Everyone's freaking out over his genius pool noodle walkway idea!

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for this next Halloween project go ahead and run over to Dollar Tree and grab a lot of pool noodles first thing we're going to do is take a nice sharp razor knife we're going to go up about six inches on the first noodle start in the middle but don't cut straight down you want to go to the side what we're going to try to do is cut out a wedge once you cut it out go ahead and remove the wedge but the first thing you want to do is hold on to it we can use that later next thing we want to do is turn it over exactly 180 degrees again go up six inches and cut out at a diagonal so you can cut another wedge on this side again save this wedge you'll need it for later take some Saran Wrap Bunch it around that edge you're going to pull those two ends together to make a point you don't need to make the Saran Wrap pretty not at all because what we're going to do is grab a heat gun and very slowly start melting and surrounding the pool noodle with that surround wrap don't get too much heat on there though all we want to do is like shrink wrap it take that wedge on some of the other pool noodles that you've cut out and it can make a pointier end again take that saran wrap and wrap it around just like this you want to go ahead and circle it up and again it doesn't need to look pretty because it doesn't need to be smooth we want a texture look to it I know what you're thinking there's some gaps in there doesn't matter we're going to paint this afterwards so you're not going to see that one other thing that we can do is in the middle of the pull noodle cut a little slit take that wedge and you're going to pop it right inside there it's going to hold really nice don't let it stick straight up put it at an angle grab some Saran Wrap and place it all over this is going to give this branch and it's going to make it look like it's got a little thorn in it everything we do we're going to cover all the pool noodles with Saran Wrap and use the heat gun to shrink wrap it around take it outside and give it a base coat I went ahead and whipped with black that's a good base painted all over it's going to be a little difficult to get all of the colors of the green covered up but don't worry we're going to go ahead and do some touch-ups later the next thing I did was take one and a quarter inch PVC pipe cut a 45 degree angle on it so I can drive it into the ground this is what's going to be the base of my Arch put that in both sides of the sidewalk and then I'm going to take one inch PVC pipe and cut it to size but the one inch PVC pipe goes right inside the one and a quarter and it makes it great and strong next I'm going to grab some zip ties start grabbing those pool noodles that are all painted up and we're going to start zip tying them all around the edge of the arch right in the beginning I know it's going to be a little discouraging thinking how can I cover all the pipe don't worry about that keep applying them anywhere and everywhere that it looks good to you I had about 15 pool noodles that I made and I just have branches and Thorns all over them all painted black as you can see I just went all around the arch where it looks like it really needed them trying to cover as much of the PVC pipe as I can just go anywhere and everywhere use your zip ties and cut off all the excess zip tie that you can and just cover up everything you can do it just looks really amazing once you got it all covered take some black paint any PVC pipe that's showing go ahead and paint it black then it's time to two-tone grab some brown add a little bit not too much and then last but not least I grabbed some gray just randomly all over gives it another little bit of texture to it look how amazing this turns out you can almost looks like a real branch with the Saran Wrap and the paint but last but not least let's go ahead and grab one of them skulls and give it a lobotomy right on the back end from Dollar Tree we're going to take that zip tie put it right through the back and that's how we're going to hold it onto the arch that we did put it on there zip tie it add a little color to it also with the black and look at that this Arch turned out amazing got this from Dollar Tree also a little lizard skeleton it looks amazing this Arch just turned out better than I hoped all the little trick-or-treaters are going to walk through it on Halloween night to start this project you're going to need a garbage bag a tomato cage and a pumpkin pail I'm going to start by placing the tomato cage upside down next I want to squeeze the ends in so they come closer to the middle next I'm going to take a pumpkin pail and place it upside down onto the tomato cage like so I've got my outdoor garbage bag I'm going to open it up and I'm going to place it over the top of the entire thing now I want to make sure to Center up the top here and then I'll be pulling the rest of it down below onto the ground I've got some twine I'm going to pull off a hefty amount and cut it at the top and then what I'm going to do next [Music] pull out the points here Center it up and I'm going to go ahead and tie this Center underneath this pumpkin pail so I have a yard of tulle and I'm going to place a bucket on top of the tool and I'm going to go ahead and stuff the tool into the bucket like so so here's a quick look at the tool wrapped around the bucket so I'm gonna Place some hot glue onto the top of the plastic bag here and next I'm placing the pumpkin bucket on top I'm gonna place a battery operated light inside the bucket next I have a witch hat I'm going to place it onto the top pumpkin bucket head so to give you the framework on how I'll be setting these up on my Pathway to my front door I've placed the tomato cage upside down over a lantern you could easily use Stakes or something else to help stabilize these the other option is to use the front of the face and show her as well now each night I'll be going in and turning this light on so that She Glows so you can hot glue this on top to be stable or you can leave it as is now the next step is totally optional and what I have here is a garbage bag and I'm cutting down the center of it and it doesn't need to be perfect and then what I'm going to do is you can see these sections that tie I'm going to go ahead and cut on one side of that as well so what I have here is two pieces that have pulled apart and I am going to go ahead on one end and I'm gonna make a little knot so I'm going to place a little hot glue right here on the back and then I'm going to place the plastic strip that I cut on the back here and then what we're going to do is Place Another dab of hot glue on the back of the knot and then attach it like so now as the trick-or-treaters come walking in they will walk between all of the witches on the way to the front door of my house to trick-or-treat [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Hometalk
Views: 906,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hometalk, how to, do it yourself, diy, home, garden, tutorial, instructions, craft, decor
Id: 8F5zwI9Ir6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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