Found Rare Amethyst Crystal While Digging at a Mine! (Unbelievable Find)

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oh my gosh oh hey what's up guys Jake here today I traveled all the way up to North Georgia to do something I've never done before today we're going I'm at this crystal hunting to be honest with you guys I'm not entirely sure that I've got myself into but my buddy Chris Tyler came here a few weeks ago and got super lucky and found one the rarest amethyst crystals ever found here oh my goodness I'm gonna try to carefully dig around this it's wiggling and what's also really special about the mine behind me is I believe they actually pulled out one the most expensive and rarest amethyst crystals ever found so today I'm gonna see if I can find my first one again I don't know exactly what I've got myself into but i'ma bring you guys along the journey we got to walk this way find my buddy Chris cuz he's here today as well and then we're just gonna learn and watch every one and see what I was doing hopefully I get lucky and find my first one so as we walk up here I'm looking left and right and I'm seeing a bunch of people out here on the mounds of dirt we have some people over here hidden rocks with sledgehammers but there's seriously like 50 people out here and I've never heard of this before and I think there's gonna be a blast man all right so we're walking to Chris right now but this is what it looks like on top of the mine it's pretty cool huh a bunch of water in the middle I believe they dig with like a big machine and dump all the dirt on the side or maybe we're all just cutting into the side of the wall I'm not entirely sure exactly what's going on here but there's a lot of people out here having a good time get a guy over here using like some kind of fork I've never been to a mine like this before and I want to see what it looks like from above so we put a drone up in the air right now to show you has a bird's-eye view of what this place looks like there's a lot of different methods and hunting for these crystals see people using sledgehammers people hunting on the side of the cliffs but it looks like so much fun I can't wait to give it a shot myself if the water is clear Justin I like scuba diving here man like look at this I bet all the nice crystals are down there so I found Chris Chris's were you dug last right yeah so I got here a little bit earlier than Jake and I've been clearing out our whole mount some little ones here check it out I really don't know what these look like I haven't spray them off yet that little in there looks pretty yeah they're pretty we're looking for these same things just giant I want one the size of my head so what's the value in some of these big ones you know they have a lot of value to be made of like jewelry and stuff like that if they're the right color and the right clarity with no fractures or anything they can be worth quite a bit of money as I'm using my rock hammer I'm hitting into the ground like this and I'm looking for like a purple it could be super dark purple or it could also be pretty light if I see any color that's when you know you found the crystal dude I'm about to find my first crystal Chris had a game-changer idea he brought these carpets for our knees brilliant Chris I think I got one that's my first Krista I've ever found look at that's pretty Wow dad is pretty Chris what's the rarity of this one you think it's a little fragment like that that's typically what you find it's got good color though yeah good color and good clarity for sure what are you saying this isn't that rare well we're in keep at it man that's my first Krista I've ever found that's pretty cool dude wow that's so pretty check it out right here just popped it out of that hole crystal yeah that's pretty I'm going to get on with that dark purple now it has a hint of the purple little hint of it so if it's dark that means more rare definitely you can make like a heck of a diamond just like that I've been told that you can find some potentially worth up to $45,000 yeah let's do this for luck oh wow that's so pretty [Music] Oh weight loss a spider look at that the huge garden it might be the best one today so far oh that's pretty look at that one to you oh that's definitely got going Oh dad's definitely I caught a point Oh buddy that's a really pretty one that's more like it that's the best one of the day so far how did so pretty and I have a point that means it's better yeah definitely absolutely Wow fully terminated I think I found potentially my best one so far that's really pretty it's one of the bigger ones I found today it's not purple so it's not super super valuable check it out that's the color that we have been looking for I actually hit it it's just a piece but look at that color and wow that's it that's determination right there yeah holy crap that's got the color that's what I'm talking about that's a good one yeah that's the best another day yeah man her ass man thanks you can see where this this crystals terminated right here that's that point these are all different phases of the crystal makes it much more desirable when it has the color it has the full termination like that I actually don't think that's broken anywhere this is a called being keyed it's where other crystals were actually up against it yeah so it's much better if it's not a broken fractured crystal anywhere well that's a little piece like that okay so we have the big tool what I'm gonna do right now is start on this new pile I think just to be like the same dirt as we're searching over here every I just like hit it a bunch just see if I can knock one loose I think I hit potentially a mack daddy dude whoa look at that dude Wow look at that thing dude oh my goodness that is so pretty this is definitely the best one of the day for me so far it's not super dark purple but that's a little nugget dude I can't believe I found their house is hitting this Bank as hard as I could and I just saw it flop on the grounds like all but yeah it's the best one so far for me all right so we're a few hours into this and I'll let you guys know man like this is a full workout dude that's super hot out here we have an umbrella helping us out and some chairs but it is a lot of work man but we did get lucky found a few nice little crystals but not like what we're looking for we're looking for like a bigger crystal that's super dark purple dark purple crystals are like really rare and if we can get lucky with one of those men I'd be awesome but we're gonna keep at it and hopefully we can find a big one today Justin was out here help me today with the video I think I got one you got one I took a break from filming for like 20 minutes and this is what I found this is this broken that broken right there nope not there really for about that tip that tip might be broken but that's not broken right there Wow you don't that's amazing good job that's my first good one found a bunch of really small ones but this is the first big one I've ever found Jake took his break for a second he was sitting up there in the shade and I'm out here it's getting sunburned and I found it as soon as he took a break that's a good one good job thanks bro I'm addicted now yeah you thought that was cool this wait till I need your help on that okay bring the crane bring the crew taking shelter underneath this umbrella is doing it man I found another one check this out it's beautiful and what I can see has some color it's pretty dark had some size as well that crazy crazy big bright sit crystal we're hanging in there has a little bit of purple on it have some points that they're really there's one two three maybe four points but that's a really pretty one I'm gonna put this in my little jewel bag there's a seriously like diamond hunting dude this is pretty fun we're actually real treasure hunters today surface find lucky dude man look at that that's actually one the prettiest ones of the day yes really nice now I'm gonna look on this walnut alright hey wow we've been doing all this digging we just needed to walk around all right so Chris got super lucky and found a really beautiful small crystal right up on the wall it rained and it's been over a month since someone searched this location so what I'm gonna do is actually walk along the side of the cliff side here and this is just a little bit harder to get to so if anyone's out here having a good time you know they might not climb up this cliff so I'm gonna look up see if the rain may be exposed to more crystals but that was such a lucky find I was like one of the prettiest ones today that's actually really pretty one no I've been digging all day wore out yeah that was like stuck in there too we could dig in this stuff all right so I'm on top of the mound check this out I found a little baby one and then I also saw one right here another small one I think how do you get so low up on another one it's like shark teeth like when I went shark teeth hunting with Chris for the first time if you look down in the gravel the short Keith look like kind of a pier you know on your site it's kind of weird but oh I got another one it's just like that well I got another one you got finally like five little pieces right there each one's worth $1,500 pretty crazy huh you confirm that Chris oh yeah these are really too rare but that's pretty cool we just found five of them right I think I'm getting all these big rocks throwing them down and I want to tackle this mound right here so I'm gonna dig as much as I can but first I have to get all these rocks out of the way but I think this right here could be the game changer we need man [Music] it really feels like a videogame dude if this was called the duty I'd be like prestige won this is the darkest one of the entire day so far it's big you look at that oh my goodness Oh oh my god I need another spray ball oh my goodness oh my god oh my goodness food is huge the biggest one of the day so far holy crap just so dark that is pretty thank you oh wow did holy crap a that's a pretty one look at that well I thought it's gonna be a little bit bigger to be honest but that is so pretty dude that's that's great bubble gum right there oh my gosh see I'm shaking like that's a good fine that's the best one of the day so far so the cool thing about this one is none of these are actually breaks these are where other crystals were just butted up against those so this is called being keyed and that's just it's pretty much perfect I think that's as pretty much as good as a good look got a little bit of a rainbow in there I don't know how well that'll show up but I can see a little bit of a rainbow is awesome I can't believe it Chris invited me to come out here to find these purple crystals and how about a good time dude it's a bust I dug all day and this is the best one I found today I hope you guys enjoy the video if you guys did make sure you guys leave this video thumbs up and also don't forget to subscribe if you guys are new if their support will come back out here to the and see if we could find more these in the future but that's the best one I found today man what a day dude a lot of hard work to get this little fine [Music]
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 10,336,056
Rating: 4.8655996 out of 5
Keywords: river treasure, amethyst crystals, finding amethyst crystals, how to find amethyst crystals, how to find crystals, amethyst, crystal hunting, amethyst huntung, amethyst quartz crystals, gem hunting, collecting crystals, crystal collector, hunting amethyst gemstones, crystal mining, amethyst mine, digging for crystals, amethyst gemstones, crystal energy, huge amethyst, treasure hunting, diamond mine, gold mining, crystals, rare, expensive, best, prospector, mining
Id: GEzeVbGK2hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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