We Gambled and it PAID OFF! Deep Water Snowy Grouper (Catch/Clean/Cook) Taco Tuesday!

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[Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] s how about that merchandise just in case it's expensive really you guys that reels like 5 000 bucks plus the rod and the lines about six thousand total so a little tigers clipped there just to be safe Tigers rod holders with backing plates some people said it wouldn't work but we got them screwed in there good they've been holding up well Charlie and I Landon are heading offshore we're gonna try to do a little hand crank deep dropping we got the wire line just in case we did a little bit of trolling but see if we can't catch some dinner fish it's May 2nd grouper just opened up for us we didn't get to go yesterday opening day too much stuff going on but uh that means tilefish open as well as well snowy grouper there's a lot of boat discs around the reef chasing black group and red grouper but I think we're gonna head offshore and try to get some towel station hopefully [Music] [Music] I got my mini rabbit we need the light braid the 15 pounds got six rods here but we need seven we got a pair of rods we got them now there's Restless we got different rods different contests all that good stuff we're headed up shore it's May 2nd grouper season has opened so we could catch a snowy group right here and keep it um we're gonna go back to the reef and try for black Ruby to keep them now but tile fish also open the blue line Salvage one of our favorite fish to catch and eat so a little bit of luck we'll catch some tile fish maybe a snowy grouper maybe a yellow Edge grouper and have some good eating fish we got Charlie here Atlanta's behind the camera Shirley's got up some bait right now and uh we're gonna do hand crank deep dropping so we'll be fishing from anywhere from 400 feet 800 feet of water drifting along the bottom on the X3 and it's a gorgeous day here we couldn't sit home we had to come out here so hope you guys enjoy it hopefully we'll catch some fish too [Music] we're gonna have a little bit of everything on here we got squid and fish little chunks of bait we're gonna drop them down and hopefully dinner will eat them we got two rounds going down as deep look at that squid though check that squid out there they might get tight hopefully it's a good thing we have these pen fathoms with that high retrieve ratio We're not gonna be sitting here cranking on a TLD all day it's a soft bottom down there you can feel it kind of getting stuck a little bit got me snagged first drop we Tangled I was on the phone probably my fault this is reality guys we're fishing too close together we tangled up first drop not how we wanted to start the day but it's how we started the day this is how we started the day those squids look so good in the water bombs away try number two we gotta tangle the first trap just moved a couple hundred yards from where you were because we still had a few good minutes reading a bit but see what happens this time when the deep water wizard steps in you never know what's gonna happen not me Nicholas uh as long as everyone saying I'll be happy we need dinner Blue Line towel fish the yellow Edge grouper snowy grouper it is Taco Tuesday I don't know if you've ever done tile fish tacos what have we done we've done Mahi grouper tuna tilefish is the next logical progression from that we got a perfect drift you know a little over a knot over hand cranking light braid on the fathom on our 20-pound conventional Rod Charlie's going down I'm back here I'm still driving the boat a little bit you know keeping that bait right down there close to the bottom had a nibble felt like a small tile fish we have kind of bigger baits on there so the little ones may not get it but they're small ones or big ones I'll leave it down there hopefully it comes back look at that wiggle they're picking at they're picking at me they're picking at me let's let them we're gonna let them swallow it down a little bit here we've got these circle hooks on so we don't have to go too crazy oh oh here we go Nicholas oh now they're just teasing me you're supposed to take us to the big fish spot oh hopefully hopefully we're drifting past the other ones to the big ones we haven't been out here season been closed for a while that's true they should be extra hungry today I'm still getting they're just playing with me now got them that time now the question is do you sit down try to double up or catch one and not be greedy I think we're gonna go for Glory here go for Glory Charlie's tight only 585 feet to go that's a nice pink cushion you got there we don't try to sell Penguins but we know those damn Sarah's boat so they always tear oh no he came off we just had a nibble watch the rod tip there you can see them bumping it see it right there probably a tile fish usually a grouper usually a grouper inhales it this is the one bad thing about hand cracking you have to crank it up if there's no fish on there the fish on there doesn't matter but there's no fish there's no fun and that's where a lot of people use electric reels to deep drop we do kind of call it grocery shopping but you can hand crank them and there's a good condition for it but there's no fish on the end of it it's not fun I don't want to say I'll try number three guys we know there's got to be some fish around here somewhere this is a very special spot in the past Nick has caught not only Blue Line tiles here but groupers I got it out I was trying to look at a new spot to plug in so I let it sit there drug and bottle because we came out still there they come off came off I had a decent one on guys we're just getting ready to wind them up we've been drifting for 20 minutes first bite this drift they're not really hitting that good yet still early lunar title was a bite that was a decent fish hopefully it comes back are you come on there you go come on buddy I know it tastes good it's a small fish we're waiting for the right bite but a bite is better than no bite a nibble we had a nibble hopefully he eats it we have kind of bigger bait so we got one for now hopefully the hook sets give me a fish for dinner if I go home skunk without a fish we won't live it down Cyril should be on our case Claire and Sadie need tile fish tacos the first one is the hardest one to catch throughout the day but like Charlie said earlier these are fathoms it's a high-speed reel from pants every time you turn the handle you get like four feet of line are we thumping good we have multiple hooks on our sometimes you catch two or three at a time but so I had that one fish on a minute ago that came off and he probably was kind of swimming up and that's why scoped up there past Charlie's line I don't think it's a real big one but you know attack us Blue Line towel fish they average two to ten pounds it's pulling though but hopefully it'll be a four or five pounder you know nice medium-sized one we can eat them up he's cranking about two or three minutes pretty steady Betty's within a 100 feet or so I had to guess I can see him we got color here he comes this tile fish this tile fish coming from the deep water spin in there they'll get the bengin up because the pressure changing all that but we got one we didn't get skunk guys here's an average size one he looks about four pounds I would say well that is a blue line tile fish also known as a gray tile I'm gonna lay him on the deck there pull another bait in the water on the boat here so Circle I got him in the corner there a little BKK hook just how it's supposed to work and that will be a tile fish taco but you got that blue line underneath the eye so you can see that kind of a gray body overall and hence the name Blue Line towel fish and now they I believe they close August 1st it used to be open through uh the end of August but now the last two years I closed them earlier so but we got a couple months to catch them so first one of season here we go don't want to leave too big good Charlie make them count oh aggressive hits these are aggressive deep water maneuvers we need more we need tacos Taco Tuesday you can't make fish tacos without fish I do the tile fish taco about that tile fish right there and since they're a little slower bite than we expected we're gonna take them and a lot of these deep water fish They Don't Really release well we have a deep water sequelizer to let them down deep but the towel fish are one that don't do as well as a lot of other species so since there's no size of mine we're gonna keep them he's a two three pounder you know low end of average but just Elite good that's a beautiful specimen right there the nice thing about tile fish it's just such a delicate meat soft flaky it's fantastic you can do pretty much anything with that broil it blackened not very good fried but excellent in the taco application let's get him on ice what are the drop number five Charlie I was born ready for drop number five yes you want to double up I don't be greedy I'm not being greedy oh he's taking line Charlie that's the one we were waiting for 15 minutes we're just coming up the ledge again just count 20 feet this is a hell of a rod Nick you're finally getting some quality rods in stock this thing is no joke you like your cushion yes I want my pink cushion the cushion saves your groin a little bit of kush in there we got dinner on the line trying to get this one here double what I've caught angry oh man it's a lot of work for tacos oh my God way cheaper to buy a 2.50 Taco but not nearly as much fun hello Charlie I see tacos looks like a little bit better one too oh yeah you cranked him up quick oh there's some tacos sorry buddy hooray that is how you do Taco Tuesday wow foreign that's him this is the grouper we want right here promise I was oh man look at him pulling look at him pulling this is him that's big mama that's big mama right there you guys this is probably a nice big snowy grouper Charlie had a bite came off we kept drifting being patient it's slow picked today so far we got a few tiles but we really want to get a grouper because it's grouper season's here 600 feet of line to go light braid only 15 pound braid hand crank deep dropping on the X3 on a beautiful day be our dinner fish go make the day oh yeah look I'm pulling look at him oh he's taking a line I don't want to break them up catch him we go home early repair tip by mine very tip right by me if you're under yep it's pulling really good you guys I get them coming then he starts digging and he keeps pulling but you know I don't want to rear back there it's not like we're trying to he's off the bottom so we don't have to like get him away from home but once I get him coming he starts digging down digging down it's a light tackle deep drop in here I think it's thumping good look at that Rod tip guys let's try a nice big snowy I bet not positive but 99 sure that's the old snowy hole haven't been here in a long time season is open for probably a year close to anyhow so I'm still driving the boat a bit Charlie just cleared his line just just to be safe that we don't tangle and have any mishaps of the other line we know that this fish here could make we'll make the whole day if we catch him so many days are decided by one bite one good fish Charlie's out of the water so that's good for us here he comes he's coming up you guys nice look at him baby look at that smelly it could be 25 all day we came out quicker than I realized Charlie I'm like Charlie what do you want to do stay in Shore pick up another couple tiles or go big or go home because Nick we've had good luck let's go hit the Deep ledge and we did that is a Whopper snowy he's well over 20 pounds that's smelly it's Taco Tuesday baby yeah Taco Tuesday that's why that's why you always go for Glory when you're out with Stan spam that's a huge fish look at that boy what are the pressure changes as I popped out air comes up you know they get the bends and he was down there living that's one of the best eating fish there is big old snowy grouper so we had to make a call and we're picking away at the tiles in there we caught a few but it was kind of slow like one here one there one there a couple just nothing I'm like Charlie which way like staying here pick up one or two more we know we got a mediocre video or do we go deep and trusted we've had luck together going deep and springing for the fence so that's what we did we headed out deeper another mile and half offshore Big Snowy grouper this is an old fisherman look at his fins they're broken off because he lives on the bottom there so he's broke those off he's probably a warrior his eyes popped up from the pressure change and he has like faint spots you can see little white faint spots sometimes when they get out deeper and they get bigger they lose those white spots which is the easier way to tell it to snowy but I'll tell you another way to so you can know because some people confuse Big Snowy groupers or Warsaw groupers but if you count their spines on their dorsal fin it's a really good way to tell so look one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven so eleven hard spines this is the last one there a Warsaw only has 10 and that's how you tell these uh fish apart there but I mean check that fish out there probably 22 23 pounds snowy what a fish there I mean look at his mouth and that's that's the one we wanted that made her day right there grouper season is here time to box some big old snowy grouper we got tacos Taco Tuesday make some room we gotta make sure fish like that is nice and iced okay so I bleed that fish out really important ice or fish you guys and we want them cold so Charlie's packing them in there I think we ought to call it a day Charlie and go head on home we got a little preparation to do for a dinner like this yeah we do we got Taco Tuesday baby we got fish to fillet we got to get some groceries we gotta wash the boat let me go for a little swim I think we should definitely go for a little swim it is hot out here today we're back up on Mary's time to go fillet dinner check that snowy out what a way to end the day that's the fish we were after got a few tiles and a big old snow way for taco Tuesday 22 and a half pounder 22 pounder good fish guys they're full of air some people I figured it's 20 to 25 in there but I think I said 22 hour after fishing they look like they weigh a lot more than they do but fish shrink when you put them on scales I had to catch I mean I got a 500 pound swordfish it was like 390 pounds I'm like yeah they get smaller when you weigh them so but good fish just wanted to weighed 22 pounds snowy let's clean this bad boy up Charlie's spraying the rods off he's gonna spray the boat off we got a spot zero machine over there and remember you got the spot zero machines to reverse osmosis machine takes out all the minerals out of the waters when you wash the boat there's no spots on it all the metal stays shiny the paint stays shiny the curtains dazzling glass the windshields all that stuff so it's a great way to take care of your boat you know and I got the new mobile mini that just came out I don't have that one yet I have the bigger level unit but I'm getting it and uh they're doing a special offer typing Stan's family to go check out for spot zero and you will uh love it if you get one to wash your boats I promise so okay time to fly the Beast Big Snowy group are going down We Are Gonna Save his uh head and his throat here because it'll make a really good fish head soup and a third will be really good ideally if you can let like these deep water bottom fish sit and rest for a day or two is better but we're gonna get him tonight so we're gonna clean them now so we're not gonna be waiting there yeah what did we first day out we got one we missed yesterday but at least we got we got one today too pretty to stay home yeah you do not want to put those spines into your hand they hurt very badly and there'll be a lot of meat around this head here and we'll give that to some of our friends here because I'll boil this up there's cheek meat sometimes we cut the cheeks out but usually the people I give the heads to we'll get a little bonus there and let them kind of keep the cheeky chair over there so we're just gonna all the rib bones are out of there but we're gonna take the center bone out which runs right here just like this and this is going to be a heck of a feast you guys we don't want the bones there so we'll get rid of that feed that the tarpon but he's good to go there we're going to save the head there because there's still a little meat there you can pick away with it but if they boil that you know or bake it they'll get the throat meat plus the Head meat and we're gonna leave the cheeks for my buddies there um Francisco and Edwin they love this stuff here as well everybody else does too but we're gonna do tacos and we just want the fillets so all done two big fillets of Snow White grouper we're gonna cut off the hat here in the throat we're gonna cut that right there do some more people but cold water you know I lived down there in four to 800 feet of water most of the fish that live down deep are very good eating these are no exceptions about the area off there pretty good not just meet up the skin now once we get his meat off his skin we'll cut that rib cage out and debone them these fish we ice them not real good bring them so they're nice and firm which makes a huge difference when you get a filet them cutting this out here we don't want to eat that part that's full of Bones we'll flip this over now see the back side nice and clean and tile fish that Center Line bone here runs back really far some fish are linger about halfway you know like Snappers and whatnot but the office goes way down there so got this off here here let's feed the bird thank you birds are getting fired up we're gonna feed them all one piece there you go buddy the birds are coming the birds so we'll see you guys back in the kitchen stay tuned like we said it's Taco Tuesday yeah time to get cooking mix it up not only is it Taco Tuesday but it's Yucatan style taco Tuesday as you can tell from our very authentic hats we're doing some Mexican style street corn here also called esquite we've got a whole bunch of snowy grouper courtesy Nick stanzic tell me what it was like to catch that fish was it grilling was it satisfying we were picking away at the Blue Line tiles there um we're gonna have enough drill episode up now we really want to get a big group or groupers in this open didn't get one where we were fishing that first area and we moved four or five times you know all within a couple hundred yards moved offshore a mile didn't get on the Charlie back in shorter a couple more tiles finish the day up or take the chance go out deeper Charlize the Nick you know what we're gonna do it's gonna go for Glory that was exactly what I said we're gonna go for it you know go big or go home and that's what we do out there we got the right bite there really nice snowy grouper he's filled up now we're gonna get him going but Charlie's got all the preparations ready here all the mixings and uh we're gonna have a piece this time on Tuesday we're gonna do this really big here because snowy grouper is one of those amazing species that just has a really light flavor to it it's really flavorful and we're gonna dress it up and make it real nice we have all of our fancy ingredients ready to go we have some chopped purple cabbage we have some fresh cilantro some Cotija cheese we have some sweet pepper some limes some avocados some white corn tortillas and lots of corn over there and we're gonna make some tile fish tostadas as well grouper tacos and tile fish tostadas because that's what we do on Taco Tuesday she's gonna improvise it's gonna work out all right let's get this ready to go this is Cotija crumbling cheese we're gonna put that right on top of that corn we cook that corn with some very special seasonings as well as some lime juice [Music] and this is just an awesome flavor we're gonna top it off with a little bit of smoked paprika if you haven't had smoked paprika in your life and missing out you can get this just about anywhere and it is yummy Chef Charlie you want pieces like that for the group of tacos with little fingers or what that's perfect that works perfect we got Nick we got Nick trained up he's cutting them show them show them uh show them how you do that allow me to cry across the grain is good don't matter right yep knife courtesy of John thank you but we want nice little grouper strips nice and Flaky there to put inside these tacos and it's a little too long that way so we're gonna do that and just you can hear the kids in the background making all sorts of noise and that's what they do it's Taco Tuesday and we're excited that is such beautiful fish all right we're just gonna put a little bit of olive oil in there get a little bit of seasoning on it we'll be in great shape you don't want to go too crazy just a little bit that's plenty just gonna put a little bit of that special Mexican blend in there you're looking real nice all right we got Nick making some tortillas he's heating them oh they're hot use those use those quick hands use those quick hands we're doing a combination of corn and flour this is the snowy grouper we're gonna do snowy grouper over here we're gonna do tile fish over here because it's tile fish tostadas and grouper tacos so we're gonna get this going [Music] it's gonna cook real fast because these are 10 little pieces we're going to cover that with a little bit of lime juice looking real nice here goes the tile fish not quite hot enough on that one oh no we're good we're good you don't want to cook with too much heat oh that smells good oh hot stuff coming through warming them up [Music] get a double do the double flipper believe and flip those we're gonna put a little lime juice on there too just to make them extra nice meat a little plate to keep these separate while we do that take a look at our toppings we got some fresh cilantro some chopped sweet peppers some chopped red cabbage some shredded green cabbage Cotija cheese and a little bit of avocado and we have our fancy we have our fancy taco Tuesday taco tray look at the taco tray just came all the way from Key Largo fresh lime get up in here and fishing and youtubing and all this doesn't work out we might be a blind the amount of money we spend at that taco stand you should probably be on like a loyalty program look at that like to get this little car stamped every 10 times everyone this looks real good all right that's all that's almost done so remember this is your snowy grouper over here and this is your tile fish over here so now we got to take our tostadas out of the oven grab those tostadas they're delicate be careful hot tostadas coming through now these things could break here because we did cook them [Music] there you go just like that that works that's perfect set that plate right there um we'll find a place to put them that'd be good because I refried beans refried beans baby oh refried beans hello [Music] this is so amazingly delicate I got a few little nugget s it's gonna be the best best tacos that we've done so far okay awesome 600 feet of deliciousness deliciousness a little bit of that there a little sweet pepper on top there I told you we stepped it up here we had it it's been almost two hours he got here at 5 45 and it's 7 30. so it was uh the same JV this is Varsity right here oh crap just for tacos this meat is so delicate that you can't it's very difficult to grab so we're trying to yeah because I kind of cut it across the grain there so I knew it would flake apart it Cooks so much better yeah and it just holds so much more of that flavor like look how flaky I can barely grab it with the tongs that stuff tell you what you uh can you finish this I can finish that finish putting that on that plate will I put that one out of the way like this smelly grouper could be one of the best eating fish we have down here grouper in general is very good but snowy group where that deep water species of fish that's good stuff lives in that cold water all the time squid crustaceans fish all that good stuff good diet I'm very excited about this waiting a long time to use this Taco trick how long have you had it about two weeks no this has not been used yet I got it just when I got back from the Philippines and I said I was I just happened to be in a store that had this and I said we gotta get it this is so delicious smelling it's literally making me salivate while I put these together here it's killing me look at how flaky that is I could just woof just a little bit of that in there unfortunately we don't put hot sauce on things around here why not don't do spicy it'll kill us they don't do the spicy it's very difficult to make Mexican food without spicy but we're going to find a way oh no this is perfect we got a little bit of this purple cabbage spicy I'm gonna go ahead with a little bit of that right on top a little bit of that that goodness presentation special tacos are ready Holy Taco Tuesday we ain't playing around now Charlie all right Feast let's do this let's do the summary we're gonna get more than this but unfortunately the taco tray only holds six so we're gonna have to make the rest of them hey we just got to show you in a couple and tell them if it's good or bad right now let's if you got that in a restaurant you'd probably be pretty happy with that for sure so we got what do we have here we have our snowy grouper tacos we have our tile fish tostadas we have our Mexican style street corn which has a little bit of Cotija cheese we have some cilantro lime rice we got a little avocado on the side Nick can tell you all about this the Peppa things you know about this sauce the pepper thing is the best hot sauce from the Bahamas in the world all the way from Spanish Wells it'll definitely give you a reality check highly recommend this then we got a little bit of Cholula chili lime and then this is just one I found that I like this is the tattoo Polynesian hot sauce this is also pretty good stuff and we got Sarah coming up I'm making my own she's gone first hey and if you guys like this check out Charlie's Channel Bonafide Royal guide give them a follow there keep up with his uh I would be privilege check it out go check out his channel it will be a privilege to have you with us we do all kinds of food projects over there fun but not as fun as tacos I think it's time to eat some tacos what do you think I'm hungry let's eat let's do it I'm going in can you get it this is an unproven taco tray there we go now we got two shells on here you guys and we're gonna put a little more fresh lime juice on it and I am super excited see it's got the pinchers on the side so you reach down the middle Nick you were doing it incorrectly ah gotcha there you go Taco going down snowy group or first one of the Season hopefully not the last clearly has more Taco experience than Nick that's a taco right there you guys grouper Taco you can't beat that fresh off the boat call this morning hand cranked on the X3 what a blast that's good Sarah made some other ones too going I'm going in I was gonna try to defend index um absolutely with the pepper things baby that's good I can't believe how good that is right fresh not spicy either right nope not spicy that's a taco right there um we're gonna eat all those and some more I promise you now we know that Snow White grouper Taco is awesome now Charlie what makes a tostada just because it's toasted or what it's all about the shell tostada's got to have that crispy yellow corn shell a little bit of beans on there or some other kind of medium in which to rest all your ingredients a little bit of fresh cabbage and nothing too crazy tostadas are supposed to be basic but they're messy to eat which makes it half the fun please demonstrate oh there's gonna be messy guys into it so I definitely want to get a bite of the tile fish and tell you how that is with a little refread beans both are good I do like the crispy shell though for sure the towel fish in the group are both are delicious you know white meat any orange juice you're busy hey do you want a bite of this tostada nope okay had the kids got in on the action they were eating the fish tacos they're the grouper so they were happy and smiling Claire's coming up here now maybe she'll eat some you want a bite what do you want how about a bite a fish fight a fish grouper let me know what you think the two-year-old will tell us the truth do you like it is it yummy yeah okay good you want to wave to the camera say hi oh I I like both of them I like the crunchiness of the tostada to be honest I actually think the toast I actually I'm a fan of the tostada with the beans and all that I think the tostada is actually better the tile fish just kills me the grouper is the better tasting of the two sure but the tile fish with the beans and the sauce just just the winner uh she's going back for more grouper so you know it's good I like them both they both are delicious so that's all we got for taco Tuesdays Commando Dan hit that like button make sure to subscribe if you guys want any merger and the fishing Tech that we're using head to the website stancefishing.com that's all I got for you so thanks for watching stay do you want to say bye say bye nope say I want to say bye tonight thanks Charlie good job cooking Sadie took my uh hat so there you go we'll see you all next time hasta luego
Channel: StanzFam
Views: 8,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: StanzFam, Stanczyk, nick stanczyk, Islamorada, Florida Keys, Fishing, Freeman boats, freeman boatworks, bud n mary's marina, sword fish, capt nick stanczyk, freeman catamaran, yamaha outboard, islamorada fishing, florida keys fishing, penn reels, monster fish, swordfish, swordfishing, monster sharks, stanz fishing, fishing in islamorada, 42 Freeman, Freeman 42, tilefish, grouper, snowy grouper, deep dropping, taco tuesday, fish tacos, shallow sport x3, bay boat fishing
Id: bGDUq9Mt2QI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 17sec (2117 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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