all over my belly here so it looks like a brand new like a like a like a baby stomach i will say that does look pretty clean it does and it looks like i have a baby in there too so i think it works very well thank you harry for supporting my uh naked nude uh belly i really appreciate that you can find harry's new sharper blades in big box drug stores and grocery stores near you if you'd like to shop online new us customers can redeem a trial offer of harry's new sharper blades by going to harry's dot com unfiltered these new blades are so sharp that in a study with guys shaving four times a week the guys reported that with harry's new blades their eighth shave was as smooth as their first baby ooh just like my belly it will look exactly like that and harry's owns a german factory that's been honing razor blades for a hundred years they source their steel from sweden and own the entire manufacturing process from r d to the factory floor and conflicts stand by 100 satisfaction guarantee on harrys.com period baby period guys if you'd like to shop online harry's has a great offer for our listeners of our show new u.s customers can redeem a harry's trial set at harry's.com unfiltered you'll get a five blade razor a weighted handle foaming gel shave with aloe and a travel cover to protect your blade when you're on the go just go to harrys.com unfiltered and redeem your trial offer today that's hairys.com unfiltered to get your trial offer today all right are we are we back and running we're good okay we're running again i am so embarrassed we apologize we are not david dobrik oh god we are not david dobrik we are not high-end natalie's not running this this this episode this episode i am an australian i am a russian devin is just looking like this would never happen oh natalie's not okay this would never happen on david's david shoots for sure but you know what it is what it is and that's zayna heath exactly oh guys uh david's perfume just came out that's oh right right right he did a really incredible job with just like the branding and like the pr boxes and everything and it smells really good too didn't you like the sandalwood oh i love it because i like wearing perfume that's more colony i usually buy cologne for myself i don't like feminine scents i like more manly so it's kind of it's grapefruit and sandalwood and i love love love sandalwood so yeah that's so good yeah and the commercial that you made i wanted to be on the commercial like not on it but i want to be on set so bad because i love just being a part of like montages and [ __ ] like that is there anything you would have changed that you saw um no i think it looked i think it looked pretty good off the record yeah off the record i think it would look pretty it would have looked like what i would have what i would have approved for sure yeah it looked i think it like hit okay i i will say one thing like obviously like it was a phenomenal promo video yeah i saw people going crazy about him pulling the hand away and the toothbrush out of charlotte's mouth it was because the face he made was very sexual oh really you've never seen you've never seen david just kind of like look at look at a girl in the eyes and like bite his bite his lip on camera yeah yeah he may have done it with liza on like vlogs and [ __ ] but like i think in like a commercial right it just it felt more serious because he was he was more acting in that and like like the his vlogs was natural but like that i think he really put a little bit more into it because he knew as a commercial so i think it like looked extra sexy right so it wasn't supposed to be funny like a vlog like this is this is an actual so you thought david looked sexy in it very interesting that was the first thing i thought and i know he was he was so sexual he was just he was looking he just like no but it was funny because like i saw i saw the scene and like yeah it was it was a cool scene but like charlotte maybe i'm not sexy i just wouldn't have like pulled somebody's hand away from their toothbrush and been like i could not i you could not put me in a situation like that where i look sexy like that oh right it was it was different it was different it would look bad i'd be like cut that cut that entire scene out and i have to be like yeah yeah i'm sure it's easy because charlotte is stunning she's gorgeous let me be completely honest like when i have conversations with her her your her eyes actually kind of like kill you inside so you kind of like melt naturally so naturally david probably melted a little bit and he was like looking at her because she she's a model and i feel like models can do that they can like they can give you with their eyes exactly it's like a superpower yeah they look at the camera they're able to melt the people seeing the pictures and the videos that the models are in to yeah it was great it was the perfect match yeah and she's great she's so sweet too it's so funny how everybody thought they were dating after it like they thought that was their coming out like not even close it's because david is never with any [ __ ] girlfriend especially on camera like yes he kissed liza but like he was never they've never seen an intimate side of him yeah i've never seen him be like romantic right right romantic that's what it is and i've i've definitely seen him romantic in person baby really there's times where he'll like you know the most romantic i've ever seen is his like boy crush on scott yeah like for i don't know what it is for some reason like he does he always talks about scott he's like scott is my most handsome most attractive love scott oh my god he'll talking about this he hits all the time david loves scott's tits he loves this but but you know you're right he does have really [ __ ] juicy pecs but i started sitting up if i had anybody's body it would probably be scots for sure that's probably why it was probably doing good he's doing good he is funny like even earlier today um we were with david we had to do a a test we'll we'll get into that in a second but he was talking about uh cameron dallas was and it was it was something brought up super quick it was uh cameron dallas taking a a photo for like a bulgari i don't know how to perfume it it was because we were talking about his perfume and i was growing through instagram and it just popped up right there okay and and david was like dude i've always thought he's had the best nipples no no i actually i mentioned his nipples first so i i was looking at the picture and the only thing very prominent was his just his nipples i was like right damn it's like the editor put extra gloss in his nipples it was unbelievable it looked really amazing and as soon as i said that something special david said david david was like dude i've always thought that even since like the vine days mad con like he's always had the nicest nipples and i was like who what like what about heath's nipples what about my nipples i if somebody said i had the nicest nipples i'd i'd call him a liar why you have a good nibble i hate him oh it's solid but not anymore because you've been working out i feel like as you work out it goes like it goes lower right gynecomastia doesn't go away oh my god yeah gynecomastia it's it's uh it's like it's kind of like breast tissue in men for like their nipples like that like so when i was growing up i i was always self-conscious of them because they're like they're just like like if i grab them like i feel like tissue like i feel like hard stuff okay well i definitely feel it too here let me can you let me clear this real quick grab grab i'm gonna fold it okay yeah go ahead you feel like the hard stuff okay i feel that but i feel like let me see here you feel that what's on your left or right how long did you get my good side all right oh yeah yeah i have it too that's gynecomastia so i have it yeah oh my god i'm a guy named i'm a guy in the passions and he's apparently a doctor i'm gonna i'm i'm gynopastia okay yeah so so i always had that and the doctors told me like i remember like being like a young young kid with my mom in the room and they were like it's gonna go away um it just kind of like goes away with like puberty blah blah and like i got made fun of for it and just it just never went away like i've always had it yeah because he's still a kid at heart you know he doesn't grow up so is that something is that something you can like get removed yeah you it's like a it's basically a male breast reduction but do you get like scars after like yeah so is it like is that weird is that like worth it to get something like that if um todd got it hold on todd got yeah the surgery hold on really like if you look like he he has a scar just under his nipple i've never noticed it because i talked to him about it because i was like who was your doctor like i i want to i want to do the same oh my god we're just like the instagram models we're just like everybody else we're just like every other [ __ ] he looks like every other baby oh but yeah no it's it's a real thing and like i'm very insecure about it is that something you would consider getting if if you were like hairline gynecomastia reduction yeah which which one which one would you rather have like more if you had to pick one uh i think i think if i like because i'm still losing weight right now yeah if i kept losing weight and i got like fit to where i want to be yeah i would choose um gynecomastia really i want my hairline because people see this i do but like i like the cap fit but like you're you're still dissatisfied though i feel like the cap kind of satisfies the whole hairline thing you think that you still look weird in shirts yeah so like even just how you present yourself to people he still feels insecure about that so yeah all i am imagining is you getting the surgery and people thinking that you're trans that's all i can think well it's not it's not under it's not under the breast okay it's it's literally on this todd you don't you i mean i didn't even know todd got in the first way but you definitely don't see anything i've i've seen todd shirtless i've never heard he's not trans he's stupid never i've never noticed like a surgery line under his sister i know he got his like hernia we are so personal this is never talked about just exposing everybody else and everybody knows about his hernia i've noticed that line that line is like you can tell and it's like goes down his like belly button like i've never seen anything yeah i would like to see that yeah and you have a photo of it that we could uh reference i'm just trying to like put it up you'll see it tonight you'll see a timer we're doing that yeah can we talk about jason's let's [ __ ] it we'll do it we'll do it we'll cut it out if we can but uh we're going to the roast of jason nash and i we're so excited he actually rented out like this theater it's just gonna be us so we're gonna be like spread out by like seven seats apart which i think is gonna look really funny but it's really weird because you know rose normally consists of empty you're like nobody showed up so rose normally consists of like a lot of very um very uh dark jokes right that's just how it is it's super funny like you come in open-minded like just don't take anything seriously a hundred percent offensive oh yeah it's supposed to hurt that's the point yeah like you want to like be right exactly but what comes with very like if a joke is very offensive and there's a ton of laughs it kind of alleviates it a little bit it's like okay yeah that was really funny huh but like there's nobody there it's just going to be like 10 of us 15 of us so i wonder if he's going to put like a laptop he's going to have to go just me in the back i'm offended like i wonder how he's going to set that up because he has to make it yeah i think it would be funny just to hear like six laughs that might be funny it's hilarious he's doing uh like a like like paparazzi is going to be there he has dreams named after us oh yeah he told me about that so exciting what do you think the zany and heath is like if you were like obviously knowing like he's going to make a drink afterwards okay what would it be 100 is going to be tequila soda lime with probably a little bit of like okay fruit something in it yours is a negroni 100 percent all day you talk about it all the time there's no he's not going to do that unless he doesn't know no i think there's going to be a zayn and heath drink like maybe it's called unfiltered oh what if it's like the zayn and heath like it's a two-part drink right or it's an unfiltered drink and there's just a bunch of [ __ ] in it that's like nothing the towel that wiped up all the alcohol of the night just yeah what do they call that shot where it's like they take the bar mat you know they have the the little rubber mat that runs along the bar yeah and it catches all the spillage so at the end of the night they'll take that that like catches the whatever spilt [ __ ] and then they pour that into shots they give that to customers no it's just like a like a [ __ ] up thing like some people saying that's the shot that all the fans have been offering you let's do a shot together it's like super discounted they're like can i can i get the bar mat it's funny kenny said that like normally the first thing when we like when i encounter any of you guys or fans you guys obviously of course it makes sense you want to take a shot with me and it's like i can't say yes all the time because i i don't want to die especially when we're out like at a bar it's like you know i can't take everything and like it's crazy that there's times where i'm just like a guy i'm good thank you and like hearing them walking away is unbelievable they're so offended yeah they get upset yes they're like oh wow what a life huh what a [ __ ] [ __ ] he's not taking a shower i was like yeah like at this like what a part of me wants to go out and be like i'm so sorry but at the same time i'm like [ __ ] [ __ ] you like i don't like so i don't want to take a shot the way i can like put it into like a perspective is imagine being the birthday boy all the time or a girl and it's like you don't know you don't know what i identified every everybody wants to take a shot with the the birthday person yeah [Laughter] you know what i mean if the birthday person took a shot with everybody that came to the party it would be a [ __ ] they would die right ambassador they would be in the [ __ ] right but that's the thing you imagine wanting that person to take a shot every single second just like oh i got you a shot it's your birthday i got you shot shot shot shot nobody else is taking the same amount of shots as you are yeah so it's kind of that same feeling it's like zayn like oh i wanna i wanna buy you a shot i appreciate it thank you i i respect that exactly like i literally my but i can't do it yeah and you know to play devil's advocate if i i feel like i would if i was watching david's vlogs and i was not in it and there was like the drunk person in the vlogs i would probably go up it'd be the go-to pleaser yeah and i would probably buy them a shot and be and have it right in front of them so they don't have to worry about me like asking do you want to take a shot like i would have it right there right right especially if they're nervous or excited like what else are they gonna say i would i would definitely do that i would definitely do that so i'm not judging anybody that does do that yeah but when they say like when they when you if you do refuse when they say oh we thought you were the drunk one oh my god to get fired from the david dobrik llc industries i can't i have too much to live for [Music] before we continue we want to give a big thank you to atnt for sponsoring this episode baby atnt coming in hot on the first episode i haven't been a long time a t customer yeah i had a t before it was even at t remember singular you're like grandfathered you still have that same playing field i love it dude they've always been the best yeah my entire family has it they all love it so much we also want to give them a big thank you for helping throw a huge rtx this year and without them the show would not have been possible at t's 5g network is now available nationwide whether you're at home or on the go you'll enjoy coverage in more places plus 18t doesn't make it complicated 5g access is included in all best consumer unlimited plans at no extra cost so if you want to get more information about at t 5g go to att.com 5g again that's att.com 5g get that coverage yeah get that covered we're talking we're talking about their party get that coverage just everything at t is so much better yeah guys again thank you att for sponsoring the first episode back we're so so excited and happy that you could be along the ride with us and yeah let's get back to the episode see that's why i'm glad i i don't get recognized like you yet yes oh wait no you did get recognized well i didn't exactly get recognized but we thought i did we go out we go out to get like a drink and somebody stops me on the way back and they go oh my god kenny and i said yeah and they go hi like i hope you're having a good night or whatever i'm like thank you so much and i keep walking i was right next to kenny while all this was going on too yeah and like we we had we had mass on and like we were like going through this place yeah and i looked at ken and i was like oh my god he's getting recognized from the girls baby get it oh yeah it's so fast and it's a neighborhood bar it's like right around the corner you know so yeah it's like close to home i was like oh my god like people in my backyard yeah all right [Applause] um yeah no but it was crazy because i saw and i was like holy [ __ ] like that's that's a big time kenny fan like they [ __ ] with him oh my god then when we were when we were leaving she was she was actually sitting like at the table adjacent to us so then when we were leaving i like i try to give the fans what they want and i go over and they're like are you stupid are you having a good night like what's going on and she goes yeah she goes i don't think you recognize me i make your coffee every morning [Laughter] oh it's my the embarrassment that washed over me i go oh my god you make it better than anyone that's my favorite comedy i'm gonna be dead ass serious i'm surprised that you did not recognize the president we were all in masks yeah exactly oh she was in a mass too at that moment okay okay yes they were in a pandemic yeah but she literally was like like you know when you i don't know when you go into work like i feel like normally she has her hair up in like a certain way when she's going out it's a different vibe yeah she has a hair a different way she's doing it we always look exactly how we look that's like if i'm going to pick up coffee if i'm going to the bar if i'm going out to the grocery store like we always look the same i feel right but like when you see somebody in uniform every day it's like yeah i'll remember your name i know who you are when i come to your workplace yeah but they like and even being like in retail like i i would recognize a customer more than they would ever recognize me right it's like seeing a teacher outside of a dog walking school legs yeah it's just as wrong crazy yeah it was very that but like it definitely took the wind out of my mind imagine imagining we see mikey mike is the guy is the guy who designed this entire set imagine seeing him out at a bar like that it's like it's like seeing someone outside of work i would i would literally think it was mariah's uncle okay always like him can we show like a picture like yeah dude you've never met her uncle but it is [ __ ] identical 20 videos i know exactly what she looks like as soon as i saw him immediately my head was like oh yeah zayn was the first person to tell me yeah because as soon as he walked in i looked tomorrow i was like crazy that's so funny you know what's crazy today um somebody recognized me for my voice and then she said she loves the podcast but i couldn't tell if it was just from the audio because then she said like she loves my dancing videos but she was like because she i was like looking at her for a good like couple of minutes and then i opened my mouth and she was like oh my gosh i recognize your voice and she was like are you mariah and i was like like could you imagine if that was that's from just the audio podcast yeah not filming our podcast and then just getting like this i talk like this i talk i talk i do this and then i do that that is really cool we're we're all from south florida except for florida um [Applause] run in the morning they were on uh big 105. yay yeah just like radio kind of like 105 9. big i remember that channel yeah their names were paul and young ron so like i know their voices no idea what they look like but i grew up listening to them every single day i didn't know you listened to [ __ ] like that like that the radio the radio yeah no i didn't know you listen to like like because remember we're talking about like podcasts and stuff i didn't ever listen to podcasts or radio or anything like that my parents my family we would always put big 105.9 on and it was just like just classic rock bay 105 baby i've always been very attuned to like recognizing people when my ex-boyfriend and i would watch anime i was actually just telling someone this earlier that whenever we would watch anime i would be able to identify actors even if they were doing a different type of voice or whatever really like the vocal quality i'd be like oh that's that's like yuri lowenthal or khan or whatever and my ex-boyfriend always google it he'd be like who is that it'd be like oh they played such and such and this anime such-and-such and this anime yeah and then you would look it up and be like you're right and i'd be like wow so you can hear somebody play five different characters but no it's still the same voice actor yeah there's like a there's a very slight tell that like yeah you can tell what their vocal base is and what they're kind of here there's only one person that i can tell every time is michael myers i i know oh that's a good one yeah eddie murphy specific voice or yeah i was like michael myers like the like from halloween following michael myers [ __ ] uh uh gold member yeah exactly the the uh the cat in the hat yes thank you good bubba i got nervous so good everybody else um but yeah no that that is so weird to hear like a difference in that also uh those aren't the only people being recognized there's someone in your family that was just kind of recognized for their potential and someone got a little instagram okay so my little sister everybody knows hidayah the [ __ ] the queen of the internet she uh so she she's in florida right now she um you know has a nine-to-five job there's times where she'll get like internet jobs because she has like a following right instagram she'll get like something that's so crazy dude that's so sick for her i know she dude like that's amazing it's crazy this is when we're filming a lot like a lot with each other and everybody loved her so like we made her instagram she was so excited she gets you know she loves to like post things but she's so like she's so scared to like you know post herself and whatever but she felt very comfortable sorry posting but she got a following and she's really excited about it so you know sorry my my that's it he's hungry my stomach is growling um there's times where she'll get a business emails through my email i don't know how like it's really my email isn't attached to hers at all so i don't know how i get any verb maybe people think like you would see it also yeah sure just to like kind of solidify like they they know if she doesn't maybe you will and i guess i don't see it that far i'm just like i'm surprised that they even do that they're like oh let me let's send it to our brother that's something i mean it's literally people like dming like i get every almost every [ __ ] email i get or dm is always like can you send this to david tell him i love him and we want to we want to do this with him or blah blah blah that makes sense about like brands i feel like they're so professional i've never seen that right but so i got an email for hidayah say i actually want to read it off my phone because this is i have to i have to read exactly the text because that's you just you got to do it because you'll understand yeah so i get an email for hidayah from a brand the brand has the name you can't tell what it is it's just a nail like it's a generic generic because that's the one general a broad name exactly so yeah so i get this email hey you die i hope you're having a lovely day my name is blank from blank a female self love and wellness company i love your instagram instagram account blah blah blah and would love to know if you would be interested in a collaboration with us their mission is to empower women across the world to embrace self love and increase your self confidence you know and they wanted her to post like infeed whatever stories and i forwarded it to our manager and i was like hey let's see if we can make this work for hidayah you know she's working nine to five at any anything extra would be great for him yeah he he emails me back and this is the funniest email i've ever received from him because i've never received an email from him where he put any font read so he goes hey zane happy to see what they'd be able to offer in terms of rape but puts this the font in red for this part just want to make sure you know that this is a female sex toy company let me know your thoughts by the way guys hidayah she's a muslim girl she's fully clothed she wears a hijab yeah she doesn't show her ankles or her wrists nothing past nothing past her hands feet it is very very strict yeah i just don't show anything more than that and this company reached out to me so they know who hidayah is they know who i am they know that we film together they know who she is and i'm just so surprised that they reached out to her for uh a sex toy company it is just completely i think it's inappropriate it's funny that that our manager put it in red because i know zayn reading that email would work for everything until he gets around he would read the first sentence and be like we'll see what we can do yes we're good for you guys like to me i saw that as the funniest thing in the [ __ ] world because it was really red it just sex toy company and it's so funny because like even like i didn't even know this but like being around hadaya i like i can't shake her hand yeah like i i kind of just have it like instilled in my brain just like just being where where we are where we came from like going going to shake a hand or give a hug and just thinking about that like i can't even do that yeah but they're asking her to promote a [ __ ] sex toy like how over the top that is and like i don't know if in their eyes are like oh you know it's 20 20. you know everybody's open but it's like there's a there's a there's a i feel like there's a certain point where it's just right becomes completely inappropriate where it's like i think i don't know i i don't know if it's like what i feel like that's why they reached out to you though rather than going to her directly trying to convince her i feel like i think she was attached to the email hold on zane oh no she wasn't attached to the email do you think there would be a price we should be like [ __ ] it [Laughter] no but like seriously no there'll be no prize every no prize because that is like com like if they like if they came to her they were like six million dollars we got this new toy coming out we want you to promote it like i like that are actually really funny because uh our friends carly and aaron they're also youtubers they they're part of our friend group yeah they make youtube videos they get deals like that but the way they're like so the way they do it is that they almost like make fun of it they're like sitting there like they're fun they'll never use it obviously or even show you how to use it they're just kind of like they kind of just play with it they use it as a microphone and [ __ ] and then their [ __ ] gets approved right it's unbelievable that they're still promoting it yeah that's how i think everything should be promoted because you're just showing how fun and so i wonder if that's how my little sister got fronted with that with that deal yeah like maybe oh you know she'll never do use in any way that's inappropriate but let's like maybe she'll do it in a fun way so i'm playing devil devil's advocate here maybe she will like use it like carly and aaron right right right but like hidayah we could never that would that would be such a shame but like do you think like do you think they'd be like really mad if it was like a huge [ __ ] paycheck like that like that's a tough question to be completely honest and i wish they were both here right now to answer that question i don't know i i i i'm not saying that in a different way because i'm not saying that oh money is everything right who [ __ ] knows maybe like maybe there's a maybe there's like a little net in the religion where if you donate half of it right right you're homeless and you donate it's everything everything everybody oh yeah my mom would be like if it was a six million dollar job she goes yeah you know five million that is going to jesus right exactly jesus's money do it it's like you're kind of working you're working with both both ends we were working with god and you're working with the brand it's so interesting like finding what what people's tipping points are for on this episode of girl defined um what would you do on uh what's your price very interesting but i know mariah got a very very interesting job oh yes no i didn't get it i got offered it sorry all right yeah i hope never gets this offer which is crazy like i can't even imagine getting something like this in my email 20 20 baby i got shit's different my manager called me and he goes this sounds crazy but just in case you're interested there was a company that reached out and they wanted me to make tick tocks first of all the way my manager worded it was like do you want to pick any of these nine tracks to dance to on tick tock for this much money i was like hell yeah yeah yeah cause it's like fun right i go through the tracks and every single track they were like 15 second songs canceling different brands like as a joke or like seriously no seriously yes like it was like it was like whatever this company was that was like we want to bring down everybody and pay people to bring down everybody talk they wanted you to cancel take talk on tick tock while getting paid on tick tock to do it that was the first branch that was the first time that's so hypocritical from that company to do that the song was about canceling tick tock for whatever it was yeah that's like someone talking [ __ ] about amazon and then buying a [ __ ] product right the next minute literally like imagine should be like tick tock steals your data right right right no yes it was exactly like that but different brands and it was like a bunch of different brands yeah that's [ __ ] insane i was like i absolutely would not do it for any amount of money and it's a weird thing because like tick-tock is technically your job right yeah like imagine being like i'm gonna pay you money to do your job while canceling your job they were hardcore promoting cancel culture and i was like this is so ridiculous yeah for a lot of different things that like didn't make sense my problem with it is that them being hypocritical and having you post on tick tock i think that's cool yeah that was the top one stupid it's paying someone to bite the handle yeah that makes no sense like we're gonna give you money were they paying you like a ton of money like what was it was a good for once 15 seconds long it was a good amount yeah that's pretty crazy like i wonder where this budget is coming from yeah i don't understand what they gained from it that's the only i don't know but they're i'll tell you yeah they posted examples i was like no way how do you do that they might they never just saw the dollar bills they were like oh exactly yeah that's crazy i would never say something and like for payment it makes it it's just it's not worth it just straight out like only do it based on like give me my money i'm going to say youtube [ __ ] like i would never do that and i would never do that period you know what unless you actually [ __ ] hate the brand then i'm like you know what right right it's right because it's authentic it's like you actually hate the [ __ ] brand and someone's paying you to tell everybody in the world that you hate the brand right yeah take it but if they actually are a horrible company exactly yeah right as long as it's authentic to you but like as you're saying you saw a lot of kids doing this i'm just surprised i i just hope they're they feel like that about the brand because it actually does hurt the brand and they're doing it for dollar bills i'm sure there are brands that are doing [ __ ] under the table that like people have done research on but like who am i to like i've never done research on these brands i don't who am i to say something you know what i mean yeah like i i don't know and how many people are just so equipped to like just completely hate the brand that gave them their platform like exactly that's so interesting it was so bizarre and the website looked funky huh it looked like a goosebumps like movie that was another thing too is that i'm just curious how many people went into these concepts and stuff because the the songs were clearly original songs because the but original like like parodies though right like it was like very popular and it was awful awful horrible yeah yeah they weren't even good the bigger the name the more money you get yeah but the thing is like people so people had to record these songs they had to sit in a booth and like have headphones on and have a little lyric script actually okay that i would do that i would do it walmart right right you suck farts it went from 300 to 20 thousand dollars to dance to one song i wonder what a twenty thousand dollar company would look like to be like and wait what doesn't it like it's you canceling i have to know who is who's behind this yeah because they're not getting any benefit out they're not benefiting from right who is right because they're not selling something it's not like she's putting something out there that's like hey there's a product i i i i stand by it and i want you guys to try it it's just like i'm gonna go with walmart again because it's the biggest comment walmart are like are these people so passionate about ending these brands where they're putting their own money in are they passionate about the brand are they passionate about cancel culture or or are they passionate about their own brain in their competition oh yeah oh oh my god can we talk about this yeah which leads into [ __ ] what you i was talking about this the other day like so on jersey shore i'm listening yeah i'm listening to my favorites so i i found this out recently and i thought it was the most interesting thing because it's so i don't think about brands or marketing in this sense because it i i guess i'm just like not in that world but um louis vuitton would give snooki gucci bags real gucci bags another brand giving her a gucci bag to wear because knowing that her image is not the best that people look at snook and be like i don't want to be like that back then back then like during during the time of the show louis vuitton would give them a competitor because people looked at snooki in a bad light so she'd be throwing up on the beach [ __ ] up getting arrested wearing a gucci bag which is crazy because everybody loved jersey shore i loved snooki i don't know anybody that looked at jersey i mean i'm sure a lot of people did but like right a lot of people actually did like jersey shore a lot of kids a lot of people yeah it was an east coast thing like west coast people were like what what i think i think okay so there's a difference between liking somebody being like oh my god they're so funny and being like i wanna wanting to emulate them right yeah right so it's like that's like two huge designers doing that against each other yeah that's blows my mind do you have any because you used to work at gucci is that something you ever like experienced with like i worked at a designer that names uh the name rhymes with hoochie but yeah we're not gonna say what brand but um yeah it's very interesting i i i heard this uh the other day and it was kind of interesting because i feel like it's just a sign of the times like them doing that back then absolutely like a total smear campaign but i was telling heath like the creative director that he usually has in place if that happened today he wouldn't give a [ __ ] the creative director would literally run with that that would be free promotion of course yeah louis vuitton would be like eviscerated because like they would laugh at it make it be like oh that like because it is a smart play to do to your competitor that's what i would i would give my product to snooki if she was going to be arrested it's funny funny other company being so successful being like yeah you're you're buying my [ __ ] to give to somebody else like like it's just stupid i could just see gucci just being like oh wow like louis vuitton you're buying our product right we would never buy your product and clearly no one does like like it's just crazy like like like the whole brand like gucci right now is like built on capitalizing on fake knockoffs and like making real versions of fake knockoff they have gucc why right like right a bunch of things that are just like there's tccy people people made fake gucci with a y instead of an i i know but this is coming from the actual brand yes it was it was completely because of online culture like people were knocking off gucci so much and it was the most knocked off brand in the world and people were like we're hashtagging things on instagram with jews ccy when anything would look like fake oh my god so they made their own fake gucci but it was real good it was real it was real pricey like real everything you got a stamp on that [ __ ] that's so cool that's so smart like that's actually really interesting it's very like counter culture because i i have like the pieces from that collection and it says gucci on it and i get people that come up to me and they're like your shirt's hilarious bro do you ccy like that's so [ __ ] funny and i'm like thinking like you're making it's real it's yeah they don't know that it's real wow but it's like that's what i kind of like about it yeah like wow you don't know nobody like that that is like nobody knows if it's real or not but you and that's what's cool you know what like i don't like i don't know like how much are gucci shirts there just as much retail this is not what i paid for it but retail if we were selling it to a customer would be like a t-shirt is 500. okay okay a gucci shirt is 500 right right okay how much was it was a gucci with a y sure like a fake a non-real brand no no no that gucci put out g-u-c-c-y from our store if any t-shirt was yeah i think it would be smart for for them to put it a little cheaper so people no no but like they don't need to oh but they don't really need to still be real because it's coming from gucci so you know what i mean it's like they're like kind of making a mockery of themselves by doing that exactly so but like still put it at the same point like people who really [ __ ] with gucci will be like i will pay more money for a real gucci for people to think it's fake gucci right like that is so [ __ ] it's like they're trolls it's crazy it's crazy it would almost like lessen their credibility if they were to drive down the price point yeah if it were not to be an entry-level price point for a t-shirt people it would it would it would actually match right it would actually make gu ccy be lower right yeah but not keep it on the same thing like if you make a mockery make a joke out of it you keep it the same price but if you lower it then it's like okay yeah gucci and then goosey and that's the thing i know i think it's just because it's coming from gucci i think people just want like people are crazy they they'll buy anything if they know it's coming from the gucci [ __ ] warehouse you know what i mean like if gucci's making it doesn't matter what it is what it says on the shirt i'm paying a lot of money for this show right that's why i said that well the the shirt that literally like everyone has like everyone has the same thing yeah though that but that one though the one that's inspired by that it's like it doesn't say the why it says geocci it's spelled correctly but like the entire like logo shirt that has that every influencer has been seen in yeah sold out everywhere i sold a lot of them okay get your card baby get that commission that one was inspired by uh our creative director went to a flea market and found fake gucci shirts and that was the design of them and he goes okay like i'm gonna make it oh my god because those aren't trademarked can we reach out to the shorecast i would cry my eyes out if we got them i think about this all the time i wish i would kill you i wish we were i wish we were trying to we were we were in the same time frame as them because i feel like we would have crossed paths at some point that collab would be insane it would have been [ __ ] crazy i literally idolized snooki you know that i'm like obsessed with her kids like she's living like my dreams i would pay money to see you with that i've never seen jersey shore until the last like a few months oh yeah right i made you watch it you're like all right is this just they were mine they were my they were mine they remind me of home yeah they remind me of me and my cousins like literally once again it's just like a family home thing like it's just it's comfort i don't know yeah like a relatability thing but like imagine if like david was doing his thing at the time of jersey shore doing their thing oh my god and we could like party together just imagine both of us both of our groups in that [ __ ] jersey shorehouse imagine todd and ronnie getting in a fight oh my god because that was that was totally dude like that dude they would have clashed they would have clashed a hundred [ __ ] percent they would have been in fights every [ __ ] dude that would have been in you guys would be best friends with paulie no that's what i'm saying yeah okay hear me out it's not impossible they're very into social media i know like snooki and jenny especially they're on youtube that's what they're doing they have their own little like company on the side but they're doing youtube like paulie and vinnie they have like their show and stuff like that they're all doing their thing and everybody else has a family or they're not in the spotlight anymore but i feel like nicole and jenny are very possible reachable yes yeah that would actually be like i could just imagine them in those series you're just sitting here just bouncing them on your lap while they're where are you just sitting there like the most high budget set for a daycare i've ever seen in my life what we're doing right now is we're manifesting it we're like hey this is gonna happen speak it into existence the secret baby you gotta [ __ ] focus well do you create a mood board it'll happen exactly i'm always like astounded by like the actual old generations that somehow have an overlap with today's generations like with tick-tock and like all the things that are happening now like did you hear about kelly osbourne is that real i saw a paparazzi picture of kelly osbourne and what it looked like with griffin johnson the tick tocker i i could not i could not believe it it's so funny because like when when people like i guess when i say the name or me and mariah think about it it's like griffin johnson should be like who i'll be like nurse by day eboy by night oh because i didn't know until he said that i was like oh god i got it yeah [ __ ] boyfriend right right name former friend of noah beckham come on but also still filming with noah oh with the [ __ ] drama baby we want to bring that [ __ ] here that's what we want to do we want to bring that i want both of them right here i do duke it out or if they're friends [ __ ] let's talk about it you know what i'm saying go apart we got to bring i want to get to the bottom unravel it baby this is unfiltered we're [ __ ] season two we are not holding back baby bringing the biggest asses on that right exactly we are bringing nurses we are bringing e-boys we are bringing buff boy we are bringing scandalous people we are bringing controversial people wait what's the show that griffin and dixie were on oh my god it was a nurse show he like still was a nurse i got to talk to dixie about that i got to talk to dixie about that show that was crazy we're just loki jealous we didn't get a shot like literally that's all it is i know we've been because we've been working so we just wanted we just want to be on something and it's just not we're we're just pissed our [ __ ] vampire end of the world show didn't take off that we [ __ ] filmed the filing for oh my god we are so bitter we are bitter and i'm fine with it i i'm a better person hey as long as we [ __ ] own it as long as we know ourselves it is what it is it is what it is no it would be cool to have them anyway we're worried yeah so kelly osborne right yeah so uh apparently griffin the guy nurse by day eboy by night is seeing kellyanne yeah dude i heard they were caught [ __ ] in the back of delilah they know you're okay okay so they were spotted the pictures that you guys probably saw were in la they were at craig's restaurant on uh last wednesday and they're real crazy i it must be good no no craigslist is like a high-end like mobster fancy type of player you're not bringing you're you're going there for business or you're going there for [ __ ] it's one of those and i think it was the [ __ ] because what business does griffin johnson and kelly osborne got going on you go to catch some advertiser and sick well i mean if he's an e-boy like he's probably into like old rock and roll i don't think he's like e-boy i think i think he's a pretty boy yeah he's a pretty boy you think he's pretty he's a pretty boy he's stunning i'm not pretty good it's crazy that was great i don't know he doesn't even have to i don't know how to talk i'm so educated it's crazy how accessible these tick talkers are to actual traditional celebrities yeah it's insane it is it's like because we never like i feel like i mean out of everybody i've ever known i feel like david has been the closest to actual just interaction with autumn just so sorry eliza yeah yeah eliza like elizabeth it's like these tick tockers their group every single one of them is like paparazzi you know and i think i think paparazzi was the reason why they were able to hit traditional so quick right because you guys didn't have that youtubers they don't we don't nobody likes paparazzi honestly it sucks i will say thank god we didn't get paparazzi when we were things would be so different i think we would be done we literally would not be here today you forget what paparazzi how it works you have to [ __ ] call paparazzi no no if you go to saddle ranch you're getting [ __ ] paparazzi because they were called there you don't think paparazzi shows up because they know that they're people yeah no people people definitely know like yeah nobody's calling paparazzi to justin bieber's house right now every day so when he walks i said get the [ __ ] out of my face i went to the airport i've seen people being called a paparazzi at park i know i know it's it's a thing it's it's like people people definitely call it on their self but like people that don't is what i'm saying like i think as of right now people like paparazzi just knows to go to saddle yeah but i think in the beginning they were called but now they know it's like a really good thing to like show up every night but yeah ever like weekends thursdays maybe right it's like they they just know but when they show up to places that don't make sense they were called yeah yeah paparazzi people they're they're not asking interesting questions every time i watch a paparazzi video and they're asking these tick talkers questions i'm just like ask better [ __ ] questions with our first so peanut butter or jelly on the sandwich what's your favorite part just reassess take a step back think about write it do a little notepad of what you're going to ask before you come up and then ask these questions these paparazzi just know it's going to do well either way i actually found out that the paparazzi who does uh i think i don't know if it's holiday effects i don't know but he he records from his phone and uploads straight to the youtube app he doesn't edit or anything just boom boom anything it's almost like jason smells like jason oh yeah boom no edit just leave my [ __ ] nuts out [ __ ] it [ __ ] [ __ ] i didn't see a shred of paparazzi the first five years were out here and now it's just like everywhere we go we just see them just in all these places and it's like zayn i think i think what it is is like when we started we weren't taken seriously it was like youtubers [ __ ] viners it was just like no one's taken seriously right now no it's tick-tockers are taking care of talkers seriously tick tocks are not taken seriously right now they're the big dogs seriously but they're booking jobs right doesn't mean they i'm not talking about charlie and addison these are completely i'm not talking about dude i'm talking about literally 95 percent of tick tock right now no i mean 95 of like people who post on youtube aren't taken seriously but like the i think right now the biggest tick-tockers are taken way more seriously than the biggest viners were that's why i think vine was a different app vine people followed people like creators on vine because they were like i know if i follow this person i will get a quick laugh i know i'm just like i don't give a [ __ ] who they are you could be whoever i know if i follow you i'm gonna see a skit something funny and i'll just go through my feed and i'm gonna laugh people now follow people on tick tock because it's like i think they're hot i have a crush i think it's like it's it's a more it's an attraction thing it's it's more attraction based yes surface levels i i literally couldn't tell you like the last funny tick tock that i've seen that's not basically it's totally different yeah but they're not like accidental exactly they're violent what he's saying is it's different now it used to be about more entertainment now it's about your surface level it's about like a lot of tick talkers they have a lot of talent i know that can like sing or dance but they don't use that they're just like very good looking and it works for them which is crazy like people people on vine didn't follow us because what the [ __ ] we look like you know what i mean it was like right right so it's like they they followed us on vine because they're like i'm gonna see something funny which we we hoped to provide but they're like i'm not gonna follow on instagram i don't get i don't care to see a picture of you guys i don't care to see your tweets what you guys have to say like i know if i follow you on vine i'm going to see a funny video yeah and that's just all right and we're not saying one is good and one is bad right it's just different yeah it's 20 20. it's different people are looking for different things now that's the thing too i will say that like just not with i have never downloaded tick-tock i don't i don't have tik-tok i don't follow on instagram anyone that would be described as a tick-tocker it's just like a different market yeah it's a completely different cell like and if i don't have it i'm not fascinating like just like seeing the whole tick tock stuff like i personally don't get it but i'm still fascinated by it right yeah because it is the new wave and i feel like the way youtubers look at viners is how viners look at tick-tockers i agree yeah because i know like we i like i used to look up to a lot of different youtubers that'd be like holy [ __ ] like i would love like kean and jc yeah like i looked at them and i was like holy [ __ ] do you guys like the big dogs he's a real deal and i'm sure like a lot of big youtubers looked at us like oh they're [ __ ] funny yeah they [ __ ] cheated their way into a following because they got six seconds to to make them laugh yeah great we had to make 10 minute videos well but that's the thing that's why i feel like there are parallels with tick tock and vine is because i think a lot of tick talkers that rose to fame very quickly are experiencing the same backlash that you guys experienced right it's always going to be something new just try to discredit anything that you do because they're like it's not that much work it's like what are they doing they're making little dancing videos like why are they getting paid this much yeah people are just pissed off like at all yeah people are going to be pressed regardless of where it is yeah and it's like i just yeah i feel like it's like the way we like we don't get yeah yeah and you just kind of have to adapt to what the new new ages is doing now that's crazy but it is cool go where that money is baby it's it's hot you gotta go get it it is exciting you know every it's so exciting just like everybo i think everybody just needs to lighten up just like let it be who cares that's true okay yeah we should probably wrap it yeah let's rock let's get it okay guys uh we're gonna rap right now season two season two hey season two what so it feels so much better like i'm just gonna say it like you feel so much it feels right it does [Music] all right guys well this is the first episode of season two uh episode 51 we are so [ __ ] excited guys we love you so much thank you so much thank you for tuning in um again make sure to tune in to every episode of ours uh we post on monday's audio version on our the google app the podcast app the spot spotify all that junk and then video we post video form on youtube.com zane and heath every tuesday yep and guys for everybody who listens right now just make sure to check out the video because we we are so excited about our set and we we want to share it with everybody and make sure you can see it exactly um because it it we put a lot of moulad into it so please [ __ ] adds up yeah guys we wanted to put new merch out for this episode but we we we just don't have already yeah it is not falling into our lap and our timeline that much it's all it's our brand right now so we hopefully we'll have it by next episode um so make sure to check out for that which will be a guest episode which would be a guest episode maybe we'll have stars in it we'll do a crop top oh make it look sexy but all right guys thank you again so much for the last season and we are so excited to continue season two with everybody listening and watching right now all right let's do a little bow in come on guys about oh i'm gonna do a curtsy oh wait come on come on we have a wide shot come on come on oh yeah get in here you ready all right kenny can you close this out right now that's all folks yeah yeah
Channel: Zane and Heath: UNFILTERED
Views: 633,722
Rating: 4.9666162 out of 5
Keywords: coffee talk, unfiltered, views, podcast, vlog squad, david dobrik, zane and heath, zane hijazi, heath hussar, vlogger, funny, vlog, natalie, todd, scott, matt king, mariah amato, mariah and matt, carly and erin, celebrity, vs, addison rae, addison, tiktik, tik tok, girlfriend, kenny, paranormal, scary, ghost, haunted, spirit, set, new, season 2, jobs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 59sec (5459 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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