A day in the life of our cats

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[Poki meows] [Haku chewing on curtain drawstring] [Poki meows] Haku, stop. [Poki meows] [opens curtains] [Poki meows] [Poki meows] Morning. [opens curtains] [Poki meows] [Poki meows] [Poki meows] *too bright!* [Poki meows] Good morning. Hungry boys! Haku! Sh*t. Haku, what are you doing? Eat. "But I didn't do paw trick yet!" [Poki meows] [Poki meows] Bud! Before we go to sleep we have to turn around this trash can. Otherwise, Poki will go in. While Rachel's feeding the cats, I normally clean the litter because it ~SMELLS~ This is my favorite part. Got it 👍 Bye bye. Aaand you guys switched. Like always. The grass on the other side is always greener, huh? [whispers] IT'S THE SAME FOOD Does it taste better, buddy? You done eating? You done eating? All right, bud. Get in here. Hi Poki. [Poki meows] Hi, Poki the dishwasher. Mmm, so clean I can see your face. Hi buddy. This is Nagi's favorite post-breakfast pose. Laying in exactly this position with his tail swishing down. Aww, he's so cute. This is Haku's "I'm content/full" pose. Hm? What? Oh. Oh? *dat pupil dilation* Haku is really obsessed with this tube. He figured out how to turn on the roomba by pawing at the start button twice and if we're not playing with him enough he'll do this multiple times a day and then run back in the tube and wait for the roomba to come by and then attack it from inside the tube. And it's really cute. The thing is, the roomba doesn't really get to clean around the area when Haku's in it. All right, I'm gonna start making smoothie and run the roomba now. So this is the time of day where Haku starts telling us he's really bored and needs attention. But the thing is he needs attention like 30 hours a day. IT'S NEVER ENOUGH. Hey Haku! Um, I don't think I brushed him yet. Look at that fluffy tail. Look at that tail! So shedding season is over, but they still shed and unless we brush them like every day they eat their fur and then throw up. It's easier to brush them for some reason if we give them the furminator to attack. If we try to brush them with the furminator they try to eat it. So we give them that in advance and then we can brush them with the hand brush. And now grooming. He is a busy cat. So, Nagi used to drink water normally. But now after he saw Haku put his paw in the water bowl and then lick his paw he sometimes does that, too. Nagi does a lot of things that Haku does, now. Normally Poki spends most of his day sleeping especially right next to the window where he can be in the sunlight but I guess today Nagi's feeling a little feisty. Poki's just like "I'm busy." Jun's cooking lunch now aaaand he's got some buddies watching him very closely. [Nagi meows] Oh, you wanna play now, too? [Nagi meows] [Nagi meows] You're just done now? You found a comfortable position and you're just done playing? Look at this big fluff tummy. Look at this tummy! Haku... We walk away for two minutes. What did you guys do? Haku It looks like you're wearing a tie What? No! Dangit, stop You just gonna live with that on you forever? Dammit Poki, stop Get down. I can't step away to film the cats for even a minute. Oh. Oh! Haku, you did it! Haku's in fight mode. Poki, you better watch out. Haku's gonna fight you. This video is just turning into Haku Bullies Everyone. All right, Haku's done with his bully phase. It's time for baths and sleeps. This is the drawer that has all the cats toys and Nagi knows, so every time I open... I just wanted to clean the litter. This one also has the cat litter bags, so. Sorry, baby. So if we open one of the other rooms of course the cats want to explore and see what's going on so they follow us. Especially Haku. Haku's very curious. Hi Poki! Nagi's here now. And Haku's exploring. I used to have a fake bird on the branch but now... Holland! Where's Holland? He's on the top shelf. There. Is he okay?! He's okay. This is really sad, Jun. He's just... He's in a safe place. Nooo! He's... he's dead! I'm concerned for his safety. That's why I hid him. Oh Uh oh All the cats are going places. Oh gosh NO POKI NO nononono Okay Ah god Okay Poki is a killer. He's a natural born killer. Jun stop! Nagi, what are you doing? Making it smell like you? You're gonna fall. Careful! You're gonna fall! Is there cat nip over there? I don't think so. Are you sure? Yeah... my cat nip plants are outside. But... I guess he's tripping? They're still exploring. Nagi... Nagi! He's so cute. Lookit his squishy little fluff face. Are you having a good time? All right. I've gotta work on the recipe for my video. Enjoy. Have fun, kitties. Ope. Haku's found a spot. Okay. You can help me work on my recipe for the video, baby. blah blah blah blah It's past 5pm now which means Poki's going to keep meowing for the next two hours until dinner. [Poki meows] They eat at 7 but he starts meowing at 5. Every day. [Poki meows] No. Doesn't matter how much you meow at us [Poki meows] you don't get to eat until 7. Otherwise you'll wake up really early and eat all our plants. [Poki meows] I smell too much like shampoo and not enough like him. This is just something we have to deal with every time we shower. Oh god, bud. You're gonna fall. Oh god he's gonna take my hair with him It's now 6:06. [Poki meows] It's 6:11. [Poki meows] [Poki meows] It's 6:14. [Poki meows] [Poki meows] [Poki meows] [Poki meows] Excuse me. Nope. Excuse me. No- all right. It's 6:26. [Poki meows] Come here. What are you doing? [Poki meows] What're you doing? [Poki meows] Come on! It's not dinnertime yet! [Poki meows] Still got- nope, you got 33 minutes. Ya gotta wait. Like everyone else. Isn't that right! [Poki meows] Look who's being patient! It' 6:37. [Poki meows] [Poki meows] Poki, what are you doing? Huh? PO~KI [Poki meows] What time is it?! Is it 7?! Is it food time?! [Poki meows] Are all the kitties hungry? Nagi Give me your paw. Oh! Haku? Okay, you go first? Gimme your paw, please. Haku, one more time. Okay, gimme your paw. Paw Haku, jump Haku, jump Woo! Okay Other paw. One more time. Other paw. High five! Yaaaay good boy! Poki! [Poki meows] We feed Poki in the hallway because normally he comes back and steal other kitty's food. [POKI MEOWING] He's guiding us [POKI MEOWING] He's letting us know where his food bowl is. [POKI MEOWING] Yeep. [POKI MEOWING] Marching. Marching. Yep. Poki, gimme paw. The other one. One more time. Oooh, good boy. God damn bud, slow down. All right. Everybody's done eating. Nagi's got the post-dinner sleepies. Aaaand Haku What are you doing? Are you over here waiting for Poki? Let's let Poki back in! All right, buddy! Come on! What are you doing? He's hunting for people food. What are you doing? You gonna go in the trash can? You gonna pretend like you weren't gonna go in the trash can? And wait for me to turn around? All right. It's nighttime now so let's shut the curtains. As soon as I'm ready for bed, every night when I turn out the lights [Nagi meows] [Nagi meows] What? You wanna play? What do you wanna play with? Come here. What do you want? Which one? That one? All right. Playtime is over. It's time for bed. This is how Poki sleeps every night. He's making me jealous. He's my cuddle buddy. Good night, Poki. And this is where Haku sleeps. Which is Rachel's feet area. Hi baby. We have same futon same bed but Haku always prefer on Rachel's side for some reason. I'm shorter than you. There's probably more room. Oh, he knows? Okay. And Nagi always sleeps right next to my pillow. Right here. Hi baby. Are you purring? Yes, you are. Okay. Goodnight, Nagi. Good night! Thank you to Audible for sponsoring this video. Even though sometimes people say I sound fluent in English I'm actually not. And listening to audiobooks in English helps me understand how sentences are structured and words are pronounced. 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Channel: Rachel and Jun
Views: 7,481,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Japanese, yt:cc=on, cat, cats, day in the life, cat life, home, vlog, haku, poki, nagi, rachel, jun, 日本, 英語, 日常, 猫, ねこ, ぬこ, 一日, 癒, され, キャット, タワー, 1日, 多頭, 飼い
Id: IETeb-Mw-28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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