Zane Passed Out On Camera - UNFILTERED #45

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It was SO funny. I’m excited to see what season 2 is gonna look like

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/lizcstllns 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] good morning unfiltered family zayn fell asleep last night on the podcast couch so we decided we're gonna wake him up right now and surprisingly today's episode here we go [Music] good morning it's coffee tall baby wake up rise and shine hey good morning baby morning zayn what's going on guys welcome back to zayn and heath unfiltered i'm your host heath and this is come on baby it's coffee talk this is a joke right no this is dead ass we're recording the podcast right now all right come on get ready oh my god put some damn clothes on oh hold on i got you something baby we've been up in adam guys it is 6 45 right now come on baby is this that us it is 6 45 in the morning here you go we got you it's close zayn is not a morning person oh my god is this for real right now come on ready this is where the intro starts all right guys uh so this week okay well welcome back to oh my god oh [ __ ] why would you put the coffee in the cup holder i said good morning baby i got you a little coffee well go make me another one time to get a new carpet which brings us to our next one is that actually 6 45 in the morning yes also i got you like damn coffee you ungrateful bastard master i'm like do you think i should get zayn something i feel bad [Laughter] are you in your underwear yeah you know i don't like to wear any clothes when i sleep first pantsless podcast how are we feeling baby i'm feeling good now nah i've gotta feel good now you're feeling good i feel like that guy in that and when he got in interviewed after surfing that's what it was like when you just knocked the coffee off exactly you look confused [ __ ] i am confused and i feel bad because this carpet is now ruined it's okay once you ruin one of these carpets it smells like coffee now so does it feel better like are you awake no oh really i woke up this morning and i was like let's freaking do this amazing i bet you well you guys probably had time to get up brush your teeth shower get a couple laughs out of the way you know it started off as a joke too yeah like we were like we wake up zayn and we do the podcast and then we kind of just looked at each other oh ladies and gentlemen they are not kidding it is 708. i mean literally he's ever been up i haven't been up this early for for years since school years since preschool maybe let's make a little a little new habit out of it all right give us a rift zayn yeah so what's been going on no no give us a give us a it's coffee talk where's the coffee on the floor pick it up you forgot i can't i can't i got a cup being made for you right now i'm just fine okay it had to heat up give us a little riff like a joke yeah that let me hear that knock knock no no it's coffee towel run is that the wrong word a run isn't a riff like a joke like it gives a little riff i was thinking like a riff off a riff a rifle like pitch perfect what is happening that's a pitch off no pitch perfect there's a part of there's a scene called the riff-off and they start like singing and battling yeah you know they charge you more for something dude it's a riff-off my chest hurts let me get his car he needs his coffee he's no no i don't i know i don't i'm i'm being dramatic it's coffee it's coffee taco baby yeah whoa no too bad speaking of pitch perfect that was perfect sounds like sweet relief is on the way i'm setting your coffee down next to you boom i thought we all agreed on we filmed would film today we are filming today well i know today all right so what do you what do you got going on for the rest of the day that now that you're up at ass crack of dawn i'm going on a flight somewhere exotic oh whoa as you should as you deserve to me that's that's a tropical vacation yeah that's a rainforest to you well at least our heatwave has been warming you up oh yeah ready for it and have you heard of the tornado that's happened in miami no i saw a bunch of water do you guys know what a water spout is yes tornado in the water hold on oh wait maybe it was a tornado on the water then it's like when you fill your sink and then you start draining it and it goes it's one of those water spinnings that looks like war of the world oh yeah he said six waterspouts spotted in the gulf at once today the one in south florida that just happened it was a water spout that turned into a tornado i thought it was the other way around goodness what on earth that's in florida talk about a joke huh we're they're like no we're just kidding it turned into a [ __ ] tornado i didn't know florida had tornadoes i'm wondering if like it works the same as a hurricane where once it goes in the water it gets stronger is that a thing i bet i it's it's fueling it we know nothing about how any natural disasters work weighing in uh yeah there's a 30 chance that it's already raining kenny said he can tell when it's about to rain because of his knees it's true my joints ache before a heavy rainfall we're laughing but he's serious wait wait when you're when your ankles are what knees or your knees are what i feel like it happened more in florida because you know like the humidity and everything i would just be able to tell whenever uh there was some barometric pressure changes because my knees would start aching a little bit that's like a common thing if you look it up like people's joints hurting if you have like babies don't say it's a common thing just let it let it be okay yeah i'm basically one of the x-men that's really fun it's kind of cool it is what would our weather names be hmm hurricane heath oh that's a good one i liked thank you bubba give me one give me one uh hurricane tortella hurricane zane also sounds good jokes are coming in today back to you monsoon mariah monsoon mud slide mariah oh god damn that was that was even better i think starts with a k catastrophe with a k catastrophic kenny as long as it sounds like tsunami zayn tsunami tsunami i like that you think anybody grows up and is like i want to be a weather man there's a science center by my house and they had like a a room that you go into and you can like be a weatherman and see how it actually like works and stuff so i did that did they have that job in wanted to city a weatherman yeah i don't know i didn't have anybody on camera like was that a thing like did you would you walk through the city you'd see a tv that had a kid on it like reporting the news all i know about it was from the commercial you know what a new city yeah kids can do what they want to do right i never actually got to go i don't think my parents cared enough about my career choices in life down the road clearly look at me now i really for some reason i really wanted to be a dentist you hate the dentist i know it doesn't make sense i think it's because of all the tools and [ __ ] like it will always interested me like that like just that just everything they had to use always like as a kid it was like oh what what about a carpenter or jesus was a car no i didn't see enough carpenter work or car printers in my life zangos what do they do they do carpets [Laughter] carpeter it said that uh wanna do city you could work at a theater a circus oh that's prepared you for this podcast i should have done another city hospital movie studio recording studio courthouse bakery dentistry office public park library mine mime mine like you could work in the mine work in a car oh yeah mining okay archaeological uh site oh yeah among other locations wow what a great idea if that was in 2020 there's none open anymore a vlogging room oh my god it actually would be though that's what's sad yeah why don't they have something like that though because that's true it did seem like really smart it is really smart because we're brainwashing the kids man we don't want them to grow up and have any goals or anything youtubers youtubers that would be in the new one to do instagram youtubers imagine all these girls little instagram influencers all right honey you're gonna post this we're going to do a photo shoot go ahead sell the product it's like photography marketing uh-huh oh my god make sure at the end you say swipe up guys pick a pic pick a brand you want to promote we have teeth whitening they're all like off-brand names we're promoting crust white strips today i'm just surprised it wasn't like a chain that was literally the only one was the one by us no no there was i think there was one more right it says wanna do city was an indoor role-playing amusement center at the sawgrass mills in sunrise florida very specific that's the that's the only one indoor role-playing whoa maybe that's why my parents have been thinking i want to do role-playing mom kids can do what they want to do kids want to do what do what whatever they want to do we will not be taking you there you know what i want you to be doing shutting your little ass up so you can stay home this is one of don't city do you have a little flight today you gotta catch later yeah um well speaking of flying we've had some problem with flies oh my god that's true oh my god what give us we massacred no joke 30 to 40 flies in the house well that's because of myself for the last couple days uh no baby four years after we were putting in the hard work yeah we were putting in the manual labor before we got here this hat has about 15 confirmed kills under its belt yeah very good just saying and these hands i've got about 17. yeah i don't know what's going on like apparently a lot of people have been having issues with flies even all across the u.s yeah yeah and they're they're coming in the house with i don't think through doors they're coming in through vents and [ __ ] because the amount of flies that we all have in our houses like it makes no sense i don't understand it but we will literally kill eight of them be like turn around and just now we're just back and it's naughty we're not even exaggerating like the day that we killed like 20 flies in heath's house we thought we killed the last one with like this this is when i brought the zapper over we're like all right thank god and i think all the friends of from of the flies i died i think we're just like attack and all came out this yeah it literally felt like braveheart or something and they all just started like rolling through it smelled like death in there because it just smelled like a bird it's like crisp yeah kenny has a video actually of a a mass grave yeah that's pr in one would you kill it with 130 seconds uh towel just smacking them smack that [ __ ] yeah 13 there's 13 of them but we've been pretty good i don't i don't think i've had any in the last day i think we i think we sent a there actually hasn't been any right no and i and we've been so trained to like kill all of them and then have a bunch come back that i was just ready for i was ready for there to be more i was ready for it to kill more with the fly zapper because that was actually fun yeah you don't know what you have till it's gone right yeah until it flies away it's it's it's very satisfying just hearing the shock of the fly's bone snapping it's a good one but i think the uh have you seen the bug assault the bug assault no yeah it's a it's a gun that shoots salt at flies i want it so bad is [ __ ] like it like is like a salt salt water like it just no salt like actual grains of salt the fact that you're talking about shooting bugs with salt you just said flies have bones i don't know what's happening well baby i'm 75 percent there that's why i'm almost awake and 100 incorrect [Laughter] we got pretty uh pretty comfortable over the last few days with the heat wave in the pool yeah it's crazy you don't realize how much like fun a pool is until you like go into it like i haven't really used it too much since we moved in uh but it has been so nice it's been in there every day just kind of putzing around i don't i don't even i don't even go to the pool because i like it's still so hot outside to me like like when i'm outside of the pool it's still like i can't breathe like because the heat wave the air is so thick wait but that makes sense no well to me but but like like it feels like it feels like florida outside right now like when you're in florida so why aren't you swimming go in the water because i don't even want to be outside oh you don't even step outside i'd rather be like in the ac like oh got it i thought you were like well i don't swim because it's so hot out i was like wait what sorry our ac has been broken so it's been hotter inside than outside oh so you have to just be sitting so yeah our pool has been our saving grace well and you have what the hell is grace you were saving grace what was she trying to get girls over [Laughter] not to mention the fact that you have a sauna in the back now my back house ac broke too yeah um it is fixed now it is an igloo it is fixed now yeah so the uh the thermostat broke so i uh i bypassed the thermostat and now it's just running constantly and you can't turn it on or off or set any temperature it's just on so it's just it's super cold in there freezing yeah that's probably why i love that like really cold yeah like i love really cold then go like i lost i keep my house at like 60. oh yeah your house is so it's a nice spot oh yeah yeah but zayn's house is like uncomfortably cold the first time i heard someone say my house is uncomfortably uncomfortably uncomfortably cold was carly and i that remind me because carly said that she doesn't like to come over because it's uncomfortably cold at my house and now that you just said that made me think like oh my god that's probably why like maybe we should think about guests and others yeah i think those are other people oh my god that's why people don't want to come over my house yeah that's right that's why that's why all my roommates are gone they're going all the time you haven't seen them in weeks was ac a privilege growing up is that why you like blasted all the time now no no just no it's just my body it just gets really hot because in my family like ac was not a right it was it was a privilege and like it was never on oh so like you wanted ac i wanted my dad would freak out if we touched it yeah oh i never touched it it didn't go below 78 degrees when it when it got over 80 and we flopped it on yeah kick it on to 80 uh to 78. and that was all we could have in your house would totally turn into a sauna because you have wood my house is literally on my cabin wood everywhere and it would just be like mark can we get a little bit like your mom your mom is setting up those coals that you haven't just put in water all right there's like eucalyptus like essential oils i think that's why i like the ac so much now though like this is like this is like our house and i can like set it to what i want but i'm still respectful i'm not my i'm not a savage my friend in florida ella she they would purposely keep their um they would they would actually turn off their ac and put the heater on a little bit because they loved how they love making their house super yuck which is crazy i think i would rather it be cold inside a house than hot because i know most people like it a little colder yeah some people are just like weird with stuff like that though like david when we drive around in his car his fireplace is on in august that's true his house is always hot um but his car he doesn't put any air conditioning on windows up and it's just a stagnant he likes that feel of like that like suffocation just no movement just very just like i don't know i can it makes me so uncomfortable yeah that's pretty bad i i i remember too in florida so many acs would go out of cars that the cooling thing wouldn't be happening but it would just be basically blowing warm air but i just do you ever remember just getting in the car and just being like i don't care if it's warm air i need it circulating yeah i just need the air circulating because that stillness in florida doesn't work it's like disgusting it does feel like you're in other people's air too it's like this like weird like shared space shared area yeah that's a good way to put it share share share shared air it does feel sure get in here stop what is that is that a hillary duff movie here no it's clueless come on we just watched it come on get a clue that yeah it's good i mean we act like we've been like we actually active in the pool we were in the the same end of the pool for literally an hour just sitting sitting and thinking of caption ideas yeah i don't want to post pictures anymore because like i just don't i want to think about a caption yeah [ __ ] captions i really respect you guys so much more now that i see what you have to go through coming up with a caption every single time but it's like why though why do we need to feel the need to come up with something funny in order to post a picture or something like maybe post funny pictures you maybe you don't have to have a funny caption like me okay maybe i'll just face tune every one of them make it look like i have a fat ass okay you've done that too you've done that one time to promote my merch well you see you're using it to promote your merch i use it just to promote my ass this big old fat ass i actually was inspired by mariah a couple weeks ago when you uh gave me an idea for a little game we could play so since uh all your friends worked so hard on all their instagram captions i figured we could uh play a game where you guys try to see the captions and then guess whose caption it is i know who my friends are yeah let's see let's just say i am embarrassed i've put the caption exactly how it's spelled all the emojis everything so maybe it'll give you that we got round one i look like i've completely lost it i would like to thank my hairdresser my stylist and my mental breaking point for making this possible oh mariah's got a guess i already know it i know what it is too oh uh oh um this is somebody in our friend group correct i know who it is you know for sure yeah i know for sure on the count of three let's all say at the same time one two three oh there it is i don't remember that hair he has tattoos next one is i thought i was the cutest one in the pic until i saw the little baby toes crying emoji crying i have no idea who this is huh until i saw the little baby toes um i can get i'm ready you know who it is uh yes what's your guess um zingos i know exactly who it is uh todd todd was a good guess uh you have to pay attention to the emojis people use yeah okay all right should we just see it ready yeah you're all wrong it was aaron oh [ __ ] oh she looked good oh wow aaron has really funny captions i thought about aaron too but i was like she doesn't like she doesn't that didn't type like that it didn't sound like yeah it didn't sound like her at all next one and [Laughter] every every caption is two words and you know what really helps is the capital p and that oh really yeah oh wow god it sticks out like a sore thumb and lock it's mariah wow september 30th 2017. we were so naive we got the face of erectile dysfunction it's either zayn or scott i keep guessing scott but scott is very blunt that's why i'm guessing that oh yeah you're right you're right i'm going to guess jason jason i'm going to say todd todd oh that's a tape yeah that's a todd that's todd humor is everyone locking in their hands everybody pop locking popping and locking in their hands um yeah let's go we have a winner zayn it was yeah baby oh wow okay this next one says karina on her period crying oh sad oh i know wait wait wait todd i'll guess todd too yeah three for todd very good trick question it was karina [Laughter] wow hold on she would put her name in her own caption i don't remember that picture me neither i'm surprised none of you ever posted herself crying not very even though it could have been her um carly your sleep paralysis demon asking for a snack yeah what you think that's zayn come on za you always talk about sleep paralysis it's either car but this is like very carly you guys both had that sleep paralysis demon phase phase just a troubled teenage phase it's carly it's carly it is carlos very good look at her makeup in this picture i love it part of the reason why i picked this isn't my cousin so hot new vid up link in bio [Laughter] because if a guy did it that'd just be weird i feel like no it because what your friend who says new vid up lincoln bio which one of the girls say that none of them the guys do that i think i have a feeling about me i think it's either karina no karina wouldn't say new vid up link in bio you've never like she's posted videos though i'm on chris page like every day it kind of looks like like heath would say new vid up lincoln bio just like that i'm gonna say coreno i'm saying me you're right it's [ __ ] that's funny yep 2016. oh i like this one i found water on mars what's up matt damon what's up matt damon who says there's this picture that i posted a long time ago that looked like i was holding water on a planet oh that is i'm gonna i'm gonna say this is zayn that's so funny that you wouldn't remember like you weren't like when i read them like what the [ __ ] was i saying i don't like what does that even mean it's definitely zane it's me again it's jeff oh oh oh zane goes i wanted it to be me 2016. 2016 jeff i guess that makes sense praying for zane's dignity um that could be any of us um i'm gonna say matt it just looks scott like matt it's matt yes damn i remember that picture too oh my gosh do you need newer ones i don't know anything past 2017. can i read this sure no filter many margaritas natalie natalie it's natalie she looks good in blue yep strive for progress not perfection oh god strive for progress not perfection um [ __ ] it's obviously a joke or is it maybe is that saying i'm gonna say me and i bet it's like one of his face pictures with like a tiny that's waist what it is i put that right after the natalie one on purpose because they both sound like they sound from similar perspectives right very good for progress not perfection hot stuff right after this i got lost for seven hours either david or todd david i'm going david i feel like it's like todd hiking it's david at coachella nice wow i think you guys did pretty well give me some of that geez that's i'm [ __ ] right here did you guys really just high five in front of me pda we'd like to thank a couple of today's sponsors uh starting with my favorite liquid iv baby it keeps him hydrated and back on his yep talk about ways you could stay hydrated throughout the day do you have a favorite water bottle do you have any interesting habits to remind yourself to drink water believe it or not dehydration occurs daily in three out of four people with liquid iv you have the fastest most efficient way to stay hydrated each serving helps you get as much hydration as two to three bottles of water and i attest to that because i like to drink it every 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you were like raving about oh yeah um a couple nights ago i was watching this netflix docu-series it was called uh inside the toughest prisons it's crazy they we the way they run system like prison systems outside of this country they're like [ __ ] dumps like they literally have people living in like trash and like no cells no beds we were watching the certain one and people were literally digging through trash so they can find food to sell to other pro like to other inmates like that's how they live here there's like prisoners that like that have shops that make that have like a food store they make food and sell it they set up like matches they have like boxing rings that they that they televise what like they have like actual lot like prison matches that like it's [ __ ] nuts it's a whole economy they're showing a prison system in in norway and it was like the most beautiful [ __ ] prison it was like really like i could i can imagine it's like on top of like a glacier or something it looked more like a really high-end like mental uh like like a mental facility like it right it looks like it looks like yeah they treat you like they treat you with like utmost respect in there you know that's bigger than an la apartment that looks like a hot like a nice hospital the whole point of going to prison in their country is that they want you to come out a better person so you come in you you you prison they treat you with respect they treat you the way that you would want to be treated and you know like you take classes in there you study you have school you have work it's like forced rehab yeah and you can't be in prison for more than i want to say it was either 19 or 29 years i didn't even realize 21 20 21 years maximum sentence that's crazy that made me want to go to that prison like i just said because they were they were being treated like you're in like a five-star hotel they're doing that to i guess i don't want to say rehabilitate it's like a correctional institution right literally they're trying to correct a problem they're not just putting them there to like forget about them when you go to prison you're in prison that should be your punishment your punishment shouldn't be you're in prison and you get the [ __ ] beat out of and you have a 90 chance of dying because someone's going to shank you and like they that in their eyes is like being in prison is because it means you're in prison like that's your punishment it's interesting it makes sense that it says that the longest sentence is 21 years but the like penal code over there says that you can be in prison up to 30. but the fact that they haven't given a sentence that's more than 21 years longest has been 21. i don't know but at the same time i'm like there's some [ __ ] that people do that i i don't think they should even be able to live right how do you judge that yeah i mean that's understandable like i mean like yeah petty petty crimes but if you're a [ __ ] child rapist i don't think you should be alive right i agree with you yeah they say that the 30-year sentence is kind of reserved for genocide crimes against humanity and other war crimes yeah did you grow up like what was your thoughts on prison and just everything like being a kid like having dare and like having cops come into class and like talk about jail i always thought jail was like how they show it in cartoons like in my head jill was always like like tom and jerry like the the typical the cell this the cell bar is like sliding with like the keys on a big we went on a field trip to like see a jail did you do one of those yeah oh no i didn't get to do that that's cool i've always wanted to see inside we got to see like a cell and stuff like that it's exactly what i thought it would look like i'm sure like different places like look different but it was like just the bars you get like this bed and a metal toilet and it's like i'm just like oh i remember though like hearing about it and in my head like being a child i thought it was something that could just randomly happen and it was like my biggest fear that i would go to jail i don't know why i was just always terrified of it because i thought it wasn't like i thought it was like really like common and it was just like it could happen to me i think cause also maybe our parents it was just a quick answer to be like you're gonna go to jail if you do that like like turning on the light in the car no we'll go to jail oh yeah little things like that i think it was just a quick like don't do that because this is gonna like just like you go you could go to jail for that i remember like crying thinking about the possibility of me going to jail meanwhile we're smoking cigarettes when we're 16 he's like yeah i got over that pretty quick in pennsylvania we have the eastern state penitentiary in philadelphia and we should take a field trip it says it was once the most famous and expensive prison in the world isn't it crazy that currency is flowing through prison systems like people people can get money and then you pay money to other prisoners for items but like how the [ __ ] is money getting through there and like you could like buy cigarettes and like where where are you getting cigarettes and can't you like buy [ __ ] off cops too yeah i don't understand that whole like system like oh yeah like when they make their own oh i had to make my own alcohol i had like what what tools do you have like i don't understand how that works toilet wine have you guys seen empire no no it's insane like the amount of like transactions that take place from the outside to the inside like people have moles on the inside of prisons it's insane like that they they pass money back and forth if someone's in jail that's like a part of a gang that someone wants dead they can pay someone off to like kill them in jail it's crazy i know that's not like an exact true story but people have commented on it and saying that yeah that's how the system is it's just like really sneaky and and like people that have cell phones that oh have you seen have you seen prison tick tocks yes you haven't hit that on your for you page yet no prison tick tocks there's tick tocks that were filmed in prison like like the popular dances yeah in their orange jumpsuit like in their cells there was like three inmates that i saw i found their video because they used my sound like they're like they're in their like cell like doing the dance but the bottom like the music says mariah motto's original sound really yeah it's so bizarre that's how i found it mariah goes on a prison tour al capone was in the eastern state penitentiary so they have his cell on like display wow isn't that crazy mariah walks by every time says he's so haunted his time was spent in relative luxury it says it was yeah he had like the biggest cell like drug lords and cartels they lived good in prison when they were when they were uh taken you know who had it the best though pablo escobar mm-hmm he basically built his own prison for himself oh yeah he was so above the [ __ ] government during his time it's [ __ ] nuts yes like imagine being so rich and powerful and like just so feared that you're like i'm not going to your prison i'm going to build a mansion on top of this hill and i'll i'll quarantine up here and this will be my prison but he no he built he he told him he was going to build a prison he did build a prison but it was to his standard you could rent it on airbnb for the weekend for 10k a month no 10k cool that was pretty [ __ ] cool we just watched a kind of gangbuster movie too oh tax collector tax collection oh i heard the movie was awful you the trailer looked really bad i was like i could not watch that i am so confused the reason i watched it shia labeouf got his entire body tattooed for this role yeah that's [ __ ] nuts got creeper written across his stomach actually tattoos oh i didn't know what what tattoos he got he got he got his name in the movie is creeper that's an actual tattoo his entire body wait what i had no expectations of the movie i haven't even seen the trailer but the fact that he got it tattooed for this movie i was like oh this is gonna be some like shia labeouf epic type of tale like he gets this tattoo and i'm like oh my god this is gonna be some important thing right watch the entire movie he never has his shirt off what not once there's there's one scene for literally i'm not joking like a second where his shirt is off they don't even make a moment out of it it's not it's not ever like it's not like a slow pan up on his butt like you don't see anything you can't even tell like i was so confused because i was like this has to be so important because of the way they were hyping well well here's the thing here's the thing taking shaya's side real quick he probably did think it was going to be a really important probably a really life-changing movie for him no no i just maybe when he i'm saying when he read the script he probably thought it was very good at the time it was like and thought that this movie was going to be a very big turning point in his life it was gonna be a really good movie but it ended up not being a good movie i agree because i kind of compared it to suicide squad how jared leto thought he was going to be like a focal point in this movie and it was just going to be this huge side character that comes in every once in a while right he's just kind of like oh my god this is the joker this is my role as the joker that's like an iconic character i'm really going to start method acting and doing all this crazy [ __ ] i feel like maybe that's what shia was kind of trying to do with this but i don't know how much of what they recorded made it to the final yeah but i i feel bad even talking bad about him because i really love him like no he's incredible he's like he was one of my doctors he was good in the movie i mean yeah he did a phenomenal job it was just like and i'm not one to bash movies because i'm not a movie critic i like movies that people think suck but it was just like it looked like the director watched a bunch of movies and was like oh that was a pretty cool thing they did let me try to like try to recreate that like no imagine like you're doing like vine quick cut like type things and then you're like oh i saw this thing from the matrix let me try to do that oh but then i saw this and it was just like it looked totally different throughout the whole movie yeah there was just like no set cinematography style it was just kind of all over the place some scenes were like fast-paced others were like slow-mo podcasts some had mood like it's crazy movies these days i swear like because i i remember watching the trailer and i remember like not liking the way it was filmed it's almost distracting it's it's exactly it's so distracting when they make remakes of shows and it's almost too hyper realistic it's like yeah saturation and every all the shots are just like too good exactly isn't it funny to think that when like 3d movies came out they really thought like this is going to be it yes we all thought this was gonna be they still make those they make like 40 now right no they don't they don't make movies like that anymore it's not the traditional like red and blue three right well don't they have like the eyes theaters that are like i just don't think they make them anymore when's the last time you you saw a 3d movie come out i mean they're all kids movies yeah but i mean they didn't used to be they did terminator 3d do you remember that oh my god they did terminator 3 d d remember final destination three z i remember that oh my gosh yes this [ __ ] always gave me a headache i didn't yeah i never i never liked the 3d but remember when they used to do like epic kind of crazy movies in like was it avatar wasn't avatar one of the one big ones it wasn't it wasn't 3d it was more that high def high death because they didn't make you wear glasses to watch that movie the budget was one billion dollars what are the first one the second one billions that second one's one billion holy holy holy [ __ ] wait can that even be accurate wow i need to see the receipts if somebody gave you a billion dollars and was like i need this movie done do you think you could i wouldn't even know how to spend the money i'd be like oh what i'm saying 50 cut say my commission you're gonna scoop this way that is insane i've never seen a movie with a budget that big can you search what do you large what do you think the number one spot is currently i think like 600 that that was i'd say 500. oh this is million wait wait well the first avatar could have possibly been looking at this list i don't know how accurate it is but it says that avatar is number 22 and the budget was 237 million the first one the first house that was number that's number 22. i don't know number one is avengers end game wow with 400 million good game pirates of the caribbean yeah on stranger tides wow but uh avengers doubled that over doubled that that's such a huge risk that's what it is avatar starts production today on four consecutive sequels over a billion dollar budget that's what it is wow so they've they've committed to making four sequels and the overall budget is gonna be a billion dollars four sequels that's what it sounds like a big commitment this article is from 2017. damn maybe they've been working on it this whole time you never know they might billy dollar you're probably right i wonder what the what movie has made the most like profit off of being like the the highest percent of the percentage profit right like i know napoleon dynamite cost a million dollars to make but they ended up making like something unreal normal activity i think it has the biggest oh because that cost nothing i love paranormal activity like those numbers don't even seem real it only cost 15 000 to make and then baby that ain't even close to what you spent on your 200. that's crazy when you really think about that you could have made a paranormal activity i know do actors get a flat rate for like a show or do they get money every time it's like on tv they get their uh episode rate yeah and then like a like a residual it all depends yeah it depends on the contract you sign like i know for voiceover it's different i didn't know that on um on camera actors get residuals too every time that their show is like the people and friends yeah just making sure that's what i'm thinking from it still going yeah but like you can't i don't think you can get a deal like that if you're on um a series for the first time you know like i think that only comes after you've been you know in the game like if they're like we want you to do this and they don't really have the money though all right just give me like five percent in whatever right because because uh josh and drake and josh he i think he said he never got like he never got royal residuals from yeah wow and they got they [ __ ] re-aired drake and josh oh my gosh yeah [ __ ] but that's because it comes from a production place of nickelodeon nickelodeon knows how to argue their contracts and nickelodeon knows that basically whatever they do it's gonna have a big like following i feel so they're not gonna offer that up on a silver platter to anyone they're not gonna be like oh yeah if we air this a million times because they know they're gonna air it like a million times yeah so it's it's better to just be like offer them more money up front so that they don't have to keep on paying them over the years over the years over the years yeah wow maybe that's why they don't do like like disney shows anymore like they don't they don't show hannah montana anymore they should handle 10 is so much better than the new shows they got going on now yeah it is go back and watch them they still they're still like good they don't make i mean even cartoons like aren't as good as they used to be yeah nothing nothing i know only spongebob sponsors spongebob don't get them started please the north star of animation a holy grail so good oh they're filming uh season two of the morning show by the way i haven't seen season one gotta go i have such a problem with like like i want to see the morning show so bad but i don't sit down and freaking watch it's the one with jennifer anderson and steve carell and all those people we're in a morning show right now i'm just saying i like don't have patience to sit down and watch stuff i hope i get the glow from the morning morning sun on this side you want me to open it no no we're good he's not ready i'm not ready to speaking of production budget um zayn and i are excited to announce our engagement uh season two i love you so much um season two is coming up i know we've joked about being in it or being in whatever season we're in it's still season one but uh season two is going to start after our 50th episode so the 51st episode is gonna be the official season two and we have a lot of stuff that we're changing yeah we have we have a lot we have a lot on our hand yeah uh but it's gonna be it might be too much i don't know if we're gonna be able to handle it but we're gonna do our best i know um but we're super excited and we think you guys are gonna really love everything that we're gonna be doing yeah everyone just hates all the changes we everyone just think that they're like oh did you see um what happened to gigi hadid when she showed her apartment no no she got roasted online why is it is it a is it an ugly apartment everyone hated it it's pretty it's right people are so mean honestly though some of the some of the these are kind of funny that whole fan base i feel like gigi hadid probably has the same fan base like sick okay cool looking spot that's actually yeah that's actually really this is one picture okay so like it's just a lot it's like a lot of prints on prints and clashing she has like a weird like window for pastas that are different colors i love it i need the macaroni in a drawer but people online were just like ripping her apart it looks like the one crossing when i was nine look at that gigi hadid's entire house has the same vibe as this the i5 ones that's so funny okay that's funny you can't tell me that's not funny cool i don't i'm like confused that's so cool it's identical to our house i'm like i don't know i like it oh my god look at that giant pen yeah like what people are like why is the giant pen there it's very interesting that's for sure there was a tailgate to an old chevy truck that's cool that literally looks something that's like a bed heath would get too i like that bathroom wow the bathroom's very nice yo let people hey art is art ugh i don't like that look at her like i know he probably likes this at least it's different at least yeah i mean i don't mind it um so yeah that's gonna start we're gonna do the remainder of our episodes and then we're going to take a week off to get it all looking ready to go and then uh when we return it is going to be oh zane's ready for bed he's have i've been up too long i've been uh yeah like i'm sorry i'm i'm starting to doze off right now oh um so that's coming soon guys so hang in there we're really excited and then gaming we're still waiting on everything to set it up so um we will keep you updated on that we're really excited about that can he set up a little like what is it a phone line it's a little call-in uh feature that we're gonna be including in the podcast particularly when do you wanna start that today right now right right now today so basically um we're gonna get a number that will not belong to anyone specifically but you guys will be able to call in and um ask a question potentially be featured on a future episode um we're just working right now i think on kind of the template of how we want to like structure each of the questions yeah so that you know they don't get too long we can kind of include them in the podcast um but it's gonna be pretty cool i think it's gonna yeah i think it's gonna work out pretty well and we'll try to pepper in some some questions because i get a lot of questions in the emails perfect so we'll we'll tell them how they can do that next episode yeah yeah i think we'll have a i think we'll have the structure by next step perfect okay that's exciting but all right guys that is it for today's episode thank you so much for watching and listening as always the audio comes out every single monday and the video is on youtube at zayn and heath on tuesdays make sure to get our merch at we have a very limited stuff left because all you [ __ ] took them already all right guys well we'll see you in a week love you guys we love you we love you so much and we'll see you next time
Channel: Zane and Heath: UNFILTERED
Views: 643,742
Rating: 4.9715648 out of 5
Keywords: coffee talk, unfiltered, views, podcast, vlog squad, david dobrik, zane and heath, zane hijazi, heath hussar, vlogger, funny, vlog, natalie, todd, scott, skotcast, matt king, mariah amato, mariah and matt, catfish, carly and erin, uber, freakout, celebrity, vs, addison rae, addison, tiktik, tik tok, girlfriend, kenny, pregnant, pregnancy, mother
Id: 5elxmBWnFe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 11sec (3011 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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