Fishing NLBN Lures Near Saltwater Structure

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foreign [Music] [Music] good morning guys welcome back to another video today so really really nice day I mean the sun is just popping up here over the trees and not a cloud in the sky around me water's nice and calm today it was clear as well and just on the commute this morning and all or every morning I'm fishing it always kind of reminds me how lucky I am seeing everyone going all over the place traffic horns honking people going to work everyone's busy busy busy and I'm I'm so lucky I get to do what I do and fishing for a living is a very very very very very unique job and it every morning I mean it always reminds me of something especially at the gas stations too is probably uh the the most common time there's there are people and people in general when they see you heading out on the water there everyone no matter how they're dressed or or whatever car they're in they always say the same thing they always say I wish I was going fishing today and that always makes me feel feel a certain type of way because I'm so lucky I can I can fish whenever I want this is what I do for a living and I'm very lucky I get to do that and like I said no matter what where their their job is they could be doctors people with Landscaping they always say the same thing I wish I was going fishing and it makes it makes me realize I definitely want to give a big shout out to my dad in today's video he got me started fishing when I was very little like as long as I can remember he he's fishing and he always took me fishing and he's who taught me how to fish so I want to give a big thank you to him in today's video he's actually serving in his final deployment across the world right now so it is I'm pretty sure it's dark right right now but he watches every single video he is my biggest supporter he has seen every one of them probably twice tells everyone he knows about my video so I want to give a big thank you to him when you get back we're gonna have to go fishing we're gonna go golfing we're gonna do a lot of fun things but I am just so grateful I get to do what I do so that being said we're gonna knock out some fish today we are going to look for some snook some trout some Tarpon some redfish maybe some black black drum we're just gonna fish and have a good day today have some fun we're going to throw some nlbn lures and I think maybe I'll rig up a little mullet and a three inch right now and we're just gonna throw our butts off have fun catch what we catch and have a good day so thank you to you guys as well for supporting the channel really I have an amazing job thank you guys so I hope you guys enjoyed today's video we're gonna catch the fish let's go ahead and get started I gotta get rigged up and we're probably gonna throw some mangroves here and some docks and just just have a fun day so let's let's get started let's do it all right so just got rigged up from this box right here this thing is loaded it is like if it feels like it's at least a five pound box of nlbn tackle got a mini mullet on that Rod back there and then on the rod I'm going to start with here this is a Fenwick Elite inshore seven foot medium pen Authority 2500 I have a three inch and it'll be in paddle tail with that eighth ounce head so we're going here and toss some mangroves kind of use this as a search bait if I start to find some fish I'll probably honestly switch to the mini mullet because the mini mullet I won't lie is a lot more fun to have fish blowing up on top but we're gonna start with this just hit every single point stick Mangrove see what we can find oh there's a snook up real shallow oh real shallow because that fish was so shallow I'm actually gonna switch to the mini I think I like the mini better right here because I don't want the lure to sink too quickly use up there real shallow in like six inches about a 25 inch Snook a little snook floating here yep yep come on yep there it is right there there's a start on the mini all right let's stay up Shallow here there's a bunch of dolphins around me that was a pretty sweet eat I don't think you guys could see it all that well might have seen one of the pops but I mean this fish came in and swung five six times on it just swoop swoop and that's the best I feel like they just they have not a clue not a clue oh Osprey just Osprey just smoked a mullet behind me that kind of caught me off guard nice little snook here to get us started let's not get all tangled up in the tree here I'm gonna try to release this guy very quietly because like often times in the river there's Dolphins near the boat some way so little fella maybe it's not he's not too small he's about maybe uh 20 20 inches maybe 19 20. perfect little bait for him so I'm gonna shoot him off here these dolphins are behind me and make sure I just shoot them kind of in the direction of the trees quietly and those Dolphins they don't got a chance so let's see this is the mini mullet with a 2-0 BKK Titan diver and a Titan diver has a weight on it right down there I'm not 100 sure what size that weight is but it actually comes with a little little spoon right here flashy spoon and I take the spoon off and then I just use it with a weight but that's it right there all right let's keep moving it's a good first fish try to work our way up maybe find a big one here soon I saw a red as well today so hopefully we'll be able to get one of them soon too oh nice snook tucked up into the trees here let's get them let's get them oh he's on it yep oh and turned around no I couldn't see him that well he was awakened right behind it but like he was right under the lure so I somehow just Blended right in oh I must have landed right on a Snook's head because he blew that up the second it hit the water ready for this this is gonna be some action where's that fish where is he come back hit it again foreign there it is finally there it is got a little red to come up out of the sticks there beat the three inch real slow day so far real slow day but that don't mean it can't switch up real quick couple snooking stuff up in these sticks and I was just blind cast and blind casting had some follow-ups but nothing too serious and this red came shooting up out of the sticks there and inhaled the paddle tail not a big one but on a day like today where I'm seeing a decent amount of fish today I mean I'm just whoa seen a decent amount of fish whoa come on come on as I was saying I've seen a decent amount of fish but they're being kind of finicky today I don't know why could because the water Clarity or could be a million other reasons could be Moon related we'll just pop this out and let them go though that'll work quick release all right let's uh let's keep going that's two fish down on the day really it's 11 15 so that's not all that great for how long I've been fishing oh nice snook it's on my right watch this yep yep oh you went under that branch oh no went under the branch he's out here now shoot smoked it he's literally right there I just got to get him untangled from this Branch here he went straight under something I can't really do anything about here he's right there dude this is gonna be a replay last video oh he's right there he's about a 28 incher I'm gonna have to get out get that get him out from under that branch see the red fish just shot by all right I don't I don't really like doing this but I got no choice here this fish has just went straight yeah I still feel them on there I just went straight under something that I can't avoid stick the boat in here we went under this Branch right here dude that was stuck so good on that Branch all right so we got him loose now ideally if we had a good hook set we should just be able to kind of head over to this fish without adding pressure we just gonna make sure oh there he goes oh I'm such an idiot there really wasn't anything I could do right there I didn't realize he he shook his head and shot off that way but he went right under this Branch that's right here which is super super unfortunate right there that Branch the bottom is stuck into the ground there so I had to go up there lift it up and pull the line up but I smoked it I just not a whole lot I can do there when he shoots straight up into something ah so you guys can see here all this stuff is what of course snook like to be around so it is what makes snook fishing challenging they are always up in something or always very close to something that they can break you off on let me hop back in the boat here and keep going man I thought I was gonna get a break there on a good fish he's probably 28 to 30 inches almost almost good fish see a nice snook up here going down the shoreline I'm gonna go with the have the lawn mower in my hand oh why did I do that there's a redfish right here too I'd rather have the three inch for a red fish one somewhere in here there he is didn't like that all right I'm gonna go back to the little mole here there is a snook way back in the trees here so we'll see what I can do it's gonna be a crazy fight if this fish eats yep there it is there it is come on oh no no no no stay out of there stay out of there stay out of there oh he's got me on the trees he's got me I'm trying to just baby him out I need to go in reverse here I need to go in reverse Series right there I don't know if he's got me caught on something though he does he 100 does oh come out come out come out come out he's he is literally stuck on the tree still there come on trying to get him out this way get him out this way without him launching into a tree trying to steer him no he's caught on something now I gotta let him try to swim off of it or I'm gonna have to go in there and get him dude he ate there's three of them in there and he oh did I get him oh he's stuck on that tree I'm gonna have to go get him look I don't know how it's stuck but what a pain in the booty I can feel it rubbing the whole time on barnacles but somehow it's the line has gone in a circle around a branch here all right I broke the branch all right we're free from my branch check that thing out it's right here just need to steer him out of there now come on I think I'm free I think this should be it yep there it is oh yep there we go good fish good fish a little malt's about to come right out his mouth good yeah good fish looks like he's about 20 well let's say he's probably 28 29 maybe good fish smoked it up under the tree there I'm just gonna go ahead and turn them right back around here really pretty fish just like I said this is going to be a crazy fight if this fish eats because he was so far back there he goes I'll show you where he ate make sure I don't step on a stick or something but right back in that pocket right there is where he blew up and there was three of them sitting right there in the dark so I mean that's snook fishing for you he had this whole Branch here to just do circles around there's a million things he could have broke me off on there I played that just about right tried to get him out and then when I realized there was absolutely no shot because of uh this Branch right here I had to just go in and kind of Wiggle him out but hey that's a good fish top back in the boat here all right well three fish down now got him on this uh this black and purple little mullet this thing is sick as always you can get these um lures I'm using in the video today from including the hooks um can't promise you all the colors I used would be in stock because some of these are actually limited batch colors that's where they make like a batch of one color usually comes out on a Friday and once they're out they're out and once they're gone they're gone so that being said three fish down it's one o'clock I'm starting to see really really well because the Sun is up up above me now so that's good wind's still very calm but we're gonna see if we can knock out maybe three more fish to to wrap up the day I'd be happy with that I know I've only got three thus far but I've been seeing some good ones and I think I'm gonna get some good opportunities here coming up so yeah let's keep working the shoreline let's uh maybe find a bigger snook as well that would be nice that would be very nice foreign nice fish just came out and popped it there it is decent not bad I'll tell you what that first run though had me thinking he was gonna be about 35 oh there goes no big deal oh I thought it was a tarpon I've been seeing some tarpon um I actually thought it was a lot of things but a 1920 and Snook was not one of them I had found some Tarpon up in these mangroves here and I had been just threading the needle threading the needle and you come out of there and slam it but should have had him probably should just focused up there at the end he probably just came up shook his head a little too good got the hook out not a bad fish though something about 12 o'clock looks like a trowel nice trout he sees it he's all over it yep got him there we go it's like fished nice trout there we go let's get him that's a good fish he was just up swimming on the surface I mean I've been seeing him all day they've just been you know as always a little smart trout in particular there's a nice snook up there makes me wonder if he heard this uh fish splashing is that what called him out of the trees there's a little trout up in there too came out with them either way good fish he was just real high in the water column made a cast from very far away and that's probably what did it being able to cast from so far away these Fish can be so smart see if we can get them oh they're the trout head shakes let's see trout this guy is about 19 inches always try to catch and release trout while uh kind of hanging them over the water here I think we're gonna grab some pliers but I'll leave them in the water for a second while I grab them so I'm just gonna be very gentle with him grab the jig head and just give it a shake see if we can pop this thing out without really have them touch them too good yep there he goes all right well that was what is our faith fish of the day fourth technically our three incher is so torn up but I'll keep fishing it um so that completes some sort of slam right redfish yeah redfish snook and trout we got that slam I've been seeing some black drone too I might try to pull one of them I've seen some Tarpon too but they should have just been fairly smart you guys can see water's crystal clear it is glass out right now so I'm just gonna enjoy my time out here keep fishing if it's glass and clear I'm just gonna I'm just gonna keep pushing see what I can find so all right let's uh keep moving down the shoreline I'm Gonna Keep the three incher in my hand here only time I kind of switch the little mullet is if I see a big snook like floating that's usually the little more it's time to shine but all right let's keep going there it is decent red just came out of trees yup came out of some super dark water there I just oh come on the wind is blowing me into the trees all of a sudden wind switched up decent red almost three inch in Natural Ice I actually just saw a really nice Tarpon sitting right there and I threw over its head without even seeing without seeing him and I started to reel and I realized oh my gosh there's a tarpon right there and it it just like I spooked him so that was unfortunate if I would have had that red there I would have completed another Grand Slam in back to back videos but I'll take this red right here I'll take him I don't really want to finish on this fish I think we can keep going I'm just going to give it a little bit longer I'm just gonna grab him and see if I can pop them off here real quick all right this is not gonna be real quick I got him good there we go nice little maybe 19 incher there pretty fish yep on his way so this was I switched to Natural Ice here the sparkly color really good bait to kind of imitate little glass minnows which there's lots of glass minnows around but all right I said I was gonna fish for one more good fish but I kind of want to just keep going I got a bunch of stuff that looks pretty good up ahead we'll hit that and just see if I can get lucky for one more if not today's gonna wrap up probably pretty soon there's a fish something under the dock oh another red back to back another red came up under in the dark right there not too often I say or I get a fish throwing docks just well this is hard to explain here but not too often that happens or I just pull a red out of a deep dark dock like that about the exact same size as the one I just released like another 16 17 incher you get to really get any like real big fish today but it's not always about the big fish can't complain that fish has a super super blue tail there check that out in that light that is beautiful so I'll go ahead and pop him out let's send them on his way another one yep there you go all right like I said I didn't want to wrap it up earlier because I had some good looking stuff coming up there and I'm honestly surprised I pulled the red out of that dock big deep um shot lots of Shadow up in there I was expecting maybe a tarpon or a snook but red kind of surprised me oh something oh there it is okay a little snook a little snook found something else oh there's a big one under them not big but at least a 25 inch or under them too bad that was not the one that blew up I feel like I can almost grab the other one oh he shot off all right there we go a little something a little something before we head on home and keep fishing but take it maybe about a little fat 20 incher there popped it up on the surface then hit it again we'll just go ahead and just spin them right around and yep off he goes all right I think that's like our six fish today I'm really honestly looking for a tarpon right now not gonna lie um to complete that grand slam but I think that would be pretty lucky to get him here not impossible but pretty lucky all right what a day starting to just troll out here and uh gonna head on home but man well we got like six fish we kind of did exactly what I hoped for just knock out some fish nothing uh nothing too big today about everything was about medium size but yeah I had a lot of fun we caught some fish on a little moment got some fish on the three inch paddle Tails those you guys can get on and yeah I mean we knocked out some fishing that's pretty much all I set out to do weather was nice it was hot and it was pretty calm most of the day it could have been the reason I probably didn't get more bites but yeah I had fun thank you guys so much for watching today if you guys enjoyed please give it a thumbs up and uh yeah let's uh I'm gonna head on home and throw the uh boat on the trailer and I am starving I'm starving thank you guys for watching I will see you guys in that next video
Channel: Justin Menendez
Views: 25,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snook, fishing, gheenoe, florida, nlbn, nlbn fishing, nlbn 3 inch, paddletail fishing, florida fishing, saltwater fishing, justin menendez, mangrove fishing, penn battle, giant snook, light tackle, fishing florida, fishing canals, florida canals, fishing expensive boats, justin menendez snook, berkley gilly, gheenoe fishing
Id: 96AjHFvQOVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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