Zane Hijazi // Hoot & a Half with Matt King

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[Music] wow the crossover episode y'all this feels weird i know but it also feels like normal yeah it feels normal now it would have felt weird from the beginning now it feels good no no now it feels normal and it's nice finally getting to sit back with you behind some mics exactly because we sit next to each other all day every day did you fix the uh curtain behind you just we're trying to look professional here yeah only like this is gonna [ __ ] do anything i think this is gonna intensify the the quality of this product i think so so aren't you guys getting a new set for unfiltered yeah we are and it's a [ __ ] [ __ ] i don't wanna i don't wanna get too much into it yeah it's so stressful i don't wanna get into it but it's just a lot of last minute things because normally it takes like a month to get a set but we're trying to get this done in a week and a half yeah so it's you know obviously it's it's not their fault you know we're making them do this really quick but we're kind of like hey if we if we we want to work together you you have to get this on at a certain time because we can't wait another week because we're already missing two episodes we're only supposed to take a week break but now we're taking two right and they still might not think they'll be done is it at keith's house it's a huge house or it's in that room that we have oh so it's the same room you're just redoing the set yeah is it still gonna have like the charm of yeah the first one it's just gonna be like laid out differently is the couch still gonna be there well i'm not gonna give too much detail well i'm not a surprise i miss it it's a surprise it's a surprise well i look forward to it and you were just getting a massage uh chiropractor well you see i don't consider that massage because the massage is nice it's like a deep tissue it's like a deep tissue torture like chamber like obsession can i say zayn i'm so proud of you thank you zane has been on top of his fitness game more than i've ever seen him in his entirety it's awful i'm miserable like i can't i don't i can't eat anything that i like to eat like i i used to eat what i like to eat every [ __ ] day like from morning to night i just eat whatever i want like you yes you eat whatever you want during the day mostly yeah every day every day you you'll walk in with like at 12 p.m on a wednesday with mcdonald's and i'm just like matt what are you doing and matt always goes well zayn you see i can eat it or faster metabolism i have a faster metabolism than you but i can eat mcdonald's every day no no i'm saying you like you can eat whatever you want to the point where you can just you i'll catch you eating mcdonald's right on a monday yeah maybe but you kind of it's like kind of the witching hours yeah like zayn just late at night it's suddenly like oh i just need a little something yeah but you've changed your snacks right like last time i was here you had the new atkins uh protein bar yeah really tasty so good it tastes like a [ __ ] snickers bar it's like it tastes like a play day too yeah i don't even think i've had a payday either but i think it's this similar type of case yeah it's very nutty and the caramel yeah no that's a good it's just a consistency of like a of a chocolate bar right it makes me feel good when i eat it you're working out every day every day with a trainer yeah with two trainers damn i would go with two trainers and not because i'm like i want to work out more it's just one trainer i've been with one trainer for a long time so i don't want to leave him right i have another trainer who's todd's friend from high school he's he's really good and so i just want to i want to work with both does one specialize in like one type of your fitness versus the other no well they specialize in everything but i normally do like weights and arms and chest and all that with one and then i'll do cardio all cardio with another one okay so but there's times where i'll do both in one day and i i'm just dying i'm dead did you do sports when you were younger uh when i was little when i was like like like playing soccer but like i always do work i was the worst what game pop warner is that not a national thing what's up pop warner oh i thought that's like peewee sports like that's like the name for it oh really that was like the league yeah i think i don't know i never played it but like that's always what you heard about growing up baseball oh you they had another word for it um when i played soccer it was uh maybe it's a new jersey thing i don't know like lil pals or some [ __ ] like that yeah it was like yeah they like i guess they branded it a little bit i don't know something like that but it was for young kids what was your team name i don't [ __ ] know that the team name changed every year i was on the eagles for soccer and then i was on the diamondbacks for baseball and then the devil raised another year but i didn't play for my high school i played for like the side like like the park like the [ __ ] that's important the like do you want to get it yeah you can take it live you can take the phone call hello okay and we're back you all try to talk more into them i get they're not super sensitive but no you're good you're good yeah i thought you knew these kind of things yeah this is this your first time on a podcast i saw you guys like talking like over here so i was like oh i think i can talk far away too well we'll see how it comes out sounding i think it'll be fine but just we try and okay i'll be right here i'm like tired so i can put my arms down a little bit yeah like he's pretending on npr telling a story do you remember like the first times when we were doing unfiltered we originally had you guys like miked up like why likes yes like laughs [ __ ] disappointments like people just heard that like every time yeah but like we just like in our because obviously we've never done podcasts before we have no idea how it works like set and everything lighting so we just thought everybody used my uh law of mics for a podcast so we were just like how the [ __ ] do these people do it like it's not working and heath and mariah were just reading instruction manuals after instruction manuals on how to [ __ ] work these things and it was not going and like at this point we were all like we were about to give up we're like maybe this isn't for us and then one day we just bought like the handheld mics plugged it in crystal clear crystal clear yeah these things are great it's crazy like it doesn't make sense why people use a lot of mics but you guys can hold the lights on you go like this on unfiltered right and that must be nice because you have like kind of something to do with your hair i like having something in my hand like right because i don't know it's just i want to move around and [ __ ] because i don't like to stand in one spot like this yeah you got a lot of energy yeah i like i'm gonna have to hold this because i can't like oh yeah i've never really thought about that though i don't feel like we could do that i'm gonna take this off oh wow oh we're going i'm just going to just slide it up toward you yeah obviously oh we're off the rails now ladies and gentlemen it makes sense wow okay you look like yeah you're about to give a sermon or a sales pitch on anything have you ever heard me try to sell something before yeah really bad i'm not a good salesman no i i know one thing that i don't miss about being unfiltered was like sitting there through your ad reads oh yeah it's gone a lot easier now because now we just read off them off uh um off the monitor off the screen oh you guys got teleprompters teleprompters yeah they've always had a screen like right there but yeah and normally that's how podcasts do it but like in the beginning we wanted to do more of like a natural feel but like it took forever because we'd have to memorize everything but and now we just like i mean we understand what we're saying and it sounds much better but like it's it it really helps that it's right there yeah we're able to just get everything and not miss anything what was your last full-time job that you had full time but before the internet stuff [ __ ] i wouldn't i wouldn't even say the mexican restaurant i worked at was a clock in it was so run it was run so poorly but like i would say that was like the last you know what that wasn't even full time i've never had a full-time job always part-time always part-time i used to work at a mexican restaurant uncle julio so what was the tex-mex mine was mex cafe mex cafe in florida or out here in florida out here mike out here i don't know maybe you moved here and had to get a job for the first time you know this i moved down here i moved out here when we were making vines yeah yeah but i don't know if you were supporting yourself full-time if we weren't making enough money to sustain ourselves you wouldn't have done it right yeah yeah that's a huge risk were you a good waiter a bad waiter bad very bad i wasn't even waiting i wasn't even waiting i was the buster and i was bad at it because or i was the runner sorry the runner okay yeah just like brought out the food brought out the food but i'd [ __ ] drop all the time i dropped an entire coke on a baby one time ah and then there's like those videos on tick tock when like people drop whole drinks on like newborns and the mom just snapped at me like the mom was just like you know tending to her baby was trying to have a good day and then she's like oh thank god the food's here and then she's like you gotta be kidding me just snap i was like ma'am i'm so sorry and she was like angry but then she was like suddenly really cool with me she's like trust me i used to have this job you're good baby and i was like oh that's good you were just yelling at me though oh it was just an instant it was like a you know her baby just got hurt probably crying right hurt by the acid in the cup one time though when i was a waiter at uh the tex-mex restaurant uncle julio's you know you had to memorize the menu you have to memorize all of the tequilas all of the different types of drinks when you're a waiter when you're a waiter i was a waiter say it's like i don't remember anything from no i don't no i didn't i didn't do it which i'm always surprised how anybody gets a job at the cheesecake factory because that menu is it's a novel it's extensive yeah but like the thing is that they don't they don't uh change it up all the time it's like it's pretty like i i pretty much know the cheesecake factory at this point because everything's the same it's a bible i know but it's it's very it's very easy to kind of mem to memorize that menu though because it's like but no it's like all different types of cuisines all around the world i know that it's so specific each one so i feel like it's i bet you could convince someone at the cheesecake factory that something's on the menu and it's not even on the menu but anyways i had to memorize all of these different types of tequilas on top of all of the menus and i was going around asking people what they wanted to drink someone was said i want a water someone was like come to get you one i'll get you a full one if you want no it's fine we're just drinking your trullies though yeah my true love i was waiting for you to realize that i'm offering you one of your own it's friday it's past three p.m is it there do you have a stock i'll go grab it you can go grab it so back to what i was saying yes zayn hair makeup approved that oh what was that line never mind never mind i was trying to remember the line from the vmas and nicki minaj is like back to the girl that had a lot of [ __ ] to say on the press oh yeah i had a lot of [ __ ] to say about me to the press miley was good that's it just reminded me of that sorry i really had to get this okay so i'm working at the restaurant i'm asking people for their orders i've had this is my first day on the job i spent like all night memorizing all the different types of tequilas and i'm going around asking people they want to drink someone's like i want a water someone says i want a tea the next person says i want a tea also and i'm like okay god i got i got it i go back to the the the machine where you type in all the orders and i'm like water tea and then i'm like tea also and i'm going through all of the tequilas and i'm like what the hell is a tea also what drink is a tea also and i have to ask the manager i'm like can you come over here i'm like this person wanted a tea also and they're like what and i go a tea also like that's a tequila it's like a drink we have right he goes i think they just wanted a tea and also was like oh okay that was your first day on the job yes first day on the job did you keep that job uh no i then got fired because i answered my phone one time before the restaurant had opened or was it because you asked for a tea also no because i probably would have fired you too [Laughter] i was rolling up the silverware and i got a phone call from another job i had asking where i was because they thought i was supposed to be there and i answered the phone call and someone reported me and i got fired and the way he fired me he just kind of like he didn't even like fire me he just asked me a lot of questions and made me kind of fire myself so what happened yesterday and i'm like oh i answered a phone call he goes do you think you should answer the phone call during when you're close this was like at the restaurant where did you answer it like where were you when you answered this phone call on the uh the floor of the restaurant but the restaurant hadn't opened we were just you know prepping all the salt and pepper rolls there was no customers nobody was in there no nobody was in there but i answered a phone call and so what he did was he asked me uh so you answered a phone call do you think you should have answered that phone call he goes now do you think that you should still work here and i was like well he goes do you think this is the right fit for you and just kept asking me those types of questions that's awesome and eventually just got me to a point where i was like okay so i guess i shouldn't work here he goes i think that's right oh my god that's bad it was bad it was bad oh my god there wasn't even anybody in there like the whole point of not having your phone out like that is because there's customers there's customers but that's like still technically clocked in yeah but you can answer the phone 30 minutes before the placement is that your first offense in this restaurant also wasn't at least you got paid because when at my restaurant i would so i was i was making five dollars an hour five dollars an hour which you know what like it's a i'm a buster and runner whatever that's illegal i know i know but like i was desperate for a job so okay i was just like give me anything and it was anything was better than forever 21. forever 21 was [ __ ] miserable it was awful so i took the job and i would leave with like one to two dollar tips for the whole night like the waiters would give me like my brother even just my brother would give me a dollar there'll be like four to five waiters in there and only two waiters will give me like a dollar and two dollars and i'd walk away with five i'd work probably four hour shift five twenty twenty twenty two twenty three dollars like that oh wow it was really bad and i worked until the the last day of the restaurant the restaurant was doing [ __ ] awful for many reasons it was just run very poorly bad boy bad bus boy bad waiters bad the food wasn't that bad actually which is crazy the food wasn't bad it was actually pretty good but just the entire restaurant didn't woman like never pay you also 300 you know how much like how many hours that is 300 that's a lot of hours 300 she owed me and she never paid me it and then me and my brother found out where they because they opened up a new restaurant you have the balls open in a new restaurant when you haven't paid all your employees your do you have a debt you have to pay before you [ __ ] so they opened another restaurant and it was like this greek restaurant i was like you they went from mexican to greek and it was just funny just going all over town opening up different scam restaurants we walked in and they looked up and they as soon as they looked up they're like oh [ __ ] here comes trouble they're here for the 300 that we owed we we walk up and the guy goes we'll pay we'll pay he like does it like a shoe we'll get it we'll get it for you guys and we're like when he's like just just give us time give us time and then we left and we like tried calling back and they just never answered and we ended up going there like a couple months later and closed down oh my god closed down so she still owes you money 300 yeah she want to send her an invoice yeah call her out what was her name nora nora you [ __ ] my god i like it was just yeah i was like not the best but i was really like i was really nice to her i respected her i followed all like i did everything that she asked and i always went above and beyond even though i dropped everybody she straight up scammed you she did she probably like hops around town to town and like she knew she wasn't going to pay me that from the start like she knew what she was going to pay me like the money that she because they were closing down because they probably couldn't afford it anymore so her head was like i'm not paying like it any these and you're like a 16 year old kid what are you gonna do yeah have you heard of this anna delvey scandal no it like happened like two years ago i just heard about it last night so i'm not in the loop you don't know about it i've been reading the book and i've been listening to it on audible and it's about this girl who it's like catch me if you can meet sex in the city and it was this girl who lived in new york city she was like 25 and convinced her entire social circle that she was this russian heiress billionaire yes yes and she i've seen ruled the hotel into like letting her stay there for like weeks or months on end and ended up like tricking one of her friends to taking her to morocco and stole all this money from her and the entire time was like don't worry i got you just my credit cards are not going through and the international bank transfers are just not going through but i got you yeah and just conned her friend out of 60 000 and then as well all these other restaurants clubs hotels she was staying at yeah three hundred thousand dollars and is now in jail three hundred thousand dollars damn i mean you gotta give her i mean not like you gotta give it up for her but like that's crazy that you're able to skim three hundred thousand dollars through every like through all that yeah away with i feel like we could all do that you think so we could easily scam it 300 go to salaries yeah yeah jeff we got it bud we'll we'll pay you tomorrow just check the gate that's true yeah you go to saddle you go to a couple different places book the cabo trip todd put on your credit card that's true you could ever date an actress sure yeah you wouldn't be like concerned that you can never tell if they're actually being who they are pretending to be no no i feel like i would know them so well where you would know when they're pulling their little thing in the back your head like hmm is this an act have you ever dated anyone mike yeah i mean that's like i wouldn't i definitely wouldn't think of it like that um no i i kind of i can see what you mean like i bet they could really get into you and make you feel bad about stuff that's what i'm saying like if they have to target your emotional heart strings very well yeah the things i'm a good liar so you know so you feel like you have the same arsenal of weaponry that i just want to picture like zayn dating jessica chastain and her just getting mad at you walking into a restaurant is jessica chastain your celebrity crush no no she's she's just uh like just uh i think like a favorite one of my favorite acting crushes like i have a crush on her she's a good she wants a juilliard yes like elizabeth moss she's not my type at all but there's something about her the way she acts is like makes you like pull in it's so yeah she's so like uh sincere and she's not like the most beautiful person yeah not my type at all but she's just raw and candid yeah like um oh we were talking about this the other night uh i asked you this question i thought it was funny uh what was your science project when you were a kid what was my science project as a kid it was it was just literally it was like pennies and i put a penny in water penny and vinegar a penny and soda and a penny and like sprite and then you just watch the pennies and then you just jot it down i put it on a giant board it was the boring sport the name of it like does it make any sense it was so lazy and you could tell that i put no thought into like my project i just did not want to do it because i don't like like i don't like homework i don't like science i don't like so i was just i just picked the easiest thing that i could possibly and you had to have like the science fair where everyone walked around yeah mine was up there it was pretty embarrassing people just walking by not even turning your head over and you just stood by your project just like yeah it was just like you were on sharks i mean they all lied on our science program thank god kids are not in charge of science you got to hear the one of where i lied about my final one i was supposed to make like veggie this is awful we were supposed to make like like uh vegetarian foods okay so just growing vegetables i don't know how to make vegetarian food like oh okay and this was a science project this was just a product my final project that i had to do and me and my i just did it i didn't know what to do i was like i'm not a [ __ ] chef i don't know what to do and it was this teacher is so strict so me and my friend went to the store we bought like a bunch of morning star patties we gr we heated them up mushed it all together put a bunch of spices in it and just made it just tastes like not from the store and just made little balls and just refried it and then we brought it in it's like everybody eat it but it was made just disgustingly it was just definitely not approved by the fda like it was just not approved and i remember the teacher just the look she gave to us we could not we were trying so hard not to burst out laughing because the face she gave us was that like this tastes a little familiar but it's like but i'm not sure because we just put pounds of just everything just like right just to take away from the morning star taste mmm the flavor yeah it was just like the funniest thing and i got 95 on it did you have to explain how you made it absolutely not oh okay so you can get away so you got a 95 yeah was it written in like those uh grade books remember like teachers back like in the day before it used to be all on computers computers teachers would have that big spiral grade book with a really really thin like really really thin lines and they would write out all the tiny like your grades every all the students grades oh he went to like jewish school he didn't have that [ __ ] like how did they keep trying i think they just wrote it like it was there was nine kids in the class so they just probably memorized it like okay josh has an a danielle is a b mike's got a b like it's nine kids in the whole class we i don't know about the spiral notebooks they would call the teacher would call the students up and like she would have paper like covering all the other grades and then only show the grade and then yeah and then bring up the next student you had to go up like one by one and you had to maintain this like complete poker face going up because you didn't want to like show that like you did really well you also didn't want to convey that you're doing really bad the kids would have to go up one by one and the teacher would just like hide the other children's group so you would just look like this and just go [Laughter] and then go to your seat and then just sit there and not even and the kids will feel what you get and it's like [Laughter] my lips are sealed that's and that's like a little hunger games challenge for like at six this wasn't for tests though this was only specifically for like certain things that we did right it wasn't all the time i think it was to check in how you're doing how you're doing yeah it was like yeah as it was getting closer to the end to making sure that you really need to be working hard if you want to pass yeah so at that moment is when you would probably go see the teacher after and be like hey is there any extra credit i can do or just something where i can bring this right up so it wasn't test grades it was just grades yeah in general for the whole class did you ever get detention and stuff all the all the time oh you were a bad kid mm-hmm why what'd you do i talked a lot in class i'd always chat i'd always like make jokes like talk to just talk to everybody around me yeah and my voice is loud so oh is it i yeah so i never i yeah teachers are never happy but like at our school there was like the after school detentions there was like morning detentions and then there were like all day detentions which were called a dmc in school suspension we'd call it like in-school suspension and then did you guys have like an alternative school called like aep where you get if you get like suspended for weeks on end you have to go to another school and wear like uniforms that's okay that's if you're doing really bad [ __ ] like this is like when you're [ __ ] like doing drugs at school yeah that's when you go to aep that's like really that like at that point it's just like you just can't be in the school like you just can't be at like in any school when you're doing [ __ ] like that for ours it was in school suspension and we would i've never there was no after-school detention for me i don't think i think it was detention was during in the morning actually no no there was after-school detention that that seems like the most standard detention is after school you have to stay and you can't go and yeah and you got the tension all the time i had detention all the time and then um there was a couple times where i had insult suspension where i was in i had to be there for like three days straight beware like in a certain room so it'd be me and like 20 other kids all have to literally you have to there's this page that i it's i don't know what they're doing said book work or no no it wasn't like books like i promise never to mess up again yeah that was not the consequences of my write it over and over and over again it i it felt like if it didn't feel real like it was a very why don't we just do work that we didn't get done i exactly the whole punishment is that you're not doing you can't do any of your classwork but that pushes you further behind and makes you less likely to want to participate i know it was like this weird form of punishment so how do you punish kids who just won't shut the [ __ ] up like me because because all you're doing is you're disrupting everybody's learning and do they what do you do to punish them well you just send them to another room and then they get to do the work like it's that's almost like a reward i'm sure there are studies in like at this point in schooling for the way that we have it there's probably like some swedish study that says like oh you know if you let the kid dance in front of the class for five minutes that like lets the energy out and then they'll go and sit down and be quieter all right let's let 4k get up and then head down to the class yeah no and i they're they're i feel like there are places like that but i just feel like now you're just taking up everybody's time do they have detentions now over zoom like oh no dude people are bad over zoom i think you just get kicked out of the class you get kicked out for the day so you just probably get a zero for everything that's being discussed that sounds like a reward no no you got a get a zero and and you're probably paying for the time of college or you're talking about like high school um i'm talking high school's not like any of it because you're definitely not bad in college who's bad in college like who's who's just destructive don't go or you go and learn right yeah high school because you have to be there you're that's your side to yeah i think you just get kicked out of class and get a zero for the day and then at some point i think you might just get removed from the whole course that's gotta be what it is what was what was your score in the sat i don't [ __ ] know i was always i i always got a much higher grade in math than reading really math i was [ __ ] super about get over 80 like if there was a percentage i'd like i would get over the top eighty percent wow or like i would get over eighty percent sorry whoa not top eighty percent you're like in the top twenty percentile yeah for math um isn't that how they got in math that was really difficult well that was a long time ago i don't remember but the reading one was so bad i don't know why it was so hard for me like i don't know why i couldn't read two columns and answer the questions for the [ __ ] what i just read it's just and what i would do is i would read the question and i would look for it but i wouldn't be able to find the answer in the thing yeah so i wouldn't be like i wouldn't be able to answer it and like the time limit it gives you they give you like 15 seconds per question the way they time it it's like you have to be really [ __ ] quick and timed writings are the worst too oh especially also when it's like creative because you think you get this brilliant idea yeah and you're writing it out and you realize there's only 15 minutes left and you haven't even got to the damn plot you could not give me a piece of paper right now and have me write an essay about anything it's like there's no [ __ ] way i'd be able to get it done like just to start it and just i just wouldn't be able to do it my brain is so fried like just like to just talk about the political climate before world war political climate i can't even describe like what bread is on a piece of paper i could i couldn't [ __ ] explain anything oh man it's really bad i'm like and that like we're all we're all good at some things you know what i mean like i'm very good at certain things and i'm very bad at most things you got to double down on what you're good at and just yeah not never [ __ ] what you're doing that's why school is so hard to just like wrap your head around because you're taking all these [ __ ] courses for things that don't matter in your life like why why don't i know how to do taxes yet but i think it you know what i mean that that's a very it's like there needs to be a whole [ __ ] course in school on how to do your taxes how to pay your bills how to do just everybody need unless you're homeless everybody needs to do that it used to be called civics classes they used to have it in like the 70s it was like how to be a citizen yeah and i don't know when it changed but they stopped doing that stuff but you're right yeah they have that in college or but don't they teach that like in home economics yeah but who has home economics i didn't even have that class yeah well it was an election it was an optional relative that's the one where you had like the baby and you cooked but like learning physics right as a 15 year old oh yeah you know the square root of the diameter of the force of mass times like what no yeah i totally agree all the important things were optional electives yes crazy yeah what's your apocalyptic plan um probably what i did for my video when we went to target and then oh well that's like for an earthquake like that making like an earthquake emergency i don't have no apocalyptic plan honestly like i always i always i always imagine it i always imagine it in my head like it just happened what do you imagine what would i do what is the apocalypse as you imagine i like right now i don't have any shoes like i think about like really weird [ __ ] like i'm like i don't have my [ __ ] shoes on i'd probably go run grab sock grab my shoes grab my phone grab my wallet and just run out of the house hold on you said is the apocalypse what is it is it zombies is it locus this is the exciting thing i i think it's fun to figure it out on on the go so we'd probably all meet up because that's probably what we would do because we don't want to all be separated during all this like all this [ __ ] chaos yeah we probably all meet up be like guys this is this is going down what the [ __ ] are we going to do heath will probably come up with some really good ideas because heath is like i just feel like he's so good he has yeah he has the the tools and the weaponry exactly so like i think as long as we have heath and then we have all the boys and the girls the girls are really good at probably like you know right certain things keeping people calm so what would girls have their own guys because we'd all just be screaming and like carly would be like okay guys hold on everyone just calm down this is what we're gonna do yeah we're gonna go to target and because there's not we're not gonna use our credit cards dude we are not going to target well it's gonna be completely packed you gotta think about it but we i think all have enough supplies between our house to like ration it together and i feel like a lot of us don't eat a lot either so i feel like food wouldn't be so important i think more importantly we need like tents yeah we have houses but like what's what is the apocalypse right like is it zombies is it all our houses are destroyed in the fire there's a fire in every house and zombies [Laughter] my biggest fear is zombies like that that's but that's not even a real problem so like how does a disease like rabies exist and is possible and you can't tell me that some type of uh rabid virus like could take over a human we'll turn people into zombies yeah that's like that's not right history of like making animals come from the dead or something like but he's saying if you if you extrapolate what rabies does to a person now and you just take it like you know three four or five steps further it's basically as well what do what what do rabies actually like specifically do what makes the person rabid and they foam at the mouth and they're erratically crazier and yeah they attack humans i'm not talking about the living dead right i'm talking about like some just crazy virus that makes people's zombies oh got it or like 28 days later like you get bit and then like you try and hide the wound from like your family and then you know an hour or two later you start like twitching out and then yeah you like no way no way i'm out and i heard one of the best things you need during a zombie apocalypse is a horse because cars like there's going to be traffic everywhere yeah gasps horses get tired too horses yeah but they're they've been bred for thousands of years frightened of zombies you know this have you ever like running after them do you know where the closest horse farm is that we can run to if we needed to yes there's one over there uh right near the hollywood hills where you can go and take the horseback trail okay so you know where we're going the other day things have been arriving in the mail that we didn't order all the time that happened for you yeah it happens all the time like i get probably two packages a month where i i didn't order it is there a return address or it's like from a company it's it's from a company or something i've never sent this company my advice it's not one of those you know uh starlight things like you see them on tiktok that you have in your room and it projects like a whole constellation and nobody which is cool interested in getting one but then i was like yeah i feel like every teenager has these they're not that cool but one came in the mail and nobody you know saying no i asked my brother i thought maybe my brother got it and he accidentally sent it to my house but guys don't patricia got it for me she didn't send it to me i don't know who did so haven't you guys been getting companies sending you stuff for like years yes but they at least like tell you like yeah they damn you or something and stuff and they ask for your address too like you have to no they don't have your address on file like they need your address in order to send them no but there are some like list servers out there that i think all of our addresses are in the database but like if this company is doing it for the for and hoping for you to post about it that's not the way to do it because if the brand hit you up like hey did you receive your item that would you'd be more inclined to post about it right but the fact that the brand didn't like reach out to you or anything like a mystery box like this why would you post it so like that's yeah though i would like post me using it and people would be like oh what is that i don't know yeah i would just rather kittens arrive on my doorstep at least bring taco bell with it too like the cat taco bell is in there yeah there you go crunchwrap so if the zombie apocalypse happens i think we're past that no we're meeting up and we're relying on heath no we were way past i think we're way past that we were talking about something else i forgot okay and we're back i don't know what the last thing you guys heard was but uh camera turned off so we're gonna what were we talking about i don't know they're gonna know we're not gonna know wow we really are stupid what were we talking about we're going to look like idiots because it's going to go from whatever we were talking about talking about the zombie apocalypse yeah but there was something we had we had a specific guys we just took like a 15-minute break because these guys don't know how to run a podcast you know what it's our second time we have a lot of a lot of technical difficulties with unfiltered in the beginning this is a hobby no it's not you guys have been running for months this is our second video it's like a youtube video it's not hard it's not a second youtube video that's true that's true okay well um zane thank you so much for coming on [Laughter] it's been a hoot and a half yes it has did you have a good time i think i did how do you think this went um i think it went smoothly i hope we have enough we definitely yeah we do okay good as long as you guys think we do then i'm good i mean if you want to come back for more content that's fine i'm right down the hall so whenever you guys need me i'm i'm here in a gif do you have anything you want to plug um no there's nothing to plug right now i have nothing to plug well this is not going to be up for two weeks so unfolding two weeks yeah nope nothing to plug nothing to plug we have a podcast and heath on philippines all right that's enough thank you guys so much for coming zayn i love you buddy thanks zane you're the best no problem thank you guys for having me bye everybody bye
Channel: Hoot & a Half
Views: 136,731
Rating: 4.9364443 out of 5
Keywords: hoot and a half, matt king, unfiltered, zane, zane hijazi, heath hussar, David dobrik, vlog squad, Matt King podcast, funny, podcast, vlog squad podcast, David dobrik podcast, Mariah, zane and heath, coffee talk, vlog squad interview, views, best, tiktok, natalie, scotty sire, todd smith, carly and erin, Jeff wittek
Id: RIW33FlxSGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 29sec (2129 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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