Can We Make That Minecraft Noise?

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(Tommy screaming) (projectiles clicking) - It's like middle school all over again. - I know bro, remember butts up, that game? - No. (upbeat music) - This is Can You Make That Minecraft Noise? - Can you? (Courtney laughs) - Welcome. - Spencer with his crazy hair. - This is Spencer, he looks totally normal, and today we're doing a video. This video is a very fun, very stupid game, very goofy gooftacular. Basically we will be playing a Minecraft noise, someone will be at the microphone, they have one single chance to replicate that noise. (Courtney laughing) If they don't, if the jury decides that they did not do the noise right, we get to shoot them with, (toy whirring) - Oh he didn't even do it. - So many of these little yellow little balls. - So many little balls. (Courtney laughs) - And if you like little yellow balls, like and subscribe to our channel. - [Courtney] Yeah! - We've got tons of small little balls for you to see. - Also Spencer's hair is like this, because we are currently recording this live on Twitch for our very special stream. If you don't know about our Twitch, subscribe! (gargles) (Spencer laughing) - That. (Spencer gargles) - Very that. - Very that. (Courtney gargles) - It's giving subscribe. - You're gonna fully come in speaking Simlish one day. - Vocal warm ups anyone? - No. (Courtney meows) - Gay, gay, gay, gay. - Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay. - Gay, gay, gay. - Straight, straight, straight, straight! (cast laughs) - When I go please don't hit in my face, 'cause I will actually cry like a little baby. - [Shane] You signed up for this video. - When you aim for my mouth. - Alright we're gonna get to shoot this Cyberpunk character. - That was what I said! (Shane laughing) - We should get our guns. - There's a whole other one of these, and then a bunch of little smaller dart guns. (Shane mumbles) - After he does it let's take a beat, and then decide before we shoot him. - Yeah - At first. - At first (cast laughs) (Minecraft zombie groan) - First sound, bruh! (cast laughs) - [Cameraman] Alright. - Bruh. - Bruh. - [Cameraman] Alright, listen up! (Minecraft zombie groan) (crew laughing) - Pretty close to bruh, I'm not gonna lie. - I picked these sounds, and I'm surprised by that one. - Okay. (clears throat) (Minecraft zombie groan) - I don't know if I can, I don't know if I can hit that. (groans into mic) - That wasn't bad. - I think it was good. - That wasn't bad. - He didn't hit that second note though. - Yeah, let's hear it again. - Let's hear it again. (Minecraft zombie groan) - It's like a little more release at the end. (groans into mic) (cast sighs) (guns clicking) - I'm gonna let this one slide. - Okay - I'm disappointed, but, I'll let it slide. - The first one was better, so I'll leave it at that. (static boom) Okay now I wanna shoot you more. (cast laughs) - Gaga with goggles! - You look way crazier up close. (Spencer barks) - [Tommy] Get two at the ready. (cast laughs) - Me over here like. (Tommy laughs) - [Cameraman] Alright, ready? - Yes. (Minecraft zombie groan) (Courtney clears throat) (groans into mic) (guns whirring) (crew laughing) - What the I said it fine! I said it fine! Ow! (cast laughs) - The bigger one hurts I think. - I said it fine! (Shane laughs) - No you didn't! - I don't know! - No, don't do it again! - Yeah don't do it again, 'cause we legally are allowed. - That's it for me. Those do hurt! - This is denser than a grape. (Courtney clears throat) - Did that hurt? - Yeah. (cast laughs) - Oh we froze 'em. (Minecraft zombie groan) (Courtney clears throat) - No. (groans into mic) (buzzer) (cast and crew laughs) (Courtney screams) - [Spencer] My ass! - Haha my ass! - It's just too low. - Don't worry they get easier. (bell dings) (cast laughs) - Big old wink. - Bruh! - Little squishy mans, they're like paint balls. - Yeah they hurt. - Make it, make the microphone really, (beep) Oh! (Shane laughs) - Really high. Oh! (Shane laughs) - Make sure the safety's off. (guns whirring) - Don't, don't give us a target. - No I'm keeping! (Tommy laughs) - Show us your penis. (Tommy laughs) - [Cameraman] Alright, settle. (Minecraft zombie groan) (groans into mic) - I just wanna shoot you so bad. (bell dings) - I know. (crew laughs) - I think there, I think there will be chances to shoot him. Okay, he's showing that ass. (cast laughs) - Shane, Shane you showing that ass, I'm gonna shoot it. (cast laughs) - Alright you get it. - How was that better than mine? - I couldn't even hear yours. Your volume was not there. - Yeah, it was not there. - What are you talking about? - There wasn't enough man, - I think I did just fine. (Courtney laughs) - This gun sounds insane. - Yeah. - It literally makes me, my butt clench, like I'm scared. (cast laughs) (Minecraft witch laugh) - Give us the next sound. (Courtney squeals) (Minecraft witch laugh) (Tommy laughs) (Courtney laughs) (Spencer clears throat) (imitates minecraft witch) - Wait, what? (crew laughs) - That was the sound. - That was the sound. - I didn't even hear it on the speaker though. - Cause you're not (beep) listening Shane. - Well I'll follow you, did he get it? - Yeah he did. (bell dings) - He kinda got it. - I'll be loud this time. - Got it, gotta be able to hear you. - [Cameraman] Alright, let's be, let's settle. (Minecraft witch laugh) (imitates minecraft witch) (Courtney laughs) - Oh god! - My throat gave out for a second. (cast and crew laughs) - Let's hear him do it again. - I got slightly nervous. (gun whirring) (imitates minecraft witch) - Too many humphs - That was five. - Okay, well? - I just, let me, let me, - You did five the first time! (gun whirring) - Equity and equality, don't you dare! That's pointed too high! (cast laughs) - No! (gun whirring) (buzzer) (Tommy screams) - Okay okay, that's enough from me. - Alright, alright. - I mean let me let this gun cool down. (Minecraft witch laugh) (imitates minecraft witch) - It was very Courtney. - Very high, yeah. - [Spencer] It was very Courtney. (imitates minecraft witch) - That one was better. - That was better. - That was better. I have to admit that. - [Jackie] Stop Courtney. (cast laughs) - Stop while you're ahead. She's remixing. (mumbles musically) (cast laughs) Okay, get off the stage! - [Cameraman] Alright, let's hold for sound. (imitates minecraft witch) - So how do you? (Shane laughs) - Just, just (laughs) (cast laughs) (Minecraft witch laugh) (imitates minecraft witch) (buzzer) (Shane screams) (cast laughs) - Do they sting? - Yeah it's, it's fine. (cast laughs) (high pitched cry) - Oh god, I'm gonna, oh god, okay. (Shane imitates gun) (beep) (beep) (beep) (Courtney laughs) - Bring on the next sound! (high pitched cry) (cast and crew laughs) (Courtney yelps) That's two sounds put together dude, okay. (imitates high pitched cry) (guns whirring) (buzzer) (cast laughs) (balls thudding) - Honesty, I'll take it. - It wasn't that off. - Oh come on that was not it. (Courtney screeches) - Okay that's not it. - Alright, fine! - I'll go. (high pitched cry) (Tommy laughs) - You see what I'm saying bro? (Spencer laughs) (imitates high pitched cry) (buzzer) (cast laughs) - [Tommy] No! - Aw god! - I got him right in the ass every time. - I think he got the initial sound. I didn't shoot much. - Okay. - I'm just gonna do this one like this. - [Shane] You want me to use one of the Nerf? (high pitched cry) - I'm, (imitates high pitched cry) (guns whirring) (crew laughing) - Come on that was not it. (buzzer) (Courtney laughs) - Assumes the position! - That was not it! - Do it! - That was a Jawa. (Tommy laughs) - That's so great. - [Shane] From Star Wars. (guns whirring) (Courtney screams) - That was insane! (crew laughs) - I misses and then I got scared. (imitates Jawa) (cast laughs) - Did this? This is shooting faster now! (high pitched cry) (imitates high pitched cry) (guns whirring) (buzzer) - That was perfect! (beep) you guys! (Tommy screams) - Ow my little butt! - My tight little ass! - (beep) my tiny, tiny little balls. (cast laughs) - (beep) my little, tiny little balls. (cast laughs) (cow mooing) - Next sound! (cow mooing) (cast laughs) It sounds like he's saying no. - I know. - Okay. (imitates cow mooing) - [Spencer] I don't think that was there! (Courtney screams) (cast laughs) - One of those balls bounced off and hit my head. - No! - Off the wall, we gotta be, we gotta be wearing goggles now! - One of those balls bounced off the wall then went in my mouth then I chewed it and ate it. (cast laughs) - I thought I would kill this video. I really thought I, I thought I would be a shining star. - You thought! (Spencer laughs) - Okay. - [Cameraman] You ready Tommy? - Apparently! (crew laughs) (Spencer laughs) Alright. - Apparently. (Tommy sighs) (cow mooing) (Courtney laughs) (imitates cow mooing) - That was perfect! (Courtney laughs) - I love you. - It wasn't, it was, it was okay. (imitates cow mooing) - No. - Don't do it again, don't do it again, I made that mistake. - Okay. - I'll let you slide this time. - I think that was good. I think that was close enough to be. - Okay fine, fine. - [Courtney] Okay. - Thank you! (cow mooing) (Tommy laughs) (imitates cow mooing) - It was way too long, but everything else was good. (bell dings) Like tonally, (dart thuds) - [Courtney] Ah, damn. (screams) - That hit me! (cast laughs) (buzzer) - You try that again and stick it? - I keep hitting you directly in the goggles, and none of them are sticking! - Pretty sure we're, hold up wait! - Unnecessary! (cast laughs) - It's scary bro, it's scary! - I'm wearing these goggles. (cow mooing) (imitates cow mooing) (Crew laughs) (buzzer) - Ooh oh! Ooh Ooh ooh oh! Okay, okay, okay, that's more than, that's more than anyone's gotten! (cast laughs) (Spencer sighs) (Shane laughs) - Yo, the ones on the ass sting! - Yeah dude. (ghast meowing) - Tim, play me the next sound. (ghast meowing) - Oh no! (crew laughs) - God damn it! - That's not it! (imitates ghast meowing) (Nerf darts thud) (buzzer) - Don't show your crotch, it's for your own good. - I'm giving it to ya. (gun whirring) (Spencer screams) (cast laughs) - I know, I will say, he did probably as good as a human can do. But it wasn't good enough. - No. (guns whirring) - It's getting civic. (Shane clears throat) (imitates ghast meowing) - Bro! (guns whirring) (Shane grunts) - Oh there it goes! Yeah Shane I didn't think that was that bad. - Thanks! (ghast meowing) (imitates ghast meowing) - Okay. - No bye! - Worst one yet. Worst one yet. (guns whirring) (balls thudding) (crew laughs) (balls thudding) (Shane laughs) - Boing, twang, boing, boing! - It gets going! (Courtney laughs) - Oh yeah once it revs up it's like. (Courtney burps) - Good luck Courtney. (cast laughs) - We gotta get you guys some balls. - What? - Hey! (crew laughs) - What are you the comments section? (Spencer laughs) (ghast meowing) (clears throat) (imitates ghast meowing) (guns whirring) (buzzer) (balls thudding) - Ooh wow that's like the, I don't know how you hit the same exact spot 30 times in a row! (screams) Owie! Owie, ooh! (Tommy laughs) (Courtney trills) I think I could get there. (villager sighing) - Tim, play me the sound. (villager sighing) (imitates villager sighing) - It was too fakey. (imitates villager sighing) Too, too, (buzzer) Oh I almost got his! (guns whirring) (balls thudding) (Spencer screaming) (Courtney laughs) (Tommy laughs) (crew laughs) (Shane laughs) (Courtney laughs) - [Courtney] No. (villager sighing) (imitates villager sighing) - Oh that was pretty, the tone was right there. - It was a little shakey. - He shook a little at the end. - It wasn't high enough at the top. - [Cameraman] Keep those goggles on. - No. (cast laughs) (buzzer) - Ah! (Shane laughs) - Right in his silly little penis. (cast laughs) Sorry. (villager sighing) - I've heard this many a time. (cast laughs) (Courtney clears throat) (imitates villager sighing) (gun whirring) - No, no. - No come on that wasn't bad! Ow, ow, ow, ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, oww! (cast laughs) (imitates villager sighing) (Tommy laughs) - Ah you gotta stop, stop! (imitates villager sighing) (villager sighing) (imitates villager sighing) (cast applauds) - [Courtney] That was good enough for me! (crew cheers) - That was pretty good man, not gonna lie. - Alright this last one if for Courtney. (character grunting) - Play the final sound. (character grunting) (Courtney laughs) - This is my text tone. - Is it really? - Yeah. (imitates character grunting) - Whoa, wait, sorry. - What? (imitates character grunting) (guns whirring) - Oh honey no. (buzzer) (Tommy laughs) - Ouch! (cast laughs) Holy shit! Holy shit! (cast laughs) - Dude it stings more and more. - Yeah it doesn't get better. - It gets right into the part of the cheeks that haven't seen a lot of sun! (character grunting) (imitates character grunting) (guns whirring) (buzzer) - Hey, that was pretty good! - That was (beep) good! (Spencer screaming) - No that, if that was bad, then mine was bad too. Like if mine was bad then his is definitely bad. - [Keith] That was good. - I know I was bad, duh, Keith! - I'd like to apologize to my ass, torso, and balls. (character grunting) My heart is pounding. (imitates character grunting) (guns whirring) - No that was perfect! (Courtney laughs) - I think it was good. - It was worse than mine! - Fair! (Courtney grunts) (buzzer) Tommy screams. (cast laughs) - It's like middle school all over again. - I know bro, remember butts up, that game? - No. (Spencer laughs) - What? - [Cameraman] Courtney do you wanna talk about that? - That's what we game, you know where it's like, you have a ball that's like this size, and you're like, you're throwing it at the wall, and you have to catch it and throw it. - Oh, wall ball. - [Cameraman] Are you ready? - Oh yeah. (character grunting) (imitates character grunting) (guns whirring) - Come on! (Shane screams) (cast laughs) - Yeah! - Oh shit! Oh shit! - Dude I got him right in the face with one of these. (Shane laughs) - Well, god. (Courtney laughs) That was Can You Make This Minecraft Noise. We're all bruised. (Courtney laughs) - I'm covered, dude. - And covered in little bruises. Can you make them? Put it in the comments, if you can make a noise. If you play along and you can make the noise? - Can you make the noise? (cast chattering) - Have you ever had a dream where you, - We have two very, (Spencer screams) We have one cast member that needs to go to the hospital, and we have two videos on screen right now. If you can see 'em, - Get 'em! - Get 'em! (Tommy laughs) (crew laughs) - Go get 'em! - One of 'em, and then the other one. - Very good. - Very good! - And guys? - Yeah? - Let's get it!
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 622,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, minecraft, make that noise, minecraft noise, make that minecraft noise
Id: hrB7wcu-3LY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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