ABANDONED 1970 Cadillac DeVille - Spray Paint Repair and Buff! (Incredible Results)

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betty white the cadillac is coming back the very rare triple white 1970 cadillac deville four-door hardtop flavor i've got a really long list of things i want to do to this car but first we've got to dig it out of storage i've had her scooched away in the other barn for over a year now so let's go grab it throw it on a trailer and bring it over here to the other barn [Music] [Applause] [Music] so betty white's been stored up here it's been over a year since we've done anything with it hopefully it's still in here actually yeah there it is didn't even think about flat tires that one's good lots of mouse droppings that's great about that one oh that one's up too don't be dipped we might just get lucky here wow i don't know what's going on trap didn't go off but they're definitely in here well let's see if the battery is any good nope i'm sure it's not oh it smells terrible in here i'll be that's a good sign i'm gonna pump it just in case it's cranking she might go oh come on now bring the thunder i can't remember if that fuel gauge works if it does we're out of fuel hmm wow accelerator pump might be down again did we ever fix that can't remember how do you open the hood don't know let's be outside there's that big old power plant on the wonder i had this gigantic super starts in there okay i wonder if we could just put a little bit of a hat down the fuel make it happener maybe that'll help it just bark off here got some of this here it's already got some two-stroke oil in it so that'll help a little bit oh at least it's not 958 000 degrees in here got some sinks picked up a keychain come on now [Music] there we go oh betty white is back we got tunage i don't remember i don't hear anything oh it works [Music] well she's all loaded up let's get her over to the shop get this thing up on the hoist and try to see where we left off i just the details are foggy but i know we got tires and hubcaps and paint and wheel skirts and maybe try to get the air conditioning working we got there's a lot to do to this thing if you had forgotten look how beautiful this interior is moses sandals it's been so long since i even putzed around on this car i kind of forgot where i was at to be honest i wonder if a guy could just hook us peepers on it and redrank it up maybe we can come up with a list of stuff to do and try to just you know tick them off one at a time yeah that we shall do you could just cut the smell on there with a knife it's thick you know i think the first thing a guy is going to do before we start anything is i'm going to lock in this micro organism de-atomizer mold slicer 1250 xl and just crank it up on hold you guys actually recommended this since i seem to pull cars out of swamps and tree rows fairly often i don't know what it does there's science and magic basically but i do know that it smells like burnt popcorn and tv static after you run it for a while well that's in here buzzing away on all of it i can't believe the door buzzer works but i got to i'm listening to it i want to bring this paint back around a little bit it's not that bad but if you can see it in person there's just you know 25 years of weather stains and there's even some rust coming in back here on the rear all this stuff here i think a guy can probably get most of that if and not all of it out we'll have to wait and see obviously i got to get tires for this thing if we're going to scoot it down the highway with the family unit then we're off an old pickup those goodyear's there i don't remember what those came off of but i do know they go 95 and short bursts fairly well we could bring the chrome around i'll put that on the list some sos and some polish that'll bring that stuff back around pretty easy i might even go crazy over here and you know rattle can and blend that in nope definitely not going to blend this has been resprayed over here that bottom half and they've already tried to blend some stuff in here and it's really a poor job but can a guy get rid of the two brown spots i think so i think we can gotta find the fender skirts those have a lot of rust color and discoloration we'll just on those as well not gonna have time in the shizu right now to address this but i wonder if a guy could just snip this off and then maybe get some rust treatment or something in there not to stop it but can we slow it down a little bit i think so probably probably not interior is looking really clean still actually maybe just do another treatment on the seats bring this leather back around some more and run the mouse sucker 500 through here again but oh yeah already smells like tv static jessica did a really good job cleaning this i mean it's you could eat off of it that's what i'm saying not really going to have to do much there i don't remember where we left off with the brakes and the stop laters and is there even a fuel tank in it under there i don't know if there is or not but let's get this thing up in the air and take a look at it and see where we're at as far as the chastises and whatnot now that she's up on her teeth here guy can hook us peepers on easier we'll just start in the front and work our way to the back basically already seeing a leak we got a leakage and that's coolant all right so coolant leak fix we'll throw that on the old eye plate look at that old school original clamp those are neat to see same up there same here majority of this car just has been absolutely untouched this is yeah it was looking swollen if you squeeze your lines fellers you can feel the insides if they're starting to swell so this is actually impeding on the fuel flow over here so we gotta fix that probably put a filter in here too i must have just plugged around move her around a little bit on the brakes i could see i replaced the soft lines caliper and pads over here but i think i didn't okay that's definitely a new soft line but as far as the oh yeah that's not look at that so this calipers got some issues and that's that must be the original one so gotta find a drinker side brake caliper there you can see that one again has been replaced you can still see the water level or the mud where this just sat completely submerged down in that slough it's pretty crazy got gotta get under here and spray on it a little bit this isn't me yeah see that's napa i get mine from o'reilly gates on the roll but this has been spliced in and makes a guy wonder did they already take the tank out and flush that or something or do they have any issues because they went in here that are the lines just rusted out but that's kind of hard to believe because the underside of this car is absolutely perfect other than the surface rust from the sitting in the mud like this one here you can actually see the water level over the years changing that's a testament to these old gm cars they built them they built them right you'd think this frame would just be completely rotten you know this was sitting in the mud and water so those do not look like original air shocks here's the auto magical leveler switch with black lines coming out of them and those are disco'd up there and then we've got these white plastic lines and zip ties yeah so there's the filler right there the valve i'll have to test on them maybe but i think what happened the original either the original air shocks went out or the compressor up front and the hood went out so they snipped these lines and just put some aftermarket air shock laters in and ran it back there if they work sure we'll leave them fuel tank doesn't look bad at all fuel gauge says empty oh yeah she's it's that's empty for sure i splice this in this was rotted trying to get the rear brakes to work but i've got zero pedal and oh look at that that's brake juice right there looks like it's squirting up there so there's a couple pinhole leaks or something in this line and just shooting the juice out over here so i think if we're gonna get stop laters i got to replace that line mods will replace that line miles will get some shoes in here and some wheel cylinders if i could find them and then the bugger was finding this caliper i'll get on the interwebs and research late see if i can have any better luck finding that i know i replaced the oil and did all that so that's good i guess but man we got a bigger list than i thought we would here getting this thing back on the road being as a guy's gotta interweb up and order 858 million dollars in parts great let's go ahead and bring her back down to the earth here and let's start on the paint on this thing well i got her right here let's try this out real quick oh dang it got a leak over here somewhere but they did go up at least this side of course because it doesn't have a leaky hose but these hose kits are cheap i think you get them in the self-help aisle might fix on that because if we take this down the road and we get luggage and tools and five passengers she's gonna come down in the weight section might gonna need them shocks guys gonna take some 120 and just dig in there a little bit get this roughness out come back with some 400 and the area we're going to paint is going to end up being quite a bit larger once that 400 kind of planes everything in there we'll tape off this little bit of chrome and mist in some color not going for anything perfect here just cruising down main from the sidewalk doesn't look all one color sure [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is where a feller's gotta practice restraint you know cause when's it stop i don't know i'm asking you there's so many imperfections that a guy could just keep going and going and going and then you're painting a whole car so you got to shut her down here's that repaint actually twice there's two layers of white over here i'm not sure what that's about could have been a restoration attempt or maybe it got walloped i put a coat down didn't like it put another one down that top coat is what's spidering and cracking in here and i can't get through that i mean i would have to do the whole quarter if that was the case and we're not doing that because of you know the obvious reasons we could also take the trim piece off if we wanted to but i'm lazy and just tape a line there so when you put the trim piece back on it's kind of the same thing but again there's just so much touching up to do on this car it's not really you know worth it imo that's what kids say on that tweet box or whatever anyway time to prep this up just going to use some dupli-color paint prep we'll just spritz in some primer on the bare metal i'm also going to dab in some rust converter down here let that turn black and then we'll just start easing in some paints yep [Music] yep rub this converter in here and let this sit for a little bit and eat i just laid the primer in that's been drying for a couple minutes here i use what's called a high build primer since there's actually three different layers of paint on here the original and then two resprays i wanted to build up the surface a little bit where i ground that down to metal there that way you don't get the wavies even though we're not trying to make this perfect you know let's try not to make it look worser i guess so i'm going to let that dry and then i'm going to come back over and just hand sand with 400 and kind of blend all that together we'll prep it again and then we'll get in there and hit it with some base color i had mixed up it's going to be nowhere close well maybe we put the machine on here and tried to read on paint codes and it said well it's one of these 14. so i picked the one i thought was going to be kind of close we'll see what happens i don't have any clear yet though we're just going to let the base dry overnight then maybe i'll start polishing at that point so this will be the base coat here i'm gonna let this flash then i'll come back and another coat normally a guy likes to hand wash these outside before i start buffaloating on them but b and i'm going to be back and forth between buffing and doing some back here instead i'm just going to give her a little sponge bath and i'm just using warm water and a little bit of ajax and you know you know how to do that cotton rag wipe it out a little bit of water on it isn't going to hurt actually it'll help spread my material around a little bit i'm going to start on the hood by the time i finish the hood maybe we can get back and lay some base coat down probably not [Music] the primer over here it's it's dry now we got to sand it one more time prep it then we'll get the base coat on and i'm actually going to block it this time and what this is going to do is make sure we get the flattest smoothest surface possible before we put that base coat on a lot of folks will take their hand and just hold some sandpaper and start sanding there's nothing wrong with that if you do it lightly but if you start applying pressure usually with this finger or this finger you start digging a little you know you make ripples in the paint basically you can always tell when you look down the side of a rig which one's been blocked and which one has literally been hand sanded because it's either glass or there's a slight breeze basically [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well the guy did make some really good progress on the old gal tonight but the time just it got away from me the kids are with me i got to get them home and to bed and in the morning i'll grab some clear coat for that quarter panel over there right away in the morning get that dry then all i've got left is that the drinker side rear door in the trunk and we should have the paint buttoned up i'm not going to show you everything yet but it's looking really really good we'll see you in the morning back on the cadillac got uh first coat of clear coat down it's just this 2k glamour i'm gonna let that flash for a few minutes and probably put three total coats on there because i need to come back and blend it in with some cutting compounds so we want enough material on there sorry about the noise i got all the exhaust fans running that clear coat is pretty nasty chemical here's the skirts i dug these out and as you can see they're in pretty rough shape these actually need patched but i don't got time for that right now so we're just gonna strip these down and we're going to do the same exact thing just kind of doll them up a little bit hopefully all these screws come out nope probably 82 percent of them are just going to snap off that's fine well fillers some not so good news these are pretty well shot i started cleaning them and the front clips on both sides these here that slide into the body of the car those snapped off this one's about ready to come off well there it went they're just swiss cheese so these things are not going back on the car in the market 1970 cadillac sedanville fender skirts let me know but sure like to put them on it just looks a little goofy without them in my opinion but that's how we're going to roll for now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the feller's refurbished lots of cars in his time and i mean hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and i've had some come around pretty darn good but i to be honest even this cadillac has surprised me it has turned out incredible so far we haven't even touched the stainless the chrome we haven't cleaned the windows and you might be surprised what a set of new tires will do on this and getting hubcaps on it but it's really cleaning up nice from sitting in a swamp all those years she's going to be back on the road here pretty soon it probably a real nice 10 maybe a 12-footer no 9-footer it looks real good i know there's a ton of fillers that have been waiting to see more content on the cadillac and i appreciate you being patient there's a lot more to come and it's going to come faster than you think a guy wants this on the road this summer as a cruiser and we've obviously got a lot left to do but it's coming around just fine so far thanks guys for watching appreciate it very much we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 712,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg, caddy, cadillac, sedan, deville, 4 door, hard top, abandoned, forgotten, revival, rescue, paint repair, spray paint, buff, how to, transformation, satisfying
Id: MY8ZjNmd1kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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