How are our cats doing?

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[Music] battle of the stretches [Music] taco and spoon stretch vertically [Music] [Music] [Applause] i'm glad you're back hey guys hi before we get into our video real quick we have my marriage announcement for the next 10 days only we're selling cat person and dog person shirts nekoha and inuha this is how you would write cat person in japanese technically it means a cat clan you belong to the cat clan yeah working group cat group cat gang yeah we're only selling unisex shirts they're not form-fitting this time i'm wearing a small and june is wearing a medium on the website there will be a counter in the banner for how many people buy cat shirts versus how many people buy dog shirts so we get to see who's gonna win out i think we have some sort of idea because this is a video about cats and our channels are kind of channels about cats now but yeah who knows we'll see maybe there is some surprise dog viewers out there i mean you can be both pookie which one are you well they're both dogs these shirts are manufactured in the u.s and then assembled in nicaragua there's no slave labor anywhere in the process of making these these shirts are pretty comfy although a little bit thin so if i hold this up to the light you can see the shoulder has nice hemming for like extra comfort the print is this sort of thingy so that the colors can be really vibrant i don't know what this is called but you guys know what i'm talking about right so these are available for the next 10 days only so if you've ever wanted an eenohal or neko hasher now's your chance and let's get back to our cat update pokey update hi pokey how are you doing so pokey has been having a couple different problems recently first he had these like cyst growths on the back of one of his knees he blew a couple times that like popped and started bleeding and we took him to the vet and they said it was the same thing that haku had just manifested in a different way like like an allergy reaction and pokeys was bad enough because he was bleeding that we had to put him actually he didn't give him steroids he gave him like an immunosuppressant for about a week something to suppress his immune system he also had even his nose was bleeding a little bit these [Music] i'm sorry buddy his nose is normally completely black but the pink spots right now are the parts that his nose was like a little uh scabby before but he's completely healed from that now although shortly after that i noticed a bump on his tummy and we took him back to the vet again and it turned out he had a mast cell tumor which is a tumor that could or could not be cancerous it's the most common type of tumor and cats his was not cancerous and normally mast cell tumors happen like above the neck like on the face and head and whatnot but pokey got really lucky that his was on his stomach because the way that mast cell tumors work is the vet explained like they have like kind of tentacles that radiate out cells and so in order to get rid of every single cell of the tumor even if the bump is only like this big they cut out like a much larger portion of skin around it to make sure they get all of the cells they needed extra margins if possible yes extra margins right that's a more that's a better english term for it why is your english better than mine june stop it you're making me look bad now yeah they needed extra margins he had to have a caller for two weeks and he won day two remember how sad and quiet pokemon well pokey was sore we learned that the reason pokey screams so loud [Music] compared to all of our other cats is that he uses his abdominal muscles uh people told us just like opera singers so pokey has like trained trained himself to scream really really loudly and so for like a week or so after his surgery he had a tiny normal cat meow he was like he was so quiet and cute and kind of just like a normal cat and we were like wow look at this this is what pokey would be like if he meowed like a normal cat and we were like i wonder if he'll be like this forever now but no now he's screaming again i am very happy he's back to normal though because his appetite was very very low for like three weeks after his surgery even after he got his stitches out he wouldn't even come down for meal time like if we got the bag of food out he would just stay wherever he was sleeping which was very very concerning for pokey i was very worried about him anyway he's still recovering so he may go back to being his like food hunting little demon kitty soon but that's okay i love pokey so much [Music] pokey out he's become a super lab cat and every day he comes over to sit on my lap now and of course we cuddle all night he is such a mama's boy free time boogie hi peeps oh [Music] good boy [Music] so we did um full checkup yes we did cat checkups for all of our cats okay okay so there's there's a system in japan where once a year you go get a health checkup that's pretty comprehensive they call it ningen doku or human doc i think it's called doc because when you like dock a ship to do maintenance giant house right so like human dock and then also cat doc so our cats got their cat doc yeah they all went through the cat dog and all of our cats had a little thing to look out for nagi had a tiny kidney stone i mean it could be kidney stone or it could be something else but it's not like a super serious sincerity yet so yeah the best is just keep an eye on it we've increased the amount of water we give him with his meals to make sure he's drinking more pokey obviously we told you all of his problems and then peachy has thick intestinal lining yeah her intestinal lining is thick which is usually something they see with like ibs for cats or something but she doesn't have any problems with that right now so the vet just said it's something to keep an eye out for she might develop ibs in the future or something and in order to do more like a careful fully examination he actually has to uh cut up cut open her tummy and stuff to just to do that yeah she's not worthy at all right he recommends not but like she doesn't have any symptoms of anything right now yeah one thing though that was interesting about peachy yes she's in the box in the bottom corner one thing that vet was surprised when the vet did the like eye test uh-huh the result is to the fact that peachy can be fully blind but the way she behaves i really didn't think so well anyone who saw pg didn't think so wait you didn't tell me anything about this can you explain i don't know like what kind of eye test he exactly did but when like the bed did i like a reaction thing then he didn't really react in the normal way he was really surprised well but i know how she reacts right she chases after a toy she eats food she knows and then well i mean so we thought because of her this kind of energy has maybe other senses are more sensitive yeah that she can feel and sense more so she could be blind and we just haven't noticed we maybe still don't think she is blind blind but either way her eyesight yeah even the one that's open yeah maybe she still has hard time seeing anyway pc she doesn't act like it because she's so good at sensing stuff right she's quite impressive she's got really good hearing and then of course cats and smell so huh maybe she's like daredevil oh here she comes pt are you blind are you legally blind i don't think she's completely blind but maybe she can't see well with her right eye feels like she can see right she's look she's looking at me yeah that's what i told the vet too thanks sweetie [Music] i'm really glad that our cats left a scotch board rebuild i know pt does this every day every night hungry boy hungry girl i'm doing dishes i'll be done soon [Music] [Music] i noticed nagi was a little upset and i was wondering why and then here's why haku stole it you take the box hit it i wonder how long i can do this until he gets annoyed [Music] he's not doing hi do you see his eyes he's just like what's going on i just want to sleep okay all right fun i think haku as far as getting back and getting better it's getting way better which we are back to normal food the ones that we use to feed and see if he's okay we're hoping that the cause was what's the word in english fleet a flea i flee with all of the health issues our cats have had this year we've gone to the vet like 10 times this year and i've asked about parasites every single time to see if that could be a cause of an allergy and they've looked every time and never found anything and it was only the most recent visit where they found a single flea in pocky which was really confusing because we've been treating our cats for fleas like just constantly so the vet gave us like a special flea cycle disruptor just in case that which lasts no longer yeah three months the fur is coming back kinda [Music] oh wow coming back yeah this side you can't even tell he's lost fur anymore the other side is still a little can you can you roll him over i don't want to upset him anymore he needs to heal he'll be mad he'll start biting yeah he'll get angry his poor tail his poor tail is still like a little plucked chicken oh he's getting annoyed yeah yeah already i mean i would beef i was sleeping on the bed if someone did this naked me just throw around yeah i'll be upset i'm sorry buddy [Music] okay update part i don't know we updated our cat litter and then bought a much larger box this was like the largest bin that we could find we had two that were about about the same size but like you know cut in half but a larger size is much easier for the cats to maneuver around in way better than before um especially because haku is prone to urine crystals and stuff so we want to make sure his litter is easy for him to use and so far this has been the easiest one it's been the biggest one for him and then of course once we move we'll have plenty of spaces in the house for multiple large litter boxes they've got a step to get it it's my aquarium yeah upside down upside down one of the old ones thunder is okay with the pad this is not this is not the look here hang on not this aquarium thunder's okay he's sleeping right now oh now he's awake sorry for bothering and our shrimp are in there somewhere our three shrimp collectively named lightning hi pokey your girlfriend's coming [Music] let's go so many cats i mean he's [Music] oh hey hang on there's no water yet [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Rachel & Jun's Adventures!
Views: 1,282,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japan, japanese, rachel, jun, rachel and jun, rachel & jun, vlog, blog, daily, life
Id: vv4XljV64fQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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