Backyard Underground Bunker Tour/Update 5 years on
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: colinfurze
Views: 33,539,413
Rating: 4.8924789 out of 5
Keywords: Colin, furze, underground, bunker, apocalypse, isolation, update, tour, how to, information, survival, gasifier, off grid, preppers
Id: ZQy89tZ-mRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Colin furze does some fantastic projects
Is this something people are into now because of the pandemic? Haha. He filmed the series of videos building this years a go and I ended up watching it be built again yesterday. Must be popular at the moment as it was suggested.
Awesome but they don't really have the whole zoning and permit thing I'm guessing. Here you can barely put a dang concrete slab down for a shed unless you have enough property and a nice regulating body.
“It puts the lotion in the basket”
Post Malone had the right idea with his 4.3 mil bunker.
Post-apocalyptic marauders will now know where to find you.
All that work and the “hidden” entrance is a carpet with a handle through it
Love his content, hate the background shitty pub punk.
Shit music