This Motorhome COSTS MORE Than Your House!

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(upbeat music) - Where did you bring me now? - [Mikey] So I was looking on the internet the other day and there's some nice motor homes and RVs out there. So without further ado. - [Enes] I mean, this place does look cool, I got to give it to you. - [Enes] Me and Enes spend a lot of time on YouTube. We saw some of these videos of these RVs and were blown away by like how nice some of them were. - [Enes] This is a $400,000 motor home. Yes. It's not a home, but it's actually almost better than most of the homes we tour. - I mean, why pay half a million dollars for a tight little apartment in Los Angeles, when you could be driving this thing? - [Enes] I agree, I mean like, why would you wanna buy a $400,000 condo when you can get one of these and you can drive it around the country? So. - [Mikey] So yeah, we're here at Dennis Dillon RV in Santa Ana. - [Enes] Huge thanks to Michael Maloney. - [Mikey] Huge thanks to Michael Maloney. We called him, he got us in here, and we're really excited to do it. - Yeah, let's get started. (upbeat music) This is a Berkshire XLT 45A floor plan. This is a $475,000 motor home. But at this dealership, you can buy it for $399,000. Starting with the front, has this really modern design. I love these massive tail lights. We have the school bus kind of side mirrors on each side, obviously massive windshield. So you get all that natural light come in, I guess you see where you're going. - Well, we're going to be saying a lot of things throughout this episode that any RV fanatics out there are gonna be like, "These guys don't know anything." - And we have no problem admitting it. - [Mikey] And we have no problem admitting it. So leave us any comments. If we get anything wrong, we want to learn how to tour these things. - Absolutely. So now. But we do know a couple things about it. There's a release button on the side here, and this is where you have your 10 K generator. It actually pulls out. In fact, it's kind of a heavy duty assembly. You can step on it to clean your windshield if you need to. But overall, just a very clean design upfront. And Mikey, let's go this way. So we have these steps coming down for your main entry, 30 inch door, so it's pretty spacious. Dude, you even get a screen. I just realized this detail. - Oh yeah. - This is cool. - [Mikey] It's, we don't wanna give too much away in there. So let's close it. - Yeah, that's right. That's right. - [Mikey] But these are actually automated stairs that come out, steps that come out. - [Enes] Exactly. Keyless entry if you need to. We have an awning design for the front main entry. And as we continue to the back, obviously we have these slide-outs to kind of maximize interior square footage. Right now we have them on. This one also has an awning, the other one does too. Mikey I know you missed this, probably. You're ready? - [Mikey] Oh, I miss nothing. - Outdoor TV with a sound bar. This is cool. - [Mikey] Yeah, no, it's great. - Amazing. All right. I'm gonna go down there because we're all about details. Let's see what we got here. So I believe this is - [Mikey] That is a-- - fridge. - freezer. - Freezer. - Outdoor freezer. Yeah. - And then it actually has a slide out, I believe. - [Mikey] Yeah, you got to pull both of them up. It comes right out. - This is cool. All right. So that's number one. If I don't hit my head. Let's see - [Mikey] I guess we should've probably put it in travel mode before we did this, but. - I'm committed, Mikey. - [Mikey] Yeah. - Extra storage. This is cool, the other side, there you go. This is the one that has the slide-out tray. Look at all this storage. This is incredible. - [Mikey] Yeah. You could fit like five Jaysons down there. Jayson, get in. No I'm kidding. (Enes laughs) - Another shocking thing about this RV, it gets 8 miles an hour. How's that even possible? - [Mikey] 8 miles a gallon. - There's more doors. This is crazy, let's see. Quickly. - [Mikey] Water heater, I think. And yeah, it has like a Dirt Devil System in there that's like puts everything in like a centralized location that you can just empty it. - This is actually the bedroom slide-out. So you get a little bit more of a kind of a bedroom space. Let's see what else. Obviously, it looks super cool on the outside. I don't know what that was, your battery's here. So on the back, we have the engine access. This has a 450 horsepower diesel engine. It gets 8 miles a gallon. Which is insane, how's that even possible? - [Mikey] Yeah. - Hummers get eight miles a gallon. - [Mikey] Yeah. It has a 150 gallon tank, right? - That's right. - Yeah. So, - That's crazy. - [Mikey] you can cover some ground in this thing. - Absolutely. All right. Lastly, of course you have your tow hooks here, 15,000 pounds, I believe. This is really cool. I mean, it's like a home. Look at all your home runs, and then your shut off valve for each one of the faucets or fixtures you have. - [Mikey] What's that red thing? - I think that's your water filtration system. Even this like little - [Mikey] Outdoor shower. - That's right. That's right. - Yeah. Enes, take a shower for us. - Not now. - [Mikey] All right. - Another thing, these rear wheels, I bend down a lot, dude. One second. Let me tuck, I'm a mess. Another thing here, these rear tires actually steer. So considering the size of this thing, it's nice to have that feature for easier turns. - [Mikey] Yeah. I think it just overall improves your turning radius a little bit. - That's right. - It looks like we have awnings on this side also, yeah? - I mean it's all about making the best out of the I guess, both the outdoors and indoors. - Let's go inside. - Let's see what else we got. I think that's it. Let's go inside. (upbeat music) Super spacious. We have the passenger seat here. Mikey, let's start with this one. - [Mikey] Enes, I learned it's called the navigator seat. - Navigator seat? - [Mikey] Yeah. This is where the navigator sits, all right? - I guess we're getting educated on this one. Well, while you were figuring that out, I figured this one out. It's kinda nice. - [Mikey] Oh yeah. - Yeah. Super cool. - [Mikey] Navigate all day from there. (Enes laughs) The driver's seat is even better. - I mean, I have a pretty nice car. This seat, it like cannot be even compared to my S-Class. This thing is extremely comfortable. And you might think from the outside that this thing is intimidating to drive, but you feel super connected to the RV. And because you have this massive windshield you kind of see everything so clearly. I mean, you have shades on each side, a beautiful dashboard assembly, two screens. This thing has autopilot, generator controls. - [Mikey] It has automated shades around the entire thing. - [Enes] This is incredible. Fans on top to get that extra ventilation. TV right in the center. I mean, for love of God, we have upper cabinets upfront. This is amazing. - [Mikey] Yeah and also to your left. Show the people what that is. So to Enes's left, there's a equalizing system that will basically, what, it's like a air suspension? - Yeah. Like, not air suspension, hydraulics. - [Mikey] Yeah. - That levels off the car. - [Mikey] It'll level off everything in the entire RV when you're at a campsite or when you're driving. - Amazing. We even have the cup holders, please. - [Mikey] That's right. - Don't forget that. All right. Now let's talk about this back. Look how spacious this is. - This is ridiculous. - This is insane. Like you can have 12, 15 people here. Like no problem. - [Mikey] Not that you'd want to, I'd wanna be in here alone, but yeah. - I mean, this is incredible. I was actually gonna say let's start with the kitchen first, Mikey, there's one more detail. We've gotta show this, Turn around. The drop-down bed they have here. This thing's so cool. - [Mikey] This thing can actually sleep two, four, six people, just on beds. - Just on beds. - [Mikey] But there's a sofa here that turns into a bed. Obviously you can use that as a bed, so you can sleep what? 10, 11 people here? - Easy. It's incredible. - Yeah. - Look at this kitchen. I mean, is this a compromised kitchen? Look at this. You get a full-sized fridge. - Brand new. - And freezer, brand new, that's right. And little details like this, you know, because you're driving, you got a little lock right there. - [Mikey] I love those things that are just the securing mechanisms. I grew up sailing and I loved all the latches and stuff. - Yeah. - [Mikey] So nothing would fall over when you're underway. - I mean, I guess you need it when you drive across the country. - [Mikey] Yeah. - Let's see, this is cool. So they have this cabinet here, but they have that lock on this side. Mikey, I don't know if you can show. In case, you know, you have stuff in there, you don't want it to roll out. - [Mikey] Electric latch. - That's right. Great countertop space. You have induction, microwave above, you got crown molding detail on top. I mean, are you serious? This is incredible. Let's see, we love these. Like, this is like a high amenity on these luxury homes. Like these half dishwashers. - [Mikey] Yeah. - You have it right here. - [Mikey] For, you know, 1/10 of the price of the homes we see? - Maybe more. I mean the homes we tour are, you know, 10, 15, $20 million. - [Mikey] It's been a while since we've been in a $4 million home. - Lot of cabinets. I really like this recessed in LED lighting into the countertops. This is cool. So, you know, you wanna make the best out of your countertop space. Right underneath this, look at the size of this kitchen sink. - [Mikey] Yeah. Farm sink, right? - Farm sink. That's right. And right on the other side, dude, they thought of everything. They have a window for ventilation. - [Mikey] Lot of vents in here. So above, I think we have four different vent accesses with fans attached. - Yeah. - [Mikey] So if you're cooking in here, all these are electric, you push a button, they open up. - [Enes] They kind of suck more air - [Mikey] Yeah exactly. - so you can circulate in here. - Yeah. - Absolutely. And last part of this, you have a TV, right? Check this out. Oh. - Latch. - There you go. - Little safe. - Storage, bottle rack. - Panic room, no. (Mikey laughs) - [Enes] I mean, this is incredible. Now down below, you got your soundbar. Electric fireplace. I mean seriously, why would you get a condo if you can get one of these and just stay inside? This is incredible. All right. Let's look to the other side. Your dining table. Obviously, these are also extra storage, turn into a bed if you need to. Lot of windows, Every bit of space is utilized. These things are soft-close. - [Mikey] It looks like we missed some lighting down here too, but. - [Enes] We did? Let's see. - [Mikey] Yeah, that's gotta be, oop! - Oop! - [Mikey] You went into theater mode. - There you go, you have-- - Wall light? - Wall light - There we go. - [Mikey] There you go. - I think we have everything back on now. Perfect. I love the ceiling treatment here. Additional seating, cup holder, perfectly positioned toward TV. They told us something that's really important, I know Mikey's going to dig that detail as well. So RVs do get hot. You have a lot of windows, so you have, let's see where are they? You got solar shades. If you wanna just block the heat, then you have blackouts. - [Mikey] Yeah. - If you want to get that privacy. - [Mikey] Yeah, also, you go to a lot of campsites shared by people, you never know where you are. - That's right. - [Mikey] It's always kind of a weird feeling when you're really well lit on the inside and you can't see out. So you just want that privacy, you know? - Gotcha. Good point. We continue? - [Mikey] Let's do it. - Also, ceramic tile floors. They're heated. Come on. That's incredible. - [Mikey] It's hydronic heating throughout the whole thing. - That's correct. Amazing. - Wow. - Amazing. So this looks like some cabinetry here or storage, but no. There's two bunk beds here. - [Mikey] Little bunk room. - With their own windows, own TV. Another one down below with USB, HDMI, everything you need. And you can actually fold this one up and use this as like a storage closet. - [Mikey] Yeah, like a primary closet. Enes, show us the space in there. Get up there. - Mikey, if I get up there, my audio is going to separate to the right. I don't know if I can make it down. I mean, I can easily sleep here. - [Mikey] Well, we forced Jayson to get in there and get some B-roll. So enjoy that. - [Enes] Enjoy, enjoy that. I mean, I wouldn't mind staying here at all. This is awesome. All right, right on the other side. So this motor home has two full bathrooms. Full. Actually, Mikey, why don't you go in? Because I feel like I'm gonna cram the space a little bit. So your toilet set up, your vanity, extra open shelving, your vent ventilation, upper cabinets, extra fan above. Look at this walk-in shower. - [Mikey] Get in the shower. Show how spacious it is. - So like, this is amazing. This is actually a really good sized shower with a tile back wall. - Climb in there. - natural light. You want me to get in there? - [Mikey] Yeah, yeah. My lens isn't quite wide enough to show. - Okay, so this is what I love about this. There's two details here. Number one, this folding. I don't know if you guys can see it. - [Mikey] Bench. - Bench. Second thing, you know how you run your water on your shower till it gets hot so it's ready for you? You press this button right here and you wait till your water gets the perfect temperature. So as soon as you turn it on, you have that perfect temperature. So you don't waste any water. - [Mikey] You only have about what? Like 150, 200 gallons of clean water. - Something like that, I think Michael mentioned it. Somewhere around there. - [Mikey] Yeah. So you don't wanna waste any of that waiting for your water to heat up. So if you push that button, once it gets hot, you release it and you got instant hot water. I don't know why they don't do that in homes. - I know we actually talked about that. He was like, "I want this system in my home." - [Mikey] Exactly. That's where it gets crazy. - All right. Back bedroom. There's a king-sized bed here. - [Mikey] Primary bedroom. - Primary bedroom. - [Mikey] Keep in mind, we're basically in a car. - Basically in a car. Mikey, let's show this. We have a sliding door here. Right? Kind of serves as like a barn door, so it tucks to the wall. King-sized bed here. I mean ton of cabinetry. And look, lot of people would say like you feel cramped in these things. We don't, and we're big dudes. Like we feel extremely comfortable here. TV here, more cabinets, drawers. I mean, look at this. Everything's soft-close. - [Mikey] Really nice. Also, we have a fan in here, which is I've never seen, and even in RVs. - Honestly, it makes perfect sense. Think about it. You're in a colder temperature, you leave your windows open, this circulates the air. So you don't have to have your AC on. - [Mikey] Something really cool, Enes, actually lay on the bed. And if you look up above you, there's a little panel there with all the controls. - Oh yeah. Reading light, a bedroom light. - [Mikey] Well, you can actually turn off the whole RV, you can turn on the generator from there. - [Enes] Very nice. That's super smart. - [Mikey] Yeah, for sure. - [Enes] I like those reading lights they have there. You have window on each side, kind of for extra lighting and ventilation. This is incredible. - [Mikey] Yeah, it's awesome. - Now, take a look at this bathroom. This is even more insane. Double vanity, two sinks, uppers, mirrors everywhere, your toilet setup, more windows. I didn't even know RVs have these things, stacked washer and dryer. - What? - I know you didn't saw it yet. - [Mikey] Those are like full sized too, almost. - This is insane. You'll literally have everything here. - [Mikey] Yeah. - I love that detail. And lastly, you have the same walk in shower with the same features, natural light from above. This is incredible. I just, I don't know what to say. I mean. - [Mikey] Let's go back to the living room real quick. I want to see that one more time before we're done. This is really cool. - [Enes] I mean, the fact that we are walking around this comfortable, with this much space, this is insane. - [Mikey] Yeah. And you're what, like 6'2? - 6'1. - [Mikey] 6'1. 6'7? - Again, I mean, I'm, yeah. I mean, I have so much, even right here, look. No issues, by the way, I think we forgot to mention these seats turn around as well, so you kind of get the best out of your amenities. - [Mikey] As soon as you pull up to your campsite, you turn those around and then they just become interior seating. - And I mean, look, you just take a seat here, enjoy, have a meal, work on your edit. I don't know. I feel like Mikey's really digging this lifestyle. - [Mikey] Yeah, I think I was born for this. (Enes laughs) Yeah, but that's basically it. - [Enes] Huge thank you to Michael from Dennis Dillon RV for allowing us to tour this amazing motor home. They got a ton of inventory here. Mikey, what did he say? Normally they would have up to 750 RVs in their inventory? - [Mikey] Yeah. So this is the largest RV dealership on the West Coast. Typically they have 700 plus in their inventory. But they're down to like 68. - Because of COVID and how much demand there is on motor homes. - [Mikey] Yeah, yeah. COVID has skyrocketed the demand for motor homes, but it makes sense. You get this huge space, you get - Seclusion. - [Mikey] Travel anywhere you want. Drive anywhere you want. You know, even our editor, Dal, was like, "I'm gonna get one of these, so I can edit where I want," you know? - Honestly, what I'm shocked about it, is the fact that you have all your amenities that you would have in your own home. Washer, dryer, dishwashers, full kitchen, induction, you literally have everything. This motor home is just so impressive. - [Mikey] Yeah. And you could be sitting out in the Mojave Desert, or in Yosemite, getting your work done. - I'm getting inspired here, Mikey. - [Mikey] I know, I'm just, I'm trying to give you a - Mikey's trying to push me to this direction. - [Mikey] I'm trying to let you imagine how you can use these, you're like, "I could be in Yosemite doing work." - Yeah, this is amazing. But I hope you all enjoyed this video. Let us know in the comments section if you guys want us to tour more motor homes. We'll do our best. And we enjoy doing them. And if we said anything wrong, again, we're not RV experts, let us know in the comments section. And if you haven't already subscribed to the second channel, I mean, come on, we are producing some diverse content here. You know, it's enjoyable and. - [Mikey] This just the beginning. - It's just the beginning, that's right. - [Mikey] Y'all support our journey. Give us a like. Give us a comment, if you want to know anything. - Subscribe and we'll see you guys next week. (upbeat music)
Channel: Enes Plus
Views: 3,887,859
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Keywords: rv tour, rv, motorhome, motorhome tour, berkshire, xlt 45a, berkshire motorhome, motorcoach, motorhome living, motorhomes for sale, rv for sale, rv life, enes yilmazer, enes plus, dennis dillon, rv motorhome tour, bus house tour, forest river, motorhome for sale, motorcoach foe sale, expensive motorhome, expensive motor coach, motorcoach tour, dennis dillion, rv tour 2021, rv tour class a, luxury motorhome, luxury rv, luxury motor coach, biggest motorhome, mobile home, rvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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