Okay, so, our cats- Turns out they're pretty particular about the toys they use. We have so many hanging from our light. J: I think we have like ten? Well, they have specific toys they actually wanna use and they've completely destroyed them so every night Nagi is meowing at us and he's so sad, he wants to play but we don't have anything that makes him happy. So we'll bring out a toy and move it around and he does, like- barely like *struggled noises* J: He lost interest. R: *Impersonating Nagi* "I know but I want the other toys!" So we have to get the stuff they want. One of them is this. Haku goes crazy, we cannot leave this! J: Not just Haku, Poki and Nagi- R: All of them go crazy, but this is the only one Haku will go insane over. And we have to make sure we don't leave it out for him because Haku will eat it. So, this is one of them, so we have to get this. J: Should we get 2? R: Maybe. We'll just have to hide it 'cause Haku will eat it. J: Yeah, yeah, he will. J: And also this part? The string part? R: Yeah, the string, it breaks so easily. J: So, I guess, you know, maybe we should just get a really sturdy string and I- DIY? R: The other is this. The very first toy we played with Nagi when we brought him home was this. It's like a little dragonfly, sort of? Wait, no, here we are, this one is the dragonfly one. And he adores it! So we're gonna get him another one of these as well. And actually I think I'm gonna get a couple different ones because he loves these so much. Let's get both of those. J: The same one? R: No, they're actually different, look. See? This one is the dragonfly. J: Oh this is mi- a mouse, okay. R: This one is like a mouse tail. J: You know, it's Christmas. We're also getting cat bowls too. Hey, what do you think about these? R: Oh no. No no no. I don't need that. J: I'm just joking, but maybe Poki would like it if I sprinkled some catnip on it. R: I think it's okay. Okay, so... These and then the cat bowls? Why this one specifically? J: It's elevated so it makes it very easy for them to eat, just like that. It's easy. I might add water into this bowl too so that they can drink water. So they're always hydrated. And, uh.. how do I explain this? R: Haku likes licking the edge. J: Some cats prefer drinking their water like that and Haku is one of those. And he always puts his paw to make a mess. But if it's elevated and then dented like this, I think he would just drink out of this part. So I wanna try. And, no matter what, this will make it easy for him to drink, so. And should I get one for Poki too, or? R: No. Poki will eat out of anything. I could put Poki's food on the floor and he'll still eat it. This is probably the fourth or fifth different type of cat bowl we've tried. J: 'Cause they keep breaking. R: They do, they break them a lot. Okay, alright, so let's go home! J: Let's go! R: Nagi, what are you doing? What is it? Is Haku still in the bathroom? Oh my god, they're so cute. I feel like we should have wrapped it for them and see if they'll open their cat wrapping paper. J: Say what? R: I feel like we should have wrapped it for them. This is the cat version of opening Christmas presents. J: Merry belated Christmas, babies. You always use your paws but for these bags you never do that. You just push your face in it. Merry Christmas babies! Ta-da! New toy! This is for you, baby. This is your favourite. And Nagi and Poki, you guys like dragonflies right? R: Here, can you hold this? I'll open the dragonfly for Nagi real quick. What did he go over there for? J: He's ready now. He is ready! R: He's so cute! Why is he so far away? J: Cats need distance before they hunt. Oi, I think Poki stole one, Rachel. R: Yeah he did. J: Poki! Wait! Hey baby! (x3) R: Nagi, look what I've got! J: This is the type of toy Nagi loved when he was a baby kitten. R: This is the very first thing we got him. J: He remembers! R: Our new apartment is gonna have so much more room for them to run around. J: Yeah You got it? You got him? Good boy, good job! R: He's gotta find his spot. He doesn't know where he can run and hide where no one will be able to get it from him. J: Hey baby! Rachel, Haku wants to play too. R: Haku! Okay, okay, hang on. Let me open it. Poki. Oh, he's still got other stuff to explore. J: It's a mess over here. R: Haku, jump down! R: What? Okay. I think he wants to open the boxes. J: Alright. Can we? I mean me too, let's open them. R: He's still concerned that there's more left over in the bag. J: Can you also bring me the bowl for Poki's food? R: Poki's bowl? Oh, yeah, you're gonna give them more food? J: Yeah. Sorry babies, I didn't have time to get chicken today. R: Haku! Haku, look! Oh, I didn't know we got 2- Did we get 2 colors on purpose? J: Hm? I did. R: Oh you did? Does it even say the colors on the boxes? I didn't know there were multiple colors. Well I really like them. J: So much stuff to distract cats. Plastic wrappers and toys and food and boxes... R: Look at these! Those are pretty. J: Necoco. We already have a... Rachel got a special bowl for Poki already. R: I mean, it's a human bowl but Poki will eat out of anything. J: This is a lot bigger than what he was using before. Poki doesn't really c- Like, he likes when it's elevated? R: Poki? He doesn't care. He likes food so much. He will eat it in any way that you presented to him. J: Anyway, this is for Poki. This is- These are for Nagi and Haku. R: I really like... Jun, one of these is deeper than the other. Did you know? J: Kinda. Yeah. R: This one's really deep. J: Okay, can I clean them? Rachel, Haku's gonna swallow it! Here's the camera- Haku, this apartment is so tiny that there is no hideout for you. He actually- He's carrying 2. R: Do you hear that? Hang on, I have to get it from him... No, hey! Nagi doesn't care as much so Nagi can have the deeper one. Haku's is the one who's really picky. Half of the time when we feed Haku, he leaves his bowl and goes over and tries to steal Nagi's instead. I think it's like a "grass is greener on the other" side sort of thing. Like he feels jealous like Nagi might have better food? J: I think he wants to get it when the dry food is so crunchy. We want them to drink water so we pour water anyway so it becomes kinda soft and soggy. R: Yeah, we put water in their food to force them to drink more. Poki! Poki! Oh gosh Okay I gotta put the camera down so I can put these away real quick so Jun can feed the kitties. Is this what you wanna play with? Okay, okay. Okay, here, let's play. You didn't get to play. Haku, what are you doing? J: I think if I put water... I think Haku likes drinking this corner? R: Oh, off the edge, yeah. J: I'm gonna put the food and water now anyway. Here, baby. Wanna film? R: I am filming. J: Kitties! Haku! J: I already did this for my video for my second cooking channel. Kind of repetitive but... your bowl. Nagi, sit. Nagi. Haku gonna go first? R: Look at those excited tails. J: You're not hungry? You're not as excited as you were this morning. Oh! Look, look, look! Haku's licking. Off the edge. Right? R: Yep. J: Yay! Should be a lot easier for him to drink now. Cool. I think he wants to play. Oh, you work so well! Drink a lot. Good boy, baby. Please live long. Okay, Nagi wants to play. He's not so interested in food now, so I'm gonna just feed him now without asking for paws. He did well in my video so you can see. Go to my cooking vlog channel, and then you can see him do really well. I actually tried- uh, tested how many times he would give me paw. So if you want to see how many times Nagi did, then you can come see my video. R: Which video? J: I haven't uploaded it yet. Poki! He likes eating on the floor. R: He doesn't care where he eats. J: No no no, last time I asked him to come up here on the counter so he can- R: Oh really? J: Yeah. He likes eating on the floor better. You are interested in the food. R: He's always interested. J: Thank you for licking me. R: He is not having it. He really just wants the food. J: His face is so flat and long hair, deep (??), it makes it difficult for him to eat. Like these from a bowl. R: They just don't like their whiskers to touch stuff while they're eating. J: Yes. Wait, you're eating, baby? Okay, you need to give me paws now. Nagi? Nagi? Okay, you ready? No, he's not. He's just distracted. Nagi, it's okay. You can eat. You always do well anyway. I guess they like our presents. R: So, next video, we're going to upload us opening packages. We actually already filmed it. It just takes a long time to edit 'cause it's like an hour long. So that'll come next. And then after that, I don't know... We have a million things going on. Alright. See you guys later! J: Bye! R: Bye! J: I'm glad that they like it! Yay.