Comparing our cats

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These are our cats. They’re a bit unique. This is Haku. He’s a big boye. You're so big. You're so big. Haku likes watching things. Which side do you want? And he’s obsessed with sticks. ANY kind of stick. That's mine! Haku? Haku? I mean, I can drink without a straw but you know you don't have to ruin it just for fun. Thanks. What? What? Oh nonono Can I eat? Whenever we shower he has to rub his face on our hair and try to eat it. He likes to smoosh his face when he sleeps. And he’s got a bit of a thing for armpits. Bud... This is Poki. We found him on the expressway and now he’s obsessed with food. You ready for food? Last time we checked in with Poki he kept climbing into the trash can but now he's evolved. He knows that if he climbs into the trash can he can’t get out, so now he sits on so now he sits on the side and tries to pull things out with his paws and mouth. Please don't eat that, bud. Please don't eat that. Poki, what are you doing? nothing I was just staring out this window Don't act like you weren't doing anything! I just saw you! He’s also very licky. He likes to cuddle and sleeps in between our pillows every night. This is Nagi. He’s a good boye who follows the rules. We adopted him when no one else would because he needed a little tummy surgery. When he wants to play he trills to let me know he’s ready. Is this what you want? This what you want? He really, really likes plastic wrappers. Bring the plastic What, you wanna play? He also gets really sad when he finds a bug but can’t reach it. We have to be careful to vacuum a lot because if he finds fur on the floor he eats it. Stop! Will you stop eating that! He doesn’t like being pet during the day but sometimes in the early morning he comes to cuddle in bed with us and purrs himself to sleep for a little bit. Cats vs playtime Poki is a little over-enthusiastic. Nagi plays to kill. Even though Haku is the biggest and strongest, he’s too scared to play with toys when the other two are out. …which is understandable. That is, unless I get out a stick. Poki doesn’t really care about the vacuum cleaner. Nagi is extremely terrified. Haku… is pretty into it. Cats vs box Haku loves boxes. Poki doesn’t really care Nagi is curious... but only a little. Let's see what happens if I turn the box sideways. Poki still doesn’t really care. Haku still really loves boxes And Nagi is still curious... but only a little. I decided to see if Nagi would go in the box if Haku wasn’t inside. But he just wants to play. This just in! Using public wifi, whether you’re at a café, a grocery store, or even a hotel, leaves you, your passwords and other sensitive data at risk of being hacked! Thanks to today’s sponsor, NordVPN, you can protect yourself online with military grade encryption. Have you ever tried to watch a video and been blocked because it’s not available in your region? I wouldn’t know what that’s like. I’m a cat. But NordVPN has thousands of servers in 62 countries so you can watch content from anywhere. One account can have up to 6 connections so all your phones and computers can be protected at the same time. Sign up at or use the code rachelandjun to get 77% off a 3-year plan. That’s only $2.75 a month, for the best VPN out there! And don’t wait, this offer is ending soon.
Channel: Rachel and Jun
Views: 11,991,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Japanese, cat, cats, comparing, comparing our cats, haku, nagi, poki, meow, trill, maine coon, norwegian forest cat, vacuum, trash, trashcats, playing, box, vpn, online privacy, vpn for travel, secure vpn, vpn best, rachel, jun, rachel and jun, rachel & jun, レイチェル, ジュン, 日本, 猫, ねこ, ぬこ, おもしろ, メインクーン, ノルウェージャン, フォレスト, キャット, アメリカ, 海外, 英語, yt:cc=on
Id: bkjsm4AJnM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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