We found an abandoned Dump Truck - but will it start?

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hello everybody and welcome back to lmm if you're enjoying what you're seeing on the channel then the links to our social media things are coming up on the screen now now some of you may be aware that at this point we quite like coming across old and abandoned machinery and trying to get it to fire up into life and most of you all know that most of our collection now is made up of old and seemingly abandoned machinery so imagine my joy when a good friend of mine alex gave me a phone call and said laurie i found something i think you'll like to try and start and that's this this is very much an abandoned freight dumper truck and this one i know that some of you guys in the comments before have said all that stage and that's faked this one this is not i mean none of them are but this one nobody can say that this one is because well it's um it's grown yes it's very green so guys can i start this abandoned dump truck that a friend of mine found and told me about and we have no idea um it's going to be an interesting one so um the immediate things that we found about this when i was told about it they told me it was a it was a one cylinder and i was like i can start one cylinder it's it's not we can see here it's a twin cylinder um things that immediately grab one's attention is this which is clearly not a standard exhaust um if you come around here it says land rover on it oh it's actually got hey this is road registered this actually has a number plate that's kind of cool and it says wing it at the back i thought i don't know maybe that's who it is we've got a very similar arrangement on this to my little dump truck with the that's gonna be do you want a hammer i'm gonna need my favorite at all isn't it it is my favorite i'm gonna need that for this um so this is the if that comes off that's gonna be difficult this is the cover for the air intake and i have a theme that we're going to need to take that off it is of course a hand start because there's no electrics on it and there's no radiator so i'm hoping somewhere there's going to be a ah i'm touched there's going to be a hand start handle for that there's lots of brambly things through here then this presumably is a diesel tank which has presumably no that's absolutely dry there is nothing in there well fortunately we thought that might be the case didn't we so we have bought diesel but we're now gonna have to bleed this thing up which would be a bit of a challenge so the diesel it's gravity fed through there there to a filter and then it disappears off that way well presumably it goes to these injectors here yes so it comes to the two injectors that goes that's the return that's a return here so that goes on to that feels very brittle i think that was rubber once yeah that's fine that's how it's meant to be they may leak um profuse oh this is this is a pivot in the middle one so mine's a real steer whereas this is a pivot in the middle it is which therefore means that this thing here will be a hydraulic tank oh there's no hydraulical in this either the spiders instead a spider web yeah an x spider so it might move but it's not going to steer is the guttering an optional extra on these [Applause] the thing i have oh oh is that rotten through the steering wheel has absolutely collapsed i also think that's moving the steering wheel and not the shaft but isn't that like all your vehicles like mate this is making my vehicles look good well i don't know about that what's this oh that's i think that's a seat laureate oh no no it's just rotten i thought this is going to be a oh you thought that was an access hat don't open it don't open it if you open it you have to smell it hydraulical oh that's that's fortunate there's none of that um that's also pretty rotten but i have found a spat oh that would be handy have you found a starting handle no i have no idea where starting handle's going to be um although this will be quite useful for getting rid of oh it's actually composted it's actually mud it's actually you see you told me to bring all my tools and i brought most of them but i didn't bring any gardening implements i don't think it'd be quite this bad we might use i genuinely think i have a pair of secateurs in the car i genuinely do let's go get those lorry this genuinely holds water better than hunty does of course it doesn't it's going to be no it's like an intact bucket this is an ecosystem it is this is a pond all right are you all ready for your garden i literally didn't really don't actually know where to start i think somewhere around the back where we need to start the engine is probably the wise decision yeah as it is um overgrown oh jeez i want to be able to get to the seat these gloves are not why do you need to get to the seat because are you assuming this is going to go and you're going to be able to drive it about with that steering wheel yes right i think you might be able to get the engine to go but good luck getting that hydraulic steering working my logic is i don't need to steer to move it what you can just drive forwards and drive backwards well my logic is it's on a slight curve so hopefully we'll just miss everything on its slight curve yeah frankly if it worked we could just come back with some hydraulic oil yes that's all it needs some hydraulic oil birds it's like my stuff it just needs a bit of love and some hydraulic oil and pruning come on guys let us know in the comments below two things firstly is it going to go and secondly have you ever done this where you've had to prune around something to try and access it i've seen more overgrown vehicles than more but not normally i've never try to actually get them going i've never seen more overgrown that have a chance well we don't know if this got a chance to have a chance someone's going to make an attempt yeah i think normally at this stage people are just like nah no that's that's that however they haven't reckoned on lori existing just i'm dedicated i'm not actually any good it's and laurie is not a stage of i have oh hello oh yeah you haven't i'm really glad you found that yes i was afraid someone had left it in the bucket and it had rusted into nothing oh let's get it oh it has rusted there's a little spring-loaded catch there in the same way as my one is which locks it onto the starting handle and that's that's seized but don't come and find some wd flat should we do the first most important thing because if this doesn't this doesn't work there's no point in continuing if i can just um get that freed up oh you've brought tools no that's not engaging laurie let's fetch the tools no no i've got this hold on ah that looks better is that gonna i think it's meant to be that bit there's meant to engage onto the oh that ah i moved i made i fixed it already look look at that movement in there now right so that releases and now i need to just push that bit like ah engaged well let's not see it it sounds like someone's grinding something on sandpaper in there though ah that's not a noise that shouldn't be a bit more lubricated than that that's this uh this bit under here oh is that a tree yes i think it's the tree but that's that's the fan the thing that keeps the engine cool because it's an air cooled engine that's that bit going over what you mean there's no radiator on it it's not a liquid cool wow no no rad i thought that's what that storage tank up front was for this is great oh wow it has legit have you seen that it has legitimately grown through i mean this is it's almost a shame to try to rescue this from nature because it's kind of late just fighting back guys because it's so wonderfully overgrown oh wow it is yeah that's spiky and those gloves have holes in them the hole wasn't this big when i started ah i feel like the jungle explorer i don't know how i'm gonna i don't know what to do with this it's growing through the engine oh hello who's that it's fine it'll burn off i'll tell you what i have found though what i'll tell you what i have found down here if i can just get these bits out of the way ah shop shop come on it's a dipstick which has now well there are spikes in me has it got oil it's got black and wet stuff on it which is good big i knew that before i turned it over i think muddy water is black and white as well isn't it look it has some kind of liquid in that that's more than the reason they're here in there this is a good start i'm kind of excited by the concept that it's got liquid in it i do got quite a lot of liquid in it it appears to have the correct amount in it no i don't think it's the correct amount it just has quite a lot of liquid in it oh yeah this has actually grown through the i understand why this was difficult to turn over it's not because it's not because um it's stiff or anything it's because i'm actually twisting these up around they're so caught through it oh actually legitimately if i do this you should see these yes come on just see twigs moving about in there yes you don't want to be there anymore so that seems to be actually moving just about we need to oil up in there on there there and there and then we can try taking those off that'll be the next challenge is it actually gonna make any awkward oh yeah yeah yeah it just rolls back somewhere in there it would be wise if we actually remember to bring wd wouldn't that wd would have been a good show yeah oh look at that that's almost almost how it should be i'm getting oh it moves what does oh nice i'm not sure if the thread on top should be moving at the same time is it but no i was afraid we were gonna need lori strength to get those off but they actually seem to be they the thread shouldn't move yeah well let's see if it does oh yeah no the thread doesn't move on that one yeah that's it's the 3d definitely not meant to do the move over to yeah let's see what we've got oh that doesn't look too bad actually have a look in there of all things that looks relatively clean so if we just put some oil in the points yeah there and there we should that should be doable oh is it going to move back yes decompressors are free kind of free i don't really think that's how it's supposed to work as well it's working though that's fully decompressed now all right let's um let's have a see if everything works so if we turn it over like this with oh that's the other thing we need to do isn't it oil up that wheel up flat and oil up our shaft oh the shaft what you have to do is you got to make sure you lubricate the shaft slippery instant demonetization all right let's see if we get bowel movement go for it all right hold on it's still just trying to get there we go there we go right oh that's one moving oh it rocked that rock that they rocked they rocked they're all rocking and then theoretically if i now decompress it should turn over easier yes wow you're tight oh god that's a load of compression i don't use compression i i think that is things being ground together so surely it should be when this is down because it stops from coming up so that should be run and that was the remainder of your return pipe that was the turnpike just oh yeah this is yeah that's right in the middle should be decompressed and then either side is on so this should be decompressed like this yes yeah that's pretty compressed right so then knocking it back so you can probably do is chucking some oil onto the valves yeah i have just done that oh you haven't you yes diesel chucks and diesel in here see what uh what lights we get and we oh we want to take this off all right airport yeah because we're going to want to chug el starto of easy in there i wonder if we use the amer the australian project with the name i can't say i think you can say it can you say it if you have the product because it's what it's legitimately called yeah i'm not going to say it now because you know i'm just curious because it's a swear good job i'm glad that didn't disappear forever oh wow let's see your filter oh there's there is a live things there is a live thing oh yeah that's um this is one of the rare the rare occasions where having the air filter on may actually do male 1 good well it's filtered all that stuff out of the air intake because that's that's all fine in there yeah that's true there is no living things inside the engine apart from all the things which are which shortly won't be because they're about to get compressed quite small okay so um diesel yeah let's put some decent to it thank you not diesel yet it's not diesel yet i mean what we can do is there's a tap there's a tap next door to the bottom of the tank we can just turn that off there the that just there twist that with a screwdriver ah i don't have a screwdriver that looks a bit more easily it smells a bit more easy but not overly so it's a water strap so we'll just let that get out that's definitely diesel now yeah do you want to smell it as well yep it's diesel put that up back in right and then we play the fun tourney over game now i know we probably should take that off but we're dreading leading this thing up yes it does not seem like it'll be a fun task to bleed this thing up no no no as ev ev every bolt has the risk of shearing and never going back in place number one right there's still so much compression there the big problem is can i turn this over let me get just turning every more time we get some more fuel in there the compression here though even when it's not meant to be compressing the compression there's compression that's probably a positive thing yeah there's far more compression there was a poppy noise there right okay let's try it right so do you want me to knock compression over or i it doesn't seem to make any difference okay sorry should we just leave it compressed then yeah as it should right right you are you are now live jesus yeah i mean that was a pop oh my problem is this hand yeah spray some in there it's definitely go putting something through are we going to need to flip it can you do something i think we need to get it going at speed in there but that's a challenge okay well let's go no compression and then i will tap it in because from up here i can spray easy start down here the problem is it's snatching my glove it's wrong yeah there's no handle oh jeez you can turn it over turn your over full stop easy oh there's still so much compression it's mad oh is it that bad you have a go go spin it over why does it go backwards this should be i don't understand that there is absolutely no compression on no what are you complaining about this is really easy look oh yeah no no no put it back put it back right okay you still might need you to do that okay chuck it give it some easy oh yes is that easier now that is right drop it in let's go white smoke that's going to go it's going to live it's going to go i mean he might need a breather but it's going to go do you want me to take out my fingers i can do it can you do it well we're done good work how are you going to get the bottom one this one's easy the other one i don't know oh i can get it from underneath i think so plan is we whip this off yeah oh if we take this off and leave it on yeah someone's actually left this bolt halfway off uh obviously i've done it before yeah if we take it off and leave it off we can just spray it easy straight into it straight into the strains of the stones yeah lose the pipe work yeah but there's no point in having it on is there we should evaporate coming off yeah he's turning he's turning it's never going back on he's turning not turning very well i give you but he's turning i do like how it was left half off before though clearly there was a farmer was like i can't be asked to get to that one in the backside to take it off finger tight those faces yeah this is my successful face if my fingers weren't full of thorns yeah and it wasn't uncovered in diesel the diesel was taken with the lubrication of my fingers how is it it's how much fingers work [Applause] this is the face of a professional late today doubt oh yes off um i mean you just dropped all the bolts on the floor in addition to my tools yes yes including the socket which is sprung off into the nether i think your phone's gonna go for a bath that's getting better it's only compression on one cylinder though yeah something was moving through yeah very tasty [Applause] i don't know if the other one would be some more now [Applause] the other okay chuck a bit in there first i'll take up speed right and then once you once you've engaged it right let's go for it oh that was compression there because it kicked back did it yeah oh my god jesus we have increased try it again it's [Laughter] no i just felt it go oh right don't bother about the easy you reckon or maybe it was running on easy i don't know let's try again i'm getting white smoke out of this intake here so i wonder if these valves aren't sealing very well probably won't be oh yeah let's just keep going can you crank this up i don't know which ceiling of this ghostly they just kind of knock together they'll go to they'll make sense you'll go to this under charger so that would be the answer to that yeah let's try to make sure we're not being stupid yeah there is an adjuster on the side though as well i just need to shut down because that's not doing nothing is it do you reckon that's been turned off don't even put screwdriver on that yeah my problem is with this there we go it is a tap um hold on here's the tap look it's that oh so that it should have been open where it was as we suspected so that was in the open position there right so that was okay now it's shut again but it's fine to make sure worth checking these things our assumption was indeed correct there so we could turn it off and during the fuel bomb yeah again you should put your foot next to the accelerator and it pushes the linkage back which means that that is full open yeah and then it because that then resets should reach that point being that um that should be fully open because that sits there and you flick the catch up to go into it to fully open and then you pull it all the way forward and actually shut off yeah so the assumption is that maybe these are knackered do you forget these are going into them from there yeah let's see if that's good if it pulls out diesel we know that we're uh i wonder if these pumps are gone yeah that's the i mean it's what we said when we started this the only thing that would if it turns over the only thing that'll stop it from actually going is lack of diesel yeah and if the pumps are knackered which is possible and so far that sounded like a lot of diesel so far that would be our issue oh that would seem like no diesel yeah oh there we go a bit of diesel you're gonna suck on it i'm just gonna let it just flow on its own put it down if i take the cap off will that help flow through a bit no it's i think it's just oh you're getting a bit more right now i have an idea you do yeah what's that just take this off and totally drain it as all the diesel comes out yeah but i think i've turned the tap off now you think it's dangerous i don't really think what's that it did drain quite an alarming rate yeah because really we should take the whole thing off no don't clean it just throw it in the beer we don't have another one it can run without it for now because that's going to do more harm than good at this point i don't think you're going to do much i'll give you that [Applause] oh it's so good that is the grimace thing the problem is if we suck any of that through it could have crossed the spring yeah why are you oh i need all these really small parts [Applause] hey matt yeah you know how i turned off the um the diesel tank because you're not turning off very well i did not turn it off very well at all are you turning worse now shut up it's not i'm glad you bought a new tank of diesel over there what we've realized is it's not really pushing a large amount of diesel through it dribbles out there so time to pressurize to do it do it oh god that's a lot of diesel coming through it's still leaking keep going big breaths lorry you can do it oh god [Applause] have you tell me your lungs it's not healing it should still be pressurised yeah did you get it on or not i think it's on yeah try again just fly through again let's definitely start on the threads again now yeah that's it perfect perfect right we're up okay diesel system pressurized most diesel on floor but diesel system pressure rolls right so now the recipe now you need to crank it over crank it over and we'll see if we've got any deflection out of these now i assume everything is covered in diesel what it means is everything's called lubricated oh there we go that's a squirt there's a squirt squirt yeah there's a squirt it's a squirt right hey squirting we're getting no you missed it you missed it i've missed it we have one cylinder injecting diesel it's diesel diesel that's that's diesely now that's why i've tightened it by hand as well i'll keep going until you get a spanner on it i think it's sealed it's knocked i can see here i can see it going squirt it this is the reason i don't know [Applause] keep going this is your fault yes it is all right there we go right should we do it this end now as well and get that one as well do this one here cool probably just needed the air taken out of it yeah and get the get the thing on the pump it's not needed turn out to work back on top of the pump just check it before we do it make sure yep yep it's definitely squirting i thought these threads would have been a lot better lubricated i very well didn't catch that one then we still got to do the injectors but i mean we're getting a lot more filtering yes there's fuel to it yeah so this is good it's got nice noise probably shouldn't be done yeah it's all pouring down my fingers i don't have enough hands i actually think you're pumping for ages couldn't there we go next one my bum jupiter's paint i am going to need to clean all this diesel off my hands before we do anything else that filled me up listen hello the take where it works no don't be too optimistic where it might work i'm optimistic are we going easy start or are you joining it without easy start that'd be that'd be the big boy move do you want to try without easy start first yeah fire oh my they tried to did you hit your what did that hurt it flew out and gets me go on easy the amount of stuff that was flying off oh really yeah oh your hands are greasy again we actually did it it's it runs yeah he's like first she's not a first it's a third somewhat we set out to do something oh yeah the fact is that how much you worked yeah right let's get the gut let's get that back on it yeah get the intake on it i think we'll go and we'll see if it'll move your record's got enough heat in there to just go again their filter is [Applause] all i want is to be able to send alex a picture of it but not there what just the space where it works no nothing else just yeah i think so well i can't you can't decompress anymore no you can't easy start right ready oh i told you it wouldn't go again i know oh my god my well it will go straight into it probably yeah oh i'll tell you the other reason it's not going oh were you look at the size of that ready [Music] there is only one thing to do so hi dog wow thank you for watching if you've enjoyed this video hello over there for one of our other starting videos one thing oh how do i make that tip
Channel: Lawrie's Mechanical Marvels
Views: 785,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lawrie's, Mechanical, Marvels, LMM, will it run, abandoned, dumper, dump truck, diesel, twin, two, cylinder, restoration, running, first start, hedge find, discovered, lost, plant, farm, ivy, overgrown
Id: xYEBGogqqtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 45sec (2325 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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