I found a Forgotten Ferguson Tractor! Will it start?

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hello well you're pretty aren't you how can I can I get in there I guess I can get in there oh oh oh this is a falling down Wow how long have you been sitting here I found a tractor right now I'm one of those who tends to feel when life gives you these things say a tractor abandoned in the shed there's only one thing to do about that let's bring out the and see if it will start so that's a let's go see if we can make that happen luckily I was at my friend Jim's who owned this the Ferguson 35 that we featured last year on the channel so all it was was a matter firing it up and going for a little piece of Drive over to the shed where the mystery tractor was located and I'll be honest I got a little bit excited by the prospect of what I was doing I'm a tractor in through field in a merry car to rescue another tractor [Music] America tractor a to rescue another tractor to to one with a little injure on track train to go and get another truck and so I shall go get a truck all right how we undo this it looks like warty that's a lot of brambles and I looks like a good thing too good heavy thing to wrap chain her out you see for once dear viewers I have come organized with a chain that looks sizable bitter metal what's in it I can only vision that's going to go well I can't imagine any situation where that won't go perfectly so into low range and reverse gently take up that slack of the check ah it moves Oh I can't believe that what this is a Ferguson 30 or a tio 30 which is the previous generation to the Ferguson 35 that I drove the other day which is the previous version to my tractor so it's focusing tear 30,000 tio 35 massive Oaks in 35 so this kind of is the bridge between the t20 and the 35 it's basically that one but it's slightly different right let's let's um let's see see if we think it'll go first I feel like I should apologize for this typically on Laurie fashion of actually achieving the first stage of what I set out to do we're gonna back away from that because that's a wasp's nest brambles and brambles lots of brambles it now I think that should release that there's a lot of stuff in it hello a lot of stuff is there any feel bresson gas in it so that's that's that's good we'll look shiny yeah we all doesn't look too bad either do you know what there's a fair chance this might go there a lot of this looks quite shiny that looks good the throttle linkage seems to move round boys oh right so normally yeah there's a key what are the chances that the key is hanging up right so power on geez I think that sitting then normally on this it's start is one of these gears ah but there's it turns over oh my god it actually turned over this is turn the fuel on open up four terms oh my god that that turned over oh come on you you know you want to start let's just be parked off we've gotten about come on this could go on oh my god this could be amazing right um oh hell you right I've returned with this which is a cord of jump and carry which is basically what you think it is a jump back so negative two negative positive positive OOP that's mate sparks that's positive it's definitely negative isn't it not being daft that's hundred negative hundred percent positive negative up negative that's native this one is positive not being stupid it's definitely on their negative is on their right pairen see what this doesn't help come on you got the audience watching yeah it runs and son 9 Jesus only one thing to do to spring you see right um but any hydraulics that's forward that's forward hydraulics are working our joints work in Traverse oh my god it works [Music] and so with my found tractor running there was only one logical thing to do and that was to take it out for its first drive in many many years and to say that I was a bit excited well that would be a bit of an understatement so if you want to know what I thought about this tractor focus on 30 that'll be the video coming out this time next week when I will do my proper review on it and in the meantime guys if you've enjoyed this please like subscribe share this video your friends and leave a comment did you think it was going to fire up let us know and if you click over on the right that's where the video for next week's video will turn up and below it that will be the review for the 35 that I did last time and will put over there in the far corner one for the digger I did in the UK thanks guys we'll see you next time
Channel: Lawrie's Mechanical Marvels
Views: 235,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lawrie's, Mechanical, Marvels, LMM, Massey, Ferguson, 30, Tractor, First start, Will it start, Cold start, Abandoned, Found, Discovered, Lost
Id: yyY6420fCgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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