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rich is going to go mow the dog field look how much right we've had another 10 mil overnight and let's lift the mower up this is the one that this centers now to drive it's got a load on the front [Music] osr truck leaving as well not sure where that's coming from those people said in the comments to write the belt number inside the guard so it is obviously an a 42. so we've got my Sharpie so I'm going to do that now so next time it goes we know what to get should have filmed that something very satisfying without flow and help that clogged radiator it's all back together now [Music] well it's fit for nothing uh Northwestern coming doing a story about the wet Harvest but I'm gonna put this plate in the back of the combine so I ordered it with the rivets and the rubber for the either end but I I think it's already got it on by the looks things take it out of its cage yep it's already got it on it's handy the plate stood up pretty well to be honest considering this where it's been Rob's there loaded some barley out another load of osr looks like it's just turned up as well got the spear out to sample it can you see the rain raining again typical trucks all turn up at once more osr going into the store Ian Dune is just stop oil impression standing behind trucks [Music] it's raining outside so we're going to sample this truck in the shed we've got the air pushed on now pushing it up just gotta watch we don't go too high too soon I see the song ain't it what a song lyrics is that um REM was it if it if it goes up too high it can kind of like spill into the other shed behind but hopefully not I might have to run up the pile and just check to be honest I'm still trying to keep these trailers dry [Music] so like that's eight meters that if we want we can boom that out it's a 10 meter machine but obviously like 10 meters starts at the back of the thing that's the full lift height not the reach but I think there's about seven or eight meters of reach on the taliana well it'll definitely be six but it's like pushing water uphill or an elephant up the stairs there's another song lyric reference that definitely is REM [Music] y said just stop oil t-shirt is taking samples from the front to the back of the wagon which will then test make sure the moisture meets back if it meets spec it can get Tippy if it does if you get tip there or in the other bay it's ready for drying [Music] then that's the ninth truck today or the 11th and is that the 9th or the 11th truck all right eighth and Ninth is on the way Bridge the safety net was taken down this morning and that is all okay now fans have been put on we'll put the temperature probes in and then when the osr gets when the air temperature in the shed is five degrees cooler than the pile the fans will turn on automatically so it pulls cool air through to start cooling it down I haven't really done much filming this morning because BBC turned up and we were doing something about the wet weather they basically just want me to moan which I'm quite good at the moment so we did a thing about that hopefully I'll be able to put it on this video at the end and then got a house I'm gonna sell and the estate agent come to visit to look at that so I've been tied up with that as well this morning so yeah uh we'll see what happens this afternoon so this is quite handy these are bringing osr in and then the back loading with barley which is in our way so that's good disappearing I've just heard another truck coming down the road though a bit of a wet weather the flood on the car park or one of the dog feels so we're just letting the water out better in it we've got an A on air for a bit anyway put a bit of drainage in haven't we easiest training job we've ever done it's just disappearing now do a little summer barley update this is obviously coming up well uh then this is it coming up through a bit of residue and then maybe some volunteers of winter it's got some fully colors to it it's not any fertilizer at all yet question is do we bother is it worth putting any on are we going to get a crop it's gonna be too wet is it going to be not enough sunshine a little bit of probably slug damage on that answers on a postcard watch we do give it some fertilizer I'll just leave it and see what happens come back in the rain now the Bonnet is wet for doing the birthdays which is really annoying quite a big birthday bomb today and it's gone up by quite a lot and I must I didn't believe no one put him on but happy Birthday Danny next door it was his birthday yesterday uh Liam bullerman is 21 Jack till he's 11. Rose Wilcox 21. Daisy Lee is sixth Toby Gibbons is four Kev G but Rebecca G's on there as well not whether I've got it right jack cleator he's always an older he went to visit him when we took the tractor in so uh hope he's doing well at the moment happy birthday to him he lives in the Isle of Man flash Ashley Works for Joe sales Steve cowford or coward as it is 70. Max Campbell one week old and Florence Berman is on there as well so that is the birthday bomb today 41 835 pounds doesn't seem long since we're at 40K and we're nearly hitting 42k so there we go oh you appreciate that because it took me five minutes to dry it off another truck here I'm not sure if this is actually is 11 now what 12 today I'll find out off here now a little bit of barley spilledness brought it back into the shed it's been invaluable let's Harvest this to clear it up why he brought it follows it back this is on these pedals and it didn't take me long at all to learn how to drive it and then I realized now it's because the John Deere mower drives it exactly the same way Falls and backwards on pedals so you kind of like your muscle memory was already there for it yes we total 11 trucks today it's still raining drizzling um not the best start to August what we got in August 25 acres already two days in should we do at least 100 acres a day um but got a bit of sleep last night because we didn't finish too late so feel a little bit better for that 85 today how are you feeling let me know in the comments um I'll see you all tomorrow except that's not the end because I actually want to know who's had rain today and who hasn't also let me know that in the comments and this is the bit from the news that we did today now the North West has had its wettest July since records began you won't be surprised to hear it's been miserable for everyone but for Farmers it's been more serious than that they're warning that unless they get a decent dry spell they may lose their grain crops Lindsay proso went to me Dolly Harrison who has a farm near Witness I'm glad I've got tracks because that's pretty wet there Ollie Harrison is trying to Harvest Grain in damp conditions it's a gamble the crop may be too wet to go through the combine harvester but if he leaves it any longer he may lose it completely we've got wheat here you try to harvest this but had to give up part way through is it now salvageable if the weather improves in the next few weeks yes if it doesn't it probably won't be much of it left it'll probably be flat on the floor and regrow it the Northwest has had the wettest July since records began this Met Office map shows the areas that have the highest rainfall in dark blue the North West had more than travel the July average with Lancashire the wettest County on Ollie's Farm Fields flooded the same field is still damp today how bad is this ground because it feels very soft it is pretty spongy um it's not raining for a few hours but it this is the thing we want to bail this because we'll use this as fuel for power and everything over winter but it's just I mean it's just saturated the water content in this grain is being measured and then 23.49 but it needs to drop by at least a half before it can be sold that means it needs to be dried this is wheat yeah so this is this hasn't been dried yet this was caught yesterday afternoon we're going to dry that once we've finished riding to make sure yeah and how long does it take you to dry this um thank you about a week the farm has a biomass boiler fed by wood chippings and solar panels so it generates its own power and drying grain and raped seed is economically viable for Ollie he now offers a drying service to other Farmers so that's wet and that needs to me you've got more inside there that needs drying yeah and about a hundred thousand pounds worth that has been dried yeah how long was this drying process going to go on for I think we'll be dry until October at this rate yeah it's just going to be non-stop now seven days a week till until October another day's rain means another day that the combine harvester is left in the shed Lindsay Prosser BBC Northwest tonight Tarbox green
Channel: Olly Blogs Agricontract farmer
Views: 59,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 03IDeYZXwv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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