We gave this Halloween Witch Animatronic a Terrifying Makeover

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y'all check out what we found this is the animatronic witch from home depot she rocks she talks her eyes glow we got this for 20 bucks on facebook marketplace it worked well actually we don't know if it works yet we're going to find out if it works but it probably works and we are going to give her the coolest makeover do we even have all the pieces i hope so all right time to find out all right the head this is way bigger than i thought look how big this chair is it's like ladies that's straight like wizard of oz like i know these little fluffy feet here's a body chair two pieces of oh good there's directions is that it i think so all right home depot makes a version of this every year and i think this one's like three i think it's from 2018 2018. okay yeah they're pretty expensive new this is a super exciting good find oh there's a parts list okay i'll read off the part two sides of the chair done got it two pole things legs legs back of the chair this this thing whatever these are yes the plugs the body of the witch right here head and cord cord there's no cord there has to be a cord is it in the body maybe she's yeah maybe it's like plugged in already supposed to plug in right there there's the batteries okay there's no cord to plug it in there's a pretty good chance we have one if you're like us you've saved every wall plug you've ever had from old pieces of electronics and stuff i have a huge box of them maybe we have one that matches the right voltage yes all right i got a box of old quartz let's see what we can find we need 4.5 volts 1.5 amps 4.25 volt one and a half this is four point five volts this will work it's not exactly right we're gonna have to order the exact right size which will probably cost like five bucks or something but at least let us test if it works or not okay i think all right step one these go in here maybe it does go from the other side oh i see this oh and there's a tab thing screws on here you know what what one of these is a thicker and one is thinner i don't i think this is the thinner one oh god a little wobbly but not bad step two face this is the front oh okay that yeah these legs are ridiculous no they're not even two they're stuck together oh no it's just velcro is it velcro oh okay what is this it's like a cable tie stuck on there at the back bam chair next her body okay i think she just like slots in like there's like a hole yeah okay we should move it down because we can't reach and y'all can't see it should go down to about there yeah probably yeah there you go we connect the wires all right is that all i had power for oh god [Music] okay it works it works it works that's exciting i definitely want to like build up her arms and we can use pool noodles to give her an actual body because she has no arms it's just floppy we might even just do away with the hat entirely and give her like a nice wig yes she needs new hair look at this she has no hair the hair's not bad but there's not enough of it it's very very stringy very light so maybe a nice like a fuller kind of crazier wig i think we can do all new clothes for her we can go to goodwill get some like old chrome like type stuff and like we did on the drinking skeleton we could like get some clothes like dirty them up you know make her look yeah i want to go for like this forest witch vibe not like halloween store vibe our witch needs clothes and we figured what better place to look than goodwill yes we had great luck here finding i'm gonna run into a table we had great luck here finding that old-fashioned nightgown for our empty soul swing girls which was crazy by the way it was amazing that we found it so i figure we can find the perfect outfit for our witch what are we looking for a dress of some sort kind of like muted earth tones i feel like let's see what we got what we got i think long how cute that is right it's not a costume it's just an outfit this is why you secretly love this you get to go shopping she's got those terrible like fluffy stuffed shoes that are like the wicked witch of the west yes so maybe we can get her some some real cool boots they always have good boots here i think something like this though like these are good for tromping through the forest yeah collecting mushrooms herbs eyes of newt things like that size of newt we could put a skirt under her dress and like give it some fullness and layers and stuff you can even do a little bit of color in there yeah maybe just because she's evil doesn't mean she doesn't have style that's right you think we can find a costume for ourselves while we're here um those are amazing i got some snakeskin boots whoa or i could go as captain business what'd you find there [Laughter] okay that was a success we got pool noodles these were from the dollar store they're literally a dollar at least we got a wig this is really cool it's like a silvery gray does that have tinsel in it yes we're gonna have to cut all that tinsel out yeah here we are we could have a tinsel wig party witch okay how do i look beautiful love it we also got a bunch of good clothes from goodwill that's a skirt it's like you know some old like uh yeah we're going for kind of a naturey witch so we got this cool green dress we've got this brown shawl that'll go over her and this red flowery thing and we also have a whole bunch of creepy cloth left over from an old project so we're gonna dye it dirty it up make it just look really cool and old next thing we're gonna do is take the witch back apart and we're gonna paint the chair we're gonna make it look like a little next we shall take the witch back apart all right man the next thing we're gonna do and now we shall take the witch back apart and paint her chair and her face and every and everything we're gonna paint everything is this what it's like for you every day just [Applause] next day everything's dry we had planned on painting some wood grain but it didn't really work we tried these are wood graining tools and we'll cut in a little video here to show you how they're supposed to work but because this isn't a flat surface it's not uh it's not really working so instead of trying to get fancy with the wood grain tool jamie has a better idea so we're gonna take some sponges and maybe some crumpled up paper towels and just dab it with colors make it look kind of dirty get some blacks on there some greens not all over just you know random places and then we will dry brush it at the end and it should look great i've got a little bit of a yellowish light brown here i'm dry brushing just a few of the edges where i think you know some natural wear in the wood would be this looks amazing thanks yeah just sparingly randomly no order like imagine this part got all moldy and yeah our witch's wardrobe looks far too new and we want her to look like she's lived in the forest for hundreds of years wearing the exact same clothes never washed him once i think the aesthetic we're going for is like if you've ever played the witcher or like elden ring or the the hag from the new resident evil village game like they're just you know just gross stuff so to achieve that we're going to use some watered-down acrylic paints and we're going to use some black and brown maybe a little white to make gray and just kind of start with layers and work up until we find something we're happy with it's always weird going to the store to buy clothes and then you're like let's ruin them immediately i think while you finish painting the clothes i'm going to paint the hands i pulled them out i just ripped them off basically but they're too shiny they're like way too shy they're very plasticky so i'm gonna give them a primer coat with some flat black okay and then we'll just paint them i don't know you know cool greenish [Music] for cuticles i wanted them to look really dirty i kind of like how mine are so i put a little bit of a black wash right in that crack there and then took a paper towel and gently wiped away making sure to leave just a little bit of black pooling in the crack these hands turned out so cool they're wrinkly and gross and old perfect witch hands what you doing jay we're waiting on stuff to dry so i'm pulling out all the tinsel from this wig because i don't think our dirty hagwich should have shiny tinsel hair and uh it's going okay pulling out individual strands of hair there's a lot of tinsel in there this is gonna take forever [Music] i will eat your soul let's sit her down do you even want the purple dress on no i don't cutting off the old dress arms i mean we just start with some arms start with the arms yeah okay so if this is just a pool noodle we cut in half with scissors can we just kind of stuff them in here we'll just we tape it on you think that's gonna stay i do think that's going to stay okay she got no body she did she's too flat so we need to build out her tummy we're going to do that with a couple pool noodles since this bends right here they're just going to attach at the top and hang freely that way they're not going to restrict the movement basically just going to do two 45 degree cuts instant knee let's glue that together with some contact cement [Music] kind of look like big straws yeah i sacrificed some wool tights we took a little extra piece of the scrap bent it around to give her a little little meat on the bone so let's go there somehow we gotta get this other arm through all right there we go you look beautiful look look she's got legs and knees should put the hands on yes okay an extra thing we did with the hands is we took just a wooden dowel we drilled a hole and just jammed it in there put a little hot glue around the edges and now watch we can take our hand and it comes with this little holder that's the way it worked normally we'll stick that where it's supposed to go and then we have the hole in our pool noodle goes like that pull the sleeve up bam look at that perfect amazing before we go any further we should figure out where the motion sensor is going to go where is the motion sensor it's yeah exactly it's just under the dress i'm here somewhere excuse me madam i think we can probably just cut like a slit in the dress and then just have it poke out and glue it from the back right there probably hot oh oh okay i got it i got it i got it that should be fine yeah yeah that'll be totally fine i do think she still needs more bulk in here okay you know we could use her feets just shove them in there yeah yeah all right that'll work we'll tie something around there it'll look fine here's her boots and they're already kind of aged so they're perfect look at those skinny legs you know what i think what if we just instead of like putting her legs in it just put it like over sure and in and over i'm going to put this on upside down so that the fringe is on the top there we go white to white no neck here let's put this around her neck she looks so good so the wig this wig is just it's glamorous and it's a glam rock witch it looks like it looks like she just came out of the salon we needed to look like she came out of the swamp she got like a nice blowout here silver highlights okay so the hat i'm thinking is we can you know do some some pinching up here and then we'll put some cloth over it we'll take this yellow thing off it'll look great [Music] i want to make this curved so i'm gonna stick my hand in there we pinch it and then the inside you can't see it but inside the little seam you want to fold that kind of up and then put your needle through it that looks super cool curvy hat nice curve to it that's just bubble wrap just bubble wrap you can literally stuff like newspaper paper towel doesn't matter batting this hair is really bothering me though it's just too it's too much i think i think we should paint it you know the smart thing is to just buy a wig that looks the way you want it but the fun thing is to figure it out get some paint on there and then brush it through hairdresser cost you like 300 to do that just pour some acrylic in your hair and brush it through don't do that gandalf the white gender the gray [Music] look at that time to go on yes i love it i love her the hair is so much better now yes it is i don't even mind the sparkles no the sparkles are kind of cool now it's one more thing to do yeah accessorize oh so like maybe some bones like maybe a bone necklace and oh i have some crows we can use let's put her all together and see how she looks [Music] don't be afraid [Music] i need this is the coolest transformation i love how she turned out she is she's just awesome and i love her get up her clothes we found them at goodwill and the cool thing about goodwill is you never know what you're gonna find but you're gonna find something that works and since it's you know used and affordable you don't feel bad getting it all muddy and painting it up yeah like when we did the empty soul girl swing we found that nightgown for four bucks and the real one was like 30 dollars plus shipping not only you're finding unique stuff but it's most the time way more affordable to to get the clothes there yeah you can find different parts for costumes you're making and they even have like a cool halloween section usually with all sorts of vintage props they do especially this time of year goodwill is an awesome place to get just all kinds of random halloween stuff you're gonna get find like sort of different things at each store which is part of the charm of it i think and as an added bonus it's great for the environment because you're taking something that could be in a landfill and upcycling it into something beautiful i think that just upcycling creating your own stuff creating your own unique costumes and props i mean it doesn't get cooler than that so thanks to goodwill for sponsoring today's video definitely check out their local store near you i couldn't be happier with what we came up with here so good job james yep if you want to see more halloween projects check out the rest of the videos on our channel and until next time stay wicked shot through the heart in your to blame
Channel: Wicked Makers
Views: 1,021,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY Halloween, Halloween DIY, DIY Halloween Props, Halloween Props DIY, DIY Halloween decorations, DIY halloween decor, halloween decor, halloween decorations, halloween props, best halloween decorations, jay and jaimie, wicked makers, halloween 2022, halloween witch, halloween witch animatronic, halloween animatronics, home depot witch, home depot animatornics, home depot halloween, rocking chair witch, halloween makeover, animatronic makeover, witch makeover, witch, DIY
Id: 53khED9PlzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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