Motorhome from Hyundai that starts around $42K USD. Can you believe it? 1st RV car from Hyundai!

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Oh okay I always think that hello guys let me just check all that I think we rely on can you see me guys let me know I think yeah I think we're live now welcome to Asia and Petra I am actually standing right beside the Hyundai Motor studio go young because we actually have a camping car from here on days actually called kion day poorest I thought it would start with F you know like a forest mountain forest but I was wrong it actually starts with P porousness this is actually first camping car from Hyundai so guys do let me know what do you think about Hyundai building a camping car sorry I have to catch my breath sauce speak little slowly and we got this car for tonight so we're gonna have to it's about 12 here and lunch time we're gonna get this car back by tomorrow lunch so we are actually going to you know review this core and record a review on this car and before we do I just wanted to really give you live streaming quick overview of this car so before we begin if you love cars and car reviews please do support us by subscribing to our channel and also hit the bell notification so you don't miss out in the future okay so let's move to the front I'll explain why it's called poorest okay okay so that's what it looks like so this is what it looks like from the front if you have seen Hyundai Porter or Honda h100 Porter is actually the working horse for Korea so if you guys know H 100 or have seen on the portal let me know in the comment section this is actually a cap over truck that is why the this cap is actually sitting on the front axle you know Hyundai logo here just looks very similar to Hyundai Porter the app they have added this camera sensor here for the new lane departure warning and also recall it flew for collision avoidance and the overall looks pretty same openings on the bottom hell em system but their bulb time but we're gonna show you that through review okay large side mirrors we have a 195 70 by 17 inches I mean yeah 17 inches and 15 inches I'm sorry and it's got full caps on there okay so that's why the name comes from beyond a porter plus rest like a sleeping rest so they're gonna call it porter rest okay so let me just show you the call from the side this this car is actually about 223 inches long and about 83 inches wide and about 115 feet so as you can see it's really really large I'm going to show you we also have a earning for the side we're going to show you when we get to the camping site and we also have a hold on it's also it's also cartridge to remove the waste from the toilet so that's pretty nice and we also have a shower we also have a shower inside but I also have a shower right here actually this camping goes out out of water clean water but this wall actually you know when you're coming out of the as if it works yeah it's out of water so but let's say you're coming out coming back from outdoor activity you can certainly clean your feet and you know dirt and then go back in and take a shower so I think that's a very nice system and we also have a very large storage area here I think I could get in there as well and this also has a there's also controller here here is what this is for right this porous actually has something called smart space right I'm going to show you when you open this this part actually comes out it comes out about 80 centimeters so producers kim is going to show you what it looks like from the inside so 80 centimeters about 31 inches if you convert it so it makes quite a difference but it only works when the car is you know standing still right so it takes about you know good 30 seconds for the system to complete and you you have to be holding the the switch otherwise if you let it go it will just stop okay so I think that's it yeah so that's pretty good so let me just show you what it looks like so so that's about 80 centimeters about 30 inches so I think it's a it's a good and they also if you see they also have added a learning for this system so if you park under the tree you know the breeze won't get onto the on the system so guys do let me know what do you think about you know smart space system I think it's a very very nice system there's also some you know trashed in here you can also have a sliding right here you can also have a you know go reflector ends when you get inside this is the probably the most important part when you get inside we have a kitchen right here oh okay there's no burner but it actually has a working faucet but like I told you we don't have any water left so I'll show you probably when we get to the camping site we also have a you know window that opens up I think hopefully oh there's one more yeah two more so actually opens I also have a shade like this so on both side lights here also lots of storage areas right there right there and we also have a - toy boy charging USB charging port so that's got pretty good things around here this is actually honda says this is actually made of stainless so it's you know it will be scratch of resistance and it's got drawers with locking mechanism so everything won't fall out when you're driving so that's pretty nice we have it here few more down here so yeah so it's got lots of storage area and this got about 20 liter microwave so when you have like a hot pocket or something you can microwave it here and also have a refrigerator right there I forgot to I forgot to take my shoes let me just throw them out okay so refrigerator and also on the bottom as well so pretty nice I think this is about 150 liter yeah this also freezer as well so that's a good you know so this car was actually designed for four people so I think that's pretty good this also has a locking mechanism so it won't fall out yeah and we also have under logo here and we also have air conditioning here and air vents right here ah ask you to actually works like this okay oh I see oh it opens up when you turn it on and the fan just ventilates stop and we also have air conditioning and I said here and they says if the car is fully charged it actually has extra batteries and inverters so if it's fully charged you can have this air conditioning up to six hours in Inka mode so I think that's pretty good we also have a TV here 24 inch TV and you know this is where the part actually extended right so it's very large you guys don't know I'm about six - I can I could get in here and lay down it's it's very comfortable you can actually put cushions like this on either side and just just just lay down yeah little bit little bit short for me so I just slip on the middle but I think for average people I think it should be very very nice and some shelves on either side you also have a 220 volt charging right there there's also shower booth would actually shower here also have this as a basin so that's that's very nice we also have a yeah I'm not a camping car expert but most of 220 board charging for hairdryer I think so you can put like your shampoos and everything right there like I told you there's a small toilet it's like that yeah so drain toilet paper can actually close everything like this when you're driving so it doesn't bother you okay so uh and we can actually and I told you this car was actually designed for four people and you can actually turn this benches into two seats okay how do we do that I'll just show it to you it'll become like this you can put cushions on here and on the bottom I don't know which where it goes which but it's supposed to work okay and can have a seatbelt and one two three four so it's designed for four people okay so when you're done and this you can actually put the everything into flat surface like this oopsie that's an NG there so but you can put this into a flatbed like this I don't know which one goes which but supposedly make a flat back okay and when you're done and this table also can be transformed into raised a little bit when you're let's say when you're having a dinner or something you can have it like this so people can sit here that's a pretty good idea too so if you guys have any questions let me know about the table we can actually it's a little bit rough and do that and let's say you're done done with everything you know didn't turn everything there's also a bed right here this only works if the size size brake is working this is something called a smart bed that's all they also give you a letter and actually put this like so and get up there yeah so right here you guys don't know about six-two and you can just sleep this is the front of the car so I think this is even larger than the the bed at the rear pad so I think yeah it's got TV here it's got everything so guys do let me know what do you think about it in the comment section like I told you I'm not a camping car expert or anything but I really wanted to show you the car I never knew Hyundai would build a camping car but they actually did so you can actually fold it away like this they said it's good for you know about three adults so maybe two of those about so when you win it when it goes back in the light comes back in okay so other than that you can use that bunker bad as it is so let me know if you have any questions about the interior before we show you the driver's seat let me just read some of your comments fancy yeah hello Carrington yeah Jade I think this is a very nice the price there's no International pricing yet but Hyundai says this direct conversion this will start around forty one thousand US dollars and if you load it up like a refrigerator air conditioning solar panel everything it will climb all the way up to seventy two twenty seventy two thousand US dollars so do you let me know what anything about the price hello me hello John so how you guys doing do let me know what you think about so Cindy like I told you you will there's no international pricing but it will start around 41k u.s. dollars will climb all the way up to 72 KN US dollars okay yes this car is from Korea yeah I'm actually right by the Hyundai Motor studio parking lot because you know sorry about the delay because I was supposed to get this car by like an 11 ish but it came a little bit late and I'm just you know standing here showing you the car so let me know what do you think about first camping car from here hey I just really wanted to show it to you guys so not bad Carrington huh okay so let me just quickly also show you the the car from the driver's seat like I told you we're gonna actually go camping with this car we got this car for a day so we picked it up today and we're gonna have to bring this back tomorrow so we're going to actually go to a camping site and show you the car actually working and we're gonna actually barbecue and end and show you the car so this is what it looks like so if I showed you that I haven't showed you the the engine right I'll show you pretty a little bit late later well oh my god what ha they actually put this mirror I don't know if it's optional BOTS there's no 360 camera but this has a parking sensor right I will just alert you with alarm when you back it up but it also has is a system a very interesting okay you cannot see it on there but it's actually showing the image pulling from the rear okay we also have you know analog gauges on each side so it's got 2.5 liter diesel engine we're going to show you the engine it's actually located below these seats it's got analog gauges on each side with 3.5 inch screen in the metal showing various information so yeah it's pretty good and to the right we also have a Auto for auto climate control and also heated steering wall this is low the volume little bit and we also have the mp3 player CD player physical buttons and dials very good USB charging port yes your lane departure warning system so we're going to show you how it works pretty soon cup holder here plus ashtray and some storage area here good ol side brake system yeah and we also have a glow box that's really light okay and you know materials it's it's part plastic but leather here so it's actually pretty nice it's not really big but you guys don't know I'm about six - but Headroom is okay and the visibility is pretty or chemi the rear visibility is kind of blocked but I think you'll be okay to drive this car so if you have any questions some glass holder here yeah so makeup cover here so yeah if you have any questions about the call let me know mmm what else when is it going to coming to Australia I'm not sure ramen but hopefully soon Oh infotainment screen there's no infotainment screen for this car but you can get as an option eight-inch option just like what you find on the Kia Soul okay oh they it's optional but they don't have it hmm interesting how much is the price are the this no international pricing has been given yet but this Porter will actually start around 41 K and will climb all the way up to 72 K US dollars okay so that's about the price it's really interesting I mean I never thought Hyundai would build a camping car they kind of have collaborated with a small-medium company located here in Korea so this is like I told you this is cabover car so engine is actually located below this seats okay so 2.5 liter diesel which makes about 133 horsepower and 191 pound-feet of torque so it will be not so cool oh what the hell that's really dangerous I don't know who put the seat belts right beside the fender but yeah so it's made it to five-speed Automatic its rear wheel driven yeah it's just like a Lamborghini so yeah we're going to show you how it drives pretty soon yeah so many mechanics don't like this sort of cab of a truck because it's really hard to you know maintenance maintenance and repair okay so that's what it looks like and the guys I have to show you one more thing follow me here like to show you this one last thing any questions do let me know so they have this controller here which controls everything I think it's it's a very nice day made this okay so this you can control the lightning you can turn off each of them and you do it you can also connect your smartphone and so it's I think it's really really nice it shows how much water this is it in Korean so this is actually clean water we don't have it so that's that's a used you know toilet water heater is off right and they actually put a what we call it the heating wires on the floor so when it gets cold you can have a hot bottom okay so so you can also have a solar roof but I don't think this guy has it so you can control everything about here and it's also saying about you know the battery level left two hours left we have the everything on so so I think it's a very nice system so guys do let me know what do you think about it we also have a TV so yeah what else you like to see yeah I think we've got we're going to record our review on this Porter and then go drive this car and then and then we're going to go to the camping site and also show you the car maybe we're gonna give you a night drive so to show you what it looks like at night okay so yeah guys give me last few more questions yeah Ford GM C's yes I've seen few with the transit biltong it's a much bigger car so this is actually a twice a small RV butts which is a you know quite nice fit for Korea you know we don't have such a big rose here but I think the layout wise and feature wise I think can they really try to put many things into this camping car so guys do let me know what you think about it yeah how big is it like I told you it's about 223 inches long about 83 inches wide and about 115 tall you guys don't know I'm about six two and you can see how big the car is and I can I can stand on the car without any problem okay so any questions yeah I mean Carrington yeah I think I'm gonna go drive this car pretty soon but I think it will be very nice won't be that hard to drive for this car you don't need any special license if you drive your regular car you can just drive this car so I think I think that's a very good take it for a drive when I save that for for the full review okay LT overall dimensions Charles just told you but one more time this is about 223 inches long about 83 inches wide and about 115 inches tall okay Nathan I hope I'm not sure when he on day is gonna bring this car to overseas but hopefully soon and you know I think Hyundai seems to be very excited about this car because it's actually their first RV car camping car so yeah steering wall that's a very good question I don't know let me show you does it tilt I don't think it does anything let's see there's a level here oh it just moves up and down no telescope okay so it doesn't go in it just moves up and down so do that did I answer your questions okay well Matthew well no I mean I think this is a very good size of SUV I mean not SUV camping car and you know price-wise I think it's also quite competitive as well when can you buy it here in Korea it's sale now but not sure when they're gonna bring it to you know California and North America and everything but hopefully soon so yes I know this I think you'll be you guys will like this this is no rear wheel driven it's actually it's not oh it's real it's real real driven it's too hard I'm saying stuff you know but it's really driven no overall Drive okay so yeah John you can buy it now here in Korea but Norrell sale so I I think you know I'm glad I can be showing this car to you I think this will be also can be considered as world premier showing you the camping car first from Hyundai in English so I'm always glad I can deliver so thank you guys so much I mean you know our channel has been growing very rapidly lately after Santa Fe reviews as well so thank you so much we have reached 80,000 subscribers few days ago so thank you so much as well now we are going to yes you has a keyless entry system let me just show you the car key worse than our car keys right here so you can lock it you can hear it right yeah so now actually when you lock it will actually close all the all the doors so yeah so yeah what is the van next to you that's not a van guys that's exeunt yeah that's not a van this is a semi truck from heun's hey hey so yeah I really like this red this is to the uh you know trailer so yeah look how big it is I'm six doing yeah so it's not a ban so what do you what do you guys think about semi truck I cannot drive this car but push money too yeah it has a TV here it's got a TV here 24 inch TV 24 inch TV okay watch them all per gallon not so good it's 2.5 liter diesel but I think it's quite nice for a camping car set I don't know doesn't say here but yeah yeah I know John oh they did so TV's about 24 inches okay no random I'm not gonna try bored or yeah but uh I would love to someday you know travel around the world in world war seeing you guys in person and doing the owners review and reviews together around the world the TV is about 24 inches okay okay Aditya thank you tea cappuccino family so I think we're gonna end the review the live streaming right now because we have to go outside and record an in-depth review on this car and then we're gonna drive it and also and then we're gonna go to the camping site and hopefully we'll also give you a night drive not night drive but night review on this captain car as well so thank you guys so much for tuning in hope you guys enjoyed it at it's a very very hot day today and so yeah we'll see you guys soon and we'll be back with more contents I think we have a maybe Sunday carnival all new Sedona being introduced here in Korea some times this month and maybe maybe Hyundai Elantra in line as well so stay tuned guys and before you leave if you love cars and car reviews please do support us by subscribing to our Channel and also hit that Bell notification so you don't miss out in the future thank you guys see you soon and stay healthy bye bye
Channel: Asian Petrolhead
Views: 1,363,652
Rating: 4.6629605 out of 5
Keywords: Hyundai, Hyundai Motors, Hyundai Motor Group, HMG, Camping car, camper, camping-car, camping-car de luxe, RV, RV car, Hyundai H100, Hyundai Porter, Porter, H100, outdoor gears, camping gears, camping car review, camping-car review, camper review, camping car from Hyundai, camping-car from Hyundai, camper from Hyundai, Asian Petrolhead, Charlie Min, 캠핑카, 현대캠핑카, 현대캠핑카포레스트, 포레스트, hyundai porest, porest, hyundai camping car, 현대포레스트, motorhome, small motorhome, motorhome frim Hyundai
Id: MM6s0HhaxT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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