Zane Got Fired Because Of Cardi B - UNFILTERED #49

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how we doing check check check check it's zayn he's spiking oh thank god oh no what does that mean you're just very loud okay you're very loud in that yellow hoodie literally don't care did you guys see what zayn said like it seems like he really doesn't like kenny oh i see so many comments of like whenever kenny makes her faces i was like i don't think kenny right i love it it's so funny i love it i love that we hate each other i wish i could i wish i had a switch where i could turn my accent on i could talk like your mom it's just so funny you mean like how i do it i don't stop though your mom just has such a good i know accent i break out into that accent when i'm uncomfortable really yeah like i'll do it if i'm around strangers more because i'm very because i i can't hold a conversation i'm just like socially awkward you know i'm like socially work with you know socially awkward i go why were you pandering to me when you said socially awkward you're like oh you do the accent all the time all the time hey guys good morning it's monday slash tuesday morning how you doing i hope everyone's doing a good i'm awful accent oh yeah what was that terrible horrible supposed to be tina tina tina tina the talking tummy we were doing crossroads the other night and we called her mom to help us with some of the crosswords and it was the funniest thing she's just so confident about [ __ ] but like it's going nowhere also just when she repeats the question but like as an answer we're like all right the the okay so we got a we got a hint it's uh it's josh pack in a nickelodeon tv show she goes josh peck in a nickelodeon tv show and then we're on to the next four questions and you hear her mumbling tv show tv show we answered it already we answered it peck john john aunt john josh peck mom we already answered it what it what is it drake and john drake and josh all right we got that she goes there you go drake and josh we've been doing a lot of crosswords in this family it's been it's been a lot of fun you love that [ __ ] i don't know i i feel like i learn new things while playing that game it's crazy as you should i think that's what they're for i like it too it's kind of like a little brain teaser but you're learning at the same time really good you're really getting just words i just i play with you and you get all the answers i pretend i'm doing it yeah i love playing with you because any time i say something you go oh my god it fits that's probably it and i'm like no is that i'm really not sure i'm putting it i'm just gonna put it and then every other word that interacts with that word is just screwed because it's probably wrong so far off yeah he'll make it make sense in his head it's always wrong if it's the hint was beauty i put salon didn't think twice about it not beauty and the beast pretty pretty like any nothing just salon salon that fits so that's the answer beauty blender but we respect the confidence very good that's right let's roll through that intro baby it's coffee tall bit are you really going to do with that uh uh running back running back my [ __ ] show all right let's get started it's coffee talk baby it's coffee tall baby [Music] well welcome back to zany heat thank you guys so much for tuning in i'm your host keith i give you that word i'm saying what's that he said i can't believe that worked like zayn just looked at you like well go ahead and you're just like all right welcome back to this well you got 2011 leafy y'all twins you heard it here first yes right that's when like twin telepathy to level with you when i'm thinking of something [ __ ] it i'm saying hijazi i'm the host of the show and that's youth and we have mariah and kenny in the back hey y'all hi godzilla do you guys have drinks no oh this is a drunk podcast you guys didn't get the email no is it the chain sipping on the same candle is it a drunk episode shirt i don't know i think it's a drunk episode every episode for us well you got a point there all right well i kind of liked what we were talking about earlier about the uh the praying stuff i thought that was really interesting oh great what praying stuff the stuff that was singing have you ever prayed do i believe god exists yes do very good i can't take myself i can't take pranks seriously i don't know why like sitting there and closing my eyes and praying i'm not believing it in my head so i feel like it's not really praying oh like it doesn't count yeah and um i'm i'm i'm right now i'm talking about praying like when you go to church and then you pray you like go on your knees and pray i also would have to pray when i lived with my dad um you have to pray like three times a day yeah it's a whole like uh what's the word process not a process like when you pray like at church when you pray you pray and then boom but in the muslim culture you pray it's like you stand up and then you bend and then you stand back up again and then you go on the floor it's a routine correct [ __ ] i just probably sound like an idiot to the to my arab brothers and sisters watching there's like what a [ __ ] disgrace um we like kneel down i think we like touch our heads there's there's terms for it and i just don't right know it but that's okay you don't practice yeah you don't have to feel bad about it yeah so i would i would pray only because i was being watched or like i was told to pray but i never actually sat there and like like watched connected with god yeah i don't know i don't know what it is obligated praying yeah but i believe in god i i love god i love everything god does for me everybody's timing is different i feel like you're very connected to god i try to be yeah do you like pray do you pray here and there i pray when i remember too okay twice a day like once a week twice a week that's that's more than i thought yeah i was gonna say that's the thing is like you feel like in your you know traditionally in your culture you pray a certain amount of times a day but there's i think a point where it might lose meaning where you don't feel as like connected to your god or your idea of god so it would lessen the meaning if you just prayed less maybe you would feel more connected with god because every single time you pray you feel very connected to him you know what i mean i assume welcome back to jesus christ on filter you know what i think you need to be praying right now this fashion choice what's going on with your hat and your hood uh like that i just that was fine oh okay and i'm glad i put my two cents in with how i would pray yeah i don't know i felt does that make me a shitty person would only pray because that's not how it works i felt like a shitty person when i was younger i wasn't like super into it yeah but like i was like greedy with my prayer like i was well that's any kid yeah like you only pray if you want something right results i remember when i was younger i i was in elementary school and there was something about this college prepaid thing where your parents start saving up when you're a child so that by the time you get to like college they have like the funds to be able to put you into school load a prepaid you could win and they would pay for your entire college off of some competition i don't remember like what it was but it was kind of like a raffle type thing and i remember being in the shower and i just got down and i started praying i was like please god please pray for my like uh uh please pay for my college when i'm older so my parents don't have to save money and they they don't have to worry about that so i could just like i could go to college like i really want to win this and i remember just like that was the first time i was just like give me free college well like it was also like i didn't want my parents to pay for it or whatever but it was just like i like how you because i was gonna be i was like did you want him to make you win this competition or did you want him to actually pay for your college yeah like i just brought money a check just going to the right college but god it's good that you don't have to ask god anymore you just ask david and he'll most likely do it for you which is pretty similar yeah right no but he's our guy it's okay to ask for things that you want that sound like ridiculous but god what i learned is that he will always give you not i don't want to explain this he won't give you what you want he'll give you the tools to get there the tools to get there or he'll give you what you need like i remember praying for things like especially living out here like please just like let me have this like i just need this to get like ahead in my career like i just need this and he wouldn't give that to me but he would give me either the tools or something better than i could have ever imagined create a tick tock for you right like you kind of gotta look back at the big picture and be like oh i asked for this i don't have it but i have something so much better than i could have imagined so like that's that's kind of what i do right now i don't like ask for a specific thing yeah i ask for like the tools and the help and you know what if you're gonna if you're gonna be asking god for things you better be thanking him too right you know don't be asking and then when you get it right now thank you pray when you're struggling and pray when you're succeeding oh my god i'm religious maybe i can pray three times a week i don't know book is an appointment sunday sunday morning an appointment with an appointment hey we want to see the big guy upstairs can you make that happen could you rent out the church he is my god we went through some [ __ ] this week what [ __ ] some shaky [ __ ] oh so psyche [ __ ] that was crazy well i i didn't think it was crazy guys i didn't even feel it what's crazy is we were supposed to record the podcast yesterday so it would have happened live on the podcast people are listening like what what we had an earthquake that was probably the craziest one ever i've ever explained so much it's so funny but like this one this one was actually different yeah i wish i felt it i didn't feel it that's what it's funny because it happened to the three of us meme heath and mariah like i was wondering i was like i wonder what zane felt like what was his because he left like early so i just being in such a i don't know i don't know how it varies so much based on your location because like we weren't that far from one another yeah the thing is that where i was there was loud music i wasn't at a party that was out of france but the music was loud and i think the music being loud made me not like feel the earthquake well we were watching a movie yeah and it started like rattling and i was like whoa the sub on this is kicking because it was like like we looked at each other we're like this is really kicking yeah the vibrations of but it was weird because it wasn't like anything i've ever felt before normally it's just like kind of like a a rattling and the windows will like go but this one felt like the like there was like a cartoon earthquake like right the floor was going like completely all over the place under you and your bottom half was going i would but you were like was it was it scarier than any other earthquake we felt like that was that one kind of freaked me out this was my first one i felt oh that was your first one yeah i'm sorry that's okay that's why i was like i think that's not what she woke up to like an aftermath of the rattling before but this was like from start to finish like no i i never felt it i woke up to just the window sounding and i mean that was rattling but i'm saying this is my first felt earthquake like i've never felt the ground moving i've never felt that see this one it was my third technically and i feel like the second one i experienced here it was that one the one that you're talking about and i felt violent shaking but this third one felt like my first one which was in uh the bay area in berkeley but i was on the third floor of an apartment and it just felt like it was swaying it literally felt like the the ground underneath me whatever i was standing on just felt like it was based like on a watery ocean and that's what this one felt like i feel like for all of us it kind of felt like this weird swayey fluid type of like uncertainty very weird it seemed like the worst place yeah right yeah people people's stories like people were posting stories last night and everybody that was in an apartment were freaking out because they really felt like they they like i remember the stories they were just so scared like what if you're in a hotel room top floor or something well we we're the first year we moved here we we actually felt we were on the top floor that was the fourth floor though yeah it wasn't like two too high i mean imagine being like 15 stars like it's because you feel that like oh my god after the after shift back and forth oh my god god oh richter that was a what a four point four eight eight it's pretty decent um the the bigger one that happened back in 2019 was a seven yeah something um we are so overdue for that big one we talk about it all the time but like we're just you know we're laughing we're living out here we're loving it and it's gonna hit us and we're gonna be [ __ ] but the thing is you gotta look at it like it's gonna happen one day but you can't like not live here and not live your life because it's such a weird thing to think about i know but i don't think we realize how rocked we're gonna get how like devastating i don't think it'll be worth it the the years that we've i mean like i wouldn't live on the side of a cliff in malibu like right over the ocean that could like fall off earthquakes like tend to like also cause like tsunamis yes oh oh do tsunamis are actually that's what i'm scared of too i'm scared of flying and tsunamis well the tsunami it isn't going to affect us here you don't know have you seen 2012 the movie you've seen that fictional movie right [ __ ] that [ __ ] took out the whole country y'all seeing the day after tomorrow you guys are underestimating how big based off of true events that have may not have happened yet you know what i mean and all the sea monsters that we see like the kraken sea monster sea monster stop i have ptsd that was one of zane's answers for the crossword that we ne we didn't agree with the hint was kraken and sea monster fit it was you tell me tell me what else it was it was cracking for one why would they just not put crack because it's one sea monster one monster kraken for one kraken comma for one it was what else do you think is kraken what else is kraken okay what's cracking n what's crack-a-lackin no kraken is c-r-a-c-k-i that's not how you spell it it's k-r-a-k-e-n no it's not yes i did i just fact checked it no you did it does oh my god you want me to look at the liquor or the monster kenny when someone says what's cracking hey what's crow you're talking about that context i'm talking about the sea monster i thought you were saying in that context it's not that context for one kraken four one right four one isn't like oh wait i don't get it what's up wait i don't i don't i don't get what's going on so the hint was cracking like all we got was kraken comma for one i put sea monster because it made sense it was the first thing he thought of and it fit and and in his track record that's not always the correct answer no track record was the right answer until just a second we were skeptical that it was the right answer because so many of the other words that we thought other things were fit perfectly but it just it was made difficult by the sea monster that was on the board it's because they don't know what kraken is and you know it's okay um it's okay baby he drinks his rum that was actually the first the kraken was the first roller coaster that i've ever been on in sea world so i'm i know about how many meats that might be my first roller coaster too it was a good one whoa we have so much in common i love you come here before we continue we have a brief word from our sponsor today's episode is brought to you by liquidity it's my favorite pattern for my water guys liquid iv is something that i literally have every single morning now it just feels so nice i feel like i get a refreshing start to my day yeah i i personally don't like drinking water that much so when i do i know that if i drink water with a liquid iv in it i'm getting three times the amount of water that i'm normally getting yeah it's three three times the hydration hydra it's a normal glass of water it's so good which is so nice and especially because i just like the taste of it i usually go for the acai berry one and it's just it's just really really refreshing to drink yeah it's like my favorite hangover drink oh 100 because i i drink it the night before before i drink and i drink it after i drink you know like you 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nationwide at costco and target or you can get 25 off when you go to and use code unfiltered at checkout that's 25 off anything you order when you use promo code unfiltered at so if you drink too much like zayn and i want to stay hydrated cure your hangover or if you feel like you're just not drinking enough water throughout the day you want to get your optimal hydration go to liquid and use promo code unfiltered that'd make us really happy because it's literally our favorite thing to drink and it'll make your body happy yeah anyway speaking of shaking things up uh with that earthquake i love kenny's little i'm like all right there's too much sexual tension carol baskin was on dancing with the stars it was a topic that we didn't cover a couple weeks ago because we got off topic but i feel the need to bring it up again because did you see the actual advertisement that aired like during the premiere episode no i knew i knew there was something it was gonna happen oh wait like you're talking about like on the show or there's a show and then a commercial yeah oh like just like any just a commercial yeah or a show was like we'll be right back had nothing to do with the show it was just in this well it would not necessarily so they go we'll be right back okay and this commercial comes up i'm gail one of don lewis's daughters we are a real family and to us he was daddy i'm linda one of don lewis's daughters and we miss our dad i'm donna i'm don lewis's oldest daughter we need to know what happened to our father i'm anne don's former god all we're asking is justice for dawn lewis mysteriously disappeared in 1997. his family deserves answers they deserve justice do you know who did this or if carol baskin was involved the hundred thousand dollar reward has been funded you can call the tip line at justice for don lewis thank you holy [ __ ] so they paid for that spot to go up knowing that they know that what station was this on was the the show on nbc right abc right so they abc okayed that commercial to play over as they should have knowing people would be talking about it you know like that's so shitty for them to be like so sweet and like oh carol basket oh we love you like welcome to our show and then but we're going to air this though because they pay money i know but like i'm just surprised that they would do that to her and i'm not taking sides i'm just saying i'm just surprised that they allowed that but they got it you got to think about people will do anything for these views like tv is dying out they're like people will tune in if they see that this is a commercial on dancing with the stars they're going through that's what people are going to talk about like exactly what exactly what we're doing you know if you don't care my favorite part about that was when when when donna came in she goes i'm donna the oldest child and i just expect her to be like and ironically the most attractive oh yeah because she was like a little cougar she was gorgeous she was ready for camera though of donna that's so awkward though like that's crazy like that's a bold move and i mean honestly like i respect it i mean it's kind of a mic drop but but you know what like what happened to their dad like imagine like imagine it was you and your sisters and like your [ __ ] dad's gone yeah you know so i get it and you gotta respect that they're just doing what they can to kind of just you know you know because you forget clearly they think that she had something to do with it clearly and it's crazy like as a viewer as like someone who watched tiger king when you see something like that you don't take it seriously unfortunately because they were on this crazy [ __ ] show that nobody just everybody just i felt like laughed at like people didn't really take it seriously so now when something actual series has like come from this nobody thinks and at the same time you don't have [ __ ] carol baskin on dancing with the stars like if it's not a ploy for raiding that's so like that is what their views are they wanted to put that commercial on any other network it's because they know that there are some people who are watching dance with the stars because carol basketball is on it so they know the story right so they know that like that's gonna resonate i wouldn't be surprised if the advert if they gave her if they gave them a discount they'll be like normally we charge a hundred grand for this spot but for you we'll give it to you for like something because it was like it was just good content yeah it's gonna it's gonna be it did like seeing that it didn't look like a very good like oh no like a high it honestly seemed like a commercial that would air in florida after like 2 a.m yeah i mean like i'm robert penstershy like a local like car dealership yeah yeah exactly one of those but they were like we don't care we know that it's gonna it's gonna cause attention to be drawn to our premiere so let it be you know you know the two guys that have proved that [ __ ] they he he tapped the other guy he goes yo look what we just got look what we just got we're about to blow up they saw it they saw it come and they're like okay we got this commercial this commercial all right give it like drop it right now well uh that's not the only thing that a lot of attention has been drawn to as of late it wasn't just the the dancing with the stars premiere it was your whopped music good segue kenny yes it was um let's be real it just hit 4 million views you've been trending yeah i did a lot better than i expected honestly i like i thought it was like i mean it was a little cringy but it was supposed to be cringy because i don't sing but um it did better than i thought and a lot of you guys liked it a few of you didn't a lot of people liked it a lot of people didn't though so like it like obviously it went to everybody that liked it you know it was on trending for a couple days so it started getting to uh a group like a big group of people it went viral ladies yeah it went it started going to the people that just hated it and i got swarmed with court retweets of people hating it i got the funniest responses just really just funny and it was like a lot of hate but like i was very surprised that i wasn't taking it to heart like i wasn't going through i'm just like oh my god what my life well i mean like but it wasn't something you were like super passionate like if it was something that you like really cared about like you put your heart and soul like into coming out with this song released it and then it was like people ripping you i feel like that would have happened that's true like it was like it was a joke it was my 200th video i would be really bummed out yeah you're right if it was my 20th video i'd be really bummed out but we did it quick so but i do want to reach some of the courtrooms that i got because it was really funny but this is like what happens when stuff starts trending it's like when you're when you like when it's your audience it's like your audience understands like the joke they get it but once yeah exactly a lot of people didn't even didn't know who i was who anybody in the video were so they just thought they took it very seriously i feel like that's why people get paid imagine imagine being that outsider not knowing anything and seeing it you'd be like you you would be like what the [ __ ] is this i would i personally would be like what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] um oh yeah i'm gonna read some of them oh my god i love this so these are quote retweets of people and like these these tweets have like you know attention you deserve life sentence for this oh oh go back to the drawing board bud thanks i hate it i like that one unseasoned tasteless unnecessary dish disrespectful to cardi b and megan what the hell is this [ __ ] welcome back to zayn and heath unseasoned yeah oh it's the vine reject squad so they do it oh that's a good one yeah burnt out viners are such unfunny people unfunny zayna heath unfunny die simple nobody wanted this i literally hate this community of people so much this is the ugly [ __ ] i've ever seen oh my goodness [Laughter] why do men in madison beer ruin everything who is sitting behind the computer like i have to say something i have to say something this is important this is my call to action that was so random to me madison beer was just thrown in there and then the final one is someone uh typed in the search bar zane should make a wad ballad and the results were no results for searching because no one ever said that that's creative that's funny yeah oh this this is one more this is my favorite not funny i didn't laugh not a chuckle not a hehe not even a subtle burst of air out of my oh esophageals i was out of my own esophagus that's how they spelled it that was me that was me giving a little jab back at them they made a typo see we're gonna throw it back at you if you come at us right oh one more year 30. facts if we're rounding up yes but i just thought it was really funny it's funny like what people get up in arms about like what they are really that invested in when they're just like seeing something in passing yeah you know what if they don't know me then fine you know it's fine like let me let me ask you so if you saw oh my god a random group of 30 year olds oh no why why do we have to be 30. we don't look we don't look or act like we're 30. come on come on give me a break throw me a bone you're not there yet who came up with like the the scent like the the whole years thing you know who came up with 30. you know who invented that who invented [ __ ] days and years maybe we're not 30. we're just [ __ ] which little baby you could be whatever age you want to be i think so too i agree well they're not the only ones that had a problem with the video though there was a 30 year old toaster there was a brand that wasn't too fond of yeah i um i've been getting some deals here and there for my main channel but i haven't posted anything so i've been like denying all these deals and i finally got like a really good deal on my main channel and i was like okay like this is good like i'll i'll take the deal i'm gonna i'm gonna start posting again and then i'll do the video with that deal you know just so it's like i'm back on track and i lost it completely lost it because of this song of the video that you put up because of why wap because of the watt video like they didn't want to associate they didn't want it because of what it yeah it's funny because like they probably i feel like on paper they were probably like oh my god his most recent video is trending it is getting so many views let's get him let's get him real quick and then they see it and they're like oh we're not gonna be able to do it that's fine because my dad texted me i think it was yesterday he goes did zayn come up with that song oh my goodness oh my god he thought i wrote it and i was like i was like no it was a cover he goes oh that's a real song i can't imagine boy am i out of time that's [ __ ] i was like yeah it's a cover song like that's a real song and he just like sang the words to it he was like got it what if what if he was like did zayn come up with the song because it's gorgeous this is beautiful it was so heartfelt and like soulful dana was saying it's crazy that your version i can actually hear the words uh unlike the cardi one because it's you know really fast you but then yeah you were enunciating hitting it okay right right yeah that was me yeah that was me you know losing jobs and [ __ ] baby but baby when another one ones are closes with one brand another one opens and someone reached out to you recently yup i got a little a bit of an opportunity okay there we go wait wait wait wait god doesn't give you what you want he gives you what you need exactly which is a opportunity oh my god you got a burger king deal no no no no that's why oh my god wow i'm right after travis scott that would have been so good it was really that's not a bad like concept burger king hit us up it was your idea burger king hit us up opportunity that travis scott trend where people pull up to the drive through and they're like you know why i'm here and all the workers are like pull forward please [Laughter] i got you and then they play the songs it's so good so good um so i i get a dm on my uh and through my instas uh i see i see the dm it says would you be interested in modeling for a clothing brian i was like oh okay they think i'm like this attractive person you know and they want to model for their clothes that's great i go to their uh their masks i go to their their site their company is called ugly all right no well do you get offended at this point or is it like uh do i say thank you do i politely decline what do i do here wait what do the clothes look like ugly but you know real recognize real that's okay the one time i modeled for a clothing line and i tell people all the time i'm like i'm not photogenic yeah you are you i'm not photogenic okay i'm gonna admit it i am the least i'm very bad at taking pictures i just don't look good in pictures and this just solidified it for me i modeled for like a clothing company and they posted everybody but me no no and i looked at the pictures and like they were bad i looked horrible do you have the pictures yeah i looked back like they like they were work they tried spending so much time on my hair because they couldn't figure out what to do with it and then it was like a mess and like i just don't i just don't have a good look bubba you're i think you're gorgeous thank you you're beautiful oh my god when i was on the set of your wob music video the camera person going around being like does anybody want some pictures i'm like i'm already concerned with the pictures that are going to come out about this truth be told i saw all the pictures that came from it and i was like oh no i look so strange like people people literally inbox me and they were like ha ha saw you were in the wab videos so funny and then they put these like pictures of me zoomed in like ultra zoomed in and they were like what the [ __ ] am i doing here i should not be here where's the camera i'm like [Music] before we continue we want to give a big thank you to our sponsor for this episode ernest you want to kick it off to me baby go ahead tell them what earnest is now's the time to get your student loan payments under control you could be saving by refinancing your student loans with earnest if you've been making the same monthly payment on your student loans for the last couple years odds are you could reduce your payment and save money by refinancing with earnest even if you've refinanced before with today's low rate environment most people could save by refinancing again and what a lot of people don't realize is when you refinance something whether it be a student loan or a car it's going to boost your credit score because 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so okay look over here well there you go so i know zayn's family came out to visit and hidayah was seen on the podcast couch but she is gonna come visit on season two and be one of the guests yes and i need to i need to see if she can i need to ask daddy a mommy if that's okay but we'll make we'll try to make her work she needs to be she needs to be here she needs to be she looked so at home in that picture you posted on your story she was like on the couch she was cozy i know she had so much fun i know she uh so my brother his fiancee italia and hidayah my little sister came out here for a week and it flew by it flew it goes so quick when family comes out yeah yeah it's crazy yeah and i felt bad we didn't like do mo we went to uh we went to montecito for jason because jason rented that house in marseille which was beautiful it just felt like a nice getaway because it felt like we for a second it felt like things were back to normal yeah but it was it was just us too like right it was just like a couple close friends like in our group but it just felt like everybody seemed so chill and so relaxed and like having your family out here it just felt like yeah i don't know it just felt like normal yeah which is really nice it felt really normal for me because i see like you know i go home a lot so them being out here was no different to me it was maybe it just felt homey maybe it wasn't normal and just seeing like familiar faces like from back home it just felt like like just felt like florida i know and hidayah she just like she just fits here you know i was just gonna say like i've this is my first time meeting her yeah and what do you think she's amazing she's literally amazing i it's funny because before it's like i see all the comments on the videos and it's like bring his eye on we want her as a guest we want this one we want that and i'm like i know she's like been a staple in your video but i haven't seen all of your videos yeah like that so it's like i don't know her personally and just meeting her she's actually an incredible person she's so mature for her age like i was nowhere near as mature as her when i was her age like at all yeah i definitely wasn't either no sure like her and i had conversations like long deep about taxes and mortgages like i feel like she grew up really quick because like i feel like four years ago it was like she was still like a kid but then grew up like that it was like within a year where i felt like she was just 26 years old like mentally she's so like logical she's just so smart and funny and she's she's a natural yeah she's willing to do whatever too like she's down to do whatever she'll help you with whatever you need to help with like she's very like motivating to other people yeah i think she needs to did she ever get into herself what did she have a good time yeah yeah i she didn't want to go it was sad do you think she's gonna move out here um i would love for her to move out here i feel like because right now she's she's in school for psychology and the classes she's taking she it's just really hard for her and she just doesn't feel like she's going to get to where she wants but it's online right it's online yeah but she still she went to school while she was here yeah she had to do her zoom classes yeah she yeah i wish i could just have her like come work for me because you know just make it more make the most sense and like i i don't want to hi like because i i would love an assistant someone to be in my videos she and she you know she she's in all my videos already so like i just feel like it makes sense but can you get ready for all those emails it just here we go i heard zayn mentioned that he's looking for an assistant it just it just it just sucks that we can't make that happen because like my dad and my son mom you know i'm sure they don't want her to leave so it's just harder just like mariah was saying though it's like she just she i feel like she's just the type of person where she has like the mental capacity to kind of be like a natural anywhere like she is just very self-aware like there was there's just a self-awareness that i didn't have at her age and open-minded she's very open-minded and very like i don't know yeah i panicked because everybody looked at me and they were listening and all of you guys are listening and i don't want to die would never do that right and she's just like a personality she's so funny yeah she's very quick with things and very witty and and she has thick skin yeah she's a very [ __ ] about what anybody has to say about her she does not care she's very self-aware and knows who she is and is very confident in who she is mm-hmm thank you guys hidayah i hope you're not about you we're not talking about you yeah but you go to her and you're like connected to me by blood it's true we just we talked about you on the podcast like i hope you hurt i don't listen to that [ __ ] [Laughter] she's so honest she is so honest i think she listens she listens to some episodes but but we will have her in season two unfortunately be quicker with that fortunately we will have her on season two unfortunately no fortunately we couldn't have her on this one because the timing didn't work out because we're not doing guests yet yeah we will we have some very juicy very meaty guests that we don't have on here so you guys be prepared for that and a lot of new things too we're just very excited it's gonna be it's gonna be real nice one hell of a season season one's gonna be but y'all wait for season three oh my god we haven't even finished live audience moving cameras drones drones we are highly produced here like we have a lot of stuff on set um but yeah it is exciting seeing people be like oh my god i wanted to like say something as you guys were talking because it felt like i was like with you guys in the conversation like that to me is like the most important thing well now you can because we have an unfiltered hotline the amount of people that call in like are you guys yes this is this is amazing and they always some of them just call in and they're like there was this one thing that resonated with the last podcast and i just had to call in and i had to like chime in and they had to give their like joke or their little one-liner because they just feel so attached to what happens like a podcast yeah that's the best comment that's cute we be getting some really good kenny baby let's answer some questions i was gonna say might as well it would be interesting i forget if i said this already but it would be so interesting if one of the guests were like a stranger that we came across that day like earlier in the day we just go out go to a restaurant go somewhere and ask somebody like we have a podcast would you want to be on it and just like ask them questions and see if they just have like a crazy life story the homeless guy we met yeah i'd love to have him right people i mean people still comment about him we haven't seen him guys by the way that was the last time we saw him yeah jerry yeah this guy i hope he's doing all right all right so we got some good questions um i'm gonna play one now for you guys thank you babe this is calling copy this it's it's it's calling coffee talk baby it's calling coffee talk baby run that first question hey unfiltered this is denise calling from california not too far from you guys so i actually met mariah heath one day at a goodwill and all i could say was hey you're awesome and walked away because i was so nervous i was just wondering what your ideal me with a um sound would be if you would like to take a picture just a quick talk and that's for all of you guys thank you i remember her at the goodwill do you yeah because and it's so funny that she asked that question because she did come up and say something really quick and leave and like me and heath were like that was kind of cute like that was kind of fun just like really cute there is no like ideal like what we want the fans to act like if they see us in public like there is no like do this and like that would be weird if we were telling people what to do um but i do like the people who are like super casual with it like hey what's going on heath how you doing yeah hey what's up bro like to me i get like i get i get really excited about that it sounds it almost sounds like you know them the right person which makes it more i feel right which a lot of people feel like they they are with us because they know so much about us yeah so it's like they they see us all the time and they're just like they feel connected so it's kind of cool it's just like hey what's up he hey what's going on brother how are you doing good to see you like and it it feels like really nice too because it makes both parties comfortable yeah right yeah yeah i was gonna say because there's there are times i feel like when i've been around you where it's like somebody be like wait are you no oh my god no and then they're talking to their friends are you are wait no you're not i i feel like you're like if you're if you just say like hey heath how's it going whatever it automatically indicates that they know who you are they appreciate your content right it says a lot without saying a lot yeah just being like hey heath how's it going zane oh my god how's it going man like it is and for some reason it makes you light up more for some reason when it's like that right and they're that clear with what they say and i understand people get nervous and people like panic that's totally fine but she asked so yeah like dude that's how i am when people are really quick it makes me want to run after them for some reason right yeah because it's it's because that's what i would do like if i saw someone else that's exactly how i would do it so i feel like oh i want to meet that person because i feel like we're gonna like have a lot of similarities yeah but guys it shouldn't stop you from asking us for pictures or anything we don't want you to feel like all right you guys love stuff you do whatever you want whatever it makes you feel like you whatever you feel like you need to do it just do it and like always keep it just we're super excited to take pictures and like make everybody's experience you guys always take pictures yeah you know don't feel uncomfortable because like that's a big thing a lot of people will be like uh uh can i i'll be like do you want to take a picture yes yes yes yes right yeah and like you always have yeah and when i'm drunk i'll talk to you for hours i don't even know them but like i like i feel safe because i know that they right like they watch myself like they know me there's actually a famous drag queen that has commented about this about like fans approaching them and her name is trixie mattel the drag queen but she's very not like she's not like a huggy person like can i have a hug can i have whatever she's not that but she actually appreciates when people come up to her and they say a specific thing that resonated with them with a person because it gives like a jumping off point to start like an actual conversation it's not just like can i have a photo and then running away it's like oh my god i loved episode 49 where you guys talked about like you know yadda yadda we're almost on episode 49. we we are about to it's this is because this is oh no this is 40. she's 49. this is episode 49. we should we should make like a a code word or something so like from now on if people like have heard this podcast and they see us they'll be like oh my god googly schmoofs or so whatever somebody is definitely gonna say that something special like oh my gosh really off the wall like oh my god googly sh moves if we hear it we're like we'll be like okay i don't know why it was the first thing too late there's already googly wait can we it's unfiltered so it's kind of a story that you've never talked about can we talk about that one girl that you met outside of panda express oh my gosh that is a moment tell me tell me i don't get like weird about fans at all like i'm always super welcoming and i just like i don't know like i appreciate it because if somebody watches me and supports me like i'm always very excited right of course very grateful um but this one was different but this [ __ ] this one was scary but the way heath handled it he was still so nice like there's so many times where heath gets called zayn and he'll just be like oh it's heath but yeah you can take a picture like he's so nice about it i mean the thing is none of us should be offended if like no we're not offended we're not offended right okay but this was one of those moments she comes running up to me she was like oh my god zayn what's up and i was like and i was like i was like i'm not zayn but hi how are you doing she was like i know you're zane and i was like i'm not i'm not zane i'm sorry don't [ __ ] lie to me you got a [ __ ] camera in here and i see your [ __ ] camera you're vlogging you're zayn and i was like telling him was he like was she talking to you like that yes i was like and she looked maybe like 13. like she was oh she's 13. it sounds like this i see your [ __ ] camera i know it's you that's what she said i was like i'm not zayn i'm sorry she was crazy that's nice and like very very aggressive like that i was just like i'm heath but like she like didn't believe him oh still like it didn't click she didn't put two and two together that like oh it's zayn and heath like maybe i just mixed them up like she was like this is zayn this is zane this is aim that was it and heath was like in the picture i was like all right i'm saying well i hope she posted and tagged me so i could say oh my gosh yo zayn was an [ __ ] he kept lying to me purposely knowing that he she thought it was you he just takes his hat off he goes yeah my hair plugs are not coming honestly uh all right all right i believe you [ __ ] that's insane like i don't know what i would do if i was around like if i was around a celebrity that i actually idolized i really genuinely don't know how i would react would you go up to that person he camped out for lady gaga i'm all i'm thinking of you also camped out for rick and morty merch that's true i have different loyalties but like i really think that i think that i would honestly go the whole like the drag queen route i would actually say something specific that i really that really really resonated with me that i was indicative of like why i love them so much you know what i mean like i would just go up to them and just be like hey like i on i genuinely feel like i wouldn't ask for a picture i would not ask for a picture honestly i didn't feel uncomfortable asking yeah i personally wouldn't ask for a picture yeah but i mean that's not to discourage anyone but i me personally i know that like my picture with them is not going to be greater than my experience right and if i can make my experience with them better then that's going to be of more value to me that's all that matters that's what i feel too because if if i like you brought up lady gaga i mean okay so if i was to meet lady gaga like actually if she walked in the door right now if she was to walk in the door right now i would not ask for a picture i would say something specific that was indicative of why i resonate with her so much and just be like thank you so much for talking about mental health in your last music video like it meant a lot to me like i really resonated with it i loved it i appreciated all the messages you were trying to convey and i would just that's literally it like there will be times where like we're at a restaurant or we're just out i think it's a public setting where i like i get overwhelmed and i shut down i'm like a turtle when someone like starts screaming right like they start screaming my name and then every at all head start to turn i want to disappear like that's when like i get completely shut off yeah and um something like that would be would be much appreciated by all parties i feel like all parties would just have a better experience i've started getting really uncomfortable in like public settings me too i used to be like very outgoing i feel like and like talkative demonstrative and now i just feel like i i feel like i've been clamming up especially like if something like that does happen yeah like it's more like uncomfortable feeling yeah i've been feeling more anti-social the older i get which is strange because which is strange that all of us feel this way because we have a podcast and our job is to talk but i feel like we're getting more and more i don't know if we're in our head like i have to say something funny right now i have to say something intelligent right now like i don't know what it is but i'm constantly thinking about like what i'm saying like right now everybody's eyes are on me and i'm like trying not trying so hard to like figure out what to say next and it's just like it overwhelms me it's like it's a really weird feeling i feel that too but i also feel more like i enjoy listening to people like i used to be very like i'm gonna be loud i'm gonna talk and i want people to look at me and it was like it was kind of like an attention thing like in high school yeah yeah in college and even coming out here like in the beginning it was just like being the life of the party being the center of attention like it felt good it felt like rewarding it was fun because like you were you were the one providing the entertainment yeah and now i'm like i'm excited to see and be around other people who are like that because i it intrigues me to be like asking questions like i like i like hearing people i like you're good listener right yeah yeah i i just like as i'm getting older i'm enjoying that more and it's weird because i feel like when my dad was younger he used to be like the cool guy like i feel like he used to be like this jock party guy and now that he's older he doesn't say much at all but when he does talk it's really funny it's to the point and he he's saying what he means but he'll listen like he might not look like he's paying attention to highland gentle giant but you know what i mean you've been around him a lot like his comedic timing is he doesn't talk much but when he says stuff it's like wow like that was that was really good and i don't know i feel like i'm without trying to i'm like becoming that yeah that's good oh my god the first time i was recognized was in catalina oh yeah candy i was so ready to just grab the camera and be like yep i'll take a picture of you and me and mariah and heath and they're like oh my god we recognize kenny first but probably because i'm so tall and like pearls baby but i'm like oh my god oh god oh my god i told your mom i was like oh my god i have oh my god i have to get into this picture now okay like i thought it was james charles at first but then and then we were utterly disappointed when we thought it was kenny but we were like okay it'll do okay he doesn't know how to like talk to like people like that yeah he's just like oh do you want me to be in this picture they're like yes no but it is a very bizarre feeling like i remember like you didn't ask for this i didn't wow we are going on with this question but like i remember like when we started on vine and like the first people that would come up to us and recognize us from vine and wanted oh my god yeah we're like what we're like what do you mean a picture of us yeah and it was like it was us being like damn i want a car wash i remember people were like can you send a video to my granddaughter because it's christmas and she loves you guys we're like so specific wait hold on you want us to send you a video of us saying merry christmas weird it like didn't make sense because it was an odd request right so like like i understand that that's what you're feeling right now but like baby you get used that's funny let's hit question two because i feel like yeah oh yeah we got another question hi my name is aubry and i'm from kentucky and my question is for all of you so i really love your guys's podcast and just sitting down and talking about whatever in the world because i've watched from episode one you know excited for season two but i really missed the once a week videos where you would play like charades so would you guys consider posting those videos again why would you put us on the spot huh along with the podcast love you thanks she says can you do both hi aubry thank you for listening from the beginning we really appreciate that and love you for your support um but it's funny you asked because zayn and i are actually bringing back the bonus videos for season two and gonna be doing a weekly bonus video episode and we'll stick to it hopefully it'll be like a like a zayn heath video um like we used to post yeah uh but just super random out of nowhere like the quarantines and the yeah doing charades stuff like that it's just gonna be a fun bonus video just to keep everybody engaged and having because we post a podcast once a week but like you got to see you got to see other type of content than just podcasting you know what i mean you got to see something you gotta see something juicy so and there's a lot of stuff we would like to do but it's kind of different to put it on one of our channels and it's just like it's more fun when it's the both of us doing a specific activity or whatever it may be it's like a clean slate to us so it's i feel like it's more exciting and we can bring on just more ideas but we do have a couple things that we already have planned and ready to do for these bonus videos so just hang in there they're gonna be coming as soon as we release season two and uh yeah yes sir very good all right let's close this out i feel like we we've been we've been talking too much um we love you guys so much thank you before we close out because people people that are gonna tune out when they hear the outro we have new merch oh yeah new merch for those that have been watching have been seeing zayn in this beautiful pastel yellow hoodie this is gonna be a limited time only unfiltered in the pastel yellow it's got the juice the funny on the arms so if you want to check it out please go to heath uh but all right guys we love you so much thank you for tuning in as always and we will see you next wait hold on there's something we need to talk about uh our series finale yeah oh okay well let's squeeze it in the end baby uh you guys have been waiting for this episode for a very long period of three times it's finally coming a lot of you guys have been emailing me [Music] you guys have been screaming for this episode for the longest time in the world and we finally have it here for next episode the final episode of season one oh my god oh my god mariah tell him what we're doing next season don't tell him what we're doing this is your surprise like guess what it is nope i think the battery just died kenny said not to say it yet we're going to keep it a surprise for next baby literally spongebob because they never give it away
Channel: Zane and Heath: UNFILTERED
Views: 609,154
Rating: 4.9498472 out of 5
Keywords: coffee talk, unfiltered, views, podcast, vlog squad, david dobrik, zane and heath, zane hijazi, heath hussar, vlogger, funny, vlog, natalie, todd, scott, matt king, mariah amato, mariah and matt, carly and erin, celebrity, vs, addison rae, addison, tiktik, tik tok, girlfriend, kenny, justin bieber, drake, popstar, rappers, dj khaled, jb, kourtney kardashian, kuwtk, wap, cardi b, meg thee stallion
Id: mnpBG0fdMyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 40sec (3460 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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