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so we're doing a road trip this is probably one of the trips I'm most excited about I've been waiting to do this for ages and right now travel is looking quite different so what better way to make the most of our given situation than exploring my own backyard today Cathy and I are beginning a 50 plus hour journey back to Vancouver Canada we're here with Max and we are going to be living inside this for the next 2 and 1/2 weeks what can I say this is a really awesome way to travel it's super comfortable I can cook so this is the RV it's like 30 or 35 feet it's my first time driving an RV but I have to say it's not been that bad my first turn I pinched the back tire but I haven't done it since this is a mobile home it is everything we need for the three of us to get by over the next two and half weeks I'm do you know what is the most you're gonna interesting part I'm gonna be driving and that's something I'm scared I don't know if it's dangerous or you're gonna be funny it's dangerous we have to get into iron Pryor which is this beautiful little town in Ottawa that I used to come to every summer and the sun's going down so let's go [Music] we have parked for the night and one of the best things of being a nomad here in this mobile home is the world is your oyster you can make anywhere your campsite let me show you where Knight number 1 is Wow gets a little prettier every time I look at it right across the street we have a Canadian Tire McDonald's is within eyesight is what I always imagined dinnertime ok Appa what's for dinner I'm making tortellini with tomato pasta garlic bread that's the incredible thing you do not have to compromise you can have a full-on kitchen from anywhere in the world max like to get groceries yeah I wasn't using garlic cookies they all go but my favorite thing is this view right here guys just again blowing me away the thought of sleeping right next to that all right who's gonna say grace Catherine Esquivel always outdoing yourself not a shout-out to Rex all really good mm-hmm I just warm it up fantastical it's like I'm in Italy hmm morning as they say an Extreme Home Makeover it's time to move that bus [Music] hi there can I get an Egg McMuffin so this is a kovat 19 drive-through we've been doing them ever since getting an RV because we cannot fit through these spots and the interior of the restaurants are closed we gotta line up with the cars thank you very much thank you take care so guys there is one main reason we've come to iron Pryor and normally it would be the river because I love to take out the boat I wish among all things we could have rented one today but with Kovac I don't think that's even possible I don't think the option was even there not to mention the weather isn't exactly that nice it's super gray a little bit chilly today but there is one thing that will not fail us that that is right here so the man right before said it himself best french fries in Canada expect look at how deep fried and glorious these are so what they do is they actually halfway fill it and then they put condiments in they put your vinegar your salt and then they top up the rest of the second half and then they do it again so you don't have a single fried that isn't beautifully doused in vinegar or salt or whatever you want to add ketchup mine water freshly made they took a little bit longer and they're so warm oh my gosh they're really good they're perfection I like my fries are you kidding me no you get the final say here is she crazy she's crazy she's paying him what can we say that's true another great [Music] we made it like all of maybe 10 minutes 20 minutes outside of arm prior and then we had to stop when we saw this amazing like quintessential Canadian little town it's so cute we got this little rock bridge over there it's not a Red Wing swallow buddy she's a beaut I just had the biggest panic attack I was like max keeps a bird-watching hat he's like no I'm like I'll go get it so I turned around take one step I was this close to the snake it just came out of nowhere like it was not there two minutes ago I turned around that's the closest I've ever gotten to a snake with the big one top of the mornin to you made a little stop at home hardware another home hardware we got these bad boys and they've got a fly net in the top so you could bring it down to cover up and there's mosquitoes down we're on our way to a place that was named after a salad dressing we're going to the Thousand Islands here let's go good paddy so we are here at the Thousand Islands more like seven generally speaking I think people come here to take a boat out for the day it would be so amazing to rent a motor boat a sailboat look at that so thick taking out the jet ski exploring the Thousand Islands yeah I'd be so cold right now yeah most of the stuff we see here on this trip will be new for me I'm really excited to be here this is the trip I've been wanting to do for way too long right behind me here this is where they have the log roll competition the winner gets a Canadian passport the loser send them to the US Cova travel for the win just a lady with windy we just have to experience it through the drone footage yeah I feel like I was beautiful just gonna put myself right here in that boat right now in that moment just take it in I don't even know where we're staying tonight we haven't decided that's right I sent it was I'm gonna be sleeping anyways yes [Music] according to this we got three hours and 55 minutes if we go all the way to Niagara Falls tonight which we might not it's pretty far it's a bright one Oh buddy I can't see anything you see the GPS in my car in this giddy security I have seen more wildlife than I could have ever expected the only problem is it's all been dead there is an unusual amount of roadkill on this road trip I've seen Eagles I've seen seagulls I am seeing squirrels possums you name it it's been laying on that road the bright side though dinners free tonight welcome home Colvin here's this face right here let's get some groceries so while we get some groceries for dinner tonight max is gonna start the import of all the footage basically we got a nice little workflow going we not finished watching a movie they started a movie last night halfway through it with the doc Efron super dreamy McSteamy it feels like I'm still there well yeehaw Cowboys it's time to start our day here it is date number three we've got the road trip hats on we're saying our goodbyes to Walmart thank you for letting us stay goodbye Walmart love the way she purrs you know what I always say guys it's not about the destination it's about having a written tooten good time and today good times are on the horizon I can see him on the road this morning we have just made a little detour I originally didn't plan to do it but we're so close we have to this is Burlington Ontario and this is actually where I grew up Katzie got me to the street right there is where I H on my bike as a kid thinking that I don't need training wheels anymore I went around the block and I just ate it so hard this is where I used to trick-or-treat my old house is just down here it's so beautiful actually right here I used to play video games and I wasn't allowed the same video game tubes Alesso I always went to his house cuz he was older than me there it is we had a blue door it used to be blue needs to be blue now I don't condone illegal parking or trespassing but we're gonna do it anyways and there's my initials C dot L look at that little hand oh my gosh my hand is quite a bit bigger now mine wow this thing has not aged well they need to show a little respect and clean this thing out I'm so happy we stopped really cool really upset they changed the door color though the blue was a better look I've relived my childhood but one thing is missing and that is the Little Caesars Pizza that I used to take my bike to go get five dollar hot and ready it was the highlight of my childhood back in my day was $4.99 when you're wearing a rancher head you get the ranch sauce the flavor still exceptionally mediocre I love little scenery I like that is my first trying the crazy breath and I'm going we have just arrived here at Niagara Falls one of the seven wonders of the world now that is a park job what do you say check that out side to side not a single gap are you guys ready for one of the seven wonders of the world did it look the rainbow it's so beautiful this is Niagara Falls at it's very freakin best guys we're so lucky to be here right now I mean obviously it's for kind of sad reasons COBIT has Knox tourism completely off the board for this year but because of it there's nobody here and it's great we could stay socially distant but still get to see one of the most recognizable landmarks of all of North America and one of the crazy stories that we were reading on the way here is that there was actually a lady who's 63 years old this is about a hundred years ago by the way she got inside of a barrel and went over the waterfall on purpose that's the kicker and she survived she actually did it because her husband had died she had no money to her name she wanted fame and she wanted fortune she got the fame apparently she didn't get the fortune there was no crowd funds there was no tik-tok back in the day so wrong place wrong time against prepare but still a very cool story since her stunts there has been 14 other people of which 10 survives so that's my math is correct 67% chance of survival that's pretty darn good odds I think I'm gonna be the sixteenth to give it a shot do you know how many liters of water pass for a second no but you did eight million enough water for seven point five years of living for the average North American household just surrounding that number of top of my head but actually is true she she read that online something what makes for sure there's a lot of water a beautiful stuff and now got some beef jerky and my favorite sparkling water well-deserved cause we've got about three hours to get to our next destination but we might stop halfway through I do want to show you guys how this RV works I want to give you a room tour so I'm gonna probably pull over somewhere soon and I'll show you how this whole setup works our home on wheels okay guys it's bird-watching time there's a beautiful swan family right over there two babies a mom and a dad and I don't know if you guys know this I'm not even a hundred percent if it's true or not but I heard swans mate with one mate and then they stayed together their whole lives this is some serious romance over here only in Canada I don't have to shine he's beautiful this is why I bought Matt lens right there 600 millimeters and if I turn on one of the most cropped in settings on this I can add another x 3 and it looks something like this [Music] all right guys this could be very dangerous the Canada geese are notorious for being total a-holes but let's see what we can this is definitely going down top ten most dangerous things [Music] do you want to tell people what happen to our shower so we have different waters we have the black water the grey water Abu Hafsah why why there I guess which is clean is plain water and I was delicious with clean water and it's finally coming out out of the shower we obviously need to get rid of it because we have a giant pool in our shower so the solution is to find the dump site and normally that'd be a lot easier but right now because of kovat basically all RV parks are for seasonal stays only meaning you can't park overnight and meaning they're not allowing for dump sites at all but we just showed up at once and the man although telling us that we can't stay the night has graciously allowed us to pay only 10 bucks to be able to use the dump site so we're gonna call in the grey water specialist to show you how we get rid of our water I'm the driver Kathy's the cook max that's our grey water specialist over there we'll all take our turn doing this we're just kidding [Music] alright so for those of you who haven't quite clued in to what's going on here I'll give you a hint there's a bathroom on board this thing that's all I'm gonna say you're so brave [Applause] no look at it's Lucy oh my god I like how there's a transparent part because it's not clear water so now now we pull the gray water and the gray water is the water that was used for dishwashing was used for the shower and is also the water that flooded our shower because our gray water tank was overflowing there you go you can see it right there you should see the last color cuz this helps to clear out the hose you do block water first you do gray water second good work high-five alright guys as promised let's take a look at the rig and it all starts right here come on inside you can be the showroom model this is the kitchen where all the magic happens yeah there is so much space we have this extra table mm-hmm handy we have microwave we have over that we have really been using it's been so helpful yeah a fridge and a freezer yeah so much space so we keep the masks over here so if we make a stop at Walmart or like a grocery store I got our masks this is Max's room and Max's room is actually really spacious so there's a piece right here that gets connected here so that entire area here is his entire room and he just found out today there's actually a little hidden storage cabinet how excited are you about that it's got a better view like Pride Rock of the RV yeah so we could easily have a fourth person in here but you'd have to be very comfortable the fact that you're sharing one bathroom at night getting ready for bed that would get a little a little bit too close for my liking but for as possible this is the drivers area this is where I sit this is where I usually get visitors from one of these two no I don't know about you guys I've been finding the RV just a little too tight yeah but wait there's a solution let me show you this this is the coolest thing about the entire RV right here this magic button is they transformers in the real life I'm gonna press it that oh wow it's so spacious it becomes huge so that whole bathroom area that you saw earlier is now massive literally a mobile home I mean there's no other way to put it you could live in here full-time really comfortable so far it's obviously day three but I can confidently say I could do this for a while so comfortable people see you are driving somewhere and you're just you're tired you just stop and sleep yeah yeah all that space I can do my tap dancing don't do tap dancing but and I should mention it does come with this TV which we won't be using but it's here my room and you can fold it all the way back into Max's room guys that has been the first of our Canada roadtrip series and there will be many more to come so if you enjoyed it hit the subscribe button we would love to see more of your face around here and if this video gets over 3000 likes I will be the greywater specialist for the next video so smash that like button and let's go and let's get lost again in the next one I should also mention if you've ever dreamed before of being a content creator then check out the link down below for my free one-hour training on becoming a creator
Channel: Lost LeBlanc
Views: 551,298
Rating: 4.9174037 out of 5
Keywords: Lost LeBlanc, RV, MOTORHOME, canada, canada travel, canada road trip, canada rv trip, canada rv camping, canada rv living, motorhome living, rv vlogs, rv travel, motorhome vlogs, van life, van life vloggers, rv life, canada travel vlog, road trip, rv living, rv canada, canada rv road trip, driving across canada, road trip vlog, rv lifestyle, van life couple, tiny home, van life vlog, camper van, rv life tour, vanlifers, canada vanlife, canada travel video, canadian vlog
Id: T38zTlAQm3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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