Spearfishing Groupers | Tangled Up (Raw Clips)

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welcome back underwater everybody and welcome back to Key West Waterman my name is Aaron Young this is um this is not my typical episode I wasn't filming like I normally would on this day like a catch clean cook or anything but we were just out doing some diving and it was just too nice so I figured I figured I'd throw my camera on for a few Dives and um not crazy action-packed but I did shoot a few fish and I figured maybe someone could get some Joy from this so I figured it'd be worth sharing so for the most part I'll just kind of let you enjoy the raw Dives and the scenery and I'll talk through a couple scenarios [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign people so there's a couple scenarios in this well not scenarios there's one scenario a couple points I want to make in this clip um I'll start by saying one of the more common one of the most common mistakes I see beginners make with a piece of equipment is their weight belts um they'll often take the tag of their weight belt and wrap it around itself or tuck it inside the belt a couple times and kind of pull it tight that tag is a safety release if you were to get in trouble get wrapped on the bottom you want all you do is pull that tag and the weight belt releases it comes off of you so do not tuck those tags don't wrap them around themselves in time and not you want that tag it is a safety release top of the screen you see a black grouper here I dropped down don't really have the shot I like but the fish is being mellow so I kind of just sit there and wait and see what it's going to do tuck up under the ledge it's sitting there I can see its face enough to put a shot in it and take a shot and the fish rightfully so freaks out and tries to shoot back into the hole and in the process that fish going crazy it pulled my gun towards me and created some slack in my line and it pretty much lassoed my weight belt around my knife sheath so in this scenario if you're running out of air all you have to do is pull that tag on your weight belt and you're free you never know when this could happen I just felt like a regular die for me and I could have been in a really bad situation something else that I do that I don't think I've mentioned before is I never push my Dives past maybe 60 70 percent of my maximum you never know when you're gonna need that little extra time on the bottom luckily I wasn't even close to my maximum dive here so I'm able to take a not a breath a metaphorical breath just relax assess the situation I've got a fish on one side gun on the other unwrapped so I luckily had enough time because I didn't push my dive I had enough time to untangle this line get my knife out and uh just free myself some from the situation that could have been a really bad situation if I hadn't been really low on air so um luckily all worked out live to dive another day but you just you really know never know what can happen and just the blink of an eye foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so all that commotion actually brought a few more groupers in they um were being surprisingly docile typically the black groupers are the ones that'll spook and like to hide and all that commotion just had them curious and I'm a fraction of a second away from pulling the trigger and it just Twitches just enough that I don't like it and um it's kind of that fade away shot and it got to a point where I was like if it goes into the cave I'm gonna have a harder time finding it so I Let it Fly and luckily hit its Mark there a little bit of luck involved [Music] foreign this is something I actually do that I caught a bit of slack for probably not a great idea if you're a beginner I actually load the gun sometimes with the fish on it just a start my breathe up and start relaxing because loading the gun kind of uses a bit of energy um but I never put my hand or anything in front of the gun first off I've never had a quality gun in my entire life misfire but I've had some really low quality guns the trigger Max have failed but um not to say it couldn't happen but if it were I never while I'm removing this fish I never put anything in front of the spear um so maybe not a great idea if you're a beginner but it's just something I do use your own discretion one of the guys I was with uh actually shot a grouper and it ran up in this hole and tear tore out and we couldn't locate it I was I looked for a while and could not find it things that have just disappeared it was actually a nice red grouper in here that was just being nosy I don't shoot the Reds a lot to be honest um I think mainly around Key West I think the population of the Reds need a little help they're one of the more aggressive groupers so if you're fishing they're always the first one to eat and spear fishing they kind of just sit there and look at you if you go quite a bit ways from Key West you start to see more but truthfully I think I see probably five legal black groupers for every one legal red I see [Music] we decided to head out a little deeper see if we could find some bigger fish the water was nice and clean I think the bottom was like 70 maybe 70 75 here about 30 feet off the bottom I typically pull my head and I'll start to scan and kind of see which direction I need to be going there just wasn't a whole lot going on this day at this spot the jets flying over my house right now kind of on my way up I see one grouper come skirting in just towards the end of my dive kind of deep kind of far just not not really worth it but that is all I have on this one um like I said a little different style episode some raw footage hopefully someone at least one person enjoyed it and it wasn't a waste of time as always any questions leave them in the comments and I will see you on the next one later
Channel: Key West Waterman
Views: 6,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spearfishing, Freediving, Key west, Fishing, Saltwater, Saltwaterfishing, Fishing Videos, living in paradise, hammerhead shark, Sharks, Florida Keys, black grouper, raw dives, raw clips, uncut
Id: xiHpqvmZrdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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