We got a microchip cat feeder for only Haku

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Jun: Hungry boy! We got you an amazing... Jun: Ta-daa! Rachel: Da da-daaaa! R: da da-daa R: Okay, so you know how some cats if you put out food, they'll eat all of it... ...everyone's food... R: immediately... J: Not me. R: ...and then they just keep... J: Over there. R: Gaining weight and getting chubbier and chubbier. We have cats like that [laughs]. But Haku is the other type of cat where he only likes eating a little bit of food at a time And so he's always wanting more food throughout the day because he didn't eat much during breakfast or dinner And... When he starts getting hungry, he starts causing trouble. He'll go up on the kitchen and like knock down all of the utensils, or he'll come like nip at our ankles, or scratch, like, the walls or couch, or something to get our attention ~Cuz you're a little butthead~ So, we decided to try one of these automatic feeders that reads microchips so that we can set this to have... food permanently out for Haku to eat whenever he wants *SPOOK* but the other cants get to-- the other cats can't get to it. J: I feel like as soon as Haku starts eating that thing opens, right, and Poki will notice R: [laughs] and come run towards it and then try to steal the food anyway. R: So this is the idea. It doesn't come with a back on it so like other cats can literally stand around the back you have to buy it separately, so we bought both. We also got... R: C batteries... J: [laughs] He wants to play, he's hungry. R: I haven't seen C batteries since I was like a kid R: but we got rechargeable C batteries-- J: Rachel! (R: Yeah?) Stop Haku from bullying... [laughing] R: Haku! Do you wanna look at the box? HOW COME NONE OF YOU GUYS WANNA COME SMELL THIS?! J: Poki will. (something about boxes and plastic) R: da da-daaaa! R: If they don't have a microchip, you can also use this. J: mm. R: like put this on their collar, but we don't... R: give our cats collars, so... [Jun "hmm-ing" in agreement] J: Rachel, what's that? [Haku attacking plastic] [bowl opens] [Haku hisses] [Rachel laughs] J: Is he too, like, scared to go in there? R: Oh my god! R: IF THEY HAVE AN OPEN/CLOSE BUTTON ON THE BACK POKI CAN JUST LEARN TO PRESS THE BUTTON! R: What are you doing? J: Can you not lock it? R: I don't know. J: Well, let's never use that in front of Poki. R: (softly) training... function... what's the training function? J: Haku's the one who learned how to turn on the Roomba by himself first. J: [laughing] Haku's really scared and cautious. [laughing] He-- he's liking it! R: We need to wash the dishes (J: Of course) and the mat first. Can you wash these while I am... R: Reading the instructions, please...? J: Sure R: This is the "add a cat" button here for their microchip I don't know if it learned him or not. I need him to stick his head in here. Haku! Stick your head through here. I need... a stick to entice Haku to-- oh, yeah, it does know Haku. It knows Haku! Awww! J: Alright, do you want me to bring these plates over in a minute? (R: Haku! Yes.) R: Maybe I'll just do this? Oh, there we go. There we go. Theeere we go. It's got its back. Yay-yah. Haku, I need you to [laughing] move a little so I can put the mat down. There you go! Dere you go, good boy! Um, okay, let's give him-- let's get some food. R: You washed this, right? J: I just washed it. There's another one that has a divider inside... (R: Yeah) in between. (R: Yeah yeah yeah) Is he okay with this one? R: Yeah, this is fine. R: All right, Jun just brought the food. Do it, Jun. J: Are you sure? R: Yeah. [lid opens] [Poki: I SENSE A DISTURBANCE IN THE FORCE] R: [laughs] J: Barely just... opened the lid. R: Unblinking. [laughs] Whoa, Poki, you're being so patient. R: Alright. Haku can open it... and eat! J: I feel like Poki can stick his head too. J: Oh! He's here, he's here, he's here! R: Yeah, yeah, that's why, like, some people made custom... (J: Rachel!) boxes to put this in. J: Poki can... [laughs] R: [laughing] nonono! J: Let's see how this works as it is now. R: Poki can definitely just, like, butt in. J: Yeah, but let's see if Haku will fight over it. R: No he won't. J: I thought it was supposed to shut the lid? R: It-- it will. R: But I don't know how long it takes to shut. J: Oh, Poki will finish it well R: [laughs] Yeah. R: Maybe it doesn't shut while it senses a cat's head in there. J: Ohhh R: Which, I mean, would be a... understandable safety feature. R: Okay, bud! Buddybuddybuddybuddybuddy. J: [laughs] R: Buddy! R: Lemme go get some boxes. R: I wonder if it'll fit in this. I found a bunch of these on sale. J: Yeah. R: So what I could do is just cut like a little opening here J: mm R: and even if... well, it's a little tall... [laughs] J: Or we can use this box, honey. R: [laughing] The box it came in! R: Okay, so it knows this now so we could just use this as... like instead of having to press the button on the back, we can just take this tab and then put it in here and force it to open for us. J: (agreement noises) R: ...and take the thing out. R: Uh, also they said that there is a... Here we go ...speed setting for how quickly the lid closes after they're done. I made it close quicker, so let's see if it actually does. That's better. That's better. J: Sorry, more and-- harder and harder for you to steal the food. R: [laughing] Do you see Haku? He's just sitting in the box watching. J: Yeah, he's-- he's learning. R: There you go. There's more food in there. R: [laughing] Haku's so big he can just step over the edge! (J: Right?) J: And Poki's waiting! Poki's waiting! J: I guess it works. R: It kinda works just like this. I mean, I feel bad. I don't think this is a comfortable way for him to eat, but-- J: Poki's just watching him. R: Poki, I'm so sorry, baby. I know you feel sad. R: I feel really really guilty feeding one cat but not the others- J: At least-- at least-- yeah [laughs] R: But he did get some food. R: Cuz he doesn't understand why Haku gets food and he doesn't it-- he probably feels really upset. And unfair. J: [laughing] I know, but he eats more than everyone R: I know... :( J: [still laughing] He steals everyone's food. R: That's because he's the only one who knows what it's like to staaaarve! 🥺 R: This worked a lot better than I thought it would. I was really worried we were gonna have to do a whole bunch of like, um, creative things to keep Poki out of it. But it seems like he's not even trying to get over the bin. [A few minutes later] Poki, whatcha doin'~? [aggressive scratching] [Rachel laughs] [angry scratching] R: This is what I was expecting. [angry scratching] R: Aww.. R: Oh, he moved the mat around but that's all. This, you can't... Maybe if he puts a lot of pressure on this he could break it, but it doesn't lift up if you just like get your fingers or claws under there, so that's nice. You gonna try? [crash in background] All of our cats are gonna be like, "What is Haku doing?" [laughs] They probably don't understand why it opens for Haku but not them All right. Good job babies. [Later that night] So this happened. [frustrated laugh] Buuuuuuuud Which means... We gotta- -we gotta figure something else out. So I guess we're gonna have to [dramatic inhale] ~go back to the drawing board tomorrow~ [the next day] R: It's happENING AGAIN! Okay, so... I don't want to cut up this box. I think what I need to do is make a very... Come here bud, come here bud. Make a very narrow opening and then have either higher walls or something over the top so that Poki can't get in. But I like this box, I don't want to cut this one up. So I'm gonna go to the dollar store real quick and get something cheap. Hopefully that fits this very well and we'll see how that works. [One hour later] Okay, so out of all the options Uh, this box I think will work the best Also happened to be the expensive-ist-- wait not-- expensive-ist is not a word. The most expensive [laughs] Haku! Haku, 'scuse me ARRGH-- Oh god. Okay, I can't. He's so big. I can't lift him up with one hand. [removes Haku] WAH! There we go. So, what I need to do... Perfect What I need to do is... sew these shut around the edges and then I'm gonna cut a hole in the middle here, so that only Haku can go through It has a lid so the cats can't get in there This is... should be sturdy enough for the cats to jump on but I think it'll be uncomfortable enough that they will hopefully choose not to. So that... because Poki can definitely open lids I got one of these so that I can just hook the lid shut. So we can shut it like this so that we can easily open this when we need to, but Poki will not be able to so that will work out. [laughing] Now Haku's in the other box. [cooing] Haku~ You're such a box boy~ R: So I think I'm going to cut out these squares here Um... [Haku yeets himself into box, R&J snort-laugh] J: Because you touched it. [Both laugh] R: Because you know cats can fit in smaller spaces than you would expect But I don't think TWO cats can fit through this. J: In Japanese, we have a proverb/saying, that says "neko no te mo karitai," which means even a cat's hand, or paw, can be helpful J: But in real life... R: [laughing] Haku, you're not helping J: [unbothered] They're not helping at all, and they're not helpful at all R: No, don't eat that! [Jun laughs] R: Oh my god, bud, leave-- J: Even if you're busy you don't want to... (R: You're so cute!) ...borrow their hands or paws. R: I need to get you out of here, bud. I got-- I am so sorry. I really-- I have to leave soon. I don't have much time. [both laugh] This thread just so happens to be like the same exact color. J: I can't stop both cats at the same time. R: You guys are so cute, I love you. R: Okay, you can't see but I sewed around the edges. What I'm gonna do is just cut the middle pieces in the middle and then fold them back, just in case they do immediately start unraveling, I'll have some excess to work with to try to get it to stop unraveling before it messes up the whole box. so [mumbling] From here... to the middle... [whispering] one two three... to the bottom middle... is here J: [laughing] God-- Poki! POKI! R: do do-doo~ J: Ah, gotta stop Poki in the sink. J: POKI STAY THERE! R: [laughs] R: [triumphantly] da da-daaa! R: Okay, so, there is now an opening. R: [singing in Japanese/English] Wait a little, everyone wait a little~ Okay, there's food inside. Shut the lid. Put this back. [Poki meows] Put the food back so it's not a distraction. Hook it shut so Poki can't get in. R: Dere you go! J: Did it come with a lock? (R: Nope, I bought it) [Poki meows] J: Nice. R: It was a dollar for a whole bag. R: [singing] So now we can use them whenever we want! R: Go Haku go! Oh, no. He's so much bigger. He looks so much bigger than the hole I made. R: [laughing] He's too big-- Aww, Haku! I'm so sorry, you're so much bigger than I thought you were! J: Maybe he looks bigger because of his fur? Maybe he can still fit in anyway...? R: See, look! You can go R: You're a cat! This is wide enough. Maybe the visual of having all of these pieces like... ...blocking the way, maybe that makes him feel [laughing] like he can't... So, I'm gonna... very quickly just pin them back. Look, you can go in! R: [laughing] Awww. J: Did it open? (R: No.) He's not eating. R: [laughing] Look, you can see [continues laughing] R: Oooh! There you go! [laughs] I should make this just a little bit bigger. He CAN squeeze in. He can. J: How... will he go back though? Can he... easily go back? R: Yeah, he'll be fine. J: Now he's gonna be a fat... cat... R: [laughing] And then he can't get out cuz he eats too much! [Rachel loses it] [Rachel continues to lose it] R: [inaudible from laughing] All right, so I finished making this one row taller Uh... turns out the burning trick did work so I stopped these fraying by burning the edges and then I sewed them all back so that Haku can easily see inside. I knew Poki would try to stick his head in there too. And that if Haku had to come out so Poki could, THE DOOR WOULD CLOSE! So it works! Ha! Hahaha. You can't fit in there too, Poki. Okay, so I think the biggest issue with this is still height but I'm gonna do what I should have done in the first place, which is see how Haku looks when he eats out of this normally. R: (far away) Haku, I need you! J: Haku, Rachel is calling for you Let's go [literally just sliding Haku across the floor] [righteous anger] R: Aw, you're so cute. R: Nagi's in the box. Haku! Look, it's so easy. So easy. Go! Nonono. Don't be distracted though. Yeeeah. R: mmmm R: Oh, he prefers to stand? That's like, more than the height of the box. J: When he's hungry, I think he goes inside anyway R: But this morning he was... (J: He's not eating.) ...he was back to... Like, nipping at my pants and stuff again J: Yeah, he does tend to... R: because when it's like this, he doesn't get close enough for it to open every time. J: So we should raise it more, right? R: Yeah. R: Come out. Can you-- you're not even eating. [laughs] J: His anger is very natural. R: He's purring. R: Juuuuun! Feel him! Haku has the quietest purr in the world. You can't hear it. You can only feel it when you touch him. Okay, I once again made the hole wider and you can kind of fit the camera in here so you can see what it looks like. It's pretty neat. And I think this is totally bright enough for Haku to use. Haku, come test! Come test this new hole! I made a hole for you. It's so big now! Look! You can totally go inside! Oooh, ooooooh! How nice I think this is a completely appropriate size now. It just needed to be a little bit taller. [laughing] He's just a ball of fur. Woo! There you go, you did it! You fit in there really well! [gasp] Such a good boy~! Yesssss Perfect. Jun, it's perfect now. R: He so easily went inside. J: Nice J: Isn't that great, Haku? R: Yay! All right, I think this is the final version! Noice.
Channel: Rachel & Jun's Adventures!
Views: 7,916,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japan, japanese, rachel, jun, rachel and jun, rachel & jun, vlog, blog, daily, life, cat, cats, microchip, feeder, automatic, auto, food
Id: Oqtmf5r-PN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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