We Cracked and Cut Open BEAUTIFUL Kentucky Geodes and Agates On a Rock Saw!

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is that a chicken we are definitely in Kentucky right now to do some Rock counting for Crystal filled geodes we're going to be breaking them open with this hammer and this chisel should be a lot of fun it's beautiful the weather is perfect we're gonna start walking right now we got all kinds of beautiful flowers out here look at that orange things yellow things we got purpley things there I think that's a rose bush and I think it's getting me right now let's come around here out you got me again stop and we got these little pink things right here as well I also have Bree here with me today she keeps flinching every time I do this because she thinks I'm gonna poke her in the eye I guess Bree already has her safety glasses on she's ready to go as always I'm ready to go let's go so I was smart and didn't bring water shoes so we're gonna have to find ways around this today or I'm gonna have to drive all the way back to Florida with wet feet more rose bushes learned my lesson on those what is this spree it's like thistle milk thistle or something yeah I think so that's cool very pretty and we got something else as well around here and that right there that might be my favorite flower so far these were some high quality crystals right here at one time I don't know if you guys can see how much luster is there obviously it's been rolling around and it's been destroyed but there's just tons of different types of geodes that's a piece of one that's a piece of one there and this one I really I'm not even sure what to call this geode like what oh you can hear it's hollow inside I think there's a little geode still in The Matrix that these are coming out of interesting interesting there's a big broken geode here with some pretty cool stuff going on inside actually I don't know what's covering those crystals they're very smooth I like it but I'm also gonna leave it because it's huge Bree said she found a good one here oh you did find a good one yeah let me get it in the sun here there we go look at that okay they're here those are not bad at all Bree just found the first one that we're gonna bring home to cut on the saw and the reason we've decided this one is listen to this that's what happens when we shake it so good job Brie definitely Hollow oh that sun's coming out I just picked this one up here and those are decent crystals not bad at all I'm checking little washouts like this too because sometimes there are geodes that have just rolled out and I'm gonna reach for that one right there look at that hasn't even been in the creek yet oh and speaking of that there's the jackpot there tons of geodes everywhere all down here all that pretty easy this one I can hear it it's making a sound and it's Hollow right there we're gonna throw this one in the bag and we're gonna cut this one later in this video so make sure you stay tuned until the end of the video for The Cutting portion look at this one right here I might have to keep that one really interesting crystals inside actually up in that is a really clear crystal it looks like it could be smoky quartz or something I don't know I actually really like that piece we just hit this little spot here and I am seeing a mind-blowing amount of geodes look at all these all these round things are GEOS here look at that here's one that's a broken one that's a broken one look at all that that's crazy right even that giant thing right there that's one I'm just gonna start breaking stuff real quick to find out if we have anything good see how would I approach this one all right there's a natural crack running right there we'll see how that works all right whoa that may look like well Brady you have something to put tiny crystals in so these things I had to get a close-up those are tiny crystals look at these hold on oh my God it's like looks like sand in there that is not sand they're a tiny Crystal that's so cool okay anything it goes Bree found another one that's rattling when we shake it so it's gonna go in the crate oh that one's cracking already there we go whoa that's a pretty cool one super Hollow let's go clean that one so I've been cleaning it a little bit there's tons of crystals in there I'm gonna pour the sediment out nice and carefully because there's all kinds of isolated little crystals coming out look at that yeah thank you fly that's nice of you to bless me look at that that's a cool little Crystal so I'm actually gonna clean this carefully when we get home and see if I can get any more little like loose ones in that clay down there that's awesome all right oh Bree Bree I got a good one here let's go take this over here where we can work on a little bit oh look at that side it was already broken a little bit I wish I had seen that before look at that oh I just saw that I just saw the Dome and I hit it that's pretty cool though let me uh let me get it in this water all right we'll take that piece definitely that's so cool right there that's definitely our best one so far today definitely good job thank you oh that's a little loose Crystal oh look at those amazing are there more I want more like that I don't know so I just opened this one and all these fell out tons of little crystals I have to go hunt down Bree and get her little baggie who are you oh he's so cool look at him I uh just lifted this and he was like hi put my roof back so we'll put his roof back very carefully there we go all right we decided to move on that way even more it's one of the reasons we like a crate is because we can each carry one side doesn't throw us out of balance or kill us too bad what is that what is that thing okay we'll break it all right what is that I broke it whoa smells kind of good let us know down in the comments below if you know what that is this here is just the motherload go Geo geode geode geode we got a couple of fines right here there's a tiny geode with crystals in it I will actually keep that because it's amazing and we have that let's see that's some crinoid stems or crinoid stem how is this place real with all the crystals everywhere there look at that that one what's this here I'll keep that piece that piece is cool these are all unopened geodes everywhere everything I touch my foot on there there there that does look cool do we want to cut it yes there it is well there's banding it's got an eyeball Agate that's crazy so here's one to me that looks like it would have been amazing to cut open nothing at all that would have been carried all the way back for no reason not worth it I just broke this one open and I noticed tons of clay I'm hoping we have more of those floaters in here let me see if I can pick some out okay we'll start with that right there we'll see all right almost there let's see yep yep look at those nice little round ones so there are some of the floaters out of that geode there look how many I love these things now I would come all the way up here to Kentucky just to find these things here I think that is so amazing really cool flower droopsy just sitting on the surface so here's an example of one that I probably would have liked to cut but it looked just like all the other ones look at that super Hollow big crystals nice Clarity on them look what we have oh battery oh battery oil stuff right there some odd little mineral formation on top of the quartz it's time to take these things off because we're finding more surface hunting look at this look at those crystals I I think I just want to walk around for a while and see what I can find it's right on the top I just picked this one up it feels pretty heavy I suspect that it might be solid but let's go ahead and cut it right now and see all right let's see what oh mostly solid you can see those are all crystals those are all crystals it's just mostly filled in right there I don't know a ton about the geology of this area but what I do know is we have this clay down here and on top of it there's a bunch of gravel loaded with geodes so much so that look the trees are growing look at that oh my God I'm Gonna Leave it right there I think that's super cool but I think I see more this way look at all the geodes coming out now we do not dig into the banks at all that's very frowned upon in any kind of collecting so we're just collecting the loose stuff but it's still cool to see so I just found this geode and it was Hollow and I was digging my finger in there trying to dig out the ancient mud can you guys see down in there that's a piece of glass I almost just cut my finger on a piece of glass in the middle of a geode no hi what did you find I was flipping over this one because I saw the crystals and then there was just Agate everywhere let's get a crazy good close-up on that actually let's go let's go watch this so this right here this is actually all Agate and you can see the banding now this Agate formed in the middle of a quartz Geo just like the stuff we've been breaking open this is the stuff that I love I think I'm gonna walk around and service hunt and see if we can talk some more of this stuff I just got a little peek at that one and that's cool I don't actually see much banding but I love that stuff and I will keep it she found something crazy take us bending that's awesome so we're gonna cut that one later in this video I think the banding is going to be pretty nice heck yeah I'm excited I got this right here like a big old Honker that's right those are actually really good quality crystals in there there's a half not bad Crystals at all I'll keep that one just busted this one looked like the same as a million other ones but what is that whoa that's crazy looking um I don't know if it's Agate or if it's just botro idle stuff so it's pretty cool stuff but I was really hoping for banded Agate all along the edges like that red piece earlier it doesn't have that and I'm not going to carry it all the way out but it's still very cool to see I just broke this one open I'm gonna close up here those are all crystals what okay those from one half and then those from the other half everything there is a crystal that's amazing and I'm keeping all of them perfect here's a bunch of those little crystals from the insides of the geodes cleaned off I'm sure you guys can tell there's some really nice stuff in there unfortunately we do have the full drive back to Florida today so we're gonna start walking out of here we're gonna grab a ton of little geodes on the way back and then we're gonna cut those as soon as we get back to Florida which will be a long time for us and very short for you guys all right these two are our last ones we'll cut a bunch of those as soon as we get back time to get out of here we made it back to Florida it was a very long drive back from Kentucky but we have our geodes laid out all here as well as all of our safety gear to cut these open all right let's just cut open all these little tiny ones right now and see what we have [Music] all right that was a lot of cutting all right we'll start with this little one here let's see I mean what it's interesting a little bit of banding yeah okay next we'll make a pile let's do this one here ah a little flumpy mostly a dud this one here uh completely filled in with crystals mostly solid there now this is kind of the reason why we're so like iffy about carrying whack a lot because the success rate's kind of low what the heck oh we need to spray that that's soft all right now what is it I don't know just a hollow weird thing nothing super impressive really stained I wonder if the success rate on the bigger ones are it's maybe a little bit better maybe fully filled in with crystals again big one here oh that's that's more Agony there a little bit wow that's a little bit better yeah the Agate okay so that's a good one and then the last one out of those crystals pretty cool so little ones aren't super great a couple cool ones but I think it's time for Brie to cut open a nice big one all right Bree is gonna cut this one here looks like it has some botrel stuff inside and we're hoping for some Agate banding all right there it is all right the reveal let's find out oh that's way better than I was thinking okay Minecraft A Bunch of Duds and then you cut open your first one and it's amazing that's amazing beautiful you get a good close-up of that side right there that'll be so much nicer looking when it's polished too I have this giant one that I found that has that same stuff in it and I'm wondering now if it's banded you need to cut it I think we're gonna cut this giant thing right through all that stuff [Music] all right we got it cut let's see how that banding is if any oh we don't even need to rinse it not a ton look at that definite Agate though oh yeah nice kill Sydney definitely not as good as I was hoping for yeah I was hoping it would go deeper we got a little pocket right here of crystals more Agony like how Sydney stuff there super intriguing so we have some botradoodle stuff here uh with a little bit of what looks like Agate banding we're gonna try to cut this thing in half just right down the middle and see if the Banning is showing up any better this is scaring me a little bit this is spooking me a little bit whoa whoa look at that little part right there good way better Agate banding than I expected super banded what whoa are you kidding me that is incredible we we left so much stuff like this behind now I'm really wondering if we just couldn't see the banding because of this like iron staining on the outside free we should have kept a lot more of this I want to go back already what the heck all right guys I think we're gonna save some of these GEOS to cut open in a future video coming soon that's all just cutting open tons of cool rocks hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did make sure to hit that Thumbs Up Button subscribe if you haven't already and we will see you guys in the next video
Channel: PaleoCris
Views: 714,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paleo cris, paleo chris, paleochris, crystal hunting, geode hunting, geode cracking, cracking geodes, cutting rocks, cutting agates, agate hunting, agate cutting, rock saw, rockhounding, kentucky agates, kentucky geodes
Id: QaWyK_Q94s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2022
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