We Go Insane in WWE 2K Battlegrounds

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- These characters have the same body type as Shayne Topp. - Yeah. - You guys know Shayne Topp? - I think so. - Sa- Shayne is my, the- dumbest (beep) idiot I've ever known. (upbeat music) (explosion) - Welcome to WWE Battlegrounds. That's right guys, we are partnering with 2K Games and playing the brand new WWE game, and we have to do it the way that we always do: as weird as possible. So, I'll be introducing each of these characters and we're gonna be playing head-to-head for this very nice belt that we had made. Cost a lot of money. Without further ado, we are introducing our wrestlers for today! Introducing first: hailing from parts unknown, comma, the Pacific Rim. It is Stan Squid! (K-pop music) - I'm the Stan Squid. And I'm gonna kick your butt 'till it's black and pink. Stan Luna. Oh yeah, I'm Stan Squid. I might change it to Stan-topus, or Octo-Stan We have not figured out the branding yet. And I'm a card carrying member of the BTS army. Introducing our next opponents. He is hailing from your local community theater. Ladies and gentleman it is, Triple Threats! (classical music) - I can act, I can dance, ♪ And I'm insufferable! ♪ (sustaining note) (clapping) - And scene, hello. - Hello, hello, welcome, Are you ready? - I am so ready. - Alright. I love it. - Are you ready? - I don't think I'm even close to ready. (laughs) - Thank you five. - Thank you five, all right. Introducing our next opponent. Hailing from the dairy aisle of your local grocery store, it is: Egg! (heavy metal music) - On the outside, I'm egg, and on the inside, I'm egg. (grunting) I'm egg. - She's egg. Great job egg. (laughs) - Thank you. - Great job egg, great, nicely done. I like- - Where should I sit? - Wherever you want egg. - I'm lost. - You can take a seat right here. Take a seat. - Okay. - Yep. - I'm out of my carton so I don't understand- (laughs) - That was a funny yolk. - Thank you. (laughs) - I am not- - Thank you, I crack you guys up. - Oh Christ, it's gonna be a long shoot. All right. (sighs) Introducing last, but certainly not least. Hailing from the buttcrack of Wyoming, it is: - Sarah Whittle. (dramatic music) - Mwah. I love my cats! (dramatic music) Hi! I'm Sarah Whittle! Yay! I miss Tartufo and Puppy and TJ. (screams) (all laugh) - Hi, I'm Sarah Whittle! - You're so pretty! - Thank you. - And talented. - I just (beep) my pants. (laughter) - Sarah why don't you take a seat? - Okay! - Come on, sit right next to me. - All right, we are going to be doing a tag team. So, uh- Egg, Sarah, (laughs) who do want to pick as your first opponent, or your first player for this? - You know what? Sarah is the best gamer I know, so I'm gonna let Sarah go first. - Good call, good call. - Yeah. (heavy metal music) - So this is- just a reminder, we are gonna be playing a round robin, and it's for this belt. (all gasp) - What! I need that belt. (overlapping chatter) - Gold looks really good with egg. - Sometimes I look at Top Ramen cups and I'm like, how do I wear that? (laughter) - I mean, true. (laughter) - So we are playing WWE Battlegrounds. This game is not out yet. It is out this Friday, September 18th. It's going to be out on Switch, PS4, Xbox One, Steam, you can play it everywhere. It's a totally different game that they've done in the past. It is like an arcade brawler. It's very cartoonish, but it's not replacing the WWE sim games. It's different. - I want to play as the strongest person I know, Claudio. - Mm hmm. - He is not. (laughter) - He's the strongest man. (laughter) - His window- - His will is very strong. - He's the strongest man I've ever known! - Sarah, how did you meet Claudio? - Uh, so we were both robbing a bank at the same time. (laughter) - Aw. - And we were robbing- and we turned to each other, we were like, "You're robbing this bank?" And he's like, "You're robbing this bank." And I was like, "Okay we can rob it together." Then we fell in love. - Aww, so sweet. - A true meet-cute. - Makes my insides all scrambled. (all) Aww. - That's pretty cute. - Like a salad! (vocalizing) - (sighs) That's a precious story, Sarah. (laughter) - Here we go! Dolph Ziggler vs Roman Reigns. - I picked Roman because Italy is where the love of my life- Italy is where the love of my life is from. - Here we go! - I was hoping inside there would be Monsta X but I'm wrong. - Ooh, a little gyration. - Look at that! - Oh! (all exclaim) - A cryofreezer, yeah! - Welcome to the future. Transformers are here! (all shouting) - Here we go! (claps) - Whoa! - Battle. - Yeah you're gonna take it! Take that- - Oh! - Yeah take that, take- take that. - Wow, Dolph Lundgren is not doing great. - Yep, here ya go, give you a hug, and then I'm- (all shouting) - Here I come, here I come! Hey, hey get up, hey I'm gonna help you up here. I'm gonna help you up, and then I'm gonna, and I'm gonna- do this, I'm gonna do the heimlich. - Like a baby. - Then I'm gonna beat you up, yeah here we go! - Uh oh, theater kid! - See I do this to Tartufo sometimes, okay come here. Here, we're all- we're all best friends- Oh hey, stop doing that. (laughs) - Hey, stop. - Oh, no, his head made a big bang against the wall there. Big Bang is a K-pop group. (laughter) - Oh, no! (laughter) - Yes! - Wow. (all shouting) - Nicely done! - To the knee, pin him down. - Triple Threat, oh and a pin, a cover! (all shouting) - Come on Sarah, you can do this. You're the best gamer I know! - It's true. - You're also the prettiest and smartest person I know. - These are things that we always say to Sarah. - These characters have the same body type as Shayne Topp. - Yeah. - Do you guys know Shayne Topp? - I think so. - Shane is my, the- dumbest (beep) idiot I've ever known. (laughs) - Whoever wins this, Sarah We'll give each other a nice little massage, sit on each other's laps. We'll go over each other's lines. - One, two- - Go to Denny's. - Three! Sarah wins! (all cheering) - Number one gamer Sarah Whittle. - Well done Sarah, Triple Threat, I'm so sorry. - Oh god. - You're moving to the losers bracket. - I'm Sarah Whittle and I'm wanted in 35 states. - Is your nose stuffed in? - Oh is that- - I think there's a nose on it. - Oh my god, what? - That's supposed to be out. - Oh! - Look at that! (laughter) Look at that! I'm Sarah Whittle! - Oh my god. (heavy metal music) - If we come together, we could make a delicious Korean dish. Because that's all I ever order at Korean restaurants is spicy squid. Therefore turning me into one! And that's my origin story, Sarah. - Wow, every one of my personalities is here. (laughter) - Oh really, do you also like squid? - Yes I do. - You're not gonna like it after this! (laughter) - Smack talk! All right, let's do a women's match. (overlapping chatter) - There you go. One-on-one. - One on- - I'm going to hit you into the exosphere. E-X-O, I don't know how you say the name of the band, but that's one of them. And I stan Luna. It's that lady who was in The Hours. And I'm about to turn into a Monsta X when we're battling. - You mentioned that. - I know! They guest starred on We Bare Bears, and that was really cool. (laughter) - All right, here we go, Becky versus Liv. - You know Egg, I would never say this to Sarah Whittle, but she's actually really good at games., and historically wins quite a bit. - It's true. - So I'm a little bit nervous. - You should be. Ooh, wow! - You're cracking me! - Oh man, - You're "the Kraken" me. - I'ma send you- I'ma send you straight to shell. - Is that a triple entendre. - Yeah, kinda! - You're "kraken" her. - Oh, I guess I hop up on this little jam. Oh- oops. - Oh my goodness. - Now! - Oh, so this is like interactive. So you're there in the audience. - Is my controller even working right now? - You're saying your control smells like a rotten egg! - Oh, oh! - The floor is lava! I love that game, I play it everywhere. - I'm not only gonna win once, I'm gonna win twice and make you go T-T; that's a good song by Twice. - Oh my god. (laughter) - But I'm gonna beat your butt 'till it's black and pink! Like Blackpink. - Ooh, nicely done egg! - Wow, just kick- kicking her while she's down, wow! - Scrambling your ass. - Egg, you're making this look over easy. (laughter) - You're actively looking up K-pop band names while you're playing the game? - I am checking my texts from Jungkook, who I'm best friends with. (laughter) - Don't forget to hit B-A-P. Which is another member of a K-pop group. - Is that right? One- - That's good to know. - Two- - No! - Three! (all shouting) - Look at that. - You know what? - Nicely done. - You and the rest of the losers will be Tomorrow X Together. (clapping) Sucker. - Well done Triple Squid! So that is uh, that is one win for Team Sarah Sarah Whittle Whittle, and one win for Team Triple Squid. I think we need to do a loser's bracket, so I think it's Triple Threat versus Egg. - Oh! (heavy metal music) Let's do a legends match. Let's have you guys pick some, some classic wrestlers, huh? - Legend! - Like the Legend of Korra! - I want to be the Undertaker. - There you go! - I did very well as him before. - Undertaker versus- - I'm looking for someone who like, wants to date a woman, but it never feels right. There's something about it that just doesn't work. But I'm gonna keep trying as best I can. (laughter) - The Rock. (all cheering) - Can you smell-l-l-l-l-l-l? - What do you think he cooks? - Here we go! - Wow. - Undertaker! - Look he had a bunch of bats? - He's ready for the pumpkin spice lattes with that hat. - I've robbed graves before. - It's true. - Oh, he took you straight to Momo land. - This is gonna be over-easy! - Oh! Over and easy. - Over and easy. - Here we go. - You'll just give away jokes to N-E-One. That's another K-pop group for ya. (grunts) (overlapping chatter) - Nice. - Mash that A button! - B-B-B-B-B-B-B - Oh, there you go. Nice! - Ooh. - Reversal. - He's saying no, I said no. - Kicking The Rock while he's down, that's rude. - Ooh. - Hit him with the tummy slap. - Tummy slap! - Coming down. (all shouting) - Wow, just punch him in the mouth. - Ooh, this is a close match. - Yeah, this is intense. - Give him a kiss! - That would be weird though, right? That would be weird though, right? If the- if the the two guys kiss? That would be weird- weird though, right? - I think it'd be awesome. I think it'd be really cool. - One! - I've got some fanfic forums for you. - Two, three, Egg wins! (all shouting) - The Rock wasn't cooking an egg today! (all shouting) - Sometimes I go to the park and I just punch rocks. - It's okay if I'm not a jock, that's what mommy tells me every day. - Mm hmm. (laughter) - It's okay. - I wish your touch was stronger, more masculine. (sighs) I don't know what it means, but I'll find out one day. (heavy metal music) - Sarah Whittle versus Stan Squid. (all screaming) - You can do it Sarah! - Stan-topus. - Octo-stan. - You can do it! Take the win home. - Yep, take it home. - I can't make eye contact with you. (laughs) - Why not? - It's uncomfortable. It's like looking in a mirror. (laughter) - Oh, he's a doctor! - That's right, I'm Dr. Squid Man. Changed my character again. And I'm gonna operate on your bones. - Here we go! - Oh Sarah, one of your straps is broken and your teat has been exposed. You could refer to your nipples as stray kids. Stray Kids is another K-pop group. (laughter) All right, so one of you has to grab that bag of money? - Okay, come here. - You are. Oh crap, hold on. - Or Y. - No wait, hold- hold on. No wait I'm not ready- I wasn't ready, I didn't mean to- - Ooh! - So now I'm gonna do this, because this is what you brought upon yourself. - Oh no, Sarah! - Here you go, yes. - Whoa! - Get back here kid. You gotta be nice. - Money moved! - You gotta be nice to me. - Wait but, hold on I'm not ready- - Legally you have to be nice to me. - My controller's broken. - Hey, come on. Just stay still. - Someone spent a hundred dollars. - Just stay still. (explosion) - Wow! - Okay but look at this, though. I'm gonna try something- - Oh like that? - Gimme that money. - Well you're on the- No! - I'm gonna use this to buy more BTS merch. It's all about the money, baby. That's what they say in K-pop. - Hold it, hold it. - I'm holding it, I'm- - Hold it, hold it! (overlapping chatter) - I'm gonna beat the hell out of your shins. - The circle didn't go all the way, Sarah! - Sarah, you're a better gamer than this, I know you are. - I know you are! - I'm not paying attention. - You're letting- You're letting- (all shouting) - It was worth it for money. - Wow, you got electrified! - Just like members of Smosh, I would get electrocuted for money. - (beep) yeah! - We've done it. - Get the gold bars! - Life isn't about money, it's about beating the (beep) out of other people. (overlapping chatter) - Oh, you got electrocuted. - Now I forgot math. - Yeah. - Aw, gimme- no. - Yes, yes! - That was a hell of a lot of that. - Yeah, you just need one more money bag. Oh no! - You got it, yes. - Get him out of there! Get him out of there! - No! - You have got one- Oh! - Hulk Hogan wins! - Damn it! - So based on the fact that Stan Squid, squid-opus? - You got it right both times. Now it's Oct- - I did! - But now it's Octo-stan. - All right, now it's Octo-stan, I'm sorry I messed up. - The reborn. - Because you have won both winners bracket games, and we only have one belt, we kinda have to see who in Triple Squid is the true winner. Who's walking away with the belt? (all shouting) - Oh, I really wonder who's gonna win this! - Oh, the drama! - I feel like it might be Triple Threat! - This really is pretty unpredictable. - I really wonder who's gonna win. - Based on the current statistics. (laughter) - Triple Threat versus Stan Squid, Squid-topus. Octo-stan. - Stan Lee. - Inside my brain is just the Crazy Frog music video. (heavy metal music) - Final match to see- aw, friendship! (laughter) - This is an intimidation tactic. - Xavier Woods versus- You know what? That's- (all shouting) - It's an- it is a true tag team rivalry. It is New Day versus New Day in Triple Squid versus Triple Squid. This is intense. - That's true! - Let's go! - All right. - Ooh, nice. - Beat him with the breaker fist. - Breaker breaker, this is breaker. - You guys still have a chance just to be friends. - It's true. - Whoa, yes! - Nice. - I don't stan that at all. (laughter) - Ooh, wow! - Damn, Xavier. - Come on. (grunts) - I like it when they pull them up by their head. It's very romantic. I'm root- I'm rooting for theater kid here. - Thank you. - You can do it, I believe in you. - Oh no! - Squid-topus has been betrayed his own team. - Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and TJ is hanging from my ceiling, and he- he looks at me and he goes, "I'm watching you sleep," and I'm like, "TJ!" (laughter) - Classic TJ - This is like me versus my high school bully, except I'm the bully right now, and that's me being beat the (beep) up. (laughter) - Too real. Yes! Try to do three in a row. When you do three in a row, you get a power kick. Bam bam. - Which trigger? Right trigger, left trigger, right trigger. (all shouting) - Nicely done! - Curtains! - Nice. This is like in the, in the musical Gypsy, when uh- Rose finally has her big musical act. - One, two, - Yes! (shouting) - Three! (all shouting) Theater kid, you are the champ! ♪ I've done what I've come here to do, ♪ ♪ Over there, over here, over where ♪ ♪ It's me, it's you ♪ ♪ You and me and us, ♪ ♪ We're here ♪ ♪ All the people fighting ♪ ♪ Queer ♪ (laughter) - Yes! - That was amazing. - You are the champion! - Well done champ! - Thank you! You can find me being too much at your local mall. Big thanks to 2K games for letting us play Battlegrounds early. You guys can get WWE Battlegrounds, that is out September 18th on Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Steam. This was a lot of fun, I think we should play it again. If you guys want us to play it again, comment below. - Yeah! - Yeah. - Yeah! - Big thanks- (grunting) Who do you think was your favorite today? - Egg! - Let us know, yeah. Was it egg? Was it Sarah Whittle? - I love eggs! - Was it Triple Threat? - Was it uh- Stan-a-monna-gucci? - You're never gonna be right. (laughter) - No, I don't even know- I don't even know why I try at this point. Also, if you want to watch some other videos, click over here- - Over there! - And you can see something where YouTube picked it out for you, and if you click over here- - Over there! - You can see something that we picked out for you. Wasn't that fun? - It's so great. - Hey, Sarah, I'm really glad you made it out here- - In high school in Wyoming, my best friend was a moose. (laughter) - Bye guys! - Bye.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 305,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, We Go Insane in WWE 2K Battlegrounds, wwe 2k battlegrounds, wwe battlegrounds, 2020
Id: NxQvDrCK6mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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